Rove’s “Rally the Base” Strategy

The NY Times has the scoop:

In meetings at the White House, aboard Air Force One and in candidates’ home states, Mr. Rove is trying to rally Republicans to stand by the president and his agenda.

He has focused in particular on uniting them behind the administration’s proposals to overhaul immigration, which include guest worker provisions that conservatives despise; the Iraq war, which has driven Mr. Bush’s poll numbers sharply downward; and the Medicare prescription drug program, which the administration says will cost $872 billion from 2006 to 2014 and which Mr. Bush backed enthusiastically despite complaints from conservatives that it was a vast expansion of the social welfare state.

Does Rove honestly think he can rally his conservative base around an immigration policy and a Medicare policy that Republicans don’t support? It seems goddamn insane to me, and it’s the surest sign yet that this administration has grown incredibly desperate.


Comments: 16


[quote] …and it’s the surest sign yet that this administration has grown incredibly desperate. [/quote]

We can only hope.

Hah, I beat Gary to the first reply! Suck it, Gary (you know you want to)!

melior (in Austin)

Local hate-kook radio here has turned completely against Bush on immigration, and is all about building a wall.


It’s past Gary’s bedtime. Allow me. [Ahem] What we should really worry about is building a wall around this country that will keep out all the homosexuals.

ghosts of infamous Sadly No Trolls of yore

Gary, we’ve come to rescue you and scare the liberals away from their cozy den of iniquity.


Ruppert-mania is really runnin’ wild here at Sadly, No! Yeah brother – remember Gary’s 3 demandments: Train hard, say your prayers, and build a wall along the border.


At stake is not just what remains of Mr. Bush’s hopes of making a permanent imprint on policy, but also whether Democrats will have a platform to define his presidency for history

*zooo-oom!* Hey guys, guess what I’ve got? A newspaper from the future! It’s from 08 May, 2015, and you’re not going to believe this, but Bush’s obituary is on the front page. Cause of death? Suicide. Hah!
… [flick, flick, flick] …
What the-? Is it just me, or does Garfield get even more amazingly unfunny every year?


AND he’s wasting fuel and your tax dollars by flying on Air Force One, apparently. Is this non-partisan business or not? I think his briefcase is full of blackmail material for each of the “friends” he’s seeing…extortion info easily available to him from CIA/NSA since he has clearance for everything, no?


Rove’s strategy is the same it’s always been:

1. Appeal to racists and homophobes
2. Throw a bone or two to the Jeebus freaks
3. Steal as many votes as possible

It’s a time-tested strategy.

Ginger Yellow

I agree it’s insane, but what else do they have to rally the base around? More gay-bashing? Where’s the constitutional amendment they promised last time? Invading Iran? Is that really popular with anyone who isn’t as insane as Yoshida? More tax cuts? How the hell are they going to get that through Congress with $400bn deficit and a bigger increase in the national debt than all other presidencies combined?


Karl Rove is a magic man. He’ll have those freaks cowering in their basements from fear of attack by brown immigrants and they’ll come out just long enough to vote. And if that doesn’t work, well, there’s always invading Canada (The New-and-Improved Hotbed of Terrorism).


Local hate-kook radio here has turned completely against Bush on immigration, and is all about building a wall.

Melior, that wouldn’t be the infamous trio of Mark, Ed and Sgt. Sam on KLBJ, would it? (The LBJ stands for “Liberal-Bashing Jingoists” in this case.)


Is it just me, or does Garfield get even more amazingly unfunny every year?

Let me guess, it’s the 10,000,000,000th consecutive strip of Jon trying to get a date from some random girl on the phone, right? To me that was a sign that Jim Davis had run out of ideas and needs to hang up his art tools. Garfield has officially jumped the sharkM.


Turd Blossom is still drawing a paycheck as White House deputy chief of staff, right? Still has his office and security clearance? Yet as of this year his main job is helping Republicans win Congressional elections, not crafting Administration policy. Shouldn’t he be working for the RNC instead of posing as a civil servant?


Hey – I thought Rove was heading up the Gulf Coast rebuilding. Damn! Now what’ll those poor people do? I’m sure it was going so well, and was going to be completed under budget and ahead of schedule. Now what?


Wow, these people really do believe in “stay the course.”


Garfield has officially jumped the sharkM (link to wikpedia).

God I love wikipedia. Not only is there an 18 page entry on the saying “jump the shark”, there’s also a note at the top highlighting that the article ‘contains original or unverified research’. The Internets is a beautifully place.


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