I Think I Got Your Answer Right Here, John…

Newsmax columnist John LeBoutillier on Bush’s upcoming immigration speech:

So, here is the thinking in this Bush White House: It is the conservatives who are blocking the immigration issue. So Bush will throw them a measly little bone: the illusion of beefed-up border security.

And that is all this is: an illusion. This is yet another phony, cosmetic Bush ploy to try to keep his base with him. Are true-blue conservatives so gullible as to fall for this?

Let’s find out, shall we? Here is the estimable Marie Jon’ of Renew America fame:

On Monday, President Bush will tell the country his plans to stem the tide of illegal aliens. His speech should be received as a victory by those who have worked diligently to sway the mind of our Commander-in-Chief. However, the naysayers are out there pitching their negative thoughts before the president is given a chance to speak. […] With President Bush addressing the nation about our borders and all the ramifications that we assume he will put forth, we don’t need all this unnecessary negativity. A number of conservative talk show hosts, only looking to improve their ratings, are adding to the uproar and showing a lack of respect for the president. Let’s leave the nasty talk to the likes of Air America Radio.

Never underestimate how gullible true-blue conservatives are, Mr. LeBoutillier. Any group of people who would willingly sign a George W. Bush loyalty oath just to watch Dick Cheney speak have some serious critical thinking deficiencies.

However, I will give Michelle Malkin credit on this one. She is indeed more loyal to wingnuttery than she is to the ever-dwindling Bush Cult.


Comments: 36


Has MJ discovered how to use the spellchecker? That was surpisingly legible.


Poor Marie – such a pretty girl too. She must like the taste of gargling republicum…


Hmmm, I wonder if she’s plagiarizing again…


I like President Clinton. I like Shoulda-been President Gore, as well. Had I been required to sign any loyalty oath to see either of them speak, I would have told them to stuff off.

If George Steinbrenner asked me to sign a loyalty oath, then of course, even if it’s only to protect the reigning AL MVP Alex Rodriguez from unwarranted criticism from the likes of Bradrocket, the filthy cur.


“Are true-blue conservatives so gullible as to fall for this?”

Does he REALLY want the answer to that?


Loyalty, thy name is Malkin.


If you want my loyalty you’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hands.


Can anyone else see this coming: 25 years from now, an unpopular Republican incumbent president boasts of his service in the Guard alongside the Minutemen and border patrol, while belittling the record of the Democratic challenger, a decorated veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Sorry to go off topic, but you won’t regret it.

Tbogg has found a truly gobsmacking effort from Tabor. It’s mindblowingly nonsensical. In fact I think it could challenge Richard Cohen in number of ways to be wrong in a few declarative statements.


Indeed – Swift-IED Veterans for Truth!


The National Guard would be a stopgap force until the federal government could hire civilian contractors to take over…

If you hurry, there’s still have time to buy more Halliburton stock before the Chimperor’s speech!


TBogg missed his chance to explain the difference between a slut and a bitch.

A slut will sleep with anyone. A bitch will sleep with anyone except you.


Can anyone else see this coming: 25 years from now, an unpopular Republican incumbent president boasts of his service in the Guard alongside the Minutemen and border patrol, while belittling the record of the Democratic challenger, a decorated veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

That’s not gonna happen, No MSG. The unpopular Republican incumbent will be boasting of his service as a member of Pajamas Media, while belitting the record of the Democratic challenger, etc.


Or, alternatively belittling the record, which is even worse than belitting.


M.J. –

Shouldn’t that be “showing a lack of respect for the President.”?

Oh, the lack of respect!!


Or, alternatively belittling the record, which is even worse than belitting.

Just what a leftist college professor would say.


The fact of the matter is that if Bush doesn’t address his guest worker plan, he should be able to boost his poll numbers to 45% by Memorial Day.

Putting a security force on the border is a very popular idea, which will propell the Republicans to victory in November.


“if Bush doesn’t address his guest worker plan, he should be able to boost his poll numbers to 45% by Memorial Day.”

Now there’s a strategy. Go out on the speech circuit and NOT talk about the programs you’re trying to advance. Your numbers will skyrocket!

Seriously, Gary, whaddya think, should he just go out there are ride around on a 4 wheeler wearing his new Border Patrol jacket? You think that’s gonna put his numbers up 15 points in 2 weeks?


Gary might be on to something. Bush & the Minutia men should hop on some wild burros and travel the length of the border looking for immigrant hot spots. If they went undercover and donned sombreros the media would be all over it.

Bizarro Gary #1

Gary am being mean to Mexicans! Gary am giving Mexicans presents and balloons and candy!


Bush hits a home run for the first 8 minutes..

and then he goes to his guest worker program.



Oh George, you were hitting home runs.

No catch and release.
More security.

And you had to bring in your stupid pet project.


Bush continues his rollercoaster ride.

“Penalties for companies who hire illegals” WHEEEEE

“It’s not possible to deport every illegal immigrant” NOOOOOO

And Bush’s plan is AM-NEST-EE

Anything which allows illegal immigrants to gain citizenship in exchange for illegally immigrating is amnesty.


and then he goes to his guest worker program.

Well, I guess that means Bush’s approval ratings will stay in the low 30’s and the Republicans will not win in November. For once, we agree.

Geez, even Ruppert didn’t like the speech. That must have been one crap-o-la speech.


There is no way Bush would ever enforce penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants. Crooked businessmen are the last constituency he has left! Would he really isolate them too???

Hee-hee. Bush is t to tha’ izz-oast. Stick a fork in him, he is done, done, done.


The problem with Bush’s speech was that it was very bi-polar.

The things I liked about the speech include:

1) The Guard guarding our border
2) The new technology being used to guard the boader
3) Penalizing businesses which hire illegals

The things I hated in the speech include

1) Bush shilling for his guest worker program as a solution to this problem. He thinks that the guest worker program would give jobs that Americans don’t want to do to some foreigner. That’s not true. The fact is that if the guest worker program is implemented, I guarantee you that at least half of the automobile companies in this nation will fire their American workers and hire ‘guest workers’. The guest worker idea is a big government stinkaroo.

2) Bush is personally insulting me and conservatives like me when it comes to talking about “tone”. He wants to walk around and say that people shouldn’t inflame tensions on this issue, but he also said that illegal immigration causes crime. He can’t live two ways at the same time.

Bush needs to go back to logic class and look up the strawman fallacy.

3) Bush is also delusional when it comes to the deporting illegal immigrants. It can be done.

The fact is that the guest worker program is a program which will expand big government and cost Americans jobs, which will undo the economic prosperity generated by Bush.

The fact is that Bush is advocating backdoor amnesty.

This speech wasn’t good enough to get him back to 45%.

He didn’t do enough to make his base feel better and he didn’t do enough to win over the so-called middle.

The fact is that when this speech is over, the people who are bashing him over Iraq will continue to bash him over Iraq and the pople who are bashing him over immigration won’t be made happy enough.

C+ speech from Bush.


Oy! This has touched off a serious hair-pulling, name-calling, scratchfest in kooky rightwing blogtopia. Time to pop some popcorn.

Suggested background music: anything by The Connies (aka “Conservatism Will Eat Itself”).


OK, now I must be tripping, did I just read Gary Ruppert making the case for strongly unionizing auto workers?

(shakes head so quickly lips go fap-fap-hubbada-hubbada)


You are tripping.

While I am not a huge union fan, I prefer unionized auto workers over guest worker auto workers.


That can’t be the “real” Gary. He just isn’t that interactive. Also, this line:

Bush needs to go back to logic class and look up the strawman fallacy.

doesn’t sit quite right. Gary appealing to logic? Please.


I think Marita is right, the “real” Gary gets a stiffy instead of getting his feelings hurt when he is scolded by Bush.


Oh My God, I wonder whose writing for Marie these days? They actually know how to make a complete sentence. I for one, am so proud of our little girl. She’s growing up before our very eyes.

chimpy mcflightssssuuut

This got my attention:

Marie: His speech should be received as a victory by those who have worked diligently to sway the mind of our Commander-in-Chief. However, the naysayers are out there pitching their ….

I’ll tell you what I’m pitching Marie. I’m pitching a tent, yahknow what i mean? I think it’s that fuzzy sweater that does it for me

chimpy mcflightssssuuut

that and the 12 PBR’s i just slammed


Marie must have taken my letter to heart when I patiently pointed out, Commander IN Chief, not Commander And Chief.
She just missed the part about civilians not having CinCs.


2) Bush is personally insulting me and conservatives like me

Yeah, I’d have to give him a C+ for that too.


Ah, Noose Max….


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