When Comptrollers Attack
This is getting serious, people:
When Gov. Pat Quinn accused Comptroller Dan Hynes of playing politics on a plan to use short-term borrowing to pay a backlog of state bills, the governor said that when he was state treasurer he ‘worked together’ with a Republican governor and a Democratic comptroller on borrowing plans ‘on behalf of the common good.’
What Quinn didn’t mention is that as state treasurer in 1992, he single-handedly blocked an effort by then-Gov. Jim Edgar to borrow money to pay overdue bills to state vendors in a failed effort to leverage money for the Chicago Public Schools.
Quinn’s move so enraged then-Comptroller Dawn Clark Netsch, she accused fellow Democrat Quinn of trying to playing a ‘political chess game’ at the expense of state vendors who were owed money.
Files -> Disappeared -> Mysteriously … just an educated guess.
I’m surprised that any of them survived, with all of those Comptroller riots, etc.
Do not attempt to adjust the picture.
We comptrol the horizontal.
We comptrol the vertical.
So Quinn was giving Hynes the bra-of-hands for Comptrol?
Those comp trolls are the worst kind of trolls and they never want to chip in on the tab.
“Quinn’s move so enraged then-Comptroller Dawn Clark Netsch, she accused fellow Democrat Quinn of trying to playing a ‘political chess game”
Typical Chicago-style politics. She immediatly plays the “Chess Card” just like Obama and his fancy pants 11th dimension chess moves.
I thought Chicago-style chess was of the smash-mouth, “nice microchips you got there Big Blue, shame if anything were to happen to them” variety.
So how does one deal with a comp troll? If you ignore one, do they simple go away like a regular troll?
Well, the advantage of the comp troll is that it’s FREE.
Well, the advantage of the comp troll is that it’s FREE.
I see what you did there.
If only these comptrollers would come to Jesus.
Then they’d be Holy Comptrollers.
Straight outta Comptrolla
Crazy motherfucka named Pat Quinn…
Apologies to NWA, and pretty much everyone else.
Big Blue’s microchips are apparently overrated, or at least the fact that the laptop I’m typing on contains an Intel Core 2 Duo rather than an IBM Cell would seem to indicate that.
I’m amazed there are any comptrollers left. Those death lists that keep circulating would have one believe they die at the drop of a democratic hat.
The Wii, Playstation and XBox are the counterargument.
I actually had something to say about that as well, but the files were mysteriously removed from my house.
I once saw a powerful comptroller, and my permanent record was removed. I really needed it, what with the way it was hurting my teeth.
I’ll give you the PS3, but the Wii is essentially a legacy design with window dressing (but what damn awesome window dressing it is) and the 360 is rather ho-hum overall, not drastically different from a low-end Power workstation. Well, except for the crap build quality and the penchant for sudden mysterious death. (After which the files were removed from its hard drive.)
Does PlayStation 3 have spider yoga?
I actually had something to say about that as well, but the files were mysteriously removed from my house.
It was likely done as an initiation ritual, since Islam demands that a boy remove files from Brian’s house before the age of ten to prove their (sic) loyalty to Allah.
Let’s have a round of applause for the REAL comptroller!
at least the fact that the laptop I’m typing on contains an Intel Core 2 Duo rather than an IBM Cell
…would suggest that pretty much every desktop/workstation/server/laptop sold is expected to run Microsoft Windows, which supports two processor architectures these days: x86 and x86-64. Intel is a behemoth that produces great CPUs (especially since Core 2), to be sure, but there’s one clear overriding reason that x86 dominates the general-purpose computer market. And it isn’t because an instruction set created back in 1985 is just that awesome.
Goes back further than ’85. 8086 is pre-1980. It’s evolved some since then but many of the assembly instructions and the stack operations are recognizable.
Now you kids get offa my lawn!
the patriot act mandates the secret x1984 instruction set be secretly implemented on all intel chips so that your brain may be programmed through newspeak assembler
FRG 344 //goto refrigerator at location 344
GWK 10 //gawk absentmindedly for 10 seconds
BER 6,M //get the whole sixpack of molsen’s out
The instruction set is a flaming bag of shit; everyone knows this. But the processing core is pretty damn good for a rehash of a rehash of a 13-year-old not-very-promising processor design like the Pentium Pro. (And the laptop in question is a MacBook — it’ll run Windows, yes, but only because there were enough people who wanted Apple hardware with a Microsoft OS. Why? No clue. Dual-boot maybe.)
It’s nice hardware. I know a video editor who bought one and wiped the MacOS.
Popul Vuh!
A video editor? Wow. I don’t think I’d hire that guy.
Popul Vuh!
Wrong thread, baby!
Blockquotes are fun.
I know, I’m just having fun with my new firefox hardon addon
goddamit, where’s my strikethrough? fuckit.
AutoHotkey, silly. Way more powerful, works across your whole system.
Santa’s elves control the strikethrough.
Substance McGravitas saidDon’t listen to that guy…next thing you know you’ll be starting your own blog and your entire life will be ruined.
Jane and Grover, sitting in a tree.
Jane and Grover, sitting in a tree.
Studiously ignored by press due to being a threat to the established order, or covered relentlessly because of the bipartisanship?
Anyways, when she said So let’s change it – this wasn’t what I thought she meant – but it certainly qualifies.
Lalala, just sitting here, minding my own bourbon. No – do go on and read up on teh whole Jane Hamsher thing. Teh anticipation has a certain je ne sais quoi to it. I’m really really looking forward to John Cole busting out “teh Jane Hamsher’s of the right”.
I’m no fan of Rahmbo.
Of course, I wish Grover and Rahm could take each other out, while the rest of us dance and twirl and play Grateful Dead songs.
Jane Hamsher and all those anti-corporate libertarian teabaggers are sure gonna show that Obama they mean business! With letters, even!
Jane Hamsher is doing for the progressive blogosphere what she did for the works of Quentin Tarantino, Stephen King, and Alan Moore, and also Ned Lamont’s campaign. My only regret in kicking FDL out of my personal blogroll is that TBogg is part of it, and I always thought he was pretty cool. Oh, well.
I always thought he was pretty cool. Oh, well.
He was and almost always still is, except for when he gets caught up in the ambient PUMAtude.
Oh, and
Wow, and I thought the Patterico/Protein Wisdom airing of grievances new and old was the fun flame war of the holiday season. Fight that corporate power, Jane and Grover!
I’m going to have to disagree with you here. I absolutely love this. Perhaps it’s my love of BURNING SHIT DOWN.
HCR went into the crapper in the Senate – and teh White House had a huge part in that. All the pressure from the Administration has been on progressives to give up and concede on every thing. Holy Joe not only didn’t get pushed to give, but in fact was entrenched as “point man” on a ton of different issues to shield him from criticism before the knife job. Jane and Glennzilla were teling us that this was coming for months.
So when the Dems said “hey here’s your Christmas present, bullshit reform – enjoy!” It is fan-fucking-tastic that Jane managed to reply with a “I got something for you guys too.”
Burning shit down is all fine and good, but let us just keep in mind what particularly Norquist would like to burn down.
ones who can make cause with people on the other side of the aisle
count me out of that!
Jane and Glennzilla were teling us that this was coming for months.
So when the Dems said “hey here’s your Christmas present, bullshit reform – enjoy!” It is fan-fucking-tastic that Jane managed to reply with a “I got something for you guys too.”
Agreed, agreed, except not with relentless right-wing money humper Norquist.
The only thing coming out of that deal is the people who have been right about everything: Iraq, corporatism, torture, the DLC, fuck you just name it….will get marginalized as shithouse rats yet again.
By the sold-their-souls to their corporate masters corporate media.
Hell, this next decade probably will be worse than the last one.
Hell, this next decade probably will be worse than the last one.
I’m working on my 2010s list as we speak. Preemptively!
lie down with rats, get up pregnant with rat babies
This bullshit reform is going to save me many thousands of dollars on healthcare before I reach Medicare age. I appreciate that Jane Hamsher and Glennzilla want to save me from that kind of bullshit.
I still don’t like being called a teabagger. FFS, if I was just being accused of slurping scrotums then I wouldn’t be all that offended (and I mean that in the most heterosexual way possible) but thems Tea Party jerkwads are fucking gross.
BUT, just as a reminder to y’all – Conference Committee hasn’t even be convened yet. Let’s face it, teh Obama Admin bears at least some blame for the dump of a p00p of smelly shit sandwich the Senate is firing out its p00phole. All those millions of fucking times when the Executive was chiding progressives – even this fucking week with the “too symbolic” bullshit. Each and every time, each and every one of you thought “why don’t they play this kinda hardball with Nelson or Lieberasshole?”
I’m probably being way too optimistic here but who knows what the future holds?
No is rat. Is Hamsher!
smelly shit sandwich
can somebody please find a way to put this qabosh on this disgustulative metaphor before i puke all over somebody?
Yeah, it’s a fucking shitty deal – but conservatives get the fucking teevees time. Sure the whole stratagery relies on getting airtime from the corporate media, but also keep in mind that we’re talking about fucking geniuses like Dana Milbank and Howard Kurtz.
You think we’re confused by this, imagine what’s going on inside their tiny fricking little worldviews. Someone’s gonna write about this – it’s bound to get coverage. I just dunno what kinda of traction it’s going to have – that’s the real gamble here. Fortunately, Rahm ain’t teh most sympathetic figure, so maybe teh odds aren’t all that long after all.
Oh noez!!
Cats with frickin’ laser beams!
Now we’re really fucked.
(with bonus nuclear hairball)
You know what? Maybe I’m just too desperate to see something better come out of HCR than what’s on the table right now. I’m going to sleep on
ityour mom and look at the Norquist thing again in the cold light of day.Until then, PENIS.
OT, but am I a bad person for having fantasies about Tom Coburn sending out a hitman to murder Robert Byrd and getting caught in the act, thus dooming the Republicans for a generation (one would hope?)
Coburn has got to be the most low-down disgraceful worthless sonofabitch in the entire U.S. senate, and that’s saying something. His fucking aide saying “Oh, Mr. Coburn doesn’t wish ill on anyone.” Oh, yeah fucking right you don’t, Tom! If Byrd or Lautenberg croaks you guys will spend all day masturbating to a picture of Republican Jesus, thanking him for his mercy.
Sorry about that rant. Holiday stress.
The fact is, liberals have a lot to answer for. Like, destroying the ecomony for socialism? That is a right there fail and needs unelecting. Your Savior Obama is a fraud, an empty suit. Soon is coming a crisis the Liberal media will not be able to cover up, like he is cheating on his wife? But all the blacks do that it is in there DNA.
So bipartisanship is awesome when Obama does it; but not if anybody else does it.
I don’t agree with Jane, but the condescension from the likes of Kevin Drum is really fucking annoying.
“That is a right there fail and needs unelecting. ”
I am going to start answering the phone like this,
How long must we wait to find out which liberal blogger is so steamed over being pwned by Joe Lieberman that he and Blogger Hoft are this close to tracking down Chief Editor Korir?
I’m sure that if there’s a Republican president again one day Grover will want to continue the super investigative partnership and will not just suddenly stop returning Jane’s emails. And is this going to be the new wingnut means of working toward impeaching a Democratic president when the Republicans don’t have subpoena power? Find some attention and influence starved liberal chumps, partner them up with your roster of superstars like Norquist and have them out there calling for investigations into his/her staff until something turns up on the president? That would be funny.
That is a right there fail and needs unelecting
Gary is trying desperately to become aware of all internet traditions.
All those millions of fucking times when the Executive was chiding progressives – even this fucking week with the “too symbolic” bullshit. Each and every time, each and every one of you thought “why don’t they play this kinda hardball with Nelson or Lieberasshole?”
Point of fact, I never think that. I know it’s because I don’t have billions of dollars like the people who back Nelson and Lieberasshole.
I understand being disappointed with Obama’s leadership or lack thereof – real or perceived – I really do. But when we were voting last fall, did you think that we were operating under new rules where the rich and powerful were no longer being allowed to buy influence?
This is just the way this bitch works, regardless of who is in office. The difference between the Dems and Republicans is the Republicans promise their benefactors that they’ll give them everything they want, and then some; the Dems only promise to give them most of what they want. And that isn’t going to change without an amendment to the Constitution that says, “no one is allowed to give money to political candidates or issue campaigns unless they are a US citizen eligible to vote. And then they can only give a maximum of X dollars (indexed to inflation) to any individual candidate or campaign.”
And as much as that would help, they’d still find ways to catapult their propaganda.
If this doesn’t lead to some celebrity reality show, then all will have been for nought.
Memo to Dan Hynes: strongly advise you to stay well away from upper-story balconies & windows … forever.
Memo to Jane Hamsher: strongly advise you to sell your bathtub, NOW. Old people sometimes do very strange & unpleasant things without prior warning.
well that was cryptic. Vaguely poetic, and cryptic.
ruppert is a parody troll
Hamster Marries Ratquist
this is a marriage made in humus
A fellow Roman, at last.
This Ruppert fellow, can he be trusted? What about his foes?
Coburn — when your colostomy bag catches fire from the sheer amount of shit you create.
more poetry.
well that was cryptic. Vaguely poetic, and cryptic.
Vegas odds are 12-5 that it was a JanusNode burp.
Well, look on the bright side. New Orleans kept Grover happy for, what, four years?
A fellow Roman
my cousin p cornelius has complimentary things to say about your father germanicus
dear old dad. noblest roman, and all that.
but I’m more fun.
Vegas odds are 12-5 that it was a JanusNode burp.
Please. It’s all about the Money Line in Vegas. +240, thank you.
A fellow Roman
DKW probably has some complimentary things to say about Julia Vipsania Agrippina.
DKW probably has some complimentary things to say about Julia Vipsania Agrippina.
He’d be the first.
Just saying.
Oh, yeah. Forgot to tell you. Strikethrough has to be spelled out as “strike” for wordfuckingpress apparently. BBCodeXtra just does the lazy “s” tag. Fortunately, in the xhtmlXtra dropmenu the
strikedcommand uses the “del” tag, which seems toconfuse WP enough to slip by unnoticedwork just fine.Alas, the autohotkey link is teh busted for me.
Gee whiz, site’s down.
And, though I think we’ve touched on the subject before, now with video… PENIS!
And more PENIS!
o/t… in the douhat’s pathetic column on Avatar, he is captioned; ‘Susan Etheridge for The New York Times’
Forget policy complexity — today’s the day for enjoying Republican Christmas Eve schadenfreude since the Senate passed the health care bill and the Red State Trike Farce views this as the irreversible victory of the commie New Dealer Roosevelt over the Freedom Saint God King Ronald Reagan.
The Red State Trike Farce on the death of Uh-merika thanks to the damn helf care sheeyit:
In other words, thanks to Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield, Lenin finally conquered Uh-merika.
the Red State Trike Farce views this as the irreversible victory of the commie New Dealer Roosevelt over the Freedom Saint God King Ronald Reagan.
Beaten by a cripple. It’s every Repubs’ worst unmanning nightmare come true.
A dead cripple. A dead cripple from New York. A dead liberal cripple from New York.
A dead liberal cripple from New York.
We agree on the general topic, so I’ll respectfully ask you to leave the Mets out of it.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. FDR was a 4 time winner.
Obscure joke. My Minaya smart bomb claimed FDR as collateral damage.
DKW probably has some complimentary things to say about Julia Vipsania Agrippina
Actually I don’t. I just can’t seem to understand which Roman is which. I mean half that Julio-Claudian clan was named Julius Caesar and the other half was Gaius Asinius. Really. Gaius Asinius. That’s as believable as Incontinentia Buttocks. Anyways, even with a programme I can’t tell the Julia Vipsania Agrippinas from the Vipsania Julia Agrippinas from the one with the broken nose.
What that means is that there will be no way to go back to a pre-national health care system, because all these transformed institutions will create an inertia for a national health care approach that will make impossible attempts to go back.
Yeah, imagine that. People might like to get service from their government.
there will be woefully insufficient force to undo a national system
He’s making the mistake of not counting on his awesome Red State Strike Force.
My Minaya smart bomb claimed FDR as collateral damage.
I see the problem here.