The Besides That? Game Returns!

GOP Wake-Up Call

Besides the fact that Republican presidents accumulate record-setting deficits every time they are in office, the GOP truly is the party of fiscal discipline.

Rules of the game can be found here.

Our new and completely awesome game, the Real Scandal Pronouncement?, is here. A prize is involved.

And now, time for a bit of masochism:

Besides the fact that the Sadly, No! blog’s sole output for today appears to consist of little more than recycled jokes of dubious quality, it’s totally awesome.


Comments: 17


This doesn’t exactly fit the game, but my emails to Sullywatch keep getting bounced:

“In Denmark, where de facto gay marriage has existed for some time, the rate of marriage among gays is far lower than among straights, but, perhaps as a result, the gay divorce rate is just over one-fifth that of heterosexuals.” -Andrew Sullivan, 8/13/01

“First off: the entire premise of [Kurtz’s] piece – that marriage for gays is legal in Norway, Denmark and Sweden – is factually untrue. There are no marriage rights for gays in the countries he cites. There are, instead, what are called “registered partnerships.” These partnerships are open to heteros as well as homos.” -Andrew Sullivan, 1/28/04

“I’m guilty of an error in my posting about same-sex registered partnerships in Scandinavia. I thought they were open to gays and straights. They’re not.” -Andrew Sullivan, later that day

“This gets a little confusing after a while.” – Andrew Sullivan, ibid.

But besides the fact that Sullivan is a complete idiot, he is clearly the foremost expert on gay marriage.


The “Besides That” Game!

From Sadly, No! A fun party game for all ages. Sadly, No!: The Besides That Game Returns!: GOP Wake-Up Call Besides the fact that Republican presidents accumulate record-setting deficits every time they are in office, the GOP truly is the party of fisc…


Besides the facts that Bush spends money like a drunken sailor and recklessly cuts taxes in the face of huge budget deficits, he is a fiscal conservative.


Besides being corrupt and a pathological liar, George W. Bush has restored honor and dignity to the White House.


Besides the fact that she is an incompetent liar, Condoleezza Rice is a magnificent National Security Advisor.


Besides the facts that he has advocated and put into practice the “Bush Doctrine” of preemptive war in violation of international law, and doesn’t give a shit what any other country thinks about any subject, George W. Bush practices a humble foreign policy.


Besides the fact that he has done a horrible job in every respect, George W. Bush is a great President.


Apart from the fact that George W. Bush has done more to subvert human rights than any President, no President has done more for human rights than he has.


Aside from the fact that it shows our basis for war to be fictitious, the Kay Report vindicates our decision to go to war.


Aside from the part about never showing up, Bush’s National Guard record is unexceptionable, and the Democrats had better not try to make an issue of it.


Aside from ignoring all Clinton officials’ warnings about Al Qaeda and cozying up more closely to the state with the closest ties to Al Qaeda and shelving Clinton administration plans to attack Al Qaeda, the Bush Administration brought to office a new and desperately needed toughness in the fight against terrorism after those years of appeasement under the soft-minded Clinton.


Aside from ignoring all Clinton officials’ warnings about Al Qaeda and cozying up more closely to the state with the closest ties to Al Qaeda and shelving Clinton administration plans to attack Al Qaeda, the Bush Administration brought to office a new and desperately needed toughness in the fight against terrorism after those years of appeasement under the soft-minded Clinton.


Apart from the facts that George W. Bush and his father have been very tight with members of Osama bin Laden’s family for decades, and Dubya allowed two dozen members of bin Laden’s family to fly out of the U.S. immediately after 9/11 without being questioned, and Dubya embarked on a war against Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9/11), and only now that it is an election year has Dubya again expressed an interest in capturing bin Laden, Dubya has pursued bin Laden single-mindedly.


Huh, looks like Jeffrey Kramer and I are holding down the fort while Seb is busy boning his newly-returned wife.


Under the circumstances, then, it would be a very cheap shot indeed to engage in completely uninformed speculation about how long — or short — a time will pass until he returns.


Under the circumstances, then, it would be a very cheap shot indeed to engage in completely uninformed speculation about how long — or short — a time will pass until he returns.

Yes, it would. Which is why we expect Frederick will take the first shot very soon.


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