The End of the Bush Presidency
Here’s a quick round-up from right-wing blogs.
Where’s the Sweater? [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
Delivery feels a bit more Mr. Rogers than commander-in-chief. I mean we have an emergency—our borders are out of control and during a time of war. You don’t get that sense.
Get me Jack Bauer.
My admiration for President Bush is great, but it reaches its limit on the subject of immigration.
811: Bush has lost touch with reality, arguing that guest worker/amnesty will reduce the incentive to cross the border. Reality check.
814 Bush tosses a bone to Americans outraged by the reconquista desecration of the American flag…paraphrasing…immigrants must “respect the flag we fly.”
816. Bush admonishes others not to exploit immigration for political gain.
So, in my view, this isn’t even an olive branch to people who are serious about defending this border and dealing with illegal immigration.
Overall grade for the speech: F
LGF Poster “michael moore’s coffin”:
Screw that! Secure the border First!
For good measure, Fisty also suggested planting mines along the U.S.-Mexico border:
It’ll work. One of the things about tossing in a few “Danger: Minefield” signs is that they don’t even all have to be real. Or fatal. Tear Gas and CP and Marking dyes with the warning that the next line is WP and frag would send me headed back where I belong.
There is much about sending a message in stopping illegal immigration. Minefields say “Soloicitors not welcome” in unmistakeable terms.
President Bush did exactly what he had to do tonight: Hit the middle, agreeing to the fence, to a large increase in Border Patrol personnel and funding, tamper-proof identification, National Guard back-up of ICE for at least a year, the end of catch-and-release, blunt talk on the impossibility of mass deportation, an insistence on English, and a commitment to a guest worker program that will take pressure off enforcement by funneling large numbers of immigrant workers into the legal line.
Well, it’s good that somebody’s still willing to toss the presidential salad (and I’m sure Hinderaker will appear later to call Bush’s speech a heartbreaking work of staggering genius), but overall I’d say that Bush has failed miserably to placate his right-wing base. In other words, he presidency is officially over, kaput, finished. I can’t say I’ll miss it.
K-Lo critiques everything as if it’s the mouthful of Gordita she just swallowed: Bush…ummm…little greasy, not well-spiced, will probably give me gas…
Did he really “agree to the fence”, as Hewitt claims?
I have no TV this month, and can I just tell you how awesome it is? I’ve read the Beeb’s coverage of the speech, but I really don’t want to harsh my mellow my reading a damn transcript of the preznit’s bile.
Let’s see…..we’ve got a federal police force, unlimited surveillance of civilian populations, the ability to detain citizens indefinitely, government observation of our reading materials, an ever-diminishing degree of distinction between the news agencies and government agencies, blurring of military and police functions, large, secret detention camps set up all over the country, calls for “true Americans” to breed more in order to “preserve our race”, and a militarization of our borders.
Hmm…..any significant elements of a fascist total state that we’ve missed in that list? Aside from the snazzy uniforms, that is – Americans never did know how to dress for an occasion.
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s something deeply disturbing about this.
I gots a bad feeling.
Christ on a crumhorn, what the hell are these people so afraid of? That somebody might say something mean about them in Spanish? Or sneak in a frijole bomb?
An armband with your flag on it, is still very different from a lapel pin with your flag on it.
Minefields, yeehaw!
I wasn’t convinced at first, but the succinct “It’ll work.” sold me on the idea.
Warning signs in English are nice touch too.
Except that a single two-thousand mile row of mines will only stop the first wave, and we want this thing to last for years… what we need is people to go out periodically and replace the mines, and pick up all the limbs and torsos and heads, etc. Or fuckit we could just mine all of South Texas. Hey, we could install a sprinkler system while we’re at it, to combat brush fires, I hear thats a seasonal problem down there too.
Fuck those fuckin “soloicitors”, too, I know exactly how he feels.
Hey, the wall will work just as well keeping us IN.
A giant fucking federal pen.
An armband with your flag on it, is still very different from a lapel pin with your flag on it.
Republican Jesus says, definitely go with the lapel pin.
Let’s build a new, useful seawall in New Orleans rather than a wall between the U.S and Mexico.
Oh, sorry..being considerate and rational again..I’ll take my meds..
Wow, Hugh Hewitt is the regular BushCo ho, isn’t he? Makes Jeff Gannon look picky.
You all know where I stand on this.
I’m for a wall.
I’m against amnesty.
I’m against the ‘guest worker’ program.
I think Bush’s speech was rather mediocre, with some great points and some really horrible points.
Oh Fisty, you want to put Wiley Pete in everything. You’d toss it in the drive-thru window if you could, you tough he-man man-thing you…
Dear God, he’s even lost Assrocket.
“He had his chance… and he blew it. He should have given the speech I told him to.”
Can any blogger, even Hewitt, match Hinderaker for sheer delusion about his own importance? (Well, Kos is a little puffed up sometimes.)
You all know where I stand on this.
Gary Ruppert
Nobody gives a flying fuck what you think.
Can any blogger, even Hewitt, match Hinderaker for sheer delusion about his own importance?
Assrocket is a lawyer, we all know what lawyers think of themselves, Hugh Hewitt what is he?
Gee, why won’t Bush see my brilliant logic of landmines?
And besides, as per my reading on World Nut Daily, the Nazis had no problem rounding up eight million or so of their citizens… Are you saying that America can’t do better than Old Europe?
So here’s His Grace, The Duke of Ruppert’s Plan for illegal immigration:
1) Deportation Camps. We can call them Freedom Camps.
2) Landmined and armed border. Everywhere. Including Alaska
3) Forcefield along the seaboard.
4) I think before we ship the illegal immigrants out, we need to put them to work paying for the costs of deporting them.
5) Magic Shield in the air in case the illegal immigrants have some sort of flying super power.
6) Arrest the Democratic party because it’s them who personally escorted every illegal into the States in the first place.
7) Impeach Bush. Not for numerous violations of the first and forth Ammendments, the seperation of powers, illegal wars or anything like that. Just because he won’t follow my straightforward plan to rid us of the untermenchen… I mean job stealers.
Goddamn. You’d think they’d be thrilled with the idea of siccing predator drones on day-laborers.
But no. Nothing satisfies these people!
[the minefields] don’t even all have to be real.
I like it! All the mines are fakes except one or two. Keep those Mexicans guessing.
If we wanna get real fancy, we put a counter and a little smiley-face at the the top of the field. It can go 😮 whenever the Mexican takes a step.
Or fatal.
Non-fatal landmines. Mm.
Minefields say “Soloicitors not welcome” in unmistakeable terms.
Hell yes. I got to get some of those for my front yard. 10 mines and a big sign: “Soloicitors and Jayhovah Witnesses not welcome”.
Is anybody surprised by the fact that vigilante border watchers don’t like plan to have 6,000 soldiers making sure that they aren’t raping illegal immigrants?
Is anybody surprised by the fact that vigilante border watchers don’t like the plan to have 6,000 soldiers making sure that they aren’t raping illegal immigrants?
i love the LGF’ers who get their ideas from counterstrike.
don’t like the plan to have 6,000 soldiers making sure that they aren’t raping illegal immigrants?
Please tell me that’s not true.
Good God. Have any of these fuckers ever SEEN a minefield? Tried to walk thru one? Seen what happens when they go off? Criminal thugs. I’m not a big fan of prison, but I will say this. We will make certain there are enough cells for these wingnut thugs when the big reasonable hits….
Please tell me that’s not true.
I can’t tell you that’s not true. Not while no one’s watching the Minutemen. But it was something that I just pulled out of my ass.
It is, however, true that it was just a matter of time before there was an incident would happen, and that’s probably one of the main reasons that they’re sending the Nat’l Guard down there, to scare off the Minutemen before we touch off an international incident.
(The one time I was in Minnesota — plane grounded — I got a cab with a Somali driver. Great bloke: drove through a mad snowstorm to get me to a hotel. We talked about tea.)
Hmmm … the last voluble cabbie I had was here in New York — a Pakistani who talked (admiringly) about how Musharraf maintains order by breaking the arms of people who criticize him. No NPR in that cab (or in any other immigrant-driven cab I’ve ever been in, which is, I think, every cab I’ve ever been in).
Assrocket is a lawyer, we all know what lawyers think of themselves, Hugh Hewitt what is he?
Also a lawyer. Which really should come as no surprise.
I am seriously fascinated by this conversation. On the left coast, we don’t have cabs…
Jesus. Rove has finally fucking outsmarted himself. GOP political operatives have been telegraphing the immigration punch since last year – hell, at a campaign briefing I did in March of last year, we talked about how the Republicans were planning to use Teh Immigration as their ’06 Wedge Issue of the Year. It was an open secret long before the talking heads started yammering about it.
And right on cue they got the dogs salivating. All of a sudden immigration became the Absolute Hugest Most Important Critical OMG!!!!11! Issue, even though nothing had happened to make it any more urgent than it was, say, two or three years ago.
Fucking right-wingers are so easily manipulated. Like a pack of idiot dogs, their masters get ’em riled up about whatever, and they go nuts on cue. Only this time it turns out ol’ Karl can’t actually throw them the red meat he’s been waving at them, ’cause if he does he loses the Latino vote forever.
So the dogs are very, very hungry. And very, very, very angry.
Fucking fools.
Tear Gas and CP and Marking dyes with the warning that the next line is WP and frag would send me headed back where I belong.
That’s IT! Of COURSE!
Don’t you see?/?? They’ve spilled the secret of the Foolproof Anti-Wingnut Defense Mechanism!!1! Time to mine the perimeters of the PowerTool and LGF servers!1!1!!
Psst. Hindy keeps his corndog in his cobag. Pass it on.
Rove has finally fucking outsmarted himself. GOP political operatives have been telegraphing the immigration punch since last year…
Hrm, I always thought that the illegal immigration thing was organic. When you make your bed with the devil, etc. I figure Rove’s got… other things on his mind right now.
What’s really funny is how stupid they’re all gonna feel once the November elections have come and gone, and nothing substantial is “done about the immigrant problem”.
Which means, of course, whatever is done won’t be one that addresses the problem at it’s root: the greedy assholes who actually hire undocumented workers who also happen to have an inordinate amount of pull in the halls of power. Sure, the might be a bone or two thrown to the nativists and racists, but nothing that staunches that flow of sweet, sweet cheap, vunerable labor.
That is, of course, assuming the howlers recognized they’ve been played…again. I may just be cynical, but I’m not hopeful of any mass illumination after this whole issue goes the way of “defending marriage” and “saving Terri”.
Andrew A. Gill:
I’m unaware (though I have not researched it, have you?) of ANY significant “human rights” issues arising from the Minuteman initiative. In fact, I kind of see it as a worthy effort. Like this: “If my government is unwilling to do something it should be doing, rather than just whine about it I’ll help take care of it.” Kind of like me picking up litter while my dogs are sniffing phone poles on our little walks around the ‘hood.
So, I don’t think we should smear these folks without some basis in fact.
And to the comment that the Bush presidency is “over” … well, that’s pretty much the pattern in second terms, isn’t it? I think it was “chucke-worthy” when so many people got all up in arms when he was reelected, re: all the irreparable damage that would occur in four more years. Nonsense. These things tend to take care of themselves. It’s damn near impossible to be in the spotlight that long without being revealed as a screwup, or put out to dry as a scapegoat. Ask most NFL coaches how that works.
oops. Make that “chuckle-worthy”. Sorry.
Is a “soloicitor” a guy who goes door-to-door selling SoloFlex?
Is it just me or does the wingnut position on immigration sound a lot like the wingnut position on abortion?
“Well, just don’t let ’em in!” vs “Well, just don’t let ’em have sex!”
Something of a simplistic mindset.
And Terry Ott, you’re a lot more optimistic than I am. Things aren’t going to “take care of themselves” for the people who have died, from lack of medication to starvation to cutting budgets for OSHA enforcement and disaster managment and HIV prevention overseas and heating bill help in winter, all the way down to people we have actually shot, bombed, or sent overseas to be shot or bombed.
For some reason, I doubt they and their families and loved ones are especially comforted by the long view.
Why do these wingnuts refer to Bush as their Commander in Chief?
Have they all secretly enlisted? Civilians do not CinCs.
Except for Marie Jon-oh. She has a Commander and Chief. I don’t know what that is supposed to be.
TerryOtt: what the minutemen are doing is vigilantism. While I’d support 100% your picking up litter, I wouldn’t support you grabbing a gun and threatening someone you see litterering. In other words, leave ‘taking the law into your own hands’ for Casey Jones, what the minutemen are doing is wrong.
i suggest you look at orcinus ( to find out more about the racist background and tactics of the minutemen.
I’m unaware (though I have not researched it, have you?) of ANY significant “human rights” issues arising from the Minuteman initiative. In fact, I kind of see it as a worthy effort. Like this: “If my government is unwilling to do something it should be doing, rather than just whine about it I’ll help take care of it.”
Right! And these guys were just providing a little protection to someone who wanted to exercise his fundamental right to free speech. After all, the cops were sort of falling down on the job, so they just needed a little help, right? And it’s really patriotic to help out your police force when they’re in need of it, right? Anything for the fatherland, right?
If you don’t understand why vigilantism is inherently inimical to democracy, then I submit you are one of the reasons democracies fail.
“at a campaign briefing I did in March of last year, we talked about how the Republicans were planning to use Teh Immigration as their ’06 Wedge Issue of the Year.”
Brooklyn –
and it has become a wedge issue…within their own party.
Betcha Rove didn’t count on that.
Minefields say “Solicitors not welcome” in unmistakeable terms.
Hell yes. I got to get some of those for my front yard. 10 mines and a big sign: “Solicitors and Jayhovah Witnesses not welcome”.
Keeps those damn kids off my lawn, too.
You all know where I stand on this. Personally, I am opposed to these half-measures. Mining the Mexican-American border (sorry, the American-Mexican border) is a great start. But what about those who manage to get through?
I propose we mine all the state borders in the US, just to get the ones the mines on the national border miss. Heck, while we’re at it, mine all the county boundries too, just to be extra safe.
See you’re hurting Gary and Immortal Iron Fists’ feelings.
I heard Gary told his psychiatrist that everyone hates him. Doctor said Gary was crazy–everyone hasn’t met him yet. Gary said he wanted a second opinion, doctor said he was ugly too!
Gary and the Fist come up with a great idea, the Danger: Minefield, and what happens: people make fun, these guys have it rough, I tell ya. No respect.
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