Brad Writes a Letter
To: Everyone in the World
Subject: An apology
Dear 6 billion people everywhere on the planet,
Hi. We’ve never met before, but I’d just like to apologize on behalf of the entire white race for the embarrassing travesty that is FOX News pundit John Gibson. In particular, I am apologizing for remarks such as these:
Above: John “The Shame of White People Everywhere” Gibson
Do your duty. Make more babies. That’s a lesson drawn out of two interesting stories over the last couple of days.
First, a story yesterday that half of the kids in this country under five years old are minorities. By far, the greatest number are Hispanic. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Why is that? Well, Hispanics are having more kids than others. Notably, the ones Hispanics call “gabachos” — white people — are having fewer.
I know that after watching Gibson, you probably think that white people are all paranoid bed-wetters who fear anyone with a skin tone darker than a bundle of Clorox-soaked Q-Tips. I swear, this is not the case. Please, please, please do not hold the actions of John Gibson (or anyone appearing on the FOX News channel) against us. Thank you,
-Brad R.
Gavin adds:
Above: Scientific rendering of what the average
American will look like in the year 2031
I thought Gabachos was a soup. Either way he’s getting the snachos.
And GEEZ! Could he BE any whiter? He’s like Ed Begley, Jr., minus melanin! Have a little race-shame, buddy, to balance out all that race-pride. “Have more white babies” indeed. God forbid someone of a different color should have some influence in this (white-)manmade paradise we call America.
In John Gibson’s defense, he stopped short of calling for the forced sterilization of brown people. Didn’t he?
The soup is gespacho (probably wrong spelling, but what the hell). I wasn’t aware that John Gibson was so connected into the Hispanic community as to pick up on their ethnic slang. One would assume he’d be all for Hispanic immigration, considering how useful their Catholicism could be in the War On Christmas ™.
The rise in the Hispanic population is no coincidence.
Their population is surging because they don’t believe in killing their unborn children with abortions.
Now, if everybody had that attitude, we’d be getting somewhere.
I know that the silent genocide of abortion has effected African-Americans a lot.
Weird irony how the Democrat party’s base is the most effected by the effects of Abortion.
When it comes to Hispanics, the only group of them which you should be concerned about are the Aztlan nuts. They want to make the Southwest into their own nation. They’re bigoted and not willing to honor America.
The vast majority of Hispanics are hard-working conservatives. Although, I would strongly prefer that they stop entering America illegally.
Do your duty. Make more babies. That’s a lesson drawn out of two interesting stories over the last couple of days.
First, a story yesterday that half of the kids in this country’s caves under five years old are minorities. By far, the greatest number are Cro Magnon. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Cro Magnon. Why is that? Well, Cro Magnon are having more kids than others. Notably, the ones Cro Magnon call “Neander Valley people” — Neanderthal people — are having fewer.
The fact is the Nation of Aslan consists of ten people, we have nothing to worry about.
Also, the fact is that unborn children aren’t actually children, so abortion isn’t murder, and nobody cares what the average skin colour will be in twenty years time, because it doesn’t matter.
See? I can troll too!
I think it was George Carlin who said, “Everybody just needs to fuck everybody else until we’re all the same color.”
Why don’t we mobilize and get a public retraction — or better yet, a good ol’ fashioned firing?
Earth is getting pretty darn crowded already. At some point, Hispanics will also have to slow down their birth rate. I’m sure the ever increasing environmental pollutants will work their magic on the reproductive organs counts of all people in the USA, regardless of ethnicity.
Pollution will solve itself, eventually.
dAVE, the “too many alive people” thing is a problem to which Bush has given his attention for some time.
If the implication here is that my penis is even less effective than my seduction technique then I am outraged and, uh, never mind.
The soup is gazpacho, and not all “Hispanics” use the term gabacho. It’s mainly used by Chicanos and Mexican-Americans.
Bite me, Gary Ruppert. Troll or satire, I don’t care.
Gary has to be a fake. I just can’t imagine anyone being that stupid and managing not to accidentally walk into traffic.
I…the hair…I…
You know, I suspect that Gibson has not so much a hairdo as a mucousy covering over a pulsing, bile-filled sac.
Could also be a Hypno Toad.
Just a thought.
Thanks for the awesomely tweaked graphic, Gavin! Ai, caramba! Don’t get any ideas about fixing Anderson Cooper, though. He’s one pigment-challenged individual who deserves to be left alone.
I love how the premise that more “Hispanics” is a bad thing goes without saying for him.
“him” being Gibson, not A. Cooper, of course.
Weird irony how the Democrat party’s base is the most effected by the effects of Abortion.
Gary’s sentence construction rocks!
And Gavin, if that’s an accurate rendering of what the average American will look like in 2031, I’m very concerned indeed. The effects of that will be um… effecting me deeply.
I know that the silent genocide of abortion has effected African-Americans a lot.
Weird irony how the Democrat party’s base is the most effected by the effects of Abortion.
You know, I tried, I really TRIED to ignore Gary, but this time he’s gone too far.
Gary. For the love of God:
Gary, some day you’ll accidently say something both true and reasonable and, just like the grinch, your heart will grow ten sizes that day. You’ll probably find yourself running to volunteer at the
AIDS clinic or something.
There are SO many responses to todays smelly, steaming, er, diatribe. But y’know what? I’m still ignoring you.
Gary doesn’t need to read Ahmadinijad’s letter to know what it says. He also doesn’t need to look up statistics, because there are plenty firmly wedged up his arse, which he can pull out whenever he needs them.
Their [the Hispanics] population is surging because they don’t believe in killing their unborn children with abortions.
Because many of them are Catholic, right?
“Black and Hispanic women have higher rates of abortion than non-Hispanic whites, the [Guttmacher] report states” (source).
But Gary, you’re such a morally upstanding Christian, you care so much about human dignity, about the fundamental right to life*. How could not be familiar with the major correlates of abortion, as reported by social scientists 70 quadzillion times? Surely, if you want to address this tragedy, the first step would be to understand its cause? And once you understood the cause (unintended pregnancy, povery), you would make haste to address them?
[* Feel free to get back to me on the whole Bush Administration torturing people to death issue. Whenever you’re ready, Gary, you Godly man of moral integrity, you.]
elendil — that would require “Gary” to use reason.
Although my earlier post still holds true. I think Gary is a phony.
Oh, yeah. Everyone in Canada just loves John Gibson. The CBC and the commercial media reported his love letter to Canada on July 1st (two years ago?), the national holiday when Canadians indulge in niceness with primitive abandon, when he declared us all untermeschen
We all laughed until we coughed. I mean…Genocides…on national media! You can’t make that stuff up!
So wait a minute, he thinks he’s an Ãœbermensch? Has he looked in the mirror lately? OH MY GOD, THE HAIR! It’s burned my retinas even through the interwebs.
Whatever Gary is, it’s hard not to bite. Nothing shits me more than these so called followers of Christ, who get all worked up about abortion, but don’t seem to actually care about doing things that would address it.
What is abortion to them? Nothing more than a political football, a brush with which to tar progressives and atheists like me, who they think can be lumped in some nebulous pro-abortion group. Bullshit. If it wasn’t for that stupid religion/ideology, I guarantee that 99% of those arseholes would give as much care to abortion as they do to torture and other war crimes committed by their co-religionist Criminal in Chief. Hypocrites. It’s a damn shame that there is no God, because it’d be sweet to see some righteous fury served on their heads.
I just want to understand one thing from this “Culture of Life”. I mean, y’got abortion, Teri Schiavo, legislative resistance to death with dignity, all this stuff they call “The Culture of Life”. All lives have value, even if they’re blastocytes. OK. Heres my question. Can you find even ONE of these wingnut assholes that is against the death penalty? How the HELL can they reconcile that?
FYI: Gibson is scheduled on tonight’s Real Time with Bill Maher.
Can you find even ONE of these wingnut assholes that is against the death penalty? How the HELL can they reconcile that?
Well you see mikey, when a man (usually brown) is convicted of a capital crime, jesus doesen’t love them anymore. Unless they repent because if you repent Jesus forgives all. But if you repent it would be a sin to put you to death, but if you… *head explodes*
You’re seriously comparing convicted murderers to unborn children?
Right, because Latin American women never have abortions.
Guess what, John Gibson: Most of the people in the world are brown. GASP!
You’re seriously comparing convicted murderers to unborn children?
Nah, not even. Except for that little part where the convicted murderers are human beings with lives and histories and families, and unborn children are a small collection of cells. Or maybe I just don’t get it…
Timmah, here (hands bong and bic). You’re probing the depths of wingnut stupidity. You’re risking you very mental health. Have a hit and back away from the wingnut christian paradox, slowly, it won’t bite you if you don’t move too quickly..
Gibson is on Real Time? I might actually watch some TV tonight.
Thanks for the heads up, doc.
That completely explains the junk science against tanning beds. It’s not that it causes skin cancer, it causes more brown people. Yup, makes perfect sense to me.
So why are some who claim to support a “culture of life” so willing to rationalize confirmed reports of torture deaths, like those of Dilawar and Manadel al-Jamadi? Anyone who minimizes the fact that people have been tortured to death has ZERO credibility when they blather on about “life.”
White babies . . . like the Britney Spears/Kevin Federline offspring? They seem to be doing their part, breeding-wise, but are we really better off for that?
Okay, for the last goddamned time, can we now please start calling these chumps National Socialists without people going all Godwin on us? Seriously, all this talk of “breeding for the defense of the race” is pure Goebbels, minus the style and flair for catchy rhetoric, of course.
Can we stop pretending that we have to play nice with them? Can we stop acting as though we need to seriously listen or respond to their supporters? Or do we have to wait until they introduce goosestepping as a new dance style before we can do that?
You’re seriously comparing convicted murderers to unborn children?
Convicted by whom, fool? Who convicted Dilawar? Who convicted Mahar Arar? Who convicted el-Masri? Oh, that’s right, NO ONE, because they were innocent!
If 17 year old Farouq Ali Ahmed was so damn guilty, why did you need to rely on the testimony of Mohamed al-Kahtani, Detainee 063, whom you tortured until he was “talking to nonexistent people, reporting hearing voices, cowering in a corner of his cell covered with a sheet for hours on end”. Is that how you gather evidence, oh you who loves Truth?
If you were so certain of the guilt of the Tipton Three, why did you have to torture them and torture them before they admitted that they were in that video? Why did you even bother, when any investigator worth their Salt could have verified that they were at home in Tipton at the time?
Who convicted the hundreds of Afghans whom you and your allies rounded up and stuck in shipping containers in the boiling desert sun? Was it one of your “interrogation techniques” to have them driven mad by days of thirst and heat, until they started to gnaw on the corpses around them and drink their blood and fluids?
Oh, you are such a compassionate Christian. Will you be the one to console Huda Alazawi, whose brother Ayad you brutally sodomised in front of her, and then beat to death? Whose corpse’s photographs showed clear signs of the trauma he suffered, you who flees from sexual perversion? Or will you cite Ayad’s death certificate: “cardiac arrest of unknown etiology”, just like Dilawar died of natural causes – hundreds of them, all over his body, until he couldn’t take it any more.
Dilawar is dead, and he is never coming back. His daughter has no father. His wife has no lover. His parents have no son. These are real people. They are all real people, and their blood is on your head.
God help you if there is a God. I hope for your sake that there isn’t. Because if there is, there is no Hell hot enough for you to burn in. You and the evil that you defend.
I thought Gabachos was another name for chick peas.
Well said, elendil. Of course, it makes me feel incredibly guilty. But, then, we all are, even those of us who opposed both of these wars, because we didn’t oppose them well enough to stop them from happening. Third strike and we’re out, if we can’t put the brakes on attacking Iran.
And, you know, it’s really tough following a dead-serious post like that with an attempt at humor, but, damn it, I’ve thought of a joke, so ready-or-not, here it comes…
In the spirit of bipartisanship, I am willing to help Mr. Gibson out. I will seek to assist our burgeoning latino minority not breed by having sex with as many hispanic men as I possibly can. Yes, I know… it’s a great burden, and I couldn’t possibly take on more that 5-6 at a time, but I’ll just grin and bare it… er… bear it. Servicing all those hot latin boys is hard work, but someone’s got to do them… um, it. So, when I end up a clapped-out old whore, remember, I did it for my country!!1!
Perhaps Mr. Gibson was
inspired by a rereading
of Madison Grant’s 1910
classic The Passing of the
Great Race (which lamented
the lack of White reproductive capability in
the face of the incoming
hordes of Jews, Catholics,
and other non-Arians(I learned about that in Arnold Hirsh’s Urban History class at UNO years
ago- I knew it would come in handy one day).
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh that photo!
it burns!!
i guess we have a winner for the ‘person who gets rained on by cobags of the week’ at 3toros!?
Thanks for telling me that it’s gazpacho soup, but I already knew that. Gibson did order the snachos, though.
You’re out of date: the global population has now passed the 6.6 billion mark – that’s 600 million extra non-white-people for them to worry about!
Straight up whiter than the whitest white man. He looks like Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Its like you can’t tell where his skin ends and his hair begins.
I don’t care what you free speech absolutists have to say about this anymore…genocidal reasonning is a hate crime and should have consequences.
I can understand some stupid anonymous psycho hopped up on anti-anxiety medication and alcohol pouring seething hate onto the Internet, but allowing those people to pontificate in the national media is a disgrace.
It’s true that Gibson’s hair is an abomination, but can’t the dude afford braces on the salary he makes?
As for the “he’s the whitest white man who’s ever been white” thing, I love British men and I guarantee you, Gibson is as chocolate as 50 Cent in comparison to the average Scotman or Englishman.
elendil, that’s a fantastic post. Just wanted to say that–you really nail the perversion of guys like Gary.
Guys- Will you please stop fighting with Gary? Pretty, pretty, pretty please. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: you’re boxing with a shadow. In the real world, “Gary Ruppert” does not exist.
I don’t care what you free speech absolutists have to say about this anymore…genocidal reasonning is a hate crime and should have consequences.
Mal, I agree, but those consequences should be the consequences of the free marketplace of ideas — i.e., idiotic and evil ideas should be ridiculed and denounced and eradicated by good and intelligent ideas. It’s hard work — even harder than passing and enforcing laws making saying some things illegal — but it’s the best way to improve the overall state of the human race.
Mal, I agree, but those consequences should be the consequences of the free marketplace of ideas
Yeah, it’s a great theory and all but it quite often leads to where we are now…the horror of George Bush as president of the United States and the public discourse dynamic known as Wingnutia.
I’d have no problem if people who argued in bad faith in the public media faced the consequences (personal and direct disagreement and dissent) or at least didn’t get so rich doing it, but that’s never going to happen. Never.
So…that’s where I put the border on the “market place of ideas”…genocide.
The problem with that, I fear, Mal, is that if people aren’t willing to take a stand and heap opprobium on genocidal rhetoric in public, they aren’t willing to put any spine into enforcement efforts against encitement to genocide, either.
They’re also probably not willing to do a whole fuck of a lot in the face of actual genocide, either. The German civilian population of the mid-twentieth century were a bunch of H. sapiens just like the rest of us, and they did it. It surprises me not at all to find that we do it as well.
Aristotle is the last thing that keeps my faith in humanity somewhat intact. We can educate this tendency in people away – I really believe that.
We just don’t do it.
I’m not a racist, but orange cat farts definitly smell worse than grey cat farts.
I hope that didn’t offend anyone.
I am very stoned and very bored.
Some of my best friends are white people.
You forgot his cheesy Pancho Villa moustache. Too funny.
Did he say anything about white chicks marrying brown people and having half-brown babies? Because that is another key problem he better address. Even trickier, some of those babies LOOK white but of course are still plotting “la raza” takeover from the REAL white people. Boy, oh boy.
I can’t remember who pointed out that having an enormous head is a prerequisite for being a Fox News pundit, but having ridiculous hair seems to get you to the top.
“Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that a catastrophic DNA recombination error occurred some thirty years ago, leading to the birth of fuckwit John Gibson. The good news is that, our scientists conclude, the Gibson gene is likely to be removed from the population by natural selection as carriers are in fact too stupid to live. We hope that normal white-person service, including such well-known features as blonde girls and imperialism, will be restored as soon as possible after Gibson’s death”
Did he say anything about white chicks marrying brown people and having half-brown babies?
I was wondering that very same thing. My white sister did indeed marry a brown person and they have 3 children who are 3 different shades of brown.
I would like to tell John Gibson to kindly fuck off and die.
John Gibson looks like that Senator who turns into some kind of weird water thing at the end of the first X-Men movie.