Dare 2 Dream

Dear Democrats,

I will be very angry if you blow these midterm elections, mostly because I desperately want to see this come to pass:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said in an interview last week that a Democratic House would launch a series of investigations of the Bush administration, beginning with the White House’s first-term energy task force and probably including the use of intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. Pelosi denied Republican allegations that a Democratic House would move quickly to impeach President Bush. But, she said of the planned investigations, “You never know where it leads to.”

Oh baby. I love it when u talk dirrrrty 2 me.

Incidentally, this would be much bigger than Sifu Tweety’s puny thirty-five foot pony. Congressional investigations on the uses of pre-war intel would produce a pony the size of a large asteroid.

UPDATE: Gary, do you actually have a life? I swear, you’re always one of the first five or so people to leave a comment on my posts. I mean, I just got home and decided to do a quickie post before going to sleep and BANG! you’re right there. I know it’s fun being a fake right-winger, but don’t you have any friends?

UPDATE 2: Sorry, JK47, but it’s the real Gary. The poor guy must really live in his mother’s basement or something.


Comments: 32


The fact is that the Democrat Party wants to hold a witchhunt into a lot of spurious claims, in order to divide America, when we need to be united again.


Because your boy Bush hasn’t done enough to divide America already, Gary boy?

BTW, do you sit there hitting refresh on your browser like a goddamn monkey with ADD for hours on end until a new post is up? Because you jump on them pretty quick.


I call “fake Gary.”


Dare 2 Dream

Dear Democrats, I will be very angry if you blow these midterm elections, mostly because I desperately want to see this come to pass: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said in an interview last week that a Democratic House…


Dare 2 Dream

Dear Democrats, I will be very angry if you blow these midterm elections, mostly because I desperately want to see this come to pass: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said in an interview last week that a Democratic House…


Pelosi is a uniter, not a divider.


A huge and unspeakably evil asteroid?


Gary’s Pavlovian responses to practically any post on this blog would nearly be amusing, if only they weren’t so mind-bogglingly pathetic. C’mon, Gary–it’s time for your quarterly expedition to Costco to lay-in a mega supply of corn dogs and Cheetos.


“The fact is that the Democrat Party wants to hold a witchhunt into a lot of spurious claims, in order to divide America, when we need to be united again.”

Um…if we need to be united AGAIN, it means that we are divided NOW. Which means that someone did the dividin’. Wonder who that was?


The Democrats divided America through their merciless anti-Iraq War stance.


*yawn* What’s a mid-term election, again? You know, this blog will always be hilarious, but the byzantine crap-ola that passes for the American political process is, well..decidedly not.


You know Gary is just a carbon copy of Al at Drum’s.


Mercilessly anti-war? Gary (or fake Gary), you’re the best!


It’s not nice to insult your posters, Brad.


[Democrats] blow these midterm elections?

You know, the fact that it is entirely possible for the Democrats to go down in flames, again, is so disturbing, that if the Democrats fail to gain a majority in the House or the Senate I have to conclude everyone, everywhere, is downing multiple doses of acid and I should grab my family and hide.


Hey Gary,

How’s your fundraising for that wall coming?


Annie Honey,

Brad never insults his posters, only his commentors….

Clones of infamous Sadly No Trolls

It sounds like a vast left-wing conspiracy to us.

clones of clones of infamous S.N. trolls

They’re just jealous that we won the 2004 election without the help of the Supremes. Besides, it is a little too late now to impeach the prez. He’s already had most of his fun. He’s already got to be the president of the United States, thus, the most powerful man in the world, twice in a row.

The Late Richard Nixon

What will they do when they don’t have old George to kick around any more?


g: “I’m the Divider!”

More appropriate, don’t you think?


Would an asteroid-sized pony still be cute? The essence of pony appeal is that it’s a cute little horse. Like, a gerbil running on its wheel is cute, but a gerbil the size of a Ford F-150 would be terrifying, even if it were enclosed in a giant plastic gerbil ball.

I’m just sayin’.

Capitol Hill-ary

It takes a village idiot to impeach the President.


Interesting strategy, and I think wrongheaded — to promise investigations, etc., as a banner item. Wrong, that is, if the goal is to appeal to independent voters longing for something other than the current tone spewing out of Washington.

The way to get MY support/vote is to say, essentially, “When in control we will demonstrate how a responsible and ‘positive’ party conducts the business of the country. After a decade or more of antagonism and angst, it’s time to rise above — to face the future with resolve, enthusiasm, and a constructive spirit.”

Neither party seems to be led by people “big enough” (except for egos) to govern in a mature way, and break out of the current mindset. Which is both a shame and an opportunity lost.

Do Pelosi, et.al., misread how strongly “we” just want to break away from the crap that passes for political discourse? Or is it that “they” are so shallow (and invested in the status quo) they don’t know/trust any other kind of ‘leadership’ behavior?


Terry, I see your point, but take a look around at all the things the current power structure has done — from something as relatively minor as secret energy task force meetings up through lying our way into a war all the way to ignoring the Constitution (or using it as so much fishwrap). I would hope you might agree that all of it needs to be exposed, not for scoring political points but to say once and for all, “This is WRONG, and this is NOT the way the country will be run.” And then, one hopes, to follow through and govern properly.


Leading investigations into what may be and probably is the most criminal administration in history is both mature and responsible. You’d rather make nicey nice with likely criminals to bring about a “constructive spirit”? Yeah that’ll work. These neo-cons will come to the light by osmosis.


i say put them in a room with katrina victims and the relatives of all those who lost their lives on 9/11 and let them sort it out.


I’ll (try to) be succinct, and then go away. It IS baseball season, and a Sunday, and I’m not a politicofanatic, just an interested retired citizen who checks Memeorandum every day and follows a few links.

1. I think those who are even half paying attention basically know the sins and omissions of BushCo. Those who don’t won’t be hanging out listening to or reading about hearings and investigations (unless sex/drugs/homocide is featured).

2. The press and authors should be the ones on point to probe and put things out with an historical perspective. There are liberal journalist types who will have a field day doing so, and as the Bush years come to a close, plenty of “get along, go along” types will start to chirp. And, quiet frankly, I don’t think the Democrats are very good at it anyway.

3. Solving the problems we face: terrorism, energy, education, retirement/financial security, infrastructure, health care, deficit, trade policy, and so on — those are daunting things. They will require discipline, focus, guts, imagination from our leaders. Every day we spend dredging up accusations and constructing blame is going to detract from doing forward thinking and “selling the solutions” to the public.

4. Finger pointing gets my attention for just long enough to conclude, “they are all pretty much the same; more interested in intensifying competition between the parties than they are in serving the public interest.”

5. When it gets “ugly” in the investigations, it is going to get ugly
in more than one direction. Or are we discounting the right’s ability to slam and slime just because they no longer have all the power?

My suggestion: run as statesmen, be above the fray, and let that play out elsewhere (which it will). PUBLISH the governing principles the party is running on and stands for, and then go to work consistent with those principles.

If we witness ongoing “political warmongering” where enlightened governance is called for, Americans will throw the Democrats out in a term or two, concluding they are just as worthless (in terms of problem solving) as the GOP. Is that what we want?

I’m out. Thanks for listening.


their merciless anti-Iraq War stance

I thought it was the Republicans with their merciless anti-Iraq, war stance.


“merciless anti-Iraq War”

Yeah, I hate that merciless anti-war stuff. I much prefer merciful war.

ooops. fish beat me to it.


“My suggestion: run as statesmen, be above the fray, and let that play out elsewhere (which it will).”

Yes, Mr. Kerry, don’t respond to those Swift Boat people. The only way to win is to trust the media not to get obsessed with right-wing smear jobs. Which frankly there is no evidence of ever happening.


notsobright: THAT was Kerry, who had no business being the candidate, and THAT was at a time when the Democrats had nothing much to say about anything in terms of a governing posture (Do they now? they SHOULD) except they didn’t like anything W was doing or saying.

That was 2 years ago, and the public mood has changed — toward Bush, toward the Republican Party, toward national elected officials in general, toward what this country needs. Had you not noticed?

But if you think “we” (those of us who will not decide how to vote until about October) are ready for more of the same name calling and backward-looking crappola, then you are part of the festering infected organ that is American politics.

Two years ago, I wanted Kerry to give me some reason to vote FOR him (as opposed to AGAINST you know who). He did not. I can sit out another election, if it comes to that. But I’d rather not. I’d like someone to act “Presidential” and positive, and an entire party to be on that same page.

I doubt it will happen.

If it makes lots of party loyalists feel better to anticipate a couple of years of dragging out dirty laundry while paying less than enough attention to the important business of the country, if that’s how you feel better (versus actually being in charge and looking like you deserve to be there) then it’s far from a sure thing that the country is going to put you in the driver’s seat.

Leadership requires knowing when to shut up and do the job you have to do, and put the past behind you.


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