Begone, Schlussel, Before Someone Drops A House On You Too.

ABOVE: Debbie Schlussel, Patriot

Shorter Frau Debbie Schlüssel von Flügelhorn
Good News: Prez Obama Comments on Most Important Issue of the Day

  • We must fight feed the terrorists Haitians in Iraq Haiti or we’ll have to fight feed the terrorists Haitians here.*

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Seriously, however, if you have any money to spare for Haitian relief, please think about doing so for the right reason: to help alleviate the massive human suffering that has only just begun and which will get worse than we can possibly even imagine as starvation, thirst, disease and, possibly, political unrest spread on the unfortunate island. Here are some links where you can go to contribute without even having to get up from your chair:

American Red Cross
Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders


Comments: 166


Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders

Mrs. __B and I split our donation. Half to ^ those guys and half to Engineers Without Borders, who do things like work on clean water supply and sewerage and are already active in Haiti.


Engineers Without Borders,

I take back MOST of the bad things I’ve said about engineers.


I donated some money to Partners in Health ( this morning. They already had people on the ground in Haiti, so I’m hoping that will do some immediate good. As soon as I get paid next week, I’ll donate to Doctors Without Borders.

Do these decent acts allow me to call Debbie Schlussel a cunt without any accompanying feelings of feminist guilt? Because, really…


OOH, trust the shorter. TRUST THE SHORTER.


OOH, trust the shorter. TRUST THE SHORTER.

I didn’t. Hence, the c-word.


Do these decent acts allow me to call Debbie Schlussel a cunt without any accompanying feelings of feminist guilt?

I prefer “pig” as it’s an insult less gender-fraught.


Schlussel apparently hates the darkies almost as much as she hates the moozlims.


Got of the boat, sadly, and yes, you can definitely trust the shorter. I hadn’t stumbled into Schlesselhaus for awhile, and I must say, she’s updated the look of her blog nicely. I wonder how Uma Thurman feels about having her face at the top like that, though


I prefer “pig” as it’s an insult less gender-fraught.

But pigs are smart and sweet and have succulent flesh. I don’t think that’s at all applicable to Debbie.

What about “fuckfaced asshole”? That has a nice ring to it.


…he was busy hangin’ with his peeps (slang for “people” or “supporters”)…

Wow, her command of slang is rad! (slang for “radical” or “impressive”)


How do this bitch sleep at night? How can you see the images on the web & TV and not want to help in anyway possible?


But pigs are smart and sweet and have succulent flesh. I don’t think that’s at all applicable to Debbie.

If you think I’m going to get out of the boat far enough to chew on Debbie, I want your drugs.


personally, I can’t think of much more insulting than “Debbie Schlussel”.


So. This is how Schlussel logic works:

1) Boy, that tragedy in Haiti is bad.
2) But we better not let Haitians into America.
3) I guess, whatever, it was good that Obama said something about it.
4) But he’s a loser for answering a People Magazine question about Tiger Woods.
5) In conclusion, Obama’s a dick.


So taking less than 30 seconds to comment on a news item that the media was obsessed with for over two holidays is a distraction?

She’s a real catch, that one.

P.S.: @TU I was always partial to “Sabrina, the Mid-Aged Witch.”


What I want to know is why in the name of Zombie Jesus does anyone give a fizzfuck what this constipated whore have to say about anything?


So does Debbie’s obsession with Obama’s innocuous comments about Tiger Wood’s philandering indicate a deep seated, yet unrequited, desire on her part?

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.


My school’s civil engineering department is part of Engineers with Borders; they actually just completed a project last summer in Haiti providing concrete and sand water filtration systems for communities without potable water supplies. EWB is definitely going to have their work cut out for them over the coming year, though…


Friends who’ve worked in Haiti say Mercy Corps is the best place to donate. I dunno. Just thought I’d throw that out there.


My god! There’ll be Haitians everywhere! And you know where that leads!

(note to self: Always. Trust. The. Shorter.)


Got off the boat, & I gotta say … her face on her webpage is so bloody shooped to hell it looks kind of like an anime character.

Just give up, girl, everyone knows what you really look like – the kids all have camera-phones now.

Commented there about how very strange it is that a wingnut is suddenly down on Obama defending a troubled marriage (almost as if she was more interested in scoring cheap gotcha-points than defending the sacred cow institiution of matrimony), & about Bush being on “Deal Or No Deal” – & guesting that tacky-ass motivational seminar – & the Big Game Hunter convention – so I’m guessing I can look forward to comment deletion in 5, 4, 3 …


What about “fuckfaced asshole”? That has a nice ring to it.

You can actually recombine those four words in every concievable configuration and still come up with a fairly accurate description of Ms. Schlussel.


Apart from her fear that black refugees may crowd her white homeland, I’m not sure which is more pathetic: the fact Schlussell thinks an interview set to appear in a people magazine Friday was conducted within the last 24 hours, delaying President Obama’s comments on the humanitarian crisis in Haiti, or that she believes that Obama chose or had the right to choose the questions he was asked, and to which he responded.


After Pat Robertson, my outrage capacitance system is so burnt out I could even get out of the boat. I experienced only the slightest twinge of “oh, she’s batshit”.

My doctor is going to kill me- or he’s going to kill Robertson.


Yeah, didn’t trust the shorter … I couldn’t tell whether she was saying something about terrorists in Haiti or what.

Shoulda trusted the shorter.

It’s good that Barack Obama finally commented on the suffering of the people of Haiti and dispatched American help. Yes, morally we should help them because it’s the right thing to do. But strategically, we must help them because if we don’t, we’ll soon find Obama welcoming thousands more Haitian refugees to our shores and entitlement roles.

She is then somehow capable of transitioning into complaining about Obama saying something about Tiger Woods. I don’t get it. It requires wingnutese deciphering skills an order of magnitude greater than mine.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

She’s really trying to score political points off of this humanitarian disaster?

They are all truly lower than a snake’s belly.

I know quite a few Haitian-Americans, dated one for a while, and have had the honor of getting the crap beaten out of me by this guy.

I did the quick “text HAITI to 90999” thing, and will send money to Doctors Without Borders.

Now, I ask again WTF is wrong with the goddamn righties?

Big Bad Bald Bastard


Got the crap beaten out of me by this guy:


Every dirtbag of the internons and the air waves will be concern trolling about this by Monday. Around Tuesday some high-visibility cretin will push it too far by making a crack about the president inviting all his relatives over from Haiti. They’ll all beat a hasty retreat muttering that calling people racist is the most racist thing of all and Harry Reid, also.

Bank on it.


Now, I ask again WTF is wrong with the goddamn righties?

You might as well ask why the nightingale sings his lonely song by day and night, grasshopper. Or why the bark of the jackal has no echo. These things are because they are, they fill their place in the grand scheme, and so the wheel turns. Suffice to say that the fucktarded are fucktarded because of their fucktardation, and let “be” be.


But strategically, we must help them because if we don’t, we’ll soon find Obama welcoming thousands more Haitian refugees to our shores and entitlement roles.

What are these “entitlement roles” that she speaks of? Someone help me, I don’t speak Schlussian.


Alternate shorter: If Haitians die over there, it’s bad. If they live over here, it’s worse.


What are these “entitlement roles” that she speaks of?

She meant to say “welcoming thousands more Haitian refugees to our shores and pizza rolls,” and then went on to explain that those darkies could not have any of her pizza rolls. Adding, “nom nom nom.”


What are these “entitlement roles” that she speaks of? Someone help me, I don’t speak Schlussian.

Neither do I, but I think she means “entitlement rolls,” which are crusty and delicious, especially with some fresh honey butter!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

What are these “entitlement roles” that she speaks of?

In the Schlusselverse, black people, immigrants, and *especially* black immigrants do not work.

Giant Rat of Sumatra

When things calm down a bit, could someone please kick Pat Robertson in the balls?



What are these “entitlement roles” that she speaks of?

Dr. Zhivago
Dr. Srrangelove
For example.


Random question, since Haiti shares an island with the Dominican Republic, how come I haven’t heard anything about the latter country? Was the earthquake so localized that it only significantly affected Haiti? Honestly curious


Ooh, Iaym beat me with the fud reference.

When things calm down a bit, could someone please kick Pat Robertson in the balls?

You know, nothing that geriatric fuck says surprises me anymore. He’s like Fred Phelps–there’s a point where you just concede that he has always been and always will be a bigoted shithead and it’s best not to pay too much attention to him.


PeeJ, that comment made my day. Now when the emotionaly challenged adolescents I work with ask me what I’m laughing about, I can give them my own list. Which will bore them, because the are teenagers.


CFH, The epicenter was very close to Port au Prince. Fire up GoogleEarth, you’ll see.


OTOH, perhaps she was thinking of

Forest Rump
Pumpin’ Irene
Hannah Does Her Sisters
Malcolm XXX


PS – those are _actual_ pr0n titles.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Random question, since Haiti shares an island with the Dominican Republic, how come I haven’t heard anything about the latter country? Was the earthquake so localized that it only significantly affected Haiti? Honestly curious

Good question… just pulling a possible reason out of my ass, I’d say that the damage in Haiti was due more to the construction of the buildings than the ferocity of the quake (N__B, an engineer, had a great comment on this two threads ago). Also, the interior of Hispaniola is mountainous and sparsely populated, so major population centers in the D.R. would be out of the zone devastated by the quake:


She really did say “entitlement roles,” which is I assume what she and her friends have.


It’s good that Barack Obama finally commented on the suffering of the people of Haiti and dispatched American help.


… we must help them because if we don’t, we’ll soon find Obama welcoming thousands more Haitian refugees to our shores and entitlement roles.

Role call of her “peeps,” which is slang for “nauseous semi-edible blob.” Her are in MENSA!


I’m not going there, no way. But seriously, is she really saying we shouldnt’ be concerned about an epic-proportion disaster, with tens of thousands of deaths happening just a few hundred miles off our own shores?


Good question… just pulling a possible reason out of my ass, I’d say that the damage in Haiti was due more to the construction of the buildings than the ferocity of the quake

Yeah. See the Armenian quake of 1988, where a whole lot of shitty Soviet apartment houses pancaked (killing 40,000) for another example.

But I doubt construction all that much better in D.R. – I suspect the difference is that this quake was shallow enough that the effect fell off rapidly in mountainous (as you say) and faulted terrain. One of the peculiarities of quakes is that the more faults you have, the faster the damage attenuates because the quake waves (alternating compression and tension and/or alternating direction shear) can’t travel across faults. Faults are, by definition, breaks in rock continuity.*

*Explanation oversimplified to keep multiple eyeballs from glazing.


Do these decent acts allow me to call Debbie Schlussel a c**t without any accompanying feelings of feminist guilt? Because, really…

Well, to quote someone here on this board I don’t remember – No. You really shouldn’t be calling her that. It would be totally inapproprirate. She lacks the warmth and depth.


Since Haiti shares an island with the Dominican Republic, how come I haven’t heard anything about the latter country? Was the earthquake so localized that it only significantly affected Haiti?

Just saw the Pres. of The Dominican on the tee vee, he said the damage was pretty much localized to Port-au-Prince.


*Explanation oversimplified to keep multiple eyeballs from glazing.

The glazed ones are the tastiest!


You know, frau herr Schusselberger has a point. If I was an average citizen of Port-Au-Prince right now, with my home destroyed, my family missing or dead, with nothing left but the clothes on my back and no foreseeable help in the immediate future, the FIRST THING ON MY MIND would be “Hmmm….how can I use this as a way to sneak onto America’s generous welfare system and live off of it for the rest of my life?”

Ha ha, yeah, fuck you, Schlussel.


A couple of days before the quake I was thinking about whether or not the builder of this building felt pride that it was so sturdy after the footage came out.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Yeah. See the Armenian quake of 1988, where a whole lot of shitty Soviet apartment houses pancaked (killing 40,000) for another example.

The recent quake in China was devastating due to shoddy construction materials:


Fuck trebuchets, my new hobby is going to be building rolling.

Knights in Black Satin

I’ve never met anyone who dealt with the Red Cross who had a good opinion of it. Perhaps I’ve met the wrong people.


Part of the reason that Haiti has suffered so much from this earthquake is a series of metaphorical “deals with the Devil,” where by “Devil” I mean various much bigger countries, and by “metaphorical” I mean that they weren’t given the option of refusing. It suited France, the US, and to a lesser extent the entire rest of the world, to keep Haiti poor, and this is the result.


A couple of days before the quake I was thinking about whether or not the builder of this building felt pride that it was so sturdy after the footage came out.

Could we just roll a building over Debbie instead of dropping one on her?


But seriously, is she really saying we shouldnt’ be concerned about an epic-proportion disaster, with tens of thousands of deaths happening just a few hundred miles off our own shores?

Cf. Katrina.


“What are these “entitlement roles” that she speaks of?”

Late to the party as usual but I was assuming she was worried about them coming to live in the fat rolls she’s shopped out of that picture of her.

Do you have any idea how many families could be housed?


Snark fails me. Between her and Robertson I don’t know who is sicker. Naahh, Robertson gets it for lifetime achievement.

PeeJ – Hannah Does Her Sisters cracked me up though.


I keep reading the comments at these brain trusts. I must be some kind of sick masochist. I disgust myself.


What are these “entitlement roles” that she speaks of?

I was thinking of the 14th Earl of Gurney, as played by Peter O’Toole.


The recent quake in China was devastating due to shoddy construction materials:

You know, developers are constantly bitching about the hardships of stringent building codes.

Imma gonna start slapping them.

Times like this, I’m proud to be a member of a profession that works to expand effective construction codes internationally. I argue with plan examiners all the time, but the overall effect is to save the lives of, you know, PEOPLE.

Which probably gets back to the question of things like Shclussel. They do not see anybody who’s not as pasty white and tight assed as themselves as, you know, people.


we’ll soon find Obama welcoming thousands more Haitian refugees to our shores

That sentence seems composed to suggest Obama has ALREADY been “welcoming thousands” of brown peeps to America over this last, most terrible, Obama-ized, year.

But I don’t recall any such massive migration. From Haiti or anywhere else. Am I missing something? Or is this just standard propaganda technique? Something you learn in Wingnut pundit 101?


“They do not see anybody who’s not as pasty white and tight assed as themselves as, you know, people.

She puts on a good show, but I doubt that her ass is so very tight.


i keep confusing schlussel and althouse. which one is the assfaced fuckhole and which one is the holefaced assfuck?


Did you see the Palin/Beck discussion of the Founding Fathers?

No, and they were led by, of course, George Washington, so he’s got to rise to the top. Washington was the consummate statesman. He serves, he returned power to the people. He didn’t want to be a king. He returned power to the people. Then he went back to Mount Vernon, he went back to his farm. He was almost reluctant to serve as president, too. And that is who you need to find to serve in government, in a bureaucracy.

I think Washington was the first name she could think of, probably because she’s had dollar bills on her mind a lot lately.

But even so, she gets it wrong, both chronologically and in its essence. Washington wasn’t “the leader” of the Founding Fathers – he was the military leader. He didn’t write the founding documents, he wasn’t a policy guy or really a statesman in the international sense – he kept the proceedings civil and on task, and managed the divisions between opposing factions. What he won before going back to Mt. Vernon was a military victory, not “returning power to the people” – the people didn’t have power to begin with and it was the authors of the Constitution that gave it to them.

What were Jefferson, Adams and Franklin to her, chopped liver?

It’s interesting, too, that she picks Washington as her fave, because he actually led the jack-botted thugs of the federal government against the first set of tea-baggin’ tax-revoltin’ protesters of the Whiskey Rebellion.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

@g: You gotta love the “stand on yer own two feet, pull yerself up by the bootstraps” crowd acting like someone is showing improvement because she remembered George Washington existed. Also, are we sure Glenn Beck’s not a registered sex offender? That video seems like it could get him on the list purely on its own strength.


Haiti sounds like it was a glibertarian paradise, a Somalia w/in reasonable distance, before this. Surprised it wasn’t a veritable incubator of free-marketry.

And while ninnies like Schlussel, Robertson & Limbaugh are stimulating the base w/ the race card, let us not forget what the disaster capitalists (You know, the people who don’t wear teabags, but do get the dirty work done ) are up to, as linked here yesterday by someone whom I can’t be arsed to look for & link, but deserving of a tip of the collective hat.


g, but you know that for the righties, and especially the Teabaggers, the military leaders are the “real” leaders.


“…jack-botted thugs…”

They had Jackbots back then?

Wow, they were advanced.


And while ninnies like Schlussel, Robertson & Limbaugh are stimulating the base w/ the race card, let us not forget what the disaster capitalists (You know, the people who don’t wear teabags, but do get the dirty work done ) are up to,

Thanks for the hat-tip! That slimy fucker edited out the most incendiary shit, by the way. The article you linked to is a little cuddlier.


And by the way, FYWP that didn’t let me link the Beck-Palin video and transcript.


Schlussel isn’t moderating her comments all that well. Some reality-based comments have gotten through. Probably they’ll disappear soon enough.


Ah-ha, credit where due to the reliably truculent T&U. Weasel-dick weaseled it, did he?


Weasel-dick weaseled it, did he?

Yup. Here’s an article about the original, which screamed SHOCK DOCTRINE to anyone who’s been paying attention.

Fucking weasel-dick.


who knew that the already much afflicted haitians would somehow evoke the meanest possible responses from all the worst people

it’s as if they have some unique connection with the wingnut id



Your previous link depresses me no end, and I believe the Zombocalypse cannot happen too soon, because the breathers that are in charge are irredeemable.


Some reality-based comments have gotten through

i left her an appropriate rejoinder


Your previous link depresses me no end, and I believe the Zombocalypse cannot happen too soon, because the breathers that are in charge are irredeemable

Sorry about the depression part. I, too, welcome the Zombocalypse. I’d much rather fend off ravenous zombies than deal with the crushing evil and craven stupidity that seems to guide most major events on this planet.


it’s as if they have some unique connection with the wingnut id

Blackblackblackityniggerblack! Duh!

Even The Goddamn Batman Can't Beat Up An Earthquake, Although He Has Tried, More Than Once

Thanks for the links, Tintin; I’m glad that tomorrow is payday.

Also, that’s a decent Photoshop of Anschlussel; nicely parodic without being the Nightmare Fuel that Althouse’s was.


that seems to guide most major events on this planet

Intelligent Stupid Design


They speak French with a negro accent.


Zombie supremacists chap my hide! Post-zombocalypse leadership will be just as bad; the POOP always floats to the top.


Powell: Albright in GOP clothing
By Debbie Schlussel

Is Colin Powell Madeleine Albright in Republican clothing?

As Secretary of State, he’s acting more like her everyday. Minus the lipstick and ugly brooches.

That should trouble anyone disgusted by Clinton’s Keystone Kops foreign policy conducted by the secretary of state in a skirt.

is there some special troll workshop producing an endless stream of blonde harpies whose idea of political discourse was apparantly formed in the seventh grade?


supremacists chap my hide!

Veiled dom-sub/w/leather reference.


It’s good that Barack Obama finally commented on the suffering of the people of Haiti and dispatched American help.

Didn’t some other fucktard—Rush or someone—slam Obama for commenting on Haiti too quickly? Compared with the three days it took him to comment on the underwear bomber, which was only three days faster than Bush’s comments on the shoe bomber?

How is time measured in the fucktard universe, anyway? Do they use those droopy Dali timepieces that drape over branches?


How is time measured in the fucktard universe, anyway? Do they use those droopy Dali timepieces that drape over branches?

I always thought they used jeweled Schrödinger’s watches. The watch displays nothing at all until you look at it, at which point it always displays a time that’s either too early or too late. Either way, nobody could have foreseen, etc.


I made a contribution to Doctors Without Borders last night. Their 3 hospitals collapsed in the earthquake.


Zombie supremacists chap my hide!



is there some special troll workshop producing an endless stream of blonde harpies whose idea of political discourse was apparantly formed in the seventh grade?

If I had to guess, it’s because people like Albright (and Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton, and Napolitano) have succeeded without having to doll themselves up like their Republican equivalents (Palin, Bachman, Coulter) who have accomplished even less. So I’d say it’s a mixture of envy and spite, as well delirium over getting their pre-conceived notions of how women in politics should think and act get broken down. In other words, yes, it’s exactly like middle school.


Tintin your mad photoshop skilz are on fire this week! Almost as good as whoever put Uma Thurman’s Debbie’s picture up on her blawg


Tintin your mad photoshop skilz are on fire this week! Almost as good as whoever put Uma Thurman’s Debbie’s picture up on her blawg

the evil actual teevee image of her reveals a somewhat different debbie than the image on her blog…


Re damage localized to Port-Au-Prince.

Thom Hartmann had a great segment on the radio today where he talked about what the US did to Haiti’s economy – I know you all know about the coups, Aristide, etc. What I DIDN’T know was that we went in and completely wrecked Haiti’s sugar and rice industries in search of US corp sweatshop labor. Which we got – tons of sugar and rice farmers displaced off their land came streaming into Port-Au-Prince in search of jobs doing said sweatshop labor – which is why the death toll there was so high. So many displaced farmers who now live in Port-Au-Prince doing slave labor for US corps.

Completely OT – thank god this post has finally displaced that hideous Ann Althouse photoshop off the top of the page – it has made my eyes bleed since yesterday when I kept coming here for updates.


Yeah, TacV, blog glamor shots are embarrassing. They just scream insecurity. I’m sure I’d be tempted, because I am no beauty, but jeez, it’s so easy to get busted with a real photo, and then it’s all bad.

Also, good for you for your comments over there, but I regret to say she will be unmoved by being called less than Christian, because she is Jewish. (This breaks my heart.)

From her very own home page, there’s this: “….The granddaughter of immigrant Holocaust survivors, Schlussel’s mother was born in the former Nazi concentration of Bergen Belsen in Germany, and her father is a Vietnam-era Army Veteran….”

So her grandparents and her mom came from another country, after living through horrible times, and they found a home here, and made new lives here, and ultimately produced Debbie, who proudly declares that people like her grandparents (only darker) can just eat dirt and die.


no offense or anything – it was a brilliant photoshop – and it certainly did its job – I definitely DID trust the shorter. Yuck.


The following [from] [subject] are in my inbox right now. One of these things is not like the other…..

President Barack Obama – Help for Haiti
Human Events – The 7 Deadly Diabetes Lies ProductWire – How to Help Haiti: Donate Online
Human Events – Earn your Master’s in Political Management
Jim Dean, Democracy for America – Relief, Resources, and Recovery
Air America – Save lives in Haiti — give now


“Earn your Master’s in Political Management” OMFG.

Guess what they’ll be saying about the other six?


ScienceBlogs had a good discussion about the geology of the Caribbean.

While I’m posting links from ScienceBlog, ZRM should take a look at this one. Seems a fellow named Randy Demain is raising people from the dead. I’m not sure this is something you want to tolerate.


Also? Completely off-topic, but y’all should check out the Museum of Modern Tweets.


Geez, I can’t count. Other five, I mean.


Rosebud, dear, had you been here last May you would have known.

Fucking liberals, they’re always looking beyond their back yards.


Re: Thom Hartmann today, a link to his guest (Max Blumenthal)’s article on the subject, if y’all want to get more depressed.


Why do I ever get off the boat? Why… why… why…


Well, I WAS here last May, but I gotta admit, I can’t always keep up.

Rosebud, dear – LOLOL. That’s exactly the way I say it to my cat. For whom I am named. Usually when she’s done something bad hahaha. PeeJ, you rock.

M. Bouffant – I heard that conversation with Max Blumenthal, yeah, it kinda does make you more depressed. But we gotta press on.


Bring outcher dead!

That’s Caleb Lee Brundidge’s organization. Their track record at actually raising the dead – as in, the really, actually dead – is pretty poor. I don’t have the data at hand but I believe it’s roughly on a par with their “sexual reorientation” record.

BTW, Brundidge is very close to Richard Cohen. As they are both flaming homophobes, one has to wonder just how close they are.


By “pretty poor”, of course I mean no success what so ever. Zero. But you knew that.


Seems a fellow named Randy Demain is raising people from the dead

I saw that at PZ Myers joint. Didn’t look: too dead.

But hey, some goofy-ass believer in some random sky fairy that makes unsubstantiated claims, and then also claims to put the back down when they interrupt his testifyin…

Hey, I can tell ya that there ain’t ANY zombies in that vicinity, cuz there ain’t no branes…


“i keep confusing schlussel and althouse. which one is the assfaced fuckhole and which one is the holefaced assfuck?”

Oh that’s easy. One has an empty box of cheap wine next to her and the other an empty box of Crispy Creme triple glazed. Both have a catatonic look about them that would make St. Palin proud.


My God, the projection is so strong with these people it’s going to put someone’s fucking eye out. So the new meme is “Well, the MIA prez is finally getting around to…” fill-in-the-blank.

I mean, OF COURSE it’s their new meme. After eight years of slobbering all over the laziest, most disengaged pile of lazy fuck who ever lived, we should have seen this coming a mile away. It’s first cousin to “Can’t talk without a teleprompter”.


I like the term “baguette” for Debbie — short for “douchebag-ette”, with the added advantage of being (sorta) French and therefore reminiscent of “cheese-eating….”


“Yup. Here’s an article about the original, which screamed SHOCK DOCTRINE to anyone who’s been paying attention.”

Having just finished Klein’s book on disaster capitalism I have been looking for that very action in 3,2,1….


Shameless plug for the YouTube video of the maiden voyage in my electric car (converted from an old Porsche 914):
This is the kind of grass roots revolution that has a chance.

And yes, I donated to Oxfam for Haiti relief.


Cool video, Smiling Dog. What’s the range of your Porsche?


This is gold;

Why is this gold, you ask? Because of this;

“[R]egardless of the intended context, Limbaugh’s comments have been widely panned.

“They are deeply insensitive,” said conservative commentator Pat Buchanan on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“The president speaks for the country when he says we’re going to go in there,” he said. “You want your whole nation, and it’s very positive. And I think Rush’s comments were cynical.””

Yes, you read right, Rush Limbaugh has finally gone so far off the map that PAT FRIGGIN BUCHANAN is feeling the need to rein him in. Words fail me.


Of course, Pat also blamed the Haiti disaster on their pact with the devil, so I thin kit is more of a sectarian dispute than any real disagreement. Intramural, if you will.


ZRM so I thin kit

Lose weight! After death! Exciting new diet!


Look, I’ve been to that island, I’ve fucked their whores, their children aren’t safe around me, I mean I’ve been there.

Fuck those losers. They’re dark, they smell funny, and they don’t speak English. Fuck them. They don’t even speak French right. What the fuck is Creole? That’s some made up PC bullshit.

So yeah, fuck them.

Did I mention how many millions of dollars I make saying shit like this? How much money I make for the broadcasters?

Did I mention I’m an honorary member of the Republican Revolution, Class of ’94?

Now if you’ll please go away I have to start work on my benefit show.

I’m going to be broadcasting live from the DR, for a week at least. Depends how long my prescriptions hold out.


Lose weight! After death! Exciting new diet!

O bite me. Like you never commit a typo, you fur-smoothing bastard.

Hey, Isn’t Joey Ramone from Rhode Island?


O bite me.

You need a refresher from the zombie handbook.


I’m surprised that no one has offered zrm condolences for this disaster in his ancestral land.

Cause, you know, zombies got started in Haiti.


The fact is, shut up shut up shut up. Liberal policies made Haiti poor, if only the free market had been allowed to work. I think we should not save anyone from there, they will overrun USA and take our money, we should repel all borders at our borders and beaches


No, she couldn’t have said that! I must click this link to forever prove Sadly, No is teh unfarest websight in the world… do do do…. clickin over…

teh fux!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Of course, Pat also blamed the Haiti disaster on their pact with the devil, so I thin kit is more of a sectarian dispute than any real disagreement. Intramural, if you will.

You’re conflating your right-wing cobags named Pat.





Dude, did you know that if you press the “Caps Lock” Key again, your letters will go back to normal? You should try it.




The stoopid is strong with this one…



Also. PENIS.



As I was saying….


Also. PENIS.


Speaking of Essing a D, wordpress can Ess mine.



ONE more try at this:


My apologies for when wordpress stops sucking its own dick minutes or hours from now, and posts ALL THREE of the posts with this link.

Also. PENIS.


Hey, why not go for four?


ONE more try at this:


My apologies for when wordpress stops sucking its own dick minutes or hours from now, and posts ALL THREE of the posts with this link.

Also. PENIS.







Not sure of the range for the Porsche yet, but I”m guessing about 70 miles.


Just for the record, I was Rino Hunter. I thought the “Pat Buchsocialist” bit would let people know right away that this guy wasn’t for real.

But hey, I guess it ain’t my fault if Republicans are so fucking nuts that they can’t even be parodied anymore.


I want a royalty check, FM.

Just Alison, aka Snail Joust

I got out of the boat. And I read the comments. Here’s some treasures:

What’s scary about HIV is that you can get it just by looking at a gay person.

This is priceless, and it’s still there, which indicates that Ms Schlarsell thinks it’s a genuine comment.

At this point 30,000 ‘refuges’ will be allowed to stay permanently according to the news this aternoon.

That’s right, they’re only pretending to have their entire city wiped out so they can suck on that lovely welfare teat. Onya, Gail, well done for spotting that obvious flaw.

Well, I think we will get lots of Haitian refugees anyway. They’ll just have more largess from the taxpayers while they become refugees.
But there’s a bright side to it. It will increase diversity. Now we won’t only have honor killings. We will have voodoo too. So one group kills their wives, the other kills goats, sheep, fowl, and who knows what else?
Where is PETA when we need them?

Little Al now sees that PETA has a role to play in keeping darkies out of the country. Fair enough: fucking goats is fine, but killing them is beyond the pale. That’s what darkies are for, ain’t that right, Little Al?


Well, someone is apparently killing sheep and fowl, given all the parts of them I just saw at the store. No goats, though, but I guess the store’s just not upscale or downscale enough for that.


What’s scary about HIV is that you can get it just by looking at a gay person.

Holy shit, basilisks!

Just Alison, aka Snail Joust

I was thinking of the 14th Earl of Gurney, as played by Peter O’Toole.

Yay, Smut! That’s still one of my favourite ever movies, with the performance of a lifetime by P O’T (who can trump Jesus, after all?) and a magnificent supporting cast all having fun with a great script.

Points for spotting Nursey from Blackadder in the background.


But hey, I guess it ain’t my fault if Republicans are so fucking nuts that they can’t even be parodied anymore.

I started saying years ago that their reality has lapped our satire.

I just sort of figure any troll I see is a parody troll. It’s simply too sad to contemplate otherwise.

Also, back on topic, anybody think I could donate funds to assist some voodoo witch doctor in his efforts to curse all these motherfuckers into fiery eternal torture?


What’s scary about HIV is that you can get it just by looking at a gay person.

Christamighty. Not only do I live in the French Quarter, I live in an extremely gay part of the French Quarter. There are gay people all over the place. We also have voodoo. On the upside, it means the only wingnuts I have to deal with are on the radio.


That’s still one of my favourite ever movies,

“Alright, if? you’re God, reveal your Godhead”


“No, no no…..”

Pure win.


Christamighty. Not only do I live in the French Quarter, I live in an extremely gay part of the French Quarter. There are gay people all over the place. We also have voodoo. On the upside, it means the only wingnuts I have to deal with are on the radio.

Ah, but you see, that’s the second scary part of the HIV cancer: You can’t even tell when you have it. Then one day you just wake up and blam-you’ve turned into a Gay Voodoo. Your penis detaches itself, puts on war paint, and goes out searching for a strapping young negroid male to sodomize, then sacrifice over an altar made of goats. Because that’s what voodoo is, you know. Friend of mine knew a guy who wintered in Hialeah for a while, and trust me-he knows his shit.


Friend of mine knew a guy who wintered in Hialeah for a while, and trust me-he knows his shit.

It’s the detail that convinces me.


That’s some strange wording in Debbie’s bio. So her mom was born in the former concentration camp Bergen-Belsen. Was it a concentration camp when she was born there?
And her dad was a Vietnam-era army veteran? Sounds like he never went to Vietnam, which you can’t hold against him, because you go where the army sends you, but it’s not nearly as glamorous as being a Vietnam War veteran.
But who am I to talk? I have neither a glamor photo nor a biography on my blog.



My apologies for when wordpress stops sucking its own dick minutes or hours from now, and posts ALL THREE of the posts with this link.

Also. PENIS.

What makes it great is that the top “Related Video” on the page is Lady Gaga.


Snark away, but if this argument pries a few precious dollars away from the wingnuts and goes to help the Haitians, I don’t have a problem with it. There are a few people at work who will probably buy into this argument who would otherwise not contribute a red cent. I think I will e-mail them a link to it right now.


if this argument pries a few precious dollars away from the wingnuts and goes to help the Haitians, I don’t have a problem with it.

Behavioralism at its finest. We can’t change what the wingnuts think, but maybe we can influence how they act.


Look a’ th’size o’ tha’ cranium!
It’s like Sputnik!

… rounded but quite pointy in parts …


On iPhone so no linky but Bruce Labruce made a gay zombie movie. You could find it if you wish.

This has been a public service announcement


Gay zombie PR0N no less!


Behavioralism at its finest. We can’t change what the wingnuts think, but maybe we can influence how they act.

There’s a risk though. This is meddling with Faux Noise’s bread and butter. O’ Really might send someone ’round to your house.


Everday I’m Schlusselin’. Everyday I’m Schlusselin’

It is a Universal Law that any joke featuring this song will make me laugh. Don’t ask me why.


Also, to be more accurate…
Behavioralism at its finest. We can’t change what it so that the wingnuts think, but maybe we can influence how they act.


And by the way, FYWP that didn’t let me link the Beck-Palin video and transcript.

Here’s a transcript.

The Goddamn Batman Got Him Some

I don’t want MOTHERFUCKIN RINO HUNTER to go away too soon. He comes off like 3D Realms had, near the end of the Duke Nukem Forever project, actually created a semi-sentient AI for Duke and that they released it into the wild after the abandonment of the project.


He comes off like 3D Realms had, near the end of the Duke Nukem Forever project, actually created a semi-sentient AI for Duke and that they released it into the wild after the abandonment of the project.

Born Free…as free as the bomb blows
As free as the ammo flows


“…That’s some strange wording in Debbie’s bio. So her mom was born in the former concentration camp Bergen-Belsen. Was it a concentration camp when she was born there?….”

Snarla, from what I have read, Bergen-Belsen was first established as a POW camp (1942-1943), then Jewish prisoners began to be housed there. From 1943 to 1945, conditions worsened from really bad to horrific. It became hugely overcrowded and wracked by disease and starvation. Tens of thousands died of typhus right up until liberation (and for months after). I don’t believe there were gas chambers and crematoria; prisoners were shipped east from Bergen-Belsen for that.

Afterward, maybe because it had facilities not intended for mass killings (i.e., buildings that could be used for clinics and offices), it turned into a displaced person’s camp, and a gathering point for refugees. Schlussel’s bio is very sketchy but plausible. I am not sure whether her grandparents came to Bergen-Belsen after the war, or if they’d been interned there.


To get back on topic, this NY Times editorial is a good examination of what’s really at stake regarding immigration policy toward Haitians.


(comments are closed)