What in God’s name is wrong with us?

This sort of comment is something I hear a lot from friends in Europe and elsewhere:

Where i come from, The Netherlands, which is far from perfect, i pay 125 Euro’s for full coverage. Dentists and pre-existing conditions included. I can have a television at my bed and a minibar if i want to, but that’ll cost me extra. We have 6 or 7 big insurance companies here who facilitate this and who are bound by government rules on maximum charges and minimum coverage. It works fine, there’s no deficit created and everybody is fully covered. Besides that there’s a government subsidy for everyone who doesn’t earn enough to pay for the premiums.

We’re a democracy, with politicians, which are to some degree polarized into left and right, but everybody agrees we need good healthcare. If our people are denied that, we go out onto the streets and make known that we disagree.

It’s that simple.

It is that simple and that’s what drives me insane.

The United States has, bar none, the stupidest and cruelest health care system in the entire developed world. We pay out the ass for health care expenses and leave tens of millions of people uninsured. Paying more for worse outcomes is the very definition of inefficiency, but that’s the system we have. In fact, our system is so bad that even its glibertarian defenders sneak off when no one’s looking to get affordable health care in France.

I don’t get it. Why do we put up with paying tons of money for crappier health care? Why are other countries’ health care systems relentlessly demonized when they’re demonstrably and empirically better than ours? And most importantly, how can we have a set of political leaders who insist on removing any and all bits of reform that might actually prove popular with the average voter?


Comments: 268

The Day Obamacare Died

If you don’t like it, move to Europe!


We have too many stupid Americans who likes bending over in front of corporate interests while teabagging those who promise less lubrication.


I don’t get it. Why do we put up with paying tons of money for crappier health care? Why are other countries’ health care systems relentlessly demonized when they’re demonstrably and empirically better than ours? And most importantly, how can we have a set of political leaders who insist on removing any and all bits of reform that might actually prove popular with the average voter?

Step into this jam, damn, lookin’ nice
Jealous sucka punks thinkin’ what a life
Well, since this is life and nothing comes free
It’s all about makin’ that cash money

The Day Obamacare Died

Move to Europe where you can wait in long lines and have your care rationed and have all the Muslims move to your country and suck off the government tit.

Holland is going down the toilet doomed by a tidal wave of Third World Muslim immigrants, and their generous welfare benefits are one reason for that.


D.O.D. if you like our present system then move to Dubai and leave this country to the real Americans.

The Day Obamacare Died

I like our present system. I’m insured and I don’t want it to change, or want the government robbing Peter to pay Paul.


Shorter D.O.D.: I is an ignant douche.

The Day Obamacare Died

You need to learn that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. You have to work for what you get, and pay for what you use, not force others to do it for you.


I like our present system. I’m insured and I don’t want it to change, or want the government robbing Peter to pay Paul.

This is why I wholly support outlawing all employer-based insurance in this country.

Less regulation on business! I know we’ve got 40 votes from the other side of the isle….


I don’t want it to change, or want the government robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Speaking of Peter and, uh, Paul, have you come out of the closet yet, Troofie?

The Day Obamacare Died

And guess what? We’re going to keep our current system, and if Lieberman’s bill passes, it doesn’t matter. The insurance companies will continue to make huge profits. Huge, big, massive, obscene profits.


I hope that Big Insurance drops coverage for D.O.D. when he is old or sick and therefore unprofitable. Anything less would be Socialmalism and a free lunch.


You’d think Troofus would get some kind of life by now, right?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

It’ll be a happy day when one of Troofie’s meth labs burns down whatever shitty apartment he sublets from his mom, and he’s such a hero of libertarianism that he’ll voluntarily burn rather than suck off the tit of the SOCIALIST fire department.


Americans are fucking stupid.

Just take a look at the goddam teabaggers. They protest high taxes after Obama cut taxes.

And then protest lower health care costs.

Fucking conservatives. I can’t stand them. What a bunch of ignorant racist white trash.

The Day Obamacare Died

If you don’t like it, move to Europe, jharp. And have fun paying for Ahmed and Muhammad’s health care, or Noreen’s sixteen babies using your tax money.


“Huge, big, massive, obscene profits.”

What are you, some kind of communist?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Is “Noreen” Troofie’s idea of a stereotypical female Muslim’s name? Poor dear.


Because, as you said, we’re not willing to go out into the streets and fight for it. And that’s what it would take, that, and probably more. Not more than a handful of politicians are willing to say and do the right things. And when they do, they’re demonized in the media and by their peers.

We’re a society of (metaphorical) fat, lazy assholes, most of us at least. And until we suffer through some nasty crisis leaving millions dead we won’t demand something better.

Look at this DOD asshat. Its more worried about a few dollars out of its paycheck than whether or not the kids down the block are carrying tuberculosis. It won’t be until someone in DODs family dies from something nasty that DOD will change.

There’s something fundamentally wrong. I know what it is and the problem is, while the problem is not difficult to identify, it’s impossible to solve and “compromises” just don’t work.

The Day Obamacare Died

Yes. I am a communist. I am also unemployed and gay. If anyone contradicts this, ever, it’s just a lib spoofing me.


And have fun paying for Ahmed and Muhammad’s health care, or Noreen’s sixteen babies using your tax money.

Disgusting! I’m glad I live in a country where we don’t maintain a charade that the mud races are human.

The Day Obamacare Died

I see some libs are really mad about Lieberman being in the driver’s seat.

You thought you won in 2008. But it turns you didn’t win jack shit.

The Day Obamacare Died

I’m glad I don’t live in a country like Holland that is subsidizing it’s own conquest by Muslims.


Shit, who kicked over a rock again? Shouldn’t these things be hibernating now or something?


Meaning the troll-like things, that is. Sorry if I wasn’t too clear. It’s been a long day.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Of course we didn’t. It went just like you predicted when you said
“Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.”


It won’t be until someone in DODs family dies from something nasty that DOD will change.

No, not unless the family member is DOD. Too stupid to learn. Octopi are smarter.

The Day Obamacare Died

Make fun of that post all you want, but guess what? A McCain supporter is in the cat bird’s seat, getting to dictate a healthcare bill to Hopey.


Silly troll! Your party is about to be handed a HUGE defeat- 40 years in the making- public option or no public option. And you really think this makes your side look like anything but opportunistic obstructionists? I’m more than happy to have you all identified with Droopy- just another black mark on a roster of convicted war profiteers and pedophiles.

Go somewhere and preach to the choir. I’m sure there’s a tenor or two left somewhere.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

And yet you STILL live in pants-shitting terror of “Hopey”, and pants-shitting glee at your own brilliance in coming up with that name (BECAUSE HE SAID “HOPE” A LOT AMIRITE FOLKS?) Get a fuckin’ job, you closeted piece of shit.


Oh, so you admit to being Troofus finally. We thought so.

One sad, lone troll, trying to seem like a multitude.

The Day Obamacare Died

The public option trojan horse and the medicare buy in were the parts of the bill you libs really, really wanted. And they’re not going to be there. And you’re going to FORCE people to buy health insurance at the point of a gun. Yeah, I’m sure young people will love that.

Republicans are going to run against that in 2010.


You’d think Troofus would get some kind of life by now, right?

Well, he has. You’re looking at it. All of it.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Actually, Troofie, Republicans are going to run against all the little teabagger splinter groups you dumbfucks created. Be down from your own petard in time for dinner, okay?


No, not unless the family member is [troofy]. Too stupid to learn. Octopi are smarter.

Troofy is not smart enough to use a cocoanut for locomotion and protection, and hence should be prey to any number of swimming things with large teeth.



The Day Obamacare Died said,

December 16, 2009 at 1:41

“If you don’t like it, move to Europe, jharp.”

Excuse me? We won. Remember. And won big.

I’m not going anywhere. If you don’t like it it is you who can move. And if you like small government I highly recommend Sudan.

Good fucking grief. The dumbass loses and thinks his side gets to make the rules.

If you like small government I highly recommend Sudan.


Republicans are going to run against that in 2010.

And lose.

You really underestimate how despised your party is right now.

You can’t win races without benefit of a strong national party, and yours is in the toilet, Troofus. And with Sarah Palin further fragmenting your base, I’ll go out on a limb and say that 2010 might not be the year that saves your dying party after all…

The Day Obamacare Died

Ha! The joke’s on you, libs! I don’t NEED protection, because no woman wants to fuck a 300-pound-guy who comes three seconds in, yelling “MITCH MCCONNELL!!!!!” all the while.

The Day Obamacare Died

Who cares? We lost at the polls, but it turns out, conservatives (and the big , successful corporations you hate) still get to dictate policy. Suck it!


It is truly amazing, you’re right. It is inexplicable sometimes. People who go apeshit at the idea of foreign aid in any way shape or form cheerfully talk about how America has the privilege of paying ridiculous amounts for health care in order to subsidize health research for the entire world (which is bullshit, but they say it. Yes, everyone who goes on about how the rest of the world is just riding on our coattails when it comes to new drugs or treatments is saying this, in effect). It is the only area where nationalism completely disappears and the right is proud, proud to subsidize everyone else on earth. Whores and morons doesn’t begin to describe the shitstains that actually try to defend the American health care nonsystem.

The Day Obamacare Died

1:59 isn’t me, he just stole my laptop while I was blowing him. I couldn’t help it, he was wearing a Reagan mask and everything just sort of fell into lap… I mean, place.




DOD Troofie, that 125 euros (and the “waiting in lines” happens only in you teensy widdle haid), is probably less than what you pay for far less extensive coverage.

What’s that? Oh, of course. It’s less than you would be paying if you had a job and thus, insurance.

The Day Obamacare Died

That’s right, we subsidize the rest of the world in health are innovation, and if we had single payer that wouldn’t be the case and innovation would stagnate. European R&D piggybacks on the prices we pay for drugs.


Sudan said,


Maybe we can get Convertible to take him.

The Day Obamacare Died

I have a job and am insured, and I don’t want to pay for parasites.


Actually, we’ll take Troofie. He has the kind of attitude towards human life that we look for in recruits. Of course, we aren’t white, so he may need to pack some spare underwear.


I love big corporations because they pay me $.05 every time I post something on Sadly, No!. It goes up to $.10 if I get responses, and $1.00 if I hijack the thread.

Any of you stupid libs who think I post here 24×7 for any other reason than that are nuts. Remember, us Conservatives only care about money. The alpha and the omega.



“I have a job”


The Janjaweed

Veiled marijuana marijuana reference.

The Day Obamacare Died

And I bet a lot of you libs are unemployed parasites living in their Mommy’s basement playing video games and buying your pot with welfare money.


Veiled marijuana marijuana reference.

You are stoned stoned.


I, on the other hand, are employed by Anti-America Inc, AKA The GOP, to troll lib blogs.


I have a job

Scraping out the mold out of your Mother’s belly folds doesn’t count, Troofus.


You are stoned stoned.

But at least I’m not wearing short shorts.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Troofie has that special kind of imaginary job where you get to spend all week trolling blogs and making it very obvious that it’s the only human contact you’re getting.


You know who else accused his countrymen of being “parasites”?


You know who else accused his countrymen of being “parasites”?

George Washinghost?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Six foot eight, weighs the fucking… most.


Troofie said,

December 16, 2009 at 2:03

I have a job and am insured, and I don’t want to pay for parasites.

Why would you when you get them for free by licking up the cheetoh dust from your mother’s moldy basement floor.

WP is a parasite


I’d move to the Netherlands in a heartbeat. Americans are, by and large, dedicated to the notion that the insurance industry and its profits is more important than health care. That’s what their Internet troll representatives are saying, so I’m going to believe them. OK. Italy’s fine too.

The irony is, of course, that since we, apparently, control academia and Hollywood and the media (not to mention sex, drugs and Rock and Roll — well, and rap, natch) and the creative industries, and the scientific community, and Google, and Apple, and the regulatory bureaucracy, we are the Galtian superheroes they dream of being. We’ll leave to get sane policies on the things we believe are simple human rights.

The remaining folks will be the Wall St. sharks who prey on the credulous idiots who don’t care they are being exploited, because they think they’ll get to exploit someone else in the future.

Without us, all the people you hate and fear, you would literally be drinking your own shit while St. Aetna’s Hospital would turn you away, despite your cholera, for living in a country where they’d let you drink shit-tainted water.

There’d be a few years where you guys, still living in America, Jr., would gun your Chinese-made Hummers just to be assholes and piss off the Canadians, but after awhile, when your downtown Dallas nuclear reactor meltsdown because of the Laotian help you outsourced to build it out of the last remaining redwoods and all of the groundwater from California to Maine is tainted from the runoffs from the fertilizers you decided to use on The America Fuck Yeah National Golf Course, you’ll start to die off. And when you do, America will stop producing more than its fair share of carbon emissions AND we’ll be able to prove evolution once and for all.

It’s a win-win.


I get paid up to five dollars a day for trolling Sadly No! You might not think that’s enough to live on, but Christopher Walken says otherwise.


“I have a job and am insured, and I don’t want to pay for parasites.”

You may not be covered. You should read your policy. Most insurance companies consider parasites to be a pre-existing condition for trolls.

The Day Obamacare Died

If the government was good at running things, why wasn’t the Soviet Union a success?

The Soviet Union is kind of like a 70-year long “stimulus” and “public option” program that failed badly.

The Day Obamacare Died

If the government is good at running things, why do I trust “soldiers” to keep me safe?


I want to start drinking. Any advice?

The Day Obamacare Died

Lib pussy. Meth made from my mom’s muff scrapings is where it’s at.


I have a job and am insured, and I don’t want to pay for parasites.

Yes, yes, and a hot ex-stripper wife and many CIA connections and whatever.


Come on down to Big Al's Gayorama - free parasites with every purchase!

“I don’t want to pay for parasites.”

I have got the deal of a lifetime for you Mr Died. I think it will be right down your alley.

The Day Obamacare Died

The Soviet Union had the “public option”, and so did Nazi Germany. From this we can deduce that Hitler and Stalin were allies in WWII. My theory is the millions of soldiers who “died” in their conflict actually evacuated to Shamballa to prepare for a strike on the free surface worlders.


The Soviet Union is kind of like a 70-year long “stimulus” and “public option” program that failed badly.

The sheer ignorance of that statement boggles the mind. Tell me, pray, what exactly was the stimulus designed to bolster?

Private industry, you say? Wall Street, you say?

…And what, among other things, was the Soviet Empire founded to abolish?




“You need to learn that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. You have to work for what you get, and pay for what you use, not force others to do it for you.”

This is what passes for deep thought on the right. The more you can fit it into a fortune cookie, the truer it must be. Somebody tell this clown that the health insurance industry is dooming itself by its short-term pursuit of profit, shattering the risk pools that make insurance itself possible. Somebody tell this cliche-spouting idiot that by 2025 the percentage of an average family of four’s yearly income needed to buy health insurance will be one hundred.

Or never mind. He’ll find out soon enough.

The Day Obamacare Died

Government intervention itself is what is causing health care costs to skyrocket.

Note that before medicare and medicaid, in the 1950s, middle class people could pay health care costs out of pocket. The government distorts the free market.


“I want to start drinking. Any advice?”

Use both hands.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Bullshit-flinging troll flings bullshit, claps hands with childish delight.
This is almost as awesome as when he tried to pull out the “VOLCANOEZ POLLUTES MORE DEN HOOMINZ!!!!!!!!!” canard a few months ago.



The United States has, bar none, the stupidest and cruelest health care systempopulation in the entire developed world

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I want to start drinking. Any advice?

I recommend cheap vodka and lots of it. I understand there are other points of view but they’re not as cheap and drunk as mine.


It has become quite clear that conservatives, those that think any government involvement in human health care is evil, do not care about the lives of others. At all. Cutting VA benefits. That’s good. Gutting SS. Righteous.

Getting sick should not mean you have to go bankrupt.


Someone wants to recall Holy Joe. Can’t be done, apparently.

Members of the Senate can be expelled from the institution for serious wrongdoing — it takes a two-thirds majority — and members can resign. But short of this, once voters elect a senator, he/she is there for six years.

Connecticut voters had their chance three years ago, and 563,725 of them sent Lieberman back to Congress. We’re living with the consequences.

Now which of you punk-ass loser hippe-dippie pacifist wimp sissies will join me in violent, anarchic nihilistic revolution/destruction, starting w/ assassinations of the enemies of the people? Huh?


Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to alert S,N! and other news organizations (what?) that a former South Dakota lawmaker, Ted Klaudt (R- foster daughters) serving a prison term for rape…

….has sent a copyright notice to news organizations that seeks to prevent the use of his name without his consent.


That name again is Ted Klaudt.

Also, I advise against looking for a photo of Ted Klaudt.


“Where i come from, The Netherlands, which is far from perfect, i pay 125 Euro’s for full coverage. “

America, on the other hand, has wimpy Democrats + Joe Lieberman.


Also, I advise against looking for a photo of Ted Klaudt.

aaaaaaaaghhhhh!, I will never get my eyeballs back!!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

OT – is there any wingnut poutrage about Google’s commemorating the 150th birthday of that guy who tried to Commie-up everything by inventing Esperanto?


“I have a job and am insured, and I don’t want to pay for parasites.”
Ok then, you’ve noticed your premiums going up or maybe your employer just switched insurance co’s. What I’m trying to say is that you already are and will continue to pay for these so called parasites. I come to sadly no for a few fucking laughs at the end of the day and when I have to continually skim over the inane comments left here just to stir up shit leaves me in a fowl mood. Quit acting like you’re that stupid. It’s beyond boring, way beyond. Oh, and my own daughter is one of those parasites. So, um, yeah, thanks for that. Turns out that we cannot insure our 29 year old daughter who got into a car wreck over a year ago with no insurance which has led to 4 emergency visits to correct the surgery that saved her life on the day of the car wreck. She’s all fucked up and no insurance company will take her on and we can’t so I guess your take is, “Fuck her.” Am I right?


I was thinking wadka. Thnx for the affirmation. And citrus juices.

Such a money-loving tribe. I think we have a Cold War hangover, too, and see the common good as a communist plot. Plus, Americans are deeply ashamed of not being rich. It’s twisted.



Basically, we probably would have had national health care under FDR, maybe sooner, but the Southern white racists were rightly afraid that federal health care could force ‘white’ hospitals and doctors to care for black patients.

So, once again you can pretty much thank Southern white right wingers for using every bit of their influence to act like the worthless, treasonous, nation-harming cowardly hate-filled mother fuckers they always have.


“And guess what? We’re going to keep our current system, and if Lieberman’s bill passes, it doesn’t matter. The insurance companies will continue to make huge profits. Huge, big, massive, obscene profits.”

He’s boasting and happy about being ripped off. As long as they tell him he’s better than the muslims.


European R&D piggybacks on the prices we pay for drugs.

And you’re touting this as good because huh?

We’re the rubes, the saps, the chumps for the whole world because we’re too stupid and ignorant to embrace single payer. Glaxo or whoever is just laughing – Hey, those idiots will pay it!




I’m tired of the private drug developers sucking at the tit of the public universities doing all of the basic research for pharmaceuticals.

Come on down to Big Al's Gayorama - free parasites with every purchase!

….has sent a copyright notice to news organizations that seeks to prevent the use of his name without his consent.

Oops, Elephant Butte, you owe Ted Klaudt $500,000. Damn, so do I.


<iIf you don’t like it, move to Europe, jharp. And have fun paying for Ahmed and Muhammad’s health care, or Noreen’s sixteen babies using your tax money.

Thing is, if we had European health care, we’d be paying LESS for Ahmed and Muhammand’s health care and Noreen’s sixteen babies, than we are already paying for uninsured Americans in the emergency room today.


Damn forgot to change name.


Former state Rep. Ted Klaudt (KLOWT) of Walker was convicted of improperly touching the girls as part of a phony scheme to sell their eggs to infertile couples.

What. The. Hell? Was he going to extract the eggs by hand? How old were these victims, anyway? And how fucking stupid? (That their mother married the tub of goo rapist may say something about her intelligence, or psychological problems, which of course are inflicted on the children, in many ways.)

Further proof of my theory that the vast majority of immigrants to this benighted nation did not come here looking for freedom or opportunity, but were one step ahead of the neighbors who were tired of being kept awake by the sounds of torture & incest coming from the immigrant’s former home. Also large numbers of con-men & the like (& worse) escaping justice.

How else to explain the national (lack of) character?


What do have against tit sucking El Cid? It can be quite enjoyable.


Do nor drink so much wadka that you wamit.


“If you don’t like it, move to Europe!”

No, we’re the majority and were going to change the system. That’s the American way. It may take a few steps, but the country is going to move forward, despite your stupidity and the obstructionism of your heros on behalf of their corporate masters. Hell, I can remember when we didn’t even play football against blacks in high school, and college basketball teams like Kentucky and West Virginia didn’t have black players. Single payer will be easy compared to getting Bear Bryant and Adoph Rupp to recruit African Americans.

BTW Troofie, there’s women at VMI now. Have been for ten years. Happy Holidays.

W. Watts III, esq.

OT – is there any wingnut poutrage about Google’s commemorating the 150th birthday of that guy who tried to Commie-up everything by inventing Esperanto?

Personally I’m outraged we’re all not drunk and practicing our Esperanto by watching Shatner in Incubus.

(BTW, “Truth” in Esperanto = “Vero”)


I will never get my eyeballs back!!
Being new, I realize that I have little cred here Lesley, but I would have thought….no, never mind.

The original conviction (two years ago?) had been posted at Wonkette, and there were ZERO comments, which perhaps speaks to the fucked-up-ed-ness of this , uhhhhh…whatever….

The Day Obamacare Died

Well 2010 is coming…and it’s not going to be pretty for the Democrat Party.


Here are some other indications that there is something very, very wrong w/ you people:

Some highlights of the concerns they raised while waiting for the senator and then in the conference room:

– “But the bottom line is Obama needs to resign and go join a liars club.”

– “We’re going to take from you and we’re going to give to those who don’t work. And on the other side of the coin, Adolf Hitler said the same thing.”

– “We have a lot of people who are ‘birthers,’ but if the President was a legal resident and he has documentation, if he were an honorable person and aboveboard, I think the first thing he would do is say, ‘Here it is.’”

– “Yeah, but then he went to the Middle East and all the Muslim countries and when he spoke he admitted he was a Muslim. He said the most beautiful sound he ever heard was the call to prayer, and he was speaking Arabic also.”

– “How can we withhold our taxes?“

Open the re-education camps. Seriously. (In many cases it will be the first education these toads have had.)


Al Franken, acting like a mensch on the Senate floor.

I dunno. We aren’t too effective with the whole taking-to-the-streets-thing, but maybe if we can keep guys like Franken and Grayson in office, things might start turning around.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Personally I’m outraged we’re all not drunk and practicing our Esperanto by watching Shatner in Incubus.

I’m doing my part – I netflixed Incubus and burned off a copy just waiting for this day.


The Day Obamacare Died

2009 was the highwater mark of the Democrat Party. There WILL be less Democrats in the House and less Democrats in the Senate after the mid-terms.If you were going to get your leftist agenda through, this was the year.

You failed!


Now, I want real healthcare reform too, but there’s a problem with a flat, one-to-one comparison between us and the Netherlands or Germany or Luxembourg. This is that the United States has been pretty much footing the bill for the military defense of these countries for over fifty years. That made sense when West Germany was the first line of defense against a Soviet land invasion to take over Europe. But the Soviets are gone, and while Russia may be a tough economic competitor, they’re not about to ride into Paris.

But nobody’s footing our military bill, and that’s a lot of money that we have to budget and pay and they don’t. That makes any direct comparison invalid. It may be useful to compare the systems, and there may be much to learn from them. But we can’t just say, Let’s do it like Holland does! It isn’t possible.


I’ll be sure to bookmark that. Also, it’s “fewer,” not “less,” you ignoramus.

The Day Any Hope In My Life Died, And I Became "The Truth"

Government clearly has failed… In Holland! Which is why you liberals should move to your socialist paradise… of Holland!

Oh wait… Holland clearly isn’t falling apart, so if I actually tried to make a consistent argument and used the nation I started out referring too, I’d look so insanely stupid the Darwin Awards would have to give it all up as they’d never come across a more pathetic amount of fail again.

So instead, I shall refer to… The Soviet Union! Which is just like Western European health care! Just like it I say!.

And if I do that, hopefully none of you will remember just how many previous times now I’ve told you to “Bookmark this” that healthcare reform died on that day too.

Also, I swore I was never coming back after the election, but lies don’t count if you tell them to liberals.


There might indeed be fewer Democrats after the next election. Hopefully the losers will be centrists and conservatives so the only (D)’s left are the true Indo-Kenyan Socialists.


If you’re still interested in what’s wrong with America, DOD exemplifies it. Clueless racist trash who don’t mind getting fucked in the ass as long as they know the darkies are getting fucked worse.

You think I’m kidding? The original universal health care proposal was made by Truman in the 1940s, in the same era all of Western Europe was getting on the bandwagon – and if failed because the Southern Democrats were afraid it would create racially integrated hospitals. Sixty years later, close to half of the country’s Republicans believe that Obama wasn’t born in America, to say nothing of those who remain convinced that he’s an Arab-Muslim, which has allowed a neurotic birther movement to spawn claims worthy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

There’s also the fact that the minority of Americans who aren’t covered adequately tend not to be very visible, certainly not very wealthy, and therefore are easy for insurance companies to drown out under piles of media gold. But the bottom line is that if race wasn’t an issue in America, health care and much of our current problems wouldn’t be either. Look no further than our Muslim-baiting friend from the top of the comments section.


A hearty terrorist fist-jab to what El Cid Said.

The Day Obamacare Died

John Thune kicked Stuart Smalley’s ass.

Thune is a TOP contender for 2012. Strong conservative, former football player, from the heartland, telegenic, and well-spoken.


The U.S. can’t afford health care because it’s defending Europe?


John Thune kicked Stuart Smalley’s ass.

Ha. Sarah Palin could kick John Thune’s ass, you don’t need someone with an actual functioning brain such as Al Franken.


Another bookmark. Say, maybe you should start one of these blog thingies so that all your predictions will be in one convenient place. We’ll come visit, promise.


Thune is a TOP contender for 2012.


John Thune is a poor man’s Dan Quayle.

The Day Any Hope In My Life Died, And I Became "The Truth" said,

You think I’m kidding?

You aren’t kidding, but I think in this particular case, you are ascribing to someone far more humanity than he really has… The Truth doesn’t even hate black people because he’s got a philosophy of racism; he doesn’t even have a working mind at all, let alone one that could consistently reason even that reduced logic.
No, he hates black people, because they are popular with girls and he never will be. He hates liberals because they go to “elitist” universities, because they are educated and intelligent, and then spend 3 to 4 years sleeping with sexy Co-eds, whilst he gets sprayed with mace the moment he even tries to get into their bars. He hates healthcare because he hates you and wants to see you suffer and die, and argues against it on liberal forums, not because he has any input on policy at all (he’s as politically impotent as he is sexually) but because he just hopes to hurt you through the screen…

Of course, he never does, because his mind is so addled with rage and OCD and god knows how many mental illnesses he’s shown us all over the years, that most of us just feel pity for him. Liberals are the only people tolerant enough to ever show any tolerance for him, but he’s too consumed by his demons to ever realise this. Maybe, deep down, he understands that we liberals, working in health care as we often unselfishly do, will be the ones forcing him to take his meds to keep him from committing a felony and being executed by the State at a later date… but instead of understanding we’re trying to help him, he just imagines the force, the pills, the execution, he knows he’s heading for, and lashes out ever more at the State instead. We make him do these things, you see?

Poor “Truth”. The path he’s taken will never, ever contain any joy or love. I pity him, I don’t hate him. Occasionally, I laugh at him, but it’s the laughter of a clown… inside, I’m crying for such a useless, obsessed by being hated waste of human life. I wonder what terrible evil he committed in a past life to have been cursed with such a feeble, useless one in this life?


I’m tired of all these comparisons of the U.S. health care situation to Europe. If the complaint is that we spend more and get less, and they’re healthier, well, why don’t we just bomb the fuck out of ’em so that they’ll have to spend all their money just to survive, and then we’ll leap way ahead of them on the statistics, right?

I would say we should bomb them back to the Stone Age, but I think Mississippi would be far back enough. Don’t want to go crazy, now.


“Why do we put up with paying tons of money for crappier health care?”

Because we’re lucky enough to live in a country where freedom means slavery to big corporations. Freedom isn’t free, you know. Also, shutup that’s why. Who wants to be like the French? They smell and surrender a lot.


I heard that you can move to the Netherlands for like 10k and a Business Plan, might have to try that.


I asked my sexy ex-CIA stripper wife what sort of health care we had and she said we were covered in the case of any STD’s.


Parasite, I mean DOD said I have a job and am insured and don’t want to pay for parasites. Since employer-based insurance is subsidized guess what that makes you?

The Day Obamacare Died

I wan to end employer based health insurance, actually. Change the tax structure that forces us into that and let us by individual policies on the free market. Like we buy anything else.

The Day Obamacare Died

For example I don’t have to change jobs if I want Verizon instead of AT&T, why should I have to change jobs if I want Wellpoint instead of Blue Cross? It’s stupid.

And allow competition across state lines.


I want to end privately purchased basic health insurance. Change the tax structure so that all pay into a public system so as to remove the inefficiencies of private parasites on standard and preventive medical care. Like we pay for public roads and libraries.


I think there should be health insurance competition across state lines; however, there should be complete federal regulation of all private health insurance, so that states do not compete on who could have the weakest regulatory system and thus drive down the standards for all.

The Day Obamacare Died

I don’t mind if there’s some federal regulation, I just want competition. Competition between PRIVATE companies, buying health insurance shouldn’t be any different then buying cell phone coverage. There’s no “public option” for telephone service and we do just fine.

But your hatred of profits blinds you to that.


Question: if competition across state lines is allowed, couldn’t states still regulate the policies sold within their borders? And wouldn’t that automatically forestall a race to the bottom?


I wonder what terrible evil he committed in a past life to have been cursed with such a feeble, useless one in this life?

From your description I think the answer to that is obvious: Troofus is the reincarnation of Richard Millhaus Nixon.

The Day Any Hope In My Life Died, And I Became "The Truth"

For example I don’t have to change jobs if I want Verizon instead of AT&T, why should I have to change jobs if I want Wellpoint instead of Blue Cross? It’s stupid.

The pity continues alas… You’d think he’d realise that, if he can’t change jobs and get better health care, it’s because of his own personal failings, and that maybe, just maybe Liberals are trying to say that he shouldn’t get a bum deal on his health care just because he personally is too ill to work towards a better plan. That we’re on his side. Instead, he will continue to repeat the Republican mantra that people shouldn’t get health care unless they work for it, whilst remaining blind to the fact that he’s an economic liability and apparently can’t work for it… and that no truly capitalist company is going to want to give him great health, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for all the drugs he needs whilst he’s temping in a burger bar (at least, until he loses his temper with a customer again)

Personally, I doubt he has a job at all though, but is stuck with the provision as a dependency on someone else’s policy, probably his mother, and he’s blaming her inability to magically summon up a company that will provide good care for someone who will never, ever be a productive member of society on evil, evil liberals who have denied him his birthrights…

You know who Truth reminds me of? A “Mikeeusa” in the making;


Really he does. You can just see the rage and evil building up behind his every word… it can’t be long until The Truth states that he should be able to rape under age liberals because he’s accepted he’ll never get a woman any other way.


if competition across state lines is allowed, couldn’t states still regulate the policies sold within their borders? And wouldn’t that automatically forestall a race to the bottom?

No, it would automatically ensure a race to the bottom. The states that credit card companies are based in are precisely those in which the regulations are nil. ‘Competition across state lines’ as currently enunciated by conservatives simply means deregulating, meaning that states would no longer be able to regulate the insurance products sold within their territory.

If you could buy a car in your state but which only had to meet the regulatory standards of any U.S. state, then it is likely that one U.S. state, seeking auto manufacturing business, would hold that cars can be made out of balsa wood and have iron spikes sticking out of the steering wheel pointed out your head, if that was the cheapest thing auto companies wanted.


without readin all the comments, and just responding to the first couple troofilicious postings, it seems the answer is obvious:

Rich white people are terrified that brown people might get some reasonable amount of care, and will oppose any effort to make things more efficient if it even implies that brown people might receive some improved services.

To me, this seems to answer the question as well as anything.

St. N.C. of the Initials

Who is Stuart Smalley? Is he from one of those animes with the robots and such as?




Or should that be


We’re going to keep our current system,

and if we do, go broke paying for it, while europe and asia drink our milkshake.

The Day Obamacare Died

No, in 2013 we’re going to get real CONSERVATIVE health care reform that will embrace competition and the private sector.


It’s funny how “competition across state lines” went very quickly from think tank (presumably) to teabaggers and trolls. Not lulz funny, but funny as in, gawd they’re all so pathetic with this stuff.


embrace competition and the private sector

and John Thune! Commence fapping!


Hey troofus, how do you feel about paying for no parasites? Yep, you (well, if you actually had a job, and paid any taxes or water bills, or…) pay to ensure there are no parasites in your drinking water. Izzat a good thing? Or a bad thing.

No, seriously, I want to know. Do you believe it’s appropriate (do I need to use smaller words?) that the government ha taken away your freedom to buy water from a free market enterprise (and a monopoly to boot) that doesn’t care whether what you drink is chock full of giardia and cryptospridium?

Or perhaps your love affair with parasites goes a long way toward explaining your neural impairment.


Now which of you punk-ass loser hippe-dippie pacifist wimp sissies will join me in violent, anarchic nihilistic revolution/destruction, starting w/ assassinations of the enemies of the people? Huh?


But i will NOT eat his jowls. I may be a zombie, but even zombies have fucking standards, man.


‘Competition across state lines’ as currently enunciated by conservatives simply means deregulating, meaning that states would no longer be able to regulate the insurance products sold within their territory.

Oh. I suppose they would consider it rude for me to bring up “states’ rights” then. After all, that sort of thing would seem to require an explicit override of the states’ police power.

So… when the Feddle Gummint steps in to help the people… it’s OH NOES TEH SOSHULISM. But when that same Feddle Gummint steps in to help the corporations… it’s YAY FREE MARKET WOLVERINES!

Pretty much par for the course for these guys. I shouldn’t be surprised.


but maybe if we can keep guys like Franken and Grayson in office, things might start turning around.

excellent point. Wasn’t too long ago, all we had was Teddy.


Now which of you punk-ass loser hippe-dippie pacifist wimp sissies will join me in violent, anarchic nihilistic revolution/destruction, starting w/ assassinations of the enemies of the people? Huh?

How much does the newsletter cost?


DOD wants to by(sic) individual policies on the free market. Be careful DOD, you just might get what you wish for. I’ve been forced to do that for seven years now and have been out-priced of three policies. My current policy premium was raised $140 last month.

The Tragically Flip

I had one thought about the lack of protests in the US: DC is the technical capital, but it isn’t actually a major city unto itself. Paris, London, Amsterdam, Madrid, Berlin – these cities are the centre of much of the economic, civil and social life of those nations. Organizing a protest is much easier since you have a huge base of people to protest with. DC’s 400,000 or so just isn’t the same.

But there’s a lot to be said for the willingness of citizens to just block all commerce and activity in the nation’s most important city for a week or two until they get their way.

Perhaps Americans should stage mass protests in lower manhattan…

A Parasite in Troof's Small Intestine

Oh, we do love irony.

Which is why us parasites are gradually eating Troof away from the inside-out and then when he needs decent medical attention, our big brothers in the insurance industry are gonna eat him up from the outside-in.



Anyone here who has NOT had sex with Tiger Woods? I feel left out.


Perhaps Americans should stage mass protests in lower manhattan…

It was 1989, iirc, that 5000 or so from ACTUP staged a protest outside St. Pats. That’s in lower Manhattan, innit.


I should have made the pun on mass protest clearer, shouldn’t I?


What if we deep fried those jowls for ya, ZRM?


Trofus or die, you ALREADY have the choice to pick and buy your own fucking insurance plan, dude.

It’s just that you CHOOSE to be a burden on your employer by SUCKING on his employer sponsored plan… which of course he only does because he gets a tax break to do so…

But you, my dimwitted compatriot, are perfectly free to find your own insurance on the OPEN MARKET, just like you do with your cell phone plan. But of course, you don’t because you cannot afford it. Because THE INSURANCE SYSTEM IN AMERICA IS MORE ABOUT INSURANCE PROFITS THAN HEALTH COVERAGE.

but of course, you oppose changing any of that, because in your feeble mind, it pleases you to imagine that doing so irritates liberals, somehow. You pathetic wretch.


What if we deep fried those jowls for ya, ZRM?

maybe if they are wrapped in cheese. Wisconsin, yanno

The Day Obamacare Died

I oppose changing the current system because I don’t want health care rationing. I don’t want to have to wait nine months to get treated for a broken arm like Canadians do.


The minute you get more insurance benefits than you payed in premiums, you’re a “parasite”. That’s kind of the point of insurance, isn’t it? Just because you pay for insurance, doesn’t mean you pay for your health care. And even if you do pay more than you get, you do it with the hopes that if you need more than you’re paying, you’ll get it—so why begrudge someone who benefits from insurance? Why insist that it’s only righteous if a corporation makes a profit? It’s stupid.

The Tragically Flip

If you could buy a car in your state but which only had to meet the regulatory standards of any U.S. state, then it is likely that one U.S. state, seeking auto manufacturing business, would hold that cars can be made out of balsa wood and have iron spikes sticking out of the steering wheel pointed out your head, if that was the cheapest thing auto companies wanted.

U Haul does exactly this to employ Arizona’s shitty safety/licensing standards for its trucks here in Canada:

Oddly enough, nearly every U-Haul truck is plated out of Arizona even if it has never left Canada, something Cam Woolley calls a loophole.

“When it’s out of province like Arizona they can call their home state and say they lost the plate. The state has no way of knowing the circumstances on which the plate was seized.”

Police can make sure an unsafe vehicle with Ontario plates doesn’t get back on the road, but that’s not necessarily the case if the plate is from out of the country. When a U-Haul plate is seized in Canada, the company could simply say the plate has gone missing and have new plates sent, no questions asked. This makes it much more difficult for police to track vehicles with poor safety records.

The point?

W-FIVE rented vehicles in four provinces and took them to licensed mechanics to see if they met provincial safety standards. From Quebec, to Ontario, Alberta to British Columbia, in every case the U-Hauls inspected failed.

Now I wonder if Truthy can apply the lesson here to healthcare. Hmm…No one in history can imagine companies playing regulatory arbitrage?! They’d need like, lawyers and stuff to figure that out.

St. The Tragically Flip

I don’t want to have to wait nine months to get treated for a broken arm like Canadians do.

This never happens you lying sack of shit.


It was 1989, iirc, that 5000 or so from ACTUP staged a protest outside St. Pats. That’s in lower Manhattan, innit.

Midtown, across 5th from Rock Center.

My office is in lower Manhattan if anyone wants to protest my going to work tomorrow.

The Day Obamacare Died

Canadian Healthcare Horror Stories:

Beverly Green
Beverly Green, 45, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001. Initial tests indicated she would not benefit from hormonal drug treatment, but retesting at Mount Sinai Hospital in 2005 found that her initial test results were incorrect. Green testified at a public inquiry in March 2008


Branislav Djukic
Branislav Djukic, an Ontario cab driver, faced a difficult choice: Wait more than 14 weeks for cancer surgery, or travel outside of Canada and purchase the lifesaving operation. Ultimately, Djukic returned to the country he fled in 1995, the former Yugoslavia. In Belgrade, he underwent surgery to remove a portion of his left kidney at a cost of $5,000.


David Malleau
David Malleau, a 44 year-old truck driver suffered a devastating car accident in 2004 that forced doctors at Hamilton General Hospital to remove a fist-sized piece of bone from his skull to relieve pressure on his brain. Once the swelling subsided and he was ready for surgery in March 2005, Malleau was sent home and placed on a waiting list. Three months passed. Then six. He waited at home, a prisoner unable to leave the house for fear something would hit the exposed side of his brain – for him a potentially fatal incident. In the end, it took nearly a year before he could get skull replacement surgery.


Jeff Clarke
Jeff Clarke, 34, was in a chronic state of pain for three years. The Kitchener man could stand for only 10 minutes at a time, sit for about 20 and then lie down again. The back pain, diagnosed as degenerative disc disease, travelled through his legs and often he buckled over as he tried to stand. He used two canes and a walker to get around. Then one night last November as he was watching TV, he saw a commercial about a Canadian company offering surgery in India. Clarke called the Vancouver-based business and within two days was sending his folder of medical information to the surgeon in Chennai, India. “All of a sudden there was hope, valid hope I could grasp,” he said. On Jan. 28, Clark had two titanium rods placed in his lower back, two reconstructed discs made of high-density plastic inserted, as well as screws to hold the discs together, all thanks to an Indian doctor.

Want me to go on?


The Day Obamacare Died

What do you think of those stories above, Tragically Flip? Your health care system sucks worse than your beer and your music.

St. The Tragically Flip

85% of patients in Ontario emergency rooms with a “Minor or uncomplicated condition” were treated in 4 hours or less of arrival. Over 176,000 E-room visits since April 2008.

A broken arm is a “minor or uncomplicated condition.”

For more complex problems, 82% were treated within 8 hours.


How much does the newsletter cost?

Oh, no charge. We use this thing called email. Participation will probably cost you your life, though.

if we can keep guys like Franken and Grayson in office, things might start turning around

Yeah, right, one in the Senate & one in the House. Gonna make a big difference.

Neither one exactly has to work for a living, which is why they can speak the truth once in a while. Most rich folk being asswipes, we can’t count on the occasional liberal who struck it rich & stayed liberal, & is wiling to open her mouth to save us from the fascisti.

The Day Obamacare Died

Look at those stories above, Flip. Your Gov’t run healthcare is a huge disgrace. Click on the link and read more.


Thune is a TOP contender for 2012.




Now that is just freakin’ ADORABLE! You deserve a pat on the head for that l’il Troofie. Did you think that up all by yourself?

The Day Obamacare Died

Oh look, the Aspie is laughing at me. I’ll take that as a compliment.

Thune is a huge threat to Obama, and you would know it if you weren’t a retard,

St. The Tragically Flip

Oh, so it’s battle by anecdote hey? I didn’t notice any “broken arm 6 months” like you claimed…

My mom Leslie Rapacki ,49 died on April 6th 2005 of lung cancer. She was self employed and could not afford the high cost of health insurance.


Our brother Eric was a very kind, generous person and a great dad to his three boys. He was a successful pool designer and project manager until the housing market crash, when he lost his job and his health insurance. A year ago in November he started experiencing abdominal pains but couldn’t afford to see a doctor. By January the pain was so intense he had to go to the emergency room several times, which was his only source of health care. He was diagnosed with pancreatitis ansd sent home repeatedly, even though a mass was discovered on his pancreas. In May, after going to a different Orlando area hospital, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and, after a few months of braving extreme pain, radiation and chemotherapy, passed away on September 14th, 2009. I am convinced that had health care been available for Eric, he could have been diagnosed much sooner and would have survived the cancer.


Back in 1996, I lived across the hall from a good guy named Chas. He was in construction and ran supervisor jobs in the Dayton, Ohio area. He caught a bug and had to stay home a couple days. It got worse, but he felt he could fight it off on his own as he wasn’t insured. I stopped in on him one day on the way home. He answered, mumbled something incoherent as he stroked his beard… and toppled like a felled tree. Dead. His brother later told me his electrolytes were way off because of the diarrhea he suffered from this bug. He had long battled hepatitis that he contracted while helping clean up and reconstruct in Hawaii after Hurricane Iniki. A good, independent man. Lost to the world because he had to make a decision whether to go to the doctors over what seemed a minor bug. That is a decision, I feel, that should never have to be made. He left behind a teenage daughter that he had just reconnected with and a couple of truly sorrowful neighbors who still keep his picture.

Yay, capitalism, groovy!

Roland, the Headless Thompson Gunner

Your title office gives you claim to the throne of our country bully pulpit, but men don’t follow titles, they follow courage. Now our people know you. Noble, and common Democrat and Independent, they respect you. And if you would just lead them to freedom the public option, they’d follow you. And so would I.


Thune is a huge threat to Obama


Omigod, you just get cuter and cuter. It’s almost like you believe that. C’mon, Troofie, tell me another. Make up some shit about Thune gaining in the polls and how it’ll lead to the Great Liberal Freakout 2012. Cutie!


Beverly Green

Never been a mis-diagnosis or badly interpreted test in the entire history of American medicine. Ever.

And we might note that a broken arm will be healed long before the nine-month Canadian waiting period.

St. The Tragically Flip

Here’s a good one about how digusting the vile US health murder system is:

My 49 year old brother died of Esophogeal Cancer – which began as a very treatable condition called Barrett’s Esophogus. Basically, too much acid in the stomache which washes into the Esophogus and over many, many years COULD turn to cancer. Jim was unaware of his condition and since he had no insurance – he never got any professional medical treatment for what for many years he just thought was acid indigestion. He made $100 dollars TOO MUCH a year to qualify for Government Medicaid, but did not make enough a year to be able to afford his own medical insurance – since he was raising his two daughters alone. By the time he finally went to the Emergency Room for his extreme pain, his cancer was stage 4, and untreatable. Early diagnosis of his condition would have saved him. He died four weeks after his diagnosis. He died because he had no medical insurance.

And pieces of shit like Joe Lieberman resist raising the medicaid qualification level to 150% of the poverty level while pieces of shit like troothy applaud and worry someone might redistribute a penny to a darkie. More good, responsible fathers like this man will die.

St. The Tragically Flip

Here’s one that could be you, Troothy:

My mother after paying into the insurance system for 30 years, lost her insurance when the company she worked for shut down. My mother and father worked at the same manufacturing company for nearly 20 years. Because they both lost their jobs, my mother had no insurance. She then found out she had breast cancer. She could not afford chemo and many of the drugs and treatment necessary. She lived in a small mobile home, but my mother and father owned some land that the mobile home sat on. She didn’t want to lose the few acres she raised her children on and chose death instead. She died at 52, still leaving thousands of dollars of medical bills that my father had to pay after finding a new job with no insurance making $6 an hour.

In your Milton Friedman fever dream of unrestricted capitalism, all companies are adrift on the pirate seas of competition trying to sink one another. Think your employer couldn’t go bankrupt? What then? Are you so in demand that you’d be hired the next day?

You wouldn’t use COBRA right, cause that’s robbing peter to insure paul. So you’d be uninsured like John Galt would have wanted.

The Day Obamacare Died

Manon Lemoignan
Manon Lemoignan, 46, a cancer patient and the mother of two girls, was denied access to a life-prolonging drug. Lemoignan’s oncologist at the Royal Victoria Hospital recommended the best therapy available, Avastin. The drug, however, had not yet been approved for use in Canada.


Rally Levy
Rally Levy, a breast cancer patient in Montreal, was denied eligibility for the drug Herceptin. Where she lives, the drug is only available to women with advanced breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. “If I started my chemo a month ago, I would have been on the trial group that was eligible,” said Rally Levy. “They have realized it is a good pill. Why can’t I get it?”


Sheila Nunn, a Kitchener woman suffering seizures, was told by her doctor that she urgently needed an MRI scan. She was also told she would have to wait three months to have it done locally. Nunn, who had been suffering blackouts, memory loss, confusion and seizures for two months, decided to take action: She paid $1,100 to have the MRI scan done in Michigan.


Sheryl Smolkin had been undergoing several months of assorted treatments for pain in her right knee, but the pain was still putting a crimp in her quality of life. So, she decided to go to Buffalo, New York in late December for an MRI. She had an appointment at 1:30 a.m. on Feb. 21 at a Toronto hospital, but simply didn’t want to put it off any longer. With the assistance of Richard Baker at Vancouver-based Timely Medical Alternatives, she arranged to have the procedure done at a convenient time five days later for $465 (CDN). The only waiting she had to do was the two hours in traffic it took to cross the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge into the United States. Based on the MRI, her knee problem has been diagnosed, but that’s only the first step. A February appointment with a specialist will determine if she’ll need to go on another wait list for surgery.


Vince Motta, 23, died of a severe asthma attack after he was airlifted to Rockyview Hospital following appendix surgery at High River hospital. Motta and his mother had waited at both Rockyview and Foothills Hospital, but eventually left due to the long waits.

Address those stories.


But, but, David Brooks told me (while leaving his hand on my thigh throughout dinner) that John Thune is over six ft. tall, & can play basketball. That lovely Mr. Brooks failed to mention one single thought that had ever passed through Sen. Thune’s mind, but he’s so handsome, in a leathery, exposed to the elements (Too fucking stupid to come in out of the rain.) way that makes fat ugly heartland women over fifty all wet & warm.

He’ll put Obama is his place, once & for all.

Thune/Palin 2012!

Last time I do this - really

As a Medi-care Eligibility worker, I always find it funny when some jackass goes on about American Health Care as some shinny example of freemarket purity. When you then try to point out the horrors of the Canadian System, called Medicare because they followed our model, you show yourself to be, well, stupid.

Canadian vs American Health care – the basics


The Day Obamacare Died

Thune/ROMNEY 2012!


Speaking Troof to power, in Jesus’ name:

“The vagina. Only one organ made can bring forth life. It’s the male organ. It’s not, in lesbianism, for the tongue of a female goes into the vagina of another female. It’s not in the male, where the male organ goes into the part of the body where the… the waste matter comes out of the body as poison, and he penetrates that part of the body in homosexuality. It’s not to be put in the mouth of the man, or the mouth of the man or the woman…. It is the male organ, penetrating the vagina of the woman, the male and the female.”

The Day Obamacare Died

Or even better, Thune/Jindal–the new faces of the GOP.


Palin/Thune/Bachmann 2012
“Hell, why not make it a three-way?”

The Day Obamacare Died

Something tells me the resident retard has never seen a vagina in real life.


Motta and his mother had waited at both Rockyview and Foothills Hospital, but eventually left due to the long waits.

Now wait, these people left? And this is the fault of the health care system? I can only hope his mother is convulsed w/ guilt because she wanted to leave so she could watch “her stories” or whatever.


Thune/Craig/Vitter 2012
“Guaranteed to get America out of its stall”

St. The Tragically Flip

Sheryl Smolkin had been undergoing several months of assorted treatments for pain in her right knee, but the pain was still putting a crimp in her quality of life. So, she decided to go to Buffalo, New York in late December for an MRI. She had an appointment at 1:30 a.m. on Feb. 21 at a Toronto hospital, but simply didn’t want to put it off any longer. With the assistance of Richard Baker at Vancouver-based Timely Medical Alternatives, she arranged to have the procedure done at a convenient time five days later for $465 (CDN). The only waiting she had to do was the two hours in traffic it took to cross the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge into the United States. Based on the MRI, her knee problem has been diagnosed, but that’s only the first step. A February appointment with a specialist will determine if she’ll need to go on another wait list for surgery.

You’re really scraping bottom when you resort to “I had to wait for an MRI for my non life threatening knee problem” as your sob stories I’m supposed to address.

Why don’t you address why the US health care system is bar none the most expensive in the whole world, by far and yet doesn’t cover 15% of the population, and gives the other 85% only middling health results?

You’re the richest country in the world and I’m able to tell you that Canada, a country whose citizens earn $4000 less per capita, can afford a better health care system than you. We can’t even pronounce “about” but we kick your sorry capitalist butts at health care.

Why is that, troothy? My life expectancy is longer than yours. Why?


Thune/Troofie/Foley 2012

“O-faces for America”


Yeah, but does Thune have shoulders you could land a 747 on, like Mitt Romney?


My life expectancy is longer than yours. Why?

Surely it can’t be the steady stream of Monster Burgers and Red Bull. It must be the LIBS’ fault. Quick! Call out the Center for Conservative Science!!! We must blame teh Mexislamohomofascists!!!!!!!!


St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

My life expectancy is longer than yours. Why?

Your point is well taken, but the question is overbroad – just as is Troofy’s ass. Which breadth is the answer.


St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Damn, too slow on the draw.


the tongue of a female goes into the vagina of another female

Someone is not following proper procedure/technique, but that’s no surprise.

The Day Obamacare Died

Compare the life expectancy of Asian Canadians vs. Asian Americans, White Americans vs. White Canadian, and Black Canadians vs. Black Americans and you will find them to be the same.

America’s greater racial diversity makes us look worse than we are. Canada has more Asians and Whites, we have more Blacks and Hispanics


If you would just factor out all the reasons that Americans die, we live much longer than anyone else.


If you would just drop the American South from all this health statistics stuff and just focus on Vermont and Northern California, American health statistics look awesome.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Oh, Troofie. Is there anything that ISN’T the fault of the minorities he secretly wants to fuck?

St. The Tragically Flip

These right wing lists of Canadian “horror” stories are always so fucking weak. I presume Troothy went and found the best ones, and he comes back with impatient people who were willing to pay to jump the MRI line and this:

Manon Lemoignan, 46, a cancer patient and the mother of two girls, was denied access to a life-prolonging drug. Lemoignan’s oncologist at the Royal Victoria Hospital recommended the best therapy available, Avastin. The drug, however, had not yet been approved for use in Canada.

What does this have to do with socialized medicine? Is Troothie suggesting Canada should not have drug safety standards? Anything the FDA approves should just be available in Canada automatically?

When did Roche submit this drug for approval in Canada? How long did it take? Who knows?

After all it’s not like any medications have caused any problems lately. Yes, I’d be very comfortable just letting big phrama cram anything down my throat they can jam past the FDA.

It’s approved here now.

The Day Obamacare Died

Shut up! I copied and pasted shit and called people “retards”, which means I WIN!
Also, I fuck sheep. Anyone under this name who says otherwise is a lib spoofing me.


With the assistance of Richard Baker at Vancouver-based Timely Medical Alternatives, she arranged to have the procedure done at a convenient time five days later for $465 (CDN)

She paid $1,100 to have the MRI scan done in Michigan.

Hey, Canuckers, these awfully low prices paid to get tests in the United Snakes: Do they have something to do w/ Canada’s health care paying at least a share for procedures done in the U. S. of A.?

‘Cause I had a scan done about 20 yrs. ago, which would have been US$1,300.00 if my insurance hadn’t covered it. I’m guessing scans haven’t dropped in price over 20 yrs.


If we drop statistics on all the people secretly murdered by the Chicago comptroller, Americans have an average lifespan of three to four hundred years.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

If we drop Troofie from a helicopter, the splatter covers 4.7 square miles (~1,217 hectares).


If we drop statistics on all the people secretly murdered by the Chicago comptroller, Americans have an average lifespan of three to four hundred years.

Add in the people killed in the Clinton Body Count, and we’re talking a nation of freakin’ Methuselahs.


I want to start drinking. Any advice?

I recommend cheap vodka and lots of it. I understand there are other points of view but they’re not as cheap and drunk as mine.

On average, wine is usually the best buzz for the buck. There is usually more alcohol in a dollar’s worth of wine than a dollar’s worth of anything else. It’s cheap, generally palatable* and readily available in bulk. And since you can’t easily get the cork back in the bottle, you don’t have much choice but to finish the whole bottle. It’s just part of cleaning up, really–it doesn’t mean you’re a lush or anything like that!

But I am a big fan of cheap vodka. And cheap rum. Any brand that advertises needs to cover their marketing costs, so I usually pass on the big names. Find a liquor store guy who knows most of the bar brands well, sit at his at fit, and absorb his wisdom.

Oh, you were probably asking rhetorically, huh?

*Other than retsina, I have never tasted a wine that wasn’t passable if mixed with some kind of lemon-limy fizzy liquid; that includes the liter bottle we picked up in Rome for a whopping 65 cents. Quality stuff, that was.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Ah, but to get someone into a helicopter, they have to leave the house. Ever.

The Day Obamacare Died

Vermont health statistics look good because Vermont is 97% white.

The Day Obamacare Died

BTW, move 100,000 Somali immigrants to Windsor, Vermont, and they would turn into Pat Buchanan voters overnight.

St. The Tragically Flip

Compare the life expectancy of Asian Canadians vs. Asian Americans, White Americans vs. White Canadian, and Black Canadians vs. Black Americans and you will find them to be the same.

America’s greater racial diversity makes us look worse than we are. Canada has more Asians and Whites, we have more Blacks and Hispanics

Aside from the obvious stupidity of thinking that your racist past and present policies which have left so many blacks and hispanics in the gutter is a good excuse for your shitty outcomes, you’re still wrong:

Life expectancy for white Americans has been greater than for African Americans for as long as records have been available. Life expectancy for all Americans has been lower than for all Canadians since the beginning of the 20th century. Up until the 1970s, this disparity could be explained by the higher mortality rates of African Americans. Since then, white Canadians have lived longer than white Americans.

I guess information that’s been available since the 1970s hasn’t found its way onto Rush yet.

My white life expectancy is longer than your white life expectancy and if we were both black, we’d have shorter lives but my life would still be longer by .8 of a year.


mixed with some kind of lemon-limy fizzy liquid

White Port & Lemon Juice. Glad to see you kids upholding tradition.

Another good drink is 151 proof rum mixed w/ 7-Up & Hawaiian punch concentrate (figure out your own proportions). Warning: It’s a race between passing out & vomiting. And sometimes you get both.

The Day Obamacare Died

Canada is a fucking disgrace. Address ALL of those stories, or at least apologize for Nickelback and Molson’s.

The Day Obamacare Died

Alcohol is a lib drug. You’re a bunch of drunks and need to sober up.

You can’t drink and be a success. I’ve never even though about touching alcohol.


Longer: The Day Obamacare Died

1. Whites are the master race

2. Vermont is 97% white

3. Ergo “Vermont health statistics look good because Vermont is 97% white.”

You know who else would have made that argument DOD?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

6:36 is fake. The tell? It displays a vague sense of humor amidst the petulant hatred and thinly-veiled homoerotic desire.


6:36 is fake.

Oh please.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

A- Alcohol prevents success.
B- Troofie is a miserable failure.
So, using the scientific method,
C- Troofie drinks like a fish.

The Day Obamacare Died

Alcohol is for liberal failures.

The Day Obamacare Died

All the conservative successes like Rush and Glenn go straight to drugs.


“Never Trust a Man That Doesn’t Drink”
William Claude Dukenfield


St. The Tragically Flip

Not until you apologize for larry the cable guy, sarah palin, truck nutz, calvin pissing decals, mesh hats, budweiser, corn syrup sweetened pop, the word “soda”, calling “soda” “coke” in the south like it’s a fucking generic term, bacon flavoured mayonnaise, sausage on a stick, donald trump, supersized anything, 7-11, krispy kreme, saturated fats, hydrogenated oils, payday loans, Jennifer Lopez, oh and for crashing the world economy with a devotion to some stupid and transparently wrong utopian ideas from a terrible fiction novelist and the freshwater economist hacks.

Yeah, then we can talk about Nickelback and Molson’s. Fuck, it’s redneck right wingers that love nickelback and drink molson’s anyway.

The Day Obamacare Died

Beck was a miserable failure until he kicked the bottle Alcohol is one-way ticket to failure. Don’t drink.


BTW, move 100,000 Somali immigrants to Windsor, Vermont, and they would turn into Pat Buchanan voters overnight.

I really don’t think the Somali immigrants would swing that way, baby.


“BTW, move 100,000 Somali immigrants to Windsor, Vermont, and they would turn into Pat Buchanan voters overnight.”

This does not rise to the level of a stupid statement.

St. Kid from a Kounty Meath

Beck is still a miserable failure and very obviously still a drunk. He’s just figured out that he has to pretend otherwise to mobilize the dumb, violent Klansmen who are his bread and butter. You, of course, do not understand this because you’re an unemployed, closeted dumbass.

The Day Obamacare Died

I am employed and extremely successful, unlike you libs.

I notice how much you like to project.

What I meant was if you moved 100,000 Somali immigrants to a Vermont town, the residents of the town would become right wingers overnight. This is already happening in Lewistown, Maine. Google it.

The Day Obamacare Died

I’m so successful, this is my ideal way to spend entire days and nights.


St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist said,
December 16, 2009 at 6:23

“If we drop Troofie from a helicopter, the splatter covers 4.7 square miles (~1,217 hectares).”

I wish to make a charitable contribution to your cause. How much for a tote bag and coffee mug?

The Day Obamacare Died

Beck has extremely high ratings and was on the cover of Time Magazine.

When was the last time Olbermann or Rachel “Dyke” Maddox was on the cover of any national news magazine?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Rachel “Maddox” was never on the cover of any magazine because she doesn’t exist. How interesting that the librul media is okay if they’re anointing fat-faced right-wing cokeheads.


High ratings= moral high ground!


I am employed and extremely successful


Now THAT there’s funnny, I don’t care who ya are!


Beck: “Soy un perdedor.”

The Tragically Flip

Rachel “Dyke” Maddox

See why hate crimes legislation was needed? Because of hateful bigots like you.

The Day Obamacare Died

What’s YOUR job, aspie badger?

The Day Obamacare Died

Ohhhhh, badger, I want to fuck you soooooo bad. I’m not even disguising it anymore.


If you transported 100,000 Troofies to Anytown, U.S.A., the entire city would burn to the ground within days due to fart lighting accidents.

Saint jim, Patron Saint of Bitchslapping

Address those stories.

Cool stories bro … but you left out the part where the Ministry Of Health tasered their kids & raped their pets – it just doesn’t have quite the same PIZZAZZ without those human-interest details, y’know … oh, & Canadians already have full access to private healthcare clinics (of which there are many) in addition to Medicare – which is why I’m wearing a big shit-eating grin right now.

Your litany of Unspeakable Socialist Atrocity sort of reminds me of the Canuck lady with severe headaches who was convinced she had brain-cancer & made quite the name for herself in Wingnutland early this year by blowing a small fortune at the Mayo Clinic because she didn’t dare wait a few months for a full diagnosis & MRI (I’m pretty sure she’s doing just fine now, you’ll be sad to know).

Sorry, sunshine: your precious “Medicare Martyrs” are the outliers in a sea of premium service (in a country where wait-times are declining despite an aging population), whereas families crushed by health-insurance debt from minor injuries & ailments – or ruined outright by grief over needless deaths – are quickly becoming the norm in America … which has the best healthcare system in the world – if that world is Neptune.

Thanks for giving me yet another chance to have a good LOL at your expense!

Now please go back to fapping to your meat-dream *** Romney/Thunes 2012 Librul Freekout *** & leave the adults alone here, okay? I swear I can smell the fugly right through my screen – & it’s the kind of necrotic pong that no amount of RightGuard or Axe Bodyspray is ever going to hide.

Obvious Jokes Dept.

You know who ELSE was on the cover of Time?


“Beck has extremely high ratings and was on the cover of Time Magazine”

You know who else was on the cover of Time Magazine?


So, is this where Troofie:

a) Lets fly with another “mom’s basement/Honda Civic” riposte?
b) Accuses the regulars of being “immature”?
c) Tries to change the subject with yet another impregnable “Hmmmmm?” post?
d) Attempts to save face on his rapidly deteriorating heterosexual facade by bragging about how many women he’s laid?

Place your bets at the $2 window.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

The idea of Romney on any GOP ticket makes me snort so derisively my neighbors call the cops. Sure, big guy. The party is disemboweling itself trying to cut out the “RINOs” and you think the snake-handling cracker Christofascist base is gonna vote for a ticket with a Mormon on it?


My joke is more obvious because it has a link.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

@gocart: But you’re just asking questions…


But you’re just asking questions…

Not really. Everybody knows it isn’t really a question unless you add a “Hmmmmmmm?” to it.

The Tragically Flip

Also, too, out of my own curiosity, health canada says it approves drugs in an average of 18 months, while the FDA is down to about a year.


To speed up the review process, Congress passed a law in 1992 that allowed the FDA to collect “user fees” from drug companies. This was in part a response to AIDS advocates, who demanded quick approval of experimental drugs that might offer even a ray of hope. These fees, over $300,000 for each new drug application, now account for about half the FDA’s budget for drug evaluation, and 12% of the agency’s overall $1.3 billion budget.[18]


Critics, such as 2 former editors of the New England Journal of Medicine, argue that the user fees create an obvious conflict of interest. So much of the FDA budget now comes from the industry it regulates that the agency must be careful not to alienate its corporate “sponsors.”[21] FDA officials believe they remain careful but concede that user fees have imposed pressures that make review more difficult, according to The Wall Street Journal. [22]

An internal FDA report in 2002 indicated that a third of FDA employees felt uncomfortable expressing “contrary scientific opinions” to the conclusions reached in drug trials. Another third felt that negative actions against applications were “stigmatized.” The report also said some drug reviewers stated “that decisions should be based more on science and less on corporate wishes.”[22] The Los Angeles Times reported that agency drug reviewers felt if drugs were not approved, drug companies would complain to Congress, which might retaliate by failing to renew the users’ fees[18] (although they were just reapproved in summer, 2002). This in turn would hamstring FDA operations and probably cost jobs.

So the drug companies now have a system where they pay the FDA to approve their drugs, so they do. Yeah, can’t wait for Canada to emulate this system.


Romney’s the guy who gave Massachusetts the current Senate bill, right?

My hope for 2010 is that the teabaggers are so energized by the Health Care defeat that they split the vote, and we actually pass real reform in 2011.


. Why do we put up with paying tons of money for crappier health care? Why are other countries’ health care systems relentlessly demonized when they’re demonstrably and empirically better than ours? And most importantly, how can we have a set of political leaders who insist on removing any and all bits of reform that might actually prove popular with the average voter?

1 – a lot of people believe what they see on TeeVee, & the healthcare nabobs pay top-dollar to get photogenic yuts to chant “best system in the world” at them day in & day out

2 – “We’re Number One! We’re Number One! We’re Number One!” (ad nauseam)

3 – sensible or not, those bits of reform aren’t nearly as popular with the aforementioned nabobs (whose fiduciary obligations to their shareholders to maximize profit are Teh Law Of Teh Land, after all) & they truly do have the media in their back-pocket … Napoleon said “I fear three newspapers more than I fear 20,000 bayonets” for a damn good reason: modern media can make you Da Man – or make you the new Jack The Ripper (look what happened to Nixon’s political shelf-life once he started to slag the press – it wasn’t his criminality or meanness that scuttled ol’ Tricky Dick, it was his poor taste in scapegoats)

The Day Obamacare Died

Hey Badger, tell us all about your Aspie “disorder”. Did you cry when other kids laughed at you in sixth grade when you were taking out of normal classes to attend extra “special ed”?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Helpful reminder that in Troofie’s day, Badger would’ve been called a retard in 3…2…

The Tragically Flip

Oh, speaking of Thune, also too

The Day Obamacare Died

Red Badger=Karl Childers.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Troofie=Stroking Children

The Day Don McLean Died

I’ve never even though about touching alcohol. I can type badly and be confrontational in a stupid and childish way without resorting to cannabis and government handouts!


I was a puppet voiced by David Alan Grier from 2003-2005.


You’re not going to get any sympathy from TDOCD with a Muslim name like Colleen.


Address those stories.

Troofie’s entire life.


I’m insured and I don’t want it to change

So you’d prefer to see tens of millions of Americans…white, black, working class…you know, your neighbors…die or go bankrupt each year just so you can be incrementally hosed by the insurance companies?

I fail to see the logic behind that line of thinking…


To speed up the review process, Congress passed a law in 1992 that allowed the FDA to collect “user fees” from drug companies. This was in part a response to AIDS advocates, who demanded quick approval of experimental drugs that might offer even a ray of hope. These fees, over $300,000 for each new drug application, now account for about half the FDA’s budget for drug evaluation, and 12% of the agency’s overall $1.3 billion budget.

Thus spawned Phen/Fen, Vytorin and any number of drugs pulled off the markets…


I am employed and extremely successful, unlike you libs and have spent most of my adult life trolling liberal web sites.

Very credible.


When one senator from a tiny, underpopulated state can dictate health care terms to the entire nation then that’s not a democracy.

Other nations have decent healthcare because they’re democracies. We aren’t, so we don’t.


“Excuse me? We won. Remember. And won big.

I’m not going anywhere. If you don’t like it it is you who can move. And if you like small government I highly recommend Sudan.

Good fucking grief. The dumbass loses and thinks his side gets to make the rules.

If you like small government I highly recommend Sudan.”

His side DOES get to make the rules. Because our side appears to be run by chickenshits who, after winning overwhelming majorities in both houses and taking back the White House, after the complete and total discrediting of the only party that stands in the way, still think the appropriate response to the GOP is to curl up into a ball when faced with conservative opposition and hoping not to get kicked. (Which anyone who’s ever been in a schoolyard can tell you, only encourages them to kick harder).

After Senate liberals compromised by sinking the public option in favor of a Medicare expansion that Lieberman was rooting for as late as three months ago, and Lieberman retreated from his own deal, that should have been it. Someone needs to simply stand up, tell Lieberman “Fuck you, you had your chance,” re-insert the full public option and use the nuclear option to ram it through.

Consumer Unit 5012

*** Romney/Thunes 2012 Librul Freekout ***

I’m hoping for the Nightmare Ticket:

“Hillary/Sarah in ’12–let’s piss off EVERYBODY!”

Consumer Unit 5012

(look what happened to Nixon’s political shelf-life once he started to slag the press – it wasn’t his criminality or meanness that scuttled ol’ Tricky Dick, it was his poor taste in scapegoats)

The problem with that theory is that the GOP has been treating the press like they’re the propaganda arm of the the Communist Party for _decades_, and the press still comes crawling to them.

“Liberal-Biased Media”, my butt.


Motta and his mother had waited at both Rockyview and Foothills Hospital, but eventually left due to the long waits.

I’d wait an entire frickin’ day to see a doc if I could. But I don’t have health insurance and don’t qualify for Medicaid, so I don’t get the privilege of any medical attention.

“Because our side appears to be run by chickenshits…”

I beg to disagree. They aren’t chickenshits at all, they know every single day that they are fucking over the entire country, but with a few cool millions and a future career in lobbying making more millions, who cares?

They can afford to not live among us rubes, so they don’t care. Its as simple as that. They’ve been bought and sold out. I truly believe that the days when doing the “right thing” say like when LBJ pushed for the civil rights act, against his brethren’s desires are gone.

The rubes wanted capitalism to drive everything, now we’ve got it and St. Ronnie is dead, entombed in a taxpayer funded tomb I suppose, memorialized with a taxpayer funded library that carries evidence of every time he decided to suck the cock of big business at the expense of the citizenry he promised to be faithful to.

If anyone would bother to look


because we are hopeless idiot fuck sticks.
we’re doomed. :,-(


In the USA, our economy is driven by Capitalism.
Any attempt to suppress one’s selfish greed in an effort to level the field so there is opportunity for all, is accused of SOCIALISM or COMMUNISM!

That is why we can never do anything for the greater good.


American Exceptionalism!




Upon further reflection, I have a couple more things to say;

“The public option trojan horse and the medicare buy in were the parts of the bill you libs really, really wanted. And they’re not going to be there. And you’re going to FORCE people to buy health insurance at the point of a gun. Yeah, I’m sure young people will love that.

Republicans are going to run against that in 2010.”

I can’t really go along with the racist white trash’s gleeful jumping up and down on the bed at the idea of darkies not getting health care, but he’s essentially correct. Conservatives have surgically removed anything that could be called “liberal” from the bill in order to turn it into a straw man that they can suitably run against and knock down in 2010 and 2012. If you’re paying any attention at all, this’ll basically be an argument between conservatives (between the conservative Lieberman bill and the conservative Republicans who’ll run against it), but the former will be tagged “liberal” and people are much more likely to remember Lieberman as “the guy who opposed health care” than “the guy who spawned this bill we hate.” (And we, unlike the conservatives, don’t have the media apparatus to spread opposing claims).

That’s why the “kill the bill” bandwagon has such appeal to me, and to many people. This bill appears to be nothing but Lieberman’s Trojan horse to kill off any chance of a liberal majority in our time; it should be a liberal bill (passed through reconciliation or nuclear option) or nothing. You’ll say the current bill is going to help people, and in the immediate future you’re not wrong; but once the bill has been used to restore a conservative majority, and once that majority destroys both it and any chance of something like it returning for generations, do you really think people will continue to be helped? Will it all have been worth it?


Good data, numerous thanks to the author. It’s puzzling to me now, on the whole, the usefulness as well as significance is overpowering. Enormously thanks once more and best of luck!


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