
This is surprising:

President Bush’s top advisers have recommended a broad new approach to dealing with North Korea that would include beginning negotiations on a peace treaty, even while efforts to dismantle the country’s nuclear program are still under way, senior administration officials and Asian diplomats say.

Aides say Mr. Bush is very likely to approve the new approach, which has been hotly debated among different factions within the administration. But he will not do so unless North Korea returns to multinational negotiations over its nuclear program. The talks have been stalled since September.

Wow. I wonder if the administration has finally figured out that simply calling someone “evil” and expecting them to do what you want is not a serious foreign policy. I’m not exactly sure why the administration wants to make peace with North Korea (*COUGH!* STUCK IN IRAQ! NO VIABLE MILITARY OPTIONS! *COUGH!*), but it’s certainly a sign that the neocons have finally fallen out of favor. Thank Jeebus.

This is cute as well:

In his first term, Mr. Bush said repeatedly that he would never “tolerate” a nuclear North Korea. Now he rarely discusses the country’s suspected weapons.

Gee, I wonder why? Perhaps for the same reasons he doesn’t mention bin Laden anymore?


Comments: 24


well there’s no oil there so that can’t possibly be a reason.

So there.


Cue wingnut outrage.

Or maybe not. Now that we have a nice, new shiny enemy (Mexlamofascists), crackpot Commie dictators who are sitting on nukes are no longer a priority.

Let’s get this straight again.

Mexican immigrants: The most severe threat to humanity.

Crazy Communist dictators with nukes: Meh.


The fact is that North Korea realizes what happened to Iraq, and they know that it’s best for them to not go that route.

Once again, President Bush is on his way to riding another country of terrorism.

Although I don’t expect Democrats to congratulate him for doing that.

After all, they’re with John Murtha, calling our marines babykillers.


Gary, you make me smile. You’re so funny. Tell me a few more jokes.

In all seriousness, it sounds like the few grownups left in the Administration made Bush go to his corner so they could deal with the problems. Is the U.S. finally going to be doing diplomacy? Probably too little, too late…

Or more likely, this is a trial balloon floated by “senior administration official” Karl Rove to see how the public responds.


As I’m catching up on the fun ’round these parts I notice my darling, Gare-bear, finds homosexual acts to be addicting. Then I come up here thinking “Osama bin who?” and see that Gary is talking about “riding” another country…hmmmm. Has our Gary found love? I’m so happy for you, Gare-bear. Please, I want details.

On to the post, maybe Bush figures N.Korea will finally really see the light when we bomb Iran- proving our might to all the world. Hmm, do we still hate communists or is it just Muslims now? Can we hate them both? I’m getting so confused.


North Korea doesn’t give a fuck. They have been giving us the finger for years. If we invaded them they would kick our asses. That’s the most heavily fortified, impossible-to-invade place on Earth. You think Iraq is a meat grinder– North Korea would tear any invading force to shreds. Plus they have nukes to lob around if they feel like it.

They know we’re not gonna fuck with them.


First Fukuyama, and now Bush? Ouch… The twisting knife… In the back… It stings!


They know we’re not gonna fuck with them.

I don’t think even someone as delusional as Bush actually figured on invading N Korea, it was probably all posturing, and now that Iraq has exposed weakness in the command structure, Bush is backing down like a spent dick.


Q: What do you get in change for a spent dick?
A: A handful of cocktail weenies!


I want to spin a serious scenario, here:

Suppose the news that things are really screwed up has somehow penetrated Bush’s bubble.

We all know that he’s screwed up everything he’s done before, and has either left the situation high and dry, or has turned to Daddy to bail him out.

He can’t just leave, so maybe he’s looking for help from GHWB to pick up the pieces. Stitch up the foreign policy wounds, salve over the domestic burns. Mend fences with the moderates.

Much as I like to see Bush twisting in the wind, it’s more important to me to start fixing the things that are wrong. If the White House were to start actually *trying*, that’d be a good thing.


Gary … you are the King of Cobags.


any change is a good change with regards to bush’s korea policy.

i agree with john (above)that as much as i enjoy watching Bush stagger from crisis to crisis, this is out planet he’s messing around with.

I hate george bush but i still want to see him succeed.

p.s. i bloggrolled “sadly, no” yesterday!


Meh. While we were busy attacking Iraq and threatening N. Korea, Iran was almost out of our minds. Now we’re still attacking Iraq and threating Iran, so it’s time to put N. Korea aside.

It’s not that our military is too depleted to handle two or more wars at once, it’s that Bush’s mind can’t handle that much.


“Once again, President Bush is on his way to riding [sic] another country of terrorism.

Definitely a Freudian slip there Gare. Yep, W seems hell-bent on riding countries straight into terrorism.

Ooooh…maybe that’s his plan. Brilliant!!1! Take our troops to start shit in other countries and the terrorists will follow. Of course, using our hard-working troops as bait is a bit cowardly, but who cares?! The terrorists won’t be on *our* soil!

Pure genius.


“Once again, President Bush is on his way to riding another country of terrorism.”

Wow, Gary has uncovered a new and chilling development — North Korea harbors Al Quaeda! Who knew?


Actually, I think maybe as an invading force almost anyone could kick the N. Koreans’ ass — they are starving, people! But I don’t think an invading force would be able to get there very easily after N. Korea lobs a nuke into S. Korea and Japan and everything around there.

So…hey. What about that diplomacy thing?


The fact is that North Korea realizes what happened to Iraq, and they know that it’s best for them to not go that route.

So, um – we’re preparing to bomb the crap out of Iran ’cause they MIGHT have nuclear weapons in the future, but North Korea HAS them and we’re going to make peace with them. And that somehow has something to do with Iraq. Yup.

For a political scientist you’re a really great Wal-Mart greeter there, Monkey Boy.


The fact is that North Korea realizes what happened to Iraq, and they know that it’s best for them to not go that route.

So, um – we’re preparing to bomb the crap out of Iran ’cause they MIGHT have nuclear weapons in the future, but North Korea HAS them and we’re going to make peace with them. And that somehow has something to do with Iraq. Yup.

For a political scientist you’re a really great Wal-Mart greeter there, Monkey Boy.


The fact is that North Korea realizes what happened to Iraq, and they know that it’s best for them to not go that route.

So, um – we’re preparing to bomb the crap out of Iran ’cause they MIGHT have nuclear weapons in the future, but North Korea HAS them and we’re going to make peace with them. And that somehow has something to do with Iraq. Yup.

For a political scientist you’re a really great Wal-Mart greeter there, Monkey Boy.


Yo, G. Good point. Who ever heard of a North Korean terrorist? Raise your hands!

News, Gary: Just because you’re scared of a country doesn’t mean they are terrorists. Incredibly repressive and scary, yes, but please, you only weaken your argument when you throw that term around scattershot.

And yes, I know Gary isn’t real, but I like talking to him anyway. The things he says are cute.


The fact is that North Korea realizes what happened to Iraq, and they know that it’s best for them to not go that route.

So, um – we’re preparing to bomb the crap out of Iran ’cause they MIGHT have nuclear weapons in the future, but North Korea HAS them and we’re going to make peace with them. And that somehow has something to do with Iraq. Yup.

For a political scientist you’re a really great Wal-Mart greeter there, Monkey Boy.


In his first term, Mr. Bush said repeatedly that he would never “tolerate” a nuclear North Korea. Now he rarely discusses the country’s suspected weapons.

So does that mean in a year or so he won’t talk about Iran? Jeez, this is an interesting foreign policy strategy–put your hands over your chimp ears and go LA-LA-LALALA real loud and pretend they don’t exist.

But in reality, you guys are letting him do it to you again. Listen to me very carefully. Back slowly away from the optimism. HE DOESN’T MEAN IT!!! Bush says all sorts of shit he has no intention of following through on. By this point I think he’s promised eleven gazillion dollars to treat AIDS in africa. None has actually been spent, of course. And we won’t even talk about the gulf coast.

There were three members of the “axis of evil”(tm). Iraq was invaded. NK was at least capable of convincing the world they have nuclear weapons. Iran is a footrace–nukes before the attack, the attack before nukes. Which will it be? If Iran can demonstrate a nuclear weapons capability, we’ll have to leave them alone too…



Fuck. Sorry ’bout the multiple postings. Feel free to eliminate the extras.


North Korea always did seem like the oddball of the axis of evil. I mean, I totally get that they were the furthest along in nuclear proliferation, but it kinda felt like the one blond chick who is taken for random airline screening.

Boy, is this going to make for some fun ranting from my Japanese wife who maintains that the only reason Japan helped in Iraq was to ensure that the US takes care of North Korea.


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