Florence Foster Jenkins (July 19, 1868 – November 26, 1944) was an American soprano who became famous for her complete lack of rhythm, pitch, tone, and overall singing ability…
A generous inheritance, lack of parental control, and shameless self-indulgence led to this, apparently.
BTW, Thers may have called it an early night on the internets, if his comments over at Atrios’ joint are any indication. If so, maybe one of the other key holders over there will take over; lots of really bad Youtube vids showing up in comments.
There’s a tragicomic account somewhere on the tubes, about a lunch conversation during which Irving Kristol discussed pulling strings to wangle a D.C. job for his no-talent kid, while bitching about affirmative action programs in the same conversation. Such lovely people…
“I remember back in the late 1990s, when Ira Katznelson, an eminent political scientist at Columbia, came to deliver a guest lecture. Prof. Katznelson described a lunch he had with Irving Kristol during the first Bush administration.
The talk turned to William Kristol, then Dan Quayle’s chief of staff, and how he got his start in politics.
Irving recalled how he talked to his friend Harvey Mansfield at Harvard, who secured William a place there as both an undergrad and graduate student; how he talked to Pat Moynihan, then Nixon’s domestic policy adviser, and got William an internship at the White House; how he talked to friends at the RNC [Republican National Committee] and secured a job for William after he got his Harvard Ph.D.; and how he arranged with still more friends for William to teach at Penn and the Kennedy School of Government.
“With that, Prof. Katznelson recalled, he then asked Irving what he thought of affirmative action. ‘I oppose it,’ Irving replied. ‘It subverts meritocracy.’ “
Sorry I missed that Jennifer. I’m glad that so many commenters show up regularly with pitchforks and torches in the comment sections of that shitty paper, but I wish they would bring some humor along more often than they do. I’d become a regular fan over there.
“With that, Prof. Katznelson recalled, he then asked Irving what he thought of affirmative action. ‘I oppose it,’ Irving replied. ‘It subverts meritocracy.’ “
Also works for Goldberg, Jonah and Podhoretz, John.
Professor Katznelson once recalled,
The issue of I. Kristol then bawled:
“Pop likes merit for some
but not for his son.”
The prof’s readers they one and all LOLed.
The Democrat Healthcare bill looks dead, just like in 1993.
Did you see the Republicans on the Senate floor today? McConnell, McCain, Coburn, Vitter, all looked energized and virile. They’re really shooting this down along with patriot libs like Lieberman.
I would not be able to stand the shame of being banned from someone’s Twitter feed. That is, if I ever followed anyone on Twitter. Or whatever it is they call it.
Did you see the Republicans on the Senate floor today? McConnell, McCain, Coburn, Vitter, all looked energized and virile. They’re really shooting this down along with patriot libs like Lieberman.
I recently learned that the word ‘Meritocracy’ came from a distopian satire, and upon looking for more information on it, came across the 2004 edition on Google Books.
Would you like to know who is listed under ‘Acknowledgements’?
“…this is still a center-right nation…”
CENTER?! OMG, fellers, our nation is a dirty Muslamocommie homosekchal RINO! Quick, someone replace our nation with Doug Hoffman!
Help, O manly, virile Senators McConnell, McCain, Coburn, and Vitter; save me before President Obama stops pretending he isn’t raping me over and over and over and…
Hey, Troofie, I’ve got a question, in all seriousness: have you ever met a rape victim, you miserable, dickless little shit? Have you ever spent ANY time in the presence of someone who’s had to deal with that kind of horror? Have you wondered how you’d feel if it was your mother, or some other woman you care about? Okay, bad example since you hate women and are very obviously gay, but seriously… if you think wanting fewer people to die from lack of coverage because it keeps you from jerking off to Mitch McDreamy is equivalent to rape, fuck you even harder, you miserable, racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, classist, homophobic (but still very, very gay) shitstain on a pedophile’s boxerbriefs.
Ding dong dilly, loony libs. It’s me, Da Cool Coach, about to serve up a SPREAD of TRUTH all over you. Kinda like Alabama served a SPREAD of OFFENSE all over me and Tough Timmy T tonight.
(sigh) you know what, guys? I-I-I’m just not feeling it tonight. I’m just gonna curl up in my Snuggie and watch some HGTV. Just enjoy your night and.. uh, I’ll be back when I’m feeling a little perkier, mmkay?
I forget, was Juanita before or after Hillary turned into a wolfen and ate Vince Foster’s face thus protecting Bill’s secret Arkansas cocaine monopoly. You see I also believe everything that David Brock made up in 1993.
Actually, I’m beginning to wonder if The Clintons aren’t the real power behind Hopey, and that Hillary’s loss in the primaries may have been intentional.
That way she and Bill could be the “grey eminences” behind the Affirmative Action throne, and if they failed, they wouldn’t be blamed but Hopey would be.
You know how you can always tell a heterosexual? The speed with which they start talking about how many women they’ve fucked. No specifics are offered, of course, but that’s because they’re just such manly fuck-machines they started losing count somewhere between Miss October and killing imaginary Arabs in the pillow fort.
“It all makes sense, doesn’t it?”
Uh-huh. Sure, dear. Whatever happened with your grand plot to start that rumor about Sasha and Malia being Reverend Wright’s daughters? Did it fall flatter than your dick with a non-relative? I thought so. Go watch your cartoons, sweetie.
Ey, yo, Troofie. Get the fuck off my schtick.
And stop disparaging rape. I didn’t rape and murder that young girl in 1990 so you could talk shit about me.
The “Goober” is also trying to ruin my online reputation by making ridiculous, outrageous statements, and then not denying it when you guys call him “Troofie”.
Everyone but me is an immature child.
Tintin is a faggot!
Retard ass-pie!
Suck it!
Suck it!
You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the great liberal freakout will be on.
Bookmark it.
Suck it.
Shorter Troofie: Anything I said that I can’t back up was done by an invisible gnome that only I can see.
I’m with the Party of Personal Responsibility!
Seems Debbie Schlussel was all over the “Musselmen on a big jet plane” frightfest, per Steve M.
AirTran ‘hero’ wasn’t on plane, airline says
It’s a little easier to understand why a man who claimed to have thwarted a potential terrorist attack on a plane has not answered repeated requests to tell his story.
He was not on the plane, according to AirTran Airways.
A real hero. The kind of virile fantasist the troll looks up to.
Harry Truman, that ignorant fuck, gave birth to the myth of “universal’ healthcare, the farce of “civil rights” which led to race pimping and affirmative action, and the pussy idea of “containment” of Communism (instead of the ROLL BACK that Reagan instituted).
Harry Truman, that ignorant fuck, gave birth to the myth of “universal’ healthcare, the farce of “civil rights” which led to race pimping and affirmative action, and the pussy idea of “containment” of Communism (instead of the ROLL BACK that Reagan instituted).
Well, at least Truman had the BALLS to drop TWO A-bombs on our enemies, unlike that pussy Reagan.
Mind you, when that ignorant fuck FDR took over all the factories and liquidated all the class enemies and created a one-party state, that was pretty bad too.
And when that ignorant fuck Woodrow Wilson created the Federal Reserve System and instituted a graduated income tax, he pretty much turned America into a liberal fascist hellhole.
And when that lanky faggot Abraham Lincoln said niggers were human beings, it made me so mad that I, in an unprecedented move, called him an…. are you ready?… “ignorant fuck”.
That is TRUTH. Woodrow Wilson is THE most overrated President of the 20th Century. He, indirectly, led to Adolf Hitler, through his ignorant of entry of America in to World War I. We should have STAYED OUT.
If Douglas McCarther could have liberated the DPRK and the PRC, why couldn’t he hold the line at the Yalu without demanding the authority to nuke open cities?
If Douglas McCarther could have liberated the DPRK and the PRC, why couldn’t he hold the line at the Yalu without demanding the authority to nuke open cities?
We held the monopoly on nuclear weapons at that the time. Had MacArthur been giving full battlefield control of nuclear weapons, Mao would have been brought down to his knees and China would be a free nation today.
Of course, I also sold weapons to the Iranians for hostages so I could continue giving money to fascist guerillas. But who cares? I made up shit about black people cheating on welfare, so I’m Jesus.
Reagan had to do that to free hostages. ok? And Oliver North is a hero who loves this country…unlike you libs. He should hold that Senate seat from Virginia right now, NOT Jim Webb.
We held the monopoly on nuclear weapons at that the time. Had MacArthur been giving full battlefield control of nuclear weapons, Mao would have been brought down to his knees and China would be a free nation today.
On the 29th of August 1949, the USSR tested its own nuclear bomb, eliminating the U.S. nuclear monopoly.
The Korean War is a war between North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, DPRK) and South Korea (Republic of Korea, ROK) that started on 25 June 1950 and paused with an armistice signed 27 July, 1953.
Don’t you see? I HAD to commit high treason! Meanwhile, if a Democrat so much as talks to a hostile head of state for any reason, he’s an appeaser and should be shot.
The first forty’s almost dry, but I’m still insufficiently anesthetized to brave this vitriolic drivel-storm. Off to watch Teletubbies clips overdubbed in Esperanto now…
The More Troofy Drinks, The More Hilariously He Flounders
And Oliver North is a hero who loves this country…unlike you libs. He should have written “MacArthur Park”, “Wichita Lineman”, and “Up, Up And Away”, NOT Jim Webb.
Also Lin Biao wrote up contingency plans on how the PLA could withstand a nuclear assault. And also for some reason I suspect that strategic bombing wouldn’t be enough to stop the creators of guerilla warfare but maybe I’m just misreading every history of the Chinese Civil War ever written.
The More Troofy Drinks, The More Hilariously He Flounders
Oliver North was let go on all charges because his senate testimony was so damning that no jury couldn’t be trusted to ignore it. Also being white helps.
Asian women? Are you kidding me? Small eyes, small tits, yellow skin, black hair? Ugly as shit…I’ll take a blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned chick with big tits any day of the week! Any guy that prefers Asian women is closet gay, lol.
This just came on the station while I was reading the latest whine from Troofy:
In a buildin’ tall with a stone wall around there’s a rubber room
When a man sees things and hears sounds that’s not there
He’s headed for the rubber room
Illusions in a twisted mind to save from self-destruction
It’s the rubber room
Where a man can run into the wall till his strength makes him fall and lie still
And wait for help in the rubber room
From his blurry vision of doom a psycho in the rubber room
The man in the room right next to mine screams a woman’s name
Hits the wall in vain
He’s in the rubber room
I hear footsteps poundin’ on the floor
God I hope they don’t stop at my door
I’m in the rubber room
Now they’ve come to get me but they find
I’m a screamin’ pretty words tryin’ to make ’em rhyme
I’m in the rubber room
A psycho I’m in the rubber room
The late great Porter Wagoner says it better than I could.
Men > any women period. Who in their right mind thinks someone who spends this much time obsessing over how “virile” Republican senators are, and how strong and iron-abbed St. Ronnie and Oliver “Still a Piece-of-Shit Traitor” North were has a single straight instinct? I know I don’t!
White women Republican senators > any other race of women, period. Who in their right mine would choose some yellow or brown chick over them? I know I wouldn’t!
Yeah, make fun of me for typos, whatever, libs.
I bet the only women you have ever fucked are a bunchy of fatties, blacks, asians, small-tits, and lesbos.
“I bet the only women you have ever fucked are a bunchy of fatties, blacks, asians, small-tits, and lesbos.”
Oh wow, he’s convinced me. Through his wisdom, I’m no longer a liberal. I just needed the simple beauty articulated to me. I’m gonna celebrate my new lease on life with wanton intimidation at a town hall meeting. I’ll be back later to kick you libs’ asses.
I dated this girl for a while. She was really a… nasty freak. She just loved to get down with sex all the time. It was like… anytime of day, she was like, “Yeah, let’s go! I’m so nasty!” And I’d be nailing her and she’d be like, “Oh, you’re nailing me! Cool!”
He simply seeps into your bloodstream. Was there ever a better smile — a smile that lit up several counties around it? When you have been smiled at by Bill Buckley… You have been well and truly smiled at. And the Buckley voice… I must have drunk in thousands of hours of it, all over the world. Sometimes we listened to music together, played on the hi-fi (as Bill would call whatever the device was). We would not speak, or barely speak. Just listen, and sort of commune: with the music, with each other, and with higher things. Those wordless sessions were some of my most prized. I’d go to Salzburg, and he — feeling somewhat left out — would say, “Say hello to music for me!” I confess — and this is egotistical — I loved being out with him. Out in public with him.
Lay off Nordlinger, already. Can’t you see he’s still grieving for his lost love? Let him cry in peace.
Also: I love, and will always love, how the teabaggers basically pulled a santorum on themselves. They didn’t need Dan Savage to come up with a funny definition for their name to make them ridiculous. They chose a name with a funny definition.
For the “party of personal responsibility” they sure spend a lot of time complaining about the consequences of a freely-made decision.
Jim Webb, OTOH, is a pedo and a traitor who married a woman from a country we went to WAR with!
Yes, Toofless, we went to war with Vietnam. All of it. We weren’t there to support any of them. The whole reason we were there was just to kill non-white people. Really. That was the whole deal.
Christ. Gibbons are generally better read and have a broader sense of history than our resident troll.
Better toilet trained, too.
There’s a pretty decent play about Jenkins. Hard to cast, as you need a singer/actress who can pull of the truly atrocious singing, and an actor who can play the piano really well (the only two roles are Jenkins and her accompanist, the improbably names Cosme McMoon). It’s called Souvenir: A Fantasia on the Life of Florence Foster Jenkins by Stephen Temperley. Not exactly Shakespeare or O’Neill, but pretty funny and ultimately rather touching.
Skylight theater in Milwaukee staged that one a couple of years a go, and did a hella job. Woman named Linda Stephens played the main role, and you’re right, it takes an amazing singer to make the proper, umm, noises.
I finally exposed myself to the clip above. Wow. FFJ is so out of tune she detunes your ears so everything you hear afterward sounds out of tune as well.
Will the bleeding never stop?
It’s on!!!
Isn’t Sarah Palin shilling books at her next appearance?
I am become death, destroyer of worlds.
From the first sentence of her Wiki entry:
Florence Foster Jenkins (July 19, 1868 – November 26, 1944) was an American soprano who became famous for her complete lack of rhythm, pitch, tone, and overall singing ability…
A generous inheritance, lack of parental control, and shameless self-indulgence led to this, apparently.
BTW, Thers may have called it an early night on the internets, if his comments over at Atrios’ joint are any indication. If so, maybe one of the other key holders over there will take over; lots of really bad Youtube vids showing up in comments.
I am.
Florence Foster Jenkins
Relative of Charles Foster Kane?
lack of parental control
According to wiki, Dad refused to pay so she ran off and got married. Maybe if her pops hadn’t refused to pay for her singing lessons…?
Lloyd Marcus, (black) Unhyphenated American, singer/songwriter and illustrator.
Maybe if her pops hadn’t refused to pay for her singing lessons…?
That could be, although I think teachers gotta have something to work with. Maybe lessons + talent transfusion would have worked.
And that Lloyd Marcus cartoon J- linked to has a certain 8th grade-level primitive awesomeness to it.
Lloyd Marcus, (black) Unhyphenated American, singer/songwriter and illustrator.
I didn’t realize that the position of House Nigger had been filled.
A generous inheritance, lack of parental control, and shameless self-indulgence led to this, apparently
Sounds like you’re describing William Kristol!
Can’t bring myself to use same phrase, but yeah, what commie atheist said. Ken Blackwell and Michael Steele better watch their backs.
From a quick scan, the half-dozen commenters over there appear to luv him. ‘Why don’t more black folk speak out like this,’ yadda-yadda.
A legend passed away yesterday.
Gotta scrub the old ears out.
Warning- contains Australian content!
There’s a tragicomic account somewhere on the tubes, about a lunch conversation during which Irving Kristol discussed pulling strings to wangle a D.C. job for his no-talent kid, while bitching about affirmative action programs in the same conversation. Such lovely people…
Sharl, I love that anecdote. I think it’s the reason why he always looks so miserable, so peeved.
Sharl – yeah, I posted it in the comments on one of his columns over at the WaPo site, and mirth was had by all.
Florence Foster Jenkins
Relative of Charles Foster Kane?
Foster child.
And here it is:
“I remember back in the late 1990s, when Ira Katznelson, an eminent political scientist at Columbia, came to deliver a guest lecture. Prof. Katznelson described a lunch he had with Irving Kristol during the first Bush administration.
The talk turned to William Kristol, then Dan Quayle’s chief of staff, and how he got his start in politics.
Irving recalled how he talked to his friend Harvey Mansfield at Harvard, who secured William a place there as both an undergrad and graduate student; how he talked to Pat Moynihan, then Nixon’s domestic policy adviser, and got William an internship at the White House; how he talked to friends at the RNC [Republican National Committee] and secured a job for William after he got his Harvard Ph.D.; and how he arranged with still more friends for William to teach at Penn and the Kennedy School of Government.
“With that, Prof. Katznelson recalled, he then asked Irving what he thought of affirmative action. ‘I oppose it,’ Irving replied. ‘It subverts meritocracy.’ “
Sorry I missed that Jennifer. I’m glad that so many commenters show up regularly with pitchforks and torches in the comment sections of that shitty paper, but I wish they would bring some humor along more often than they do. I’d become a regular fan over there.
That “I oppose it, it subverts meritocracy” is too good to be true. Can we really believe it? Pls. say yes.
As for this “music,” where is Mrs. Miller when you need her?
Haha {sob}, thanks M31. Dayum, it’s worse than I remembered!
“With that, Prof. Katznelson recalled, he then asked Irving what he thought of affirmative action. ‘I oppose it,’ Irving replied. ‘It subverts meritocracy.’ “
Also works for Goldberg, Jonah and Podhoretz, John.
Professor Katznelson once recalled,
The issue of I. Kristol then bawled:
“Pop likes merit for some
but not for his son.”
The prof’s readers they one and all LOLed.
And according to Brent Mussberger, we are 1 minute and 44 seconds away from BCS chaos.
FYWP and FY meter.
This is your brain. This is your brain on Kristol Meth.
Any questions?
(or as Bill Hicks put it, “Those are fucking eggs, man!”)
Hahaha! Watertiger has been banned Megan McMaverick’s twitter feeds.
Bad Watertiger! Bad, mean Watertiger!!
we are 1 minute and 44 seconds away from BCS chaos
Hey, I heard that too!
And now it’s only ONE SECOND to Bull Chaos Shit!!
Oh well. No BCS chaos after all.
A legend passed away yesterday.
The great Liam Clancy? Now I am bummed.
The Democrat Healthcare bill looks dead, just like in 1993.
Did you see the Republicans on the Senate floor today? McConnell, McCain, Coburn, Vitter, all looked energized and virile. They’re really shooting this down along with patriot libs like Lieberman.
“As for this “music,” where is Mrs. Miller when you need her?”
Are you sure you want to go there?
I would not be able to stand the shame of being banned from someone’s Twitter feed. That is, if I ever followed anyone on Twitter. Or whatever it is they call it.
And also.
Did you see the Republicans on the Senate floor today? McConnell, McCain, Coburn, Vitter, all looked energized and virile. They’re really shooting this down along with patriot libs like Lieberman.
This is your brain on Kristol meth.
I recently learned that the word ‘Meritocracy’ came from a distopian satire, and upon looking for more information on it, came across the 2004 edition on Google Books.
Would you like to know who is listed under ‘Acknowledgements’?
Why, I do believe you would!
Blah blah blah blah blah…triumphant blah.
Manly plaid-wearing manly Republican men, blah blah blah blah patirotic bullshit blah blah Droopy Dog.
If there’s a doctor in Kentucky who is for this health care bill, I haven’t met him!
I think 2010 is looking more and more like 1994, and 2012 is looking a lot like 1980….
Liberals have overreached, Obambi is below 50%, and dropping.
I really like hearing about how virile Senator Diaperman is. That’s really going to change my opinion.
The great Liam Clancy? Now I am bummed.
Dylan on Clancy
As soon as I get home from work, I’m hitting the old uisce beatha.
Conservatives never overreach, of course.
JNM, this is still a center-right nation:
Read, and learn, my friends.
McConnell, McCain, Coburn, Vitter, all looked energized and virile.
Conservatives never overreach, of course.
Judging from the preceding comment, they sure do reach around, though!
Bookmark this!
Bookmark this, libs.
Conservatives never overreach, of course.
No, they prefer the reach around.
JNM, this is still a center-right nation:
Of course, this is why Obama remains so popular.
In case you libs missed it, as of 6:22, I’m not even pretending I don’t want men to fuck me anymore. Macho, macho troll, I want to be a macho troll.
If I, a proven goddamn shiteating liar, say something about America’s political makeup, it must be true!
“…this is still a center-right nation…”
CENTER?! OMG, fellers, our nation is a dirty Muslamocommie homosekchal RINO! Quick, someone replace our nation with Doug Hoffman!
Fuck you Word Press.
I’m grateful that limpets lack auditory organs. Or so I hear…
Below 50%, and dropping…
Americans didn’t vote for the brand of “change” he’s forcing down our throats.
Obama isn’t even pretending that he’s not raping us anymore.
The public option is dead, dead, dead, deaddeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddeadDEAD!
Just like I predicted in April.
And May.
And Junejulyaugustseptemberoctobernovember…
Again with the forcing down the throat thing. Right wingers are so predictable.
Go ahead and follow your desires, Troofy. You’ll be so much happier when you stop denying your needs.
Help, O manly, virile Senators McConnell, McCain, Coburn, and Vitter; save me before President Obama stops pretending he isn’t raping me over and over and over and…
I’ll be in my bunk.
Hey, Troofie, I’ve got a question, in all seriousness: have you ever met a rape victim, you miserable, dickless little shit? Have you ever spent ANY time in the presence of someone who’s had to deal with that kind of horror? Have you wondered how you’d feel if it was your mother, or some other woman you care about? Okay, bad example since you hate women and are very obviously gay, but seriously… if you think wanting fewer people to die from lack of coverage because it keeps you from jerking off to Mitch McDreamy is equivalent to rape, fuck you even harder, you miserable, racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, classist, homophobic (but still very, very gay) shitstain on a pedophile’s boxerbriefs.
Forcing Down Our Throats is the fellatio of liberal facism.
“Forcing Down Our Throats is the fellatio of liberal facism.”
I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
I pay hookers to fuck me while I wear a diaper, and voted in favor of actual rape. But at least I’m “virile”.
I engaged a trool once but was left weeping at the altar, man.
Ding dong dilly, loony libs. It’s me, Da Cool Coach, about to serve up a SPREAD of TRUTH all over you. Kinda like Alabama served a SPREAD of OFFENSE all over me and Tough Timmy T tonight.
(sigh) you know what, guys? I-I-I’m just not feeling it tonight. I’m just gonna curl up in my Snuggie and watch some HGTV. Just enjoy your night and.. uh, I’ll be back when I’m feeling a little perkier, mmkay?
Ummm, badoodle.
Go bitch about political correctness somewhere else, Kid (or should I say, “immature child”?)
Obama raped Hillary Clinton, he raped Palin, he raped the taxpayers, he raped General Motors, he raped Chrysler, and he raped the military.
Obama is a rapist.
Somebody is spending wayyyyy too much time thinking about a certain black man’s penis.
You’re all immature children, whereas I call people “retard ass-pies” and think being terrified of a darkie is the same as being raped.
I am a pussy.
Hopey was going to demand Congress pass healthcare in July…and then August…and then October…and now before Christmas…
And this is the guy who says he will get us out of Afghanistan by July 2011? Lol.
And BTW, what ever happened to closing Gitmo by January 21st, 2010? Hmmm?
Are the Atriots dispatching double agents over here to demoralize the troops?
Seeing as how I am, again, in favor of gang rape, shouldn’t I SUPPORT Obama by Troofie’s logic?
Oh yes, Barack, harder, harder! Make me a mask Muslim socialeist! Oh yes! YES! OH SWEET ALLAH YES!!!!!
Bill Clinton was also a rapist. Literally in this case.
Have you libs ever heard of Juanita Broaddrick? Clinton raped her.
I hate Bill Clinton even more than Hopey, BTW.
Only “politically correct” people take rape seriously. What a bunch of poseurs they are!
7:06 is a nymstealer. Everyone knows Troofie goes “LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL” at climax.
I want Bill Clinton inside me even more than Hopey, BTW. I somehow arrived at the conclusion that somebody gave a shit.
If you took rape seriously, JNM, you should google “Bill Clinton” followed by “Juanita Broaddrick”.
Who said I had reached climax yet?
What do you punk bitchiz know about anything? Florence Foster Jenkins, now that’s real music.
I want Bill Clinton inside me even more than Hopey, BTW.
While watching gladitor movies, also.
It’s General J.C. Christian!
Gladiator movies. Also.
If you took rape seriously, you should briefly pretend not to hate women for the purpose of partisan trolling!
I forget, was Juanita before or after Hillary turned into a wolfen and ate Vince Foster’s face thus protecting Bill’s secret Arkansas cocaine monopoly. You see I also believe everything that David Brock made up in 1993.
If you took rape seriously, JNM, you should google “Barack Obama” followed by “meeeeee”.
If libs really cared about women, they would have impeached that piece of redneck, Arkansas white trash known as “Bubba”.
DAMN, am I gay.
I still can’t believe a solid, rock-ribbed red Republican state like Arkane sas ever voted for a corrupt lib like Clinton.
*Arkansas. Yeah, I made a typo. So fucking what?
The Clinton machine made him make that typo!
Another Saturday night and I ain’t got nobody,
I got four dollars but I can’t get laid.
Oh, how I wish I had someone to blog to,
I’m in an awful way.
Oh well: the corner store stocks St. Ides forties for $1.99 apiece. PARTY ON!
Accusing people of being gay? I thought libs hated homophobia. Fucking hypocrites.
I bet I’ve fucked more women than all the other people on this comment thread put together.
Looks like Thers showed up to return the vid-volley after all.
And careful playing with the trolls – you’ll get an infection!
Upthread, I referred to a number of male Republicans as “virile”. I’m sure one of you libs bookmarked it.
Don’t give me that arcane sass, boy.
Yog Sothoth is the gate, old man! Badoodle-yah!
Actually, I’m beginning to wonder if The Clintons aren’t the real power behind Hopey, and that Hillary’s loss in the primaries may have been intentional.
That way she and Bill could be the “grey eminences” behind the Affirmative Action throne, and if they failed, they wouldn’t be blamed but Hopey would be.
It all makes sense, doesn’t it?
You know how you can always tell a heterosexual? The speed with which they start talking about how many women they’ve fucked. No specifics are offered, of course, but that’s because they’re just such manly fuck-machines they started losing count somewhere between Miss October and killing imaginary Arabs in the pillow fort.
Accusing people of being gay? I thought libs hated homophobia. Fucking hypocrites.
Yeah, you guys… Leave Troofie alone! He can’t help if he’s gay. He was born that way.
“It all makes sense, doesn’t it?”
Uh-huh. Sure, dear. Whatever happened with your grand plot to start that rumor about Sasha and Malia being Reverend Wright’s daughters? Did it fall flatter than your dick with a non-relative? I thought so. Go watch your cartoons, sweetie.
It all makes sense, doesn’t it?
Yeaaaah…. spending millions of dollars to lose a campaign, all as a ruse to get Obama elected and serve as “the power behind the throne.”
Perfect sense. (rolls eyes)
That “rumor” was started by Goober, not me. Goober is an immature child.
But wait a minute, Troofie. You conservatives are in favor of rape. What’s with the bitching?
Ey, yo, Troofie. Get the fuck off my schtick.
And stop disparaging rape. I didn’t rape and murder that young girl in 1990 so you could talk shit about me.
The “Goober” is also trying to ruin my online reputation by making ridiculous, outrageous statements, and then not denying it when you guys call him “Troofie”.
I think the “Goober” is a secret lib.
Everyone but me is an immature child.
Tintin is a faggot!
Retard ass-pie!
Suck it!
Suck it!
You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the great liberal freakout will be on.
Bookmark it.
Suck it.
I really hate “Goober”, almost as much as you libs. Almost. He’s trying to ruin my image.
Shorter Troofie: Anything I said that I can’t back up was done by an invisible gnome that only I can see.
I’m with the Party of Personal Responsibility!
“Goober” isn’t an invisible gnome, goddamnit!
How do you know?
I really hate “Goober”, almost as much as you libs. Almost. He’s trying to ruin my image.
No, we pretty much all think you’re both scumbags, but keep hoping!
You want to know who I think was the worst Democrat President in the last 100 years, libs? Guess!
Seems Debbie Schlussel was all over the “Musselmen on a big jet plane” frightfest, per Steve M.
A real hero. The kind of virile fantasist the troll looks up to.
I think someone should make a joke about me.
You want to know who I think was the worst Democrat President in the last 100 years, libs? Guess!
No. And no.
You libs leave my anal rape fantasies out of this!
Considering there’s no such thing as a “Democrat president”, Troofie, we don’t know or care.
“Democrat” means of the “Democrat Party”.
Well, you know who it was?
Harry Truman. I hate Truman more than any other President, ever, in out fucking history.
Yeah, there’s no such thing as the “Democrat Party” either.
And, just as we predicted, WE. DON’T. FUCKING. CARE.
Harry Truman, that ignorant fuck, gave birth to the myth of “universal’ healthcare, the farce of “civil rights” which led to race pimping and affirmative action, and the pussy idea of “containment” of Communism (instead of the ROLL BACK that Reagan instituted).
Still don’t care.
I’m dead, Troofie. I’m not gonna fuck you. Get used to the idea and move on.
But Troofie, I liberated Hiroshima and Nagasaki just like your hero liberated Iraq!
Harry Truman, that ignorant fuck, gave birth to the myth of “universal’ healthcare, the farce of “civil rights” which led to race pimping and affirmative action, and the pussy idea of “containment” of Communism (instead of the ROLL BACK that Reagan instituted).
Well, at least Truman had the BALLS to drop TWO A-bombs on our enemies, unlike that pussy Reagan.
Mind you, when that ignorant fuck FDR took over all the factories and liquidated all the class enemies and created a one-party state, that was pretty bad too.
Hey, at least I made jokes about it and giggled like the semi-retarded terrorist-enabling sack of shit I was!
At least FDR was a decent war President.
Truman FIRED MacArthur, who wanted to liberate both North Korea and China in a bold move. But Truman fired him.
that is one of THE crimes of the 20th Century. If it wasn’t for Truman, both North Korea and China would be living under democracy and liberty today…
This hour of “Troofie tries to bury his gay fantasies” brought to you by the phrase “ignorant fuck”! I heard it in one of the videos Mommy makes.
Even WE don’t care.
And when that ignorant fuck Woodrow Wilson created the Federal Reserve System and instituted a graduated income tax, he pretty much turned America into a liberal fascist hellhole.
Sounds like someone liquidated all the class enemies into his underwear.
And when that lanky faggot Abraham Lincoln said niggers were human beings, it made me so mad that I, in an unprecedented move, called him an…. are you ready?… “ignorant fuck”.
That is TRUTH. Woodrow Wilson is THE most overrated President of the 20th Century. He, indirectly, led to Adolf Hitler, through his ignorant of entry of America in to World War I. We should have STAYED OUT.
And don’t get me started on that ignorant fuck Grover Cleveland.
Told you to stop stealing my bullshit, Troofie. Gonna be a beating tonight, son. Best believe.
If Douglas McCarther could have liberated the DPRK and the PRC, why couldn’t he hold the line at the Yalu without demanding the authority to nuke open cities?
Grover Cleveland, in reality, was the last great Democrat President. Reagan greatly admired him.
I mean, you’re either the 22nd president or the 24th, but NOT FUCKING BOTH!
And fucking Thomas Jefferson appeasing the dirty sand nigger pirates.
We held the monopoly on nuclear weapons at that the time. Had MacArthur been giving full battlefield control of nuclear weapons, Mao would have been brought down to his knees and China would be a free nation today.
Of course, I also sold weapons to the Iranians for hostages so I could continue giving money to fascist guerillas. But who cares? I made up shit about black people cheating on welfare, so I’m Jesus.
And then there was that pussy John Adams who wouldn’t even fucking go to war with fucking France. What’s up with that?
Reagan had to do that to free hostages. ok? And Oliver North is a hero who loves this country…unlike you libs. He should hold that Senate seat from Virginia right now, NOT Jim Webb.
John Admans was a FOUNDER…and we should always do what THE FOUNDERS would have done.
I mean, we would have totally kicked Napoleon’s ass, and then Europe wouldn’t be under the brutal French Empire today.
Smoke Lucky Strikes, citizens!
Oliver North is a traitor who should be in prison, not making wads of money on the lunatic fringe lecture circuit.
We held the monopoly on nuclear weapons at that the time. Had MacArthur been giving full battlefield control of nuclear weapons, Mao would have been brought down to his knees and China would be a free nation today.
Don’t you see? I HAD to commit high treason! Meanwhile, if a Democrat so much as talks to a hostile head of state for any reason, he’s an appeaser and should be shot.
If Oliver North wanted to force something down my throat, I would be okay with it.
Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to nuke.
North is a patriot, and he was let off on all charges. He did what he did because he loved this country.
Jim Webb, OTOH, is a pedo and a traitor who married a woman from a country we went to WAR with!
How can you be a Vietnam veteran and then marry some Veit woman? Hmmmm? And even have a child with her!
The first forty’s almost dry, but I’m still insufficiently anesthetized to brave this vitriolic drivel-storm. Off to watch Teletubbies clips overdubbed in Esperanto now…
And Oliver North is a hero who loves this country…unlike you libs. He should have written “MacArthur Park”, “Wichita Lineman”, and “Up, Up And Away”, NOT Jim Webb.
Troofie, That’s it. I bow to your superiority in Presidential history. I’m throwing in the pen. Closing up the laptop. For good.
Sorta like when I first saw Stevie Ray Vaughn and had hock me geetar the next day. Just no way to compete with that. You da man, Troofie.
Also Lin Biao wrote up contingency plans on how the PLA could withstand a nuclear assault. And also for some reason I suspect that strategic bombing wouldn’t be enough to stop the creators of guerilla warfare but maybe I’m just misreading every history of the Chinese Civil War ever written.
Vietnamese women are incredibly hot, but I’m too much of a self-loathing closet case to understand that.
I had a dream last night where Ronald Reagan forced something down my throat, and I kind of liked it.
Oliver North was let go on all charges because his senate testimony was so damning that no jury couldn’t be trusted to ignore it. Also being white helps.
Awww, Troofie’s back in white supremacist mode. I can just see him thrashing about in front of his computer like Elle Driver.
Whoops forgot to change my nym back
If you drop enough nukes, they’ll die eventually.
Nuke Baby, Nuke!
That should have been Truman’s strategy.
Nuke the baby, nuke!
That should have been my babysitter’s strategy.
Asian women? Are you kidding me? Small eyes, small tits, yellow skin, black hair? Ugly as shit…I’ll take a blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned chick with big tits any day of the week! Any guy that prefers Asian women is closet gay, lol.
If LBJ had nuked Hanoi, he would be my favorite president. But he didn’t, the pussy.
“I’ll take a blonde haired, blue eyed, white skinned chick with big tits any day of the week!”
No, you won’t.
This just came on the station while I was reading the latest whine from Troofy:
In a buildin’ tall with a stone wall around there’s a rubber room
When a man sees things and hears sounds that’s not there
He’s headed for the rubber room
Illusions in a twisted mind to save from self-destruction
It’s the rubber room
Where a man can run into the wall till his strength makes him fall and lie still
And wait for help in the rubber room
From his blurry vision of doom a psycho in the rubber room
The man in the room right next to mine screams a woman’s name
Hits the wall in vain
He’s in the rubber room
I hear footsteps poundin’ on the floor
God I hope they don’t stop at my door
I’m in the rubber room
Now they’ve come to get me but they find
I’m a screamin’ pretty words tryin’ to make ’em rhyme
I’m in the rubber room
A psycho I’m in the rubber room
The late great Porter Wagoner says it better than I could.
You know if America just nuked itself we could be free from Liberal Fascism
Why’re you nuking yourself! Haw-haw!
White women > any other race of women, period. Who in their right mine would choose some yellow or brown chick over them? I know I wouldn’t!
Men > any women period. Who in their right mind thinks someone who spends this much time obsessing over how “virile” Republican senators are, and how strong and iron-abbed St. Ronnie and Oliver “Still a Piece-of-Shit Traitor” North were has a single straight instinct? I know I don’t!
Somehow I think Changeling hasn’t been in his “right mine” for quite a while.
White womenRepublican senators > anyother race ofwomen, period. Who in their right mine would choose someyellow or brownchick over them? I know I wouldn’t!Yeah, make fun of me for typos, whatever, libs.
I bet the only women you have ever fucked are a bunchy of fatties, blacks, asians, small-tits, and lesbos.
Ooh, Ouch, We Sure Got Told.
Meanwhile,. I’ve laid hot white women with huge tits and smiles on their faces as I give them a good pearl necklace…lol
“I bet the only women you have ever fucked are a bunchy of fatties, blacks, asians, small-tits, and lesbos.”
Oh wow, he’s convinced me. Through his wisdom, I’m no longer a liberal. I just needed the simple beauty articulated to me. I’m gonna celebrate my new lease on life with wanton intimidation at a town hall meeting. I’ll be back later to kick you libs’ asses.
Okay seriously TMTC, how old are you?
I dated this girl for a while. She was really a… nasty freak. She just loved to get down with sex all the time. It was like… anytime of day, she was like, “Yeah, let’s go! I’m so nasty!” And I’d be nailing her and she’d be like, “Oh, you’re nailing me! Cool!”
Older than you, immature child. Go cry to your mommy some more, since you live in her basement!
You’re either 45 and unmarried,or 16 trying to sound like a cool adult but sounding like a disgruntled unmarried 45-year-old.
And you’re either a homo 12 year old, or a 40 year old virgin living in his mommy’s basement.
Geez, am I ever overfed.
True Americans™ have some Good News at last! According to a recent news report, His Holiness Ronaldus Reaganass has returned to lead us. Glory Be!
OK, I think this has run its course.
Has anyone seen this awesome run down of Jay Nordlinger on HuffPo
We’ve won, libs!
I was going to pass by July 31st.
Then by September.
Then by Halloween.
Now by Christmas.
Doc? What are my chances, Doctor? Doc? Where are you going? Help me!
I didn’t find the zombie reagan particularly funny but it did link me to one of their other videos which I find hilarious in its blunt meanness,
Lay off Nordlinger, already. Can’t you see he’s still grieving for his lost love? Let him cry in peace.
Also: I love, and will always love, how the teabaggers basically pulled a santorum on themselves. They didn’t need Dan Savage to come up with a funny definition for their name to make them ridiculous. They chose a name with a funny definition.
For the “party of personal responsibility” they sure spend a lot of time complaining about the consequences of a freely-made decision.
Yes, Toofless, we went to war with Vietnam. All of it. We weren’t there to support any of them. The whole reason we were there was just to kill non-white people. Really. That was the whole deal.
Christ. Gibbons are generally better read and have a broader sense of history than our resident troll.
Better toilet trained, too.
Wrong. The traitor got off on a technicality. He was guilty as fuck and admitted it. But thanks for playing.
This is how I imagine Amy Alkon singing!
The More Things Change… said,
December 6, 2009 at 7:52
At least FDR was a decent war President.
Truman FIRED MacArthur, who wanted to liberate both North Korea and China in a bold move. But Truman fired him.
that is one of THE crimes of the 20th Century. If it wasn’t for Truman, both North Korea and China would be living under democracy and liberty today…
Well, either that, or nuclear winter.
There’s a pretty decent play about Jenkins. Hard to cast, as you need a singer/actress who can pull of the truly atrocious singing, and an actor who can play the piano really well (the only two roles are Jenkins and her accompanist, the improbably names Cosme McMoon). It’s called Souvenir: A Fantasia on the Life of Florence Foster Jenkins by Stephen Temperley. Not exactly Shakespeare or O’Neill, but pretty funny and ultimately rather touching.
The More Things Change… said,
December 6, 2009 at 7:18
I still can’t believe a solid, rock-ribbed red Republican state like Arkane sas ever voted for a corrupt lib like Clinton.
Possibly because he’s not even remotely liberal, nor particularly corrupt.
I thought he was black, not Native American.
LOLcat: “That was an A-flat, right?”
No, that was a flat A.
And B, C, D, E, F, and G.
And the sharps and flats too.
There’s a pretty decent play about Jenkins.
Skylight theater in Milwaukee staged that one a couple of years a go, and did a hella job. Woman named Linda Stephens played the main role, and you’re right, it takes an amazing singer to make the proper, umm, noises.
I finally exposed myself to the clip above. Wow. FFJ is so out of tune she detunes your ears so everything you hear afterward sounds out of tune as well.