

[h/t Don “Jim Bob” Surber]


Comments: 197


Such a lovely skullcap.


It looks tiny, as befits the target audience’s manhood. It should probably say “InstaPuny” on it.


Probably gives “instapundit” a meaning they did not intend.


Probably gives “instapundit” a meaning they did not intend.

Boxers for the instaboys.


Edit: Boxer for the instaboys to go heh indeed in.


If I ever take off a woman’s pants* and she’s wearing that, the party’s off.

*The “if” above is intended to encompass both clauses, ie, “I ever take off a woman’s pants” as well as “she’s wearing said conservative-leaning thong underwear;” as such, in saying “If I ever take off a woman’s pants,” I do not mean to imply that I have never taken off a woman’s pants before. Also.


Their spelling is as accurate as their political analysis. It’s “Instapudendum.”



Do robots even need those things?


I work in an emergency department part of the time, and I have noticed that undergarments like the one pictured inevitably are seen on homeless unfortunates brought in by ambulance. I surmise that the samples that are printed up for booths at CPAC gatherings and the few joke orders end up in trash cans or at Goodwill, and are in either case passed along to those with no choice.

I look forward to peeling Insty’s URL off of an unconscious and unwashed lady or gentleman’s groin in the future.


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


Actually, I don’t think any of you are looking at this in the right way. These are warning panties. They’re code for “do not deposit sperm here or stupid children may result.”

Boneless Meatloaf

Do they go over or under the Depends?


Rumor hasit you can have your order pre-worn/soiled by Carrie Prejean for a small fee (or by Surber at no extra charge).


There are some things which doG never intended to exist and that is high on the list.


Xmas shopping est finito!!

BTW, what did JEB! name his little warrior?

Unleash _________?



Why a Chinese tho?


Okay. Now I know it’s a cold war reference.

Unleash Chiang Kai-Shek


Rumor hasit you can have your order pre-worn/soiled by Carrie Prejean for a small fee (or by Surber at no extra charge).

No way. He would never sell those. Never.

The Tragically Flip

I’d love to know the sales figures for this.

There are, what, maybe 5 female libertarians, worldwide?


even better

For those who dream of having Dick Cheney’s faced pressed against their genitalia.


For those who dream of having Dick Cheney’s faced pressed against their genitalia.

So…. Krauthammer?


Instapundit: covering the news as well as this covers your ass.


For those who dream of having Dick Cheney’s faced pressed against their genitalia.

You owe me a new keyboard. Due to the vomiting.

That image is going to be in my head all day.


What is really needed is an Instapundit diaper. Between the conservatives into kink, and the conservatives with incontinence issues, you could sell an awful lot of diapers.

Before I clicked on the link, I thought this meant that Liz Cheney was suggesting that her dad was a presidential parasitical arachnid.


Kristol, who has long been an advocate for Sarah Palin, had an even better idea. “Cheney/Palin,” he suggested.

“Or Palin/Cheney. Don’t be sexist,” replied Chris Wallace.

“Kristol… had an even better idea.” Right there, you know you’re on the express train to Fuckup City.


Wow, I really feel for Mary Cheney right now. She’s the only member of that clan that has a potential lifeline back to sanity. The rest of them are so far down the rabbit hole not even Morpheus could steady them.


That thong promotes abstinence and weight loss.


I mean, how crazy do you have to be to think you could get elected a man with lower popularity ratings than Mao Zhedong?


why do i have the impression that thong is being worn by men?

excuse me, I have to run to the bathroom and barf.


Just think, if NRO follows this lead, we could have them modeled by KLO!


The father-of-two is resigned to having the muscles in his bionic bottom replaced every five years.

I wish this on every living right wing putz.


Kristol, who has long been an advocate for Sarah Palin, had an even better idea. “Cheney/Palin,” he suggested.

A better idea than what? Genocide?


maybe five female libertarians, worldwide?

…Thatcher, Rand…Thatcher…

Drawing a blank here, guys. And I’m kind of taking it on faith that those two were actually women.


How much does one pay extra for InstaSkidmarks?


Just think, if NRO follows this lead, we could have them modeled by KLO!



A better idea than what? Genocide?

Sadly, no.

Maybe better than pandemic ebola. Maybe.

a concerned citizen

Kristol, who has long been an advocate for Sarah Palin, had an even better idea.

Oh how I wish this story involved Kristol going dynamite ice-fishing with his dog and brand-new SUV, or a homemade rocket. If Kristol weren’t such a lily-livered college boy, he woulda earned a Darwin award a long-ass time ago.

a concerned citizen

Drawing a blank here, guys.

Don’t forget McArglebargle


Steerpike, I hate you now.


Amy Alkon. She’s a libertardian.


Steerpike said,
November 15, 2009 at 20:27

I just threw up a little in someone else’s mouth.


Kristol, who has long been an advocate for Sarah Palin, had an even better idea. “Cheney/Palin,” he suggested.

I saw elsewhere that one of the boosters for a Palin political resurgence had reached the bottom of the barrel and was reduced to scraping off splinters of positivity, pointing to the polls where she was at least more popular than John Edwards.
I conclude that she would team up with Gingrich, in order to capture the “Liar-who-betrayed-his-wife-while-she-was-under-treatment-for-cancer” demographic and thereby double the vote for the ticket.


That thong promotes abstinence and weight loss.

And bulemia.


That thong promotes abstinence and weight loss.

And spork-assisted, self-inflicted vision loss (if a spork is handy).


This is one of the first things that comes up when you search “Republican thong” on CafePress. (Yes, I have better stuff to do, but I don’t want to do it). I’m beyond certain that the only Republicans buying those are men. For their own use.


Need to remember to scroll down to the preview

T&U needs to go do “better stuff” because there are too many loose and unsupervised sporks in my house. And other people are beginning to complain that I, too, have begun throwing up in their mouths a little bit. And Steerpike, for the unforgivable mention of She Who Should Not Be Envisioned In a Thong.


Hey, I’d much rather imagine Republican dudes getting spanked and KLO in a thong than Cheney going down on ANYONE. That shit’s like that scene in The Reanimator, but even more terrifying.

And this is just hilarious. The fact that the logo is on the front AND the back makes it even funnier.


Don’t knock it, that’s damn effective birth control — even better, the births it’ll be controlling are wingnut-gened. Put ’em on, I say!


The fact that the logo is on the front AND the back makes it even funnier.
Don’t knock it, that’s damn effective birth control

I feel a Bette Midler joke coming on.


KLO in a thong than Cheney going down on ANYONE



Sorry, can’t help mahseff.



If you think I am going to order 144 of them, you are sadly misinformed.


Hey, I’d much rather imagine Republican dudes getting spanked and KLO in a thong than Cheney going down on ANYONE. That shit’s like that scene in The Reanimator, but even more terrifying.

You know, that’s not a bad idea. If the Cheney/Palin-for-president thing doesn’t work out, Dick can pursue an acting career in horror-porn. Perhaps he could relocate to Japan and explore the tentacle sex genre.


Dick can pursue an acting career in horror-porn. Perhaps he could relocate to Japan and explore the tentacle sex genre.

You’re closer than you know: giant vampire squid Goldman Sachs needs a new CEO.


It is more than just coincidence that torture porn became a movie genre during the Cheney years.


“Brent Bozell” and “group sex” go together in a sentence about as well as “Instapundit” and “thong”.


CW’s print ads for “Gossip Girl” last year featured a topless girl in a pool making out with a boy, but in the on-air episode, she was wearing a bikini.

Brent wore out several replay buttons confirming this.




Can we get a run of g-strings that say “teabagger” made up?

A Second Non-Lester The Giant Ape

Sweet muscular Jesus.

a concerned citizen

Can we get a run of g-strings that say “teabagger” made up?

How about some crotchless ones that say “teabagged”? That would seem to have plenty of crossover appeal. (What, CafePress doesn’t do crotchless undies? Well then, I will just have to start a company to be the CafePress of crotchless undies with things printed on them.) Or a t-shirt with an arrow pointing down that says, “I’m with teabagger”

a concerned citizen

From the Bozell column: “There is absolutely no barrier of sexual behavior that TV network executives aren’t willing to cross in a desperate gambit for ratings.”

God, how I wish that were true. Next on ESPN: Two Girls, One World Cup


man, if you take the thong and make it crotchless, it’s just a string! Where you gonna put the logo??

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Next on ESPN: Two Girls, One World Cup

The commercials practically write themselves. Lots of views of soccer fans acting shocked and covering their eyes with big foam hands.


The Sadly, No! thong. For when your no is really a yes.


a concerned citizen

man, if you take the thong and make it crotchless, it’s just a string! Where you gonna put the logo??

“Thug Life” style, around the hole. There will be plenty of room, my friend. These are going to be more granny-sized. We’ll have to put a Zocor ad on the back to make the numbers work.



WOOT! I gotta move out west dammit.


Brent Bozell is another data point in my “wingnuts can’t count” hypothesis. Witness:

Declarations of a ratings bonanza for this plotline are also stretching it. CW ran around touting a ratings victory for the threesome episode. The press release boasted: “The CW basks in the afterglow of its most watched Monday of the season.” Really? The total viewership for this episode was 2.37 million. Last year, this show was averaging 2.6 million. You do the math. And to put the numbers in perspective, in the same time slot, ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” was drawing 17 million viewers.

Um, last year would have been last season, not this season, Brent. It’s a syndicated network, and their seasons don’t tend to break across calendar years.

You’d think a media critic would know that.

Hell, what am I saying? Bozell, honest media critic? About as much as I’m Kate Moss’ twin sister.

valkyr of science

I’d be happier pretending that the Instathong doesn’t exist, so I read that Bozell column. I wanted to post a silly comment, but that mess of a website wouldn’t let me sign up. So I’ll just tell you what I wanted to say there:

I agree with the previous commenter. Unsupervised teens are the ones having sex, and children should be supervised at all times. Yes, it’s exhausting. Yes, it prevents you from having a life outside watching your kids. But Children are a responsibility. And if we ever leave them alone long enough to start developing personalities we may not like or engaging in activities that we are too conservative to consider, well, we reap what we sow.

Ideally, children should never leave the watchful eyes of their parents, not even after they move out and start working. But if, through some dreadful circumstance or over-independence, they must leave, the only way that they can be functional, respectable adults is if they were constantly monitored and their lives totally planned out until the moment they leave.

It’s in response to another comment whose seriousness I cannot determine.

valkyr of science

Also, Bozell’s a prude, and cannabis cafes are awesome.

Any universities in Portland with good physics programs? …

valkyr of science

Um, last year would have been last season, not this season, Brent. It’s a syndicated network, and their seasons don’t tend to break across calendar years.

Oh, hey, I didn’t even catch that. I just thought Brent was intentionally comparing the number of viewers from last season to the number of viewers of this episode, and pretending that could tell you something about the number of viewers of this episode in comparison to this season.

Boneless Meatloaf

Wouldn’t it be just awful if someone distributed a whole lot of those sexy Instapundit thongs to strip clubs nationwide?

valkyr of science

Yes, it would be.


Wouldn’t it be just awful if someone distributed a whole lot of those sexy Instapundit thongs to strip clubs nationwide?

Good idea. Wearing one as a hat is cheaper and easier than getting an “I’m a dickhead” tattoo on your forehead. Let the dancers know who the grabby assholes are in advance.


Wouldn’t it be just awful if someone distributed a whole lot of those sexy Instapundit thongs to strip clubs nationwide?

Good idea. Wearing one as a hat is cheaper and easier than getting an “I’m a dickhead” tattoo on your forehead. Let the dancers know who the grabby assholes are in advance.

Grabby assholes in strip clubs? This hardly sounds like your typical American conservative.



Like I said. Kate Moss’ twin.

He’s doing what you describe, too. It just means he’s doubly dishonest.

The shock! Shock, I say!


McArdle has a pair already.


I don’t want to hear anything about McArdle’s pair.


So who won the Patriots game?


i’d venture it’s a bigger pair than instatwit’s


Not. gonna. ask.


And while I’m in McPosty mode: Where the hell is Jillian? I’m getting worried.


So who won the Patriots game?

(snicker). . .


Sigh, does no one else remember the PePo thong?????


The Indianapolis Teabaggers won. This time the “Patriots” lost.


Members pay $25 per month to use the 100-person capacity cafe. They don’t buy marijuana, but get it free over the counter from “budtenders”. Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., it serves food but has no liquor license.

Doesn’t sound like a working business model, even if the “munchies” are quadruple the price of cineplex goodies.


The fact is, The faggots act like they are the only real Americans and say we hate for calling them out on bestelelity that fagdom is. There time of telling the Heartland to Take It Down Their Throat, there lifestyle, and spitting on the image of God, is almost at an end. Sarah Palin will stop all this.


Sarah Palin will stop all this.

By posting on Facebook. Got it.


Sarah Palin, the Facebook Preznit.

she will, of course, need a Twittering VP candidate. I hear history calling your name, Meghan McCain!!


I’m not sure which is more distrubing:

Glenn Reynolds wearing a thong or Don Surber crowing about it…


The faggots act like they are the only real Americans

Well, you know, All Men ARE created equal, after all…


Well, you know, All Men ARE created equal, after all…

And yet some will need to buy the padded, “enhanced” thong for appearances’ sake.


And yet some will need to buy the padded, “enhanced” thong for appearances’ sake.

Developmentally disabled in more ways than one, Looch.


OK, fine, you didn’t like the suggestion of K-LO modeling the NRO thong; go ahead and picture Mr. Surber wearing one, while pole-dancing to a Creed medley.


Victor Davis Hansen wearing one as he pretends the hallway is Thermopylae, full of invisible Persians.


Hey, I already had breakfast, and lunch is a ways off, so: Jonah Goldberg wearing one stuffed with an Olive Garden breadstick. Give a whole new spin to the whole “doughy pantload” thing…



J-Pod, John Podhoretz, wearing one wet in a pool….WITHOUT the Brazilian!



The battery life in these goggles is awful. Now, where’d I put the brain bleach?


Andrew McCarthy wearing one, pretending to be the Brat Pack Andrew McCarthy to KLo’s Molly Ringwald.


Jonah Goldberg wearing one stuffed with an Olive Garden breadstick.

No way that breadstick makes it past Jonah’s piehole. Never happen.


OK, what about Erik Erickson wearing one on the outside of his pants.

Actually, that one’s pretty easy to conjure up…


Jonah Goldberg wearing one stuffed with an Olive Garden breadstick.

No way that breadstick makes it past Jonah’s piehole. Never happen.

He’s wearing the thong backwards…that’s your hint.


OK, what about Erik Erickson wearing one on the outside of his pants.

He probably thinks it’s an eyepatch.


Pastor Swank probably thinks it’s a King David Memorial Slingshot.


This time the “Patriots” lost.

The real Patriots will never really win until Obama leaves office. Or until the next Super Bowl, whichever comes first.


Do robots even need those things?

No, however they DO make the inflatable girls slightly more lifelike


OK, what about Erik Erickson wearing one on the outside of his pants.

It has to be color-coordinated with the Trike Force capes.


“Made in the USA”?



I hear history calling your name, Meghan McCain!!

Now HER pair, I like to hear about.


Dick Cheney woul never wear something like that, of course. His is custom made leather, with rivets, zippers, chains and a matching mask, wristbands and chaps.


Now HER pair, I like to hear about.

I’m more of a visual artist…

Rusty Shackleford

I have no vagina and I must scream


…that’s your hint

It is a hint I shall not take,
A mental image I shall not make,
I shall not think of Jonah’s underwear,
Not here nor there nor anywhere.


Speaking of eeewww, this news seems appropriate:

but new methods involving cultured skin have been developed that utilize other human tissue. A major advantage of this method, compared to autologous transplantation, is sparing the patient from treatment demanding skin defects secondary to graft skin harvesting. Apligraf® is one type of cultured human skin equivalent. This material is cultured from foreskin removed in the circumcision of newborn males.

Foreskins to the rescue.


Foreskins to the rescue.

What an interesting snippet of news.


That explains all of those “I Donated My Foreskin To Science” bumper stickers I’ve been seeing lately.


So I read

“First cannibal cafe open in Portland”

And I think, Dear God, this would be no surprise in Tulsa, but *Portland*?!

Fortunately further comments made me realize my error.


Foreskins to the rescue.

Thanks for the tip.

I mean, the heads-up.


Making hooded references is not circumspect.


Foreskins to the rescue.

I’m sure the wingnuts will be offended and want to nip this thing in the bud.


Foreskins to the rescue.

Would that be “Red State Strike Foreskins”?


I’m sure the wingnuts will be offended and want to nip this thing in the bud.

Is that really about the foreskin culture or is it really about the cannabis cafe?


There time of telling the Heartland to Take It Down Their Throat, there lifestyle, and spitting on the image of God, is almost at an end.

So Heartlanders spit? And here I’d figured y’all for swallowers. Still: HOT.

He’s wearing the thong backwards…that’s your hint.

And yet his manhood is still completely covered.

Whale Chowder (nee OneMan)

I could tell at a glans that you were fooling.


I’m sure the wingnuts will be offended and want to nip this thing in the bud.

They’ll try and make briss work of it, I’m sure.


Would that be “Red State Strike Foreskins”?

Well, they do have capes.


They’ll try and make briss work of it, I’m sure.

Unless there’s a mohel among us, feeding them tips.


They’ll try and make briss work of it, I’m sure.

You know how those wingnuts like to polish the brisswork.


Unless there’s a mohel among us, feeding them tips.

Ah, Mohelskin, good for corns and bunions.


Hope they offer than in XXXL


Ah, Mohelskin, good for corns and bunions.

And bohels!


You know how those wingnuts like to polish the brisswork.

So clean you can lick off of it.


Hope they offer than in XXXL



Well, maybe it’s time to pull back on the foreskin jokes, huh?


So what should Erick Erickson and the Red State Brigade mail to Grover Norquist?


So what should Erick Erickson and the Red State Brigade mail to Grover Norquist?

Some tips?


Well, maybe it’s time to pull back on the foreskin jokes, huh?

Like Phimosis parting the Red Sea, sometimes it takes an act of God…


So what should Erick Erickson and the Red State Brigade mail to Grover Norquist?

Their stained thongs.


So what should Erick Erickson and the Red State Brigade mail to Grover Norquist?

This is so going to confuse the Trikers…


I present to you Teh Holy Schmuck.

The foreskin [supposedly Jesus’] given to Pope Leo III by Charlemagne was looted during the Sack of Rome in 1527.

Earliest historical teabagging reference?


Earliest historical teabagging reference?

That would be the prepuce-sition, yes.

Whale Chowder (nee OneMan)

I had an awesome dick pun but WordPress eated it.


It’ll show up in six hours or so. Stay tuned!


Charles Krauthammer should come out with a line of eponymously-branded toilet accessories.

Speaking as Coach Urban Meyer....

Ding-dong-dilly, loony libs! The Cool Cock Coach is here to serve you up a SMEG SPREAD of TRUTH about Barack “The Islamic Shock” Obummer and his plans to confiscate the Funky Foreskins from the Heartland!


Foreskins to the rescue.

Re-purposing prepuses? Preposterous!


The foreskin [supposedly Jesus’] given to Pope Leo III by Charlemagne was looted during the Sack of Rome in 1527.

Jesus’s foreskin? Talk about your Papal indulgences…


Ah, Mohelskin, good for corns and bunions.

They make good notebooks, too.


Jesus’s foreskin? Talk about your Papal indulgences…

No, silly. His sack.

a different mikey

OT but I’d like to report the first ‘Gingrich-Palin 2012’ bumpersticker I’ve seen. New pickup, Camden Cty, GA plates, true believer at the wheel. I hope he heard my screams of laughter.


Ah, Mohelskin, good for corns and bunions.
They make good notebooks, too.

And if you rub them, they turn into an artist’s portfolio.


Gingrich? I thought they’d purged him for not being crazy enough.


I clicked the link. Can I just say AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH?


Gingrich? I thought they’d purged him for not being crazy enough being too filling when they were trying to cut out fatty foods.



No, silly. His sack.

I’m guessing the Sac of Rome was pretty impressive.


OT but I’d like to report the first ‘Gingrich-Palin 2012? bumpersticker I’ve seen. New pickup, Camden Cty, GA plates, true believer at the wheel. I hope he heard my screams of laughter….
Gingrich? I thought they’d purged him for not being crazy enough.

Fellow Georgian, so there’s probably more forgiveness there.


I’m guessing the Sac of Rome was pretty impressive.

Nothing compared to the Hernia of Russia…you know, Peter the Great?


Peter the Great was impressive but Napoleon was a Bonaparte.


Peter the Great was impressive but Napoleon was a Bonaparte.



Isn’t this what those naked white geezer Captains of Industry wear on their heads when they dance around the Bohemian Grove?


off-topic, but is there ever a topic, really?

-I think we need to get this for EACH AND EVERY SADLY NO MOD for a holiday gift:

Whale Chowder (nee OneMan)

“Isn’t this what those naked white geezer Captains of Industry wear on their heads when they dance around the Bohemian Grove?”

Actually, I believe they use them as filtered breathing masks. They are often puzzled that the writing is upside down.


OT but I’d like to report the first ‘Gingrich-Palin 2012? bumpersticker I’ve seen.

Dear GOP:

Please, please do this.

Love, Pere Ubu



In an interview just now, DeVore’s communications director Josh Trevino told TPM…



Personally, my own dream ticket would be Romney/Palin. That will never happen, of course, but if it did, those two would make McCain/Palin look like a love-in.


Personally, my own dream ticket would be Romney/Palin

MITT / TWIT 2012!!!


Pronounced Treh-veen-YO


communications director Josh Trevino

He’ll be on to the next candidate before any votes are counted.


communications director Josh Trevino

I was so hoping he was Lee Trevino’s kid, so I could make a joke about missing putz.


I’m very glad that my computer’s acting all fucked up and slow at the moment, because the image hadn’t yet loaded when I saw the page title ‘Classic Thong’ at the top of the new browser window.

That was the chance I needed to just close the window before anything bad happened.

But I didn’t even consider clicking on the Surber link, ‘cuz it’s just gotta be showing the slob posing in one, eh?


DeMint has a post on DeVore at the Corner. It begins:

A scene from one of my favorite movies, Braveheart, portrayed…

Braveheart good, Red Dawn better.


From Surber:

He ought to re-start his old brewery and sell InstaBeer.

First, wasn’t it closed down as a Superfund clean-up site?

Second, what kind of beer is “InstaBeer”? Add beer and get beer?


Shades of Vince Foster – does Obama’s villainy know no bounds?


does Obama’s villainy know no bounds?

First, it was the Comptroller…and now…the Board of Ed president?



actor212 said,

November 16, 2009 at 17:28

Jonah Goldberg wearing one stuffed with an Olive Garden breadstick.

No way that breadstick makes it past Jonah’s piehole. Never happen.

He’s wearing the thong backwards…that’s your hint.

The Doughy Thongload?


No way Jonah eats a breadstick from a garden with that many vegetables in it


No way Jonah eats a breadstick from a garden with that many vegetables in it

You can trick him. Tell him The Olive Garden is a martini bar…

Whale Chowder (nee OneMan)

“Add beer and get beer?”

It’s the perfect wingnut business model. Charge the rubes for nothing at all. Add no value and charge for it.

See, for example,


Charge the rubes for nothing at all. Add no value and charge for it.

UNPOSSIBLE! No one could be that….

I see your point.


Second, what kind of beer is “InstaBeer”?
Bottles of ML with “Heh indeed” glued over the original label.


Second, what kind of beer is “InstaBeer”?
Bottles of ML with “Heh indeed” glued over the original label.

C’mon…this is Reynolds we’re talking about. He would barely spring for Old Milwaukee for this.

Worse. Old Milwaukee *Lite*…


SMUT!! Speaking of beer, how’d you like the Dogfish Head?

The Goddamn Batman Wears His Underwear On The Outside, Where It Belongs

Unbelievable… someone’s invented a chastity belt that actually works.

Carrie Prejean's Infrared Schlick Flick Webcam

I do have to say, I’d rather see an Instapundit Thong on Sarah, than an Insipid Sarah on Oprah.

(And, as we know, Carrie doesn’t wear a thong for very long. Also.)


how’d you like the Dogfish Head?
I like. Had the 60-minute version. Nice & piny-fresh. Just right for a car air-freshener.


This material is cultured from foreskin removed in the circumcision of newborn males.

Only available from certain hospitals, so you may have to cross state lines for immortal prepuces.


I’m glad you like it, though “pine car freshener” isn’t really a ringing endorsement. I hope you can try the 90-minute, you might like it better. I’m drinking the Burton Baton even as I type. A little sweet for my tastes, but still very nice.

a different mikey

A little sweet for my tastes, but still very nice.

All that guy’s beers are too sweet and syrupy. I don’t care how much he charges or how much he blathers he should dry out his beer.


I’ve never found the 60, 90, or 120 too sweet. I think the BB is supposed to be maltier, more barleywine-ish, which some people love; not my thing so much, like I said, but it was still good, just will never be a favorite. I had a 60 last night, too, and don’t find it all that piny OR sweet. I think it tastes a lot like good black coffee.


“pine car freshener” isn’t really a ringing endorsement.
I say that like it’s a good thing. A local pale ale, Epic, has the same sort of hop profile, and I drink it a lot. I’ll open a bottle for comparison next time I try the 60.
The importer has also brought in the 90, but I decided to start with the 60.


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