3.33% of an hour TownHall
Ask for it by name! Not to be confused with 120-Second or 2-Minute TownHall.
Not lasting for a considerable time Dennis Prager: The ACLU and Hitler: Separated at birth?
Having relatively little length David Limbaugh: Another day over and deeper in debt. Hey, let’s make the Bush tax cuts permanent!
Diminutive Rebecca Hagelin: I only answer to one god: John Stossel’s moustache of truth.
Epigrammatic Bruce Bartlett: Since I’ve never heard of George Will, David Gergen, David Brooks, Jonah Goldberg, Ann Coulter, Fred Barnes, Andrew Sullivan, Glenn Reynolds, PowerRocket, or Bob Novak, I can say that “Republicans are persona non grata in the major media.”
Compendious Cal Thomas: Since OPEC is unable to reduce oil production, reducing our consumption of gasoline is going to solve all our problems.
Fleeting Megan Basham: I nearly had my first orgasm while watching United 93.
Are you talking about Dennis’s marriages? And David Limbaugh’s penis?
Dennis Prager? Wasn’t he the one who recently rattled off the typical conservative mantra praising Dr. BLT and his tunes, that ex-Sadly-No-troll they claim as their own personal Bob Dylan? No, I think it was Hannity. Anyway, I forget, but I’m sick of the conservatives claiming BLT for themselves. He’d be nothing without us libs. And I’m sick of hearing that unofficial theme song of his for the United 93 movie on every single radio station I turn on. It makes me want to puke. Sure, to be intellectually honest, it’s a musical masterpiece, but geez, does he have to sound so damn jingoistic in the process? And BTW, BLT, so much for you trying to selectively release your free mp3s to conservatives just because we hurt your feelings. I’ve ripped this one off one of those crazy right wingnut sites that you are now hiding behind for protection, and I’m spreading it around for liberals. So, what are you going to do about it? Don’t deprive us. Sure we pick on your songs, but we recognize your genius and we quite frankly want you back—you and your damn songs:
United 93 (the unofficial theme song to the movie)
words and music by Dr. BLT (c)2006
Please god no
we recognize your genius and we quite frankly want you back—you and your damn songs
When self-medication goes horribly horribly wrong.
Prager: even the arts are falsified because of the totalitarianism of the anti-smoking movement
What the FUCK does that mean, “the arts are falsified”?
The fact is I play a mean Casio myself.
“Another day older and deeper in debt.”
I don’t really get the “shorter” thing, but allow me to compliment the vocabularic gymnastics that went into creating all those alternative terms.
Bartlett: The real importance of the Snow appointment is that he demanded to be involved in White House policy decisions and not just be the guy who announces them. If he tells President Bush the kinds of things he has written in his columns, he can do a lot of good and maybe rescue him from creeping political irrelevancy.
Which of the following scenarios is most likely:
(a) Snow gets involved in White House policy decisions, expresses his honest and occasionally dissenting views to the president, and changes the White House for the better;
(b) Snow gets involved in White House policy decisions, expresses his honest and occasionally dissenting views to the president, and gets ignored completely;
(c) Snow is shut out of White House policy decisions entirely and becomes just another Fleischer/McLellan clone, spouting party line deflections to the White House “press” “corps”; or
(d) Snow has no honest and occasionally dissenting opinions, so he doesn’t really give a rat’s patootie about getting involved in White House policy decisions.
Basham: For every one talking head on television that preaches concession, there are a thousand that refuse to go quietly into the night.
I’m having a little trouble with her math, because if it’s the people on United 93 who “refuse[d] to go quietly” etc., and there were only 37 passengers on the plane, then I guess that means there is only 0.037 of a talking head out there preaching concession. Which doesn’t seem like that big a problem to me.
Also, I was not aware that the passengers included any talking heads.
“we recognize your genius and we quite frankly want you back—you and your damn songs”
“When self-medication goes horribly horribly wrong.”
If it’s medication that makes him come up with so much witty material, I want what he’s having. Only I want some that doesn’t have the effect of turning you into a right wingnut in the process.
Ok, I’m back. How was my trip? San Francisco is always kind of nice, even if it does have a whole bunch of teh gay. Hmm, lets see what the boiz at Sadly, No are doing today. Hmm, BradRocket found his Thesaurus. The fact is, Liberals want millions of kids to die of Malaria. Wingnuts want millions of kids to be poisoned by DDT. DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL is making illogical statements in support of all manner of wingnuttery. John Avarosis can’t call Blogger on his Cell Phone. I can relate–When I call blogger up, Blogger’s all like, “mikey, haven’t you got anything better to do? I’m way too busy bloggering to just chat with you all day”. Prodi’s had some kind of weird/kewl body modification surgery, apparently so he can tell time in two time zones at once. An appearance from ‘nortcliff’ and some boogers for the malkin thing. Hokay, sure glad I checked in today.
He certainly seems to have mastered the fugue.
mikey, you may have checked in, but you still haven’t weighed in on the controversary surrounding ex-Sadly-No-troll, Dr. BLT.
Some of us want him back, but we’re sick of the rumors that conservatives such as Prager, and some of the other talking heads mentioned on this thread are vehemently praising him and his new song, and claiming him as their own personal Bob Dylan. Then, there are folks like me, who can’t stand his political views, but readily acknowledge his penchant for creating musical masterpieces, and also resent the fact that he’s now witholding his free mp3s from liberals. Will you kindly weigh in on the matter?
I was not a denizen of these cyber premises during the reign of Dr. BLT as the resident troll. I’ve seen the references, many of which were over my head. I’m of the Sadly, No generation that includes the Garybot as troll du blog.
I have never bothered to go out and listen to his music, for the same reason I never click any of the links in “Two Minute Townhall” and it’s progeny. I read SN, WoC, Tbogg and the like so I don’t have to actually read the wingnuts, who make me homocidal.
I’ll also say that Dylan is beyond iconic for people of my age group, and the surest way to make certain we will hate, in a completely knee-jerk fashion, any performer at all is to refer to that performer as the __________’s Bob Dylan.
As to Flight 93, I simply will not see it. Not that I have a problem that it was made. Indeed, it is NEVER too early for artists to begin to interpret history. That day remains a sureal horror in my life. I was the den mother for a bunch of badly hurt people, and we stayed at my house, drank, ate, smoked and cried for three days. It’s not an experience I have any desire to relive.
If the good Doctor would like to make a re-appearance on this blog, and he is as bright and funny as you say, I would, of course, welcome him…
Leftie bush-hater Stephen Colbert is averaging just over one million viewers a night, year to date (1,077,000] on COMEDY CENTRAL, which is less than FOXNEWS’s 6-11pm line-up.
the fact is real Americans don’t like Colbert’s humorless attacks on our nation, and prefer hearing the truth from honest reporters.
The proper name of our Commander-in-Chief is capitalized, sirrah. Show a little respect.
so, micky, you missed out on the era of “the sandwich doc,” huh?” Well, I believe the Dylan comparison would be Dr. BLT’s nemesis, except that everybody one the left knows it doesn’t fit. He’s more like the Smashing Pumpkins meets Eminem meets Buck Owens (now the late Buck Owens). He does rock, rap, country, “hick” hop and everything else in between. Much of it, he does very well and musically, he seems very open-minded. I don’t know why he leans to the right. It just doesn’t match the tone of his risk-taking musical style. I don’t think we’ll ever get him back. Actually I have mixed feelings about the prospect myself. Some folks here were just a little too mean-spirited and I think that eventually got to him. I just resent it when right-wing big shots want to claim that he is their own possession. He’s a little more complicated than they give him credit for. They obviously haven’t heard his modern rock rendition of Blowin’ in the Wind. If they did, they’d probably want the song banned.
Leftie bush-hater Stephen Colbert is averaging just over one million viewers a night, year to date (1,077,000] on COMEDY CENTRAL, which is less than FOXNEWS’s 6-11pm line-up.
Let’s see, what can we learn from this stunning information? Well, first, once again the Garybot throws out numbers without citing his sources. If I was even mildly curious, I bet I could find the numbers are grossly distorted or out and out lies.
Second. Gary seems to think that Sales Volume, whether it be represented by Amazon Sales or TV Viewership somehow proves his points. Gary, are you familiar with the difference between Correlation and Causality? Care to take a logic class?
Third. Wingnuts like to listen to the echo chamber. If Rush and Hannity and that paragon of humanity, Michael Savage, have large audiences, what does that tell you about that bottom 32%?
Also, Gary, if you think this audience is going to take YOUR word for what is and is not funny, you are a dense fellow indeed. ‘Cause y’know, you’ve never said a single (intentionally) funny thing.
Just sayin
“the fact is real Americans don’t like Colbert’s humorless attacks on our nation, and prefer hearing the truth from honest reporters.”
I guess it could be said that one man’s joke is another man’s yoke.
What? No laughter? That was supposed to be unintentionally funny.
TROLLterminHATER, with all due respect, if you’re so sick of hearing Dr. BLT’s new United 93 song on the radio, why are you exposing us to it again by adding a link to the song? You’re right, it is a great song, but it’s over-played, over-hyped by the talking heads at Fox, and I think I can speak for most of us in saying we’re all sick of hearing it. But I do understand your pining over the loss of the sandwich doc. He did tend to stir up the pot a little and liven things up.
the fact is gary was offended by colbert because he showed him how dumb he looks
I always found colbert sounds a lot like gary
thye both exist in tye “no-facts” zone
This is probably an unpopular sentiment, but how does anyone know what happened on flight 93? Is there a black box recording of the entire flight?
The movie seems like a lot of conjecture to me. Sort of like “The Perfect Storm”.
Leftie bush-hater Stephen Colbert is averaging just over one million viewers a night, year to date (1,077,000] on COMEDY CENTRAL, which is less than FOXNEWS’s 6-11pm line-up.
Um, first of all, a comedy program and the news are two totally different things. News reporting automatically has a broader appeal than any given comedy program, simply because virtually everyone wants to hear news (even from someplace like Fox) but only a certain amount of people are going to find any given program funny.
Second of all, what are we supposed to do with this information? Throw up our hands and say “Oh no! More people watch the news on any given night than watch Steven Colbert! I guess you were right all along, Mr Republican sir!”
Thirdly, that’s still a shitload of viewers.
Wait. So Colbert’s show – an hour long – draws less viewers than collectively watch a five-hour block of programming on FOX News. I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure that’s not how one would compare the relative success of television programs. I bet more people watch “The Price Is Right” than watch Fox News, so THERE.
And if y’all bring Dr. BLT back, you’re gonna have to dump either annieangel or Gary Ruppret. There’s not enough troll chow for three complete loons.
“And if y’all bring Dr. BLT back, you’re gonna have to dump either annieangel or Gary Ruppret. There’s not enough troll chow for three complete loons.”
I think, based on rumors only, Dr. BLT may have gone so far to the left that he may even scare annieangel or Gary Ruppret away. Didn’t one of them already mention something about the beat in some of his songs sounding too sensual for a conservative? Once again, I may have the facts mixed up. I remember reading that from some troll somewhere.
Wait a minute, are you guys actually saying you LIKE that piece of music? It has the cheeziest, lamest drum programming ever. My job involves listening to lots of crappy songs, crappy records and crappy bands, and that song rates very high on the crap-o-meter.
JK47–You must find your work very rewarding…
Matt T, it’s a half hour show, plus it’s on at 11:30 pm, so your point is even stronger.
the fact is…
Gary, mate, there you are! I’ve been looking all over for you. Give any more thought to the morality of torturing innocent people in the name of freedom?
JK47 – I haven’t actually listened to the offering in question, but I was literally offended by the drum machine in some of his other songs, so I will have to agree. It’s not like live drummers don’t need work.
Also, mikey, it doesn’t look like Bradrocket is responsible for any of the posts today, unless he is stealing someone’s signature…
Truth to tell, Ianua, I really don’t understand the low level machinations of Sadly, No, and I really don’t know a lot about who does what. I decided a long time ago merely to hold the eponymous “Bradrocket” responsible for all posts. Just so much simpler that way.
[to] Dr. BLT back, you’re gonna have to dump either annieangel or Gary Ruppret
Let’s keep annieangel. She is often entertaining, and unlike Gary, can actually respond to points raised against her. I’m sure that if I said to annieangel what I said to Gary, she would have said something back, even if it was only to tell me to “fuck off”. In contrast, trying to converse with Gary is like trying to converse with a greased pig with satay-sticks in its ears. He’s a slippery sucker with selective hearing.
Plus annieangle has nice legs.
The fact is that less people watch Colbert than watch Monday Night Football. Therefor he is far less entertaining and definitely not right in any way what-so-ever.
Leftists like Colbert have been undermining patriotic competative sports for many years, yet have failed in their attempts to ban them/the bible due to the fact that America is still free.
Apparently Gar-Bear got his text from Drudge. Here’s what John Aravosis has to say about it:
“. . . you mean Colbert’s new TV show, running on a smaller network, doesn’t have the viewers that one of the main news networks does? Uh, ok. So what’s your point, Matt? That a comedian whose only had a show for, what, six months was able to so unnerve the president of the United States that you’re all running to his defense like Colbert was Osama bin Laden or something?”
By the way, you’re joking when you say BLT has a song on the radio, right? Please tell me you’re joking.
Yeah, let’s assume — because I found some evidence for it — that The Colbert Report draws an average of 1.1 million viewers per day.
Let’s further assume that this number is less than the Fox News prime time average viewership, which for January 2006 was around 1.45 million (scroll down).
Uh, so what?
Seriously, Gary. You’re comparing… hell, it’s not even apples and oranges. It’s kiwi fruit and buffalo pelts. One of the two shows is a half hour comedy show that airs at 11:30 pm (10:30 Central). The other is a block of news programming that runs for five hours a day from the end of day time into and through prime time. The only conclusion we can draw is that you, Gary, are a true fucktard among fucktards, the fucktardiest fucktard that ever fucktarded.
Oh, and special message to TROLLterminHATER: Welcome back, Doc Sammich. Where ya been? Rehab? Touring with Ricky Martin? A marathon songwriting session in your bathtub?
Until I get some proof that “TROLLterminHATER” is not, in fact, BLT, I’m ignoring him too.
Aw. Beat me to it, Dan. Teach me to get distracted in the middle of comment-reading. (At least not without refreshing the window.)
I got dinner, though, if anyone wants some.
Mikey – I have to admit, that does make things easier.
I want to second the suspicion that BLT walks among us again, under another name.
I was going to say it before, but it was a can of worms I didn’t think needed to be opened. But now that someone else has already done that, there’s no more need to be silent.
Also, I read that Prager column, and he says ‘totalitarian’ a whole lot.
I’m not sure it means what he thinks it means.
Also, I read that Prager column, and he says ‘totalitarian’ a whole lot.
I’m not sure it means what he thinks it means.
I think it’s something to do with “The Left” and how by not promoting an unhealthy lifestyle we are somehow two steps away from erradicating freedom.
“I want to second the suspicion that BLT walks among us again, under another name.”
I know your intentions are good, but please stop raising false hope. I’d like to believe that, lanua Ditis, but what if it’s not true. You’d be setting some of us up for great disappointment.
Methinks TROLLterminHATER protests too much. Hold the mayo on this guy–I smell bacon.
Oh, wow……….the S,N! crew is gonna collectively squeal like a bunch of kids at Christmas when they see the present they’ve gotten here!
TROLLterminHATER – disappointment for some of you, maybe.
Consider this though: does a genuine liberal often refer to them as libs, or use a term like right wingnut? Is there any other kind?
I will let others decide whether the evidence speaks for itself.
totalitarian == totally the most awesome form of government.
We don’t have “wingnuts,” comrade. We have “cranks.”
I would like to believe you, Iauna, but it seems too good to be true.
In its 2000 re-release of the 1948 film “Melody Time,” Disney removed the cigarette from the cartoon character Pecos Bill. (Instead of a cigarette in his mouth, kids now see him holding a gun by his mouth!)
What?!? Is this true? Does he mean Pecos was hold a gun using his mouth or holding a gun near his mouth, hopefully pointed away?
What’s all of this fascination with Dr. BLT all about? I don’t get it. I don’t care if he’s been on MTV, or if he’s had a few songs on the radio. If Sean Hannity gives him the thumbs up, I must give him the thumbs down. Any friend of Hannity’s is no friend of mine.
The fact is, TrollterminHATER is, objectively, Dr. BLT.
mikey, I’ll lay this out for you sos you don’t get sucked into any nasty traps being laid out. Our ex-resident troll, Dr. BLT, had the unfortunate habit of posting under a wide variety of names/personae. Usually, the nics other than Dr. BLT would serve to be lonely voices of agreement with him, or as self-serving gushes of praise. He would also claim that a “silent majority” of folks here really liked his “songs,” but gave into a “liberal group-think,” and wouldn’t praise him openly.
BLT is purportedly a psychologist, and likes to play little mind-games. He’s very passive-agressive, and has a huge persecution complex (I am using the lay-terms for these things, as, not being a psychologist, and not having met BLT in-person, I couldn’t possibly begin to, in fact, analyze him. but you’ll see).
Rating him on the current-troll scale, he’s probably more amusing than Gary, about on-par with annieangel on that level. Unfortunately, he can be every bit as irritating as annie, too. So, tread carefully.
“leftwingnut,” eh?
Uh huh. Sure.
Hi, Doc!
The fact is, Dr. BLT is going to be a huge star. The liberal media doesn’t give him credit for his musical genius, but real patriotic American who love Jesus know he’s far superior to Neil Young, Eddie Vedder or any of the left’s anti-American rock stars.
Marq! You’re back! Where ya been?
TROLLterminHATER: Sorry Doc, yer busted.
Gary: STFU
That’s a fake Gary. It’s past the real Gary’s bedtime.
Was that the Doc nic-napping Gary?!? If it was, for shame, Bruce! I seem to recall that nic-napping was why you went on your little hiatus in the first place. I don’t expect to hear any complaints when various “Doc-torrr Bee Elle Tee”s and the like start cropping up, saying things you find offensive.
c.g., I’ve been sick, sick, sick for the past week, and I still am. Something nasty and flu-like… which is funny, ‘cos I had my shot last fall. So it’s gonna be somewhat light posting from me for a while.
This malleable nickname thing the Doc has going reminds me of that old Monty Python sketch, “Spot the Loony.” We could play that, substituting the title, “Spot the Sammich.” Or we could keep the original–wouldn’t make too much difference, really.
That’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever received, celticgirl. Thank you. Politics notwithstanding, I’m greatly honored, but certainly unworthy of the comparison.
Marq, if your revelation were correct, I would be one of the happiest individuals alive on the planet. I only wish I had his money, his fame, and his intellect.
Like TrollTerminaHATER above, I could do without his politics. But, sadly, like TROLLTereminHATER above, I am unworthy to be mentioned in the same sentence as the honorable Dr. BLT.
You all seem like nice enough folks, but this time it appears you’ve become too smart for your own good.
Please, all of you, I know you’re intentions are good, but I beg you, please don’t raise false hype (oops, Freudian slip, I meant to say false hope) among those of us who want to believe that Dr. BLT has made his presence known among us. If we have to be set up for disappointment again, we’ll simply be crushed.
“Was that the Doc nic-napping Gary?!? If it was, for shame, Bruce!”
Not that I am necessarily Dr. BLT, but in his defense, it should not be considered nic-napping or even the moral equivalent to nic-napping when one leaves obvious subtle cues for the intellectually gifted among you, intended to reveal one’s true identity.
I would say the Doc’s pretty much left his signature in big, bold letters on each of his blog entries/works of art.
What? Like shameless self-promotion? I knew I recognized that smell…Bacon indeed.
What? Like shameless self-promotion? I knew I recognized that smell…Bacon indeed.
What? Like shameless self-promotion? I knew I recognized that smell…Bacon indeed.
OK, something reallllllly weird is going on with the comments….
Wow, if that’s not the Doc, someone deserves an Oscar.
Yes, it’s wierd alright, celticgirl. It’s called shamelesslessly promoting oneself by posting multiple consecutive entries, and then pretending it was an accident. I’m kidding celticgirl. That’s happened to me before, and I’m aware that it’s happened to others— especially right after accusing someone of shameless self promotion. It’s true, Dr. BLT does self-promote, but haven’t you heard that every time he does, the self-promotion is followed by an abundance of shame?
Welcome back, Marq. I’d kiss you, but, well, you know.
Get better soon.
Hmmm. Y’know, I’ve been on the ‘net since ’92 and I’ve never understood this pretending to be someone else. Oh sure, the internet gives you the annonymity to do so, but to what end? One can seldom be dishonest with good intentions.
As to this guy, doc troll lefty? Dork.
“Wow, if that’s not the Doc, someone deserves an Oscar.”
I’d be happy to accept that Oscar on Dr. BLT’s behalf.
As for the “pretending to be somebody else” accusation, if it was directed at me, all I have to say is this:
Grandiose though it may sound, Dr. BLT is humbly attempting to usher in a new era in blogosphere culture, in which folks begin to color outside the box. Some of you, (the cognoscente) “get it,” others, through no fault of their own, simply don’t. But they will catch on sooner or later. Blog spaces, presently reserved for those who apply logic to literal language in a left-brained manner (not in the political sense but in the hemispheric sense)will be inhabited by those who freely express themselves in an artistic sense.
Dare I speak prophetically, and risk being labeled grandiose? Yes, art is all about risk, and I’m prepared to take it. Actually, it’s more a dream and a vision than a prophesy.
In my vision, the blog space will be the canvas for the painter; the blank script for the playwright; the stage for actors; the spotlight for performers; and the treble and bass clefs for songwriters.
Oh, I get it, a blogosphuture in which artists find room to freely express themselves without blogosFEAR. Sounds blogosphenomenal!
Yeah, I couldn’t have gone another day without the wonderful mix of condescension and pretension that is BLT. Oy.
Glad to be of service, STH. As always, it’s served up with a big smile, with the utmost pleasure, and with a salubrious, if slightly small, side order of humility.
Don’t worry, STH, as usual, I’m “here for a good time, not a long time.” I didn’t get enough attention as a child, so as soon as you folks stop trying to make up for the dearth, I’ll be on my way to seek attention elsewhere.
Now that you’ve acknowledged yourself, BLT M.D., however obliquely, I’d like to rebut a brief point you made some time back. “American Woman” isn’t an “anti-war” song, though it does contain a line of anti-militarism (“I don’t need your war machines…”) along with some general swipes at our national mode of being. Some “right wingnuts” would call it “anti-American”, though I’d call it simply an ineloquent critique delivered with considerable annoyance. I haven’t heard your version, however.
But, if you spam us with songs, I’ll be forced, driven, yea, coerced to point people to mine–which are more to the actual left–AND my guitars are louder than yours. You do have the advantage of being more prolific. But let’s spare the greater community an ear-bleeding slugfest.
The Doc always seems like one part Greek Chorus and two parts Sybil.
It’s a little creepy.
“But, if you spam us with songs, I’ll be forced, driven, yea, coerced to point people to mine–which are more to the actual left–AND my guitars are louder than yours. You do have the advantage of being more prolific. But let’s spare the greater community an ear-bleeding slugfest.”
“Spam” is such a harsh, pejorative term, MCH. I prefer “sharing,” or, at the very least, refusing to charge for tunes that are gratuitously offered.
Personally, I admire you for thinking outside the box, and for entertaining the thought of entertaining us with your gift of music. Music is a legitimate form of expression, and one day, the blogosphuture will welcome such expression with open arms. On the other hand, if you prefer to “share” your music in a more low profile setting, you can find my email address at my website.
“The Doc always seems like one part Greek Chorus and two parts Sybil.
It’s a little creepy.”
Yeah, sometimes I even creep myself out.
Like poison vs. medicine, the difference between “spam” and “offer” is dosage. A link is an offer, and one that only an old fusterpockets would object to; a list of links and descriptions that resembles various 1/30ths of Townhall posts leans towards the archetypical malodorous potted meat product. I’ve seen both, and prefer the former. I was merely (and unhelpfully, at that) threatening to launch potted-meat-bombs of my own should such over-self-promotion recur. It would be left to the poor folks who actually own and run this site, and the hapless captive audience, to decide if suchlike were a slugfest or a Teh Suck-fest.
Perhaps it was mostly an opportunity for myself to blather on in the pedantic and verbose (death-ful?) prose that sometimes arises in my mind–something I blame on being subjected to the Reagan Administration as a whippersnapper.
You did have a Cash-esque thing going at the appropriate moment previously. Was that a large-diaphragm condenser I heard (and a small one for the acoustic)?
Maybe that’s because my large-diaphragm condenser mic broke half-way through the recording. That happened to me recently, but I can’t be sure that it happened while recording the song in question. I would need to know which song you’re referring to in order to offer further information. If it was a Cash-esque thing, I’m assuming it was something from my “Blackout” Johnny Cash tribute CD. Of course if I ask you to name the song, I may be accused of requesting the information as a round-about way of self-promoting. On the other hand,that’s OK, by now I’m made it pretty clear that my self-promotion is not shameless due to the tremendous shame that I feel over every putative act of self-promotion.