Hey guys,

Almost 1PM.

I don’t know about you, but I’m about ready for a digital lunch mob.

‘Cause I’m hungraaa.

Update: Jullian writes:

“Digital Lynch Mob” actually is very nearly offensive.

But it’s actually just pathetic. If the worst thing that ever happens to you in your whole life is that you get three thousand emails in one day that all call you “chu mpwad”, then remind me to not feel sorry for you. Ever.

Oh wow, I’d almost forgotten we had this thing.


Comments: 27


My Offend-o-Meter is trembling!

“Digital Lynch Mob” actually is very nearly offensive.

But it’s actually just pathetic. If the worst thing that ever happens to you in your whole life is that you get three thousand emails in one day that all call you “chu mpwad”, then remind me to not feel sorry for you. Ever.

melior (in Austin)

How can you make light of this man’s troubles? Why, there’s a blues song just crying to be written about his travails.

That is, right after I call teh waaaaambulance to rush him to the emergency room.


Christ, Dick, you need a hammer for those nails? I’d be happy to help ya.


Does he even know what a real lynching looks like? It isn’t a bunch of people disagreeing with your sorry ass, Dick. I’m not easily offended, but the motherfucker would’ve probably excused the lynchings as a reasonable response to those uppity Negros.


Lynchings are fine; just don’t say the “n-word” where Cohen can hear you.

It’s rude.


Libruls love lynching conservatives, libruls eat babies for Sunday dinner.


I’m sick of this whole fucking affair. Getting smug because you personally didn’t find a speaker funny is stupid. Getting mad because someone else didn’t find a speaker funny (or professes not to have found them funny) is stupid. Getting mad because people are mad at you because you didn’t find a speaker funny is stupid.

Jesus Christ. Are there not better things to fight about on all sides?


Faulty attempt at Shorter Rich Cohen:

So it turns out that posting my email address on the Post’s .com allows people to write mean things to me en masse, and I think complaining about it is an excellent use of column space.


And another thing–the elections of ’68 and ’72 are a fuckload lot more complex than “Ooo, those evil angry hippies made me vote for Nixon.” Motherfucker works for the WaPo, he oughta know the one single shining moment that rag ever had.


Where’s Ann Bartow when you need her, or why won’t she use her powers for good. I’m sure she’d have Cohen reduced to a quivering, migraine-suffering mass in no time.

For God sakes…Lynching. I mean, why didn’t he just call everyone the Zyklon-B chemical engineers of public discourse?


Is it everyone else’s fault that Cohen doesn’t understand wit vs. humor? Evidently, Dick is one of those “elite” liberals that we keep hearing about. Maybe Dick can all tell us how the economy is roaring as he pulls up in his Ferrari, or while he’s on the top floor restaurant talking to the poor fools waiting on him.


If Cohen had a blog you would all be banned within seconds from commenting in his hypothetical blog.


Actually their thin skin is what made them so easily manipulated by the rightwing blow hards and the 101st. Ironically (isn’t using that like saying lol at your own jokes), it further reinforces the need for us to be as brutal as them. More so if you consider that the left has less money, an intellectual disadvantage at fabricating stuff up and a need to make up for the lost years of the one-sided civil discourse we tried to engage in.


Why isn’t the blame ever directed at those in the moderate left/center, who constantly vote against their best interests and their principles simply to spite those on their side who were too rude in voicing their views?

“They’re making me vote for Nixon/Bush/whoever because, even though I agree with them, they’re uncouth, and just to show them, I’ll vote for the other guy!”

Then, when the rude left turns out to be right, they get blamed for forcing otherwise reasonable people to vote for a bunch of assholes who end up screwing them.


If Cohen had a blog you would all be banned within seconds from commenting in his hypothetical blog.

And if he was a commenter on a blog, he’d be treated as a troll.

Nice work if you can get it, though: bait liberals one week, and write about how nasty they are the next. How much does that put in his bank account, all told?


BinkyBoy, they’re synonyms, doesn’t that mean they’re exactly the same and can be substituted for one another with no change in the nuances of meaning? You know, like how “guileless” and “unsuspecting” mean the same thing, since they’re both in the listing for “naive.”

Someone, please take Cohen’s thesaurus away before he writes again.


But at least he proved that he is teh funny he says he is:

By the fourth day, the number had reached 3,499 — a figure that does not include the usual offers of nubile Russian women or loot from African dictators.



Libruls love lynching conservatives, libruls eat babies for Sunday dinner.

You didn’t start your argument with the phrase, “The fact is….” Though the premise of your statement seems true enough, I can’t accept it as inarguably factual without that turn of phrase.

Non-sequitiraily, the fact is, “Digital Lynch Mob” would make a truly excellent and fitting name for a band that composed artistic works in the genre of electro-industrial.

*eats paste, goes back to sleep*


The Dems in power routinely ignore their base. This cost us the White House in 2000, and if we had won in 2000, we probably would have won again in 2004. I mean, they stole it in 2000, but Gore could and should have won decisively. The namby-pamby Hillary-esque strategy of playing to the soft, gooey center doesn’t work.

What happens is, you end up splitting the soft, gooey center with the other party, because the soft, gooey center doesn’t know what the fuck it believes in. At the same time, the Rethugs are motivating their base, so they get half of the soft gooey center and a bigger turnout from their base.

Solid, disciplined GOTV efforts + red meat for the base is how they win. In 2008, we’ll probably get Hillary, and she will base her strategy around appealing to the soft, gooey center. Sigh.


JK47 – right. You’d be better off appealing to the base, and the vast number of people who just don’t bother to vote at all.

Especially since the Republicans have absolutely no qualms about lying their asses off about what they intend to accomplish (“no really, my tax cuts go overwhelmingly to hard-workin’ people jes’ like you”) and what the Democrats will do (“waaaayyy outta the mainstream liberal!! gonna tax yer asses off an’ give it all to winos! Take away all yer guns!! every last one of ’em!”)


Cohen: [M]y attentive critics were convinced I had a political agenda. I was — as was most of the press, I found out — George W. Bush’s lap dog. If this is the case, Bush had better check his lap.



Cohen: [M]y attentive critics were convinced I had a political agenda. I was — as was most of the press, I found out — George W. Bush’s lap dog. If this is the case, Bush had better check his lap.


Mr. Cohen should look into clutching scented disposable wipes with his pearls. A quick, friendly wipe before the zip will mean our Decider won’t have to check his lap — he’s far too busy decidering.

And Mr. Cohen can worry about more important things, like how it’s the librul’s fault America lost Iraq because libruls were so impolite about their opposition.


I love me some digital lunch. I just don’t want to eat it with all you rabble in your digital lunch mobs.

Mo's Bike Shop

Re: Wit v. Humor

they’re synonyms, doesn’t that mean they’re exactly the same and can be substituted for one another with no change in the nuances of meaning?

Sadly no.

Only in specific usage does wit equal humor as a signifier.

Maybe I’m just too 18th century but wit–as a thing in itself–is all about the skill during invention of recognizing humor and rendering it funny.

A big point being that your source material might not appear that funny.


A Modest Proposa l = Wit

Benny Hill = Humor

But that’s a groping generalization based on shoddy pop cultural artifacts and not something to be taken as a professional diagnosis.

For a fuller explanation of the difference, go down to your nearest Lit-Pub and say in a f irm clear voice:

“Well, any idiot knows that wit means the exact same thing as humor.”

If you survive, you stand a very good chance of recieving a Field-Combat Master’s Degree.

Which is all a run round the fences to agree with BlinkySaurus at the uber-humor in M. Cohen’s incomprehension at how it could be funny when no one was larfin’.

I’d be dead now if people regularly caught on to what I’m laughing about. 


Institution after institution failed America — the presidency, Congress and the press. They all endorsed a war to rid Iraq of what it did not have.

Gee, you’d think an honest man would be more specific about his own contribution.


I love me some digital lunch. I just don’t want to eat it with all you rabble in your digital lunch mobs.

Boh. Pardonnez-moi, Docteur Professeur Bé…ru…bé, mais, je dois vous demander: En ce qui concerne le cas avec docteur Horowitz…

*C’est à ce point-là que Mal de mer a été saisi d’une forte sensation de haÑ—ne et chagrin, et s’est décidé de se fermer la yeule.*


I thought sarcasm tags were unnecessary, but I guess with text it never pays to assume one has communicated one’s meaning clearly.


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