Wingnut math

Non-oil edition:

During the investigation, authorities seized prescription records from several drugstores from which Limbaugh obtained 2,000 pills over six months, prosecutors said.

Last year, Black said Limbaugh was prescribed eight hydrocodone pills a day for seven months, “which is not excessive and is in fact a lawful dose.”

30 days x 8 pills x 7 months = 1680. (Or 1440 over 6 months.)

Roy Black has a way with words as well:

Although Black urged reporters not to call it an arrest — because Limbaugh turned himself in and was never handcuffed — a sheriff’s spokesman said technically he was under arrest during his booking.

Wait, it gets better!

Limbaugh was planning on remaining in treatment anyway, Black said, so “we believe the outcome for him personally will be much as if he had fought the charge and won.”

Except he didn’t and that Limbaugh is a drug addict who only sought treatment for the third time once his addiction was reported in the National Enquirer.


Comments: 25


“we believe the outcome for him personally will be much as if he had fought the charge and won.”

If he fought the charge and won he’d be magically un-addicted??


But he’s not the junkie we mean when we’re decrying junkies. You know what I mean…


Quick way to tell if it’s an arrest or not:

“Can I go home, now?”

If they say yes, it’s not an arrest. If they say no, guess what? They have exercised their authority “To stop; check,” as the dictionary puts it.

Oh, and Oxycontin isn’t a bad drug. That’s only if it’s one of those drugs with the evil Germanic-derived names like Heroin or Crack.


I personally am very, very, very, very reluctant to draw conclusions based on numbers of pills. This is from personal experience.

The fact that Limbaugh was hiring people to buy pills on the street is much more telling, frankly.


And all of the moralists who hate junkies on crack are rushing to his defense.
“He was in pain”.
Fuck them, I hope the man dies in a pool of vomit.


I pity the poor rehab counselor assigned to this sack of shit.


Is there even such a thing as a “lawful dose“? That’s a term I’ve certainly never heard before.

While this may not be a fair comparison, I was sent home from surgery (appendectomy) with a prescription for hydrocodone. Two pills a day for 7 days.

Rush must have stoned out of his gourd for those 6 months. I’m suprised he could still drag his sorry ass into the radio station every day.


You know what I think is funny?

That there are actually anti-drug conservatives out there who will defend “anal cysts” to the end, no matter how high that P.O.S. was.

Gary, I look forward to your defense of “well, yes, he was out of his gourd, but it was legal, until those crazy anti-drug liberals went after him.”

yes, from today on, the right is the defender of excessive drug use. Hell, sign me up as a conservative, and pass that goddamned Bob Marley.


That is some impressive spin. I want me some of that spin.


Uh, math is hard. Here’s Rush’s grocery list for 6 months. My math says 2558 pills for 180 days or 14 pills/day nearly twice what he says is “legal”.

Different kinds of pills so I am not sure how it balances out, but it is a shitload of pills when you just look at the list…


Eh. Having a go at someone for their addiction is a low-blow. That said, I’ll second merlallen on the pool of vomit thing, as punishment for lying about Abu Ghraib. For the “Club Gitmo” t-shirts… maybe he could sample the treatment our guest Benyam Mohammed got? That would be fair.


How long would it take to fill a pool?


I don’t blame him for the addiction. Hey, fish gotta swim, hearts gotta bleed. And it’s damned easy to get addicted to stuff, no matter how your first dose came.

However, I have no sympathy for Rush at all, not because he has a problem and got dragnetted with our draconian drug laws, and I certainly don’t mind treatment solutions instead of jail, but I’m not dashing to this one’s defense.

Why? Because he’s still an asshole.
When this is all just a joke they drag out on monologues a couple times a year, Rush still will not have learned a damned thing.

He’ll still be demanding “real criminals” face hard time, he’ll still be going on about how he’s a self-made man, he’ll still view himself as fundamentally different from “real criminals”, and so will a lot of other people.

Despite the fact that he’s in some small measure responsible for the hysteria that brought us our draconian drug laws in the first place.

Meanwhile, the hysteria grows, the laws get tougher, the punishments more severe, and the doctors more reluctant to prescribe painkillers for people who desperately need them.

Call me a bitch, but when your actions cause people to suffer, you should at least fucking *learn* something from it.


I agree; it’s a low blow to attack someone for his addiction.

On the other hand, most people don’t have the ear of millions of people.

AAAND, you’re fair game until you take step one: We admitted we were powerless over [whatever you’re addicted to]; that our lives had become unmanageable.


Boo-hoo, now it’s a low blow to attack Limbaugh for his addiction? Fuck that. What comes around goes around. Limbaugh is getting off easy. If I got busted with 2,000 hydrocodones, my ass would be headed to L.A. County in a heartbeat.

If this was Al Franken getting busted, the right would be all over him like stink on shit. Enough with the kid gloves treatment. We’re never going to get anywhere until we become as ruthless as they are. Limbaugh has not been humbled in the least– he is his same pigfucking self even after all this humiliation.

I hope he OD’s and dies. How’s that for “fair game?”


The part that pisses me off if the statement that Rush worked out a “settlement” where he agrees to “reimburse the state of Florida” $30K and “enroll in an addiction treatment program” and “promise to remain out of trouble for 18 months”.

For those of us who aren’t the extremely rich darling of the media, that would “a plea bargain” including “sentenced to 18 months probation, fined $30K, and forced into rehab.”

Rush’s whole world is a double standard.


I suppose, though, that this particular resolution means Rush still gets to vote.
Personally, I think all convicts should be voting, but I bet Rush doesn’t. Just him.

Commander Bananas

Well, if I do the math correctly 2000 pills over 6 months is about 11 pills per day, or approximately 25% more than the maximum recommended dosage of 8 per 24 hour period. Sounds pretty excessive to me, and not a “lawful” dose since by definition it is greater than the maximum dose.

What this really points out (to me anyway) is the two sets of laws we have in this country, one for rich people and one for everyone else (and non-Anglos are free to factor in a racial component here as well). If you have money for lawyers and/or are famous enough you can pretty much get away with any crime.


What this really points out (to me anyway) is the two sets of laws we have in this country, one for rich people and one for everyone else (and non-Anglos are free to factor in a racial component here as well). If you have money for lawyers and/or are famous enough you can pretty much get away with any crime.

Well, this has been the way conservatives have been since the founding of the first class structure. A nobleman, or the modern equivalent can basically do something that a peasant would’ve been hanged for.


We’re never going to get anywhere until we become as ruthless as they are.

If we become as ruthless as they are, there will be no point in us getting anywhere.


If we become as ruthless as they are, there will be no point in us getting anywhere.

And that is also a lesson that is lost on the BushCo administration in the larger context of the War on Political Uses of Fear.


a lesson that is lost on the BushCo administration

Pfft. That presupposes that the Administration had noble motives to begin with, doesn’t it? The structure pretty ensures that anyone who does have noble motives gets weeded out pretty early. The only noble motives are those created post factum, used to make chosen positions easier to maintain with apparent intellectual honesty. See also: just about every one of Gary Ruppert’s arguments.


Speaking of which, I couldn’t help but notice Gary’s silence on this particular thread.

melior (in Austin)

Rush has earned the right to be mocked mercilessly, even viciously. It’s gonna be hard to top the Rude Pundit for this though.


Picking on Rush’s addiction might be unfair except here are his own words:

“What this says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we’re not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too.”

Fucking hypocrite.


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