Bradrocket/John Amato: SMACKDOWN!!!!

John writes over at his Yankees blog:

Are you people as sick as I am over our treatment of David? Evertime I watch Ortiz set himself in the box, our pitchers never brush him back. Talk about a nice comfort level for him. We know that Boston has hit the Yanks at an almost 2-1 ratio. Will the Yanks finally do something about him?

If there’s one thing more fearsome than a comfortable Big Papi, it’s an angry Big Papi.


Trust me, homeboy, you don’ wanna go there.

Also: if you guys hated Pedro Martinez, I guarantee you will absolutely despise Josh Beckett.


Comments: 34


Does anyone else find it…disturbing when someone totally unrelated to a sports franchise apart from being an observer refers to said franchise in that plural possesive way, i.e. “our treatment” of whichever overpaid fly-ball shagger y’all are caterwauling over? Seriously. Dude, what you mean “our”, did they ask your opinion?

Or is that just me…


Matt, I guess you just have to be a big sports fan to understand it.

Brad, we ALREADY hate Josh Beckett. Remember the 2003 Word Series?


Anyone catch the Yankees haiku that the Phoenix ran a couple of weeks back? Allow me to share one:

Mystique and aura
Will not keep the Big Unit’s
Knees from falling off.

Um… go Sox!


Matt T-
It’s not just you. It’s almost the definition of “spectator” that they think they are on the freaking team. Especially when the team they spectate for wins.


Brad – they’ve been talking about doing that to Ortiz all day on WFAN.

The Sox are going to crush the Yankees tonight, if Beckett pitches even OK. Randy Johnson is nowhere near the pitcher he was even two years ago. He has an ERA over 5, and only 29 strikeouts in 7 starts. (Mets reliever Jorge Julio has 29 in only 16 innings!)

The only thing Johnson has going for him is his birthday, September 10, which is the same as mine.

And are you saying that they will hate Beckett because he throws at guys? Because he is good, but he’s nowhere near the pitcher that Pedro is.

(also, the Yankees managed to beat Pedro a lot near the end of his tenure with the Sox, even though they still didn’t hit him very well.)


Other foolish Yankee sports writers are also calling for an Ortiz brushback.
Doesn’t seem prudent.


No, it’s almost the definition of “fan.” The origin of “spectator” is “spectate,” meaning to watch. The origin of “fan” is “fanatical,” meaning someone who will behead you and think he was right to do it.

We’re civilized, of course, so we settle for the metaphorical beheading that’s coming the way of Yankee fans courtesy of Beckett, Schilling and Wakefield. I’m just trying to get tickets for Thursday’s game (Wake’s pitching), because DOUGIE’S GOING DEEP TONIGHT!


Did the Boss finally go around wiring the YankeeBorg? What’s with all the talk of “brushbacks” and Ortiz?

People didn’t say, you know, I wish Pedro would just pitch inside to Jeter — he just went and did it.

And anyway, while Papi may have killed them over the past few years, but Manny has destroyed them for more than a decade. Look it up.

Anyway, if they want to get into it, Jeter doesn’t have enough wrists to take the number of 97 mile-a-hour pellets Beckett will be throwing at his rib cage if a ball comes within a half-foot of Ortiz.


First of all the ball you just harmlessly fall to the ground if they tried to hit him. Then it is a guaranteed 3R homer next time he is up. They hate him because he is awesome and 1 billion times more lovable than ARod, Sheffield or Giambi.


Thank merciful heaven for the new age of civility dawning over teh Internets. Otherwise, a person might be tempted to quote Gilliard, the blogospheric Mets fan who is tirelessly fond of saying “Fuck the fucking Yankees.” Me, I prefer Bronson Arroyo’s sage words after that Devil Rays-Boston dust-up last season: “Somebody throws at David Ortiz’ head, somebody’s gonna get hit.”

Speaking of Pedro, this came in from the Sentences I Never Thought I’d Read Department courtesy of today’s NYTimes: “On the days Pedro Martínez pitches, he prepares by spending time among his daffodils and petunias.”

Daffodils, sure. But Jesus, Pedro. Petunias?


oh, I forgot, I have an account at Amato’s Yankee site.

My screen name is ‘overrated shortstop,’ but I’ve never actually posted anything, mostly because I haven’t been able to think of anything cleverly trollish enough.

although, since they’re yankee fans, cleverness would be wasted on them.


Seriously, they really need to throw one at Ortiz’s head. The way he leans over the plate; I can’t think of one time that the Yankees have brushed him back, and he kills them because of it.

Don’t get me wrong, Jeter leans out over the plate too, but what happens? The Red Sox knock him down.


hey, jmcq, when you are the best pitcher to ever play the game, you can grow whatever kind of flowers you want.


the fact is that Ortiz deserves to be plunked.

It’s typical that a leftist such as Brad would be opposed to it.

The left is totally unserious about pitchers protecting the inside of the plate.



Dude. How is it that only Yanqui fans have thought of pitching Ortiz inside? I bet anything they’ve pitched him inside — Clemens faced him in 03 and Johnson’s not exactly a wallflower. The rest of the Yanks staff? Mussina used to own him, the others wouldn’t break glass. Plus, the man’s a fucking mountain. What’s he going to do, start being scared?

Moreover, you miss inside and he hits it somewhere around section Triple XXX in that half-assed right field your cement hellhole in teh Bronx has.


J. Brida,

Since Ortiz has been on the Red Sox, the Yankees haven’t hit him once.

By comparison, over the same years, the Red Sox have hit Jeter 8 times, just in the regular season.

I don’t expect Ortiz to be scared, but it has a way of keeping guys honest.

You are correct about right field at the Stadium, but it cuts both ways. I seem to recall a Johnny Damon homer or two in a certain game 7.


Not sure Papi would feel it, or that Manny in the cleanup spot would be paying attention to notice. To get the Sox to respond in kind, just tell Schilling that there’s an Islamofascist hiding in Jason Giambi’s batting helmet.

And on Pedro’s gameday garden- the man carried a good-luck midget/soap opera star during the 2004 season, so this is really a step up in the serenity department.


The fact is that I am also a pretty big Yankees fan, and Ortiz should be brushed back and made to fear the Yankee pitchers.

The Yankees are America’s team as well.


Wasn’t it Jerry Seinfeld who had a bit about talking to a sports fan after a big game. The fan is saying, “We won! We won!” Jerry says, “No. THEY won. YOU just watched.”


I. Ditis,

I wouldn’t go so far as “best ever,” but I still loves me some Pedro, so maybe I should send him some species tulips or Libertia or something, you know, more worthy of his Pedroness. Jay C.’s right, though, even the petunias are way less disconcerting than the, uh, whatever that was all about.

Meanwhile, bottom of the fourth, so far so good…



did Joe Scarborough hit his head on something? He has become a raving leftist moonbat, basing his show on some wacko anti-Bush conspiracy theory.

No wonder Joe wants to stay on MSNBC, he drank the leftist kool-aid and he knows that he is out of touch with the people he knows in Florida.


has anyone else noticed that when giambi’s name is spoken it sounds eeirily similiar to pee wee herman’s genie friend, jambi?

they even both have gigantic swollen steroid faces.



My point is that pitching inside is part of baseball and I just saw Villone pitch inside to Ortiz.

The thing is, Jeter hangs over the plate way, way more than Ortiz, so he gets hit. To wit, Jeter, over his career, has been hit 103 times, or around 11 times a year. Ortiz, for his career, has been hit 15 times total (Jeter was hit 14 times in 04 alone). He dives over the plate, Ortiz rarely does. So it’s not really headhunting for Jeter– it’s pitching inside and Jeter just happens to be there.


So I stop by here and check the anti-Yankee chatter, and then swing by Yahoo GameChannel only to find the Sox absolutely shelling the Yanks. Lowell drives in Harris (after Varitek Harris to 2nd) to make it 13-3. Pena singles, moving Lowell to 3rd. Nixon singles, Lowell scores. 14-3.

Oh, man, this is great. Three runs on three straight hits with two outs.

Oh, this is great: Yahoo! Sports has a picture of the wrong fucking Alex Gonzalez up there. Guys, check the CAP: P for Philadelphia, B for Boston.

OK, inning’s over. 14-3, Mr. Steinbrenner. Your move.


the fact is that Ortiz deserves to be plunked.

It’s typical that a leftist such as Brad would be opposed to it.

The left is totally unserious about pitchers protecting the inside of the plate.

Best. Gary. Parody. Ever.


If the Yanks don’t pitch Ortiz inside, the terrorists win.
On an unrelated note, the Cubs must never cross west of the Missouri River ever again.


ON top of that how many Red Sox pitchers were tops in wild pitches last year? Of course they hit batters. And the Sox played the Yanks 18 times last year. And Jeter hangs over the plate. Ang getting hit on his Palmolive hands doesn’t count. How could anyone argue anything related to Jeter? Ever? EVAR!


As a Marlins fan (yes, we exists we just hibernate while our ownership goes all Oz on us once every 5 years) I gotta say Beckett’s kind of a punk, I mean he keeps going on the DL for the oddest shit, all I’m saying is watch out rfor tyhe Fish in um 2009, yeah baby then we fireslae and rebuild again. I swear to god its like our business model was designed by Republicans, boom or bust no happy medium, buyt hey outside of the yankess nobodies won as many tiles as we have in the last 15 years (2) so maybe I shouldn’t complain– though this klatest exodus is especially cruel considering we we’re like 28th in payroll last year (though aonce again admittedly it would have kinda ballooned on us with Burnett, and Beckett going FA and the D-Train hitting abitration).



Look, folks, this isn’t (or doesn’t have to be) a good and evil thing. I was born and raised a Yankee fan, which means that I have a deep and abiding respect for the game of baseball. That further means that I do NOT mudsling. The rivalry is supposed to be about loving your team, not “fuck the fucking Yankees.” Jesus Christ!

I try to be nice to you people and engage in spirited rivalry without slinging mud (don’t make me invoke the B-words, I’ll do it!), but a lot of Bosox (and Faux-Sox, aka front-running bastards who decided to be Bosox fans when they won 2 years ago) fans make it REALLY hard. It’s NOT supposed to be like this.


Look, folks, this isn’t (or doesn’t have to be) a good and evil thing. I was born and raised a Yankee fan, which means that I have a deep and abiding respect for the game of baseball. That further means that I do NOT mudsling. The rivalry is supposed to be about loving your team, not “fuck the fucking Yankees.” Jesus Christ!

You’ve obviously never lived in Boston. Outside Fenway Park, they sell t-shirts with slogans on them like “Posada is a Little Bitch” and “Sheffield Juices Giambi.”

It’s human (or, more accurately, male) instinct to have an outside enemy to fear and loathe. I’d prefer to satisfy this primal need through baseball rather than, say, nuking Iran.



Hell and fuck, boy, spare me the vapors will ya? If anything, this has seemed like tame banter.

I live in New York. I’m going to that concrete bunker in the Bronx tomorrow to see the game. I am a Sox fan since birth (which happened to be in Mass.). I’ve seen about a dozen Sox-Yanks games in NYC and if you think that the ‘inborn respect of sportsmanship’ has infected your fellow Yankee fans, you’re out of your mind.

Usually, it’s just fun banter.

A few times — and I’m sure a Yankee fan can say the same thing about their Fenway experiences — it’s gotten severely ugly. One time, I stood up and cheered after a Mo Vaughn home run brought the Sox back in the game, Canseco got on base, I cheered again, and then someone grounded into a double play to end the rally. The guy behind me, a fat guy, leaned over into my ear and told me, “You suck. Your team sucks. Your family sucks. You are all losers and you will forever suck.”

My girlfriend at the time slowly grabbed my hand as it curled into a fist.

Another time, four FDNY wannabes threatened to throw me off the third deck if I stood up again (this time in a Sox rout). They didn’t say it to my face though, they just kept talking among each other — they were sitting behind me — and making sure I heard how bad they planned to hurt me.

At least, unlike New York fans, Boston fans are known (like St. Louis fans) to actually applaud great plays by opposing players. That, however, is about the only difference.

Fucking Yankee fans, think the fucking sun fucking sets when they fart.


And I’m sure you’re not around anymore, but that “Faux-Sox” thing? I would agree wholeheartedly if it wasn’t for the fact that when the Mets were good in the 80s, they drew 3 million people and the Yanks drew under 2.

Spare me the front running talk.


And I’m sure you’re not around anymore, but that “Faux-Sox” thing? I would agree wholeheartedly if it wasn’t for the fact that when the Mets were good in the 80s, they drew 3 million people and the Yanks drew under 2.

Spare me the front running talk.


Brad, you ignorant slut. lol 🙂
Of course I say “we.” I’ve spent many. many dollars on Yankee ganes and I feel I’m a part owner now. And I have a Yankee blog. It’s just old school baseball. What do you think Bob Gibson would have done to Big Papi? I’m not talking about hitting him, maybe a brush back once in a while. is that too much to ask? Love your site my man. Oh, and the Yanks just schooled your boys tonight.


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