Oh, This is Rich…
One of Michelle Malkin’s readers writes an angry letter about Bush’s capitulation to the Mexican menace (my emphasis):
What part of “preserve, protect, and defend” doesn’t my President understand?
As a former military officer, President Bush knows that when given a task, an officer doesn’t get away with telling his commander why it can’t be done. His job is to do as he is ordered, or face the consequences. As President, his job is to enforce the law. He’s not allowed to whine about why it can’t be done.
So Bush has gone AWOL on his presidential duties. Given his past behavior, is anyone really surprised?
doesn’t get away with telling his commander why it can’t be done…
Commandant Michelle Malkin? Ooh, kinky.
Well if the officer is George W Bush, he doesn’t tell his commander why it can’t be done, he hops the next train for Mobile, AL without telling a soul.
doesn’t get away with telling his commander why it can’t be done
are the American people supposed to be the commanders in this scenario? interesting theory.
the other emails were great too. the angst and betrayal. You can just tell that it was painful for them to delete the section calling Bush an American-hating traitor, after they did a find/replace “Durbin/Bush”.
Man I hope Tom Tancredo runs a third party campaign in ’08.
Bush is a decider, and he’ll decide in these decisions.
Somehow I never thought that what would bring Bush’s polls down would end up being “He’s too corporate”, though I freely admit I saw “He’s not racist enough” coming.
I have a question for all you liberal Americans…when you see all the paraphernilia around you that says “Kill all the liberals,” “Liberals must die,” “Round up all the liberals, put them in concentration camps and gas them,” how are you all able to remain so calm, blasé and good-humoured about it?
They think to themselves “it could be worse. I could be Muslim.”
Mal, you’re such a drama queen.
Cause most wingnut don’t have the stones to say boo to your face without half a dozen blackguards backing them up. I’ve been hearing about “oooo… just you wait you liberals” for too many years to take it seriously.
At least, from the fat, pampered posters at Malkin, LGF et al. The Government? That’s a different story…
I stand corrected. They won’t say boo without back up… unless they can say it from the safety of a ISP.
Why wouldn’t I say that to your face without backup? Do I need protection from you for saying BOO?
Well, I’d have been lobbing molotov cocktails already, but that’s just me. In Canada, eliminationist rhetoric has historically targeted the French and the First Nations People first and…well, I don’t take kindly to that.
I guess, when the fascists come for all of you, you’ll be ready, no doubt.
I don’t know, Annie. You tell us. Why don’t you?
an officer doesn’t get away with telling his commander why it can’t be done. His job is to do as he is ordered, or face the consequences.
It would seem (shockingly), that Michelle doesn’t know a goddamn thing about being a military officer. Nowadays, we really don’t want guys that will unthinkingly pull a “Charge of the Light Brigade”- we want intelligent and pragmatic individuals, and that is (mostly) what we have. That doesn’t exclude the measure of bravery that is, of course, necessary, but being able to realistically analyze a situation and give a reasoned assessment to one’s commander is, in reality, the function of the officer. If the task cannot be done- say, shooting down the sun- then it is necessary for said officer to explain precisely why the task cannot be accomplished.
To respond to Mal: Here on the wild frontier of the Wing-Net, it seems worse than it does on the street. The crazies have a voice with government entirely out of proportion with their influence in the rest of the country. That goes for the media too.
Oh, and in response to Mal: there is also a fair share of “kill the conservatives” idiocy on the liberal internets.
Bombthrowers and walking controversies make money and draw attention, even if they don’t represent the views of even most American conservatives, that’s why Fox will put them on, and that is why they get the press when they say crazy things.
If we were in power, then they’d put on the liberal ones, I’d wager, if they thought those people would generate interest.
Stupidity-freak sideshows are a hallmark of the American political discourse.
I guess, when the fascists come for all of you, you’ll be ready, no doubt.
You’d hope, but I think most of ’em are asleep at the wheel. I hear you can walk down the street with one of Rush Limbaugh’s “Club G’tmo” shirts and not have the shit beaten out of you. I don’t know, maybe Rove’s finally implemented his master plan of putting fluoride in their Maccas. Might explain why 70% of them thought Saddam was behind 11 September attacks.
I hear you can walk down the street with one of Rush Limbaugh’s “Club G’tmo” shirts and not have the shit beaten out of you.
Free speech. You can also walk down the street with a gay pride shirt. Or a FUCK AMERICA shirt.
Anyone who gets beats someone over a tshirt should be locked up and medicated.
Whoops, obviously the “gets” shouldn’t be there.
There is also a fair share of “kill the conservatives” idiocy on the liberal internets.
Where, Guiness?
The crazies have a voice with government entirely out of proportion with their influence in the rest of the country.
Really? Funny, since the US invaded Iraq based on lies and now is on the brink of invading Iran, I’m not sure if you undestand what influence in the rest of the country means. You do understand, I hope, that at least 30,000 Iraqi civilians have died, no?
With such a cavalier attitude towards the lives of innocent people, how can you be so sure the fascists won’t turn on you next?
Yes, annieangel, it’s called hyperbole. You might not be very surprised at all to learn that this elf is a pacifist. And I also don’t really believe that Rove puts mind-altering substances in your cheeseburgers. Your freshly squeezed orange juice, on the other hand…
If the hyperbole is not obvious it is not good hyperbole.
I shall settle this by Google. A search for “kill liberals” gets 959 hits. “Kill conservatives”, on the other hand, gets 269 hits. However if we do a search for “fuck conservatives”, we get about twice that number, or 444 hits.
Thus I conclude that liberals prefer to make love, not war.
If the hyperbole is not obvious it is not good hyperbole.
Annieangel, there is another possible explanation for why it wasn’t obvious to you. Can you think of it?
Because you call yourself after a war cry?
Because you call yourself after a war cry?
It’s also elven for “star lover” and “elf friend”. Yes, I was young, I was a geek, and irc was an exciting place to be.
A google search for “kill Christians” yeilds 73,400 results.
A google search for “kill Christians” yeilds 73,400 results.
“Kill muslims” gets 88,100, and “kill jews” gets 265,000. But don’t worry, because “war on christianity” gets 94,000, so you can still feel like an oppressed Christian (13,900 hits).
As in “joykill Christians”?
Yeah, and I got 14,600,000 for “Christians kill.” What’s your point?
Funny, I only got 16,100 for “Christians Kill”, though I (predicably) got 52,000 for “Muslims Kill”, and 36,000 for “Jews Kill”.
(Got to remember the parentheses).
And yes- I will most certainly agree that the “crazy kill kill” is more common in the crazy right than crazy left.
“crazy kill kill” is more common in the crazy right than crazy left
I think we can all agree, the only acceptable “crazy kill kill” is that of the “faster, pussycat!” variety.
Dammit- you made me spit Dr. Pepper on my pants!
It will be so sad for the SN! comment threads when you are all taken away in an NSA internet search sweep.
As a Republican, I think this is a positive development. It shows President Bush isn’t afraid to confront and alienate his strongest supporters, like he has done the majority of the country.
I have a question for all you liberal Americans…when you see all the paraphernilia around you that says “Kill all the liberals,” “Liberals must die,” “Round up all the liberals, put them in concentration camps and gas them,” how are you all able to remain so calm, blasé and good-humoured about it?
Mal, everyone thinks they don’t really mean it.
Of course, as usual, everyone is a fool
If you read up on what happens during a gang rape, what you find is that most of the men involved in such an atrocity would probably never have done such a thing on their own. But a sort of group psychology builds up where each man in a group tries to demonstrate his “manliness” to the other men in the group by behaving aggressively toward the woman they’ve targeted. The aggression has to get racheted up by each individual in order not to lose face, and once the first act of assault occurs (uninvited touching of any kind is legally an “assault”), it’s all over.
Saying that the individual men involved wouldn’t have done something like that on their own is not meant to excuse them in any way – it’s simply to show how “nice” people, “good” people can, in certain circumstances, if they are not typically vigilant against the emergence of monstrous behavior, can do unspeakably evil things.
The rhetoric on the right is going to continue to escalate until acts of violence start to occur. It’s going to snowball from there.
And nice, polite, middle class Americans will be shocked, because they will never have imagined such a thing could happen.
Then again, one of the first things the Nazi government did when it came to power in Germany is distribute maps of the world showing routes of travel out of Berlin, and the distance in kilometers to every other major city in the world. These were distributed free of charge to synagogues and Jewish groups.
And nobody thought anything of it then, either.
*IF* the Democratic party (which is perceived as a liberal party) starts showing some fucking backbone, it might help to deescalate the rise in eliminationist rhetoric, because liberals won’t look as much like “victims” in the minds of these sick fucks anymore.
But I’m not holding my breath.
It will be so sad for the SN! comment threads when you are all taken away in an NSA internet search sweep.
Three blockbuster movies and an army of internet geeks will ensure that they’ll never be able to track me down. Unless they hack my Gmail account. Then I’ll be seeing you all on a gulfstream jet to Syria (I hear their solitary confinement is lovely this time of year).
“As President, his job is to enforce the law. He’s not allowed to whine about why it can’t be done.”
I like this part especially, give the fact that we have a president who, after signing a law passed by the Congress, writes a statement saying why he doesn’t think the law applies.
Oh, and annie – You were so calm yesterday, but I don’t know, today you’re a little edgy. Are you off your meds today?
I’ve never been threatened by a Republican. I’ve had death threats and assorted physical threats and sexual as well, all from “liberals.”
I have a question for all you liberal Americans…when you see all the paraphernilia around you that says “Kill all the liberals,” “Liberals must die,” “Round up all the liberals, put them in concentration camps and gas them,” how are you all able to remain so calm, blasé and good-humoured about it?,
Dood. You forget one key fact. This is America. We lefties have guns too. And, in my experience, we’re a little more disciplined in our shot placement.
Nope, I don’t see any real acts of political violence, as in left vs. right happening. The violence tends to come from the right in the form of terrorism–clinic bombings, the Atlanta bombing, beating/murdering gays, stuff like that. It’s really driven more by radical theology than by radical politics.
I would much more expect to have to defend myself and my home from a christian lynch mob than from gary and company. And as a avowed atheist, I can tell you that those confrontations are already happening. Tolerance is dying, being killed by the Christian Taliban…
“As President, his job is to enforce the law.”
Oh really? Well her support of his wiretapping citizens without warrants suggests:
As President, his job is to ignore the law.
mikey’s right. My idiot neighbor is unlikely to make good on her bumper stickers, and I don’t worry about her. The guy who followed us around for a while one fine morning before announcing “I think I’d like to rape all you dykes”, on the other hand, I decked.
Michael Savage is sickening, and it disgusts me that Ann Coulter is socially acceptable, in the same way it disgusts me when racists aren’t shunned by everyone, but you can’t panic over every Freeper, in much the same way that if you live in total abject fear of terrorists, they’ve won.
I hear ya, Sidhe, but I don’t think it’s necessarily about panicking.
It’s more about not getting caught with your pants down.
Because I hate when that happens.
I think what I’ve found astonishing is the creeping acceptability of people like Savage, Coulter, O’Reilly etc. in mainstream discourse. I’ve been on the Internet since the late 80’s and I’ve known for quite some time that there are a hell of a lot of weird and angry people out there, all over the world. But they seemed so marginalised in the past. Now, they show up in the national media and no one seems to be even allowed to challenge them on their blatant dishonesty and relegate them back to the margins where they belong.
As with terrorism, there are sensible precautions to be taken. You make sure you can defend yourself, and you don’t put yourself at excess risk, and you have fallbacks.
I don’t move out because the neighbor goes on about not wanting to live next to satan-worshipping commie queers, but I don’t let her near my cats, either.
That said, I admit it upsets me. But there’s no point in letting her know that.
I’d be more worried about letting your cats near the satan-worshipping, commie queers. They sound way too organized.
Nothing corrupts felines like homo-nups wanting, commonist, worshippers satan global.
But we must keep Death-Kitty production at current levels… we’re fighting a war, after all.
As a former military officer, President Bush knows that when given a task, an officer doesn’t get away with telling his commander why it can’t be done.
So President Bush was a former military officer? Wow. Why didn’t he say something?