New Year’s Zieve

Above: Hacky New Year!

Sher Zieve, Renew America
Obama death plan: abortions, new taxes, and death panels to remain

It is no longer a secret that Obama & Co’s ObamaCare Death Plan is yet another way to steal money from the American people and reduce the overall population of the former United States of America.

Oh super, as if we needed yet another way to steal money from the American people and reduce the overall population of the former United States of America. And this one is even less longer a secret than the Shoot-You-In-The-Head Tax, the one-year hiatus from the Estate Tax (a.k.a. the Unplug Grandpa Act), and secretly sending all those people to the Tax Chambers at Taxschwitz, not to mention the one where an ACORN guy dressed like Uncle Sam lifts your wallet and another ACORN guy dressed like the Statue of Liberty hits you with a giant wooden mallet labeled ‘IslamobamofascisTAXism.’

Taxes in the form of unconstitutional but, mandatory “health” insurance payments are demanded by the dictator-in-chief and his supplicant Congressional minions.

Also the one where the ACORN guy rings your doorbell, and you open the door like, “Hello? Who’s there?” And he’s like, “Suicide O-Bomber,” and he pulls out one of those black, spherical bombs that are often labeled ‘BOMB,’ in this case labeled ‘ECONOMIC BOOM,’ and lights the fuse that’s sticking out of it by striking a match on the sole of his shoe, as one does. Resultingly, you turn around to face the viewer and spend the next fifteen seconds with your fingers in your ears, grimacing, and so it goes until you are shown ascending gaseously on improbably small wings, holding a harp with a notional number of strings (e.g. three) and clad in a barrel labeled ‘DEFICITS.’

The hammer and sickle will come down upon the necks (or other body parts) of all who refuse to obey Tyrant Obama and fines, penalties and/or prison time await any and all dissenters.

Plus the one with the ACORN guy snatching the sack with the $ on it that’s captioned, ‘Blacks’ Tax, Blblblblblblblacks’ Tax…‘ As if they just snatched tax sacks and didn’t also shoot and foosh you with their guns and flamethrowers, those ACORN people, with their access to Federal arsenals and the eradication of 99% of the white people in the former United States of America by executive order, and all that.

And as if that weren’t enough, that’s when you open the door and there’s a googly-eyed and scraggly-haired maniac there wearing a hammler-and-swickstickle armband — i.e. one with Heinrich Himmler’s head poised near a foursquare arrangement of clockwise sickles — and carrying a fasces such as is familiarly composed of sticks bundled around an axe, or rather an ax, labeled as the figure is with the spooky-lettered, stink-waftingly offset phrase, ‘TAX MURDERER.’


As I’ve written in the past, the ObamaCare Death Plan will enslave the American people and force them to pay even more of their disappearing dollars to the ObamaGov. Note: This will help Obama pay for his upcoming additional $4,000/day vacations on America’s tab — while Americans wonder where their next meal is coming from or whether or not they will ever again have paychecks.

That’s 1,000 Americans for every four day-dollars, or a dollar a day per 400 Obamas. (Source: The MAD Guide to Ecch-o-nomics.) Oh wait, it’s another ridiculous MAD fold-in. “What’s a sign that the right wing is bankrupt?” It’s a picture of a giant cathedral radio with a dollar sign on it, behind a bunch of people yelling into microphones. [folds image] Ha. “A high ‘volume of Shers’ on the ‘bull market.'” Yes, it’s just like we were saying.


Comments: 176


I’m just slack-jawed with astonishment. She really wrote this:

With the passage of Obama’s Death Plan for the American people, our choices in the matter of our own bodies will be gone.

So, she’s ‘pro-choice’?


naturally, by the end of next year we will be living in a giant poverty stricken socialist death camp ruled over by homosexual revolutionary muslim bureaucrats licking expensive brie while laughing at us using elitist irony and making obscure cultural references

i thought everybody knew that


The next step for the Marxists/Maoists ruling the USA will be Cap & Trade, which will permanently cripple — and destroy — the country.

geez, i told you guys to keep this part a secret!!


Four-thousand dollar vacations. There’s something terribly funny about watching Obama’s vacation plans being squealed so loudly about by the same people who thought George W. “Now watch this drive” Bush was the Second Coming of Jesus Reagan.


$4000 a day?

She was on such a roll. That’s a bit of an anti-climax.


Renew America is the never-ending wellspring of Teh Stoopit.

No matter how many times you go to the well, the bucket always comes up full.


Dude, that image is highly insulting to respectable members of the Mushroom Kingdom.

There will be a plumber coming by shortly to discuss the situation.


Stupid != unobtainium.


Still feeling peaceful? Are you?



No more paychecks? So, I shouldn’t come back to the US?


“…ruled over by homosexual revolutionary muslim bureaucrats licking expensive brie…”

Wow – the future is bright!


Give Orly Taitz her nasty wig back!


Gavin: Brilliant pyrotechnics to open 2010! I liked the whoosh of the ascending rockets, the huge booms, the dazzling colors exploding against the black sky. That was splendid writing.


Obamalamalamadingdong totally wants to utterly destroy America, because then he will be the socialist fascist leader of nothing, which is totally what his power-mad psyche drives him inexorably towards, resultingly.

Rusty Shackleford


Memo to Death-Plan Nan — God does not support infanticide and, in fact, commands just the opposite. Have you read the Holy Bible, lately, or are you still in the process of rewriting it?

Psalm 137:

O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction,
happy is he who repays you
for what you have done to us-

he who seizes your infants
and dashes them against the rocks.


She forgot the Bad Comma Tax, tucked away in the ,Addendum; Obamacare: the act part, II. And the Marxist rule about no GlamorShots for bitchez over 30.



I’ve come to the conclusion that the conservative’s fear of all things “gay” and “Hollywood” and “cool” (due to the very leftist tendencies of all those things) has led to this state of horrific hair-don’ts, makeup disasters, and the general appearance (which is a total reflection of their inner beings) of sour dissatisfaction and disapproval. Sad.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“Memo to Death-Plan Nan” makes me want to see a picture of All About Zieve and Pastor Swank in the same room to prove they’re different people. Or at least Zieve and James Ellroy.
Irresponsible not to etc.

Rusty Shackleford

I wonder what the opposite of infanticide is.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Infantifront. Duh.

Rusty Shackleford

Or, in a more literal vein, elderly abiogenesis.


“Infantifront. Duh.”………….dingdingding………………win

I’m enjoying the hyperbolic heights to which the right guard now has to scale to get any kind of attention or respect.

Thank you, Baggers of Tea. You done good.


In her photo, Ziev has that painfully wistful look of someone who had a failed suicide attempt 20 years ago and knows she’ll never again have the courage to try.


Shut up, liberal fascists.

Department of Irony

Fuck off with your different political ideology than mine, fascists!


Health Insurance! Oppressive government program or worthless tax? Do the wingnuts ever reconcile their fears? No, there’s room for both in their little heads.


Didn’t know who this Zieve was, so did a quick gazoogly

Zieve’s syndrome is an acute metabolic condition that can occur during withdrawal from prolonged alcohol abuse.


Zieve’s syndrome is an acute metabolic condition that can occur during withdrawal from prolonged alcohol hair-die abuse.



The hammer and sickle will come down upon the necks (or other body parts) of all who refuse to obey Tyrant Obama

Not at all veiled penis reference.

and fines, penalties and/or prison time await any and all dissenters.

I assume only the castrated people will be fined, PENALized or thrown in jail. ‘Cos throwing a decapitated dude in prison would be stupid, even for fReichtards.

Are we sure this woman isn’t Pastor sWank in drag?


I don’t this his hair is so bad. He’s just going for the retro



whoa……that’s a bad typo for the new year. I blame Obama.


secretly sending all those people to the Tax Chambers at Taxschwitz

I love you Gavin.

And: which brain actually wrote this? Hers, or that of the Pekingese that has apparently eaten into her skull?


I think it’s a back to front comb-over. Windy days=BAD.


Speaking of Dash, HAPPY NEW YEAR! to Gavin and all.


wow…this raving insanity has pushed me to finally make my first comment and all i can say is w.t.f?!?!?!


Health Insurance = Mental health care = diagnosis and treatment = death of GOP.

Fuck yeah Obama is trying to kill the Republicans.


The hammer and sickle will come down upon the necks (or other body parts) of all who refuse to obey Tyrant Obama

Such a fucking Tyrant that he was willing to compromise with Joe fucking Lieberman (Dumbshit-CT) to get it to pass.

Oh, yeah, return of Stalin for sure. *snerk*

BTW, happy New Year.


Not to be looksist – and it’s not looksist to make fun of hairdos and wardrobes etc. Aestheticist, maybe – but what is it above her eyes that she is hiding so carefully? THE MARK OF THE BEAST? The lack of forebrain??

Hmmm…maybe this has been covered already. But it’s a new year, eh?


If you had payed attention in the previous thread, it would be obvious to you that Sher Zieve is a big fan of the Leningrad Cowboys. And possibly even a member.


BTW, happy New Year.

Same to all of you. I was trying to figure out when midnight was, but the damn socialist timestamp here had me all confused.


I look at that picture and I can’t help but ask, “Does her hair slide forward so often she needs a nose-bridge just to keep it from sliding off her head?”


Isn’t Steve Zieve elvis Costello’s keyboard player?

The Year of the Grand Alliance

Hamsher and Norquist.

Greenwald and Limbaugh.

Nader and Beck.

The TEA Party movement and ANSWER.

What do they all have in common? They all see the threat of Obamaism and are working to end his nightmare administration. The left-right Grand Alliance against Obamaism is just beginning.


Ooof, that photo: “… and featuring Peggy Noonan as Simple Jack”


I tell you what , you guys need to start getting your Redstate accounts.

They need a few more people who know what “pendejo” is, and all of you could help them out. This guy was a subject of SN’s ‘Portrait of an Asshole’ in September and continues to carry out bathouse poet activity over there. They just don’t know what they have been putting in their diet…


Oh, yes. The Moe of Renew America. World O Crap knows her well:

The Year of the Planned Orgasm

Limbaugh and Red Badger of Courage
Beck and Tintin
John Thune and Barack Obama.
What do they all have in common? I masturbate to pictures of all of them in the increasingly few hours I’m not spending spraying Cheez Whiz into my mouth and getting my ass kicked on liberal comedy blogs.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

So Troofie, would you say The Year of the Grand Wizard Alliance will be more or less awesome than 2009, the Year of TEDISCO WIIIIIIINS, or 2008, the year of Waking Up to a McCain Presidency and Wondering How the Hell You Were Able to Call This?


Hamsher and Norquist.

Greenwald and Limbaugh.

Nader and Beck.

The TEA Party movement and ANSWER.

What do they all have in common?

World’s worst slashfiction?

Navin R. Johnson

The Moe of Renew America

…made me laugh out loud. thx.

The Year of the Grand Alliance

Just get used to saying “Minority Leader Pelosi” now, Kid.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Awww, do I hafta? I just got used to saying “President McCain”, “Rep. Tedisco” , “Totes Dead for Real This Time Obamacare”, and “Inbred Tantrums at Town Halls That Anyone Gives a Shit About”.

The Year of the Grand Alliance

The public option is D-E-A-D Kounty, and now the entire Democrat Party is in a civil war. Not only that, but Republicans get to run against the new taxes and mandates and Democrats won’t be able to point to any immediate benefits of the bill.

Your “victory” was a Pyrrhic one.


Righteously Dear Miss Zieve:

Far from thought was ever the idea, when I joined eHarmony, of ever truly finding the soul-mate of dream fantasy. Thus one can visualize my happy delight when I was in receipt of your profile and essay so wondrously penned. That thoughts are congruent no one doubts. Whereas, however, the writing style is identical to one’s own, it is a boon to the soul’s solitude and happiness lies in wait. Where and how can we meet?

Yours in Christ,
Grant Swank, Pastor

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

The public option is dead, and yet you’re still shitting your pants like the chickenhawk pussy bitch you are. How odd.
I’m also fairly sure the “Democrat Party” is not in a civil war, since it doesn’t exist and all. You guys, on the other hand, were so busy trying to “purge” your massive 20% that you delivered the DemocratIC Party a House seat that should’ve been a sure thing in November. Nice job, teabaggers.

The Year of the Grand Alliance

Ok, the Democrats/ics are in a civil war, a very bloody one since the public option was killed. Already people on the left are calling Hopey a “corporatist sellout” and vowing to stay home, and even demanding investigations of Rahm Emmaneul.

Meanwhile, Republican voters are energized. Not good for you in 2010.

Republican voters

We were energized in 2008 too. “Energized” Republicans are just pissed-off, racist rednecks who are terrified to actually do any real fighting. So, regular Republicans in other words.


Energized Republican voters sure worked out for me!

The Left of the Democratic Party

You really think we’re going to give money, volunteer, and vote for someone who we think is a “corporatist Wall St. sell-out warmonger”?


Drop the hammer and cycle on the neck or other body parts, it’s time for action.

Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell

Energized Republican voters worked for us!


Virginia voters who want women kept in the home and Muslims and gays in camps aren’t “energized” so much as “Virginian”.


I guess I’m a far-right state infested with wingnuts, too.


And I’m not a swing state anymore?


“Energized” is here defined as “hating Corzine”, so, in other words, everyone in New Jersey. And try to keep the gay-lust a little less obvious, Troofie. Selfish hedonism and all that.


Energized Republican voters Running against weak-ass Democratic nominees worked for us!



And “energized” in 2010 and 2012 will be “hating me”.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Virginia always elects the opposite candidate of the president’s party, which you would know if you weren’t fucking stupid. You and idiot rednecks like you were telling us to “bookmark it” back when Kaine ran, too. Again, get a fuckin’ job.


Are you preparing for your own eradication under the hammer and sickle of the tyrant?

Crap. Does that mean we have to show up at the disintegration booths like in that Star Trek episode?

New Jersey Governor Race

I always go to the party not currently in power. I suspect that Fox News didn’t mention this.

The Truth About the Midterm Elections

All we have to do is run against Barack Obama, who will be well below 45% in approval by then, possibly even in the mid-30s. And talk vaguely about “change” and “jobs”.


“Good God. What the hell do ya call that?”

“The Democrats/ics!”


give money, volunteer, and vote for someone who we think is a “corporatist Wall St. sell-out warmonger


we sure WON’T vote for McCain!!!


And “energized” in 2010 and 2012 will be “hating me”.

And by concentrating on that one “issue”, Republicans will doom themselves to a generation of insignificance.



republican troolies are still flogging a couple of minor downticket successes in mid-year elections as evidence of their resurgence.

Sad. Here I thought it was a New Year.


Barack Obama, who will be well below 45% in approval by then


President John McCain

I wonder how the hell you were be able to call this.


We need to change America back to the way it was when founded, before liberals came along and tried to take over with class warfare and envy and communism. Hitler would have approved of Obama.


That’s right. A governorship in Virginia will upset the balance of power in Congress. Or something. Also.


Meanwhile, less than a year later, the original Teabaggers are either suing one another or fighting with the GOP retreads over who get be on stage at their 18th century cosplay events.

Mark me down for “not worried”


This will help Obama pay for his upcoming additional $4,000/day vacations

That’s upcoming and additional, bitchez.


The hammer and sickle will come down upon the necks

Am I right to think she doesn’t really understand what hammers and sickles are actually used for?


So someone explain to me again just how Obama is a horrible Stalinist dictator?

Considering he’s done, you know, just about jack shit that’s dictatorial and Stalinist.


Just to bring back an old point about how the stock market was a reflection of business confidence in the Obama administration:

DJIA December 31, 2008: 8,776.39
DJIA December 31, 2009: 10,428.05

I wouldn’t worry about that predicted (and bookmarked) 45% approval rating for the President. Much like nearly all of Troofie’s predictions, it’s a bit of a junk bond.

President John McCain

Sarah Palin is a great VP.


I’m being buttfucked by the purity trolls who are destroying the GOP.


“with a notional number of strings (e.g. three)”

Sorry, but I gotta hold out for at least ukelele-strength.


I’m being buttfucked by the purity trolls who are destroying the GOP.

I feel you, g.


Also, “Memo to Death-Plan” is almost as good a name as Death Cab for Cutie. Almost.


All you Trotskyites rally behind ME! The time of our glorious revolution is at hand!


Obama will Fail, Fail, FAIL said,

March 10, 2009 at 2:14

So how’s the Dow Jones doing?

Oh? Another twelve-year low today?

I guess the markets aren’t big on Socialism.

March 9, 2009: 6,547.05
December 31, 2009: 10,428.05

DAMN those socialist businesses!

Rusty Shackleford

Slow down! Running out of space in the ol’ bookmarks file.

Vice-President Sarah Palin

This job is like, boring. I’m going to Saks

Vice-President Sarah Palin

Then I’m quitting. So long, suckers!


Obama will Fail, Fail, FAIL said,

March 10, 2009 at 3:53

(redacted for your pleasure)

I suggest you invest in gold, silver, and cash outside the USA. Our economy is going to be in full-on crisis mode by 2012 and our paper money hyper-inflated. The Dow should be around 2,000 by then.

Bookmark now, enjoy later.


You gotta admit, though, “Death Plan Nan” is kinda catchy.


Yeah, the disaffected Democrats are totally going to stay home and watch Sarah Palin be elected in 2012. Because Obama will have FAILED and America will jump at the chance to elect another monumentally unqualified nutjob as POTUS.


We need to change America back to the way it was when founded, before liberals came along and tried to take over with class warfare and envy and communism. Hitler would have approved of Obama.

Hey mods, any sense if we actually have a special guest with us today?


The fact is, liberal bias in the media keeps brilliant people like Zieve off the MSM. They are hitting hard with truth and tell it like it is to the liberals who hate America.


You gotta admit, though, “Death Plan Nan” is kinda catchy.

Death Plan Nan from Outer Space? I think there’s a movie here capable of being at the top of the list for “top ten Conservative movies” for the coming decade. Or at least an SNL skit.


The fact is, brrrrrrrrrtttttt, the fact is, brrrrrrrrrtttttt the fact is, brrrrrrrrrtttttt, the fact is, brrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttt,……..


We need to change America back to the way it was when founded, before liberals came along and tried to take over with class warfare and envy and communism.

So, thirteen states along the eastern seaboard and we give the rest back to the Native Americans? I’d better start learning to speak Seminole.


liberals came along and tried to take over with class

style and elegance, too.


I suggest you invest in gold, silver, and cash outside the USA. Our economy is going to be in full-on crisis mode by 2012 and our paper money hyper-inflated.

*sigh* Wingnut Bossman was actually going on about how he wondered whether or not the economy would exist next year.

He’s a nice guy, really – but it’s tough to keep my piehole shut sometimes when he spouts off with Beckisms.


The fact is, liberal bias in the media keeps brilliant people like Zieve off the MSM.

If she’s so great why doesn’t she have her own show on Fox?

Liberal media bias or just doesn’t look good in a short skirt?



59 Les Paul said,

January 1, 2010 at 20:38

[quote]Also, “Memo to Death-Plan” is almost as good a name as Death Cab for Cutie. Almost.

Gotta love a Bonzo Dog DooDah Band reference…oh, you meant the shoe gazers from Seattle? The name I vote for sounds like it should be a smash with Rethugs: Me First and the GimmeGimmes!


Hmmm….HTML FAIL!!!!11!!!


You gotta admit, though, “Death Plan Nan” is kinda catchy.

Mmmmmm….death plan naan.


That’s [blockquote], Butch.


I find bold type much more butch than blockquotes.


Italics are left leaning islamofascists.


That is…. if you… if you mean stage left, which I totally did.

And so 2010 begins with a blart.


The fact is italics are biased.


I think that publications that peddle this kind of nonsense should be required to print it in bright pink crayon font, with little hearts over the i’s and little smiley faces over the j’s. Plus there should be squiggles and butterflies and little bubbles all in the margins. And the author’s name with at least one vowel written backwards in 72-point print at the top (also in pink crayon). And what period and class it is.

Then, we could give it the consideration that it deserves.


I’d better start learning to speak Seminole.
This is really DrDick’s department — but IIRC there are two Seminole languages, Mikasuki and Creek.
I can tell you the colour vocabulary in Mikasuki but that might not go far with your new canoe-paddling overlords.


“There are a lot of things that we can’t fully digest. I call it ‘Deja Poo’. Corn is just the most common example,” Dr. Sheth said.

At last this thread is on track.


And the author’s name with at least one vowel written backwards in 72-point print at the top (also in pink crayon).

And their street address, city, state, ZIP code, USA, Planet Earth The Solar System, The Galaxy, The Universe.

What? Am I the only one who did that?

Never mind.


Tax murderer, in a skirt.

Sure it’s a nice manly skirt, but still.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Come to think of it, I’ve been meaning to rent Mantango, Fungus of Terror and will add that to the 2010 resolution list.


What? Am I the only one who did that?
Also James Joyce Stephen Dedalus. Also.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

And this one is even less longer a secret than the Shoot-You-In-The-Head Tax

Of course, The Obama is unfairly targeting Dick Cheney here.

Even More Pedantic Asshole

Uhm, it’s actually …The Solar System, The Milky Way Galaxy, The Virgo Super Cluster, The Universe.

…only missed it by a little.


Bitch looks like drag-queen Shari Lewis. Doesn’t make nearly as much sense, though. Dammit. Happy New Year, for the goyim.


Uhm, it’s actually …The Solar System, The Milky Way Galaxy, The Virgo Super Cluster, The Universe.

My 4th grade self calls you a dork and then on his 10th grade self who gives you the finger.


what’s with the comma after “but”? that’s illiterate. as for the rest of it, it sounds like the “shorter” interpretation. that, or it’s incoherent.

Even More Pedantic Asshole

My mother used to send my 3rd grader self off to school like that. “Goodbye, Dork”, she would shout to me and wave her finger.

Thanks for the memories.


Sher Zieve…if that is her real name…should really consider asking Lady Gaga to recommend a purveyor of wigs.


slippy said,
January 1, 2010 at 23:40

Like zees?


Sher Zieve bears a striking resemblance to another wingnut.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Matango, not Mantango, dammit.

I can usually resist revisiting to correct minor mistakes from prior comments, but so far the willpower seems even worse this year. Hell, it’s 4 in the afternoon and I’m sipping a second — or is it the third? — Imperial IPA.


When I saw, Mushroom head
I was born and I was dead

When I saw, skies are red,
I was born and I was dead


The Swankery of her prose is remarkable. It’s more subtle but she clearly has the good reverend’s affliction.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

That thing on her head-not hair!


It’s more subtle but she clearly has the good reverend’s affliction.

That is a worrisome sign that it may be transmissible. I’d prefer a smallpox outbreak to that.


Good grief, what would possess anyone to ever look in the mirror and say, “Ya know what? I want my hair to look like a bowl cut.” Bowl cuts have never, ever, ever been popular.


Bowl cuts have never, ever, ever been popular.

It’s not so much a cut as a pour. With highlights.

Lurking Canadian

We need to change America back to the way it was when founded, before liberals came along and tried to take over with class warfare and envy and communism forced us to let women vote and made the white folks give away their black folks for free. Hitler would have approved of Obama.

Fixed for great justice.


Has anyone ever seen Sher Zieve and Orly Taitz in the same room?


forced us to let women vote and made the white folks give away their black folks for free.

The word “free” seems to set them off a bit.

“Free love.”

“Free booze.”

“Free speech.”

“Free lunch.”

“Free radicals.”



Bowl cuts have never, ever, ever been popular.

I didn’t come here to be insulted. You want a good eye poke?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Bowl cuts have never, ever, ever been popular.

Well, not in this century.


Her hair-do does a swell job of hiding where they inserted the iron plate – besides, the hair is perfectly coordinated with the prose.

You can’t keep a good lie down – especially if it keeps selling. Nice to see the Cult Of Teh True Believers are still willing to give Death Panels more mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, no matter how many maggots Unicorn Caterpilars they have to spit out doing so. They know a lot of dumb fucks Real Americans still think that particular snake-oil is a vitamin, & in politics you get extra credit if you can make up for an inability to blind them with brilliance by baffling them with bullshit – & at this point, bullshit is all they’ve got.

Plus, who knew that hiring a pack of Goldman Sachs bigwigs to help bail out major banks was so “Marxist/Maoist”? The fact is, HAPPINESS IS A WARM STIMULUS PACKAGE, libs! LET A THOUSAND BAILOUTS BLOOM!

All too many of the American people simply refuse to wake up or are ignoring warnings based upon truth and logic.

Almost perfect – just needs a comma after warnings. Wake up, sheeple! Your deadly trance of truth & logic cannot save you! The Kool-Aid is gooooooood!

The fact that I honestly can’t tell for sure whether “Sher Zieve” above is a parody troll pretty much says it all.

Wingnuts are a parody, wrapped in a caricature, hiding a PENIS.


From Karl Rove’s twitter feed:

“Don’t forget – Free autographed bookplate to anyone who sends a SASE to P.O. Box 40364, Washington, DC 20016.”

Yup, for the Sadlynauts buying copy of Courage and Consequence by Karl Rove, he’s offering a free signed bookplate!

Seems like you guys ought to be able to do something with this to, um, help Karl and all. Poor guy, I’m sure he’s all broken up over his divorce. Perhaps it’s a good idea to ask for a dedication of some kind? Maybe, ask him to inscribe the book to Lady Gaga? Or, maybe, to Valerie Plame?


It’s more subtle but she clearly has the good reverend’s affliction.
That is a worrisome sign that it may be transmissible

I believe you will find that it is only communicated by handling or consuming under-cooked neural material.
Check ZRM just in case.


“I didn’t come here to be insulted.”

That’s what YOU think.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The fact that I honestly can’t tell for sure whether “Sher Zieve” above is a parody troll pretty much says it all.

Poe’s Law has to be expanded to encompass all of wingnut “thought”, not just creationism.

Wingnuts are a parody, wrapped in a caricature, hiding a PENIS.</I<

Sher's hairdo doesn't hide the PENIS.


Bitter Scribe said,

January 2, 2010 at 4:31

Has anyone ever seen Sher Zieve and Orly Taitz in the same room?

The IAEA cites that as a “critical mass” event, and would fine the US out the wazoo.

I’m pretty sure the insurance companies would refuse to pay out on the resulting radiation poisoning…

Islamifascist No. 134

I prefer the more effective and time-tested method of stealing the taxpayers’ money and reducing the US population: invading and occupying the middle east.

Physical Educator NIck Saban

March 9, 2009: 6,547.05
December 31, 2009: 10,428.05

DAMN those socialist businesses!

Yeah, especially since YOU KNOW those liberal fatcats only did it to make Bush look bad.


New Sher’s Zieve, is a holiday celebrated on the last day of December, it is not an author or columnist. RenewAmerica’s web site includes a bold disclaimer stating that it and its affiliates by no means recommend or agree with the nutjobs who write there. It is only another falsehood among many falsehoods on the site. Zieve pulled his article out of his ass and is the most important fact a reader can divine from the page.

I don’t know if RenewAmerica is satire, vaudeville, American Idol, or Dancing With the Stars. I’m uncertain whether the site is supposed to be humorous or a profound example of a product produced by the insane. The intent to mislead is as subtle as a sledgehammer to the forehead. The ideas written by Zieve are written to deceive morons or Zieve believes that all people are morons; it must be one or the other.

I believe that it is impossible to write in the manner that Zieve writes and not know that one is being a deceitful creep. I’ll go one step further; he not only enjoys being full of crap, he derives feelings of superiority from the morons who believe his insane rants. Narcissists do not need the brightest and the best to serve them, partially because they are so few, but a well-organized brain-washed mob of morons who constitute a plurality of the adult population, apparently is sufficient to remain dominant.

It is difficult to imagine who would believe a writer like Zieve. Hopefully, no one that I associate with, but then there are closet fascists impatiently waiting for the defeat of a democratic republic so that it can be replaced with fascism that restores the freedom to be an asshole toward others and cements the only accepted method of rising in the ranks – loyalty or the appearance of loyalty to Mr. Asshole’s prejudices and opinions.

Mr/Ms Zieve is probably nothing more than a group of lawyers sitting around a big walnut table whose challenge it is to construct bizarre stories to inflame the easily manipulated.


The interesting question about Karl Rove’s marriage is not the divorce, but how the petty mean spirited creep conned a woman into marrying him in the first place.


Hitler would have approved of Obama.

Except for, y’know, that whole race-mixing thing.


You know, for people who actually think things like this, if they think life is going to become hell on earth thanks to Obama, why don’t they just off themselves instead of having to face it? Too dumb? Cowardly? Or maybe they don’t believe their own shit but know there are enough dumbfucks in the world to create a cult of personality around it.

Yeah, I’m going with option 3.


It’s this bit at the end:

…Still feeling peaceful? Are you?…

No. Not really. How about you? Goodbye to All That.

Yup, that the bit that’s disturbing. Violence against the state is more Roy’s territory, right? Maybe she’s too stupid to distinguish between Halo and Iraq. Maybe she’s really 12 and has some awful hormone problem that makes her look 105 and lowers her resolution. Maybe she’s the last of the Rote Armee Fraktion? Dunno. I am curious what she has in mind. Wolverine Tea Party SUV raids on ACORN offices? Sabotaging GM plants?


Felonious, suicide is a sin in xtiandom.


Yeah, I’m going with option 3.

Yup. From an interesting post elsewhere, re: Village idiocy and ratfucking Clinton, but it’s all cut from the same cloth, innit,

And the minute George W. Bush took the oath of office, every trace of that roaring, weeping, podium-pounding concern over the fate of the United States Constitution evaporated completely.

Boom. Gone. Just like that.

Because they never meant a word of it.

Not a Single. Fucking. Word.

And of course, the minute anybody else not on their God-approved-and-pet-friendly team waltzes in to that funny-shaped office, particularly a nee-grow but really, who thinks it would be one iota different regardless of who might have won, it is once again game on, full tilt boogie OH NOEZ!!! TEH COUNTRY IZ BURNIN CUZ TEH DEMOCRATS IZ EEEEEEVUL!!!!


I don’t know why this shot of Sher isn’t used more.


I don’t know why this shot of Sher isn’t used more.

Because of the nationwide shortage of black velvet on which to print it.


purpleOnion said,
January 2, 2010 at 8:43

You make the assumption that Zieve’s a rational person and then weave a line of deceit to explain her actions. It all becomes easier when one takes the view that she’s earnest in her beliefs like the mostly first quartile intelligences that eat her crap up like pie. Never overlook the Crazyfication Factor.


And of course, the minute anybody else not on their God-approved-and-pet-friendly team waltzes in to that funny-shaped office, particularly a nee-grow but really, who thinks it would be one iota different regardless of who might have won, it is once again game on, full tilt boogie OH NOEZ!!! TEH COUNTRY IZ BURNIN CUZ TEH DEMOCRATS IZ EEEEEEVUL!!!!

Not to forget the new meme among wingnuts that a Democrat couldn’t POSSIBLY win the Presidency post-9/11, being all weak and girly and anti-military, therefore Obama MUST be a seekrit Mooslim Manchurian Candidate ready at a moment’s notice to turn the country over to Shania Law and head-chopping, so therefore violent Revolution is our only recourse against such perfidy.


Dear lord … she looks like the love child of Carol Channing’s retarded brother and a pekingese.

And my five-year-old takes great offense to comparing this Master of the Stoopid to anyone/thing featured in “Mario Kart.” So you can expect a strongly worded letter* and maybe an unintentional head butt in the nuts for doing so.

(*Written in crayon on Big Chief tablet … kinda like most of Weblew America. But the letter will be more coherent.**)

(**That’s not even really a joke. It probably would be, backward letters and all.)


Because of the nationwide shortage of black velvet on which to print it.

Congrats, N_B!! You just won the Internets today!

Try not to spend those tubes all in one spot …


I don’t know why this shot of Sher isn’t used more.

See, that confirms it. It’s just weird to take so much time & effort training your hair to completely hide your forehead, your eyebrows, and even most of your eyelids, with just little…eyeholes…cut in.

It reminds me of the ex-wife of a friend – I suspected the ex-wife was honestly crazy immediately upon setting eyes on her, because she had taken the time to put on makeup: eyeliner, blue eyeshadow, blush, lipstick. But she had missed. It was all in the wrong place, smeared, uneven…she had MISSED HER MOUTH with the lipstick, it was all over to the right a tad so one corner had no lipstick and the other one had lipstick smeared all around it. So Very Strange.


So Very Strange.

Maybe her mouth moved laterally after the lipstick was applied.

[Carlin]…and why are escalators called “moving stairs?”

Hey buddy, where’s the escalator?

Over there…it moved…[/Carlin]


I could care less if she looks like the death-mask of Irwin Rommel.

It’s what’s emerging from under that hair-do & onto my Interwebs that pins my squick-o-meter.


I’d say Sher is not right in the head, except of course that her problem is that she’s too far, far right in the head.


@Tacitus Voltaire–
“by the end of next year we will be living in a giant poverty stricken socialist death camp ruled over by homosexual revolutionary muslim bureaucrats licking expensive brie while laughing at us using elitist irony and making obscure cultural references”

and litotes!


New Jersey said,
January 1, 2010 at 20:04

I guess I’m a far-right state infested with wingnuts, too.

Actually…yes. You are.


… she looks like the love child of Carol Channing’s retarded brother and a pekingese.

I don’t know. She looks like one of the Monkees to me. Can’t remember which one…


Well, we won’t not make fun of them.


Thank you for using Toad as a comparison and not a giant picture of a penis head. (which was what I was thinking she looked like)

The Goddamn Batman Vaguely Remembers Fighting Someone Like That On A Giant Typewriter One Time Back In The Sixties

She’s either a supervillain or Mike Dowden (scroll down) from Something Positive.


Thank you so much for this post, it was very insightful!
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