Consistency Is The Hobgoblin of Liberal “Minds”

ABOVE: Ingres, Portrait of André McCarthy,
Baron de Mouthbreathers de Enaro (1811)

Over at America’s Shittiest Website™, the reaction to the underpants bomber has been as swift as it was predictable. Naturally, because his flaming jockey shorts scared some people on the plane and has left right-wingers quaking with fear and soiling their own non-explosive underpants, this is the worst terrorist attack on American soil ever. And it’s completely Obama’s fault. In fact, the first thing Obama should now do is fire everyone in sight, admit that he’s the worst president ever, come back from Hawaii, and have his picture taken in the Oval Office while wearing sackcloth and ashes and apologizing profusely to the Dutch guy who burned his fingers and is getting paid the big bucks to do TV interviews.

Leading the charge, natch, is Andy McCarthy, who is dismayed that instead of whisking the underpants guy off to Gitmo to waterboard him for a couple of days, we are doing silly shit like filing indictments, holding judicial hearings, and giving him a lawyer.

The people now in charge of our government believe Clinton-era counterterrorism was a successful model. They start from the premise that terrorism is a crime problem to be managed, not a war to be won. …

Here, no thanks to the government, the plane was not destoyed [sic], and we won’t get to the bottom of the larger conspiracy (enabling the likes of Napolitano to say there’s no indication of a larger plot — much less one launched by an international jihadist enterprise) because the guy got to lawyer up rather than be treated like a combatant and subjected to lengthy interrogation. But the terrorist will be convicted at trial (this “case” tees up like a slam-dunk), so the administration will put it in the books as a success … just like the Clinton folks did after the ’93 WTC bombers and the embassy bombers were convicted. In their minds, litigation success equals national security success.

It is a dangerously absurd viewpoint.

Hey, SadlyNauts, let’s hop in our super-secret time machine, courtesy of Google, and take a peek at Andy McCarthy back when the best president ever after St. Ronnie was in office and knew how to put on his flight-suit get up and put the terrorists in their place:

John Ashcroft reminded Americans Monday of how effective the government’s post-9/11 effort to thwart Islamic militancy has been, announcing the indictment of a second conspirator in the most audacious plot for a second wave of aerial terror. … The indictment, returned by a federal grand jury in Boston, alleges that Saajid Mohammed Badat conspired with already-convicted “shoe bomber” Richard Reid to destroy American aircraft in flight. … [T]he American charges are a powerful reminder that aggressive domestic law enforcement remains a key component in the Bush administration’s comprehensive approach to fighting what Norman Podhoretz, among others, so aptly calls “World War IV.” … Most importantly, Badat is a dangerous terrorist looking to harm the U.S. and its allies. The looming American charges will underscore the importance of ensuring that he is duly hammered in the British system.

Surely that can’t be the same person writing both those things, can it? Sadly, er, yes.

Of course, Jonah dislodged his snout from the holiday feedsack long enough to call for Janet Napolitano’s resignation. How dare she continue to hold her job when the TSA didn’t stop a guy from getting on a plane in Lagos and connecting to a flight in the United States. How dare she didn’t make sure that the Dutch check everybody’s underpants before they get on flights to America. How dare she continue to breathe?

I would wager that not one percent of Americans think the system is “working” when terrorists successfully get bombs onto planes

So let’s set our flux capacitor to January 7, 2002, just days after Richard Reid snuck a shoe bomb onto a plane and see Jonah calling for Tom Ridge’s head on a platter. Oh dear. Not a word about shitcanning anyone in the Bush administration. Instead we have Jonah making the deliriously insane argument that the Reid incident is an argument for racial profiling because had Reid been an Arab named Mohammed racial profiling might have kept him off of the flight from Paris. No seriously.

I think a fun project for the holidays will be for us all to put on our snuggies, fire up Teh Great Gazoogle, and go back to the days after the shoe-bombing attempt and dig up everything these yahoos had to say about that. It will certainly be more fun than watching a ball drop in Times Square.


Comments: 269


The people now in charge of our government believe Clinton-era counterterrorism was a successful model.

In fairness, under Clinton-era counterterrorism, we had 2 World Trade Centers and a 5 sided Pentagon and 0 airliners hijacked into targets, but this isn’t to diminish George W. Bush’s ability to KeepUsSafe for 7 years and 4 months apart from that city with corpses floating in the streets and all which is Al Gore’s fault for having a big house.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

And don’t forget, Clinton failed to keep us safe from Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph and various other people who differed from the teabaggers only in their ability to put their money where their mouths were.*

(*Veiled PENIS reference? Memo to self: call Napolitano re: investigation.)


all which is Al Gore’s fault for having a big house.

? I thought it was because he’s fat.

FYWP Also.


The wingnut refusal to face up to the fact that it was one of their own who presided over the worst attack on civilians on US soil EVAR reminds me of that saying, “so, other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”

Commander Coriander Salamander

“Surely that can’t be the same person writing both those things, can it?”

Not embracing that concept is the reason why you’ll never get any gigs on Sunday morning teevee. Sucker.


To be fair, they get their ideas talking points bullshit from the like of Pete Hoekstra who sez it’s Obama’s fault because they don’t call it terrorism anymore. Cuz, when you don’t blather on about a GWOT incessantly while stupidly doing your best to make things worse THEN THEY WIN OMG I SHAT MYSELF!!1!


He has a big house BECAUSE he’s fat. If he wasn’t fat he would have a small house.


Anthrax also too.


He has a big house BECAUSE he’s fat. If he wasn’t fat he would have a small house.

But John Edwards has a big house! And he is just now getting fat!


He has a big house BECAUSE he’s fat. If he wasn’t fat he would have a small house.

You mean he got stuck, a la Pooh, and the house had to be expanded to fit him? Damn.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

In other news, Congress’ favorite IRA-fucker Peter King is comparing Obama not having a de facto press conference about this to Bush not holding one after Katrina hit. HMMM, WHAT POSSIBLE DIFFERENCE MIGHT THERE BE BETWEEN THE TWO?


…if I were a Democrat I would keep asking “What the Heck ever happened to the anthrax attack investigation?” People forget that DHS was created as much as a response to those attacks as to 9/11. But the whole thing fizzled. And unlike our war on al Qaeda, there’s really no evidence that’s in the public realm that we’re going after the anthraxers.

Loaded Pants -2006


It’s pretty impressive how many piss-ant minor incidents right wingers compare to Katrina. Yeah, it’s awful that some dude at Ft Hood went crazy and shot a number of people and military members there, but it’s not a whole city drowning with rescue resources being kept away.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

@El Cid: Yes, but you’re not using their darkie-to-Real-Murkin conversion chart. The body count is closer to breaking even once you calculate that.


In fairness, Republicans actually admire the whole Katrina failure of the levees incident for clearing so many black people out of New Orleans, so it must actually be painful for them to refer to Katrina as a bad thing. The only time they do so is, of course, comparing how Democrats whined about Katrina to whatever horrific incident of testicle-burning among Nigerian would be air terrorists.


…if I were a Democrat I would keep asking “What the Heck ever happened to the anthrax attack investigation?”

As a Democrat I do keep asking that. Wingnuts, however have an amazing ability to filter out what they don’t want to hear. Also, whenever a wingnut throws out the old line about W protecting us from terror since 9-11 I pull out my best TV commercial duck impression and yell “ANTHRAAAAX!” But again, they just can’t seem to grasp what I’m trying to tell them.


Well I don’t know, Jonah. Given the MILLIONS of planes that take off EVERY FUCKING DAY without incident, I guess you could call me part of that one percent.

Also, reading early-decade neocon claptrap is truly sickening. Yes, they are all still small-minded idiots, but at least they’re not small-minded idiots babbling in major publications about larger conspiracies and World War IV, with an administration giving them the tools to actually start it. Count your blessings, etc.


And of course water boarding and the myriad of other rights abuses committed by the previous administration obviously kept this guy from becoming a terrorist in the first place.


The wingnut refusal to face up to the fact that it was one of their own who presided over the worst attack on civilians on US soil EVAR

“Face up” to it? They have officially wiped their minds of it.


OT: Anti-anthropogenic global warming denialist gets his ass handed to him on Australian television. (Watch / download video here.


The people now in charge of our government believe Clinton-era counterterrorism was a successful model.

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Wasn’t it? After all, no terrorist attacks on US soil, yadayadayada…


just like the Clinton folks did after the ‘93 WTC bombers and the embassy bombers were convicted. In their minds, litigation success equals national security success.


Cuz I know you lurk these threads…

Two words for ya: Ramzi Yousef.

That “litigation” stopped an even dozen further terror plots, including an assassination of your precious Pope, the bombing of the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, the plot to blow up 7 transPacfic airliners simultaneously AND the Milennium bomb plot.

You may Google it.


the Reid incident is an argument for racial profiling because had Reid been an Arab named Mohammed racial profiling might have kept him off of the flight from Paris

So let me get this straight: Reid is evidence FOR racial profiling because he DIDN’T have an Arabic name?


Pete Hoekstra who sez it’s Obama’s fault because they don’t call it terrorism anymore

Yeah, that’s right. This guy decided to try to blow up a plane because of the Obama administration’s rhetorical style.

How would that work, BTW? Was it the belligerence of Dubya’s “Bring it on”iness that scared the terraists away?

Was it a magic word kind of spell like “Mother May I?” the word “terrorist” somehow froze and paralyzed the Evil Doers?

And now they’re all, “Well, he doesn’t call us terrorists so now we can go blow things up again.”

is that how this works? Cuz if so, I got a whole bunch of magical words to try out on the Republicans.


So let me get this straight: Reid is evidence FOR racial profiling because he DIDN’T have an Arabic name?

Central to his point. Also. Too.


I noticed on the previous thread that someone mentioned reading somewhere that the bomber had been engrossed in the movie until they were almost ready to land, and I HAVE A CONFESSION.

That was me that mentioned that. And I MADE IT UP.

Bwhahahaha. Is this how outlandish rumors get started?

Or is it true, what I said, in which case I am PSYCHIC!!!11111


I like to watch Top Chef on a flight, and damned if they don’t always cut it off just before they reveal the winner.


That was me that mentioned that. And I MADE IT UP.

Oh really? Well, what if the movie was “The Bourne Identity”? Or “72 Virgins Escape Guantanamo Bay”? Or “American Khlav Kalesh”?

Huh? Ever think of that, smartypants?


“I think a fun project for the holidays will be for us all to put on our snuggies, fire up Teh Great Gazoogle, and go back to the days after the shoe-bombing attempt and dig up everything these yahoos had to say about that.”

I’m gonna drink instead. It will have the same affect vis-a-vis brain cells.


OT, but the GayPatriot crowd, whose new lobbying group “GOProud” is grudgingly being allowed to attend CPAC, but were almost prevented from doing so, even though they are SPONSORING it, and they’re going to have to STFU about gay issues, and may perhaps even be forced to wear duct tape over their mouths, which will significantly affect any business they might transact in the Larry Craig Gloryhole Booth, but I digress, and please excuse the serial commas, are are doing their “Super-Duper Best Conservative Diva (Bl)Ogress thingie again.

As of now, the Shrieking Harpy™ has a landslide majority.


Here’s the difference between Reid and this case:

In Reid’s case, the wingnuts knew he’d be given a fair trial, sentenced and convicted.


Shorter McCarthy:

In the Clinton era, terrorists were caught, tried, and convicted. This is a bad thing.

I thought that “argument” was supposed to be dressed up a bit more. Obfuscated by Orwellian language to disguise the fact that the writer prefers bombs to laws.


Jonah dislodged his snout from the holiday feedsack

Something I am NOT doing, even if there is some idiot in the next seat lighting his crotch on fire. Gluttony ho-ho-ho!


Oh, boy, here we go again with the nutty-ness. Pun intended. The sooner we can get the GitmoGang into the Illinois federal pen, the sooner the wingnut distraction will focus on that, and it will boost the popcorn and underwear stocks through the roof! Gitmo can get turned into a big gambling resort, waiting for Castro’s demise and- PROFIT!!! How’s that for lemon/lemonade? Economic recovery AND populist entertainment. Probably ponies, too. Dammit.


I’m still not entirely convinced “bomb in his underpants” isn’t a euphemism for POOP.


Is that a bomb in your undies or are you …


I’ve got a bomb in my underpants and I’m willing to use it!


If we outlaw underpants, only terrorists will have underpants.


Actually, I hear Yemen is a hotbed for novelty sales, like X-ray spectacles, fake dog poop and explosive underpants.

Maybe he was just attending a Shriner’s convention and forgot to remove his novelty undies?


Boxers, briefs, or plastique?


Exploding underwear? They told me it was edible underwear, and I was hungry! It was a long flight!”


I’m still not entirely convinced “bomb in his underpants” isn’t a euphemism for POOP.

So it was a dirty bomb?


Does this mean the parents can get out of changing the kids’ diapers by calling in the bomb squad?


Dear God,

I know we just passed Christmas and all, and you might not be in a generous mood, but I was wondering: could you please make sure that Bob Owens takes the opportunity to rail about the TSA clamping down on the rights of Americans to bear arms on planes in the last hour of flight?

I could use a good laugh.


Boxers, briefs, or plastique?

“Peeessst, Achmed…just don’t say commando, a’ight? We don’ want them theenkeeng we’re gay! Not that there’s anything wrong weeth that!”


We are apparently now living in San Marcos.

The good news is that my children, who are under 16 years old, are now 16 years old. And I’m looking forward to learning Swedish.


Bbbbbutt I thought America had the bestest justice system in the world? Or does that only count for drug users? Why do the teabaggers hate America?

OT – thanks El Cid for the link to the Pilmer evisceration. Beautiful.


Exploding briefs!

The exploding briefs seem to have broken my link last time.

Plus FYWP also.


pat said,

December 28, 2009 at 20:53

I noticed on the previous thread that someone mentioned reading somewhere that the bomber had been engrossed in the movie until they were almost ready to land, and I HAVE A CONFESSION.

That was me that mentioned that. And I MADE IT UP.


Well, pat (if that is your real name), the fact is it isn’t important whether or not you made it up.

What is important is that (some) people believed it.


By the way, someone ought to write to this blogger and tell him, “Thanks a lot, dickhead!”

*veiled exploding panties reference*


bah! we spit on the grandmother of your lowly clothes bombers with their shoes and underwear!

behold the power of the nose bomber! run in fear from the penis bomber! hah! he will explode your panties for certain, citizen!


Don’t forget that Obama didn’t raise the terror alert from Orange-a-tang because of this incident. The slacker!

Oh, wait, there’s no election near Ridge claims… he was pressured by …members of Bush’s Cabinet to raise the nation’s terror alert level just before the 2004 presidential election.


behold the power of the nose bomber!

HA! I see your nose bomber with our Jatravartid Handkerchief!


Let’s not forget . . . what was the response from Republicans after George W. Bush was handed the following on August 6th, 2001:

Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate bin Laden since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US. Bin Laden implied in U.S. television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and “bring the fighting to America.”

After U.S. missile strikes on his base in Afghanistan in 1998, bin Laden told followers he wanted to retaliate in Washington, according to a — — service.

An Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) operative told – – service at the same time that bin Laden was planning to exploit the operative’s access to the U.S. to mount a terrorist strike.

The millennium plotting in Canada in 1999 may have been part of bin Laden’s first serious attempt to implement a terrorist strike in the U.S.

Convicted plotter Ahmed Ressam has told the FBI that he conceived the idea to attack Los Angeles International Airport himself, but that in —, Laden lieutenant Abu Zubaydah encouraged him and helped facilitate the operation. Ressam also said that in 1998 Abu Zubaydah was planning his own U.S. attack.

Ressam says bin Laden was aware of the Los Angeles operation. Although Bin Laden has not succeeded, his attacks against the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 demonstrate that he prepares operations years in advance and is not deterred by setbacks. Bin Laden associates surveyed our embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam as early as 1993, and some members of the Nairobi cell planning the bombings were arrested and deported in 1997.

Al Qaeda members — including some who are U.S. citizens — have resided in or traveled to the U.S. for years, and the group apparently maintains a support structure that could aid attacks.

Two al-Qaeda members found guilty in the conspiracy to bomb our embassies in East Africa were U.S. citizens, and a senior EIJ member lived in California in the mid-1990s.

A clandestine source said in 1998 that a bin Laden cell in New York was recruiting Muslim-American youth for attacks.

We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a —- service in 1998 saying that Bin Laden wanted to hijack a U.S. aircraft to gain the release of “Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdel Rahman and other U.S.-held extremists.

Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.

The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full-field investigations throughout the U.S. that it considers bin Laden-related. CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our embassy in the UAE in May saying that a group or bin Laden supporters was in the U.S. planning attacks with explosives.

Only to go the fuck back on vacation for the rest of the month while 19 jackholes with boxcutters finalized their plans to ruin the lives of thousands of Americans.

Did any prominent Republican look at this, add 2+2, possibly scan through the text that I’ve helpfully bolded here, and go “Jesus Christ, it was sitting right in front of him for a whole MONTH!! The intelligence agencies SPELLED IT OUT FOR THE DUMBASS AND HE DID NOTHING.”

No. Sadly, no.

The only reasonable conclusion is, that Republicans — every last one of them — are gigantic, gaping, stinking assholes. Who don’t give a damn about the deaths of American citizens unless it serves them politically.

Fuck them all.


I hate Illinois Nazis..err, the corner folks…


I was pondering the proposed response by the TSA (which has apparently just been downgraded to “at the descretion of the flight crew”) to make everyone sit in their seats and not access any of their in flight luggage for the last hour of the flight…

I don’t suppose anyone at the TSA might have pointed out that terrorists might just conclude they should light their underpants up two hours before landing instead of just one?

Personally, I think we should just go invade Iraq again.


I don’t suppose anyone at the TSA might have pointed out that terrorists might just conclude they should light their underpants up two hours before landing instead of just one?

Yes, but if we don’t light them there, they’ll light them here.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The elephant in the room that none of these bungholes wishes to acknowledge is the complete mishandling/cessation of the investigation into the Cole bombing, and the role the Yemeni government may have played in it. Of course, any detailed investigation of an attack plotted in Yemen would have embarrassed Saudi officials, and, by extension, Bush family members.


They’re back to gay-baiting each other.

If there was any question whether or not the 2010 election season was heating up, it was dispelled on Monday morning when a Republican Senate candidate from Illinois released an ad questioning whether his primary opponent is a homosexual.

Andy Martin, a noted conservative dirty trickster, put out a spot on local radio in which he pushes a “solid rumor” that fellow Senatorial aspirant, Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), “is a homosexual.”

“I helped expose many of Barack Obama’s lies in 2008,” the ad goes. “Today, I am fighting for the facts about Mark Kirk. Illinois Republican leader Jack Roeser says there is a ‘solid rumor that Kirk is a homosexual.’ Roeser suggests that Kirk is part of a Republican Party homosexual club. Lake County Illinois Republican leader Ray True says Kirk has surrounded himself with homosexuals.”

“Mark Kirk should tell Republican voters the truth.”

GOP 2010: “I swur Ah ain’t no dam fag. Vote mee.”

There are many, many plus sides to this story as well as a horrifying downer (any public attack on homosexuals): I don’t think anybody on this shitbag’s campaign is going to be able to remain in any closet whatsoever, no matter how deeply they’ve buried the wetsuits & dildos.


“I helped expose many of Barack Obama’s lies in 2008,” the ad goes.

Iris is this guy’s campaign manager?


Lake County Illinois Republican leader Ray True says Kirk has surrounded himself with homosexuals

Lake County Illinois Republican leader Ray True needs to tell us how he knows so damn much about who’s homosexual.


ack Roeser says there is a ’solid rumor that Kirk is a homosexual.

Who needs rumors? He’s a Republican, aint that enough to make one suspect?


Kirk has surrounded himself with homosexuals

Is this some new zombie defense strategy we’ve not heard about?


Maybe everyone’s attention will be diverted by this stupid but very dangerous situation regarding bombs on airplanes, such the House and Senate can come to a reasonable compromise on healthcare reform and get it passed while all the mouthbreathers are being hysterical and demanding that Janet Nepolitano be fired, beheaded or burned at the stake, whatever it is they are demanding at this point.

Just a thought.


If there’s anything worse than zombies, it’s gay zombies….


BTW, what is a “solid rumor?”


BTW, what is a “solid rumor?”

A Republican heterosexual erection.


BTW, what is a “solid rumor?”

Generally it refers to rumors with melting points well below room temperature.


If there’s anything worse than zombies, it’s gay zombies….

Nope. So not going there. No way am I going to talk about sucking both heads dry…


Lake County Illinois Republican leader Ray True says Kirk has surrounded himself with homosexuals.

It’s horrible! They’re redecorating everything!

Undead Twice Removed Sexy Zombie

The elephant in the room that none of these bungholes wishes to acknowledge is the complete mishandling/cessation of the investigation into the Cole bombing, and the role the Yemeni government may have played in it.

Um, scuse me but this Cola thingy happened like a bazillion years ago, and it’s confusing, and this Muslim black guy is doing bad things NOW. You can’t seriously be trying to tell us that stuff that happened that far back could be influencing current events! Haha, I snickerdoodle at you, loony lib.


Kirk has surrounded himself with homosexuals.

Clearly, if politics were a chess game, you’d recognize this as the Queens Gambit.


By the way, someone ought to write to this blogger and tell him, “Thanks a lot, dickhead!”

You have to love people who complain about how stupid people are ruining everything but who themselves don’t even check Snopes to see if their bullshit “supporting anecdotesevidence” are true. “Some lady dried her poodle in the microwave! This is why I can’t get good microwave burritos anymore! People are so dumb!”


First, he’ll just “surround” himself with homosexuals. But you won’t be laughing when he forms a giant homosexual exoskeleton super-robot to crush all those Chicago skyscrapers for his masters Bill Ayers and the supervillain known as The Comptroller.


Kirk has surrounded himself with homosexuals.

I think Spock and McCoy are just bro-mos….


Kirk / Martin slash campaign literature?


Not only is evidence for pussies, but everyone I know dries their poodles in the microwave without any problems, so this stupid lady just ruined it for everyone.

I also hate seat belt laws, hard hat rules, government regulation of prescription drugs, and anything else that prevents me from removing myself from the gene pool in the most efficient way possible.


El Cid, did you used to do a lot of drugs back in the 60’s? ‘Cause, you know, that’s really kind of weird.


But, I admit, your vision does have some rather esthetically pleasing aspects to it.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

homosexual exoskeleton super-robot

Velvet Voltron?


El Cid, did you used to do a lot of drugs back in the 60’s? ‘Cause, you know, that’s really kind of weird.

I have not yet done a lot of drugs in the ’60s, but I plan to.


What was the point of those dry runs with the “full attire” and the “shut up, infidel dog!” if the guy just gets on the plane and sits quietly, even when he’s on fire?
How’s a big he-man like Tedd Petruna supposed to know who to frog-march down the aisle even though he’s not on the plane?

Knights in Black Satin

Another elephant hogging the room is our bombing Yemen civilians a few days before the UnderPantsBomber hatched his, ah- plot.


Another elephant hogging the room is our bombing Yemen civilians a few days before the UnderPantsBomber hatched his, ah- plot.

Well, just imagine how much worse they would have done had we not bombed them a few days before!!! Huhhh???


What was the point of those dry runs with the “full attire” and the “shut up, infidel dog!”

Yeah. If I were doing a dry run on a plane, I’d totally wear a kheffiya and glare at the Stewardii. No one would guess what I was up to.


“Mark Kirk should tell Republican voters the truth.”

dangerous suggestions like this should lead to a visit from the secret service

Big Bad Bald Bastard

What have you loony libs done to the cool coach?

Are you proud of yourselves?


Well, no one else has stepped up, so I claim frist! with the appellation of “pantload bomber” for our perp. Opens up all kinds of funny wordplay as well, like “alas no payload in his pantload” etc.

Also, wait’ll they get a load of how much hash Shuringa smuggled in, the little dutch scamp.


I think I prefer Roy’s coining of crotch-bomber in this case.

And the gay zombie thing? There’s nothing wrong with that. You people have got to lay off the undead hate.


Big Bad Badoodle Bastard.


I think Spock and McCoy are just bro-mos….

Um. HelooOOoo,



Kirk has surrounded himself with homosexuals.

Captain Kirk?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Big Bad Badoodle Bastard.



I am suggesting a new flag for the Republican Party/Greater Wingnuttia and I need your support. I believe that the hopes, beliefs and aspirations of these salt-of-the-Earth people would best be symbolized by a pair of soiled tighty-whities on a pole. Please join me in contacting your Conservative officials, bloggers, and family members to ensure that the world can see exactly what our conservative citizens are made of.


Some DFH Frontpager at GOS links to this interesting report from ABC

Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents.

some dumbass put this at the bottom of an old thread also too


I’m quite partial to UnitBomber myself, but YMMV.

As soon as someone can convince the wingnut community that the Interwebz do not in fact operate under the same “Erase At Random / After 45 Seconds / If It Weakens My Case” model that their own brains seem to favor, such heartbreaking oopsy-daisies as McCarthy’s 180 on indictments of terrorists will become a thing of the past … until they forget & do it again.


The Minutepants Militia.


Bush would never have released those guys to the Saudis if Obama hadn’t been black.


As I was saying, the ones we released from Gitmo were the goat-herders and shit that weren’t actually terrorists; That’s what Bush’s people said, anyhow. Remember?

It’s really gonna suck if it turns out this crotch-bomber was just some average nerd that got suckered into this by some assholes that got radicalized by their unplanned, Quran-flushing gitmo vacations.


some assholes that got radicalized by their unplanned, Quran-flushing gitmo vacations.

What? The hell you say! The idea that someone held for years without due process, tortured and dehumanized would be radicalized against the society that did such things to him? The gall of such a suggestion!

Good day, sir!

I said, good day!


According to that article Elephant Butte linked to, the two Yemenis released from Gitmo were sent to Saudi Arabia for art-therapy afterward.


“Crotch bomber” is good.

He tried to ignite a “gonad grenade” perhaps?

Or a “sack charge?”

Was he a tea’n’tea bagger?

I crack myself up, I do.



until they forget & do it again.

Kinda like that old classic: “Who you gonna believe? Me, or your lyin’ eyes?”


I would feel bad about someone politicizing Bush’s release of those guys to an art therapy class, except , well……..
I guess I’m not a good person.


I have to suspect that “art therapy in Saudi Arabia” is a euphemism.


I think the amalgamated super homosexual is the theme of a Clive Barker short story, “” /or close enuf, I guess.

a different mikey

“Who you gonna believe? Me, or your lyin’ eyes?”

Please do not associate one of the greatest lines ever with these gits.

Thank you.


Clive Barker was clearly part of the plot. I suspect Bill Ayers was the actual author.


Dong detonator.

ABC has pictures of the actual … ahem … package.


Please do not associate one of the greatest lines ever with these gits.

Thank you.

Won’t happen again, I promise.


According to that article Elephant Butte linked to, the two Yemenis released from Gitmo were sent to Saudi Arabia for art-therapy afterward.

Performance art. They wanted to film themselves painting naked camel odalisques using lady-hair brushes, but exploding pants was the only one that got NEA grant money.


Performance art. They wanted to film themselves painting naked camel odalisques using lady-hair brushes, but exploding pants was the only one that got NEA grant money.

And thus the worlds of Bill Ayers and Karen Finley become one.


Can anyone make out the brand of briefs in those ABC photos?

A ruler to provide scale?


The fact is, Orly Taitz makes a good case for pushing the reset button.


The fact is, Orly Taitz makes a good case for pushing the reset button.

I agree. Any reality which would have Orly Taitz in it has clearly jumped the shark and is in desperate need of having its Etch-a-Sketch shaken upside down.


The fact is, Obsama is an illegetumate president, who is a Marxist from Kenya and hate America. Also, Bill Ayers and ACORN and Chicago.


the fack is, i get even drinker the more I schmart


the fact is, and hitler


Obama’s failure appears to be not holding a press conference in order to tell Goppers the puddles filling their shoes is proof they are braver than everybody else.


Ok, so they have underpants bomb technology. I’m unimpressed, because they totally don’t have American pop culture cred. Talk about your cluelessness.

If dude had stood up, yelled, “BITCH, I got yer FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY RIGHT HERE!!!!” while simultaneously grabbing his crotch and detonating the bomb, like he would have in a Hollywood blockbusters, we could have had a 3-picture deal.


Better yet, he should have stood up and shouted, “Someone set us up the bomb!!! FOR GREAT JUSTICE!!!!”


They start from the premise that terrorism is a crime problem to be managed, not a war to be won.

Terroristonia must be bombed!


When underpants are outlawed, only outlaws will have underpants.

Sen. David Vitter

Clearly, terrorist underpants are a threat to our nation and should be banned and replaced with some to-be-dia…I mean, determined alternative.


If they add those new scanners to the airport, the kind that CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOUR CLOTHES, I will have to stop wearing my lucky (I Said Lucky!) Spiderman pajamas underneath my charcoal worsted suit.


We had a Unibomber; now we have the Undiesbomber.

An Underpants Bomber is even lamer than a lot of the shit the Bush administration wet-dreamed about in public. Lamer than “mobile biological weapons labs” or even “remote-controlled model airplanes of DEATH BY ANTHRAX!!1!!!”.

Ok, not lamer than that last one.


“Good day sir. I am Ahkmed Abjerbajaweed of the Republic of Nigeria, I am a soldier for the fight of justice and freedom in the name of Allah. I am offering myself up for the fight for justice and freedom across the world.

I have a plan but in order for this plan to be successful, I will need some sincerely help from you. If you will please forward your banking account information, your name and your cheque routing numbers, I will at the proscribed time, send to you a cheque for 2 Billion USD funds to your bank on the proscribed day.

All that I ask is that you take this cheque to your bank to have cashed and wire transfer the funds back to me. In the name of Allah you may keep for yourself one half of these funds and forward the rest to me. At that time, upon the receipt of funds, I will proceed to insert a bomb in an important place on an American airline flight.

You will not only be 1 B USD richer my friend and compatriot, but you and I will have also succeeded in reducing the number of infidels on this planet.

I await the funds, please forward them by wire, using the code word, “underpants”.

Thank you, in the name of Allah!”

And the rest is history.


Wasn’t dude just the slightest bit concerned about what he was gonna do with 72 virgins in heaven after blowing off his junk?


Off topic but to die for…

Pit Bull Sharky with Chicks and Cat.


When underpants are outlawed, only outlaws will have underpants.

Da gummint can take my underwear when they pry it from my cold, dead, er, hands.


We had a Unibomber; now we have the Undiesbomber.

How does a terrorist who blows up his own dick benefit in Osama’s heaven of sexually available virgins? Or are new peepees provided?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Now it can be said that Kim Jong Il is not the only guy with a dong bomb.

Telling it like it is

Here it is:

Jonah Goldberg is a retarded waste of flabby skin.


I don’t know of any religious belief in the afterlife that includes retaining your disfigurement in life for eternity. Where does this meme come from?

I thought the standard operating definition for Merkin pop-religion was that Gramps could walk in heaven, and getting blown-up saving your buddies from a grenade didn’t leave you a bucket o’ gibs at the pearly gates.


It’s heaven, folks. They probably told the poor simp he’ll get 72 new peepees, one for each virgin. While ungainly, it makes about as much sense as anything else.


(this “case” tees up like a slam-dunk)

Yeah, it’s a home run on the 50-yard line.


Underpants Bombing Gnome

Phase One: Bomb Underpants
Phase Two: ???
Phase Three: Profit! Terror!

Also, the phrase “Republican Party homosexual club” belongs in the Department of Redundancy Department. Also. (Unless, of course, the author tried to put the first two words in strikethough text.)


“When underpants are outlawed, only outlaws will have underpants.”

You could make money selling t-shirts and bumper stickers with that.



Is that a bomb in your pants or are you just happy to see me?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“When underpants are outlawed, only outlaws will have underpants.”

I can see it now, the police will be saying, “Come out with your pants down!”

I think Beavis uttered that during his “Cornholio” phase.


Okay. Because of the Shoe Bomber, we are required to remove our shoes to get through security.Now, because of the Underwear Bomber, does this mean we will all have to remove our underwear to get through security?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Now, because of the Underwear Bomber, does this mean we will all have to remove our underwear to get through security?

Depends on the screener… giggity giggity giggity!

Enraged Bull Limpet

I’m glad to be a liberal commando, if you know what I mean.

Hope that isn’t an obvious, low-hanging gona.. er, groaner that’s been dangled countless times on the thread already, but I’m too spent for even a brief probe.



From TBogg…

Teh Malkinthing is going to be taking call-in questions. I wonder if one could give her a big enough aneurysm that her head would actually pop.


“They start from the premise that terrorism is a crime problem to be managed, not a war to be won. …”

It IS a crime, not a war. Show me one single terrorist campaign in history that was defused through *military* means? We didn’t declare war on the Ku Klux Klan, or on the left-wing radicals of the 1970s and 1980s. The British never declared war on the Thuggee.

In fact, using the military to fight terrorism has usually made the problem worse – ask the French in Algeria, or the Israelis in Lebanon and the territories. Hell, Northern troops in the South during Reconstruction didn’t stop the KKK either.


Now, because of the Underwear Bomber, does this mean we will all have to remove our underwear to get through security?

Just don’t show up at the airport and tell security you’re travelling “commando”. They might take it the wrong way.

Enraged Bull Limpet

They start from the premise that terrorism is a crime problem to be managed, not a war to be won.

The lamest thing about current Democrats is that they treat modern Republicanism as a war to be won, and not a crime to be managed.


Hey Enraged Bull Limpet,

The lamest thing about current Democrats is that they treat modern Republicanism as a war to be won, and not a crime to be managed.

You’ve won this thread.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

In fact, using the military to fight terrorism has usually made the problem worse

Yeah, one doesn’t swat mosquitoes with sledgehammers… unless one is a neocon.


I’m too spent for even a brief probe.

I’ve heard this a lot lately.


I thought the standard operating definition for Merkin pop-religion was that Gramps could walk in heaven, and getting blown-up saving your buddies from a grenade didn’t leave you a bucket o’ gibs at the pearly gates.

Hey babe, it’s Heaven. Whatever floats your boat.


I have no actual comment, just a smart-ass internets handle.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It will certainly be more fun than watching a ball drop in Times Square.

Veiled teabagging reference?


In Soviet Yemen, underpants explode you!

Not soon enough?


It was Katrina that scared off the terrorists. Once they saw that even the destruction of an entire city wouldn’t get Bush to give a damn, they realized that there was no point in attacking the USA. But now they think they can get to Obama. That’s why he’s moved so quickly to show that he hates the poor. The health care bill will be his greatest victory in the war on some terrorists.

Patriotic Freedom For America




Except, you know, he did.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

That’s a weird nym for a Dutchman.


Y’know, there’s these odd brown stains in those undies…


” “Alleged…” “suspect…” “charged…” – because this is no different from a punk holding up a gas station, right? In all their alleged allegedness, this Administration has an allergy to the concept of war”

Because we should absolutely go to war RIGHT NOW and bomb the living shit out of Afghanipakiraqiranistan!!!1!!one!!eleventyone!!!

I have to admit, I do like “Kinckerbomber”, though. You guys all missed that one.


I do like “Kinckerbomber”, though. You guys all missed that one.

He missed an easy lay-up while wearing pantaloons? Seen it before.


Steer, that’s the whole thread that they forgot to pick up on in their semantic arguments.

If you assume we’ve been at “war” with these people, like we were with the Chermans in WWII, then where is the battlefield?

The deck of a plane? Iraq? Afghanistan?

Are they seriously suggesting that we no longer have to distinguish between a man on a flight, possibly deranged, and an abortion clinic bomber?

Is reality finally setting in on these asshats?


It’s clear as day that BHO instructed his Nigerian nephew to do this dastardly deed in his tightie-whities. Loads of people spotted AirForce One flying away from Schipol Airport just before the plane took off for Detroit. Clearly, BHO provided his Nigerian nephew with the explosives, along with instructions on how to set them off. Can BHO be blamed for his Nigerian nephew’s failure to do the deed correctly? Well, yes and no, in that BHO can be blamed for everything all at once.

And btw, it was Tiger Woods playing golf in Hawaii… yeah, I know, all these half-breeds look alike, so dastardly BHO really pulled, ya know, the wool over our eyes on that one!! He is THAT eeeevul.

So, ya know, all these conservatards getting their tightie-whities in a bunch? They’re right, as always: it’s ALL Obummer’s fault. The end.


If you assume we’ve been at “war” with these people, like we were with the Chermans in WWII, then where is the battlefield?

Well, duh! It’s anywhere brown people refuse to act just like Americans and/or succumb to our demands!

That’s the easy part.

It’s knowing when the war is over that’s tricky, and one they never seem able to answer.

Well, that and why, if this truly is a war for our very existence, they are too fucking cowardly to fight in it.

Watching them squirm around that one provides some really great entertainment.

One Of The Goddamn Batman's Secret Identities Is Senator Blutarsky

Roy Edroso points out (last link) that DoughPants ran a short clip of Kevin Bacon’s ROTC character in Animal House yelling “All is well!” shortly before being trampled at the end of the flick. Because, obviously, a dude in a military uniform is a perfect stand-in for the civilian (and *cough cough* probably lesbian*cough*) Janet Napolitano.

Let’s see… guy in uniform, but not actually in the military, saying that everything’s OK now, when it obviously isn’t… deja vu sense… tingling!


guy in uniform, but not actually in the military, saying that everything’s OK now, when it obviously isn’t



Y’know, giving this some thought, especially after reading the Edroso piece that GDBM linked to, it strikes me that conservatives can’t conceive of a world where America is not universally loved, much less one where we have so eroded our international standing over the past eight years that we might actually, you know, have pissed off more than one group of people, all of whom might be gunning for us in a loose-if-interdependent web of unacknowledged coordination.


In a related story, Hamas has announced it is changing the name of its organization to “Hanes”.


Oily Taitz are oily

Damn. I really wish I hadn’t read this.


Instead, the authorities, having issued the Knickerbomber … now allow him to lawyer up and ensure that we’ll never know who he knew in Yemen or anywhere else.

Officer: Ze papers say you have been treated well. You must sign ze papers.

Prisoner: I cannot sing the papers.

Officer: Und vy cannot you sign ze papers?

Prisoner: Because you have broken my fingers.


I had the misfortune of having to listen to the beginning of Limbaugh’s show this morning with The Human Steyn filling in. He was all over that ABC/Gitmo/Terra/art school story, but interestingly enough he never mentioned when these idiots were released. Of course, since Obama is an artsy-fartsy librul only he would release such dangerous people – right?


Hobgoblins are the Liberals of Consistency Fascism.


Art School?


Yes, the one where you draw Skippy the Turtle, only you can’t do it in a size that means you traced it *winkwink*


One of the top leaders of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is Said al-Shihri, 36, a Saudi national. He was captured in Pakistan in December 2001 and spent six years in the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, before being transferred to Saudi Arabia in November 2007.

In Saudi Arabia, he entered a highly praised rehabilitation program that uses dialogue and art therapy to persuade former militants to renounce extremism. But after graduating, Shihri crossed the border into Yemen and rejoined al-Qaeda.

(emphases added)


Anything which happened in November of 2007 was Nancy Pelosi’s fault.



Fox News today found a new reason to criticize President Obama’s speech on the attempted bombing of Flight 253: His use of the word “allegedly” to describe the suspected terrorist’s actions was “Harvard Law School talking, that’s not commander-in-chief talking.”

On Fox and Friends today, Fox analyst Peter Johnson, Jr. and anchor Alisyn Camerota criticized the president’s address yesterday on Flight 253.

Johnson said that he had some “concern” that “there was a detached reserved way in which he was speaking.”

He continued: “I wanted a little bit more in terms of communicating to me that he was on it, that our government is all over it, and they’re going to do the right thing in terms of protecting us.”

Camerota agreed: “You rarely see him getting fired up, but in this instance the use of the term ‘allegedly,’ to your point, that’s Harvard Law School talking, that’s not commander-in-chief talking. So he needs to you know change his, some would say, rhetoric.”



Nixon Nearly Frees Charles Manson

President Richard M. Nixon told reporters in Denver, Colorado, Manson was “guilty, directly or indirectly of eight murders.” Nixon’s remarks were meant to criticize what he perceived as a tendency of the media to glorify criminals, and the White House quickly issued a statement denying any intent to prejudice the case. Nevertheless, Manson’s defense, arguing that such a statement by the president made a fair trial impossible, motioned for a mistrial and demanded that the charges against him be dropped. Judge Older denied the motion.

The next day in court, Manson stood and displayed a newspaper with the headline, “Manson Guilty, Nixon Declares.” Judge Older questioned the jurors about their reaction to the headline. Satisfied that they would remain impartial, he ordered the trial to resume and sentenced Atkins’ attorney, Daye Shinn, to three nights in jail for leaving the newspaper within Manson’s reach.


Damn. I really wish I hadn’t read this.

My mind-DJ is making a mash-up of Jackson Browne’s “Lawyers in Love” and Patsy Cline’s “Crazy”.

From Mr. Lincoln’s cri de coeur:

I don’t have her husband’s money and so she chose to DUMP me, to DUMP real love, for the illusion of piles of federal reserve notes and other credits.

If he didn’t want to repeat the word “money” in the same sentence, he could have used the more poetic “survival tickets.”



That was the bit that made me throw up in my mouth a little.

Here you have a crass, classless attorney/dentist…there’s a clue right there…whom, you know, might value lucre over love.


You libruls are just jealous of Oily Taint because she’s willing to defend our right to form militias with bare arms.


Hamas to Hanes wins.
Thank you actor212.
I knew there was a brand name joke there somewhere.


Well, in fairness, I couldn’t fit “Fruit of the Loins” in there.


“he needs to you know change his, some would say, rhetoric”

Apparently he ain’t the only one. Smooth.


Will Israel’s 1967 border be renamed the Brown Line?


I was considering the possibilities of ‘Camel Jockey’, but am too sensitive and caring a person to actually go there.


Yes. That would clearly be a racially and ethnically insensitive possibility, perhaps on the scale of Allah Klein for Men.


Holy shit … the crazy is strong with this one (from the Raw Story piece linked to by El Cid):

Seeing targeted destruction of our economy, our security, dissipation of American jobs, massive corruption in the Government, Congress Department of Justice and Judiciary, it might be time to start rallies and protests using our second amendment right to bare arms and organise in militias.

[PA System voice]

Secret Service, line one. Secret Service, line one please.

What’s so interesting about not just Taintz, but with all the various nutcases seeping out of the woodwork, is how they failed to say a single fucking word the past eight years as those exact things were going on in ways eleventy bagiliongoogle times worse than anything any current Dem could come ever come up with in his or her wildest dreams.

Yet they now claim to be super-duper-extra-special concerned about all the things they happily and blithely supported just 11 months ago.

I wonder what it was that created such a dramatic shift in their “thinking” …


I wonder what it was that created such a dramatic shift in their “thinking” …



Khalid Klein


In all fairness, it was the same under Clinton, who is arguably not black. (It is also arguable that he is more black than Obama, but that’s another subject). Remember, it was in the 90’s that the militia movement really got started, and the wingers of the time–let’s call them “proto-teabaggers”, or “paleo-Palinites”, if you prefer–were insisting that the “Jack-Booted ATF thugs” were gonna take away our freedom! They managed to paint Janet Reno as some kind of radical, commie-loving, America-hating tyrant.

There’s nothing new here. They would have hated on Hilary just as hard, if not worse.


Hey, SadlyNauts! Remember me? I’m buried with real work, having a court filing due tomorrow. The first draft is done so I may have a chance to post something late tonight.

In the meantime, carry on with exploding underpants, gay zombies, and veiled penis references.


Seeing targeted destruction of our economy, our security, dissipation of American jobs, massive corruption in the Government, Congress Department of Justice and Judiciary, it might be time to start rallies and protests using our second amendment right to bare arms and organise in militias.

What’s so bad about dissipation of American jobs? This country needs more debauchery in the workplace.


Too kind.


… and veiled penis references.

Well, if they’re not veiled, they get stoned.

Which seems more like a bonus than a punishment, but I don’t make the rules. So …


There’s nothing new here. They would have hated on Hilary just as hard, if not worse.

You’re probably right. When it comes to the boundless depths of these people’s mindless hatred, nothing would surprise me anymore.


Jonah’s latest tweet:

Hatred of the South is the last acceptable bigotry.

The rationale for any uncaught contradictions, errors, lies, and other assorted bullshit:

I’m on a deadline so I’m not going to wade too deeply into it.


There’s nothing new here. They would have hated on Hilary just as hard, if not worse.

This is true. It’s just the D. Or the not-R. This is why I would like to see a Stephen Colbert type (or, hell, the actual Stephen Colbert) run for president on the GOP ticket and win — because the wingnut base would not only vote for him but would likely let him get well into his second term before they figured out that his actual policies aren’t, y’know, fascist.

Oops. Now I’ve gone and Mussolini’ed the thread.


Whither HTML Mencken? I love Tintin and all….but where’s my boy Retardo?


I can carry a gay zombie. I can carry exploding underpants. Veiled penis references might be a problem.


Just for pantload:


Yeah, Steerpike, I remember the 90s. Well, most of them — some are a bit … hazy (winkwinknudgenudgesaynomore).

In fact, two guys I was in college with — both of whom dropped out … which isn’t too surprising, as you will see– went absolutely apeshit after Ruby Ridge. I mean stone-cold, clinically crazy.

They stocked up on ammo and guns and pork-n-beans and put it all in a shack in the Ozark hills, convinced that Clinton (who was a rapist and coke dealer) was going to send that big burly AG of his around the nation to take everyone’s guns away.

I wish I were kidding.

So, yeah, I understand that ANY Democrat would have the usual nutjobs flinging poo his way. But the current crop of rightie nuts are more than just partisan loons looking to destroy their political opponent — they posses a type of weapons-grade stupid that makes Clinton-era loons look sane and totally rational by comparison.

And that takes a helluvalotta work to pull off successfully.


Jonah’s tweet sounds almost wistfully nostalgic. Hey, ya gotta go with the acceptable bigotry you have, not the acceptable bigotry you wish you had.

Does this mean we have to stop the Islamowear jokes? What about Mormon underwear?


Mark, Pike,

I’m not sure the country is any crazier than it’s ever been. All my life, which encapsulates (sadly) more than half a century, there have been….colorful…people living far enough away from polite society that we could view them as one might view any zoo animal.

The problem is the Internet has given them equal footing in terms of getting an audience as anyone with a brain who actually thinks.

Think about it: in any other phase of American society could Bob “Cornfed Wankee” Owens have ANY reputation, other than perhaps a pedophile or that weird uncle who can crack his ankle on demand?


Ruby Ridge was Bush Sr, wasn’t it?


Jonah’s post, wherein he calls Nixon “the most liberal presidents, of either party”, is well worth the read. Or toilet paper, if you’ve run out and don’t mind 1/2-ply.


The one difference between Clinton-hatred and the current Obama-Derangement, in nicely encapsulated by the “arrogance meme”. Bush had a “swagger”; Clinton had “charisma”; Reagan had “charm”, but let Obama stand up, be it ever so tentatively, for what he believes in, then he’s uppity “arrogant”


Aug 1992, Tig, so yes.


Ruby Ridge was Bush Sr, wasn’t it?

Yes indeed. Before conservatives were for freedom, they were agin’ it.

Of course, one might make the argument that George H.W. Bush, walking funny from a case of serious whiny butthurt, deliberately inflamed his own party’s whacko wing in order to leave his replacement with an ongoing nuisance. That would be deeply irresponsible however, considering that Ruby Ridge —>> Waco —->> OK City Bombing.

Conservatives would never do anything deeply irresponsible in the service of short-term political gain, however. Would they?


Back in the olden days, the militia types used ham radio. Maybe still do.
I used to have one of those multi-band radios and could pick them up once in a while. This was before cable and tubez and such.


Why the holy fucking hell do I always get Ruby Ridge and Waco confused? (I blame the bong hits and countless kegs of Natty Light I was consuming at the time.)

Sorry — I had the image of David Koresh (sp?) in my head … which is not a pleasant one.

As far as crazies always being around, maybe I’m too young (39 this year) but I don’t remember them being on my teevee so damned much, nor them being quoted in Congress as legitimate people of ideas. Yet that keeps happening over and over again.

The Intratubes may have something to do with that to be sure, as do the countless hours of air time stations now need to fill. But … I don’t know — maybe it’s not any more pervasive; just easier to find.



“Ruby Ridge was Bush Sr, wasn’t it?”

Bush wasn’t a conservative. (I’m using the standard party line for everyone going up to George W. Bush, but in his case they might actually have a point – if I recall, he was more closely tied with the old school Eastern establishment that was traditionally the moderate, pro-New Deal wing of the GOP as embodied by Eisenhower and Rockefeller).


I used to have one of those multi-band radios and could pick them up once in a while. This was before cable and tubez and such.

I miss Old Tyme Radio…


I was about to post that most diehard righties I know don’t consider the Bush the Elder as a true conservative. Not enough hating gays and bombing of brown people.*

Also. BoingBoing has a good name for the not-so-magical undies: Fruit of the Boom.

Too. Penis. Blart. Etc. Etc. Etc.

(*The first Gulf War doesn’t count since the U.S. could have sent a platoon wearing nothing more than jock straps and brandishing Pez dispensers and gotten half the Iraqi army to surrender. So most of them lived. Which is bad. Or something.)


The first Gulf War doesn’t count since the U.S. could have sent a platoon wearing nothing more than jock straps and brandishing Pez dispensers and gotten half the Iraqi army to surrender.


How did you get a copy of Obama’s plan for war on New Zealand in 2012?????


“This was an assault on the United States, and it is important at a time like this that the president of the United States or someone in the administration with stature step forward,” Rep. Pete King, R-N.Y., the ranking member on the House Homeland Security said on CNN Sunday. “Whether it was President Bush or President Clinton or President Reagan, at times like this, the country looks for a leader. And I just feel that this administration is much more comfortable in talking about issues other than terrorism.”

I would not cross the street to piss on Rep. King if his underpants were on fire.

If Obama had come out and addressed the public like this, the wingnuts still would not have been satisfied.


I miss Old Tyme Radio…

That is old. Before there were ‘i’s


Rep. Pete King, R-N.Y., the ranking member on the House Homeland Security said on CNN Sunday. “Whether it was President Bush or President Clinton or President Reagan, at times like this, the country looks for a leader.

From Newsmax, of all places:

On Feb. 26, 1993, a car bomb was detonated at the World Trade Center in New York City, killing six people and injuring thousands. The bomb caused extensive damage to the complex. Osama bin Laden is suspected to have been behind the attacks.

In reacting to the attack, Clinton urged calm.

“I would plead with the American people and the good people of New York to keep your courage up and go on about your lives. I would discourage the American people from overreacting to this,” Clinton said.

Clinton assured Americans that he had put forth “the full, full resources of the federal law enforcement agencies – all kinds of agencies, all kinds of access to information – at the service of those who are trying to figure out who did this and why.”

He also said he would implement a policy of “continued monitoring.”

Clinton said the United States was “absolutely determined to oppose the cowardly cruelty of terrorists, wherever we can.”


I miƒƒ Old Tyme Radio…

That iƒ old. Before there were ‘i’ƒ



Shorter Rep. King: President Obama should stand on top of a pair of smoldering BVDs with his arm draped around the Dutch guy.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Again, I’ll say, someone needs to ask King exactly how many million dollars he’s given the IRA and watch HIM instantly become “comfortable in talking about issues other than terrorism.”


Damn BoingBoing

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Of course, one might make the argument that George H.W. Bush, walking funny from a case of serious whiny butthurt, deliberately inflamed his own party’s whacko wing in order to leave his replacement with an ongoing nuisance

How Bush Pere lost the Birchers.

Yeah, the “Illuminati/Repton” conspiracy crowd would have mistrusted him due to his Northeastern blue-blood pedigree, and his Skull and Bones affiliation, but that statement is what sent them down the rabbit hole.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

How did you get a copy of Obama’s plan for war on New Zealand in 2012?????

No, the war on the Kiwis will involve booby-trapped blood puddings and trebuchets.


“Ruby Ridge was Bush Sr, wasn’t it?”

Bush wasn’t a conservative. (I’m using the standard party line for everyone going up to George W. Bush, but in his case they might actually have a point – if I recall, he was more closely tied with the old school Eastern establishment that was traditionally the moderate, pro-New Deal wing of the GOP as embodied by Eisenhower and Rockefeller).

My point is more that Clinton gets blamed for enough already. Ruby Ridge happened under Bush(and I’m not blaming Mark D for this misconception, I think Republicans purposely cultivate it), WTC 93 and the start of the Waco siege happened within 2 days of each other when Clinton had been in office for 37and 39 days respectively, and with largely leftover personnel. If Junior gets a pass for Sept 11 being “only” 9 months into his first term, poor Clinton’s getting a raw deal.


a platoon wearing nothing more than jock straps and brandishing Pez dispensers

Do you perchance publish a newsletter? Cuz, y’know….


ham radio

replaced with pig teevee. all that’s left on the radio are barking fish

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

I have always been lonely and depressed – I wish other people would connect with me.

I hope that I will make new friends at Supermax.

What’s that? I’ll barely even see another human being for next several decades? [cue unbearable agony

[it continues for the next eighteen to twenty years minimum]


What will the SadlyNaughts call themselves in the next decade? Which you don’t have to worry about for another year, also.


Just don’t show up at the airport and tell security you’re travelling “commando”. They might take it the wrong way.I

I prefer the euphemism “unfurnished basement”. Talk about a demolition.


OT, but did anyone see the December McSweeney’s/fake newspaper issue? It warmed the cockles of my heart to see print win back the philandering spouse seeking news elsewhere with its charms.

Knights in Black Satin

Underpants will never be outlawed; the Underpants Lobby will see to THAT. Tho the Deepends Lobby will be working hard to infringe on our Bathroom Rights.

Either way, the People Loose. Again.


Bush wasn’t a conservative.

Hmmmm…didn’t John Hinckley Jr try to kill Reagan so that the more-conservative-in-his-estimation Bush Pere could be pres? And to impress Jodie Foster also.

I swear there was a punchline of a bad joke in there somewhere. Many bad jokes, even.

(“Why did Menachem Begin invade Lebanon? To impress Jodie Foster.” Etc Etc)

Patriotic Freedom For America


Snarki, child of Loki

Well, of course Jonah is screeching like an enraged howler monkey.

Next time he flies, Doughy Pantsload is gonna have him some TSA problems. You betcha.

Ewwwww, also


Ted Nugent has been fighting for generations to bring confections of sugar and roasted nuts and egg whites to our chocolate bars, and I think that entitles him to recognize Mao Tze Hussein Obama Dong when he sees him.


I have searched the catalog in vain for the latest in explosive intimiate wear but I can find only ebullient, fiery, frenzied, fulminant, hazardous, impetuous, meteoric, overwrought, perilous, raging, and touchy underpants.


I knew those Captain America Underoos were going to come in handy some day. I mean, c’mon. Flash those at the TSA secuity point and they have got to just wave you through.

Probably give me a set of those cool pilot’s wings, too.


Ain’t that Nugent feller one o’ them musician types?

I thought they was supposed to just shut up about politics.


Ain’t that Nugent feller one o’ them musician types?

You’ve obviously never listened to him.


Hatred of the South is the last acceptable bigotry.

Oh, I don’t know about the last, but it is certainly acceptable.

A larger group of self-righteous hypocrites can’t be found anywhere. Taking money from the Northeast with nary a thank-you, home of treason, glad to be ignorant, Bible thumpin’ but not Bible readin’, just all around mean, spiteful, hateful, ungrateful good-fer-nothings.

LittlePig, native Southerner, Hillbilly Division



That’s why I slap on a set of Goodrich Radial Marxism on my Ford Truck.


And no, that’s not meant as irony. I live here, have always lived here, and hate to see my fellow Southerners drag down a formerly great country.


I have searched the catalog in vain for the latest in explosive intimiate wear but I can find only ebullient, fiery, frenzied, fulminant, hazardous, impetuous, meteoric, overwrought, perilous, raging, and touchy underpants.

Did you look in the Silk Sock™ section?


touchy underpants

I’m wearing touchie-and-feelies myself. It gives my day that extra oomph.


I have searched the catalog in vain for the latest in explosive intimate wear

Damn, they just write themselves for this latest incident, don’t they?

“Ripped him a new asshole”

“I told him not to eat the chili”

“Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!”


Hatred of the South is the last acceptable bigotry.

I really don’t think all southerners are stupid racist fundamentalist theocrats.

Just the ones they elect to public office.


The Boxers Rebellion?


If we Southerners who aren’t jackass right wing white conservatives couldn’t hate the Southerners who have done so much damage to this nation, and the world, what would we do?


Bush Sr also invaded Somalia after the ’92 election, promising it would all be over before Clinton’s inauguration.


Bush Sr also invaded Somalia after the ‘92 election, promising it would all be over before Clinton’s inauguration.

And both he and all the warhawks and liberal hawks justified it on humanitarian grounds even though all the aid agencies which had actually been working on the ground were saying NO NO NO PLEASE DON’T PLEASE DON’T HELP US WITH YOUR TROOPS AND BOMBS NO NO NO NO NO…

And then we have to put up with years of self-righteous American assholes blaming Somalians for our miserable invasion and its consequences and asking bullshit questions like “ARE WE THE WORLD’S COP” and never, ever asking the world which would have said ‘NO AND PLEASE STOP FUNDING OUR TYRANTS KTHXBAI’


Red Hot Chili Peppers will be the only ones the TSA lets on the flights anymore.


Red Hot Chili Peppers will be the only ones the TSA lets on the flights anymore.

But only because they perform in their underwear.


just socks, actor.

Just socks.


Just socks.

Three socks each, to be accurate.


just socks, actor.

Clearly, you have not looked at the Undergear Catalog. These days, that counts as underwear.


exactly the point, actor. no place to put explosives.



exactly the point, actor. no place to put explosives.

Well, I gotta lion in my sock and baby, he’s ready to roar!

Also. Too. I mean.


No, the war on the Kiwis will involve booby-trapped blood puddings and trebuchets.

Bear in mind that we get the New Year before anyone else, and we get to decide how “new” it is by the time it gets to you. Less of this invasion talk unless you want extra snotchos.


Yes, but Smut, that means we’re in your past, which means we can still. Change. Your. Future.



I say we make Smut eat Brussels Sprouts!!


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