Americablog: Kickin’ It Realschool
Dear Google & Palm, your Treo 700 doesn’t work on Blogger
by John in DC – 5/02/2006 11:06:00 AMDear Google and Palm,
Through the wonders of the Treo 650, Joe in DC is able to blog on the road, which is a great help when I’m off knoodling with Katherine Harris and Jeff Gannon.
But then Joe went and bought the new Treo 700, and guess what? It doesn’t work when you pull up We can’t log in to Blogger, and the folks at Palm tell us that they had the same problem using Blogger with the 700, and it must be a problem with the Blogger page being incompatible with the Treo 700.
Now, Joe in DC isn’t the only blogger to use a Treo. I know for a fact that lots of them do, and I also know that I was going to get the new Treo 700 to blog on the road, until I found out that it doesn’t work with Blogger.
“I say, Joe. How’s the new PDA working out?”
“Bit of a muddle, John, old chap.”
“Oh, bother…”
Now, here’s the deal. Joe has talked to the Palm folks on the phone. They say the problem is Blogger. I’ve emailed the folks at Google (who own blogger) and haven’t gotten any response at all.
Someone needs to fix this little problem or a lot of bloggers are going to be mighty surprised when they buy the Treo 700 and realize they can’t blog anymore. That mean’s they’re going to return the Treo 700, and that isn’t good news for Treo. Or, they’re going to keep the Treo 700 and move their blogs off of Blogger – and that isn’t good for Blogger.
So, Treo/Palm and Blogger, can you two please get together and fix this?
Love, John and Joe
Color us quite nonplused, Google. Upgrading to the Treo 700 is essential for the blogger who prizes enhanced slimness and fashion-forwardness in a PDA, as so many bloggers do.
Left: Massive, unwieldy Treo 650 (2005). Right: Slim, elegant Treo 700 (2006).
Do they expect us to live in caves, communicating with grunts and ughs and clad in Mastodon hide shifts?
“My God! I asked Conchita to use the special glass cleaner near the babies!”
We’ve engineered a workaround. It enables readers to have access to nearly all of Americablog’s daily political content whilst circumventing the ongoing infelicity that is the Palm Treo.
-.-. — -… .- –. …
Harrumph, tablet boy. I await with breathless anticipation your post bemoaning the interoperability problems you’re having with your UltraPad A2. Harrumph, I say, harrumph!
What is meaning please ‘knoodling’?
I don’t think you understand. The 700 is … is … well, it’s 50 more! Plus, you’re playing with fire here. You’re about a post and a half away from the most hellish nightmare of a Sadly, No! boycott you could imagine. For god’s sake, don’t force John to unleash his minions on you.
That was Colbert level snark. I love Americablog – read it daily, but the final reference back to Atrios was priceless.
You have outdone yourself!
Harrumph, tablet boy. I await with breathless anticipation your post bemoaning the interoperability problems you’re having with your UltraPad A2. Harrumph, I say, harrumph!
Yeah, well if my hand wasn’t giving out, I wouldn’t have to use one of these things.
Ooh, actually they’re coming out with an Ultrapad A2.5. Must upgrade!
(It’s a discount Wacom Intuos, the middle-sized one.)
You’re just jealous because John goes to fancy parties, and you have to hang out with Seb.
i don’t know about the 700, but one little AAA battery and my pager can relay all kinds of phone numbers to me within minutes.
if my hand wasn’t giving out
Pshaw. If I recall correctly, that was exactly the same excuse you used when you got that solid platinum replacement hand.
Demmed keeds!
I don’t understand what any of this has to do with Islamofascists, thieving goddam illegal wetbacks sneaking across the border, or the liberal MSM lying about Valerie Plame’s job duties with the CIA, which, even if it’s true, doesn’t matter, because she’s just a gurl.
Only blog about those things. Otherwise, I don’t understand.
If this crap doesn’t get fixed soon, then we might as well shut these internets down. Clearly, people just aren’t taking it seriously anymore.
Oh well, it had a nice run.
RIP Internets (1969 – 2006)
You must be confusing me with Brad.
You didn’t just do this, did you? This post doesn’t exist and I’m still sleeping. I expect some sort of bunched/wadded undergarments to come of this.
In Aravosis’s defense, he *has* been making do with a woefully incompatible watch fob and monocle, even with regatta season dreadfully shortly upon us.
Hey, it was either that or the “I’ve never seen anything quite like a tiny little thing such as Kellyanne Fitzpatrick put away eight shrimp cocktails! She’s wonderful!” post.
Reminds me of the PDA episode of aqua teen.
I’m half-way home and my pager keeps blowin’ up.
I agree. With what you ask? If you have to ask, you can’t afford the answer. That K. Harris is such a nice person.
I don’t get it. My man Thribbs deals with the actual mechanics of “blogging,” transcribing my quill strokes while I nibble canapes and poke the maid.
Must…. scrub… brain…
I eagerly await his getting the E-Z Flow Elbow… something that only two other people in the world have: Bruce Willis and the Tar Monster King, Romulox.
When I’m off knoodling [sic] with Katherine Harris and Jeff Gannon.
You know, strange as it is given the source, I think that’s an actual attempt at self-deprecating humor. Feels kind of strained, sure, but you’re not going to graduate from pompous twit to Woody Allen all in one go. Baby steps, John.
Yeah, well if my hand wasn’t giving out, I wouldn’t have to use one of these things.
whatever Ben Shapiro. we have heard it all before.
Coincidentally, just today I stumbled across an article on Wikipedia about ““Noodling” which is apparently a southern term for catching fish with one’s bare hands. I got to Noodling through an article about Trout Tickling. I got to Trout Tickling through an article about Hypnotizing Chickens – apparently a favorite pasttime of Al Gore.
Don’t ask me how I got to the article about Hypnotizing Chickens.
I just can’t get all worked up because Aravosis can’t get a $400 cellphone to work on a free hosting service while he’s on a road trip to Amsterdam. Boo hoo hoo boo hoo.
If he wants to blog on the road from his Treo he can just pony up the cost of a real hosting service. Like the rest of us.
“If he wants to blog on the road from his Treo he can just pony up the cost of a real hosting service. Like the rest of us.”
I smell a pledge drive!
Hell, John A.’s gonna have to hold a pledge drive to pay for the bandwidth his pledgedrive kicks up.
Has he considered using post-by-email or even, wait for it, enabling cookies?
Guys, don’t make fun of John’s pledge drives. How do you expect him to have a real job and blog at the same time? Nobody does that!
Gav, we should do dueling blog parodies. I’ll keep doing Eschabulls, and you can keep doing Sadly, John!
“Sadly, John!” would be a work of genius.
I love hating the Chris in Paris posts on that america blog. Because, after all, a great nation deserves the truth.
I have a Treo 700WX from Sprint. When I use IE mobile to login to I can’t get past the login screen. Instead I use Opera mobile as an alternative to IE for posting to blogger. You’ll be happy to know it works like a charm.
There seems to be a rogue tag afoot here. Deuced if I can make out what’s wrong, wot.
Why is this post so funny after all these years?
It’s even funnier. I forgot the Atrios joke. Good times.