Quiz Time!

About which organization is US-based [name withheld] wingnut writing? Winner gets something of little or no value:

This organization was started [removed — got to make this difficult! -S,N!] and is today perpetuated by, communists/socialists who wish to destroy just about everything that makes our nation great only to have it remade on a communist/socialist model.


Comments: 88


Must be the ACLU.


The CIA?


The Democratic party?

No, The UN. Final answer.


Major League Baseball!


Up With People!


Yeah, I was going to say the ACLU too. You know how much they hate the US Constitution.

If we have to guess a specific wingnut, that gets a little tougher, but I’d guess it’s the tool from the Stop the ACLU! website (I’m not linking there). Jay, I think?


The AARP? They already told us last year that the AARP was more concerned with homo nups and hatin’ the troops than caring about old people.


AARP? haha. nice.

i’ll go with ACLU.


Badaw! it’s the ACLU.


The UN I bet.


OK, so I won’t link directly to Stop the ACLU!, but there’s an interview with their man Jay on another blog that’s a comedy goldmine. Unintentionally, of course. Lots of good commie conspiracy stuff. Check it out here.


CNN, in collusion with the UN and the Bilderbergers.


Oh so many people to choose from. Off hand I’d say the ACLU or the Democratic Party. But for fun I’ll guess the ASPCA, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Paramount Studios, and the Daily Kos.
Why not?


My first instinct was to say the Democrat [sic] Party, but, heck, I was impatient – I cheated and I know the answer. For those who still want to guess, though, I won’t reveal it. I will confess that I’ve never heard of the wingnut in question here – should I have?

I will say this, though: the nuts really have turned on George (or, as they now have it, “Jorge”), haven’t they?


SAG, in collusion with LULAC. Just throwing it out there.


Codepink? MoveOn?


I know I know. The Republican party. Destroyed by those commies like Kristol and Wolfowitz.


All of the above. And the Catholic Church, most likely. I suspect with every new instance of corruption, we’ll get a different answer.


US-Based, sorry, not UN. Let’s see: AFL-CIO?

michael farris

Either the Supreme Court (not an organization, but…) or NOW.


Public Television


The New York Times.


I too cheated and went over to the wingnut’s site. As you might expect he is a fat bearded fuck and he is sitting in front of an American flag. He offers no “evidence” that the institution in question is evil, he just basically calls it “evil” a bunch of times.


Thank goodness we have Alan Keyes’s Renew America to ask the hard question — “Is the [organization] evil?” And gosh, I was so surprised at the answer you could have knocked me down with a feather. A very heavy feather. Mounted on a Mack truck.

So who is this Warner Todd Huston, and why does he have a first name as a middle name, and a last name as a first name?


Skull and Bones? Or maybe Bull and Scones.


I’m going to go with the Red Cross, just for the hell of it. :-p


Oh Jesus, not him again. It’s manly, manly, manly, manly, manly WTH!

Manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, manly, studly, manly, manly, manly, hot (but not in a homosexual way), manly WTH bitching about the ACLU – again.


“By and For We the real people”

Not by and for we the human-animal hybrid people.


AFSCME? After all, civil servants don’t deserve any kind of job protection!*

*full disclosure – I pay dues to AFSCME




Yay! I got a SN-lanche! And I’m a comedy goldmine! Yay!


Mensa? The PTA?


Since they’ve become so cannibalistic lately, I wouldn’t have surprised if it was the NRA or John Birch Society.


Is it the Baskin-Robbins Birthday Club?

It’s like socialized ice cream, man.


Gotta go with the church, though “started by communists … totalitarian model” would be more accurate.


er…”have been”…dammit!


The Humane Society?


Knights of Columbus?


ACLU first comes to mind.
But this seems too obvious.
Especially if said winger is off his/her rocker.

How ’bout the Boy Scouts.
Or the Chamber of Commerce.
The Elks Club?


I’m going to give [unnamed wingnut] the benefit of the doubt and assume for the moment that he’s a rational human being.

Given that, there is only one obvious choice:
The Communist Party of the United States.


The, eccentric punctuation in… the excerpt makes me; think that the, wingnut in — question, must: be, Kaye. Grogan”

But there’s nothing on, her blog at the moment about any… sort; of vast Islamo-Marxo-femino-homo-enviro conspiracy.

The, plot… thickens


I cheated and found the article in question (though I already posted my answer before I did that).

The author doesn’t site any examples, he’s just general about all his statements. I still don’t understand why these people are against “said organization.”


What is the “Democratic Party” Alex?




My guesses would have been, in the following order:

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
The Pew Charitable Trust
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Listeners Like You

but instead, I cheated and found the piece on the Renuzit America site.


the Veterans of Civil War Re-enactments Administration

The Justice League of America

The Borg

Friends of Mono Lake

The We Hate Joyce Greenstein Club

The Senior Class Steering Committee

(am I getting warm?)

The National Geographic Society


I’m gonna guess its Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. You just can’t trust these homo charities. I mean, BC/EFA supports Clay Aiken, fer cryin out loud…



OOHH! OOHH! the ACLU!! Pick me! Pick Me!


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation????

Consumer Reports???

The Northwest Federation of Community Organizations??? Too obvious …



I’ll go with the NSA.


The He-Man Lady-Haters’ Club? No, wait, I guess that would be one he approved of.


The author, Warner Todd Huston, has an uncanny resemblance to a schnauzer. I didn’t think that such a thing would be possible.


The author, Warner Todd Huston, has an uncanny resemblance to a schnauzer. I didn’t think that such a thing would be possible.

Charlotte Smith

The Itty-Bitty Titty Committee?


Martha Stewart Omnimedia?


The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

I’m sure it’s been said before, but this would be so much cooler if they changed the name to the Richard Wood Johnson Foundation. I’d donate.


The Founding Fathers(tm)?

They were by far, the biggest bunch of commies in the new world.


I don’t know what to guess, but I’m fairly certain that the ACLU would be way too obvious.


This was entirely too easy. Challenge us, O Sadly No!


The Trilateral Commission?


The Department of Education.



The Itty-Bitty Titty Committee?

Mr. Show Boys and Girls Club?


That was too easy. I thought we were going back the the days of black helicopters and such.


North American Marlo Brandon Look-alikes Association?

The Gnomes of Zurich?

Fnord, bitches!!!!


PNAC — project for a new american century.

Autophagia in the GOP den?


I can’t believe no one’s come up with the obvious answer… wait for it….

It’s “Sadly, No!” itself!



Eric Estrada Fan Club?


The Fellowship of the Ring?


The NLG?


The Priory of Scion?


The Hee Haw Recovering Alcoholic Jugband?

Badgeless and still stewing

The Boy Scouts of America

Badgeless and still stewing

The Boy Scouts of America


New Line Cinema?


I too cheated and went over to the wingnut’s site. As you might expect he is a fat bearded fuck and he is sitting in front of an American flag. He offers no “evidence” that the institution in question is evil, he just basically calls it “evil” a bunch of times.

Ah. So, the case is airtight, then? Curses, foiled again!




Gotta be the CIA.


Oops… it’s not the CIA.


FEMA, right?

Or is it the Falange?


The PGA?

Or maybe the LPGA?

Effjay Annongay

The Ferengi
SST Records
American Homebrewers Association


The funny thing is that the ACLU actually was started by a bunch of fellow travellers. But they kicked all the Commies out early on, mostly, IIRC, because they were part of the clear-eyed American left who were able to see what a thug and a tyrant Stalin was.

The ACLU was pretty strongly anti-Communist, even as it defended the civil rights of Communists. Kind of like their name says they should do.

Marion G. Paquin

The CIA. I’m sure I remember that “Wild Bill” Donovan was a fellow traveler…


move on?

No sir, I absolutely refuse to.

(rim shot)

You're a Weiner!

Google places Sadly,No! second when searing for “today perpetuated by, communists/socialists who wish to destroy just about everything that makes our nation great” right after the real answer.


(comments are closed)