It isn’t just us, see.
Americablog has up-jumped the boogie again, this time calling down the wrath of Daily Kos.
Orange you glad you use chem-tan?
Let me make one other thing perfectly clear: Americablog is John Aravosis’ blog. He can do with it what he likes. He can even run off the people that made his blog what it is. I don’t care if Aravosis wants to crash a car into a tree, so long as its his car and his tree. No problem.
Oh God, the Bentley! The Bauhinia lunarioides!
But if he wants to use his blog to launch unsubstantiated attacks on Howard Dean then he shouldn’t be surprised if he gets called on it. And if he wants to ban everyone who criticizes this faux pas, then he shouldn’t be suprised what happens next.
There are other blogs, you know.
In fact, if it’s Americablog’s daily political coverage you’re looking for, here’s one.
In three days, no one will care. Why waste bandwidth?
A black tie with a wing collar? Egads! And people call that nice Colbert fellow uncouth.
But you’re still going to Hel*, Gav.
*Is not. It’s Norse.
egads! What a development! I don’t know what to say – but I must say that I am enjoying Sadly,No!’s fun with the whole thing.
I used to like Americablog more than Eschaton because there weren’t 400 frickin’ comments by the time I read a post.
Oh, well….
Who’s the hot chick? I swear, gay guys get all the hot chicks.
That entire rant is much more satisfying if read in the voice of Comic Book Guy.
I find these entries work best for me if I don’t follow the links. Then it’s like coming across two people arguing in the street with two crunched cars in the background. Exactly how they got that way isn’t important. It’s the spectacle that’s fun.
Who’s the hot chick?
And why are that guy’s eyes crossed?
From one of the comments at the Kos diary:
I am sorry that you were banned from there. I know how much unfair banning sux, particularly from sites you enjoy reading. A friend of mine LOVED Democratic Underground and got banned from there. She cried for two days over it.
Aravosis can certainly be a self-righteous little prig. Nobody is ideologically pure enough to the gay cause for Aravosis. He has certainly had his victories, but he’s like the T.O. of the blogging community. Sometimes he helps you win, but his own hubris eventually damages the team.
Sorry, but I call Bullshit on the whole “team” thing. I think that Gary (and Sully) are probably wrong on the merits here, but telling him to essentially shut up and mind his place is more appropriate behavior on the other side of the aisle.
Of course, you see the irony of banning someone who tells you to STFU.
How exactly does one get banned from Democratic Underground?
Isn’t that like getting kicked off the short bus for misbehavior?
Is that really John “I think it would be okay to bomb Iran” Aravosis? THE John “I’m a hawk on defense” Aravosis?
What a fraud.
You all just have a problem with his money and his success and his popularity with all the cool people. He gets to hang out with Kathleen Harris! That’s right people, Kathleen Freakin’ Harris! Jealousy is so unbecoming of you.
Is this the John Aravosis who ruuuuuined the buffet at the Harrow Club this morning?
Bah! Wine all over my keyboard!
I like it here because I know I’ll never get banned unless I say fuck.
Vladi G.: That’s Jacki Schechner of CNN.
You know for a gay man –is he gay or just reeeeeelly sympathetic?– he sure looks smirky about where that woman’s left hand is.
Um, am I supposed to know (or care) what this dust-up is all about?
That’s Jacki Schechner of CNN.
Thanks. On second thought, she’s not that hot.
No, Annie, you do not get banned for saying “fuck”, you get banned for saying “fuck you, and that sheep you rode in on….”
Um, am I supposed to know (or care) what this dust-up is all about?
Good question. I’ve been wandering around all day in a fog, asking myself the same thing.
Careful, the feminist law professors might hear!
GG – the FLPs are over at my place, complaining about the contest we have going on just how hypersensitive they are.
Geeze, Gav–don’t you have anything more constructive to do?
Good to know, DA- been over and opined.
Damn- that last Anon was me.
Um, am I supposed to know (or care) what this dust-up is all about?
Yeah. What gives?
Oh, and Ann is back. Yay! Just in time to get all you naughty racist/sexists back in line. Watching her head spin could be quite entertaining.
That’s the last straw, hay, or edible weed. John Aravosis is officially banned from my hypothetical blog! The internets God weeps.
See, the DNC fired its liaison for gay outreach, to replace him with another liaison for gay outreach. This proves that the DNC hates teh ghey. And I WILL NOT BE FORCED TO THE BACK OF THE BUS! The DNC won’t get one damn dime of my money until they prove their commitment to improving gay outreach. Firing their head of gay outreach ought to do it.
Is the the trifecta of superblog geeks? You mentioned John Aravosis, Atrios, and Kos all in the same post! Throw in a Steve Gilliard and the the world might end!
Oh, yeah, and Ann Bartow wants everyone to quit talking before you offend someone who may or may not exist and/or read this site.
Sorry, but I call Bullshit on the whole “team” thing. I think that Gary (and Sully) are probably wrong on the merits here, but telling him to essentially shut up and mind his place is more appropriate behavior on the other side of the aisle.
I completely agree.
No gary comments claiming that the left is imploding in on itself? I’m rather disappointed.
Well, not really…
I just want to see some evidence as opposed to “these guys are my pals”- that’s the Red State Ben Domenech defense.
You guys, lay off Ann B. It’s getting me in trouble. I was trying to have a real conversation with her about some stuff. The contest is OK because it was so hyperbolic, but then people got nasty. Why ya gotta be nasty?
I just don’t get it. John Aravosis didn’t present any evidence that the employee was terminated unfairly, other than the timing of it. And isn’t Aravosis the one that slams people like Joe Lieberman for criticizing other Dems in public? This is exactly the kind of issue that should be handled in private, NOT by (possibly unjustly) smearing Howard Dean on a widely read blog.
If this comment is accurate, then this whole fracas stems from a difference in tactics. McAuliffe’s DNC had two people working LGBT *outreach* and two people working LGBT *fundraising*; as this commenter says, Dean’s DNC put three people on LGBT fundraising and zero on LGBT outreach. People are bristling about the symbolism of that — and to make their point, they’re throwing bombs about “back of the bus”-style disrespect. And then the lead guy on this at the DNC gets canned. That becomes even more evidence of antigay taken-for-granted-ism and conspiracy, rather than being seen as a tiny skirmish in a turf war. And Aravosis falls for it, HARD.
Oh, and I almost forgot: and all the while, throughout all the mad-as-hell rabblerousing, no one questions whether structuring the office as Terry McAuliffe’s had done, er, might not *necessarily* be the optimum political strategy.
Well, John is one to throw his hands in the air and run around in circles shrieking about how unfair it all is at the drop of a hat. I really like the guy’s blog, but about once a week, he posts some childish knee-jerk that just makes me roll my eyes and wish he would act like an adult. You should see him go on (and on) about the horrible service he got on the $9 German airfare he bought one time.
I already posted a detailed sartorial criticism of John’s evening wear on AmericaBlog, but he has yet to respond. The wing collar, although not very flattering on John (such shirts should only be worn by the very tall and slim), is technically not incorrect with a notched lapel formal jacket, assuming that you believe that such a jacket is not in itself an abomination. (The things have become so ubiquitous that it’s almost impossible to get any other type now). With a shawl lapel jacket, however, a wing collared shirt is a definite no-no.
However, if you look carefully you will notice that John is wearing one of those pre-tied bow tie thingies. This is a major sartorial faux pas – a gentleman should be capable of tieing a bow tie properly.
At least Gavin didn’t post the photo of John with Katherine Harris. While said photo had a certain Situationist appeal, the lack of advance warning almost caused me to lose my lunch.
Well, to be fair, the Democratic party DOES suck on gay rights. The fact that it sucks LESS doesn’t change the fact that it sucks.
But you either work with them, or you don’t. Sniping about them doesn’t help.
I was actually browsing on the DNC website the other day for something, and I actually came across the text of “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” by Dr. Martin Luther King while I was searching for stuff they might have posted about their stance on gay rights. The irony of it all but killed me where I stood…
I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
Substitute “gay” for “Negro” and “straight” for “White”, and you’ll see what I mean.
There’s a very good argument to be made that the Democratic party is not the friend of the gay and lesbian community, however much people of good will may disagree as to the merits of that argument.
What’s annoying about John is that he wants all the perks that come from being a good team player, but still seems to want the street cred that comes from being an outside agitator.
You can’t have both.
Chris Moorhead:
You are abosolutely spot on with your critique of the formal wear.
Unfortunately, men go to the rental shop and take what the teen behind the counter gives them, without a proper understanding of the nuance and history of formal attire.
Buy your own formal attire, make sure it fits, learn to tie a bow tie. The idea of renting clothes is disturbing, unless you are going to your senior prom.
Oh, what is this dustup all about anyway?
Oh, what is this dustup all about anyway?
Aravosis had the unmitigated gall to say something bad about St. Howard Dean. You know that’s not gonna fly with Kossacks. When it comes to Howard they’re like NROers with Bush.
BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh man, that’s FUNNY! That KOS guy made a post about being banned!!! WHAT A LOOSER!!! HAHA@KOSGUY!!
Aravosis had the unmitigated gall to say something bad about St. Howard Dean.
I don’t think that was it. I think it was representing rearranging the org chart at the DNC as a prelude to rounding all gays into cattle cars — while brooking no dissent, showing no proof, and issuing apocalypic threats.
Because if there’s one thing to which right-minded progressives must throw down the gauntlet and say “NEVER AGAIN,” it’s reconsidering the best-laid plans of master party tactician Terry McAuliffe.
He also deleted a comment of mine. Aravosis has no cfed whatsoever. He’s getting a fatwa from 3B.
Atrios banned me but it didn’t stick. That’s kinda “fiqh”y but not quite, not deserving of a fatwa. Just a shunning.
That’s quite the straw man you’ve constructed there, Gus. Looks like somebody’s been spending too much time with Gare-bear.
is technically not incorrect with a notched lapel formal jacket, assuming that you believe that such a jacket is not in itself an abomination.
Not only is it an abomination, it is technically not correct, by God. The peak lapel rulez!
(The things have become so ubiquitous that it’s almost impossible to get any other type now)
Well, when you consider that manufacturers can use the same template as for a business suit, and simply use shinier material on the lapels, it makes economic sense. And thus do empires fall…
With a shawl lapel jacket, however, a wing collared shirt is a definite no-no.
Yes, but some of us are old-fashioned enough to leave shawl lapels to smoking jackets, though we’ll grudgingly accept it on white dinner jackets, if we must.
Anyway, yes, Aravosis is being a twit again. He’ll get this dose out of his system and return to sanity for awhile. Actually, I have hopes that he and his critics (especially the initimable Grand Moff Texan) can put this behind them and work together for progressive goals like the responsible adults they are. Isn’t that right, Mr. John Poopypants?!?
The neverending willingness of the Democratic party to let women and minorities take one for the team is of course no reason to criticize them. I, for one, welcome our new white male heterosexual overlords.
Oohhhh. Looks like I might have hit a nerve, STH. A half-joking jibe about a guy I mostly admire, but whose deification I find a little creepy, and suddenly I’m in the same league as Gary Ruppert.