Verdict, Verdict, Verdict!!

Yippee! The jurors have apparently reached a verdict in the Enron trial! Kenny Boy and Jeff Skilling will know their fates by noon today!

BTW, if you’re still having trouble understanding exactly what Enron did that was so bad, I highly recommend checking out the film Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. The segment about the manufactured California energy “crisis” is simply mind-blowing.



Comments: 30


Here come the pardons!

Bush is already radioactive, so it’s not like pardoning his VBFF is going to make him drop below, say, 28%.


Guilty on conspiracy. Eat it Enronomuffins!



Tak, the Hideous New Girl

It’s all well and good that they were found guilty, but are they going to be incarcerated in one of those minimum security prisons that are nicer than my apartment?


if he does pardon them, i think the citizenry of california would do well to kick their asses from coast to coast.


but are they going to be incarcerated in one of those minimum security prisons

Maybe they’ll get put onto a block that has a couple of guys whose grandmas were devastated by the fake energy crisis:

“Betty? My name’s not Bet OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHWWW!”


Guilty, guilty, guilty.

Pound-me-in-the-ass prison, this wasn’t just white collar crime, this was a sociopathic level of crime.


Let the citizens of Houston have first shot, a.i. As Mark Slackmayer said when he was discussing some Watergate conspirators: “That’s guilty… GUILTY


Will Power Criminal Lay and Smart Guy Skilling-san be pardoned by the abominable Mojo George-O? Stay tuned for the next episode of Cobag Z!

shingles Ruppert

This is just liberal judicial activism run amock and the criminalization of capitalism.
Socialist poo heads.


I agree with Shingles. I don’t see why you “tolerant” liberals have to be so “unhinged”. Personally, I see this man as more sinned against than sinning. It’s not even as if he could be responsible for more than a few dozen deaths at most.


So was the “Gary Ruppert Right Wing Talking Points Generator ™” unable to make the transition to WordPress? Seems like he would weigh in on this.


Uh, two comments up dude.


ooh, ooh, are they gonna be able to do that rich guy thing where you stay out of prison pending the outcome of your appeal, or are they remanded to custody immediately?


grandma millie got ’em good, didn’t she?

and dAVE, word is that he’s gotta give up ze passport and pay a big fine


Maybe God just got around to reading all those car magnets and is finally blessing America.




It’s a great day! Let us all do naughty, lurid, even (gasp!) liberal things to celebrate.

Consensually, of course.


Being a resident of California, I really want these guys to suffer.
One thing that I remember from the manufactured power “crisis” a few years ago, is that they were saying in the media that the reason we didn’t have enough electricity was because so many people had personal computers that it was overtaxing the system. Seriously, that’s what they said.


Some comedian was saying many months ago that Ken Lay should have to work at McDonalds for minimum wage for the rest of his life, being yelled at by a Jamaican manager. And he’d be required to wear his McDonalds uniform 24/7.


Well, at least there’s some temporary justice in the world. To celebrate, I’m even going to have deviant liberal sex tonight with the lights off!


I bet Lay dies of natural causes outside of prison long before he exhausts the appeal process. Even if he endures, I’ll be the prescribed sentences see these two doing less time than Survivor’s Richard Hatch.

Worst. President. Ever.

Minimum security prison my ass— these two cocksuckers belong on a chain gang!

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

Ken Lay should have to work at McDonalds for minimum wage for the rest of his life, being yelled at by a Jamaican manager

You know what, this would be the most appropriate punishment. I’d even give him a break, he can earn $10.00/hr. He’d still cry everyday, but he’d be over the earning limit for most public assistance.

PS: I’d definitely make him (and his wife) wear the McD uniform every. single. day.


You’re probably going to have to wait for Bush to pardon Kenny Boy and Jeff. My guess is the appeals process will be long enough that he can wait and do it on the eve of his successor’s inauguration.

I’m keen to hear about the sentencing, though. I believe Texas still has the death penalty for all crimes down to spitting on the sidewalk, no?


Way to go, big ol’ American Brad! I knew you could do it!

..PS, Don’t humiliate me.


Like I said yesterday, International Mister Leather 2006 (you KNOW whether you want your boss seeing you perusing this–hint, probably NOT!) Much as I’d like to imply that I have enough leather gear to, effectively, be bullet-proof, I’m probably gonna go with a simple bar vest/head-to-toe black clothing, ‘cos those crowds get sweaty!


Woo-hoo-hoo!!! Justice is served!


Suck-cess! Eat it, teh l4m3!!1!


D. Sidhe said,

May 25, 2006 at 10:50 pm

Well, at least there’s some temporary justice in the world. To celebrate, I’m even going to have deviant liberal sex tonight with the lights off!

We don’t have to take our clothes off / To have a good time!

Uh…anyway, you should leave the lights on! It’s better that way.


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