That is, minus the tan, joviality, and physique.

A genuinely relevant political article in the New York Times would involve a detailed examination of the sex lives of all non-married members of the Bush administration. Abstinence-only education is a key policy feature of the Bush administration, and it would certainly be legitimate to ask if they are, in fact, saving it.
-Atrios 2:18 PM


Then again, he’s married — so of course his personal life is none of the Times’s business.


Comments: 20


Oh, Gavin, being married makes it all the more the NYT’s business. Is he a lech? Is his wife a lesbo? No, really, I’m asking, cuz looking at that lumpy, pasty face I’d prefer the wife, and I’m saying that as little miss Straighty McStraighterson. He looks like he’d jiggle for three days after, and that’s just the jowls.


I believe they’re opposed to adultery, also. And gay marriage. So if Rove is, in fact, exercising his mandate, so to speak, with, for example, the president* or a certain former White House reporter, I think we’re entitled to know, either way.

*Once again, for the kids, according to “Bush’s Brain”, Karl is where George picked up the habit of saying “fabulous”.


I enjoyed Karl’s latest exercise video “Sweatin’ To The Indictments”


Why does his wife keep wearing that t-shirt that says “I’m The Beard?”


I thought everyone knew he was a crazy freak that would leak all over everything. Or am I getting something wrong?


If you’re going to have a brush with the law, I have to admit that slapping someone’s face ain’t as bad as shooting someone in the face.


I will be the first to confirm that, yes, the goggles DO IN FACT do nothing.

P.S. Glavyn.


No, really, is it true that JimmyJeffGannonGuckert was Karl’s man-whore? Sadly… Yes?


Has anyone noticed that Karl looks like an old baby?


OT, but important: Hersh on NSA wiretapping.

Robert L. Bell

In my experience, the thieves at will hoover the money out of your wallet before you can respond. Aside from that, and the persistent rumors that they love little boys, the only reason to avoid joining their site is that the women they feature are “attractive” and the men preying there are “employed”.


Has anyone noticed that Karl looks like an old baby?

An old, evil baby!


No, really, is it true that JimmyJeffGannonGuckert was Karl’s man-whore? Sadly… Yes?

It’s not unlikely. The major media hinted at it, but you can imagine the pitfalls in publishing such a story…


Is that a big girl?


“Separated at birth?”

Is the correct caption for that photo. Look, take away the tan, and the scale model of an amoeba being electrocuted hairstyle and they’re twins.

I smell Oprah.


I’d like to amend my previous comment with the following:

Having read the caption of the post now, I’d like to amend my previous comment by stating, “I am the Sofa King.”



“He looks like he’d jiggle for three days after, and that’s just the jowls.”

Excuse me while I wash my brain out with bleach…


Hey, speaking of Rove, what happened to his impending (“this week or early next”) indictment? Does this mean we have to take down all the Fitzmas decorations…?


I’ve said this before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again, but we of the Gay Mafia don’t want either one of these “boiz” openly trying to associate with us. Ew! But, we understand the reluctance of the larger, breeder community to account for them as well, so I suggest a compromise: Hand them off onto the asexuals!


Dude, you know the asexuals don’t want them . . . they don’t want anybody . . .


(comments are closed)