Crazy on the inside
We are always late to the party, but apparently there’s something called the FrumForum on the internets these days. It features lots of good stuff, like FrumBytes and links to various news stories (there aren’t enough sites out there that link to news stories). It’s obvious though that sometimes, once has gone through the trouble of linking to something, actually taking the time to read said story is just too cumbersome. (Just ask Anne Applebaum). Which is why the story that is linked to here:
actually reads:
Tiger Woods is considering a $3 million donation that would send doctors and supplies to Haiti, rap icon Russell Simmons told the Daily News.
Yes, it is a slow blog day.
Oh Jesus Christ. I just knew it was our old pal David Fee-Fie-Fo-Frum running this site. Why don’t these people ever shrivel up and die of shame?
Reading comprehension can’t possibly be a strength of these people, otherwise they wouldn’t be Republicans.
I heard on NPR yesterday that foreign governments have 50 mobile hospitals in the pipeline and Haitian aid coordinators are asking NGOs to stop with that and help in other ways. Here’s hoping Tiger’s aides get the word.
At least Frum is trolling for deep hatred by the troglodyte wing by insinuating there just in fact could be something dumb and disingenuous in the Goddess come to Earth known as Saint Say-ruh of Ah-LAH-skah:
I too noticed that Say-ruh stumbled around until she finally remembered George Washington’s name and then to me she seemed much happier like the kid called up in front of class to discuss the book report but who never read the book but after a couple of minutes of utter floundering does remember a character or two’s summaries from the Cliff’s Notes version, and thinks they’ve just saved themselves.
Why do you people hate America so much?
I rest my case. Besides.
Come one, Tiger, top Gisele.
Come one, Tiger, top Gisele.
I love your choice of words!
It’s so slow, I can’t find anything on the interducts to work with blow slog day.
I’d rather top Mrs. Woods than Giselle. I cannot possibly be the only one.
Say-ruh stumbled around until she finally remembered George Washington’s name
She just had to take a quick look in her wallet.
Jesus Goddamn Christ. it is apparently possible to make Glenn Beck look smart.
It will be amusing to see if Beck and Palin butt heads. Beck already made that comment about how she should shut up and stay in the kitchen, a few weeks ago.
Then Beck told the story about her googling Statue of Liberty trivia for fear he’d stump her with a hard question. It’s telling that he told the story; it’s also revealing that she was worried he’d try to pull something on her.
Two narcissistic bat-shit crazy drama queens are not going to be allies. It should be fun to watch these next few months. Who’s bringing the popcorn?
Betcha can’t tweet just one!
Beck -Palin interview
Two narcissistic bat-shit crazy drama queens are not going to be allies. It should be fun to watch these next few months. Who’s bringing the popcorn?
It’ll be like Itchy and Scratchy!
Beck -Palin interview
Good for Tiger. I hea he’s going by a newname ‘cheetah.’
Hey, for a slow blogday, you can always go to redstate and say ‘hello’ to one of your former ‘Asshole’s’ you’ve portraited. He is busy with writing his book over there.
Most Republican office-seekers or holders are not ideologues; they form their beliefs on practical knowledge of what people think and what people want. Democrats and their running dogs in unions, academia, media, and entertainment do not think that way. They have their belief structure and view and measure everything and everyone from that belief structure; and they never talk to anyone who doesn’t share that belief structure. Democrats go to Democrat restaurants and bars, Democrat plays, Democrat movies, and Democrat social events – it never occurs to them that anyone goes anywhere else. If you do not go where they go, do what they do, watch and listen to what they do – think NPR and Michael Moore, and think like they do, you are not human; they deny your existence – terming most of America “fly-over country” comes straight from their heart. It is the same mindset that justified exterminating the Jews, but if you said they thought like the Nazis, you’d be the one from whom the media was demanding an apology.
Misleading headlines? Sound par for the course for Huffington Post to me. Sounds kinda weak to me. Meanwhile, Red State may be committing felony interference in an election.
Hank you very much!
I held my (nose) and donated $25. to Coakley. Soon I’ll go out and drink $25. worth of beer. Thus I maintain equilibrium in the universe.
Brooks is the one w/ the glasses,right, & Frum is the one who doesn’t smirk as much as Brooks, mostly because he looks goofy?
OK, Brooks is the one w/ the glasses.
Or, Frum is the one w/o the glasses.
Slow day on the entire Internot.
Stealing Elections? Not the vrwc good ‘ol boys of Redstate, but the corrupt bastards club is another story. They stole one election for Frank’s daughter, you’ll have to google around for more.
Vote Counts Don’t Add Up In Alaska
Democrats defend public’s right to see election data by Kay Brown … In the U.S. Senate race, Lisa Murkowski received 226992 votes in the … – Cached –
Here’ Frank’s Press Secretary /spokesman discussig a political invasion of NH.
It was a time of political upheaval in state government. There were no session limits then, Manly said, and after 150 days the Republicans and Libertarians teamed up with dissident Democrats to throw out Speaker Jim Duncan. These days, there is a 121-day statutory limit on the length of the session.
[ ]
“I think I still am quite a bit of a Libertarian,” Manly said, scratching his head over why party members recently chose to flock to New Hampshire, rather than Alaska, in an attempt to take over state government. He has no plans to move, though.
“I can live free or die in Alaska,” he said, referring to New Hampshire’s motto.
Hey, let’s not forget that Sandra Bullock actually did contribute a cool $1 million to the relief effort.
What? Why, yes I did mention that because I think she’s cute. Why, what’ your point?
What’s this about the objectivist bears staging a coup in New Hampshire? I hope it goes as well as their attempt to take over Loving County.
Democrats and their running dogs in unions, academia, media, and entertainment do not think that way. They have their belief structure and view and measure everything and everyone from that belief structure; and they never talk to anyone who doesn’t share that belief structure. Democrats go to Democrat restaurants and bars, Democrat plays, Democrat movies, and Democrat social events – it never occurs to them that anyone goes anywhere else
Top 50 Conservative Movies of All Time
Top 50 Conservative Rock and Roll Songs…
I also love his quaint notion that union members are ideologues, rather than persons banding together to implement what they want.
Poor Teabaggin’ mouth-breathers, the nutsacks in their mouths have cut off any oxygen flow to their brains.
Effing Colts.
Frum is the one who doesn’t smirk as much as Brooks, mostly because he looks goofy?
No, no. Frum is the keymaster.
Scott Thompson.
A guy posting at RedState about how Democrats don’t expose themselves to varying viewpoints is pretty fucking rich.
It is the same mindset that justified exterminating the Jews, but if you said they thought like the Nazis, you’d be the one from whom the media was demanding an apology.
I for one am OUTRAGED conservatives can’t call liberals Jew-exterminating Nazis for occasionally going to see a Michael Moore film.
A guy posting at RedState about how Democrats don’t expose themselves to varying viewpoints is pretty fucking rich.
Those CHUDs even try to hammer observed scientific facts into their friggin’ worldview… “Just a theory”, indeed!
Scott Thompson.
Frightening similarity. Is this a Canadian thing? Separated near birth? Is Scott Thompson a “stage” name?
Democrats go to Democrat restaurants and bars, Democrat plays, Democrat movies, and Democrat social events – it never occurs to them that anyone goes anywhere else.
What the fuck are “Democrat restaurants and bars”?
What the fuck does fagboy* Scott Thompson have to do with anything? What did I miss?
* I may use such words. Most of you may not. phptphptphptphpt
Only serve abortinis?
* I may use such words. Most of you may not. phptphptphptphpt
That, sir, is the same mindset that justified exterminating the Jews. Worse than gay Hitler.
Hey, while we’re yapping… where the hell have Xecky and MzNicky been?
I’m getting- dare I say it- concerned.
What the fuck are “Democrat restaurants and bars”?
They’re where you eat and drink Democrats, silly.
Poor Frum and friends miss the point. If they have to pretend to be the tolerant and worldly ones, then the liberals have already won.
It’s the same problem as their party leader claiming he was only pretending to being a heartless ass to tweak the media. Some things you can’t pretend to be without becoming.
What the fuck are “Democrat restaurants and bars”?
Not-chain enterprises: “You never know what you’ll get at some place you ain’t never heard of.”
Good question. MzNicky’s been missing for a while, & now that you mention it, no Xecky lately. Of course, some people have lives, & often horrible/miserable/awful things in those lives can take precedence over this crap. Or good things, too (I guess) that keep one busy. Or something else to do of a Sat. night.
where you eat and drink Democrats, silly.
Too stringy. All that tofu.
Not going near “silly.”
The Democrat Bar is the bar exam you have to take to confirm you’ll only argue cases that involve helping the commie ACL-Jew give ACORN and Teh Gays government-subsidized Hitlers. If you want to take the Dershowitz Bar, you must sign a contract agreeing to apparently start out with all of the above but end up realizing you really, really love torture.
*Source: Library of Congress
I’ve become a quasi-regular in the FrumForum comments section, which I find kind of refreshing as it’s so far one of the few places where I can have a civil discussion with a right-winger and not get banned on their turf. As a USA-dwelling Canuck, I find that I have something in common with David Frum (ew, eh?). I also have some amount of psychological context on what he’s trying to do, which is a quixotic attempt to graft some form of Canadian Mulroneyite Toryism onto neoconnery, and then displace the Palinite wing of the (R) party.
As such, I sort of wish him well, in a limited sort of way. It pushes the Overton Window left from the other side.
What the fuck are “Democrat restaurants and bars”?
Places where they don’t have salad bars, unlike you know, Applebees.
You can read more by googling corrupt bastard club
It explains the Achance persecution complex. Some guy he took into the nicht &neubles as whistleblower ended up took his senator into an ethics crisis in the SOA.
Another good google is black3 + advance search to the adn address.
He is very candid about alaska labor union corruption, not quite as bold as he is at RS about fascism. but close and entertainment..
Visit him often at RS,he loves enemies as you can tell if we’re this far… it will confound the blammers, More factual matter later…..
Makes me wonder where conservatives ate before the invention of chain restaurants.
Juneau is fubar cool.
Conservatives need you guys to work on challenging this guy’s sanity and or seeing to it fruition that he is back in circulation and giving advice to potential candidates from Alaska.
We GENERALLY know whose daughter is plooking the colony football team’s highschool kicker in Alaska LONG BEFORE ANY BLOG, now to convince her higness’ to weld the fracture between the cbc, publicans in AK,BP. and the bible…
Along those same lines…
…Tea Party Emporium was established by jewelry industry veterans, a family who has manufactured the world’s finest gold and diamond jewelry for over one hundred years. Today, inconspicuous, as opposed to conspicuous, consumption is very much in vogue. Affluence and the attainment of wealth seem to have fallen out of favor. What has not changed is appreciation for something beautiful. In that vein, and in the light of the current climate of a government hell bent on the largest redistribution of wealth in history, we designed a small, delicate piece of jewelry which we hope will galvanize feelings felt by millions of Americans….
Whoa! Teabagger earrings! Liquid filled (?) $89 earrings! Would like a Freedom Cooler with those earrings?
Freedom’s never free!
If you only knew about SOA and these guys, gals, bastards,bitches, one and all, alike.
The can of worms is onlynhalf open and one crawls out to Redstate.
Pay him visit there at RS …
for more information google corruption +ak+ Jim Clark .Slightly informed questions lead ti big, big lies. Moby along. there’s nothing to see here…
where you eat and drink Democrats, silly.
It’s been a while since I’ve been drunk silly, even longer since I’ve been eaten silly.
Heh, it turns out the tea Party Emporium is a Democrat store. I offer this proof. (emphsis mine)
Freedom Tea – Chamomile Herbal Tea
Its aromas and rich flavors will guide you (in spirit) to a new America, one where less is more.
See, it’s socialest I tells ya.
Scott Thompson
From HHeLiBeBC link: All of the products we offer have a commonality of spirit; America’s distaste for Washington’s ambivalence and disregard of its most basic principals, No Taxation Without Representation!
I’m so glad to see the teabaggers are pro-DC statehood!
Upthread I read someone talking about Republicans “taking over” Democrats in NH as if it were some great acheivement.
Let me tell you, I’ve lived in this god forsaken state for over 20 years and its Republican ruled, Democrats only get in by slim margins and usually due to some fluke. They represent in the seacoast, Concord and some in Nashua and that ain’t changed one bit for a long time.
And as for Free Staters “taking over” NH?
This “revolution” has been happening for the last 10 or 15 years and every other year they claim to have just started it, because frankly, it never gets beyond that. And the ones that move here usually make the front page for violations of codes, taxes or some other “government imposed” rule that the rest of us have to follow and even seven year olds understand the necessity of.
But yeah, we’re shaking in our boots up here.
Am I the only one who thinks that “frum” needs to be santorumized into some kind of sexual connotation? It would make the existence of a “FrumForum” and “FrumBytes” much more amusing.