This’ll get him down to the mid-twenties:
President Bush plans to address the nation Monday night on the immigration debate, trying to build momentum for legislation that could provide millions of illegal immigrants a chance to become American citizens.
Karl Rove’s strategy for the past six years has been to rally the GOP base and give the finger to everyone else. Because of this, Bush has absolutely zero room to tack toward the center-right on issues like immigration. The wingnuts who voted for him expect results, and hearing anything less than “We’re gonna deport them taco-eaters back to Mexlamistan!!!” is tantamount to betrayal. And since the rest of the country already hates his bloody guts, G-Dubs’ semi-moderate stance on this issue will give him no boost in the polls. How much lower can Bush go than 29% approval? We’re about to find out.
Gavin adds: Remember this from Powerline a couple days ago?
The President hasn’t asked for my advice, but here it is anyway.
You know how the Democrats are always after you to admit that you made a mistake? You’ve wisely ignored them; they don’t have your interests at heart, and the policies they’re talking about weren’t mistakes. The time has come, though, to go on national television and say you were wrong, and you’ve changed your mind. About immigration.
Give a major speech in prime time. Say that you still think that a long-term solution to the immigration issue should include a guest worker program. Acknowledge, however, that many Americans disagree and there is…
After all the whooping at Powerline about how ‘leakers’ and reporters of ‘leaks’ should go to prison, I admire this new rhetorical trick of receiving advance warning of what the President is going to do, and then pretending to offer him advice (which he then seems to follow).
Smart thinking! TPM Muckraker could be all like:
Dear GOP,
All the friends who will have belonged to the party,
For the rude in letters put to death and plundered:
Property up for sale at fixed price; the great one annihilated.
If Cunningham sings, you’re going down motherfuckerz1!!!1!!!
Don’t miss the photo that goes with the linked AP article. It looks like Cheney’s dozed off, again.
If Bush is seriously addressing the nation on his Guest Worker idea, then he’s a fool. It should not pass.
He needs to go on the offensive on his strengths.
Which are the war on terror, and national security.
As for the NSA terrorist monitoring:
“An ABC News/Washington Post poll says that 63 percent think the secret program is justified, while 35 percent call it unjustified.”
The fact is that Bush should use a national speech to go on the offensive against Democrats when it comes to the terrorist monitoring program and the war on Terror.
whatever ruppert.
that’s why editorials right and left are hammering him on the spying, because eveyone approves.. that’s why Areln Specter is calling in the telecom executives, because he approves wholeheartedly, right? and that’s why Hayden’s nomination is in trouble, because it’s such a welcome program.
They changed the picture! Here’s the sleepy Dick one.
Cohete de Culo must be so stoked, saying, “The president reads Powerline! He’s following our advice on immigration.”
Arlen Specter is a liberal attention hound. It’s a shame that a real conservative like Jon Kyl isn’t the judiciary chairman.
As for the liberal media, of course they oppose terrorist surveillence. The left is soft on security.
They’ll leak confidential programs to alert terrorists, and they’ll support pre-9/11 security policies.
Hayden’s nomination isn’t in trouble. It’s supported by both sides of the aisle, and trying to obstruct Hayden will work as well as your attempt to obstruct Alito.
The fact is 69% of Americans are left-wing wackos way out of the mainstream.
I know I shouldn’t feed the trolls, but…
Gary, since the “terrorists” already assume we’re listening in on them, how does letting them know that we’re listening in on them (without any details how) compromise national security?
I have yet to hear a coherent response to this question, so I really do want to know.
The terrorists didn’t assume we were monitoring their calls until they were told that by the liberal media.
Also, the job approval for Bush is still higher than the job approval for Democrats in Congress.
Powerline comes out on Weds May 10 tells him to give a primetime speech about immigration and lo and behold thats exactly what he does
Man that Josh Bolten really knows how to respond to the “base”
Yes, Gary, your dopy president has so many strengths! 29% approval, and that’s before the NSA revelations and potential Rove frogmarch!
Keep pissing in the wind, Gary. I’m sure you like the taste.
Mr. Ruppert; just go away. Your Preznit is hovering around negative numbers in the polls, the entire country is outraged at his abuses of power, and Iraq is a far bigger mess than it was before we invaded. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, turn off the fax machine, and stop transcribing RNC talking points! There are plenty of conservative blogs where you can post your neocon blathering. Buh-bye…
Really? The terrorists didn’t assume that the most technologically advanced nation in the world, with dozens and dozens of communication and camera-laden satelites circling the globe, would be listening to them?
I’m sorry but I’m just not afraid of any terrorist who is that stupid. Anybody that dumb couldn’t sneak a pocketknife past airport security, much less fly an airplane.
Well it looks like most of america does suppport this nsa spying, which would be acceptable to me, although still very disconcerting, if the damn thing wasn’t illegal. Its one thing to start a program like this through legislation that the courts uphold. Its an entirely different matter to start it by the executive in secret against domestic spying laws.
I have yet to hear a coherent response to this question, so I really do want to know.
Stu, expecting a coherent response from Ruppert about anything is like expecting an orangutan to solve quantum mechanics problems.
I would recommend that you read Peter Bergen’s book on Al Qaeda, and pay close attention to the chapter where he recounts the tortuous arrangements for his filmed interview with Bin Laden. This was back in 1997.
The account demonstrates quite clearly that Al Qaeda were aware a decade ago of the US’s communications interceptions capacities, and that they were the target of US surveillance.
Arlen Specter is a li–
First time poster.
How much longer will we have to endure the Rupperts of the world. I want to vomit on people like you. How does it feel to be so brainwashed, so stupid, so venal, so anti-American?
>> The terrorists didn’t assume we were monitoring their calls until they were told that by the liberal media. > Also, the job approval for Bush is still higher than the job approval for Democrats in Congress.
Please let Bush get up and talk, as long as possible, about whatever he wants, on prime time. Please. There is no heavier boat anchor than when he opens his yap.
Maybe tonight he’ll ask the eternal question: Why do Spixicans hate America?
Tee hee. Jon “Sieg Heil” Kyl? Yeah, boyhowdy, he’s the go-to guy, all right.
I have NO problem that they are monitoring al Quaida. Hell, that’s what the FISA court is for. So I gotta ask myself–why NOT just get warrants? The only possible answer? It’s the ABUSE, stupid! Just like the old FBI Cointelpro programs, they are monitoring political enemies and Journalists. How obvious does it have to be?
I’d also like to point out that the perceived “popularity” of a poorly understood and incompletely explained classified intelligence program in no way forms the basis for determining it’s legality. That’s what congress and the courts are for. Checks and Balances. Oversight. If bush really was convinced that his criminal surveillance programs were legal, he’d let the courts rubber-stamp it for him. Ahh, but he knows it’s not.
The good news is bush is still a young man. So much crap is going to come out over the next ten years, abuses so horrifying we can’t even conceive of them now, he’ll have plenty of time in prison before he’s gone, the most reviled, discredited hack politician in American History.
C’mon, Gary Ruppet is funnier than Colbert. Or Dennis Miller, anyway. After blindly following WPE, they now have to believe that his failure can be laid to the fact that he has been a closet liberal.
Tom Pain, “first time poster?” How about “first time poser,” or “first time imposter”? Yeah, right, and my name is Gary Ruppert. Who do you think you’re fooling? You’re Dr. BLT trying to pass yourself off as a hard-core liberal.
Just a little droll troll humor. I know you’re not him. I’m just poking a little fun at the nascent McCarthy-style ‘wich hunt in ‘wich every newcomer is automatically “suspected” of being Dr. BLT.
How sweet would it be if Rove’s indictment came on Monday?
Fly on, Hindenburg! Lakehurst is coming into view.
President bush should appear on prime time television with a special one hour election ad. In the ad, he will individually greet and praise each republican candidate for congress and stress the importance of electing them so as to support the president. Dick cheney can also appear with a special appeal.
If the cost of the air time is too high for this, I’m sure Howard dean would be willing to pitch in $10 million to help out.
Good idea on sooo many levels, Chris.
Imagine if you will a world where the Pretzelnitwit’s staff actually follows the suggestions of Assrocket and company…
anybody want to start the pool on how low the Chimperor’s poll numbers will be after a month of that advice? I’m dividing the number of individuals on the Pajamas Media blogroll by the whole population of the United States (multiplying by 100 to get a percentage) and taking that.
Though we love him to death, us ghosts feel a little betrayed today by our president. He is quoted as saying in response to the domestic spying operations that the government is not, “trolling around through the personal lives of millions of innocent Americans.”
This is an obvious effort to distance himself from us. This only goes to show that trolling, a perfectly legitimate art form in a free world, has been made to be perceived as something ugly and dirty by the left-wing press.
The effect of this demonizing of the art form of trolling, is now taking its toll (or should I say, its troll?) at the very highest levels of our right-wing system of government.
Leak of CIA data angers officials
WASHINGTON — A senior senator’s disclosure of highly classified information about the U.S. terrorism investigation has infuriated Bush administration officials and led to a clampdown on how much the White House will share with lawmakers.
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters hours after terrorists crashed hijacked jetliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that U.S. intelligence had intercepted a telephone call from a suspect reporting to his handler that the targets in New York City and near Washington had been hit.
“They have an intercept of some information that includes people associated with [Osama] bin Laden who acknowledged a couple of targets were hit,” Hatch told The Associated Press. He made similar comments to ABC News and said the information had come from officials at the CIA and FBI.
Electronic intercepts represent some of the most sensitive intelligence possessed by the government. U.S. officials rarely discuss their content because to do so would reveal to adversaries, including foreign governments, that American intelligence had penetrated their sensitive communications.
Hatch’s disclosure, with the possibility it would tip off terrorists that their communications had been compromised, left senior officials of the administration dumbfounded and angry.
I may be a lot of things-a knuckle dragging big mouth, for example-but I’m not a liberal!
“This’ll get him down to the mid-twenties.”
We hate to share even a scintilla of our wealth of sagacious knowledge with you libs, but our compassionate side offers this: Be careful what you wish for, and never forget the underdog factor!
OBL and AQ stopped using cells and landlines in 1997
This was, of course, because the ever-liberal Washington Times revealed the story, remember.
Yeah, the “liberal press” really is a threat to security, innit?
Sen. Hatch:
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters hours after terrorists crashed hijacked jetliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that U.S. intelligence had intercepted a telephone call from a suspect reporting to his handler that the targets in New York City and near Washington had been hit.
Yes, I’m sure that Al-Queda operatives couldn’t wait the 30 seconds that it would take for the WTC to become worldwide fucking news. They just had to call right away. That story smells like posturing bullshit.
Useless Flash Poll
WaPo does it’s patriotic duty and carries water for the president’s illegal and un-American activities:A majority of Americans initially support a controversial National Security Agency program to collect information on telephone calls made in the Unit…
They’ll leak confidential programs to alert terrorists, and they’ll support pre-9/11 security policies.
Like the August 8, 2001 policy that says you completely ignore warnings that say “Bin Laden Determined To Attack Within United States.”
I thought the Administration’s official position was that, while terrorists might have originally recognized that their phone calls would be tapped, that had sort of forgotten — they’ve got a lot on their minds! — and the librul media reminded them.
Nothing like arguing with fake trolls…
Somebody help me out, here. There’s something I just don’t understand. All these wingnutjobs say I want the terrorists to attack my country and kill my countrymen. That’s a big theory. Does anybody know why I would want this? What do they say is my motivation? I mean, in theory, my family could be killed. And the economy would tank and my income would go down (again). Gary? Anybody? Bueller?
Who are these people who come here illegally to think that they deserve to be treated as anything other than illegal aliens, huh?!!?
I mean, all they did to get here was risk their lives swiming across a polluted river and then survive in open desert for several days with little food or water in order to find work to help their families back in Mexlamistan; that or spent their life savings to be pressed into a van with 50 of their fellow illegals with no air to breath. That’s nothin!
I, on the other hand, had to swim through a cramped tube in complete darkness with only half my DNA, dissolve a wall with chemical agents produced solely by my own body, and then survive for nine months breathing only liquid and being fed by a tube!!!
Who has the greater right to be an American, eh?
I believe they attribute it to ‘Bush Derangement Syndrome’ — meaning, anyone who doesn’t like G.W. Bush is mentally ill.
Convenient, eh?
And this mental illness manifests itself in a specific form of suicidal deathwish, where I want to be killed by a terrorist? Ahh, I see. Much like the german guy who let the crazy german guy cook his penis…
Wow, the terrorists are even stupider than Gary Ruppert–who knew?
And just who do you think you’re calling, stupid?
You know, among the many tragedies and horrors in that story was that the penis was apparently overcooked and nearly too tough to eat.
I mean, if you’re going to use your only penis, you ought know, recipe or something that…
Well, never mind. But you shouldn’t have Germans cook it, anyway.
You would think their experiece with sausage?…
Nah, you’re right. I’m thinking either the french or the italians are going to do a much better job of gourmet penis. And then, there’s the Japanese–hell, they make “Blowfish”, right?
I\’m pretty sure no matter what Bush does now, he\’s not going to break 35%. I can\’t see that happening any time soon, so as far as him
getting up on stage and reminding the world why they all hate his guts, I say more power to em\’. Hope he doesen\’t shut his stinking yap talking about all his buddies on the hill till the 06 election comes round. And democrats should be doing everything they can to remind the public that Bush=republicans.
Well, the Chinese market has some kind of penis in little styrofoam-and-cellophane packages. So clearly there’s some kind of Asian technique for penis-cookery that could’ve been useful…
Perhaps, after it was overcooked anyway, they might have gone with some “twice-baked steamed penis buns” or something kind of dim sum like that. You know, to try to salvage the dish?
Actually, mikey, the wingnuts attribute your “desire” for devastating terrorist attacks on the cowardice that prevents you from carrying them out yourself, ‘cos you hat America so. You aren’t worried about you or your family being killed because your AlQ contacts will let you know where and when it’s about to happen, which is why you oppose the NSA “monitoring” program. As far as the economy collapsing goes, why should you worry when you’ll have your share of the sweet, sweet oil euros when AlQ overthrows the governments of the OPEC nations?
Marq, I was afraid the explanation was going to be every bit as irrational as that. Yikes. It’s just like when they try to explain how letting gay people get married will “destroy marriage”. This is prima facie absurd, so the explanations have to be even more absurd…
Useless Flash Poll
WaPo does it’s patriotic duty and carries water for the president’s illegal and un-American activities:A majority of Americans initially support a controversial National Security Agency program to collect information on telephone calls made in the Unit…
Useless Flash Poll
WaPo does its patriotic duty and carries water for the president’s illegal and un-American activities:A majority of Americans initially support a controversial National Security Agency program to collect information on telephone calls made in the Unite…
“Much like the german guy who let the crazy german guy cook his penis…”
In that scenario, I think both guys qualify as “the crazy german guy”.
Yeesh! I don’t even -have- a penis and that story makes me cross my legs.
Bush is running out of time to accomplish all that the plutocracy that rules the country wants. We have already grabbed Iraq, made the rich richer, why not import tons of cheap labor along with that?
That liberals actually support this kind of immigration “reform” is what keeps me as an independent.
Didn’t the crazy german cook eat the rest of the guy after eating his penis?
Yup. It was part of the eaten guy’s fantasy, but can you really enjoy a fantasy when you’re dead? Some fantasies should just stay fantasies. Plus, I bet the guy overcooked the rest of him.
Maybe we could find out just how well the boys and girls at the NSA are doing their jobs by conducting a
little experiment. At the end of each phone conversation and email we
could say (or write: “Long live the Republic! Down with Bush!”)
If you get a knock at the door at 3am perhaps they
are that good.
Long Live the Republic!
Down with Bush the Sawdust
I prefer my human penises raw.
You knew I was gonna say something like that, so kwitcherwhining!
goodbye, anthony v. cuccia, it was nice knowing you.
Useless Flash Poll
WaPo does its patriotic duty and carries water for the president’s illegal and un-American activities:A majority of Americans initially support a controversial National Security Agency program to collect information on telephone calls made in the Unite…