Hooray for the Right-Wing Slime Machine!
Drudge aids and abets the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s jihad against Al Gore:
As former Vice President Al Gore’s documentary on global warming fears debuts today, a new video from the Competitive Enterprise Institute tracks Gore’s own “carbon footprint.� CEI’s 70-second video points out that Gore himself is a big user of the hydrocarbon fuels that produce carbon dioxide when combusted.
Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truthâ€? asks, “Are you willing to change the way you live?” The Gore documentary and new book of the same name go on to suggest ways that people can reduce their carbon footprint, yet Mr. Gore has clearly not taken his own message to heart. He even says in the documentary that he has given his global warming Power Point slide show more than 1,000 times all around the world.
The CEI video, which may be viewed at: http://streams.cei.org/, includes footage of Gore and his constant air travel with two CO2 meters running at the bottom of the page that compare Gore’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions with those of an average person.
Hey, guys? How do you propose that Gore travel around the world to promote awareness of global warming if not on a plane? Do you really expect me to believe that you’d respect him more if he drove around in a vegetable oil-powered hybrid car? Puh-lease.
“All the evidence suggests that Mr. Gore is an elitist who passionately believes that the people of the world must drastically reduce their energy use but that it doesn’t apply to him,â€? said Myron Ebell, CEI’s director of energy and global warming policy and the creator of the video.
Versus the folks at CEI, who want the people of the world to dramatically increase their energy use so that oil companies will keep writing them checks.
Not to hit the tarb.. um, not to get sucked into the bullshit CEI argument but- Isn’t there a program where you buy a portion of a carbon sink to offset the CO2 released by your car?
If so, does Gore have the resources to make his movie promotion carbon neutral?
(not weighing on the “should” portion of the question.)
I wrote a counter ad to the “Carbon Dioxide: We call it life ad” :::[They call it a spot, we call it a stain]
Well, either ‘the stuff they call life’ is good — in which case it doesn’t matter what Gore does — or it isn’t. In that case, Gore is right and their argument is still insane.
Who says he has to travel around the world?
You’re right. He could sit at home and inject himself with Mountain Dew and Twinkee filling while masturbating to Ann Coulter pictures. Just like right-wing bloggers!
Is it about promoting awareness on global warming or a weak attempt to save his (sad) political career?
Yep, he was vice-president for eight years and won the popular vote in the 2000 presidential election. That’s a damn sad career, I tells ya.
Why is it that everyone you disagree with is getting paid for their position?
Because they are. Read the PDF referenced above (and if your computer can’t read PDF’s, I can tell you that it’s a list of donations made by Exxon to various political groups. They gave $270,000 to CEI, which is more than they gave to any other single group. Wah-wah-waaaaaaaah!)
Woo-hoo! My IP address isn’t blocked anymore! I can post in my own comments again! Shakira’s Ass, the Blessed and Merciful be praised!
Really, it seems a little silly to be arguing about Al Gore’s frequent flier miles when Bush has fiddled for the last six years as fossil fuels burned.
I’ll start writing nasty mail to Gore the minute our actual president starts acting like science is anything other than a collection of poll numbers Karl Rove can spin.
We had about a ten year window, back in 2000, to solve the global warming problem. We’ve wasted six of it, and will be wasting another two, and the best the CEI can give us is recycled Tobacco Institute slogans that still mean nothing.
So, you know, as soon as the president and vice president come up with anything remotely resembling actual logical harm reduction policy with regard to our national carbon footstep, I’ll start screaming at the one guy who could have actually done something about our inevitibly bleak future, had he actually been allowed to.
Because, really, compared to waking up every morning and going to bed every night knowing you were supposed to be the go-to guy on a problem that has become increasingly urgent every day while all you could do is give speeches and hope like hell the press bothered to take you seriously this time, the airplane trips are nothing on the ol’ guilt scale.
“All the evidence suggests that Mr. Gore is an elitist who passionately believes that the people of the world must drastically reduce their energy use but that it doesn’t apply to him,� said Myron Ebell, CEI’s director of energy and global warming policy and the creator of the video.
Tristemente, non!
The Gores and all the employees of Generation lead a “carbon-neutral” lifestyle, reducing their energy consumption when possible and purchasing so-called offsets available on newly emerging carbon markets. Gore says he and Tipper regularly calculate their home and business energy use – including the carbon cost of his prodigious global travel. Then he purchases offsets equal to the amount of carbon emissions they generate. Last year, for example, Gore and Tipper atoned for their estimated 1 million miles in global air travel by giving money to an Indian solar electric company and a Bulgarian hydroelectric project.
ThinkProgress contacted Gore’s representatives, who unequivocally confirmed that Al Gore and his associates walked from the Majestic Hotel to the screening at Cannes. Further, Paramount has committed to making the entire tour promoting the film carbon neutral.
Gore has never been a hypocrite. He isn’t perfect, but hypocrisy is not one of his failings.
Yeah, well, boy those gas prices will really plummet… once Boosh gets to NOOK IRAN!!1!!1!one!
And then GMC will introduce the Hummer H666, which will be designed to get an extra 1% MPG (13.00000001!) from the resulting radioactive gasoline.
Thanks for the info Dorothy.
“How do you propose that Gore travel around the world to promote awareness of global warming if not on a plane?”
Who says he has to travel around the world?
Is it about promoting awareness on global warming or a weak attempt to save his (sad) political career?
“dramatically increase their energy use so that oil companies will keep writing them checks.”
Why is it that everyone you disagree with is getting paid for their position? Do you ever provide proof or is the simple accusation good enough for your readers?
They are willing to use practically anything and don’t really care if it makes sense or not. I seem to remember Michael Moore accepted a free plane ticket and hotel accomodation from his publisher for a book tour and according to wingnuts that alone was supposed to be hypocrisy because he had taken a vow of poverty or something. As I said, anything at all.
http://www.exxonmobil.com/corporate/files/corporate/giving04_publicpolicy.pdf — This proof enough?
Now I know why Al Gore didn’t have time to listen to American, Idle last night as we selected a winner between Michael Moore and Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks. He was too busy promoting his new work. Here’s what you missed, Al:
American, Idle (Natalie Maines vs. Michael Moore)
words and music by Dr. BLT (c)2006
The voting is now closed. Natalie Maines is the new American, Idle. Hands down (pun intended).
The link didn’t work for me, but I followed up with a search and found biased and unbiased sources that refer to this linkage. I concede that point, but not that Mr. Gore is a hypocrite.
Wouldn’t you (generic liberal) respect him more if he found a way to promote his PPT or film by minimizing his fossil fuel consumption?
Or for that matter politicians who are against tax cuts but seek any possible loophole to protect their trust fund/inheritance/what have you?
My dump: some call it nasty, I call it my gift to the world.
Gahh? The above comment was in response to the linked ad: Carbon Dioxide, they call it pollution but we call it life.
Let’s get Gore on American Idol! Maybe sing we are the world with Michael. But instead of singing about starving kids in africa, we can sing about the fat kid sitting in the back of mommy’s hummer snacking on a zinger. Ok, I don’t have any clue as to where I am going with this…viva south africa!!!
Horrifying isn’t it? Disrespect Big Brother (one single remark is enough) and your final, most hideous punishment is to be featured in a song by Dr BLT.
That’ll teach her. She’ll never vote the wrong way again!
You thought I wasn’t watching, didn’t you, Jaded. But you’re right. If you’re a cluckin’ Dixie Chick, dissin’ the prez, you don’t want to wake up to the sound of this rockin’ rooster. My sound is as scarce as hen’s teeth. BTW Jade, do you mind if I quote you in a new song I’m working on?
“You’re right.”
Thanks Brad.
“He could sit at home”
So either he flies around the world or he sits at home? There’s no other way to promote his “film”.
“he was vice-president for eight years and won the popular vote in the 2000 presidential election”
Bill Clinton was fairly popular in 2000, but he couldn’t ride that wave to beat W. So I guess either W is a great politician or Gore is a pathetic one, you take your pick.
“(and if your computer can’t read PDF’s”
It can read them fine. It wasn’t hyperlinked before and copying the URL wouldn’t work either. I see it now.
“We had about a ten year window, back in 2000”
What about the ten years before that? Wouldn’t that time be just as critical?
“had he actually been allowed to. ”
Wasn’t he in a position of power for like eight years? If I claimed to be a vegitarian and you caught me eating meat then would a proper defense be “You eat meat all the time so you can’t say anything.” ?
“Gore has never been a hypocrite”
Is burning fossil fuel a problem or not? If I’m an enviromentalist who clear cut a thousand acres of trees here in WA but offset it by buying a thousand acres of trees in Brazil, does that make it OK? He can’t have it both ways.
Is burning fossil fuel a problem or not?
Nice point, None. Because Al Gore thinks we as a nation are too dependent on fossil fuels and need to develop alternatives, the fact that he uses those same fossil fuels that we currently have no viable alternatives for makes him a hypocrite. Zing!
We need better quality trolls around here. Has anyone seen Gary Ruppert? Or AnnieAngel?
Bill Clinton was fairly popular in 2000, but he couldn’t ride that wave to beat W. So I guess either W is a great politician or Gore is a pathetic one, you take your pick.
Again, another brilliant point. Losing a presidential election by the slimmest of margains means that you’ve had a pathetic political career. It makes me wonder why conservatives revere Barry “I Got Spanked by LBJ” Goldwater so.
I have to hand it to Al Gore. He doesn’t qualify as an American, Idle, because he works hard to make positive changes in the world. After all, he did invent the internet, didn’t he?
BTW, rumor has it, some of you have been complaining about not having access to the lyrics for American, Idle (or are those “rumors” simply grandiose voices inside my head?) Well, to either satisfy either the Sadly No whiners, or to the voices (or both), here are those lyrics:
American, Idle
words and music by Dr. BLT ©2006
Ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to American, Idle!
Tonight we’re down to our final two contestants
Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks
And Michael Moore
Who will be the big winner tonight?
He’s an American, Idle
Sits around and bashes Bush all day
He’s an American, Idle
Doesn’t do a thing but bash all day
Idle hands are the devil’s workshop
Idle tongues are venomous you know
Idle voices are a dime a dozen
Quick to talk
But action comes too slow
Wouldn’t’ you know?
It’s a tough decision tonight
Who will it be:
Natalie, or Michael?
He’s an American, Idle
Doesn’t do a thing
To bring good cheer
She’s an American, Idle
Quick to judge
But won’t look in the mirror
They’re all just wastin’ our time—
These Americans, idle
She’s an American, Idle
Sits around the roost
And clucks all day
(complete with sound effects)
He’s an American, Idle
He doesn’t do a bloody thing all day
They’re all just
Americans, idle
Who will it be, America?
Will it be Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks
Or Michael Moore?
Call in your votes
Dr. BLT…out!
That’s the right approach, Nun — ignore the substance of all responses and spew out hundreds more words in the hope everyone will give up. Then you can claim victory!
Gore Derangement Syndrome is spreading like wildfire. (It must be a really convincing film.) Soon even Dr BLT will be dissing the vice-pres, and in our holy ire we shall throw his CDs on the bonfire. Or we could just do it now.
American Wanking
Ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to American Wanking!
Tonight we’re down to our final two contestants
Michelle Malkin
And Dr BLT
Who will be the big wanker tonight?
He’s an American, Idle
Sits around and bashes Gore all day
He’s an American, Idle
Doesn’t do a thing but write stupid songs all day
Idle hands are the devil’s workshop
Idle tongues are venomous you know
Idle trolls are a dime a dozen
Quick to talk
But climate-change action comes too slow
Wouldn’t you know?
It’s a tough decision tonight
Who will it be:
Michelle or BLT?
He’s an American, Idle
Doesn’t do a thing
To bring good cheer
She’s an American, Idle
Quick to judge
But won’t look in the mirror
They’re all just wastin’ our time—
These Americans, idle
She’s an American, Idle
Sits at the keyboard
And wanks all day
(complete with sound effects)
He’s an American, Idle
He doesn’t do a bloody thing all day
They’re all just
Americans, idle
Who will it be, America?
Will it be Michelle Malkin
Or “Dr” BLT?
Call in your votes
They’re really just pointing out that Gore is helping trees and glaciers grow…
Gore has pledges that the Truth movie project will be carbon neutral. So just more lies from Drudge and the CEI. Wankers.
Where in the World is Al Gore! Found via GovernmentBytes.com.
I’m glad my song was able to inspire you to write a parody, Jade. The verasimilatude between some of “your” lyrics and mine is a bit conspicuous, but the very fact that you found my work a source of inspiration causes me to want to refrain (no pun intended) from making an issue of it.
PS: Michelle is much cuter than I am, Jade, so I think, on that basis alone, she’ll win the contest presented in your parody.
Al Gore exhails CO2! HYPOCRITE!
Al Gore exhails CO2! HYPOCRITE!
and if he kills himself tomorrow, his decaying body would release yet more carbon. also, people would travel to his funeral by plane! is there no end to his hypocrisy?