Worse than Hate Air?
Hard to believe… but true! This is wow bad.
Bradrocket adds: O baby baby! This video is a cornucopia-o-comedy! Here are some fun excerpts:
Miniter: So let’s see: it’s 1946, and I need to understand German. Why don’t I hire some Nazis to interview some Jewish survivors, and explain postwar Germany by hiring Nazis. (The media) are hiring Ba’athist Sunnis. That’s why the coverage is so bad. They went from being embedded with U.S. troops and just reporting what they saw, and the effect was marvelous- it was accurate, it was up-to-date, it changed all the time. And now it’s formulaic and ideological- why? Because of their fixers, their intermediaries between their safe little lives in the Palestine and al-Rashed Hotels and the outside world, are former members of the regime.
Try telling Jill Carrol or Bob Woodruff that they live in a “safe little world,” asshole. But then again, being kidnapped or getting hit with shrapnel is nothing compared to the pain of being called a “cracker” in the Media War here at home, so I guess he has a point.
We ought to expose who they hire as fixers. What are the political affiliations of the fixers? We know why coverage of Israel is so negative by the major American networks. Because they hire Palestinians who are vetted by the Palestinian Authority, and those peoples’ families are threatened if the coverage of the American television media doesn’t go a certain way.
Fascinating. It used to be the liberal press was run by conniving Jews who were bent on destroying America by giving rights to black people. Now they’re a bunch of self-loathing Israel haters who want to use the Palestinians to prevent Jesus from coming back and sending them all to hell. Either way, they’re scumbag traitors.
At this point, Roger and Miniter slug down some martinis (now that’s what I call professionalism!) and blab about how the blogosphere is so much better than everyone else, and that Dafyydd ab Hugh could do a better job of translating Iraqi documents than career intelligence professionals.
Let me close by saying, “Thank God for the blogosphere.” Honestly, what other media outlet features the screenwriter of Scenes from a Mall drunkenly interviewing a wild-eyed conspiracy crank? You can’t imagine 60 Minutes running a hard-hitting piece like this, can you? Eat it, MSM.
I liked the bit about how the coverage suddenly got biased when the CNN stopped using embedded reporters and started talking to actual Iraqis. I wonder why?
Minter: “Oh, that’s because the fixers are Sunnis”.
elendil: Gee, that’s not very convincing. Are you trying to tell me that all fixers Sunnis?
Minter: “Here, let me draw an analogy to World War II…”
elendil: Um–
Minter: “Would you trust what a Nazi said?”.
elendil: Well, no, I guess not.
Minter: “Well there you go!”
elendil: … … [ctrl-c]
(sigh) That should read “Are you trying to tell me that all fixers are Baathists?” Which is an amusing mistake to make considering what two ninths of my point was. Time for bed.
Oh man, that is some good conspiracy mongerin’! It’s a plot between the liberal media and well-known leftist John Negroponte to stifle the power of the blogosphere!!!
I love the props—the drinks, the Indian chief bust, and the shield.
My shield! Where is my shield?
I keep expecting the giant KoolAid pitcher dude to burst through the wall at any moment… Hey Kids! It’s Koool-Aaid!!
I love the props—the drinks, the Indian chief bust, and the shield.
And the paunches.
I’m still trying to catch up with the part about the media being controlled by Palestinians.
Miniter, I serve with crackers, I know crackers, crackers are friend of mine. Miniter, you are no cracker.
The fact of the matter is that the media presence in Iraq is extremely biased against America and biased against the Iraqi government.
The media is preoccupied with showing off the negative things in Iraq, which are only a small chunk of the news in that country.
The media refuses to cover the good news in Iraq.
After all, they’re on a mission to remove Bush from office by any means necessary, which is why CBS forged the TANG documents, and why they continue to lie about many issues.
“So let’s see: it’s 1946, and I need to understand German. Why don’t I hire some Nazis to interview some Jewish survivors, and explain postwar Germany by hiring Nazis.”
Yeah, what kind of an organization would hire Nazis after WWII, I mean that would just be crazy.
C’mon Gary,
You must have missed that story about getting that cat outta the tree down the street from where they found those dozen mutilated bodies.
Sigh. When are the wingers going to figure out that we’re not even postwar in Iraq yet?
Maybe they would receive a clue if some of them actually travelled over to Iraq and went out into the “safe” areas without the inhibiting presence of American troops and the possible bias introduced by interpreters, and questioned the populations in their fluent Arabic, Farsi and Kurdish. I’d love to read their reports, and I’d certainly appreciate the first-hand information.
The fact of the matter is that the media presence in Iraq is extremely biased against America and biased against the Iraqi government.
Wrong! See, this is what is known as an “opinion.” A “fact” is something provable, such as “I have five fingers on my hand” or “five is a larger number than three.” “Media presence in Iraq is extremely biased against America” is an opinion, not a fact, and even worse, it’s YOUR opinion, so it’s totally worthless.
Ok, I think I’m getting it figured out now. You guys will probably have to help me with my list, but this is a start:
1. Liberals hate american and want terrorists to attack
2. The media hates america and wants us to fail in iraq
3. Brown people hate america, except they all want to be here
4. Gays hate america because they have failed to “convert” all hetero mofos
5. Atheists hate america because god loves america
6. Most of the clergy hate america because they support the gay agenda and brown people, oh and they’re commies too
7. Retired generals hate america, and so are giving aid and comfort to our enemies
8. Howard Dean hates america, because–well, because he’s the antichrist, along with hilary who also hates america
9. The UN hates america for all our dirty money we contribute, so they impede us at every turn
10. The Jews hate america for our support of the palestinians
11. The Palestinians hate america for our support of Israel
Jeezus, when you think about it, there’s only about 200 people in the whole world who LIKE america–most of them write for NRO or Townhall or have a little green power blog.
Frightning how truly despised we are!!
Jeezus, when you think about it, there’s only about 200 people in the whole world who LIKE america–most of them write for NRO or Townhall or have a little green power blog.
Frightning how truly despised we are!!
More accurately, Townhall, National Review and LGF hate everyone else in the world, and then call people who dislike them “anti-American.” That’s the dynamic here. Also, they think the tens of millions of people who didn’t vote for Bush are “anti-American” as well, even though they’re, you know, Americans themselves.
Bottom line is: I’m sick to death of these people and I can’t wait to see them lose power again. Their moment in the sun is nearly over.
Will there be free, flying cars after the revolution? ‘Cause that would be cool.
Hear Hear!! Next round’s on me! I’ll drink to them sentiments.
It’s just getting stupid funny how every time they want to criticize any group of people they either hate america or are pro terrorist or both. By this point, that list has gotten very long and has become effectively self-canceling…
The fact of the matter is that the media presence in Iraq is extremely biased against America and biased against the Iraqi government.
I think I’m finally getting this reasoning.
The media says that things are going badly in Iraq.
Then, sure enough, things go badly in Iraq — usually even worse than the media said.
Therefore the media is biased. (And here’s the crucial part.) Because if the media said that things were going WELL in Iraq…
Then things would be ‘going well in Iraq.’
Well, sure, Gavin. With 150,000 occupying troops, a low level civil war raging in and around the capital, unseemly internecine squabling for power and influence, the country effectively partitioned and the former leadership elite shut out of the process, denied wealth and influence, it’s OBVIOUS that the only thing that would actually create an insurgency and keep it fighting is the reports in the american media. Right?
Why, oh why can’t conservatives learn to dress properly? Lardass on the left is wearing standard pasty white guy office dork-wear, but the dude on the right is a real travesty.
The fedora says, “I’m a badass.”
The beer belly says, “Not so much.”
I think Laura Ingram should be AI(using a turkey baster) with Jeff Gannons sperm. Their wingnut luv child can be raised in Kansas or South Dakota, raised in a “God fearin, Real values” kind of way. We need “AI wingnut spawn” these to create a fair and balanced press. Don’t allow those brown skins to breed, unless they are Philipino’s from Ohio.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that if the U.S. were suffering the same level of violence that Iraq is, we’d have something like 10,000 people being killed every week.
So I have to wonder what pinheads like Miniter would be saying if that was going on? “Yeah, sure, there’s dead people stacked like cordwood in the streets. But nobody is reporting the GOOD news! Death is just so biased!”
Heya, I’m Patrick. Read this blog for awhile without commenting, finally decided to step in. Internet, I’m Patrick, Patrick, Internet.
I wish my first post could be something other than angry ventilation, but… I gotta be me. It is entirely too easy to claim bias in the media. Right after 9-11, media bias is the second most irritating and overinvoked staple of conservative argumentation. It’s a crutch that gets you off the hook from providing any logical counterargument. From this day forth, I’m issuing a fatwa that forbids anyone from claiming bias without immediate substantiantiation of said claim. And as far as Palestine goes… last time I checked, Palestine didn’t control anything, including Palestine. Fatwa!
Welcome to the Internet, Patrick.
From this day forth, I’m issuing a fatwa that forbids anyone from claiming bias without immediate substantiantiation of said claim.
I issued that fatwa in 2003, and it’s amazing how many conservatives/Republicans/wingnuts do not understand the issues well enough to offer even a single, lame example of liberal media bias. Come on! Just one example for me to tear apart!
Instead, I get exchanges like this:
Stupid conservative: Well, Fox is just countering the liberal media.
Me: What liberal media? What do you mean? You got an example so I can figure out what you mean by that?
Stupid conservative: Well, you know, there’s so many examples.
Me: No, I don’t know. Just one example please.
Stupid conservative: CNN, the New York Times, CBS
Me: What did you see on CNN that makes you call it the liberal media?
Stupid conservative: (momentary silence, followed by) Why are you liberals so mean?
Well, you just know more about it.
And they wonder why I am so contemptuous.
Right. I would love to live in a world where the internal corruption of the white house, the utter mismanagement of the war on Iraq, etc. was just my own wacky, deluded “bias”.
I’m imagining that world,too.
We’re all outraged because Bush got a blow-job and….
That’s all we’ve got.
Hooiser, well said. A point I have tried to make in the past, but never as well as you just did.
Another frequently posed question usually follows something like this:
“The media refuses to cover the good news in Iraq.”
The question? “What good news? Cite some, please.”
Gary has never answered.
Of course there’s no good news for them to cite. The Palestinian controlled media won’t let us see the good news.
Hey, you can be a badass and have a beer belly.
Unless you’re Roger Simon. Then it doesn’t work out well at all.
There am LOTS good news in Bi-ZARRO Iraq!