It’s extra starbursty

Super Wingnut Rich Lowry sits down with ex-Governor Moose Eater for an interview. As you’d expect, it’s a typically tough and hard-hitting interview that mostly asks ex-Governor Moose Eater about how sad she feels when mean elite people are mean to her. Just look at the wholesome normal every-day goodness that the moose-eating former governor displays here:
She’s become used to this kind of attack: “If the elites and the mainstream media are uncomfortable with average, everyday Americans having a voice, then of course they’re going to attack the one who happens to have the megaphone.”
I do love this construction.
Just to remind you, ex-Governor Moose Eater is not some backwoods hillbilly who lives in a shack. She is, in fact, a very wealthy celebrity and former vice-presidential nominee. I, on the other hand, make a barely-middle class salary and drive a used Ford Taurus. But then again, I’ve never eaten a moose, meaning that I’m not in touch with Real America, which is only known to former governors and writers at the National Review.
More moose-eating goodness to follow:
It wouldn’t be a Palin interview without asking about “death panels.” How did she come up with the phrase? “To me, while reading that section of the bill, it became so evident that there would be a panel of bureaucrats who would decide on levels of health care, decide on those who are worthy or not worthy of receiving some government-controlled coverage,” she explains. “Since health care would have to be rationed if it were promised to everyone, it would therefore lead to harm for many individuals not able to receive the government care. That leads, of course, to death.”
Hey Politico, Washington Post, everyone — can you guys please go back to ignoring this crazy person and let us handle her? There are actual issues that need to be covered. You needn’t waste your time on a full-fledged loon who is barely a step above Pam Geller.
Although not a Shorter™, I still ain’t clicking that link.
Eat more chiken.
We might point out that Lowry was the jerk (pardon the pun) who swore Palin winked RIGHT AT HIM during her acceptance speech.
So now we know the sound of one hand fapping.
Mind you, the interview was interrupted by Lowry’s repeated “bathroom breaks”, from which he returned all sweaty and out of breath.
OT: The Onion – Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be
Perfect story.
Let’s see, Palin is beloved by folks who believe that “liberal-biased media” is a real thing. Folks who wouldn’t hesitate at waterboarding the effete coastal elites that pontificate from their lefty-lie-beral ink-stained-ivory towers. Covering Palin has no upside for them – the folks who care about her only listen to Big Pharma and GET OFF MY PHONE and would never buy a copy of the Post, or read a Politico page that wasn’t linked by Drudge. You know, morons.
Plus, these sources of sagacious village wisdom are physically incapable of addressing how ridiculously dishonest and/or epically stupid she is. Anything they write about her will automatically be at odds with easily observervable truth. All that can result from more attention from “serious news” entities is further corrosion of their already tenuous link to credibility.
I’m thinking that there is no way they can pass up on that deal.
Incidentally, I’m not sure what observervable means, but I’m sure it’s easy to do.
I’ve never eaten a moose, meaning that I’m not in touch with Real America
I’ve eaten a moose!
OK, she was really really fat but does this mean I’m in touch with Real America?
Not many people know this, but Martin Luther King was actually a caviar-shoveling, wine-drinking, Volvo-driving, East Coast elitist. It wasn’t until he fired a shotgun at a wolf from a moving helicopter that he decided to become a champion for freedom.
By the way, Brad?
Nice touch with the photo.
Was this post up when I linked to that article and I didn’t know it? If so, I feel like a total douchebag.
Speaking of douchebags, what is up these wingnut types that look like wide-eyed Boy Wonders, even into their forties?
Nice touch with the photo.
Heh. I totally missed it the first time around. I guess it just seemed natural.
“While reading that section of the bill”? Wait–was there a bill back in August when she said that thing? In any case, who here actually believes she thought that up on her own from “reading the bill”?
“Since health care would have to be rationed if it were promised to everyone, it would therefore lead to harm for many individuals not able to receive the government care. That leads, of course, to death.”
As opposed to the 47 million Americans who can’t have it now, thus freeing the rest of us to have second and even third helpings of cystoscopies.
While the uncovered die off in droves.
Why doesn’t anyone on our side make this fucking point over and over again?????
Just to remind you, ex-Governor Moose Eater is not some backwoods hillbilly who lives in a shack. She is, in fact, a very wealthy celebrity and former vice-presidential nominee. I, on the other hand, make a barely-middle class salary and drive a used Ford Taurus.
The mind boggles, doesn’t it? Bush was also always painted as “jes’ plain folks” while public school teachers, professors at state schools, community organizers, all sorts of people who worked their asses off for next to nothing, who couldn’t even imagine the wealth and power he took for granted all his pampered, protected life, were “elite.”
As opposed to the 47 million Americans who can’t have it now, thus freeing the rest of us to have second and even third helpings of cystoscopies.
While the uncovered die off in droves.
Are you questioning the INVISIBLE HAND OF TEH FREE MARKET??!?
Are you questioning the INVISIBLE HAND OF TEH FREE MARKET??!?
When it comes to jamming a camera up my pee-pee hole?
Yer damn right I am!
Nice touch with the photo.
Jonah is gonna be pissed. That’s one his planets, the one made of cheese. And he hadn’t finished it.
“If the elites and the mainstream media are uncomfortable with average, everyday Americans having a voice…”
To paraphrase Jon Stewart, I don’t want an average, everyday American in a position of executive authority. I want an American who makes me look like an idiot.
It wouldn’t be a Palin interview without asking about “death panels.” How did she come up with the phrase? “
WTF? How did SHE come up with the phrase? By reading the talking points FAXED out to her from the RNC, that’s how.
Are they really ceding authorship of “Death Panels” to her?
Brad: you still want that Ford Taurus? I’m looking for parts.
Just kidding.
No, seriously; I’m looking for parts.
Bush was also always painted as “jes’ plain folks” while public school teachers, professors at state schools, community organizers, all sorts of people who worked their asses off for next to nothing, who couldn’t even imagine the wealth and power he took for granted all his pampered, protected life, were “elite.”
To be fair to Palin, she never had the born-on-third-base-and-thought-she-tripled air of GWB. It’s more like she threw a pick-six in the closing minute of the Super Bowl, quit football, and is now demanding that the American people give her a ring.
IIRC, she was a little late to get to the Teabagger parties, she was so busy setting up her Facebook page after quitting her job, others got there first with the Death Panel thing.
Ahh, surprise surprise, another dastardly daily dose of mass misogyny from the giggly Obots here at Sadly, O!. Can’t say I’m surprised, and neither would be the millions of voters who preferred Hillary to the Usurper in Chief. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, you snarky simpletons, but Palin, like Clinton, had more experience than your precious Obama, and would have made a fine Vice President. So true is the fact that the NRO, in appealing to Reagan Democrats, truly knows the beating heart of true progressive America. While you men were making fart noises over Hillary’s call for equality, plenty of us were walking away from Obama’s Corrupt Party. Plenty more will walk away, too, especially as you tear into Palin, who doesn’t deserve your booger-flinging.
Palin’s got that sour air of resentment and envy clinging to her that Bush never had. He knew he was born an elitist.
She spends every waking moment believing someone somewhere is looking down on her, and she’s rationalized it as “It’s because I’m from Alaska” or “It’s because I’m a mom” or a Christian or a small-town girl or a whatever.
What’s that weird, high-pitched noise?
What’s that weird, high-pitched noise?
Sorry, there was a porpoise caught in the vacuum.
…barely a step above Pam Geller.
To be precise, she’s two silicone implants shy of being Pam Geller.
What’s that weird, high-pitched noise?
Whatever it was, I bet it would drive away Zombies, if you wanted to use it for that porpoise.
I’ve eaten moose a few times before, but only in Canada. Does that count?
what is up these wingnut types that look like wide-eyed Boy Wonders, even into their forties?
I believe it’s spelled V-I-R-G-I-N-I-T-Y.
Folks who wouldn’t hesitate at waterboarding the effete coastal elites that pontificate from their lefty-lie-beral ink-stained-ivory towers.
Yet they are so concerned with our safety when an eeevullll terrist is being brought to Babylon-on-the-Hudson for trial.
Fuckers can kiss my 4-train riding ass.
all sorts of people who worked their asses off for next to nothing, who couldn’t even imagine the wealth and power he took for granted all his pampered, protected life, were “elite.”
“Elite”–people who aren’t batshit crazy republicans.
If they hadn’t totally screwed the country [and the world], I’d be concerned about what they’re doing to the English langauge.
Double fixxored.
When it comes down to it, aren’t “the liberal elite” and “the liberal media” just a couple more examples of republican projection?
…I’d be concerned about what they’re doing to the English langauge.
Orwell got there first.
Wait a minit…. It wasn’t even her. Palin didn’t coin “death panels”, Betsy MacCoughyCough was the original source. Yet another episode of mooseshit Palin’s hebephrenia.
Not to mention, of course, the existing actual “death panels” where bureaucrats deny treatment to the currently “covered” because, y’know, they’re sick.
Buuuut, since they work for insurance companies instead of Teh Eevul Gummint, that’s okay.
Oh, there’s a whole gallery of portraits that are slowly degenerating and aging somewhere…
If they hadn’t totally screwed the country [and the world], I’d be concerned about what they’re doing to the English langauge.
Well, I mean, that’s all part of it, isn’t it? “Liberal fascism,” “enhanced interrogation techniques,” “extraordinary rendition,” blah blah blah blah blah…the not-totally-dumb ones know the importance of language and how it shapes discourse and that discourse shapes real-world events.
This installment of SATSQs brought to you by Zombie-Off zombie repellent.
Palin, like Clinton, had more experience than your precious Obama, and would have made a fine Vice President.
Let’s think for a minute about this point, brought up by Lying Republican Troll Who Was Foaming With Hatred For Hillary Until She Conceded The Primary. Go watch Biden being interviewed by Stewart last night, if you didn’t see it. Try this thought experiment: watch Biden discussing the stimulus, TARP, the economy, etc. (which he did very well, as you might expect). Now: imagine Palin attempting the same.
Teh head, she explodeth, no?
Oh, there’s a whole gallery of portraits that are slowly degenerating and aging somewhere…
They probably all look like Dick Cheney.
Orwell got there first.
Exactly the essay I was thinking of.
According to Erk Erkson, via TPM,
I don’t believe a fucking word of it. Jack Chick tracts, maybe.
Also, I have eaten moose sausage. It was tasty. What? No, no, no, just don’t even go there.
What’s that weird, high-pitched noise?
Whatever it was, I bet it would drive away Zombies,
Or one might look for the source of the irritant, in order to terminate it permanently. we’re not stupid, you know. Damn that Romero and his stereotyping.
Take THAT Mr. “Brad” “Reed”.
So true is the fact that the NRO…
Stop… [catches breath] you’re killing me. Using the NRO as your measure of truth: pure comedy gold.
Now: imagine Palin attempting the same.
The “attempting” part? Lulz City. The execution part? I’d start drinking again.
In other news,
Subtitled “Things that happen to other people.”
Her preference is policy and application, focusing on writers who are not just following up on foundational conservative ideas, but applying those ideas too.
AKA, she read, like, Ronald Reagan’s bio and that’s the extent of her political knowledge.
VeeP Palin wouldn’t have turned the office into a highway terrorism machine.
Or one might look for the source of the irritant, in order to terminate it permanently.
Please. Be my guest. Even if you just scare it away, that would be fine.
Which of course leads to fear. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. And THAT, my friends, is the path to the dark side.
Her preference is policy and application, focusing on writers who are not just following up on foundational conservative ideas, but applying those ideas too.
You wish, I dish.
Oh, sweet Jesus. Glenn Beck is going to have a Christmas show.
Featuring the Harlem Gospel Choir! I wonder if they expect government handouts like all those other black folks Glenn keeps talking about.
“One big reveal: Steve Schmidt apparently thought Palin’s brain wasn’t getting enough carbohydrates to function properly, which is why we’ve been hearing Palin complain about being told what to eat. Palin relates on page 285:
“He then launched into a discussion of nutrition physiology, holding forth on the importance of carbohydrates to cognitive connections and blah-blah-blah.”
And in one sublime sentence, an agglomeration of comedy gold on the scale of Scrooge McDuck’s money bin, in which Palin says Steve Schmidt is a dick for suggesting she can’t make cognitive connections while making a cognitive connection with “blah-blah-blah,” we discern the yawning abyss of stupid through which Sarah Palin stumbles as she fails at everything, I can’t take any more, the end.”
Does dropping a copy of ‘The Wealth Of Nations’ from a great height onto her head constitute a ‘Fair Use’ of a copyrighted work?
Best Going Rogue review I’ve seen yet (Going Rogue): “Millions of copies will be sold of a book written by someone who can’t write, intended for an audience that doesn’t read, about the thoughts of a person who doesn’t think.”
“Elite”–people who aren’t batshit crazy republicans.
“Well, so what, What’s wrong with being elite? I mean, there’s nothing wrong with…”
You wish, I dish.
Someone alert J.C. Christian. That book needs a review.
Yes, of course, death. Why didn’t I see it? No other country in the world has achieved universal coverage, so it’s totally a pipe dream.
Featuring the Harlem Gospel Choir!
I sure hope those choirboys are in a “culture jamming” mood!
What’s wrong with being elite?
Did…did Sarah get beat by the Eilte Four too many times in Pokemans?
Best Going Rogue review I’ve seen yet
Holy shit,. “Imagine watching your parents 69 one another while John Madden sits behind you and bellows out color commentary and you will have some idea of how excruciating and profoundly scarring it is to plow through each page of this wholly fictional monument to self-aggrandized mediocrity.”
Ya know, as an ‘Average American’ of the female persuasion Sarah is going to cost the U.S. 30% less pay for the same job.
It’s only reason I can see for her popularity.
I’ve eaten moose a few times before, but only in Canada. Does that count?
Coming Soon!
The Glenn Beck Christmas Extravaganza!
Marvel at Glenns’ manly manlyness as he beats the shit out of Tiny Tim!
Don’t miss Amy ‘Shitmoat’ Alkon pushing a wheelchair user down a hill, after she accidently walks into them while ranting on the phone to an unsuspecting citizen!
Point and laugh as Dick Amey points out to the ‘Little Matchstick Girl’ how she should have chosen better parents, and put in longer hours!
Don’t miss Kenneth Gladney’s star turn as the baby Jesus, narrowly escaping SEIU thugs send by King Obama in the heartwarming modern-day production of the Nativity, with special guest stars Sarah Palin (Mary), Charles Krathammer (Joseph), Jonah Goldberg (1st donkey) K-Lo (Angel Gabriel), David Broder (alleged Wise Man #3) Mickey Kauss (Lead Shepherd), ACORN (Innkeeper), Ray Comfort (Manger)!
To paraphrase Jon Stewart, I don’t want an average, everyday American in a position of executive authority.
Roman Hruska would be very disappointed in you.
Here is the good General’s review. It doesn’t seem to be on Amazon any more.
“As you read other reviews of this book, please remember that Mrs. Palin has many enemies who are eager to pan her work. The Palin family’s most potent nemesis, Levi’s johnston, is no doubt fully erect and ready to spew globs of misfortune upon them for a third time. And reason-adoring intellectuals are certain to point out that an interview on Good Morning Topeka doesn’t qualify as a policy summit in the Far East.”
#Rich Lowry said,
November 18, 2009 at 20:32
And she totally digs you… maybe she’ll leave Todd for you
Did…did Sarah get beat by the Eilte Four too many times in Pokemans?
She didn’t get beaten- she shot Pikachu from a helicopter.
Oh, sweet Jesus. Glenn Beck is going to have a Christmas show.
Featuring the Harlem Gospel Choir!
I’d half expect Bleccch to come out and do a blackface routine.
JESUS. A fucking immoral douchebag like Glenn Beck daring to demean Christmas by associating himself with it. KEEEY-RIST.
Oh, and everyone who believes Sarah came up with “death panels” by her lil’ ol’ self please raise your hand. I guess what she objected to was the “panel of bureaucrats who would decide on levels of health care”. I mean, sure, we have those NOW, but private unaccountable panels, not icky socialist gummint panels that might have to be, you know, transparent and stuff.
Sarah on Limbaugh, RE: NY23
“This is good news for Republicans.”
Jesus. Taintstink. Christ.
Fuckers can kiss my 4-train riding ass.
You can whine when you have to take the L train daily.
Also, I have eaten moose sausage. It was tasty.
Ahhhh, le moosecoque. Ze house specialité!
Oh, BTW –
You guys WOULD start a with comments about “eating moose” when I’m at work and can’t link to a picture of Christine McGlade. Bah!
Fuckers can kiss my 4-train riding ass.
Public ass-kissing is more of a 5 activity.
Composting your lunch, of course, is what takes place on the G.
“Imagine watching your parents 69 one another while John Madden sits behind you and bellows out color commentary and you will have some idea of how excruciating and profoundly scarring it is to plow through each page of this wholly fictional monument to self-aggrandized mediocrity.”
I’m not sure whether to laugh until I puke, or puke until I laugh.
you mean “Moose” McGlade?
Good article about Miss Prejean
“I sort of like this pageant girl gone wild
The Bible doesn’t say no to breast implants, Carrie Prejean argues”
You can whine when you have to take the L train daily.
Whenever I took the L, I saw as many starbursts as Rich Lowry, even when the train service was suspended and passengers were forced to take a shuttle bus.
Lalalalaltrain… then we broke up, and now I avoid it like the plague.
The Bible doesn’t say no to breast implants, Carrie Prejean argues
It doesn’t say no to abortions either, or gay marriage for that matter.
It does support opposite marriage, this much is true.
It doesn’t say no to abortions either, or gay marriage for that matter.
But eat one measly shrimp…
I mean, sure, we have those NOW, but private unaccountable panels, not icky socialist gummint panels that might have to be, you know, transparent and stuff.
Well, of course. because a system that allocates resources transparently and based on criteria other than ability to pay, might result in a poor person receiving life-saving care while a rich person suffers a hangnail.
Can I just re-iterate that these are heartless, amoral, greedy pig-bastards?
I hope Palin gave Lowry a happy ending to the interview.
you mean “Moose” McGlade?
I’m sorry, I had a crush on her when I was young and spry, and I don’t regret a moment of it. She’s cute – kind of a Sigourney Weaver-ish thing going on there.
It doesn’t say no to abortions either, or gay marriage for that matter.
But eat one measly shrimp…
It also bans football.
The Bible: nothing whatsoever about furries.
…It also bans football.
And sex with menstruating women.
It does support opposite marriage, this much is true.
it also supports torture, genocide, death penalty, and child-killing. So YMMV.
The Bible: nothing whatsoever about furries.
Or Creed.
Apologies if someone posted classic bit of TV from last year already. The Graham Norton show, with Thandie Newton and Ricky Gervais reading from the script of “Nailin’ Palin.” As long as the Madonna of Moose is in the news, this will never get old.
I don’t know why you guys are arguing over which train is more elitist. It’s completely irrelevant, because only dirty fucking liberals ride public transportation. We Real Americans drive everywhere. Trains are for elitist fools who do sip their Starbucks lattes and read the New York Times on the way to “work.”
And don’t EVEN get me started on walking, you Ivy League communist bastards.
Can I just re-iterate that these are heartless, amoral, greedy pig-bastards?
And yet, as the Glenn Blecch example indicates, they feel the deep need to lecture us on TEH MEANING OF CHRISTMAS this time every fucking year.
Fuck you, you douchebags, okay? Try showing a little goddamn compassion for your fellow human beings the other 11 months of the year – or, quote frankly, AT ALL, ’cause we all know it’s just a show to placate the whiny born-again righties who listen/read/watch your hypocritical dribble.
The Bible: nothing whatsoever about furries.
Neither does the Bible mention wetsuits and dildos, which I suppose explains a thing or two.
Though as far as Creed goes – you sure they aren’t mentioned somewhere in Revelations?
Palin didn’t coin “death panels”, Betsy MacCoughyCough was the original source
Bet SHE’S pissed off.
Here she coins the best phrase ever-ah, and here comes Caribou Barbie to steal her prom dates.
You don’t get it.
It doesn’t matter how poor you are. If you aren’t openly hostile to knowledge, and if you think you got to pause and think and shit before opening your mouth in grand pronouncements about how other people look down on you, you’re an elitist.
You can be a multi-multi-millionaire, but if you fake a Southern or Western rural affectation, even if you’re a Yale cheerleading son of a fantastically rich eastern Establishment WASP family, then you’re a Real American.
I don’t know why y’all are arguing about which train is more elitist. It’s totally irrelevant, because all public transportation is for dirty fucking liberals. Us Real Americans here in the Heartland drive everywhere. Only elitists waste their time using public transportation while they sip their Starbuck’s lattes and read the New York times.
Don’t even get me started on walking. That’s for lazy, candy-assed jobless elitist Ivy League bastards.
Silly me, forgot the biblical advantage furs have.
…Though as far as Creed goes – you sure they aren’t mentioned somewhere in Revelations?
Not directly, although Revelations 9:6 describes the effects of listening to their music:
That either refers to Creed or to Adam Sandler films. Scholars are debating the point as we speak.
The Bible: nothing whatsoever about furries.
But one can extrapolate that a cloven-hoofed furry who’s not a cud-chewer is unclean.
That either refers to Creed or to Adam Sandler films
I thought Adam Sandler was the locust with a human face.
Silly me, forgot the biblical advantage furs have.
The Bible also allows old bears to hunt and devour young boys.
“The Bible doesn’t say no to breast implants, Carrie Prejean argues”
I wish, just once, one of these whackjobs would be asked why she shaves her legs and underarms and uses deodorant IN BLATANT DEFIANCE OF GOD’S CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED INTENT!!!
Those were she-bears. Like the Bible, I am pro-bare-females.
I wish, just once, one of these whackjobs would be asked why she shaves her legs and underarms and uses deodorant IN BLATANT DEFIANCE OF GOD’S CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED INTENT!!!
God’s a closeted furry lover!
The Bible also allows old bears to hunt and devour young boys.
So while it says nothing about gay marriage, NAMBLA is ok?
When it comes to jamming a camera up my pee-pee hole?
You bastard!! That’s a trigger for me!! Oh, the pain!!
What?! I lay my head down on the desk for a quick five-minute nap and when I wake up there’s a new post, eighty comments, and someone named Iris is shrieking at me. PENIS.
The Bible also allows old bears to hunt and devour young boys.
While many priests have large bellies and may be hairy, they really don’t qualify as bears.
So while it says nothing about gay marriage, NAMBLA is ok?
Subby and PeeJ point up that there are still important doctrinal issues to be ironed out.
Oooh, Iris Troll is back? She’s one of my favorites- so illiterate, crazy and idiocy so beautifully and seamlessly combined.
Subby and PeeJ point up that there are still important doctrinal issues to be ironed out.
I think these issues are far too important to leave in the hands of a small committee.
I call for an immediate Vatican III, in which Ratzy fights a hard-bitten boxer from the streets of Dublin named Clubber O’Lang.
Men lying with men as they would a woman, bad news.
Boys, dalmations, watermelons and fleshlights are okay.
Never mind, I got all excited and it turned out to be fake Iris. Ungrammatical capitalization way too regular and waaayyy too much logical train of thought to be real Iris.
“What’s that weird, high-pitched noise?”
I don’t know, but it appears to have tried to drop a turd in the punch bowl then ran away faster than a Cheney seeking another deferment.
Oh Sarah, why can’t we just quit you?
When it comes to jamming a camera up my pee-pee hole?
Some people pay a lot of money for that kind of thing, you know.
When it comes to jamming a camera up my pee-pee hole?
Some people pay a lot of money for that kind of thing, you know.
You have my insurance plan?
I swear, I thought it was a fine plan when I signed on with Big Al’s Insurance and AmWay dealership, but it turns out, not so much.
You have my insurance plan?
I was referring to elective processes performed by certain non-medical (though professional) individuals, though if your insurance pays for that kind of thing I may have to look into it…
When it comes to jamming a camera up my pee-pee hole?
You’re sounding kinkier all the time.
When it comes to jamming a camera up my pee-pee hole?
You’re sounding kinkier all the time.
Would it help my image if I mentioned that I discovered how fakirs levitate off those beds of nails after undergoing this treatment?
I swear, I thought it was a fine plan when I signed on with Big Al’s Insurance and AmWay dealership, but it turns out, not so much.
You’d have done better with Fibonacci Brothers’ Insurance and Personal Loans.
I swear, I thought it was a fine plan when I signed on with Big Al’s Insurance and AmWay dealership, but it turns out, not so much.
Better than the plan from Casa Maya. A camera up the peep would be considered foreplay.
Would it help my image if I mentioned that I discovered how fakirs levitate off those beds of nails after undergoing this treatment?
Dude, wait, I thought they at least, y’know, numbed the area beforehand. No? Ouch.
Dude, wait, I thought they at least, y’know, numbed the area beforehand. No? Ouch.
Now try it with an infection.
And they say labor pains hurt…
Dude, wait, I thought they at least, y’know, numbed the area beforehand.
Sure they do. You remember that big needle from Pulp Fiction?
Ah. I think I learned that trick when the novocaine wore off mid root-canal. Apparently, I have deep roots.
A Møøse once bit my sister …
No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse
with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given
her by Svenge – her brother-in-law – an Oslo dentist and
star of many Norwegian møvies: “The Høt Hands of an Oslo
Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Mølars of Horst
Now try it with an infection.
No thanks, I’ll stick with the veal.
Zombie lovin’
How do you think he got the infection?
For a second, I thought that you’d pasted up a pic of this pre-pube, although on closer examination they part their hair on different sides, and you know they’re the kind of kids who actually give a shit about such things. Well, anyway, Rich probably thinks he’s jes’ plain folks because he doesn’t come from the side of the family that became seasoned salt magnates.
The phrase “Juice-box Pundit” will rapidly become an intertubez favorite, I think.
” … a full-fledged loon who is barely a step above Pam Geller.
Boffo, Brad! An insult two-fer.
Sure they do. You remember that big needle from Pulp Fiction?
That squicked me out and I don’t even have a weiner.
For a second, I thought that you’d pasted up a pic of this pre-pube,
I’m telling you guys–aging Boy Wonders. That kid is almost 30, but he looks like he’s about 15! What the hell?
Oddly, this bible quote is on topic.
10. 2 Kings 2:23-24 NKJV
Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” So he turned around and looked at them, and pronounced a curse on them in the name of the LORD. And two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.
Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti…
Veiled dildo reference
Thou hast also taken thy fair jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given thee, and madest to thyself images of men, and didst commit whoredom with them,
Ezekiel 16:17
Who, besides Lowry, is stupid and credulous enuff to think that Palin actually was “reading through the bill” ever in her life?
The woman doesn’t even read the paper.
“juice box pundits”
TBogg deserves an award for that.
Sarah is against Death Panels – but what about Demonic Exorcism Panels?
I’ve had mooseburgers & loved them (thus, even though I’ve never been to the US, I am officially a REAL AMERICAN™)… but I was about 10 at the time, & kids will eat anything.
Heh heh heh. Oh, she reads, alright … loves her some Bircher Lit, does sweet little Sarah. Imagine the Decathlon O’ Bullshit the punditocracy would’ve had to have run if she’d brought up The New American when she was asked which papers she reads.
“The woman doesn’t even read the paper.”
That’s not what she told Oprah. She told Oprah that she was a voracious reader of books. I bet you feel real stupid now huh Alex.
What’s that weird, high-pitched noise?
A brain-damaged cat in heat? I feel bad for it, I suppose– but I’m still not gonna break out the Q-tips.
I bet she read all the Left Behind books.
According to wiki:
“Matthew Continetti (born June 24, 1981)”
So he was 20 in 2001. Old enough to enlist but not to go to the bar.
I thought Pumas were extinct.
“We’re “becoming more juvenile as a nation,” he said. “The guys who won World War II and that whole generation have disappeared, and now we have a bunch of teenage twits.” Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood
I’d listen to him. ‘Cause he’ll shoot you down with a wry smile and a drag on his cigarillo if you don’t.
“when Johnston was asked about the former governor’s disappointment that he recently shed his clothes for Playgirl, which she termed “porn,” Johnston told E! Online, “You know what, I don’t care if she sees them … Who cares about what she says or does? I don’t care.”
Ain’t that Eastwood feller one o’ them elitist Hollywood actor types?
I thought they were supposed to “Just shut up!” about politics?
So he was 20 in 2001. Old enough to enlist but not to go to the bar.
Are you suggesting that this kid should have enlisted after 9/11? Hell, they’d turn him down now, and they’re scraping the bottom of the fucking barrel. I’m not sure his balls have even dropped yet.
Has anyone seen these photos? I’ve heard that Mr. Johnston is rather well-endowed.
Our powers combined form Troll-tron!
I’m not sure whether to laugh until I puke, or puke until I laugh.
Multitasking — not always a good thing.
Has anyone seen these photos? I’ve heard that Mr. Johnston is rather well-endowed.
The shoot as I understand it was only yesterday.
Gonna take some time to airbrush and photoshop the penis in.
Seriously, is there going to be a more fucked up kid than Tripp?
Grandma Sarah is a fucking loon, Grandma Johnston is a crack-whore, Mommy is a trampish little failure, and daddy swung his dick for all the world to see.
Progressive Center Left Grrl Voice of Truth said,
November 18, 2009 at 23:31
Our powers combined form Troll-tron!
What? No Iris?
Rich Lowry said,
November 18, 2009 at 20:32
You type that one-handed,boy ?
The shoot as I understand it was only yesterday.
Oh. I have no idea how this person knows anything about the size of Levi’s Johnston. I don’t think I want to know.
“You know what, I don’t care if she sees them … Who cares about what she says or does? I don’t care.”
Just wanted to point out that he is dissing the baby grandma.
Also, check out this mindbending editing error:
He plans to file for joint custody of his 10-month old grandson Tripp, whom he had with Palin’s daughter, Bristol.
Apparently, the only picture released so far is this one.
“Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!”
I’ll show those youths, soon as I can find two grizzlies…
Apparently, the only picture released so far is this one.
Dang, I’ve seen more lively, intelligent eyes staring up at me from the plate at a seafood restaurant.
Dang, I’ve seen more lively, intelligent eyes staring up at me from the plate at a seafood restaurant.
Tig, never underestimate the attractiveness of stoopid, even to homosexual men.
“Yea, um, I’ll call you tomorrow morning…”
Bar lowered for Alaskans On Drugs.
Dang, I’ve seen more lively, intelligent eyes staring up at me from the plate at a seafood restaurant.
Yeah, he’s not a bad-looking guy, but good God.
I like ’em big and dumb, but this one is neither big enough nor smart enough.
Hey screw you. Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore are among my favorite flicks for when I want stupid humor for twelve-year-olds.
Then again, I’m predisposed to like most entertainment except perhaps the endings of Prisoner 2009 and Ron Moore’s Battlestar Galactica.
the endings of Prisoner 2009
If you say ONE. MORE. WORD. I will have to kill you.
Wait until I’m safely home and TiVo’d in for the night.
Baldheads are Babylonians (Jacob Miller, I think.) & not in any Long Island sense.
It’s not the fiber-optic exam up the urethra so much as the first time one urinates afterwards. Of course there’s no warning from the croaker about it.
I like ‘em big and dumb, but this one is neither big enough nor smart enough.
Sounds familiar
My favorite Julie Brown song!
“My father’s out of Harvard, my brother out of Yale,
The guy I brought home last night, just got out of jail!”
Omg, looking at the Palinbots on MSNBC. Two words: white and FAT.
Omg, looking at the Palinbots on MSNBC. Two words: white and FAT.
Møøse: der uther white meat.
Wait until I’m safely home and TiVo’d in for the night.
Is the new Prisoner really as bad as I’ve heard?
I loved the original, but it sounds like in this new one “Number Two” isn’t just one of the main characters, but a good description of the whole project.
Actor, they need to put down the mooseburgers and pick up a copy o’ the Constitution.
In other news, 3500-year-old mummies show signs of heart disease. Though I’d think that would be among the least of their worries.
Is the new Prisoner really as bad as I’ve heard?
On a scale of remakes…”V” being zero, Daniel Craig as James Bond being a ten, The Prisoner ranks about a five. They completely altered the plot lines and altered some of the hierarchy, but they’ve paid some homage the orginal McGoohan series, and frankly, unravelling the mystery is part of the charm of the show, which you didn’t get in the first series, which was presented more along the lines of “How does this guy get out?” where this series is more about “why is this shmuck here?”
I thought moose was the other other other white meat? Just after pork and the other pork.
Sounds familiar
There’s a reason why I looked up to her as a wee lass.
Omg, looking at the Palinbots on MSNBC. Two words: white and FAT.
Not the big and dumb I was talking about. Ugh.
I thought moose was the other other other white meat? Just after pork and the other pork.
No, no, no. You’re thinking of human flesh.
On a scale of remakes…”V” being zero, Daniel Craig as James Bond being a ten, The Prisoner ranks about a five.
Thanks for the info, actor212. You make it sound at least watchable. I’m tempted to try it, but wary. The plus side is AMC and Ian McKellen. The minus side is Jim Cavaziel and, uh, remaking the Prisoner.
If you saw the first series, Wyatt, particularly the episodes with Leo McKern as Number Two, you won’t be far off in following this series, which gets deeply psychological.
The good news is, during commercial breaks, they specifically hit you over the head with what you need to follow in order to keep up with the story.
stogoe said,
November 18, 2009 at 23:49
That either refers to Creed or to Adam Sandler films.
Hey screw you. Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore are among my favorite flicks for when I want stupid humor for twelve-year-olds.
Then again, I’m predisposed to like most entertainment except perhaps the endings of Prisoner 2009 and Ron Moore’s Battlestar Galactica.”
I admit that those two flicks are guilty pleasures for me. I mean any movie that includes psychotic profanity-filled rant on a golf tour and a knock down drag out fight w/Bob Barker…
Tig, never underestimate the attractiveness of stoopid, even to homosexual men.
Even? Even!?
There are times when a conversation is just plain out of place.
That said, I don’t find him attractive even and in spite of teh st00pit. Neither does Ho, fwiw.
No, no, no. You’re thinking of human flesh.
Yes, but I mentioned that one already…
she has read some of the foundational stuff […] She likes “the modern stuff too.”
It is annoying when people go into unnecessary details.
“It’s kind of like the criticism from anonymous bloggers, which I totally ignore.”
Someone is going to have a lot of fun hunting around the Intermaze and listing examples of Palin wailing in a vociferous non-ignory way about the hurtful, biased criticism from anonymous bloggers that is hurtful and biased and unpardonable and so on.
Not me, however; I have to wash my hair.
It’s not the washing that takes the time, so much as the searching the house to find where the cats left it after they were playing with it.
Thanks again, actor. I re-watched the original series this summer, and it was as gloriously nutty as I remembered. I’ve got a friend who DVR’d the whole thing, and I think I’m curious enough that I might give the new one a whirl. Even if it doesn’t work, it ought to be interesting just seeing the differences in approach.
Yes, but I mentioned that one already…
Oh. I thought you just really, really liked pork–I missed the “other” part. That’s what I get for doing work while posting.
Rusty Shackleford said,
November 19, 2009 at 0:17
In other news, 3500-year-old mummies show signs of heart disease. Though I’d think that would be among the least of their worries.
That made me lol. Actually I just made a Weird sound, but I was expressing approval.
On a scale of remakes…”V” being zero, Daniel Craig as James Bond being a ten, The Prisoner ranks about a five.
Did the giant bubble-thingie get a craptastic makeover?
Did the giant bubble-thingie get a craptastic makeover?
Now people dissolve in it.
That’s what I get for doing work while posting.
Tig, never underestimate the attractiveness of stoopid, even to homosexual men.
Even? Even!?
Well, you know, I was giving more credit to you than to us breeders…
So the consensus is that the new V isn’t good? I like it, but I never saw the old one.
Rusty, I watched the first episode (and that was just after catching the old one in marathon on SyFy)
Both pretty much reeked. The 80s version was sort of de riguer, since cable was a recent phenomenon and pickings were slim.
This version of V…it needed a hook right from the start (which reminded me way too much of Independence Day). That first episode dragged and for my tastes, I need to be caught in the story quickly.
Heroes did that in its first season altho lately it’s been shitty.
Dan Riehl / Rod Dreher bitch fight!
“Blogging can bite you on the butt sometimes, no matter how high and virtuous you fashion your little throne in this world. NewsBusters suggests that’s the case with Dreher’s review. I can’t say if that’s the case, but he certainly didn’t have much time to read and contemplate the book. Whether he went full-metal Ana Marie Cox and didn’t finish it, or not, who knows? I’m sure he’ll say he didn’t.
The old V kinda sucked also.
full-metal Ana Marie Cox
nwsltr plz
…many individuals [are] not able to receive the government care. That leads, of course, to death.
Actually, this is quite true right now. Which is precisely why we need single-payer, or public option at the least.
Speaking of douchebags, what is up these wingnut types that look like wide-eyed Boy Wonders, even into their forties?
They’re the bottoms.
Blogging can bite you on the butt sometimes
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of Rod
Blogging can bite you on the butt sometimes, no matter how high and virtuous you fashion your little throne in this world
If something bites your butt while you’re on your little throne, then a sternly-worded letter of complaint to the city sanitation department is called for.
“If something bites your butt while you’re on your little throne, then a sternly-worded letter of complaint to the city sanitation department is called for.”
I blame sewer gators.
“Full Metal Cox” Soon to be a gay porn film I am sure.
If something bites your butt while you’re on your little throne, then a sternly-worded letter of complaint to the city sanitation department is called for.
Also known as an aftly-worded letter.
OT, sort of, but you should all be made aware that the domain name “” is on the block.
“He certainly didn’t have much time to read and contemplate the book.”
I am contemplating the idea that Palin’s book requires any contemplation and my head is about to explode. Michael Palin is the second funniest Palin.
That said, I don’t find him attractive even and in spite of teh st00pit. Neither does Ho, fwiw.
I thought he was a babe until I heard him give an interview. Now I fear that the stupid is too strong for me. I’d still fuck him with Sarah’s dick, tho.
I blame sewer gators.
We are only a few jumps away from returning to the subject of
bionic buttsartificial arseholes.Riehl’s argument seems to be that either (a) Dreher didn’t finish the book before reviewing it (in which case, HA HA his review is merely a regurgitation of his prejudices); or (b) he did finish it (in which case, HA HA he must have liked it anyway).
I’d still fuck him with Sarah’s dick, tho.
Todd’s bi?
Yes Smut, I think tat is his argument. What a bionic asshole he is.
Anonymous bloggers attack!
Tat is short for Dan Riehl is an asshole. Don’t ask me why.
“If Palin gets smarter and more serious, if she embraces reality, then she can probably change the perception that many Americans have of her. Palin can be formidable and a real player in American politics, if she wants to.”
This reminds me. I am looking forward to the “Flowers for Algernon” movie coming out soon.
(obligatory ‘Scuse mah fingahs’!)
What a bionic asshole he is.
You know, that’s pretty crappy thing to say about a bionic asshole.
The Royal London Hospital — a centre of excellence in anal-virginity-restoration surgery.
…if she embraces reality, then she can probably change the perception…
well, duh!
if she embraces reality
Restraining order. ‘Nuff said.
“Does dropping a copy of ‘The Wealth Of Nations’ from a great height onto her head constitute a ‘Fair Use’ of a copyrighted work?”
Oh, come on. There’s the collected works of Stephen King out there just begging to be put to use. Why spare the moose…er, the horses?
Anonymous bloggers attack!
The update is 2 funneh 4 evah.
There’s the collected works of Stephen King out there just begging to be put to use.
We’re saving those for Osama.
Umm, ahem, uh, sorry to interrupt, but, um…George Will:
Arizona state ballot initiatives make health care reform unconstitutional, even (OR ESPECIALLY) when they fail!