Hindrocket Criticizes Bush. World Officially Ending.

Holy crap:

He Had His Chance…

…and he blew it. He should have given the speech I told him to. As soon as he started talking about guest worker programs and the impossibility of deporting 11 million illegals, it was all over.

But wait! It’s about to get a whole lot funnier:

ditditdit…embargoed until Monday 8PM EST…I said it was an abstract of the Presidential speech that you ‘psychically’ knew was going to occur, you Minneapolis fart-torpedo!…ditditdit

I rode home from the airport in a taxi a few minutes ago. My driver, as is almost always the case in Minnesota, was an African immigrant. No sooner had I gotten into the cab than he began talking about the speech and railing against Bush on the theory that the President is anti-immigrant. I patiently tried to explain that President Bush is in trouble because he is not just pro-immigrant, but pro-illegal immigrant. I explained that he has argued for a guest worker program and a path to citizenship, and has said repeatedly that it would be impossible to deport all the illegals.

My cab driver was completely disoriented by this. I could tell he didn’t believe it. Like nearly all African cab drivers, he listens to public radio all day long. Twenty minutes with me wasn’t enough to overcome years of liberal indoctrination.

“Yeah, baby, just spend 20 minutes alone with the Hindrocket, and he’ll make you forget all. About. That skanky-assed liberal indoctrination. Yeah, sugar, the Hindrocket knows how much you neeeeeeeed that right-wing beef injection in ya BRAIN…”

Anyway, here’s the bottom line:

President Bush doesn’t have many chances left to salvage his second term. After tonight, he might not have any.

Wow. For some reason, a certain Bob Dylan song just popped into my head. Well, President Bush, you’ve just lost John Hinderaker. Your status as “lame duck” can no longer be questioned.


Comments: 76


If it wasnt for annoymous cab drivers wingnuts couldnt write any articals at all


Obligatory Ewwwww!


I patiently tried to explain that President Bush is in trouble because he is not just pro-immigrant, but pro-illegal immigrant.

Yeah….I mean, it’s not bad enough that he’s pro-immigrant, but he’s got to go and be pro-wetback, too! What’s Bush got against white people, anyway?


This is the most stunning meltdown I have ever seen, kids. If the Karl Rove indictment comes down this week… Oo-bay-bee-bay-bee. That’s like twenty ponies for every man, woman and child who ever lived.


I’d indict Karl Rove for being an idiot at strategy.

The fact is that Bush had a great opportunity, but he blew it with his pro-amnesty talk and his shilling for the guest worker program.

Those liberals told me that Rove was a genius too.


OK, now that’s definitely Fake Gary.


Brad, you’re absolutely right. This is truly stunning. Even Nixon wasn’t betrayed by his dead-ender base.


Like nearly all African cab drivers, he listens to public radio all day long.

Damn foreigners, refusing to assimilate and listen to Limpballs.

(The one time I was in Minnesota — plane grounded — I got a cab with a Somali driver. Great bloke: drove through a mad snowstorm to get me to a hotel. We talked about tea.)


This is crazy. They ain’t circling the wagons anymore… they’re setting them on fire.

Fake Gary, which liberals told you Rove was a genius? Joe Klein would be my guess… Snake, yes. Master of dirty tricks, yes? Genius? No. Otherwise Shrub wouldn’t be at 29% with three years to go in the presidency.


I applaud the various stripes of Star Wars Cantina wingers for simultaneously crapping the bed. Bravo! Now clean it up!


He should have given the speech I told him to.

Delusions of grandeur much?

Between the poll numbers, the hopefully pending Rove indictment, and this spectacular backfire of the conservative base… I don’t think I’ve felt this cheerful in years. I even found myself smiling at Gary. Who knows, maybe I’ll even quit drinking?


“I patiently explained…” but the driver didn’t accept the word of some anonymous wingnut over NPR, what with it’s liberally indocrinating sources and whatnot. What a condescending ass Hindrocket is.

intercourse the penguin

Funny, I always think of this Bob Dylan song.


Hey Brad, I wish I shared your optimism. I’m thinking that when the piles of bad news start really piling up, that’s when the blood will really start to flow. Don’t get me wrong-I want to see the collapse of this criminal cabal of thugs and murderers. But bear in mind that a wounded animal is WAY more dangerous, and we’re going to see people hurt, killed, incarcerated, tortured, and civil liberties continued to be rolled back as these asshats fall apart. It’s a sad, but I guess necessary part of the process. When you let them take over everything you ever held dear, and we’ve all done that, then the cost of getting them out is dear.

It’s kind of like letting your crazy uncle stay in your guest room, only to discover that he’s also a hit man. What do you do? I mean, you can throw him out, but what if he won’t go? You can turn him in, but who’ll die before they control him? We’re stuck with the crazy mofo until we can replace him with something approaching sanity & hope…



That whole conversation with the cab driveer doesn’t even pass the smell test.

Jesus, Assrocket, what’s next…a drunken vlog?

*kneels and prays*


Odd, as a Minnesotan, I don’t hear a lot of NPR in cabs. Of course, I don’t have a bunch of competing voices in my head screaming for attention, either.

LA Confidential Pantload

“….and then the cab driver told me that his last fare was Dr. Mike Adams! No, honest!”


“Like nearly all African cab drivers, he listens to public radio all day long.”

Wow, you just can’t make this stuff up. I would like to see him make a series out of this, something like Hindrocket’s Ethnographic Aphorisms:

Like all Latin American cable repair technicians, he gets his horoscope from watching Walter Mercado every day.

or perhaps

Like all European Ecstasy smugglers, he frequently checks the Weather Channel for updates.


Like all European Ecstasy smugglers, he frequently checks the Weather Channel for updates.

God DAMN it, that’s funny…



I had an African cab driver the other day. Nice enough guy, but he was just about the worst driver ever, taking up two lanes for most of Storrow drive; cars were piling up behind us and honking, and one guy gave our driver the finger when we managed to drift enough into one lane that he could pass. No NPR on the radio, though.


“….and then the cab driver told me that his last fare was Dr. Mike Adams! No, honest!”

You beat me to it.

It is pretty freaking hilarious to watch the wingnuts twist themselves into knots because BushCo’s newfangled immigration policy isn’t hateful enough. This is like Schiavo all over again– they wanted to stir up some bogus shit to rally the base and it ended up completely backfiring.


Like all wanking wingnuts, Hindrocket lasciviously slurps on corndogs* while barking orders at the Leader of the Free World–alas, for naught.

*The fact is some slurp on Cheetos.


He should have given the speech I told him to.

Newsflash, son: no one listens to you. Hell, “Time” hasn’t returned your phone calls lately, now, have they?

Criminitly, what must’ve gone through this cat’s head? Maybe I’m just cynical, but does it make me a bad person to think Hindrocket had a regular ol’ African-American black cabbie, put two and two together and got that noise you make when you dribble your lips (you know the one) and thought “Say, this fellow’s…not white! Why, he must obviously be an immigrant from the heart of deepest Africastan.”

Silly bastard.

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

And now we watch as the pack turns on it’s wounded leader.

I wanna see *this* on Discovery.


I’m with Michelle Malkin on this issue.

“The only good thing about watching the speech was getting to watch it in the Fox News green room with Colorado GOP Rep. Tom Tancredo, a stalwart immigration enforcement advocate. It was nice to have someone to shake heads along with as empty platitude after platitude was laid on thick.”


Hmm. Chris Muir experienced deja vu during Bush’s speech.


Jan. 7, 2004 speech

So I guess Bush should have followed tonight’s speech by saying “This time we’re REALLY gonna do it. Last time was just trying to get votes.”


I patiently tried to explain that President Bush is in trouble because he is not just pro-immigrant, but pro-illegal immigrant.

The fact is, Bush is anti-immigrant, and pro-unethical, law-breaking corporation.

I know I’ve gone into this before, but the guest worker program is indentured servitude bordering on slavery. The only way it’s better than the current system is that the employers will not be criminals anymore.

The workers will still be viciously taken advantage of under threat of losing their job and therefore their guest worker status. Employees under these circumstances can be forced to not file harrassment complaints, not report on the job injuries or unsafe conditions, not report sub-minimum wages, not report illegal or unethical acts by their bosses, and, indeed, wash their fucking boss’ car if he wants them to.

They simply have no protection. They shut up or they get fired and deported.

This is the way it works now and always has, but the guest worker program means the immigrant would be the *only* criminal in the equation, letting the employers off completely.


I hear “I’ve got two lovers,” actually, sung mournfully.


As usual, Sidhe, you’re right top to bottom. But there’s the historical fact that illegal/unwelcome immigrants have served as the slave labor force for hundreds of years, at least. The best we can do in this environment of fear and hatred is to try and determine the most compassionate course and try to force the ship of state in that direction. I would argue that if they can work, their families can have a roof over their heads and food on the table, their kids can have some derivative of education and health care, then, even though we KNOW they are being exploited, I would argue it’s sthe best we can do. Sad, I know, but can a humanist with ethics do any more in the real world?



He patiently explained? I guess if Tinyrocket had impatiently explained this concept, the black-negro-dusky-African-cab driver wouldn’t have understood. Aw hell, the black-negro-dusky-African-cab driver didn’t get it anyway.


My driver, as is almost always the case in Minnesota, was an African immigrant.

ALMOST ALWAYS the case? Uh…is there some kind of massive migration from Africa to Minnesota going on, or is Buttrocket just a douchebag?

Wait, I already know the answer to that.


Well, President Bush, you’ve just lost John Hinderaker. Your status as “lame duck” can no longer be questioned.

And John Hindraker’s status as a condescending, racist lame ass has been underscored once again.


Interesting line: “He simply wasn’t able to absorb the idea that President Bush might not be a racist who hates immigrants”

Maybe that’s where Bush loses Hindrocket.


Twin Cities resident here, and I have some debunking to do.

– Yes, the majority of the cab drivers here are African (mostly Somali)

– Assrocket lives in the southern suburbs, just where a good li’l GOP goon should live (it’s where our current govn’r is from), but he wouldn’t take a cab, no one does. He’d drive and park in long term parking.

– the cabbies don’t talk to you

– the cabbies don’t listen to public radio, they talk on their cell phones

This is another of the famous “conversations with a generic cab-driver” style prose compositions that use a mythical working person as a foil for your point of view.

I call Bullshit!


Like nearly all African cab drivers, he listens to public radio all day long.

So true. In fact, 7% of NPR’s budget comes from African cab drivers.

Also interesting, 3% comes from Eskimo pool cleaners.


Ah, now! Me, I had dis fare today from de airport, dis rich white man, he try to tell me someting about Bush so wrong, I can do nothing but laugh. I hear NPR live coverage of hearings, interviews wit’ scholars, watch CSPAN, I know he wrong. Dis man mus lissen all day Rush Limbaugh, I tink. He give cheap tip, too.


I like that when the cabdriver was “disoriented” by what Hindy “patiently tried to explain” Hindy thought it was result of liberal indoctrination by NPR.

The alternative explanation for the disorientation is that Hindy made no sense whatsoever.


– the cabbies don’t listen to public radio, they talk on their cell phones

This is, indeed, what my cab driver in Minneapolis did.

“The only good thing about watching the speech was getting to watch it in the Fox News green room with Colorado GOP Rep. Tom Tancredo, a stalwart immigration enforcement advocate.”

Anchor Baby Maglalang reminds me of that character in the Douglas Adams’ book who was throttled by his own windpipe. It’s only a matter of time before she deports herself, surely? Please?


when i think of bush, the lyrics to a certain other bob dylan song come to mind.


Bush has been owned!


When I think of Bush the lyrics to a certain Rufus Wainwright song come to mind:

“Thought that maybe we’d fall in love over the phone
Thought that maybe I’d really love being alone
Everybody but Heaven knows how I was wrong

Oh Lord, what have I done to myself?
What have I done to myself?

In this vicious world
Such a vicious world
There isn’t anything you can do
In this vicious world

Soaking on the ice, makin’ eyes all by myself
Didn’t realize you were so top of the shelf
Just you want and see when you turn, turn 23

Oh Lord, what have I done to myself?
What have I done to myself?

In this vicious world
Such a vicious world
There isn’t anything you can do
In this vicious world
Such a vicious world
There isn’t anything you can do
In this vicious world
There isn’t anything you can do
In this vicious world.”


“Those liberals told me that Rove was a genius too.”

Posted by: Gary Ruppert

So THIS is where Gary goes when he’s not wandering around the message boards of ThinkProgress in his intellectual underwear. I feel for you guys – but better you than us.


Hindrocket sure as heck doesn’t speak for most of us in the Twin Cities. This area has been blessed by an influx of immigrants — Somali, Hmong, Mexican, Central American, Ukrainian — who have revitalized urban neighborhoods, started small businesses, and cooked fabulous food in new restaurants.

The fact that Bush is proposing a guest worker program makes me sick. It’s an idea that has failed all over Europe. That’s how you marginalize people, and keep them from becoming part of the community.

How about going back to the way most of white America arrived: welcome large numbers of immigrants and their famlies legally. We need a younger population base in this country; we need to keep America vital.


Somethings wrong with me – I actually agreed with most of what Bushy said last night. (not of course his statement about not playing on anyone’s fears). Did somebody spike my soda with their Kool-Aid? I’m getting scared. Maybe I just need a smack upside the head.


Oh yeah, I ALWAYS hear NPR in the cab. It’s never bollywood or unintelligible radio banter. Last cabe ride i took i felt like mara liason (sp?) was sitting next to me, speaking pakistani at an alarming rate.

Where are these African NPR listening cab drivers?

Lead me to the promised land, john.


you can have him back anytime, barfly. anytime.


After 20 min. with Hindrocket, I’d want to kill myself. But I woudln’t, because that’s just what he wants.


George Buh is our ruler. He decides what is best for us. We must trust him. He is a Godly, Christian man. He will protect us from terrorists and evildoers. We must not question his motives, for his is a higher cause. We must trust the terrorist surveillance program. He is only looking for terrorists. You have nothing to worry about. God Bless the USA.

William Morris

We’ve had lame duck presidents before but Dubya is the first dead duck president. Once again language fails us when we attempt to describe this most pathetic fool of all time – Dubya.


When you said Bob Dylan song, I thought you meant:

“You got a lotta nerve to say you got a helping hand to lend. You just want to be on the side that’s winning.”

Positively 4th Street, baby. Positively 4th Street.


How about Pete Towshend song lyrics:

Just wanna be misunderstood.
Wanna be feared in my neighborhood.
Just wanna be a moody man.
Say things that nobody can understand.

I wanna be obscure and oblique,
Inscrutable and vague,
So hard to pin down.
I wanna leave open mouths when I speak.
Want people to cry when I put them down.

I wanna be either old or young.
Don’t like where I’ve ended up or where I begun.
I always feel I must get things in the can.
I just can’t handle it the way I am.

Why am I so straight and simple?
People see through me like I’m made of glass.
Why can’t I deepen with graying temples?
Am I growing out of my class?

I always feel I should be somewhere else.
I feel impatient like a girl on the shelf.
They say that I should live sera sera,
But I am such an ordinary star.


That was no Somali. Hindpocket clearly hasn’t been ‘briefed’ at the Bush Shitehouse lately.

The Twin Cities are the premier site of a new NSA program which uses highly-trained Puerto Rican agents who PRETEND to be Somalis, while they collect butt-DNA from their clueless wingnut riders (using a needle in the seat).

Butt-DNA has been proven to be surest guide to Al Qaeda membership. The Base? You’re sitting on it, Hind.





Keep the pressure on Congress… Talking about impeachment wakes people up… They question, it’s a strong motivator to get people thinking. It also lets Congress know how intense the dissapproval is for this President… They seem to be a little slow on the uptake. So please:

1) Sign petitions if you have not done so
2) Send a letter to Congress (both Senators & House rep)
3) Send a copy to the media
4) Enlist friends and family to help, ask them to chip in time
5) Spread the link around, email it (with a request to forward) post it on a blog, or in the comments of a news story.

Help out!!!

Thanks 🙂


Sorry Fusioner, but Sadly, No! I’m just not buying it. Even if you could make it fly, open your eyes and realize that bush is a PUPPET!! Replacing him with cheney or Rice or Hastert or whoever makes no difference, except perhaps to make the situation worse and cause the deaths of more innocents and the further erosion of our civil liberties.

We have only one option. To exploit the weakness caused by their arrogant overreach and defeat them at the ballot box, first in ’06 and then in ’08. Then we will have access to the documents and records required to prosecute them. But forget this whole impeachment thing, it’s pointless…




Gary the Puppet posts here?
I wondered where that little mush brain had gone. Ages ago he used to crow on and on about how only Joe Wilson and Valerie would be indicted on the Plame case.
Well, that didn’t work out like Genius Puppet thought it would, and *sob* he had to scrub his own website clean because…. *gasp* basically the only thing that he had posted there was how Joe and Valerie would be indicted.
He then slunk off like the little conservative rat he is to another blog to post more nonsense and mush brained insanity.
How apropriate that Gary Ruppert would rear his ugly, idiotic head in an Assrocket thread.


Do you get the feeling that the cabdriver took whats his name to the rack?

I figure Hindrocket started spewing his familiar talking points and the cabdriver shot every last one of them down with logic and reason.

Hindrocket left the cab a beaten man but vowed he would claim victory by blaming public radio.

Any bets?


*sob* he had to scrub his own website clean

Wait, Gary has a blog? Oh, Anonymous, I would be ever so grateful if you’d tell me where it was.


Actually, I have to say the part about the cabbie listening to NPR rang true with me. Of course, like all such statements in the comments, my experience is not necessarily representative of anything, but I have found that, more often than not, cab drivers listen to NPR. I’m not in Minnesota, but I am in a large city in the upper Midwest. I also wouldn’t automatically assume he’s making up the implication that there are tons of African cab drivers in his area. Not all immigrants go to Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York!

Gentlewoman Geekpockets

“This time we’re REALLY gonna do it. Last time was just trying to get votes.”

Posted by: cowalker | May 16, 2006 06:19 AM

BEST parody GOP bumperstickah EVAH!!!1!!




I live in the MPLS area, last 3 cabies I had were one black guy and two white guys. None of them was playing the radio….


Strange thought…

Assuming Dubya’s freefall in the polls continues at its current pace, or accelerates. Putting him at 17-21% by this time next month.

Imagine the congressional republicans decide that Bush is a millstone around their neck, that even their base hates him and that what he has done is illegal.

So they sacrifice him on the bloody altar of impreachment to appease the anger of the voter gods. They remove him from office showing their strength as the defenders of the american way of life against a lying would-be dictator.

Their lifetime positions in congress are much more valuable then three more years of this loser.

… more an amusing thought then anything else


So kind of Hindrocket to try explaining the complexities of reality to that poor, ignorant, black cab driver.

Hindrocket has shouldered his White Man’s Burden the best he can.


wow. you’re a moron. please stop referring to yourself in the third person as if anyone knows who you are, or cares about your skewed opinions.


Hindrocket’s world is offically blue.


If you want to know why the cab drivers listen to NPR, turn on the radio and listen to the other stations. I have heard some of the most racist, stupid, lame statements on the stations that don’t originate in MN but pretend to. Really disgusting. NPR is world radio. Scary for people like hindrocket.


“for most of Storrow drive; cars were piling up behind us and honking, and one guy gave our driver the finger when we managed to drift enough into one lane that he could pass.”

I used to drive in Boston, sounds like a regular day on Storrow to me.


Somebody tell Pres. Fredo:



Yeah, sugar, the Hindrocket knows how much you neeeeeeeed that right-wing beef injection in ya BRAIN…”

So if its your beef it must be a Vienna Sausage injected with a very small needle. And over very quickly.

wake up and see

gonna be a fun day when the author of this article discovers the definition of theatre and how it applies to the political world.

cant wait till re-broadcast of mainstream media is banned by the UN.


*In Jack Nichelson joker voice*

Where does Brad get those wonderful trolls?


Good question, Timmah. I think we may be in for some Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations tinfoil-hattery. What do you want to bet that the first link offered will be to Rense?


i love bush… i love bush… please don’t tap my phone… please don’t tap my phone… hooray for the gop, rightwing means a lot to me… i am a good american… please pass the apple pie, yes, over here, i’m in the red white and blue shirt… mr bush TEAR DOWN THAT WALL… bwahahah


Hindraker’s little anecdote is ludicrous on the face of it. Is Hindraker seriously contending that he must be right because his African cabbie is a bad driver? Maybe if the cabbie wasn’t distracted by some loudmouthed jerk in the back seat winding him up over politics instead of letting him concentrate on driving.

I’d be interesting in hearing the cabbie’s side of the story. It shouldn’t be too hard to find him.


There is a relevent bob dylan song or line that pops into my mind for just about everything
going on in the political world today.

Hinderaker seems to not just diss liberals (the NPR crack) but his comments on “nearly all” African cab drivers are being indoctrinated by listening to NPR, and “almost all cab drivers” in Minnesota are African immigrants…
seem to be barely veiled condescendingly racist remarks. You mean African cabdrivers need to be “patiently” explained things to because they don’t have the common sense to discern for themselves who is full of crap and who is telling the truth… or at least presenting another viewpoint.
sheesh, what an ass. I doubt it even happened.

Who;s Ridiculous

I have read all the cab driver drivel and wonder if anyone really cares. I know I don’t. All the back and forth blubbering also does not entertain me and seems a complete waste of time writing or reading.
All I know is there are millions of Illegal Immigrants here and the only thing that I’m against is rewarding them with Amnesty and Citizenship for their having come here Illegally and then Demanding rights.
Legal Immgration is OK with me, and why someone is called a Racist if they are against anyone entering this country Illegally is beyond me.
We have Immigration laws, and lots of other laws, but the only law that seems to not be enforced is Immigration. It is also the only law that one can break and then be rewarded with Citizenship.
Pardon me if I don’t understand why I can be fined for not having a Drivers License but the Illegal gets off scot free.
Fini forever


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