I See Fat People

ABOVE: Charles “FU,IGM” Lane
If there is anything viler than a plump, well-fed, rosy-cheeked white guy getting all huffy about a USDA study on food insecurity because he sees poor people who are fat, I really can’t imagine what it would be. Well, maybe Jay Nordlinger describing the act of teabagging, but that’s an entirely different story.
Charles Lane, who took refuge at Freddie Hiatt’s House of Horrors after his unsuccessful stint at the New Republic as the editor for Stephen Glass, has decided that his effort to make the world a better place as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday is to argue that poor people need less food, not more. It is, perhaps, enough to make me wish that, if Lane should start choking on a huge-ass mouthful of turkey and dressing from his prodigiously over-burdened Thanksgiving spread, no one will know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver on him.
But is “hunger” widespread in America these days? That is the misleading impression created by press coverage of the USDA study. Headlines … made it sound as if famine stalks the land.
I think it should be a rule that before any person on the Washington Post editorial board writes a column on hunger they have to have spend as much time working in a food bank or at soup kitchen as they’ve spent eating during just one day. That would certainly have had at least a chance of stopping Lane from writing nonsense like this:
When you crack into the data, however, they don’t support this dire portrayal. The USDA report is based on a survey of 44,000 households. They were asked if, and how, a lack of funds affected their eating habits. The first question was whether the respondent had ever “worried” about running out of food in the previous 12 months — not actually run out of food, just worried about it. A “yes” answer counts as “food insecurity.” Adults are asked if they ever lost weight due to a lack of food money — but not how much weight, or what they weighed before. In theory, a 300-pound man who lost a pound could count as “food insecure.” Similarly, the questionnaire asks whether parents “cut” their kids’ portions at any point in the last year — without specifying what the portions were before and after.
For starters, this was just an out-and-out lie. Answering one of the questions, such as whether one worried about running out of food, wasn’t enough to be classed as food insecure. Nor would one fall into that category just because they served their kids two less strands of spaghetti as Lane falsely implies. There had to be positive responses to at least three questions. Oops. Ultimately, after having his ass shredded into tiny pieces by the commenters on his article, Lane issued a “clarification.” Ahem. “Clarification” — his word — means he stopped short of admitting that he just made the shit up out of whole cloth, evidently an extremely touchy subject for Lane.
To compound the elitist hackery, Lane also completely neglects the most significant parts of the study, which were the findings relative to households that were not just “food insecure” but which had “very low food security.” Of course, he couldn’t talk about the latter category when trying to create the impression that poor people were feasting on foie gras, cream sauces, and Kobe beef. To be “very food insecure,” you had to answer six of the ten questions affirmatively. And by the time a household has answered that many questions affirmatively that household is unlikely to include folks who have simply been forced to switch from beluga to ossetra caviar or to give up adding white truffles to their risottos.
Here are some of the things the study reports about households with very low food security
- 98 percent reported having worried that their food would run out before they got money to buy more.
- 96 percent reported that the food they bought just did not last and they did not have money to get more.
- 94 percent reported that they could not afford to eat balanced meals.
- 97 percent reported that an adult had cut the size of meals or skipped meals because there was not enough money for food.
- 88 percent reported that this had occurred in 3 or more months.
- In 93 percent, respondents reported that they had eaten less than they felt they should because there was not enough money for food.
- In 66 percent, respondents reported that they had been hungry but did not eat because they could not afford enough food.
Worse yet, households with very low food security jumped from 4.1% to 5.7% between 2007 and 2008, the highest jump in the last ten years. Figures for families at the poverty level are even more problematic. Between 2007 and 2008, the percentage of families at the poverty line that had very low food security jumped from 14% to 19.3%.
Never mind all that, Lane dismissed the whole problem because he sees fat people on the street.
Look at the people on the street today: Based on that, would you say that America has a hunger problem or an obesity problem?
Again, if Lane had read the study that he is so busy dismissing, he might have noticed that there is a connection between obesity and food security. Indeed, two of the questions in the food security survey focus on the inability of respondents to buy balanced meals. More on the connection between poverty, nutritious foods and obesity can be found here. People who have little money to spend on food aren’t able to buy nutritious foods, both because such foods are more expensive and because poor people often live miles from grocery stores, meaning that they have to buy most of their food in convenience stores where only three food groups are featured — soda, candy bars and snacks.
So, Mr. Lane, scoff all you will at people who are poor and fat. Prop that up in your own feeble mind as a justification for ignoring issues of food security, hunger and nutritional health among the poor. And, please, sir, go ahead and have a second helping of everything on Thanksgiving. Have another glass of that $60 bottle of Merlot. After all, you deserve it for all your hard work.
Though I will admit, Charles Lane is one of the best character actors in film history.
And such as.
That guy brings clueless assholedom to a whole new level.
The deal is if there is even ONE person who is going hungry, THAT is a tragedy. Period.
Based on that, would you say that America has a hunger problem or an obesity problem?
I welcome Mr. Nordlinger to pitch in this Thursday at this event
Put up or shut up, Jay. We’re feeding 4000 people.
Fuck this asshole with a rusty chainsaw.
This bastard deserves to be turned into long pig when the shit hits the fan, and I want to be there to mind the fire.
Really – fat people means there is nobody hungry? Fuck you.
How does this compare to the Fed questionnaire sent to banks that received bailout funds; where billion $ banks simply declined to response.
Right, no comparison.
“It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging.”
None-the-less Nord – linger manages.
“Who says there is a banking crisis, when I see so many fat banks on the streets?”
Oh my, I had to read down to see him complain that liberals using the word teabagger is just like using the word ni__er. My my my.
Seriously. My best friend was definitely in this category and until me and a number of my other friends started getting him grocery bags every month or so, he would often have weeks where his sole food budget was a packet of hot dogs. For the week. And months where his food budget was 20 dollars in total as most of his monthly earnings went to gas payments, rent, and insurance payments.
This is criminally common among youth and the poor and in many ways my friend was far luckier than most.
The rich fucker can choke on his foie gras.
The existence of fat people means that there’s no hunger in the US.
Hey, let me try this: the existence of law-abiding people means there’s no criminals in the US. The existence of whiteys means there’s no black folks in the US. And of course the existence of employed people means there’s no unemployment in the US.
Got all carried away and pleased with myself, until I realised that they do actually believe at least the third one. It’s the foundation of FYIGM.
Previous commenters and Tintin have already scored the best points.
Speaking from personal experience, there’s another pernicious aspect of this whole affair: when you’re financially insecure, and it’s a long-term thing, there’s little incentive to eat cabbage rather than chocolate. After all, the money always runs out anyway, and the price of a bar of chocolate (bag of chips, fizzy drink, whatever) isn’t going to pay for anything non-food (ie satisfaction that will last), and you feel so godawful with the dragging financial woes that you need something to perk you up. So you buy comfort food. Cabbage won’t make you feel good in the short term, and nothing (except removing the financial insecurity) will make you feel better in the long term, so why not have the fucking chocolate?
Sort of an ‘eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die’ philosophy, except that ‘tomorrow we die’ is replaced by ‘we’ll be in the same shitty situation forever so who the fuck cares’.
Sorry for the temper tanty. Missed out on 2 jobs this week, one of ’em a nice one. Not full of the milk of human kindness.
Here’s a little reality for ya — I’m a school teacher and I ran out of food last week, 2 days before payday. I was laughing with 2 of my colleagues who had the same problem. Are we as bad off as those suffering in Africa? No. But it’s kind of a problem when you go 2 days without eating. And then there’s the 6 and 7 year olds I teach who confide in me every day that there’s nothing at home to eat. I buy food to give my kids so they won’t go hungry because I’m middle-aged and can handle it. They can’t. I won’t type the words that I want to type to describe this “person”.
I kind of hope that the folks he’s with on T-day do indeed know the Heimlich. I also hope that they need to administer it to him because he’s choking on the rusty fucking Garden Weasel that has been jammed up his ass.
Spooky photo there. I haven’t seen Lane in 29 years. He’s put on some weight.
I just want to mention that at TNR, he cleaned up the broken Glass after other editors (including Sullivan and I forget who else).
I hope Lane chokes on a drum stick on Thursday.
This study only asks whether you’ve ever starved because you couldn’t buy food, but it never considers the fact that some of these starving poor people may be fat!
Asshole, we aren’t camels. You can’t just live happily on your stored fat for a few days when you can’t eat.
Wow, eating “something” every day. Real high bar you’re setting there, champ.
Is this guy a fucking Charles Dickens villain?
May his algae supply succumb to global warming.
In other shocking news, people are counted as homeless if they don’t have permanent accommodation, even if they happen to like camping.
For those to scared to link.
“I have no doubt you are sexually hip, but just in case you’re not, please know that “teabag” has a particular meaning in certain circles. In order to have a discussion of our general topic, we must be aware of that meaning, and I call on the Source of All Knowledge, Wikipedia: “‘Teabagging’ is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth or on or around the face (including the top of the head) of another person, often in a repeated in-and-out motion as in irrumatio. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea.” I could quote you more, but you have had enough”
“On HBO, the lefty comedian Bill Maher commented, “When the year started, ‘teabagging’ was a phrase that referred to dangling one’s testicles in someone else’s face.” And the tea-party protesters “managed to turn it into something gross and ridiculous.” Tuh-dum. “
Jesus fuck goddamn. I almost envy the blissful detachment of these morons from anything resembling reality. Happy Thanksgiving, Lane, you heartless cocksucker. Hope your turkey has tapeworms.
The tightass collar hides his neck-bolts well.
There’s room for him to put another face above the one he’s already sportin’.
Charles, poor people are fat because the perverse incentives of U.S. agricultural policy make corn, wheat, and meat products cheap, while leaving healthy foods like vegetables relatively expensive. So if you’re poor, you buy the food you can afford — starches, fatty meats, juices and pop sweetened with HFCS — and skip the cabbage and lettuce, which provide fewer calories for more money. With that, you might be able to stretch your unhealthy food out for a full week — even feel full at the end of it. Oh, sure, you’re actually tremendously unhealthy, what with the lack of any vegetables, but at least you’re full.
A sane policy would actually support making good, nutritious foods affordable, but that might benefit poor people more than it would politically-connected agribusinesses, so we can’t have that.
As they say, Jim…
You know why fuckwads like that wear ties?
It keeps the foreskin from covering their face.
So you’re sayin’ he’s got a fivehead?
Now all I need is a “six” joke, and I’m set.
Why do I get the sense it would be dangerous to stand between Mr. Lane and a pork chop?
People like him will spend eternity in Hell studying Orwell’s text on what poor people eat in The Road to Wigan Pier and taking demanding examinations on it. There will be strong incentives for good performance, and consequences for slacking off.
But when their throats get dry and raw from hours of reciting, they’ll be allowed to take time off to watch Orwell downing a pint at The Moon under Water (his fictitious perfect pub).
Really – fat people means there is nobody hungry?
Well, yes, it does, at least to your average dumbfuck (coughMeganMcArdlecough). To them, the only cause of obesity is overeating. Period.
“It all makes perfect sense if you’re an idiot”—the new motto of the Republican Party.
You know what we needs? A new TV program called “Put your money where your mouth is” (or something like that).
In the program, they take celebrities, semi celebrities, right wing nutjobs etc. people, who make these stupid claims, and challenge them to “Put your money where your mouth is.” These challenges should be from easy (like in this case, working as a volunteer in a soup kitchen for a week and then commenting on the situation on food safety) to hard (live a month on minimum wage) to impossible (go on,tell us how you would “fix the economy”, our panel of experts analyse and predict results of your actions.)
Of course, they would always tell who they have challenged, and who has agreed and who has denied the challenge. (Mister Doughtpants declined our challenge for the third time this month, stating he is busy with work.)
Because nothing would give us more satisfaction then seeing these idiots trying to live on minimum wage, or helping the poor, or shitting their pants with the thought they might have to deal with black people in their new task.
I think like most puffy elites, Lane suffers from Low Reading Comprehension Security.
And yet how can that be, when I see so many arrogant slobs in the media?
Yet another reason to vilify St. Ronnie. In my memory, the common clay of the Republican Party – the morons – used to give lip service to humanity. They didn’t actually have any, but they understood they couldn’t bluntly say “Fuck you, I’ve got mine.” in public. Then came Ronald-Fuck-You-World-A-Small-Percentage-Of-The-US-Has-Its-Reagan and all of sudden people thought that Gordon Gecko saying “Greed is good” was meant as a role model.
I’ve thought this for two decades, but never heard anyone say it in public until I saw the Rude Pundit perform live.
This guy is just like those assholes who scoff at the idea of global warming every time there’s a cold day anywhere in the world.
I don’t believe in Hell, but there are days I want to believe in Hell.
Just another worthless dick sitting at a desk thinking about what to write. What’s this? Oh, a food study. Excellent fodder for his flaccid wit.
Seriously, what an asshole and what a perfectly humanity free piece to write this week. He probably thought it was clever timing.
And this is the media I am supposed to be mourning? Fuck them all. We’d be better off trying to sift the truth and filing FOIA requests ourselves. At least this fucknozzle would have to get a real job and do some real work.
I went away and started reading other sites, but I couldn’t stop thinking about this one.
What gets me about it is that the douche knew exactly what he was doing. He knows that there are hungry people in America, because everyone knows there are hungry people in America. Saying there’s no hunger in America is like saying you think the sun rises in the north. And someone who used to work as a news editor knows it for damn sure.
So first, yeah, he’s lying. But second, he’s choosing this particular week to lie about hunger. Thanksgiving week is one of those times when most people are especially aware that they have things a lot better than some people who have nothing. Every church and civic group in the country does food drives.
So he picked this week to lie about an issue that everyone knows exists. The entire column is one long “FUUUUUCK YOU” to anyone who isn’t mega-rich and to anyone with an ounce of empathy. It’s the most perfectly “Fuck You I Got Mine” column I’ve ever seen.
Charles Lane doesn’t deserve to choke to death. He just deserves to get a good hard punch to the face from every person he meets for the rest of his worthless life.
Hey, the highest concentration of obese people in the country is in the American South, including its white conservative all American Republican population. So, I’m sure we’ll see essays on how fat white Southern redneck conservatives are destroying this nation’s ability to compete.
In other analysis, ha ha fuck all you fucking dumbass poor people because your overall state & local tax burden is waaaaaaay more than the richest people pay, because Ronald Reagan Stalin teabag Constitution 5,000 year leap etc.
Ha ha! Fuck you, motherfuckers! Cut our taxes, douchebags, and stop being so fat you poor ass dirtwads! We got fucking yachts to buy with the money you marching morons saved us on taxes!
‘Cause one time, in 2003, a Republican governor of one of our backwards piece of shit Southern states, Bob Riley of Alabama, said that Jesus wanted a fairer tax system, so he tried to reform a system which favored the wealthiest and largest landholders with an Amendment that needed to be approved by the voters.
Gosh, I bet this sort of situation just really riles the blood of the outraged commentariat at the Washington Post, who are probably furious at the notion that rich people in Alabama have to pay taxes at all, and why is it that the poor aren’t just cooking themselves and serving their rich, fat meat to the state’s wealthiest, who deserve such a pliant population? Oh, I forgot — ‘tree of liberty’, ‘blood of tyrants’, Obama = Hitler and all.
But, ha ha, you dumb motherfuckers voted this down too! No to the taxes! No to all the spendin’! Hey, we ain’t got money for food now! Why won’t somebody lower our taxes? Oh, that’s right, somebody tried, and we told ’em ‘fuck you buddy Jesus says the rich need tax cuts’.
Uh, also, stop the spendin’, and whatever else we’re supposed to yell. FREEEEDUMMMM!!!!
There’s also the possibility that he’s just so sheltered and coddled that he really truly believes that hunger is a thing that only happens in the countries Sally Struthers hangs out in; that poor people should just learn that McDonald’s has a dollar menu and the supermarket will sell you day-old bread and gray meat for half price and look at all those rich people starving themselves on purpose!
I don’t know what’s worse, malice or ignorance.
I think there’s the casual attitude that things in this country aren’t bad enough to bother their consciousness until either (a) ordinary people are suffering on the levels of 3rd world famine, or (b) rich people are slightly concerned that in the future they may have to pay more taxes, or (c) somebody somewhere suggests that we can use our democratic government to make lives better for the vast majority of our citizens rather than plutocratic kleptocracy.
So, until the harder hit portions of the country have thousands of starving skeletons fighting for the droppings of a UN rice delivery, it’s ‘get a job and a diet YOU FAT FUCKS!’
Charles Lane:
[spots an indigent baby with a sad-looking lollipop, yanks it out of the poor tot’s hand]
Give me that, fatso!
[pops lollipop into his own mouth]
Last night on the radio I heard (on Marketplace, I think), that the Post had lost $330 mil in the first three quarters of this year.
I shouted and cheered with joy.
Charles “
Also from the Social Security funded study by Brookings / Boston College (article cited above):
Also, the contracts for bonuses for all top employees at financial institutions now entirely subsidized by U.S. taxpayers are law, and law is sacrosanct, unless we’re dealing with union workers or terrorists and they’re practically the same thing any damn way, amirite?
‘Cause, when we stop the government from spendin’ and we get everybody to save their money the recession will end because the way our economy works is that things don’t do good when people and government spend money, but when tax cuts for the rich. Yes, I know that’s a sentence fragment, but, hey, have you ever noticed how many so called ‘poor’ people are fat? Get a load of that!
Uh, also, stop the spendin’, and whatever else we’re supposed to yell. FREEEEDUMMMM!!!!
Yet they cheerfully take Federal tax money, since, as almost all red states, they take in more than they pay out. God damn socialist Alabama.
And I say that as someone living in God damn socialist Arkansas.
Funny that, in the end, the thing that killed this country was not Muslim hoards, or a theocratic takeover (although The Family is still working on that one), or even greed, but spite.
Pure, simple spite. If these folks weren’t willing to cut off their nose to spite their face, all that other crapola would take care of itself.
Charles, poor people are fat because the perverse incentives of U.S. agricultural policy make corn, wheat, and meat products cheap, while leaving healthy foods like vegetables relatively expensive.
Spot on, Jeff. This is precisely how it happens. American agricultural policy, in particular the corn subsidies, make it nearly impossible for a farmer to grown anything but grains in order to turn a decent profit.
Now add to that the fact that more profit means bigger corporations, and you have the problem in a nutshell.
In the program, they take celebrities, semi celebrities, right wing nutjobs etc. people, who make these stupid claims, and challenge them to “Put your money where your mouth is.”
Some Congressman, can’t remember who… Tim Ryan?… went on food stamps for a week to prove how wasteful the program was. He was caught smuggling peanut butter home in his luggage, and was found eating a pork chop in a hotel restaurant where he was to deliver a speech because he was afraid he’d pass out from hunger.
You know what, fuck you Charles Lane. And thanks, El Cid, for that New York Times article. I’ve spent many hours arguing the same point Bob Riley was trying to make. Any politician who proclaims their Christianity should be asked their opinion of Riley’s statement: “I’ve spent a lot of time studying the New Testament, and it has three philosophies: love God, love each other, and take care of the least among you,” he said. “I don’t think anyone can justify putting an income tax on someone who makes $4,600 a year.”
You could also ask them what they think of the late Lord Longford’s statement: “I am a socialist because I am a Christian”. That really would be headsplodey time.
With all this unemployment, American’s are going to have to learn how to make the gourmet items that they used to just go out and buy:
I don’t know what’s worse, malice or ignorance.
Scrooge started back, appalled. Having them shown to him in this way, he tried to say they were fine children, but the words choked themselves, rather than be parties to a lie of such enormous magnitude.
‘Spirit. are they yours.’ Scrooge could say no more.
‘They are Man’s,’ said the Spirit, looking down upon them. ‘And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. Deny it.’ cried the Spirit, stretching out its hand towards the city. ‘Slander those who tell it ye. Admit it for your factious purposes, and make it worse. And abide the end.’
‘Have they no refuge or resource.’ cried Scrooge.
‘Are there no prisons.’ said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words. ‘Are there no workhouses.'”
The two most prescient political commentaries on our time are “Blazing Saddles” and “A Christmas Carol.”
With all this unemployment, American’s are going to have to learn how to make the gourmet items that they used to just go out and buy
It needs a catchy name, something that doesn’t sound like work…
I know! “Cooking”!
Sounds like cookies and we all love cookies! They’re cheap, sweet and easy to eat!
But is “hunger” widespread in America these days? That is the misleading impression created by press coverage of the USDA study. Headlines … made it sound as if famine stalks the land.
Needless to say, neither of the TWO WHOLE ARTICLES he links to support this statement leaves anyone but a sub-Epsilon moron with the sense that “famine stalks the land.” Both articles distinguish between the “hungry” and the “food insecure.” And what’s his beef with calling people who have worried about having enough money to feed their families, have gone hungry because they couldn’t afford food, and have lost weight because they couldn’t afford food “food insecure?” Gosh, imagine calling people who are insecure about their ability to consistently get enough food “food insecure.”
“Dick” Lane ought to remember the old Roman saying.
No country is more than three meals away from a revolution.
Actor, that would require the dick to have actually gotten an education worth a shit, and to have been held to some kind of academic standard for knowing his history (or any other subject).
Since likely he was just thrown at an expensive university with his Daddy’s money and then waved through to get his worthless, obnoxious ass out of there before he got the school in trouble, Lane doesn’t know fuck-all about anything because he’s never needed to.
The other thing that makes it hard for poor people to eat healthy diets is access to healthy food.
There aren’t many Whole Foods stores or organic farmers’ markets in poor neighborhoods (although, this last part IS changing some, in Southern CA). There aren’t even many regular supermarkets in poor neighborhoods. What there are more frequently are expensive convenience stores, fast food joints, and liquor stores.
Fresh, unprocessed food is bulky, fills a lot of grocery bags, and if you have to take a bus to get where you can buy them, it’s pretty tough to carry it all home.
Yeah, its a lot cheaper to buy 10 pounds of dried beans and cook them from scratch, instead of picking up a Taco Bell bean burrito. Good luck carrying that 10 pound sack home on the bus, walking three blocks home with it. After working as a housekeeper in a hotel.
It’s also not easy to be thrifty when thrift means making bulk purchases – food that is cheap by the unit price rather than by the total cost. Five pounds of pork shoulder ends up being quite economical by the serving, but if you can’t pry $12 out of your weekly food budget to buy it, you’re not going to realize that savings. It’s also not going to be wise if you buy that pork roast and have substandard methods of keeping it – crappy rental unit refrigerators, or vermin-infested housing.
If you’re poor and you live month-to-month or maybe you’re in temp housing while on a waiting list, you’re not going to be stocking up your pantry full of canned goods or putting roasts in the freezer.
And you’re also not going to be carting boxes full of skillets and saucepans around with you either.
Believe me, the motivation to cook a healthy balanced meal is pretty hard to work up for an upper-middle-class woman who works 50 hours a week and commutes home in her SUV to a well-designed kitchen full of Calphalon saucepans, all tidied up by her cleaning lady.
Just think how much harder it is to get motivated to cook if you have to take three buses home, walk 4 blocks out of your way to the supermarket, walk home with your bags, pick up the kids from day care, and then put a cheap skillet on a poorly calibrated burner and try to figure out what to cook, knowing you’ll be cleaning the kitchen afterwards.
I know from bad TV documentaries on obesity that there is a class of hyper-obese, often literally immobile people who weigh north of 400lbs and eat tremendous amounts of food. I’m sure food constitutes a much larger portion of their expenses than average, and a modest decline in income could force these people to eat less, and possibly lose weight because of it.
However, I’m not stupid enough to assume these people constitute the bulk (no pun intended), or even a sizable minority of the food insecure.
I guess that’s why Fred Hiatt won’t be offering me a job.
Since likely he was just thrown at an expensive university with his Daddy’s money and then waved through to get his worthless, obnoxious ass out of there before he got the school in trouble, Lane doesn’t know fuck-all about anything because he’s never needed to.
Hell that’s why all these douchetards are there. They are courtiers, telling the rabble what their betters want them to believe. All these commentators earn their living by anal osculation.
Shorter Charles Lane: Never allow yourselves to feel any guilt rich America, the poor are always to blame for their own condition.
Fuck this guy.
What g said.
Making a healthy meal takes more effort, logistics and one-time costs than grabbing something at the bus stop.
Shorter Charles Lane: Never allow yourselves to feel any guilt rich America, the poor are always to blame for their own condition.
That’s where the wiggle room in wonderful (as in God damn accursed symbology from hell) English language comes into play.
Jesus said “the poor will always be with you”
I hear that as “there will always be somebody needing your help, so get off your ass”
Republicans hear that as “there’s nothing you can do; fuck ’em”
I’m a better Christian than these “Christians”, and I’m not even a Christian.
I’m sure food constitutes a much larger portion of their expenses than average, and a modest decline in income could force these people to eat less, and possibly lose weight because of it.
Maybe, maybe not. If your calorie intake drops too quickly, your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto every bit of fat it can.
Dieting is really, really hard when you’re very overweight, take it from me. Losing a pound a week is considered a healthy rate, but it means you never notice any difference, and years can pass before you get to your target weight. It’s going to take me at least four years to lose the weight I need to. 🙁
Jesus said “the poor will always be with you”
I hear that as “there will always be somebody needing your help, so get off your ass”
Republicans hear that as “there’s nothing you can do; fuck ‘em”
I blame Andrew Lloyd Webber, actually
No country is more than three meals away from a revolution.
Shit, even the Romans remembered to give the people Bread and Circuses.
Today’s right wingers really are more akin to 18th Century French Aristocrats. They think they’re still in Louis XIV’s Sun Kingdom, when it’s really Louis XVI’s France they’re in.
You know what else he neglected to mention? A lot of poor people are diabetic, many of them undiagnosed, a direct result of the shitty diets which are all they can afford. While this fucktard may think it’s “no big deal” that some people have to go without food for a day or two, for a diabetic, that’s a life-threatening situation.
It’s actually quite astounding that The Washington Post, with no shortage of the poor in DC, would run a column like that just before Thanksgiving.
It’s got a real “let `em eat Ding-Dongs” ring to it.
Especially since food pantries nationwide are reporting record numbers of meals served and it ain’t even Thanksgiving yet…
Judas Priest, what a fucking idiot. Even if he’s never had experience being poor, he could have taken a clue from Orwell in The Road to Wigan Pier:
But that would require empathy, and this assclown is probably too obsessed with the unfortunate fact that he looks like a cross between the protagonist of Eraserhead and one of Robert Crumb’s minor characters to care about others.
Me, I can remember when a day-old box of little chocolate donuts was a real comfort in my hand-to-mouth existence, half a lifetime ago, and be one thankful-ass motherfucker. I hope that all my S,N! homeys feel likewise when they’re out there tomorrow eating that goddamn bird.
I’m with the GDB on this: when I was growing up and those occasional stretches when my mom had to make the Sunday ham last until Friday because dad was out of work, it was even more important that I take some small comfort in a candy bar or ice pop, knowing ham hash sandwiches fresh from the freezer were in my lunchbox.
The more I think about this, the madder I get. When I was a struggling college student, my lunch every day was a Moon Pie from a vending machine. I didn’t like them, but each one cost just 40 cents and sat like a brick in my stomach until I could get home late at night for my quality meal of the day, usually a can of off-brand green beans and some oyster crackers. And I considered myself pretty lucky, because at least I rarely missed one of these meals.
What kind of sick, heartless fucktard criticizes others for being fucking hungry?
You know, this was the same guy who uncovered Stephen Glass…after another magazine gavea cursory fact check to one of Glass’ articles.
In other words, we’re talking about a guy who accepts shit at face value. “Me see poor people eat candy. Me see fat poor people. Poor people must not be hungry.”
Also, too, DougJ at Balloon-Juice Called this over a week ago:
Atrios was also right:
I can’t think of anything remotely funny to say about this. Children going hungry is not funny. Holy shit, these people are monstrous.
Trying to prove peak wingnut, it seems, is like trying to find the largest prime number. Whenever you think they have said the worst possible thing anybody could ever say, one of them will come along and say something worse.
Happy Thanksgiving to ye who celebrate it six weeks late.
Fat blacks. Bwahahaha!
How much does anyone want to wager that this dead-eyed, lumpy skinbag considers himself “pro-life?”
Holy shit qotd!
Trying to prove peak wingnut, it seems, is like trying to find the largest prime number. Whenever you think they have said the worst possible thing anybody could ever say, one of them will come along and say something worse.
Yeah, and each new one discovered is enormously bigger than the last. They never just break a record on heartlessness or stupidity, they always have to exponentially smash them.
It’s probably why conservatives from the past always seem so “reasonable” in retrospect. Oh, that Reagan, “Ketchup is a vegetable” – what a hoot!
Y’know, I’m not convinced that Lane is conservative. After all, he edited the New Republic (Ok, not the liberal rag it used to be, but not exactly a hotbed of conservatism, despite Marty Peretz), and he seems genuinely interested in the downtrodden, based on his reporting history and the book he’s written about the Reconstruction.
I think this is just a matter of a guy who rides to work in a limo not getting it.
Quite frankly, this obsession with poor people puts you squishy libs out of touch with the common man. You couldn’t hold your own in an Applebee’s salad bar political discussion, where you’d hear the hopes and dreams of Middle America, which are to elect Republicans only.
Quite right. This partisan obsession with poor people is really the antithesis to classic centrist manners here in D.C., and it’s very unbecoming for these extremists at S,N! to be discussing such matters. Have you people no decency?
Poor people should just eat Play-Doh, I like I do. Nom nom nom.
Ooh, Play-Doh! You gonna finish that, Billy?
Here you go, Joney! Now let’s go play army men! BANG BANG!
The fact is, there are plenty of studies that show that poor people are lazy.
What? Oh. Well, the fact is, then, that I was merely mentioning theoretical studies, which could possibly be written in the future when the impoverished’s activities NOW could make them even more blatantly lazy, so I’m still right.
MEGAN MCARDLE ON WHY THE POOR are a bunch of lazy losers. Heh! Indeed.
If I ever got a job, I would continue to shovel Cheetos and Dollar Menu items into my snaggle-toothed maw, but libs should still suck it, if I ever find it. Also I hate people with Asperger’s, in case you missed it.
As William Pitt fils said, “Poverty of course is no disgrace, but it is damned annoying,” which reminds me of a time when the St Louis Cardinals were shut out of the playoffs for nearly ten straight years when the title was played almost exclusively in New York City (save for one year when the “Whiz Kid” Phillies beat the Brooklyn nine in the tenth inning of the playoff game to earn the right to be trounced by the New York Yankees).
Negroes are hungry.
Wuzza-wuzzup, looney libs? The Cool Coach is here to serve up a SPREAD of TRUTH that’ll whet the appetite of any true patriot! Here in the Heartland, the only thing we’re hungry for is SUPER SARAH the POWER PALIN and the BECKINATOR in 20-ding-dong-dilly-12!
Exactly my point. We need more of these jerk waterboarded voluntarily, arrested at airport mensroom, humiliated after they are proven to be full of shit and overall shown on TV for the lowest common nominator (IE 26%:ers).
Statistics mean nothing. Hell, make the next survivors series to have people live with foodstamps, and the desert island will look like supermarket.
Let’s not forget, the people who do not understand this, are THE target audience for shows like the one I’m describing here. Hell, it is a obnoxious reality show, with luck we would get FOX to show it.
Alot of the poor fat people I see are black, and live in the ghetto, which is a mess and I keep my doors locked, and they made it that way. Because they are black, and stupid. White neighborhoods always look nicer, without all those fatass portch monkeys walking around pointing guns at each other.
When 2010 comes around the only people who will be supporting the Democrats will be all the fat lazy “poor” people this blog is lamenting. That’s right libs, those people ain’t poor, they are just fat and lazy.
If you want to see poor, go to Zimbabwe, where leftist dictator Robert Mugabe is stealing land from hardworking white farmers and giving it to his black mob supporters. The whites in Zimbabwe are impoverished thanks to Mugabe’s redistribution of wealth.
Yes, well. Seeing that hunger is such a non-issue here, any proposal to deal with it should be quite simple. Simple and unremarkable, really. One might say, a modest proposal.
The post at 18:40 is a namestealer.
And here comes Mantarakis making my parody of him seem pale.
No I meant the post at 18:38 is a namestealer. My bad.
Yes, you are bad. A bad excuse for human.
Carb/fat-laden diets seem to be cheaper than protein-rich diets.
I think it’s pretty well established that the type of foods readily available to lower-income people tend to be less nutritious.
Come on, Paul…you know you want to say it. You want to say the word, but you don’t feel comfortable saying it on a liberal blog.
But you’re saying it in your heart, and you’re biting your lip hard so that you don’t slip and say it here.
But it’s OK, Paul…we already have no respect for a phony soldier-wannabe…
I was KIDDING, Paul. Jesus, I thought you’d have gotten it by now.
The kind who eventually gets what’s coming to him.
I am really worried about what’s going on in this country. And the elite seem to be so out of touch it’s astonishing they have enough brain stem to keep breathing unassisted.
Fixed that for ya. Jackass.
Everyone’s a phony soldier but me!
OT but Fuuuuuuck.
Didn’t Obama just appoint her to something?
I don’t care what you liberals think, I know my heart, I know I am sincere when I say I am going in the army. I have yet to take the asvab, still studying the math, because admittedly math is not my strong point.
No shame in that. I am however good at the science and English portions of the test. I have a study guide and have taken several of the practice tests. I just need to study harder on the math portion before I take the actual test. Until then I am working in the landscaping business, money is decent but nothing like military pay. I have an associates degree in criminal justice, so I will be starting out as a private first class. After I complete basic training and infantry school I am planning on having the army pay for my bachelor’s degree and becoming an officer.
I am planning a career in the U.S. Army. The only reason I am starting out in the National Guard is because a friend of the family is a Colonel in the National Guard and he can get me in any unit I want is what he said.
I don’t care what you liberals think, but no one else will talk to me because I’m a narcissistic, racist prick. OORAH!
The kind who eventually gets what’s coming to him.
No one who really deserves it ever gets what’s coming to him. Charles Lane will die very, very old, very, very rich, and very, very comfortable.
The only reason I am starting out in the National Guard is because a friend of the family is a Colonel in the National Guard and he can get me in any unit I want is what he said.
So long as you take a hot shower with him at three AM…
A lot of poor people are diabetic, many of them undiagnosed, a direct result of the shitty diets which are all they can afford. While this fucktard may think it’s “no big deal” that some people have to go without food for a day or two, for a diabetic, that’s a life-threatening situation.
You mean “a pre-existing condition”, as in “Why should my tax dollars go to subsidize the health care of filthy slobs who can’t eat right to begin with?”
[Wow. I was able to type that and still hold down breakfast.]
justme said,
November 25, 2009 at 18:54
OT but Fuuuuuuck.
Reality is overrated. That’s why psychosis is all the rage nowadays.
The only reason I am starting out in the National Guard is because a friend of the family is a Colonel in the National Guard and he can get me in any unit I want is what he said.
That wouldn’t be the 10th Mountain Division, now would it?
Nor would be about to deploy, now would it?
I say I am going in the army.
They don’t take bedwetters, son.
Don’t give him ideas, Willy!
And. You only need to make it to the 31st percentile to get a passing grade on the test and be acceptable to the Army. You only need to be dumber than just 2/3 of the test takers to make it. Keep studying Troofie. You’ll get there. Oh, and DADT being repealed? There’s a real opportunity for you. Also.
Obviously, you do or you wouldn’t keep hanging around this site, inflicting your vomitous waste upon us and hoping that one of us engages you.
Shut up, already.
Diabetes is mostly caused by our high-sugar high-carb diet. Doctors used to pretend that drinking sodas had nothing to do with it, but I do believe that’s been disproven.
In other words, this rancid prick is screaming at people for succumbing to the relentless marketing and manipulation of our three large corporations in charge of everything. But turn the responsibility around and start asking why we are drinking high-fructose corn syrup and jamming stuffed pizzas down our throats every night and should we try to regulate that and he’ll have a vein-popping fit of apoplexy that will likely kill him.
In other words, same tired-ass old story: conservatives are raving assholes who want to have every argument both ways. This is why I don’t take them seriously anymore, and in conclusion fuck all conservatives, you are all stupid fuckwits.
It seems to be pretty well established that high-carb diets are “cheaper”, at least in the short term, than more healthy ones. This is an example, not perfect, but an example.
I think it’s also pretty well established that these kinds of foods are far more prevalent in low-income areas. There may be a preference for them there, but that’s possibly an educational issue too.
I remember taking the ASVAB. I think they said I got 3 incorrect (those were the ones I didn’t get to…it’s a timed test with a lot of easy questions). And I didn’t study, neither. The Air Force was all hot and bothered to get me signed up and send me to translator school because of how I did on that test, and then something came out about how Tailhook wasn’t an isolated incident and I told them thanks but no thanks. Also. I wasn’t really thrilled about the idea of pissing in a cup for them.
Hey, look, Sadlies, apparently they’re filming a Red Dawn remake in Detroit.
I love this blog anyway; it satisfies my dystopian yearnings. If you scroll down the page you’ll see
PENISthe Ypsilanti water tower, worthy of notice by our friends at Accidental Dong.Hey, look, Sadlies, apparently they’re filming a Red Dawn remake in Detroit.
I hope they don’t cross paths with the remaking of Robocop, or things could get messy fast.
Hey, look, Sadlies, apparently they’re filming a Red Dawn remake in Detroit.
I hope they don’t cross paths with the remaking of Robocop, or things could get messy fast.
That would be the only thing that could get me to go see it.
Nobody puts ’80s in the corner.
Whoops. Misidentified blog. This is the blog that satisfies my dystopian yearnings. The link I posted is correct for WOVERINES and PENIS, but the one posted here is the one I drop in on regularly…it’s a guy documenting how societies fall apart at the seams, one personal vignette at a time.
The only reason I am starting out in the National Guard is because a friend of the family is a Colonel in the National Guard and he can get me in any unit I want is what he said.
I’m a retired Air National Guard O-5 (Lt. Colonel).
It normally doesn’t work that way. National Guard units tend to hire individually. He might be able to get you into his Guard unit, but unless he’s working at the State Headquarters, it’s doubtful he has that much influence.
I told them thanks but no thanks.
Unless you said it in an annoying, nasal, self-satisfied whine, I don’t think it counts.
my dystopian yearnings
“detroitfunk” is now my second favorite local blog title after “queens crap.”
I honestly thought it was well understood by pretty much everyone past the age of 12 that getting fat is the easiest thing in the world to do, and requires very little money. The most overweight I’ve ever been was in my broke-ass college days, thanks to a steady diet of junk food and cheap beer.
Well, there’s the problem.
the right wants everything both ways.
They are quick to laud “responsible personal choices.” any time anyone suffers unexpected misfortune, it’s because they made the “wrong” personal choice.Like all 21 year old college students should immediately buy health insurance. Or how no one should have sex if they aren’t ready to care for a child. Or that families who complain about the high cost and access to child-care should have been “responsible” and chosen not to have a child until they could afford for Mom to stay at home.
They’re fond of talking about irresponsible lifestyle choices people make that require a two-income family, or prevent families from spending their money on some thing the Wingnut thinks they should spend it on – No granite countertops for YOU, Graem Frost’s family! No big houses and fancy cars for you, working mom! No cell-phones for you, homeless job-seeking person! Why can’t you eat more healthily, poor person?
Yet if there’s a story that driving giant gas-guzzlers is an irresponsible choice of vehicle for the planet, they immediately claim the right to go out and purchase one and fill it with premium and drive the heck out of it.
If there’s a story that says trans-fats are unhealthy, suddenly they proclaim their right to eat all the Big Macs and fried onion rings and triple cheeseburgers, without the “nanny state” telling them what to do.
If there’s an effort to conserve energy, they turn on all the lights in their house and crank up the thermostat, just to counter the efforts of other people who conserve.
When someone talks about the disproprtionate amount of material consumption in the US lifestyle, they claim we have the highest standard of living in the world because of our wide-screen TVs.
What the Wingnuts really are saying is that they want to be able to make irresponsible personal choices, but they want to Nanny over other people being able to make the same choice. “Don’t you impinge upon my right to consume all the energy I want, but woe betide you if you need SCHIP for your kids because you chose to buy a car. Don’t take away my french fries, but why should I pay for your diabetes treatment?
You live the way I say you should live, the Wingnuts want to tell us. But don’t make us responsible for anything we do.
Not even Thanksgiving and those fatass poor people are already showing up for free second helpings???
You live the way I say you should live, the Wingnuts want to tell us. But don’t make us responsible for anything we do.
Unsurprising. Remember that study a few years back where they tracked kids from the time they were in nursery school and found that the whiny ones grew up to be conservatives?
Remember that study a few years back where they tracked kids from the time they were in nursery school and found that the whiny ones grew up to be conservatives
Now that’s just mean. I was a whiny kid, and I didn’t grow up conservative. Perhaps the arrow of inference only goes one way.
Hi. Has anyone yet suggested cooking Charles Lane and serving him to the poor on T-day? I ask because that would be the only justice, really, that could come from this affair.
PS – I’d be happy to donate my culinary talents for the effort.
PS – I’d be happy to donate my culinary talents for the effort.
We would need a recipe, no?
Recipe, etc.: Substance?
Given his temperament, I suspect the meat would be far from sweet; slightly sour, like cabrito. Too, given the likely dearth of exercise the meat has had, it shouldn’t be too tough.
So I’m thinking a braise would be in order. With flavorful root vegetables and strong herbs.
Oh, and while scrolling I found this:
Lying sack of shit.
Poor people don’t starve?
When I stopped being a prisoner-of-welfare & got a steady job, I gained about 15 pounds.
Unless you think the Bulk Fairy left a magical Mass Charm under my pillow one night at random, I’d venture to say there’s a correlation there somewhere.
waterboarded voluntarily
For a while there it sounded like waterboarding yourself was going to be bigger than Cabbage-Patch Kids. Yet after the first few wingnutty folks traumatized the living fuck out of themselves – with one very brief exposure to this delightfully refreshing pastime … & after Hannity did a 180 on getting some of that splashy fun for himself, it just never quite caught on.
Oh, you want a janus node recipe. *I* was serious.
Jennifer, I just lost a good half hour at Detroit blog. So many lovely and poignant stories. Thanks for posting the link.
Has anyone yet suggested cooking Charles Lane and serving him to the poor on T-day?
Way to turn “food insecurity” into full-blown “food panic.”
Perhaps the arrow of inference only goes one way.
Yes, I believe that it does:
“I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it.” – John Stuart Mill
…magical Mass Charm…
A Higgs boson walks into a church. Priest says “hey! We don’t allow your kind in here.” The boson says “but without me how can you have mass?”
Oh, you want a janus node recipe. *I* was serious.
Iron Chef competition!
I’ve got a great book called “How to Cook for Humans”
g – glad you enjoyed the link. That blog is a little jewel, IMHO.
To all wingnuts, their own anecdotal evidence is more compelling than data compiled and analyzed by experts. In fact, it negates such data.
Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation was spouting the same crap, almost verbatim, yesterday:
To all wingnuts, their own anecdotal evidence is more compelling than data compiled and analyzed by experts. In fact, it negates such data.
This is at the root of a whole host of problems. You can’t convince a person of anything if they believe that one counter example eliminates a statistical trend.
To my great shame, the Prime Minister of Canada recently said, in public, that his government was going to “Get tough on crime”, even though “the liberals in the media are going to try to confuse you with statistics that crime is going down”. There is no rational argument with such people. They must be mocked.
‘Jesus said “the poor will always be with you”
I hear that as “there will always be somebody needing your help, so get off your ass”
Republicans hear that as “there’s nothing you can do; fuck ‘em”‘
I always read it as a joke, in context: “The poor will still be there after I get my tired, dirty old feet washed and rubbed, brother.”
Peak wingnut shall be described thus: when the selfishness of these sacks of gray meat can no longer be expressed in mere words or tied to material entity, when they have crossed the threshold into so many quantum singularities of self-interest and destroy the very fabric of reality.
I believe this is how the dinosaurs were wiped out.
I always read it as a joke, in context: “The poor will still be there after I get my tired, dirty old feet washed and rubbed, brother.”
He’s also defending the woman: When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me.
Oh, there is an obesity problem in the US, but it hasn’t got anything to do with the quantity of food eaten, but the QUALITY of that food. Food that has a sixteen-syllable chemical in it that I can’t even pronounce should be illegal.
And this was after the stuff was poured out. It wasn’t going back in the bottle. At that point, all Jesus could do was calm everyone down.
Still, it goes to show how serious the early Christians were about charity that they freaked out when a woman anointed their LORD AND FREAKING SAVIOR instead of helping the poor. Discuss.
So liberals I will ask you this. What is wrong with historically white nations such as America, Britain, and France wanting to remain majority white?
Non-white nations such as Japan, Egypt and China are not condemned by the global left for wanting to maintain their national identity. Why the double standard?
I probably should use the Gazoogle to find this out, but do they get up in arms every year this time about teh librul fascist commie pinko sentiments behind the classic holiday movies and TV shows? I mean, clearly the Grinch, Scrooge, and Mr Potter are models of the Invisible Hand in action, or simply Randian supermen acting in their best interests. Poor Scrooge, oppressed by those parasitic orphans and the simpletons that support them with charity. Mr Potter just wants to consolidate the financial system for the benefit of shareholders.
The wingers are so oppressed by parasites. I really feel for them.
Why the double standard?
White is a skin color, not a “national identity”. “National identities” are comprised of things like common language, religious affiliations/beliefs, traditions and customs, etc. And even those things aren’t required for a cohesive society: see Switzerland.
That’s because it turns out that people who lack compassion, empathy, nuance or any sympathy for the human condition tend to be really shitty at writing compelling literature that anyone would turn into a Christmas play/story/movie.
We know what happens when conservatives try to write fiction. Mechanical cyclops is a better metaphor than he ever intended.
liberalsPilgrims I will ask you this. What is wrong with historicallywhitered nations such as America wanting to remain majoritywhitered?While the amount of indigenous people slaughtered as they forged this great nation might argue for for an ‘all white’ national character, the 8 million or so Africans that were brought to this great nation in chains kinda nullifies this argument. And unless you don’t really like ‘liberty and justice for all’ maybe you ought to carve yourself a nice thanksgiving sized portion of ‘shut the fuck up’ and let the grownups talk?
Yeah. What’s wrong with a national race-based identity? When did that ever go wrong?
So liberals I will ask you this
Lying about military service on Veterans’ Day. What a scumbag. Come out of the closet, you self-loathing tool. Seriously.
Yes, I’m talking to you,
PaulTroofus.“Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation was spouting the same crap, almost verbatim, yesterday:”
Yeah, I heard that interview too. What a fucktard; the other guests pretty much handed him his ass.
My favorite parts: “Poor people get almost $7000 in assistance!” with the implication that this was all food aid. The HHS rep (secretary?) pointed out that this was all aid: housing, transportation and food assistance. Also: $7000? I wouldn’t want to live (or feed myself, much less a family) on that.
The Big Point that Rectum came back to over and over was that only 10 million (not 50 mil as stated in the report) actually reported skipping a meal, the same dishonest bullshit Lane comes up with in the OP. OMG, only 10 million people actually hungry? Stop the presses because Poverty is Over, my friends. Happy days are here again!
I haven’t lied about anything. I am enlisting in the National Guard to start out, then I am transferring to the regular army and into the tenth mountain division.
What is so hard to understand?
I never said I was currently in the military, only that I will be enlisting.
The asvab comes first and then enlistment.
Golly, no American could ever leap those nigh impossible hurdles.
How horribly racist!
Fuck, look the rest up yourself, you lazy dishonest asshole.
I never said I was currently in the military, only that I will be enlisting.
Maybe you better study up on the English comprehension part of that test as well.
The backstory is getting a little too complex, huh? And you might want to start working under the assumption that most people are a lot smarter than you are and actually remember things.
Out! Out! Out! Also.
Poor Scrooge, oppressed by those parasitic orphans and the simpletons that support them with charity.
Wasn’t it Edwin Meese or some other worthless scumbag Reaganite who opined that Scrooge was actually a good guy? He may have meant it as a joke, which I’m sure was appreciated by the millions of struggling poor people who got the big ol’ fuck you from St. Ronnie.
I don’t know how many times I have said this, but I will say it again. That was a name stealer.
I never wrote that. And considering the history of liberals name stealing conservatives on this site is it really that hard to believe?
But like I said, I don’t care what you liberals think. The right is going to retake our country in 2010 and 2012. And yea, I say unto you that it has already begun in Virginia and New Jersey.
Looks like Obama’s chickens are coming home to roost!
I remember taking the ASVAB.
Me too. I took it as a resume-puffer in high school, not intending to join any branch of the military, but I did well enough that the recruiters would not leave me the fuck alone. I finally happened on a solution to this sort of by accident – when one of them asked me what my college plans were, I said I was going to go to seminary and become a priest. I got a bit of shocked silence and then “well, good luck with that,” and I never heard from them again.
If they followed up at all, they would see that I did study religion in school and am an occasional Quaker these days, so I didn’t even lie that much. Not like troofie.
The media pundit discussion upthread is excellent and a little sad because it is so darn accurate.
In winger Bizarro world, there were no terrorist attacks during the Bush administration.
These people really are dangerously out of touch with reality.
Fuck, look the rest up yourself, you lazy dishonest asshole.
I remember the days when if you wanted to encounter a shameless gobshite who could spout transparent lies faster than any one person could refute them — and who enjoyed the attention of having these lies refuted — then you had to buy one of von Däniken’s books. These days the Interducts bring it to you free! Yay progress!
Roast Obama’s chickens, libs!
You know, I’m actually cool with this. It proves these fuckers just don’t get it and never will get it even if you did take a nail-studded 2×4 to their thick skulls.
When the housing crash started, what did they tell us?
Oh, it’s just a bunch of dead beats who bought houses they couldn’t afford, serves them right. (Welfare Queens v. 2.0.)
And they kept saying it even when it became painfully clear that people had been fucked over by rich assholes playing games with their mortgages.
And look at health care reform. “Eeeeew, government health care! No one wants guaranteed health insurance from the government. They’d rather support the poor old private insurers because the American Way is to let some rich bastard fuck you over when you’ve got a serious illness!”
And now this. I don’t have kids but I can’t imagine anything more heart-breaking to a parent than to not be able to feed your damn kids. But here come these bloated sacks of protoplasm. “Your kids aren’t really hungry because … there’s a fat guy over there! No not me, him!” (And isn’t it funny how quickly The Children cease to matter when real facts show they’re in danger?)
I say give these wide-bottomed fucks a bigger megaphone. Maybe we’ll be there when someone shoves it up their ass.
A Higgs boson walks into a church. Priest says “hey! We don’t allow your kind in here.” The boson says “but without me how can you have mass?”
You read my blog yesterday, PeeJ, didn;t you???
Non-white nations such as Japan, Egypt and China are not condemned by the global left for wanting to maintain their national identity.
Oh really?
So the Uighurs, and Tibet, and Nepal, and…they just don’t count, huh? Or the ethnic Egyptian Africans? Or the fact that Egypt is suppressing a Sudanese refugee population?
It’s bad enough you’re a fucking bigot, Tenth Mountain Division, but it’s ridiculous that you are so woefully uninformed in your hatred.
Paul. Paul. Paul.
No one is going to buy this happy horseshit. Here is the original post where you spoofed service in the National Guard.
And on Veteran’s Day no less. Are you going to show your posts of spoofing service to this “family friend”? I’m sure he would be thankful if you did, cause, then he would know not to bother asking you a question. Because the answer would probably be bullshit.
So, good luck with your military career!
It proves these fuckers just don’t get it and never will get it even if you did take a nail-studded 2×4 to their thick skulls.
Maybe not, but I’d be willing to give it a go.
I’m a pfc in the Army National Guard. My company will be deploying to Afghanistan in a year.
“And I own a mansion and a yacht.
I remember the days when if you wanted to encounter a shameless gobshite who could spout transparent lies faster than any one person could refute them — and who enjoyed the attention of having these lies refuted — then you had to buy one of von Däniken’s books.
Or watch an infomercial.
No knocking the Flowbee.
Or watch an infomercial.
And those have other happy properties – ‘scuse my finGAHs!
No knocking the Flowbee.
I love my Flowbee! Snap the attachment off and you have a mechanical masturbation aid!
So the Uighurs, and Tibet, and Nepal, and…they just don’t count, huh? Or the ethnic Egyptian Africans? Or the fact that Egypt is suppressing a Sudanese refugee population?
Don’t forget the Japanese and their issues with the Ainu, Okinawans, ethnic Koreans, and burakumin minority populations.
Someone upthread had covered the hideous Japanese immigration policies, so I felt they were covered, but you’re right. This was not.
While the amount of indigenous people slaughtered as they forged this great nation might argue for for an ‘all white’ national character, the 8 million or so Africans that were brought to this great nation in chains kinda nullifies this argument.
Yeah, funny, that. Seems like back before there ever was a US, somebody in charge decided it wasn’t going to be an all-White Nation.
so once again, Troofy – History FAIL.
How did that whiny kid get the FIRST bowl of gruel? ANSWER ME THAT, LIBS!
AHHH! Turn it off, man! Turn it off! It’s sucking my will to live!
How did that whiny kid get the FIRST bowl of gruel? ANSWER ME THAT, LIBS!
Because some bleeding heart gave it to him instead of making him work for it.
When I was touring in western Ireland, we kept seeing these crumbling, low stone walls that ran pointlessly up the sides of hills before fading into nothing. Finally we asked our guide what they were for. It turns out that during the Famine, the English made the natives work for their potatoes, and if there was no productive work to be done, they would make them build purposeless stone walls. Just handing over potatoes to a starving Irishman would be immoral.
You know, nowhere in his article does he point to any exaggeration. People are worried about getting fucking food to eat. That is alarming.
This recession and its attendant hardships are very real, and we must address them. But there’s no need to exaggerate.
Says the man who wrote that the headlines(in OTHER papers, naturally) “made it sound as if famine stalks the land.”
Paul Mantarakis said,
November 25, 2009 at 23:15
“Looks like Obama’s chickens are coming home to roost!”
You say this about our president in a time of war! You are giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Isn’t that one of the statements that got Rev. Wright in trouble. Why do you hate our country Paul?
would you say that America has a hunger problem or an obesity problem?
It is simply unpossible for any country to have both — the two are mutually incompossible, for people will always share their excess food.
and if there was no productive work to be done, they would make them build purposeless stone walls
Tour guides are generally not to be trusted and rather than admit ignorance they will respond to a difficult question by making stuff up. But perhaps Irish tour guides are more reliable.
Sums it up nicely:
Just handing over potatoes to a starving Irishman would be immoral.
And, in the holiday spirit (stuffed w/ food & holiday spirits to the point of bulimia) a prologue: What happened in Vespucci-land before Thanksgiving.
Coincidence (Or?): A tour guide in my link above too. Trustworthy, though.
and if there was no productive work to be done, they would make them build purposeless stone walls
Tour guides are generally not to be trusted and rather than admit ignorance they will respond to a difficult question by making stuff up. But perhaps Irish tour guides are more reliable.
Yeah, I heard the land was rocky, and when they turned up stones while plowing they piled them up along the edge of their fields. Also, I thought the potato part of the potato famine was that the potatoes the poor subsisted on got blight, so they had nothing.
I also think anyone who insists the free market and private charity can entirely solve the problems of hunger and poverty should look into the famine a little bit.
What happened in Vespucci-land before Thanksgiving:
Thorvald, a son of Eric the Red, was sitting at the helm, and the Uniped shot an arrow into his inwards. Thorvald drew out the arrow, and exclaimed: “There is fat around my paunch; we have hit upon a fruitful country, and yet we are not like to get much profit of it.”
During a famine, poor people are forced to rely on the kindness of strangers and they’ll put anything in their mouths.
Or stuffed down throats?
Yeah. What’s wrong with the Flowbee? Though I have it on good authority that Obama’s grandmother used one to shred his Kenyan birth certificate.
And right on cue,my retard poo-flingers carp about Michelle Obama’s dress at the state dinner.
The way Mr. Lane reads reports and calculates numbers I would say he is qualified to be the next General Manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates.
Nice segue Larry J., aka agent flowbee 😉
Yes, the outrage that Michele would where a gown by an Indian designer at a state dinner for the Indian Prime Minister. I am shocked! I say, but most sane people would call it a nice gesture.
I am confused about the wingnuts attack stategy. Are the Obama’s too rude or too polite to foreign dignitaries?
Paul Mantarakis said,
November 25, 2009 at 22:24
So liberals I will ask you this. What is wrong with historically white nations such as America, Britain, and France wanting to remain majority white?
Non-white nations such as Japan, Egypt and China are not condemned by the global left for wanting to maintain their national identity. Why the double standard?
Really there is nothing wrong with it per se but the solution has to come from within the “white community” itself. You are just not going to get results complaining about immigration or bitching about foreigners. Get down to it and have a family of 6 to 10 children with a nice fertile European lady. Then you will have peace in your heart and mind. Not having virile Caucasian males killed in pointless foreign wars is a start too…. And pro natalist policies like, universal healthcare, UI, SS, etc.. help too. If you don’t take the required cash to run the country from the top of the pyramid it has to come from the bottom and how is that gonna help “white” fertility since the whites at the bottom produce the kids? Join a conservative church as well, women in these environments tend to want to have large families…. OK well I hope that helped, good luck and god bless.
Are the Obama’s too rude or too polite to foreign dignitaries?
They are too rude to the white ones and too polite to the dark ones.
There is fat around my paunch
Here in the Heartland we use the Magnusson / Palsson translation,* which has Thorvald saying “there is plenty of fat around my entrails”.
Bonus viking arrow-based self-diagnosis of obesity:
The rock wall thing sounds more or less like the rock walls in Vermont hill country, and those have the same explanation — a place to put all of the rocks dug up out of the soil.
Rudeness is the politeness of liberal facism
Liberalism is polite facist rudeness.
Really, she should have just worn apple pie at which point I would approach hungrily and STOP HITTING Mhgyt7667567uth
Who is Mhgyt7667567uth and does she have a newsletter?
p.s. You should never hit a woman Substance.
The fact is, I don’t know why liberals celebrate Thanksgiving, since they hate God and USA and Freedom so much, which it is a celebration of. They just want the time off work. That’s all lazy liberals want, ever. Something for nothing.
Me and the other Tea Bag Patriots are tired of this, and of you all taking our money.
I think the evening calls for Creed’s Human Clay on repeat! Awesome!
Fat Vikings are the Jews of Skræling fascism.
From the comments:
“Wonder if MO and BO knew that the Indian designer would be gladly sharing the history of the gown with cable outlet reporters? If they knew, then they are truly isolated and tone deaf to what is going on in the country with jobs.
I’m floored they could be so blind or cold not to realize they contracted for this gown to be made overseas by 40 workers – that’s 400 busy fingers who are putting their paychecks in their Indian banks. No stimulus for American dressmakers!
The dress is stunning, but then, it’s hand made with platinum threads. Did I hear that right? Good lord. Our Queen, indeed.”
Fat Vikings are the Jews of Skræling fascism.
B4 ftw.
“I don’t know why liberals celebrate Thanksgiving”
Its for the turkey.
“Me and the other Tea Bag Patriots are tired of this”
You celebrate Thanksgiving the way you want Gary, not that there is anything wrong with that, as for me, I’ll be eating turkey, mashed potatoes and drinking good wine.
The fact is, I don’t know why liberals celebrate Thanksgiving, since they hate God and USA and Freedom so much
I don’t kow why conservatives celebrate Thanksgiving, since it commemorates a (largely fictional) celebration of intercultural goodwill and sacrifice for the good of the community.
If it eases the asplodey, I do celebrate with handmade organic tofurkey.
Skinny Pilgrims are the teabaggers of Jewish Thanksgivings.
“Me and the other Tea Bag Patriots are tired of this”
Ok, well, we’ll get right on denouncing all you teabaggers for your WAR ON THANKSGIVING which is even worse than the imaginary war on christmas because warring on Thanksgiving is anti-America and pissing on our Founders and such-like.
I suppose we should have seen your treason against Thanksgiving coming, since you already crapped all over Chevrolet and think apple pie is something you get at Mickey D’s. We won’t even get into what you’ve got going on with your mothers.
“Me and the other Tea Bag Patriots”
Gary, leave your sex life out of this discussion. This is a family blog.
Also Penis also.
I’ve been saying for years that the obesity problem is a result of (a) declining real wages and (b) increasing distance to food markets rather than the presumed hypothesis, which is Poors Making Bad Decisions™.
Anyone who has tried and failed to lose weight without knowing what they’re doing could yell you that the fastest way to gain weight is to stop eating – one usually has an adjusted balance of -1000 calories one day and 2000 for the next two.
The obesity epidemic is a direct result of a national binge-starve cycle created by neoliberal welfare and urban development policies.
I’m not saying making poor decisions can’t make you fat, but rather that if you only have the ability to eat fruit two days a fortnight, your “decisions” have certain parameters.
Jennifer, do you know what really gets my goat? When people refer to Thanksgiving as Turkey Day. Where will this madness end. Next they will be calling Easter “chocolate egg day” and every real Christian knows that Jesus hated chocolate because it was invented by those heathon Mayans.
This seems to be a simple variation on the familiar “I know global warming is a hoax because it’s cold out” argument.
I love that Jack Chick wrote a tract about how “Turkey Day” was an anti-Christian conspiracy because the Pilgrims were Real True Christians. It was unusually insane even for him.
Great, now all we need is Annieangel and Saul and we’ll have the full on Applebee’s troll bar.
… do you know what really gets my goat? When people refer to Thanksgiving as Turkey Day.
I’m surprised. I would have expected that to make you “pig-biting mad”.
“I don’t know why liberals celebrate Thanksgiving”
Its for the turkey.
Don’t forget the booze!
This year, it’s a turkey sandwich on the job- six people in the department, one with a busted knee (out indefinitely), one with a herniated disc (zoned out on oxycontin), one with swine flu (she’ll be back on Friday afternoon)… my relief comes at midnight, and is working until 4 PM tomorrow, when I come back. At least I’ll be able to have a few pints at the local before sacking out, on the best drinking night of the year.
I fucking wish I could be the lazy strawman liberal Gary pines for.
I’m surprised. I would have expected that to make you “pig-biting mad”.
“I’m madder than a turkey being decapitated at a Sarah Palin television appearance…”
We used to have a WWN subscription in the dorm (back when I had a big blond ‘fro).
do you know what really gets my goat?
Veiled Dan Reihl reference?
Sorry if it sounded like my voice was coming from two places at once, guys. I just have this trick I do when I want to justify wheedling analingus out of vagrants for menthols (a “smoky eye”) to myself.
Progressive Voice said,
November 26, 2009 at 3:47
“If Obama really believed in the rule of law, he would not be proudly proclaiming on national television that KSM “will be convicted” and “will be given the death penalty.”
Lighten up Francis.
Lighten up? We’re talking about
the rule of lawShaft.Can you dig it?
Obama stated last year that as president he would increase troop levels in afghanistan.
I remember eating Thanksgiving dinner all alone at the Hard Rock Cafe in Manhattan way back in 1984. Now, before you think how pitiful that is, hear the story. Our school organized a trip to the AIA convention, and since I didn’t want to ride a bus for a whole day to get there, me and a couple of the guys found we could get some cheap flights and beat the rest of the group there. Well, because I wasn’t part of the “official” trip I didn’t have to pony up the convention fees…but only after we got there did I find out that you couldn’t get a separate ticket for the thanksgiving dinner. So all my companions are going off to thanksgiving without me, and I’m feeling really pitiful but remembered seeing the sign at the Hard Rock Cafe that they were open for thanksgiving and serving the meal with all the trimmings. So I went – the place was deserted, and I think the waitress must have gone into the back and told the manager there was some poor young girl who talked like a hick out there having thanksgiving dinner all alone, because he came back, introduced himself as the manager and told me drinks were on the house. The meal, from what I can recall of it, was decent – not mom’s but not bad.
So several hours later I stumble back to the hotel – the guys are back from their dinner and said that it sucked, and they’re all pissed because I’ve been drinking free all afternoon while they were at an alchohol-free sucky dinner. So the story has a happy ending, after all.
do you know what really gets my goat?
Mickey Kaus?
Just a wild guess there.
Compensations for damages? You fucking fascist. He should be given a seat on the Supreme Court.
Only in a way?? Better tear up the membership card of whatever party you’re in, buddy, because from your concillatory tone I can tell it’s just a bunch of fucking capitalist pigs.
There’s only two parties in the U.S.: the wrong one, and mine (not yours).
Do liberals even celebrate thanksgiving or do they just sit there feeling bad for the Indians?
Obama said he was gonna call me, but he never called me. How come you never called me?
Does Paul Mantarakis celebrate Thanksgiving, or does he just sit there and lie to himself about the awesome dinner he’s totally having, no really, it’s great and you should be jealous?
Yeah, well, you leave out the most salient point.
If Democrats can bleed the working class and support world imperialism without making the lives of all us worker bees completely hellish, that’s the path they’ll take. For Republicans, inflicting suffering while bleeding us dry is a big part of the whole point.
Does anyone else see a correlation between the beginning of a family-oriented holiday and a sudden influx of trolls?
Boom boom boom let’s go back to my room so we can do it all night and you can make me feel right
The fact is, address my points, liberals.
Who cares if the guy raping you uses lube and a condom?
Oh, I dunno, I guess only sane people who prefer less pain and don’t want AIDS?
The fact is, I don’t know why liberals celebrate Thanksgiving, since they hate God and USA and Freedom so much,
Quit shoving your USA Freedom God down my throat, Hitler.
They just want the time off work. That’s all lazy liberals want, ever. Something for nothing.
Me and the other Tea Bag Patriots are tired of this, and of you all taking our money.
Neener. Now give me a fucking dollar.
I remember eating Thanksgiving dinner all alone at the Hard Rock Cafe in Manhattan way back in 1984. Now, before you think how pitiful that is, hear the story.
Remember to excoriate anyone who says New Yorkers are rude people, divorced from “Real American Values”.
I’m a little bummed about having to call off my plan to travel to Mom’s house, and about declining an invitation from my aunt to dine at the ancestral homestead in the Bronx, but work is looking like a convalescents’ home, and I couldn’t leave my co-workers in the lurch. I’m in the middle of a 12-day continuous slog because of the Disabled List (can’t just say “DL” anymore). It’s a very cushy job, except when it isn’t- I am commenting here, n’est ce pas?
B, you are a prince among men, and I hope you have a nice, easy day tomorrow.
n’est ce pas?
There you go with that fancy Bronx-talk again.
Or I suppose I should say tonight ad then again tomorrow.
B4, if I had a Star Trek teleporter, I’d fix you a plate and send it to you. Hopefully some Thanksgiving fairy will be thinking of you and fix you up with the goods at some point tomorrow.
Kalied Shiek Mohammed was tortured, and so what? He sob deserved it.
He was the mastermind of the single worst terrorist attack in American history. Obama is too soft on terrorism as is evidenced by his giving this brown toad a civilian trial.
The scumbag should be brought before a military tribunal, convicted and hanged.
That is the justice General Washington handed out to traitors in the Continental Army and should be our example when dealing with terrorists.
Obama is too soft on terrorism as is evidenced by his giving this brown toad a civilian trial.
Yeah, the guy who was really tough on terrorism just kept the guy locked up for 5 or 6 years, dithering about what to do with him.
The fact is, I’ve invited Gary over tomorrow. We’re going to play hide the candied yam.
The fact is, I’ve invited Gary over tomorrow. We’re going to play hide the candied yam.
Which one of you will be Popeye? You know, “I yam what I yam.”
The eighth amendments prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment only applies to American citizens.
Enemy combatants, especially unlawful enemy combatants are not and were never intended to have the same rights as American citizens.
KSM should be acquitted due to a mistral
An ill wind that blows nowhere no good.
Kalied Shiek Mohammed was tortured, and so what? He sob deserved it.
Of course he meant “the SOB deserved it,” but for a hot moment, I thought he was sobbing at the moral paradox to which his patriotism has led him. But I guess Jack Bauer wouldn’t do that.
… if KSM was tortured (and he was), shouldn’t he be acquitted?
Not so fast, Sparky. The “rule of law” is that you can’t use evidence that was illegally obtained. Therefore, nothing KSM said under duress of torture can be used. That in no way rules out using statements he may have made before he was tortured or evidence gathered from other sources or in other ways.
Torture bad, yes. It’s unfortunate that the previous administration was criminal and perpetrated criminal acts which make the case dicier to try. The legal recourse to that is not to give KSM a get out of jail free card if there is other untainted evidence which indicts him. The legal recourse is to punish the perpetrators of the illegal actions against him while he was in US custody.
I think KSM should be deep fried in peanut oil, stuffed with cornbread, celery and onions, and served with a heapin’ helpin’ of mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, cranberry sauce and cut corn.
I remember eating Thanksgiving dinner all alone at the Hard Rock Cafe in Manhattan way back in 1984.
I’ll be in a hotel in Oakland tomorrow. That’s the glamorous life of a freight pilot.
Does anyone else see a correlation between the beginning of a family-oriented holiday and a sudden influx of trolls?
And that, right there, that there, would be your “Bingo!”
You may pick up your Interons at the Will Call window.
Elect Progressive Voice for President in 2012. He’ll give Khalid Sheik Mohammed the Medal of Freedom!
Purity trolls forever!!!
Goober Peas: if you come back to this thread, please email me.
All captured terrorists should suffer the same fate. They should be brought before a military tribunal, convicted and immediately hanged.
The Bill of Rights does not apply to foreign terrorists. And such a procedure would be relatively inexpensive to the American taxpayer. Civilian trials are ridiculously expensive as is detaining them permanently at Club Gitmo, with all the food and medical care provided for them.
It would be a lot more efficient and inexpensive to just execute them. No lengthy appellate process either, execution immediately upon conviction.
Then we shall see them put their religion to practice. Bwahahaha!
Why be such a whiny little bitch about it. Either join up, or stay in mom’s basement. Oh, and by the way, the Nat’l Guard don’t usually like giving up warm bodies. And your story’s got more holes than fishnet stockings. much like your head.
B, you are a prince among men, and I hope you have a nice, easy day tomorrow.
Nah… just a liberal… working for the common good, and all that.
B4, if I had a Star Trek teleporter, I’d fix you a plate and send it to you. Hopefully some Thanksgiving fairy will be thinking of you and fix you up with the goods at some point tomorrow.
I would actually go to one of the 24-hour supermarkets, and buy a small turkey (Christmas Rapping by the Waitresses comes to mind here), but that would cut into my drinking time. I won’t hit the pubs til about one, and last call is four…
Thanks for the good wishes, you librul softies!
An ill wind that blows nowhere no good.
Well played! I am glad I read the comments before posting.
captured terroristsenemies of the revolution should suffer the same fate. They should be brought before amilitarypeople’s tribunal, convicted and immediately hanged.I thought I’d heard that somewhere before.
Sign the petition now! Give Khalid Sheik Mohammed his own freakin’ parade tomorrow!
Then we shall see them put their religion to practice. Bwahahaha!
Hey moron, don’t you need to go study for your test so that you can reach the heights of the 31st percentile and begin your long and glorious military career with the 10th Mountain Division?
All the statements he made were under torture.
Well, then, I guess they won’t be using any of his statements. That still doesn’t get him off the hook for whatever role he may have played in planning 9/11 if there is good evidence to prove his complicity.
In a real legal system KSM would be acquitted and given an award for the damages he suffered since he was brutally kidnapped and tortured.
The “real” legal system you posit isn’t the legal system we have, or have ever had. In a JUST legal system, KSM would be acquitted if there was insufficient evidence to support a verdict of guilt for the crimes of which he was accused. Then, and only then, would the question of damages arise. Under the real system we have, being beaten by the police doesn’t absolve you of guilt for a murder; those are separate legal issues. You might be found guilty of murder and still prevail in a civil (or criminal) suit against the police, but you wouldn’t be off the hook for the murder you committed. Nor should you be. As the saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right; it’s still up to you to pay for your wrong no matter what the other guy did.
Feel the burn, motherfucker. Sweet.
Mon, soon the thread will devolve into a punning contest.
I support Congressman Tom Tancredo’s proposal for dealing with Islamo-fascists. If they attack American soil again we will nuke Mecca and Medina.
If Al-Queda is as devoted to their religion as they claim they are then they wouldn’t dare risk the destruction of their holy cities.
Jesus on a flaky crust! There are a billion Muslims in the world and most of them don’t support Al-Queda. There is a reason Al-Queda was working in the asshole of one the poorest nations on earth—-the rest of the Middle East had rejected them and driven them out.
I support Congressman Tom Tancredo’s proposal for dealing with Islamo-fascists. If they attack American soil again we will nuke Mecca and Medina.
Can we send him there first?
Is it possible?
Have I silenced the Progressive Voice?
Is it possible?
Have I silenced the Progressive Voice?
Did you ram something down his throat?
I support Cadet Stimpy’s proposal to push the beautiful, shiny, jolly, candy-like History Eraser button. What could possibly go wrong?
It’s a bit creepy when a troll’s different personae start arguing with one another.
Did you ram something down his throat?
Only the cold, hard SHAFT of dispassionate legal reasoning and logic.
No it itsn’t!
Did you ram something down his throat?
Only the cold, hard SHAFT of dispassionate legal reasoning and logic.
Did you at least lubricate it with a FREEDOM SPREAD of TRUTH?
Did you at least lubricate it with a FREEDOM SPREAD of TRUTH?
If you had been following this more closely, you’d know that Progressive Voice believes that lubrication is of no value.
It’s a bit creepy when a troll’s different personae start arguing with one another.
I can think of something creepier. It would explain the pause, though…
I can think of something creepier. It would explain the pause, though…
Like the trolly-pause after the time I linked the Shakira’s Ass video at TBogg’s?
If you had been following this more closely, you’d know that Progressive Voice believes that lubrication is of no value.
My mistake. I stand corrected and now await the blisteringly withering response that will surely come when
TroofieProgressive Voice comes back to chide us all for not being as obviously progressive as he.It’s a bit creepy when a troll’s different personae start arguing with one another.
I am picturing a harried Kinko’s manager chasing him out of the store with a broom.
And BTW, Red Badger, thank you. That was a beautiful set-up.
I’d rather bite a pig than a turkey any day
And BTW, Red Badger, thank you. That was a beautiful set-up.
*bows* Yer welcome. Now off to the burrow to prep the traditional RBoC Thanksgiving dinner, complete with “Alice’s Restaurant” playing in the background.
Now off to the burrow to prep the traditional RBoC Thanksgiving dinner, complete with “Alice’s Restaurant” playing in the background.
No doubt, the main course is a rabid pelican.
And in the straw man’s defense, KSM (a) has had zero networking opportunities since his capture in 2003, making him virtually worthless as a terrorist asset and (b) would, after a fair trial (and especially an acquittal, which is otherwise undesirable), prove that America particularly and the democratic polity of the West more broadly believes in the values it professes instead of the nebulous liberal decadence which Islamists and Christianists accuse it of.
Besides which, we inhabit a common law system, and one of the rules in a common law system is that the state is the only party under obligation to prove anything – and that obligation produces certain restrictions. OJ Simpson went free, to use Grassley’s hilariously telling metaphor, because the police weren’t doing their jobs. They wanted him to lose, so they railroaded a guilty man. Which is an insane and stupid thing to do, and the government needs to be punished when it does it.
Like the trolly-pause after the time I linked the Shakira’s Ass video at TBogg’s?
I prefer not to think about it too
hardlongdeeplyat all. Excuse me while I rasp off my inner eye.I, of course, know nothing about the ’90s OR the working man, as I am a narcissistic twelve-year-old with a trust fund.
In keeping with the obligatory food talk of S,N!’s fat asses, I present a recipe and a day’s meals:
Recipe: Chicken Smiley. Get a Chicken Burrito Supreme from Taco Bell. Arrange two KFC drumsticks as legs, and two KFC wings as arms. You have just cooked a Chicken Smiley.
Breakfast: Cabbage pulped with a rusted iron hammer with W Ketchup, America’s only ketchup; orange drink.
Brunch: Mad-Dog 20/20, decanted and served in a jumbo wine flute with a wallet-sized picture of Osama bin Laden, the Christ of liberal fascism.
Lunch: One half pound Bazooka Joe classic with one ounce black peppercorn; diluted orange drink and cloves.
Tea: Mad-Dog 20/20, decanted and served in a jumbo wine flute with a wallet-sized picture of Osama bin Laden, the Christ of liberal fascism; Ritz Cracker powder.
Dinner: Tomato and Oxy smoothie; tang made from ice cubes.
Supper: Store-brand grape pop tart fried in oil; shooter of Everclear and own semen from elbow.
How did you know what I’m wearing?
Lou Dobbs says shamnesty is okay now.
I don’t recall the 1990s being very good for most people.
Perhaps that’s because you weren’t sentient. The 90s were the only period in the past 30 years where most people were gaining back some of what they lost under Reagan. By comparison to today, the 90s were the land of milk and honey.
Goddamn but I wish I was stoned right now.
He hates those cans!
No. That’s not true! THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!
He hates those cans!
…I’m picking out a thermos…for you…
…not an ordinary thermos…for you…
…but the very best thermos you can buy
…with vinyl, and stripes, and a cup built right in!
Anyone here ever mix beaten egg whites into their mashed sweet potatoes and bake teh entire mess? S’what I’m thinking of doing tomorrow.
or just look up a janus, node! recipe.
KSM was waterboarded, which is a form of vicious torture, over 100+ times. Shouldn’t his case be thrown out of court and KSM awarded damages for his emotional and physical pain suffered at the hands of an illegal act?
There’s really no coherent logic by which getting tortured should be a get-out-of-jail-free card.
Yes, any evidence obtained through torture is tainted, and should be inadmissible. Yes, the “crime” of “material witness” fairly begs for abuse of prosecutorial discretion and disproportionate sentences.
But I think the position most consistent with the rule of law is: if KSM committed a crime, and we have usable evidence of it, he should be tried; if KSM was tortured, then the torturers should be tried, as far up the chain of command as the culpability for the torture extends.
IANAL, so I ask, is KSM’s torture relevant at the sentencing phase of the trial? That is, could his defense attorneys present evidence that he was tortured in custody in hopes of winning a reduced sentence, should he be convicted?
The 90’s were actually a horrible time when the preznit engaged in oral secks with impunity and everyone wore flannel. Same preznit ruined the aughts by attacking the wtc, Afghanistan and Iraq simultaneously, causing a precipitous drop in the massive surpluses created by Reaganomics. And now were stuck with ‘Bammy.
Voice of Truth, there are better echo chambers here, & fainting couches as well.
Justin Elliott / TPMMuckraker:
‘Disappointed’ Siegelman: Obama Justice Dept. Virtually The Same As Bush DOJ
Digby / Hullabaloo: Welcome To His Nightmare
Daniel Tencer / Raw Story: Siegelman: Bush lawyers still running Justice Department
Josh Marshall/Talking Points Memo: Gov. Siegelman Talks to TPM Justin Elliott/TPMMuckraker:
‘Disappointed’ Siegelman: Obama Justice Dept. Virtually The Same As Bush DOJ
Digby / Hullabaloo: Welcome To His Nightmare
Daniel Tencer / Raw Story: Siegelman: Bush lawyers still running Justice Department
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo: Gov. Siegelman Talks to TPM
Anyone here ever mix beaten egg whites into their mashed sweet potatoes and bake teh entire mess? S’what I’m thinking of doing tomorrow.
Sweet potato mousse- I don’t think I’d roll out an experimental dish on Thanksgiving, but I would certainly try this on a night when the stakes weren’t high.
Dresden is in Palestine? Or was the erotic smell of your own farts confusing you again?
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
b^4, point taken. Maybe I’ll make a smaller, side batch for the fams to try out, they’re adventurous.
Its so refreshing to have one’s post addressed.
Yes. It’s a crime.
Does this idiot think anybody is ever going to engage him as if he’s trying to have a meaningful discussion? I get a kick out all the ridicule scorned, mind you, but I’ve just got to wonder what drives that kind of behaviour…
btw, Hawks 1, San Jose 0
Amazing how Progressive Voice has “progressed” from making ludicrous but arguable statements regarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed to going full Troofus in his “America deserved it” rhetoric. Ah well, back to the stuffing. Doot-de-doo…
Hey, douche: I readily condemn what we did to Iraq. I readily condemn what we did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And yet, I STILL think the mass murder of civilians is an inexcusable thing for ANY side to do. Unlike your self-satisfied ass, I don’t act like one incident of it is preferable to another. Go choke on Ralph Nader’s dick.
America on 9/10/01 was a small animal walking by while I had a boner, we were asking for it indeed.
We’re partying with Nicole Brown’s real killers and Glenn Beck’s two million teabaggers.
One could argue that the wtc deserved to have those planes crammed down its collective throat(s)
Get help, really.
…have I used the word “hubris” yet?
Sometimes I stick my finger reaaaaaaaaaally far up my ass. Then I smell it. Sometimes I lick it a few times.
Underwear should NEVER be worn with kilts.
Can any true Scotsman disagree with this statement?
America on 9/10/01 was a woman wearing a short skirt in a dark parking lot. Asking for it.
Stop spoofing me, libs!!!! It confuses me and robs me of my unearned sense of intelligence!!!!
As the troll fails to mention, demonstrating how insincere and impure he is, nine eleven (or 11/9, what with us being horrible provincial Americans who fail to do things the proper English or possibly Japanese way) was unbelievably sexy.
11/25/09. Never forget. We are all Progressive Voice now.
Could you possibly be a MORE bogus left-wing purity troll? Come on Troofy, make an effort, here.
Are you or are you NOT stealing my schtick, Troofie?
Karma is like a situation in which a deeply sick and twisted man wears disguise after disguise after feeble disguise in an effort to amplify his own feeble and repetitious voice in contentions… and gets detected, trounced and totally humiliated over and over again… but just can’t help but repeat the same mistakes over and over and over again, because it’s what he deserves. Karma.
There must have been a reason, but I don’t understand why they hit the Pentagon instead of Disneyland.
I like to watch the plane going in. I like to watch the flame shooting out.
Kids screaming, broken glass, while I sit on my ass.
My steel melted and my tower is coming down.
We nuked the innocent Japanese without batting an eye, and we have th balls to put someone on trial for a “war crime”?
Listen, I realize you’re trolling, but seriously, under what twisted system of justice would it be possible for a war crime defendant to assert, as a defense, the fact that some other war crime somewhere else has gone untried?
Under such a system, the existence of a single untried war crime anywhere at any time would excuse any and all other war crimes past, present, or future.
I believe you’re thinking about Dharma and Greg, and less because of the desperate eternal return and more because he is America’s phoniest queer.
Do you or do you not believe that all American military personnel be forced to pray to Allah as a way of apologizing to the 19 victims of 9/11, like all liberals (like us) truly believe should happen?
Caress my stoat, libs!
Karma is a bullshit concept invented by high-caste Hindus to tell low-caste Hindus they deserved their social status. How progressive of you, troll.
You forgot the Confederacy and Cuba, although I will give you Yalta because it was part of our devious plot to betray Europe’s last remaining Aryans to international Jewry.
i think we kept shopping after that happened too
We’d much prefer to discuss the Foreskin Holocaust.
Will there be Thanksgiving Eve LLLLL?
I, too, love calling it a holocaust, what with that being what Hitler and our other fellow leftists did to non-liberals in the name of “progress”. Suck on that, real America!!
Amazing how the imaginary leftist in Troofy’s mind just keeps on posting, thinking he can trick people into agreeing with him, so another one of his personas can go “GOTCHA!” Hel-LO, dude. Have you noticed no one’s buying it? Time to go back to pretending to be a riot grrrrrl.
We’d much prefer to discuss the Foreskin Holocaust.
Our uncircumcised President is our chickens coming home to roost.
Hawks 2, San Jose 0
The JOOOO! Criminals have undertaken a JOOOOS! against the Palestinians, and America is complicit in the JOOOOS!. Yet there is no trial for JOOOS!, is there?
Hawks 3, San Jose 0
All 3 short handed goals!!!LLL
All your Progressive
VoiceBase now belong to us…….Tintin: French, Fag, or Both? said,
July 8, 2009 at 3:52
Anyway I’m finished here for good.
Read those books, libs.
I know that Tintin, since he is French (or Belgian, or German, or whatever the fuck he is) understands deep down inside that someday the Morrocans/Turks will take over his country but he is too chickenshit and P.C. to say it and/or do anything about it. JB knows it too. Have fun being, Dhimmis, guys!
Fuck you all. I’m done.
4 months, 18 days and counting. Still not REALLY done.
Our uncircumcised President is our chickens coming home to roost.
Call it chicken all you want, I ain’t eating it. NOR feeling around under it for eggs.
Chicago had better stop scoring so quickly otherwise wp might yell at me.
I wish I could discuss the ins and outs of chicken-choking and coming home to roost with Paul Dukamantarakis. He would find my assertions diabolical, and would attack me straight away. Wherever did he go? He just disappeared.
goddamn, I never thought I’d have trouble putting down 750mL of belgian ale but I do believe my ass has been kicked.
Do you want to discuss the Palestinian Holocaust, Alec?
It may improve your trolling to use the term Palestinians use for the 1948 expulsions, which is not the Palestinian Holocaust but al Naqba (???????): “the catastrophe.”
Happy Thanksgiving, folks- it’s a drive home, a walk to the pub, and, should I meet a chunky Reese Witherspoon, I won’t pull a Douhat.
I’ve been looking for a video for “Turkey Dinner” by the Hoodoo Gurus, but the Internet has failed me.
And Al Gore is fat.
I wish I could discuss the ins and outs of chicken-choking and coming home to roost with Paul Dukamantarakis
Before I go, let me correct you- it’s Paul Bukakis.
I am feeling much too good-natured right now to even think about this ludicrous psuedospart troll.
Breaking news!
Also Roseanne Barr was born on a moon of Jupiter and is not a real celebrity.
Breakfast: Vienna sausages w/ W Ketchup, America’s only ketchup; tap water
Brunch: Equal parts Kroger soy sauce and Wild Turkey; sour relish w/ toast
Lunch: Cheetos in novelty breast mug (African-American); colloidal silver
Tea: Redstate-Brand Oreo Liqueur; uncooked Ballpark footlong in sesame hamburger bun
Dinner: Two pounds veal jerky; Rockstar with twelve-pack Budweiser chaser
Supper: Wallboard w/ W Ketchup, America’s only ketchup; Mountain Dew w/ Alka-Seltzer
Chuck Yeager’s American Cheese Food Orzo
1 bunch gold golem
4 jiggers American cheese food
3 portions cow’s milk
4 teaspoons ebbing monkey general of the animal kings’ lung
5 cans paprika
1 can cinnamon
Concupiscently grease a cookie sheet. Place the gold golem into a small skillet. Stir the American cheese food with the cow’s milk over low heat in a bowl. Stuff the resulting concoction into the gold golem. Find some Seville orange juice and drink it. Sugar – very mercilessly – the monkey general of the animal kings’ lung, paprika, and the cinnamon. Knead everything together. Leave raw. Serves 11 stunted individuals with watery stomachs.
Hey, Tintin, have you seen this? Alicia Colon has a new gig! At Big Hollywood.
“It would be a lot more efficient and inexpensive to just execute them. No lengthy appellate process either, execution immediately upon conviction”
Wouldn’t it be more efficient to just execute everyone without trial Paul? You are ignorant about the constitution only applying to citizens also.
Progressive Voice, you are naive. I take it that you are an idealistic 18/19 yr old and God bless you for that but that is not how real life works. Happy Thanksgiving.
Paul go fuck yourself.
Do you want to discuss the Palestinian Holocaust, Alec?
You know who else wanted to discuss the Holocaust? Hitler that’s who.
Chuck Yeager’s American Cheese Food Orzo
Hey, I’d eat orzo covered in melted AmeriKKKan Cheese Food! And putting Chuck Yeager’s name on it doesn’t hurt any, either!
“Like the trolly-pause after the time I linked the Shakira’s Ass video at TBogg’s?”
Terrible news people.
I need to change my underoos now.
so close
This is indeed the time of year to be thankful for how the poor, fat, and malnourished are confined to celebrate their Thanksgiving at your local McDonalds.
“I support Congressman Tom Tancredo’s proposal for dealing with Islamo-fascists. If they attack American soil again we will nuke Mecca and Medina.”
Paul, wouldn’t it be more effecient to just fly a couple of jumbo jets into one of their tall buildings?
Mecca is holy enough to bin Laden whether or not it has a vestige of human presence, but he couldn’t ask for better and more permanent PR than the Americans responding to his behavior with such monstrous collective vengeance. In a flash, everything the greater family of the Muslim Brotherhood has lost in the last four decades would be instantly theirs on a silver platter. Indians would be angry about the death of the Caliphate again; Qatar would be once more a haven for pirates.
Tancredo would be the best ally al-Qaeda and global Islamism generally ever had if he weren’t so pitifully marginal.
If it’s brown, flush it down. If it’s yellow, red, black, or Greek, flush it down. Also fags.
Question: Am I taking “progressive voice” too seriously. I have been assuming he/she was sincere albeit obsessively rigid and naive. Some of “YOU PEOPLE” believe he/she is a fake. What is your evidence of this? For the record, I picture PV as a female college freshman who has just read Chomsky. This is why I have not taken the gloves off. Am I wrong?
p.s. By “you people” I mean smartasses, also.
TT on Western Civ 101.
st alec, good comment and my thought exactly. You addressed him with logic and facts and I went with the snark. Somehow I think both our points will be lost on him.
Is the US the only country in the world where going to the farmer’s market is more of a rich person thing than a poor person thing?
GM, naw, not sincere but unschooled in the ways of the world. At this point whatever’s using that name has gone way off the deep end. (Note that it increases from boilerplate left-prog “Obama is just like Bush, the parties are both the same”* to a foaming “Everyone’s a war criminal, & JOOOOOOS!”
Whoever this obsessive fuck (there may actually be two of them, ’cause if it’s only one, it’s working much too hard at it) is, it knows exactly which buttons to push.
*And I’m not saying any of that isn’t true.
In L. A. (hardly typical, but …) the farther west (toward the ocean, w/ more honkies) one goes, the more weekly farmers markets. Though in poorer areas, people sell various fruits & vegetables on the street, from shopping carts & vans/trucks.
“Organic” stuff, in stores at least, is more expensive. Haven’t shopped in a farmers market in (three?) yrs., but prices then seemed a bit better than supermarket produce.
until our chickens came home to roost.
What the feck is with the chicken fixation? It was my understanding that 90% of American chickens are caged so COMING HOME TO ROOST is not really an issue. It could be time for a new metaphor. Involving vampire bats, perhaps.
goddamn, I never thought I’d have trouble putting down 750mL of belgian ale but I do believe my ass has been kicked.
There are good reasons why all armies that have invaded Belgium in the years since its creation have eventually staggered home again in less-than-ordered formation, collectively clutching their heads and complaining about the parrots that shat in their mouths.
‘Progressive Voice’ has been used numerous times in the past by one of the resident trolls as one of his strawman leftist characters. This particular iteration is fairly sedate; I seem to recall previous iterations demanding white people to be put in camps, voicing explicit antisemitism, etc.
Saying Iraq is “one million 9/11s” should be telling enough. I don’t believe Iraq ever housed three billion people.
It was my understanding that 90% of American chickens are caged so COMING HOME TO ROOST is not really an issue. It could be time for a new metaphor.
Our chickens are standing still, ankle deep in their own excrement.
It’s a metaphor applicable to both US domestic politics and US foreign policy.
“After I complete basic training and infantry school I am planning on having the army pay for my bachelor’s degree and becoming an officer.”
Hey Paul: isn’t that….SOCIALISM?
I support Congressman Tom Tancredo’s proposal for dealing with Islamo-fascists. If they attack American soil again we will nuke Mecca and Medina
Hey, we can’t let them be the only ones to slaughter thousands of innocents!
Karma? Karma? Karma! With added Andy-Lau-botty goodness! (Fun fact: I was on the set for the filming of the dining scene, which sadly didn’t feature the botty, or I’d never have returned home)
Our uncircumcised President is our chickens coming home to roost.
Call it chicken all you want, I ain’t eating it. NOR feeling around under it for eggs.
Tigrismus, I want to marry you and have your babies.
As my Thanksgiving gift to you, the ban hammer is being dropped on Paul, due to Dr. Tintin’s policy of no trolls on Thanksgiving.
The stone walls thing may be a bit dodgy, but early wingnut economics did exacerbate the potato famine. While the potatoes were rotting in the south and west, farmers in northern and eastern Ireland were growing wheat *for export*. It was suggested that this should be used instead to feed the Irish, but the British government decided that halting the exports would be an unforgivable interference in the workings of the free market.
Also, it was believed that anybody owning more than a quarter of an acre – yes, you read that right – couldn’t really need assistance: so starving small farmers were forced to sell their land to the great estates to qualify for any help from the state. The result was a massive net transfer of land ownership in Ireland from the already poor to the already rich, on the basis of the classic conservative belief that it’s better to help nobody than to risk helping one person who might not need / deserve that help.
And, just like Paul’s be-preached-at-while-you-eat place, there were soup kitchens that would only serve Protestants. The overwhelming majority of the hungry poor were Catholic, but many understandably converted under the effective threat of death.
All round, the Irish potato famine is a prime example of what happens when things are done the conservative way.
It may improve your trolling to use the term Palestinians use for the 1948 expulsions, which is not the Palestinian Holocaust but al Naqba (???????): “the catastrophe.”
Not quite. K, not Q. Nakba. K and Q are not interchangeable. Thank you.
Hey, the thread already went to hell, anyway. Being pedantic isn’t going to hurt it any.
I’ve collated all of Paul’s statements on his military service, so that you can see just how consistent he is. (NB if the times look weird, it’s because I’m posting from the UK.)
Paul Mantarakis said,
November 11, 2009 at 22:02
… And just in case you accuse me of being a spineless “chickenhawk” I’m a pfc in the Army National Guard. My company will be deploying to Afghanistan in a year. [So, already National Guard.]
Paul Mantarakis said,
November 11, 2009 at 22:20
… Speaking as a soldier, I wouldn’t tolerate a homo in my barracks, and none of the other soldiers I know would either. [So, definitely a serving soldier.]
Paul Mantarakis said,
November 12, 2009 at 5:50
In case you missed it, I am 10th Mountain Division at Ft. Drum and I am going to be deployed… [The first contradiction – they’re not a National Guard unit. This is the post Paul will later deny. Notice that it’s the first to mention the mountain infantry at all.]
Paul Mantarakis said,
November 25, 2009 at 5:30
Mr. Bastard, I don’t recall mentioning that I was enlisting in the tenth mountain division, and I don’t recall mentioning the division’s name either. All I said was that I am enlisting in the Mountain Infantry. I didn’t give any other info. You my friend are twisting what I have said to paint me out to be a liar, which I assure you I am not. [Paul is now “enlisting”, not already serving. He will later deny that the previous post was him – but he DOES remember mentioning the Mountain Infantry. Forgetting that a) only the post he denies has mentioned them and b) the 10th is the only mountain unit.]
Paul Mantarakis said,
November 25, 2009 at 5:52
That Mr. Bastard was a name stealer. I am enlisting in the infantry. I did not mention any specific unit. [The first denial. Mountain infantry now scaled back to just “infantry”, though he doesn’t deny the 5:30 post, which did mention mountains. Nor does he explain all the other times he claimed he was already serving.]
Paul Mantarakis said,
November 25, 2009 at 18:56
I don’t care what you liberals think, I know my heart, I know I am sincere when I say I am going in the army. I have yet to take the asvab, still studying the math, because admittedly math is not my strong point.
No shame in that. I am however good at the science and English portions of the test. I have a study guide and have taken several of the practice tests. I just need to study harder on the math portion before I take the actual test. Until then I am working in the landscaping business, money is decent but nothing like military pay. I have an associates degree in criminal justice, so I will be starting out as a private first class. After I complete basic training and infantry school I am planning on having the army pay for my bachelor’s degree and becoming an officer.
I am planning a career in the U.S. Army. The only reason I am starting out in the National Guard is because a friend of the family is a Colonel in the National Guard and he can get me in any unit I want is what he said. [For the first time he tries to reconcile the National Guard / regulars claims. This does involve contradicting most of what he’s already said, but fair play to him, he does a decent job of explaining how he can be NG and a regular soldier.]
Paul Mantarakis said,
November 25, 2009 at 23:03
I haven’t lied about anything. I am enlisting in the National Guard to start out, then I am transferring to the regular army and into the tenth mountain division.
What is so hard to understand?
I never said I was currently in the military, only that I will be enlisting.
The asvab comes first and then enlistment. [Outright denial of the THREE posts where he claimed to be already serving, though oddly he attributes only one of these to a nymthief.]
Paul Mantarakis said,
November 25, 2009 at 23:15
I don’t know how many times I have said this, but I will say it again. That [referring to his post of 5:50 on 12th Nov] was a name stealer.
I never wrote that. [Yet in his 23:03 post, he says he’s going into the 10th. Remarkably, the nymthief managed BY PURE COINCIDENCE to guess Paul’s unit correctly! Who’da thunk it?]
Actually, I’d quite like to see him unbanned, just so we can laugh at whatever he comes out with to explain these, ahem, _anomalies_.
Listen, I realize you’re trolling, but seriously, under what twisted system of justice would it be possible for a war crime defendant to assert, as a defense, the fact that some other war crime somewhere else has gone untried?
It is my understanding (from Chomsky, I think, so consume with your approved dose of salt) that it was considered an acceptable defense at Nuremberg and Tokyo for the defendant to show that whatever he was accused of doing, the Allies did it too. Since, axiomatically, the Good Guys do not commit war crimes, a defendant was considered innocent if both sides did it.
This is not, in my opinion, the proudest moment of Western Civilization. The bastards who got what they deserved at Nuremberg got what they deserved, but the validity of the whole proceeding is called into question since justice was applied in such a one-sided way.
I know you confused the hell out of me. Seeing the pictures of the Red Dawn remake, with all the Republicans thrown in the re-education camps brought a tear of joy to my eye.
I hear it’s got a tragic ending though – (SPOILER ALERT) The sonsabitches break out of the camps.
If that ain’t a tearjerker I don’t know what is.
It is my understanding (from Chomsky, I think, so consume with your approved dose of salt) that it was considered an acceptable defense at Nuremberg and Tokyo for the defendant to show that whatever he was accused of doing, the Allies did it too. Since, axiomatically, the Good Guys do not commit war crimes, a defendant was considered innocent if both sides did it.
Not quite: I believe that the idea (from the German and Japanese sides) was that, if they were going to be prosecuted, then the Allies would have to also prosecute their own, or be seen to be blatantly hypocritical. The Allies, recognising this, chose instead The Way Of The Weasel, and pretended that those people weren’t guilty or that those acts weren’t war crimes or crimes against humanity.
This is not, in my opinion, the proudest moment of Western Civilization. The bastards who got what they deserved at Nuremberg got what they deserved, but the validity of the whole proceeding is called into question since justice was applied in such a one-sided way.
True. It would have been much better if all the war crimes/crimes against humanity had been punished – if that had happened consistently, regardless of winners and losers, then perhaps there would have been fewer such crimes subsequently.
Is every single conservative a vapid, soulless hole of lies, deceit, cowardice and hypocrisy, or is it just every single one I’ve ever met, talked to, read about or heard of?
My understanding is that KSM was happy to talk about his role in 9/11, and in fact wouldn’t shut up about it. The torture was used to get him to “confess” that all their training was paid for by Iraq and that Saddam Hussein personally made sandwiches for all the hijackers and that he (KSM) killed Alyona Ivanova and her sister Lizaveta with an axe.
It is my understanding (from Chomsky, I think, so consume with your approved dose of salt) that it was considered an acceptable defense at Nuremberg and Tokyo for the defendant to show that whatever he was accused of doing, the Allies did it too. Since, axiomatically, the Good Guys do not commit war crimes, a defendant was considered innocent if both sides did it.
The Nuremberg defendants attempted to assert the accusation of Victor’s Justice as a defense, but it was rejected.
I really don’t see any deviation from the normal operation of criminal law here. If I am indicted for murder, and answer the charges by asserting that an equally indictment-worthy suspect for some other murder walks free, my being told that this is no defense at law should surprise no one.
Not quite. K, not Q. Nakba. K and Q are not interchangeable. Thank you.
The likelihood that I would screw that up was 100%, plus or minus 0%.
Doesn’t make it any less humiliating, though.
As my Thanksgiving gift to you, the ban hammer is being dropped on Paul, due to Dr. Tintin’s policy of no trolls on Thanksgiving.
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