Another one wanks the nuts

First Adam Yoshida said we should do it. Now it’s JB Williams’ turn:

There’s no need to waste American lives on such insanity. If they [Iran] are so damn determined to have a nuke, I say we just send them a couple of ours…special delivery.

And they lived happily ever after…


Comments: 15


Sometimes, they just lob a softball over the plate…

In the case of Iraq, we had a lot of history on the Hussein family and the brutal regime they commanded. We had decades of experience, watching them torture, behead and murder hundreds of thousands of their own people, in some cases, even their own disloyal family members. We watched the Hussein regime rape, murder and plunder beyond their own borders. We watched them promote, fuel and fund international terrorism.

And we did more than just watch — we helped! Especially in the Iran-Iraq War, where we secretly supplied armaments and intelligence to Saddam’s regime, despite our continued claims of neutrality. Because that’s the kind of generous, caring country we are.


There’s a tad bit of disingenous going on there…when Hussein was up to all his nastry tricks, we all had our eyes glued to the television, scarfing down whole corn-fields worth of Doritos and buckets of Diet Coke watching the OJ trial and wondering whether Monica’s famed blue dress was drip-dry.

Well, I wasn’t. I believe I was scratching at the frozen earth at that time, foraging for nuts to see me through the winter.


they should start a nuclear family!!


“I say we just send them a couple of ours…special delivery.”

I say before we do that, we strap Yoshida and Williams to the warhead and let them go down shouting “YEE-HAW!.”

If that doesn’t get you into wingnut heaven, nothing will.


Mr. Williams is advocating that we supply a terrorist regime of Islamo-fundamentalist evil-doers with nuke-ya-ler weapons! Well, I think I’ll just forward his comments to the appropriate authorities. I’m sure they’ll want to investigate such an objectively pro-terrorist individual.


There’s no need to waste American lives on such insanity

I agree, American lives are precious! Iranian lives, on the other hand…


It really is frieghtening how readily these dicktrees throw around the idea of nuclear holocaust. It’s like they’ve known for years it “would have to come to this” and they’re not just ready for it, they’re literally salivating over it.


It really is frieghtening how readily these dicktrees throw around the idea of nuclear holocaust. It’s like they’ve known for years it “would have to come to this” and they’re not just ready for it, they’re literally salivating over it.


It really is frieghtening how readily these dicktrees throw around the idea of nuclear holocaust. It’s like they’ve known for years it “would have to come to this” and they’re not just ready for it, they’re literally salivating over it.


It really is frieghtening how readily these dicktrees throw around the idea of nuclear holocaust. It’s like they’ve known for years it “would have to come to this” and they’re not just ready for it, they’re literally salivating over it.


Timmah, these hyar Intarwebs is not liking you much today. I do enjoy, however, learning that dickweeds can and do grow into dicktrees. I guess I should already have known that, living so close to DC, aka The Dickforest.


Yikes, Don’t run naked backwards in that forest.


yoshida and williams stole that joke from colbert.


Posted by: dick dicktree

I think Dirk Dicktree would be a great porn star name.


Yikes, Don’t run naked backwards in that forest.

Speak for yourself, bitch! ; )


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