Blogger Ethics Panel Edition

There was once a love letter by one William Ward to Silvio Berlusconi published in Newsweek:

It’s not just for his showmanship; Italians also appreciate his hard work as a retail politician and electoral strategist. Berlusconi has not only made his business-friendly, antibureaucracy agenda commendably clear in a country where party manifestoes do not exist, but has also cobbled together an effective coalition of disparate, sometimes hostile, elements on the center-right. No other conservative politician has had the patience, the guile, or the charisma to do the same. And this ability to hold a coalition together has paid off. Berlusconi is the only postwar Italian premier to have served a full five-year term. That’s not just a record; it has also contributed to Italy’s stability and coherence.

Which prompted this letter to the editor:

Both Panorama and Il Foglio, for which William Ward is the London correspondent, are owned by the Berlusconi family. You should have disclosed that the author of “Berlusconi the Bold,” “a defense of Italy’s prime minister,” is, in fact, one of Silvio Berlusconi’s employees.
Pietro Slavich, Paris, France

Yeah, should have.


Comments: 507


Blogger ethics? That’s a thing, is it?


…what’s the difference between a retail politician and a wholesale politician?


…what’s the difference between a retail politician and a wholesale politician?

About 130% mark up?


If the United Snakes are so interested in “Nation-Building” they could invade Italy & get rid of that Dago corrupt-o-crat, for a start.

Then invade Texas & get rid of Rick Perry.


I don’t think we could afford nation-building in Texas.


So it’s safe to assume the Washington Post is owned by Bernie Kerik?

…what’s the difference between a retail politician and a wholesale politician?

Only the goyim vote retail.


Well, Berlusconi is also in favor of increasing media efficiency by not letting them waste valuable time with all this “fack checking” and other fag Communist shit, so why don’t you libruls just shut up?


Ward fails to mention Berlusconi’s permarection, which he maintains for the benefit of the Italian people with no medicinal assistance. This inexcusable.

Also, Slavich is a member of the vast Catholic Communist conspiracy that seeks to bring down Berlusconi, so pay no mind.


>i?Well, Berlusconi is also in favor of increasing media efficiency by not letting them waste valuable time with all this “fack checking” and other fag Communist shit…

That’s because Italy is a fag commie country. Here in the Heartland, the invisible hand of the free market has already achieve this goal.


Dear Diary…I woke up again today as usual…lamenting the fact that I live in country that doesn’t have a “first amendment” to challenge official lies.


I’m having a tag sale. All HTML code 50% off.


Only the goyim vote retail.

That’s right. I can get it for you wholesale.


Wunderkind said,
November 9, 2009 at 0:19

Dear Diary…I woke up again today as usual…lamenting the fact that I live in country that doesn’t have a “first amendment” to challenge official lies.

You think you had a bad morning? Let me tell you about my day…

center left grrrl

leave burlosconi alone he was so good in life is beautiful


Now I’m in the mood for a nice bottle of Montepulciano, an insalta mista, and a big bowl of steaming Berlusconi with a savory puttanesca sauce.


Retail, shmetail. Goldman Sachs buys all their politicians in bulk.

center left grrrl

this weekend noah wyle, ed helms and i sat around in the somerset maugham suite watching withnail & i, doing huge amounts of x and scrumping like weasels. what a fab life.


From “A Look Backward: Mass Media in the Early 2000s” by Squeegee Squeakypony, Harper House, 2085:

“The national media was in freefall throughout 2000-2015. The news magazine “Newsweek” stopped publishing in late 2010 after editor Jon Meacham wrote a series of “Notes to the Readers” consisting of the words “FUCK YOU!” in 50-point type. This soon escalated into Meacham responding to all letters to the editor in the same way, and then calling the homes of former subscribers to insult and threaten them. Meacham committed suicide two years later after he was fired from radio host/pervert Rush Limbaugh’s employ after Limbaugh decided the quality of Meacham’s blowjobs had declined too far.

“Things weren’t much better at other publications. The Washington Post stopped reporting news altogether after a while, letting reporters and columnists simply make up any story they wanted, no matter how outlandish. The Post printed a weeklong series in 2012 reporting that the Rapture was coming, and that Sarah Palin was the Second Coming of Jesus. Though the predicted date of the Rapture came and went with no actual Rapture occurring, the Post began reporting on “How awesome things are here in Heaven” and “Sarah Christ sure hates those fag Earthlings who ignored the Post.” Eventually, the Post was destroyed by a large firebomb that was actually built and detonated by the Post’s editors. There were no mourners.”


the look back seems reasonable enough…but harper house is going to be around and publishing in 2085? huh.


harper house is going to be around and publishing in 2085?

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Soylent Industries.


Harper House was actually a new publisher founded by Ben Harper in 2026. Who knew alterno-VH1-rock could pay so well?


Other publishers of our new future will include McGraw-Hill, founded by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, Penguin Books, founded by a consortium of uplifted super-intelligent penguins, and Tor Books, founded by the risen-from-the-dead Tor Johnson.


Don’t forget Wiley Books, founded by Wiley E. Coyote.


Randroid House never got off the ground, as everyone wanted to be the tycoon and no one wanted to do any work.


I love the proximity of “manifestoes” and “cobbling.” It makes me wonder, can Berlusconi hold his tongue when necessary and continue to vamp up support, or is he to much of a heel for any coalition to last, leading to him being given the boot?

If the United Snakes are so interested in “Nation-Building” they could invade Italy & get rid of that Dago corrupt-o-crat, for a start.

Then invade Texas & get rid of Rick Perry.

Do Texas first; there are more troops there already so it’d be cheaper, plus they have oil.


This paid cheering for one’s self has been going on forever, but we are just now able to rat it out in time thanx to teh t00bs.

Some places, like Hollywood, it’s been noticeable for quite some time. Like when the writer doesn’t get paid because the movie “made no money”, but, suspiciously, you see the producer’s name engraved in gold on marble in the foyer of some hospital or other institution.

I’ve been known to point this out to the writer in the family with the exclamation “Look, honey, there’s your money!”


See the SCLM is more like Faux every day. I’m just stunned that they published the letter from Mr Slavich

Boneless Meatloaf

I wonder why that guy who owns Fox isn’t the prime minister of something or other by now.


Pietro Slavich, Paris, France

But he’s French. Pass the Freedom Frites!


ah, i see. thanks for the clarification. and for tipping us off about country power couple/future publishing tycoons tim and faith. i always suspected. also.


Naw, just sell Texas back to Mexico. We can close the deficit, the efficiency gains would be huge, and I’m sure they’d welcome their new Mexican overlords.


Don’t mess with me, y’all!


I don’t think Mexico can afford it.

China, on the other hand…


but they give ya that


Naw, just sell Texas back to Mexico.

I’d sell it to ’em for a bottle of taco sauce.


Like when the writer doesn’t get paid because the movie “made no money”, but, suspiciously, you see the producer’s name engraved in gold on marble in the foyer of some hospital or other institution.

That was from, uh, another movie.

The Long, Dark Night Of The Lepus

Marcus Broccoli shouldn’t investigate strange noises in the garden after sunset.
Just sayin’.
Newsweek doesn’t know that William Ward is Berlusconi’s stooge??? Really.
Well, I guess the WaPo-corporo ombudsman really has their work cut out for them…ha just kidding.

The Long, Dark Night Of The Lepus

Berlusconi is the only postwar Italian premier to have served a full five-year term. That’s not just a record; it has also contributed to Italy’s stability and coherence.

funny, I always thought that belonging to NATO and the EU contributed to Italy’s stablity. Billionaires are always the most emotionally coherent people, right?


…Italy’s stability and coherence…

…well, you don’t see bits floating off into the Mediterranean, do you? (Though Venice is still a bit iffy.)


…yeah, but lately??


There’s nothing wrong with Texas – except that it’s full of Texans.


By the way, there were 39 Democrats who voted against the House Health Care Reform Act today.

Of those, 23 voted for the odious Supak Amendment, and then voted against the Act anyways.

Needless to say, most of those 23 are good ole boy knuckle-draggers.

AKA, What Digby Said.


Howie Kurtz says he doesn’t see the conflict.


There’s no ethical transgression in the absence of any ethics.


” in a country where party manifestoes do not exist”

Wait, this is Italy right? Where Mussulini wrote the Fascist Manifesto and the Communist Party still exists?

There’s gotta be a mistake somewhere ……


in a country where party manifestoes do not exist
that is just nearly the most total crap i’ve ever read, it don’t surprise me that it’s the product of a Berlusconi arse-licker.
Italy’s political life is wonderful vibrant, & her progressives take salacious delight in following Silvio’s scandalous behavior.
ntm there’s no shortage of manifestos there, at all. It’s almost like the Italian language was made on specific order, to express dissatisfaction & disdain for whatever party coalition might be leading their government.


Berlusconi has not only made his business-friendly, antibureaucracy agenda commendably clear

Heh. The clarity in Berlusconi’s agenda belongs to the Berlusconi-friendly and anti-legal-repercussion part. All else in the manifestos is incidental, and contingent upon what favours he has traded off to whom.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

One wonders if they’d gotten that constitutional amendment to let Schwartzenegger run for president—could Rupert Murdoch be far behind? That’s more or less the equivalent of Berlusconi being Prime Minister of Italy, right?


could Rupert Murdoch be far behind?

That might be a wingnut dream, but I have my doubts that Murdoch would do it. As Dos Passos described the end of Hearst’s political ambitions: “Never man enough to cross the Rubicon.”


in a country where party manifestoes do not exist

Maybe he was making some sort of deep philosophical point about how though they are printed and cited and quoted, they don’t exist on some deeper level.


in a country where party manifestoes do not exist


manifesto Etymology: [mid 17th century] From Italian, from manifestare, from Latin manifesto (“‘to make public’”)

After a while, it just makes me tired all over.


Much snark snarked already about Douthat’s poli-sci stoner impression, but can anyone explain this bit – “Repent of your hedonism and pacifism, neoconservatives urged Americans in the 70s, or the West will go the way of Finland.”

Is there a hidden joke in here? Was the theory that Finland got cooties from bordering the USSR?


on no not finland we iz doomed


Just to keep this thought going…

“Major Kong said,
November 9, 2009 at 4:02

There’s nothing wrong with Texas – except that it’s full of Texans.”

Have you ever been to Texas?


Wow, this is like Bill Ayers writing a love note to Barack Obama in Il Osservatorio!


“Repent of your hedonism and pacifism, neoconservatives urged Americans in the 70s, or the West will go the way of Finland.”

Is there a hidden joke in here? Was the theory that Finland got cooties from bordering the USSR?

Oh good lord…yes, we did, in fact, get cooties and I will be visiting Douchehat any day now in order to shed some on him.

It’s funny. Finland seems to have not only survived its neutrality pacts with the Soviets, but managed to thrive economically after the Cold War because it didn’t waste large sums of its budget arming itself.

Hm. I wonder…


Have you ever been to Texas?</i?

I have.

I concur with Kong. Generally.


Repent of your hedonism and pacifism, neoconservatives urged Americans in the 70s….

Damn I miss the 70s. Except for all the plaid.


Repent of your hedonism and pacifism, neoconservatives urged Americans in the 70s…

This may be nitpicking, but the neoconservatives WERE the hedonist pacifists back then!


Finland! Finland! Finland! The country where I want to be.


I miss the 70s too. Floating in amniotic fluid, discovering my thumbs. . .Good times.


Come to think of it, I had a hedonistic pacifier back then, too.


I miss the 70s too. Floating in amniotic fluid, discovering my thumbs

Being a sacred sperm… that was literally, fucking nuts.


Is it some kind of global warming denial stupidity because Finland is cold? That would make as much sense as anything Doubtthat ever wrote.

The Paper Of Record must be very proud of itself.


This may be nitpicking, but the neoconservatives WERE the hedonist pacifists back then!

I was one of those in high school, and I turned out all right.


Finland! Finland! Finland! The country where I want to be.

We make great puuko knives…FOR SLITTING OUR WRISTS!


I was one of those in high school, and I turned out all right.

A neocon or pacifist hedonist?


Have you ever been to Texas?

Many times.

Dallas, Houston, El Paso, Austin, Abilene, Amarillo, Midland-Odessa, Wichita Falls, Lubbock and Tyler just to name a few.

I even was stationed in San Antonio for a while.


I was a pacifier for hedonist neocons.


And for something completely OT (heh):

The Club For Growth endorses Rubio.

The commenters aren’t all thrilled about this.

Most important, though: This is definitely good news for Republicans.


The latter of course. Point being, not all pacifist hedonists grew up to be neocons. Only the ones who had deep personal character flaws in the first place.


Texas. Feh.
Lived there for awhile as a kid. Now, before all you Texans get all bitey on me, I’ll say there are some real fine folks in the Lone Star State.

There’s also a whole mess of foo’ball, bidness, guns, ignorance, Jeebus, Meskin-hatin’, and what have you. Jist not ma cup a tea, y’all.


not all pacifist hedonists grew up to be neocons

I know I didn’t. Most of my paci-hedo friends didn’t either.

Of course, we smoked a lot of dope and got laid a lot.

Hmmmmmmm…you think….?

The Goddamn Batman Fully Supports An Independent Press, As Long As They Understand That Bruce Wayne Is A Carefree Playboy, Nothing More

Honestly, the last time I cared about Italy was when I was reading Hannibal by Thomas Harris. The book was pretty good at portraying Florence as a city of beauty and deep, rich history, and also as having at least one really good place to buy soap; not so good at making a lick of sense or even at being a halfway-decent follow-up to Silence of the Lambs. Oh, well.


Is there a hidden joke in here? Was the theory that Finland got cooties from bordering the USSR?

See Finlandization.


Hannibal by Serge Lancel is also pretty good at portraying Florence as a city of beauty and deep, rich history, and also as having at least one really good place to buy soap; is good at making a lick of sense and, strangely, even at being a halfway-decent follow-up to Silence of the Lambs.


Hmmmmmmm…you think….?

Yes, yes I do. I’m convinced that a good 40-50% of conservative male pathology is due to a sense of entitlement for pussy (‘scuse the expression, but really, that’s how they see it) that they never saw fulfilled. It’s quite noticeable in the young ones. Almost all of them are Nice Guys ™.


See Finlandization.

Which is a joke. Finland is the only country in the 20th Century to actually pay off a war debt to the US in full and on time. In gold. During the Great Depression. While the Soviet Union existed.

Among other reasons.



–sense of entitlement for pussy. . .that they never saw fulfilled–

If this were true, then Pammy Atlas would have a self-negating career, would she not?


Pammy Atlas would have a self-negating career

Cock tease would be is a hugely successful career.




Repent your pacifism…?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

” in a country where party manifestoes do not exist”

Well, durrr, they’re manifesti.

“Repent of your hedonism and pacifism, neoconservatives urged Americans in the 70s, or the West will go the way of Finland.”

Translated into English, it reads, “Gorbachev sings tractors: Turnip! Buttocks!”

Judging by the sheer pulchritude of Finnish figure skaters, I would not mind the West going that way.


See Finlandization.

Hanx, J-.

So basically, Finlandization is a bit like a misdiagnosis of Stockholm Syndrome. Figures.


Say what you want about Italian Politics; at least they don’t have anything as lame as the Tea Party (hereafter to be know as the TeePee).

Big Bad Bald Bastard

See Finlandization

They were really worried about the Tom of Finlandization of the West.

Now, I know what you’re all thinking, but I only know of ToF ‘cos I’m a “Pistols” fan.



How’s about we call them the Tee O’ Pee?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I prefer Pee Tardy.


VDH via Rusty:

Surely the President has learned that “tea-bag” has become a derogatory sexual slur, used by those on the Left to deride any who attend the so-called Tea-parties



Also, TrikeForce General David Hahn

Call me an old-timer, but I can remember when U.S. Presidents had class. They might have called their political opponents any number of things in private, but you would not hear of them demeaning American citizens.

It is a measure of how low-rent Professional Democrats have become that The New York Times reports this as though sexual slurs were not a new low in presidential discourse… merely another term that ‘progessives’ use every day to refer to their subhuman opponents.

Did President Obama intend to be disgusting in using that term? I hope so, because I sure am disgusted.

Intershame responds:

You allowed your political opponents to make a mockery of the ill-conceived name you branded yourselves with and they did it so effectively that the term has transcended it’s urban dictionary meaning to now mean… you.


Now, I know what you’re all thinking, but I only know of ToF ‘cos I’m a “Pistols” fan.

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa, and I, uhhhhh, only know of him because I’m a Finn….


Surely the President has learned that “tea-bag” has become a derogatory sexual slur, used by those on the Left to deride any who attend the so-called Tea-parties

Now, wait a minute…I recall seeing plenty-o-signs at the Teabaggings…I mean, demonstrations…back in April that self-referred to “teabaggers”!

It seems to me that the movement picked the name, as unfortunate as it was, or at least tried to co-opt it and failed miserably.


manifesto Etymology: [mid 17th century] From Italian, from manifestare, from Latin manifesto (“‘to make public’”)
Oh very good. Also French, ‘entrepreneur’, “no word for”, etc.


Latin manifesto (“‘to make public’”)

Is that like Penis Al Fresco?


The word “penis” is taken from the Latin word for “tail.” Some derive that from Indo-European *pesnis, and the Greek word ???? = “penis” from Indo-European *pesos. Prior to the adoption of the Latin word in English the penis was referred to as a “yard”. The Oxford English Dictionary cites an example of the word yard used in this sense from 1379,[1] and notes that in his Physical Dictionary of 1684, Steven Blankaart defined the word penis as “the Yard, made up of two nervous Bodies, the Channel, Nut, Skin, and Fore-skin, etc.”[2]

The Latin word “phallus” (from Greek ??????) is sometimes used to describe the penis, although “phallus” originally was used to describe images, pictorial or carved, of the penis.[3]

Thus, we now see why white men believe they are well-hung.


Still with the Sesame Street:

A main tenet of the multiculturalism and Enviro-Statism inculcated by Modern Liberal educators and as practiced on “Sesame Street” — exemplified in “We All Sing the Same Song,” is the diminishment of the unique greatness of American culture.


A main tenet of the multiculturalism and Enviro-Statism inculcated by Modern Liberal educators and as practiced on “Sesame Street” — exemplified in “We All Sing the Same Song,” is the diminishment of the unique greatness of American culture.

You mean the melting pot that takes a little from all the cultures we import, like pizza and the blues and the knish, and the hamburger, and beer and St Patrick’s day, and….


Always going on about the inculcating, they are. Probably athwart something or other.


Why is it that every time I venture by the comment section, the discussion is somehow related to penises or penis-like appendages?


I got my athwarts fickthed. By a thpecialitht.


Why is it that every time I venture by the comment section, the discussion is somehow related to penises or penis-like appendages?

Because POOP got boring.


Why is it that every time I venture by the comment section, the discussion is somehow related to penises or penis-like appendages?

You’ve got really good luck?


Shorter Adam Baldwin:

USA # 1 (USA # 1!) is not jingo-ism, but objective fact (USA # 1!), which if not acknowledged (USA # 1!) on a continual non-stop basis (USA # 1!) (and totes non-creepy cultish way, honest) (USA # 1!) will cause our essences to be weakened (USA # 1!)and diluted by tre-hugging multi-culti-commies. USA # 1!


Why is it that every time I venture by the comment section, the discussion is somehow related to penises or penis-like appendages?

You’re here all the time?


God Bless America. And No Place Else!


LOL! Adam Baldwin actually used my reply to his last post to inform this one! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!


…diluted by tre-hugging multi-culti-commies.

But Tre is so huggable!


Italian politics -> Florence -> Finland -> Texas -> Penis.

Sure, I get it. I would have to be an idiot not to.



Extra Bonus Adam Baldwin Bonus USA #1!!! Bonus –
In defense of an article where he claimed that you can’t be a citizen of the world and a good person because USA #1!!! USA! USA! USA! USA #1!!! he says:

False dilemma fallacies are a predictable, yet routine clumsy rhetorical tactic of the Modern Liberal Statist.

Also, it’s important not to forget USA #1!!!!


But Tre is so huggable!

And in response, I have to remind you that USA #1!!! Therefore you = evil.

Also, USA #1.


Italian politics -> Florence -> Finland -> Texas -> Penis -> Adam Baldwin.


Getting along with people=EVERYBODY LISTEN TO HOW GREAT I AM!!!!


Italian politics -> Florence -> Finland -> Texas -> Penis -> Adam Baldwin.

In fairness, it’s hard not to think of Adam Baldwin and “dick” in the same thought.


New thread posted: Italian politics -> Florence -> Finland -> Texas -> –>Penis.

MoAr truthiness.

Rufus T. Berlusconi*

Object….object….object….point of order….object….object….parliamentary procedure….object….object….object….object…….

*not an employee


Rufus T. Berlusconi* said,
November 9, 2009 at 22:00

He’s right: you can’t take up the carpet unless you take up the tax.

*eyebrow wriggle*

Nymstradamus (ex-McNoob)

A main tenet of the multiculturalism and Enviro-Statism inculcated by Modern Liberal educators and as practiced on “Sesame Street” — exemplified in “We All Sing the Same Song,” is the diminishment of the unique greatness of American culture.

Sesame Street was always a little too urban for the red state crowd:


He’s right: you can’t take up the carpet unless you take up the tax.

Hey, I gotta an uncle in Taxes!


I was trying to come up with a good line from Duck Soup and you beat me to it….


I was trying to come up with a good line from Duck Soup and you beat me to it….

And according to your diagram, we are back to PENIS! (Or Adam Baldwin, you pick).


Let me show you my book excerpt.


Retractions like this one should be on the cover of their stupid magazine.





I am so dissapointed that not one one line French-English dictionary can translate huggable.


Hey, I gotta an uncle in Taxes!

I’m talking about dollars!


Tres attrayante pour les étreindre

Tre huggable


I’m also dissapointed in the on-line dictionaries.


Hm, it might be “embrassible”…


Hm, it might be “embrassible”…

Is that down near the Rio Grande?


Hm, it might be “embrassible”…

Is that down near the Rio Grande?

is that Messican for “Large Hooters”?


is that Messican for “Large Hooters”?

No, it’s Texan for “Purty much not near nuthin’ fur a far stritch.”


Sesame Street was always a little too urban advanced for the red state crowd



OT – Bill Sparkman. Lisa M. Rudzinski is the dumbest cop in the universe.

Capt. Lisa M. Rudzinski, commander of the state police post in London, Kentucky refused to acknowledge that the probe into Sparkman’s death was leaning towards a theory of suicide.

Bill Sparkman was found: naked, hands and feet bound with duct tape, ID duct taped to his neck, “FED” scrawled on his chest, strung up in a tree and his truck had been ransacked. I suppose part of his suicide plot involved dumping the census laptop and his wedding ring somewhere they couldn’t be found, rigging up the ropeworks across two trees, stripping naked, prepping lengths of duct tape, disposing of duct tape roll, binding himself – hands and feet, and then killing himself. It makes perfect sense.


Oh, but DKW!

According to Dan (Un)Riehl…

There were no defensive wounds on Sparkman’s body, and while his hands were bound with duct-tape, they were still somewhat mobile, suggesting he could have manipulated the rope, the officials said.


OT – Bill Sparkman. Lisa M. Rudzinski is the dumbest cop in the universe.

I saw something to this effect a couple of days ago–“leaning toward suicide.” I could see his truck being ransacked after the fact (if he had committed suicide), but everything else, not so much.


More from Dan Riehl:

Don’t over thank me for the headline if it resulted in one hit wonder Toni Basil’s Hey Mickey mindlessly bouncing around inside your head today, the “weird AL” version if you prefer it.

Courtesy of Instapundit, multi-hit wonder Mickey Kaus, who has great instincts, especially when it comes to Democrat mis-steps, is bouncing around in mine

So Dan Riehl is a goat?


And Glenn Reynolds at his investigative best:

November 6, 2009
SAD AND SWEET: 6-Year-Old Girl with Brain Cancer Hid Love Notes for Her Parents to Find After Her Death. “When 6-year-old Elena Desserich was diagnosed with brain cancer, she began hiding hundreds of little love notes around the house for her parents to find after she was gone.” Pictures of some of them at the link.

UPDATE: Reader Ernest Gudath writes:

Two things.

1. That web site cauesd my firefox to run at 100% CPU Usage for several minutes. The mouse was inoperative. I finally had to shut it down using Task Manager..

2. Numerous comments suggest that it is not on the level.

heh, indeed!


So did they find the roll of duct tape under his body, or did he cart enough duct tape to bind himself over to where he’d hang himself? Or I suppose the miscreants who ransacked the truck, within sight of a dead man hanging from a tree, also took the duct tape.

It’s fucking bullshit. Good ol’ boy Lisa Rudzinski doesn’t want to admit that the fucking yahoos and rednecks that inhabit the backwoods she patrols are murderous psychopaths.

Aside for Lisa – the reason your “investigation” is going so slowly after almost two months is U R DOIN IT RONG.


On the other hand, the exam for becoming a detective in Kentucky must be a snap.

1. Can you open a box of Captain Crunch ceral unassisted?
a. Yes
b. No
c. What does “unassisted” mean?


On the other hand, the exam for becoming a detective in Kentucky must be a snap.

A train leaves the station going 100 miles an hour. On the clock on the wall, the big hand is pointing at the twelve and the little hand is pointing at the three.

What time did the train leave the station?

Rusty Shackleford

Aside for Lisa – the reason your “investigation” is going so slowly after almost two months is U R DOIN IT RONG.

“U R DOIN IT RONG” – a predictable, yet routine clumsy rhetorical tactic.


On the other hand, the exam for becoming a detective in Kentucky must be a snap.

1. Can you open a box of Captain Crunch ceral unassisted?
a. Yes
b. No
c. What does “unassisted” mean?

d. I only eat squirrel.


a predictable, yet routine clumsy rhetorical tactic

To which I must point out that USA #1!!!! So there.

Rusty Shackleford

Modern Liberal Statist!


Maybe he was tre hugging and accidentally got wound up in his duct tape and rope, knocking everything out of his truck with his flailing legs, and lacerating himself across his chest. It could happen.


Happened to my Aunt Edna Bob. So there.


I hate statists. I mean, who fu*king CARES how many yards Brett Farve threw for last Sunday? Jeez!


Modern Liberal Statist!

I’m so naming my next skinhead band that.


I actually thought the FBI was involved in the investigation in Kentucky, given that it appears that the man was an employee of the federal government had a role in his killing. Why is some local police yahoo making comments like that, anyway? I hope the FBI slaps her around a bit for that. What an idiot.

Rusty Shackleford

I guess a chant of USA #1!! would actually indicate a Modern Conservative Statist. I accept your apologies

Rusty Shackleford

Favre had a terrible Sunday, by the way. No yards, no TDs as the Vikes failed to secure another victory. On the plus side, he had no INTs.


I would like to see the re-enactment of Sparkman’s “suicide”, preferably demonstrated by Capt. Rudzinski.


Why is some local police yahoo making comments like that, anyway?

Until it can be determined that Sparkman was murdered, the FBI cannot officially take over the investigation. They can assist (they often do with local cases) but once it’s a murder, it becomes a federal crime.


No yards, no TDs as the Vikes failed to secure another victory.

December came early for Favre this year.


I am not sure what more information that could come out that would make a decision of “murder” any more compelling than it is right now. The FBI came in and took over the investigations of the murder of the three young men in Philadelphia, Miss, and they were just missing at the time. The FBI needs to wait on the local police to decide if someone was murdered? That doesn’t sound right.


You know who else had no passing yards or TD’s this weekend? Hitler.


Brett Farve is a Nazi?!?


On the other hand, the exam for becoming a detective in Kentucky must be a snap.

1. Can you open a box of Captain Crunch ceral unassisted?
a. Yes
b. No
c. What does “unassisted” mean?

Actually, I was wondering what “ceral” means.


People in Kentucky are not great spellers.

Hitler was also anal retentive.


Actually, I was wondering what “ceral” means.

‘At’s how it’s per-nownced.


they were just missing at the time

You’d need to cite more specifically which case. Perhaps they had reason to suspect an interstate kidnapping.


Brett Farve is a Nazi?!?

No, he’s a Viking.

Which is worse.


Brett Farve is a Nazi?!?

He just handles the blitz like one.


Hitler was also anal retentive.

You know who else always makes Hitler references?

Actually, I’ve heard Hitler was quite a pooper.


O.K., I would have thought a reference to the murder of three civil rights workers in Mississippi would have been enough…. Mississippi Burning, and all that.

The national uproar caused by the disappearance of the civil rights workers led President Lyndon Johnson to force J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI to investigate the case. Hoover’s antipathy against civil rights groups caused him to resist until Johnson used indirect threats of political reprisals. During the investigation, searchers including Navy divers and the FBI discovered the bodies of at least seven other Mississippi blacks, whose disappearances over the past several years had not attracted attention outside their local communities.

The disappearance of the three activists captured national attention for six weeks until their bodies were found. Johnson and civil rights activists used the outrage over their deaths in their efforts to bring about the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964[2], signed July 2, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Local officials in Mississippi, however, were hardly sympathetic to the situation. Neshoba County Sheriff Lawrence A. Rainey said, “They’re just hiding and trying to cause a lot of bad publicity for this part of the state”. Mississippi governor Paul Johnson dismissed concern by stating that “they could be in Cuba”.


He just handles the blitz like one.

Yep. Bombs away.

Rusty Shackleford

Mississippi governor Paul Johnson dismissed concern by stating that “they could be in Cuba”.

There is now a building named after him at Ole Miss.


You know, once I posted that, I am thinking there is a lot of similarities between this latest murder in Kentucky and the events in Mississippi in the 60’s. Different year, same shit.


Brett Farve is a Nazi?!?

No, he’s a Viking.

Before that, he was known as a “Packer”, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

Which is much, much worse.


Brett Farve is a Nazi?!?

I’m not saying anything for certain as to Favre’s sympathies with the Third Reich, but the MSM will never even ask these questions, and so it’s left to us to speculate about whether or not Favre is actually a Nazi. I can’t be sure, but for good measure, I’d like to consider a few things: Favre, Nazi, Nazi, Favre, Favre, Favre, Nazi.

[/wingnut prose]


Zeppo: You make a good point. It could also be that Capt. Rudzinski is floating some trial balloons to see what the outrage factor is. And she probably knows that higher ups in Kentucky want this to go away. But it seems the family and friends are pretty adamant that Sparkman was in no way inclined to suicide. And the guy that found the body is saying it was definitely not one. Sooo…I think there are a few more cards to hit the table on this.



You’ll notice that it took a national uproar to bring the FBI into the case, not the local authorities asking them to come in.

5 p.m. , Sunday, June 21: After driving into Philadelphia, Mississippi, the three civil rights workers were arrested by a Neshoba County Deputy Sheriff named Cecil Price, allegedly for speeding.

Circa 10:30 p.m., June 21: Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner were released and drove off in the direction of Meridian in a blue station wagon. By preordained plan, KKK members followed. The activists were never heard from again.

Early morning, June 22: Notified of the disappearance, the Department of Justice requested our involvement; a few hours later, Attorney General Robert Kennedy asked us to lead the case. By late morning, we’d blanketed the area with agents, who began intensive interviews.

Late afternoon, June 23: Intelligence developed by our agents led them to the remains of the burnt-out station wagon, shown above. No bodies were found; the worst was feared. The charred station wagon led us to name the case “MIBURN,” for Mississippi Burning.

June 24 to August 3. We launched a massive search for the young men—aided by the National Guard—through back roads, swamps, and hollows. At the same time, we were putting pressure on known members and developing informants who could infiltrate the Klan. At the request of President Lyndon Johnson, we also opened a new field office in Jackson, Mississippi. In time, we’d developed a comprehensive analysis of the local KKK and its role in the disappearance.

Likely, the quick involvement of the FBI developed because of the involvement of the KKK, and previous civil rights enforcement actions:

As 20th-century Supreme Court rulings extended federal enforcement of citizens’ civil rights, the long-neglected Force Act and Klan Act from Reconstruction days were revived and used by federal prosecutors as the basis for investigations and indictments in the 1964 murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner;[86] and the 1965 murder of Viola Liuzzo.[87] They were also the basis for prosecution in 1991 in Bray v. Alexandria Women’s Health Clinic.


Plus, Sparkman is white, and not apparently involved in any civil rights movement.


Actually, I was wondering what “ceral” means.
“Waxy”. Mainly used to rhyme with ‘feral’ in limericks of dubious quality.


“Waxy” in turn is mainly used to rhyme with “taxi”.

(He could not have made more fuss
Had it been an autobus).


Feral Cyril and his serial ceral cereals.


O.K., Actor, I agree, but I thought your original comment was that the FBI could not come in to investigate a crime until it was determined that a murder has been committed. That isn’t true. Yeah, Hoover was not too interested in it, and it took a lot of national pressure for him to finally send someone in, but there was no decision of murder, especially from the local law enforcment people, in the case before the FBI moved in.

That was my only comment. Why can’t the FBI come in and investigate Sparkman’s demise right now? There certainly is enough circumstantial evidence to assume that this falls under federal jurisdiction.


A limerick of dubious quality
Should offend every part of the polity
With dick-slop in ceral
And urges gone feral
And metrical finishes faulity


With Crunchberries.


Zep, I meant under normal circumstances.

And in this case, if they could, they probably would.


Substance McGravitas said,
November 10, 2009 at 0:08

Needs more cowbell.


And metrical finishes faulity

Now that is straight from Ogden Nashville. Well done.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

In fairness, it’s hard not to think of Adam Baldwin and “dick” in the same thought.

Y’know, I clicked through that, just to see if it was the real Adam Baldwin, or if you guys were just mixing up your Baldwins, but damned if it wasn’t Jayne complaining about Sesame Street.

And trying to read it, I got that same reaction Simon got in the opener to “Jaynestown”.


A limerick of dubious quality
Once told of a man of frivolity
Who’d a cowbell inserted
Where most often turds hid
And sleighbells attached to his ballities


If your garden’s plagued with squerrel
You could subject it to peril
As seen in the House of Waxy —
It’s only a ride in a taxi —
Where a statuesque fate waits; it’s ceral.


That’s pretty good…. You ever considered writing children’s books?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Speaking of civil-rights activists killing themselves in unlikely manners, does anybody remember the name of that Arlo Guthrie song, supposedly narrated by a ZARP, who watches in horror as Steve Biko beats himself up and then throws himself out of the window?


You ever considered writing children’s books?

The police attention was unwelcome.


His own horn he did dutifully honk,
He, a skillful poetry wonk,
The comments came in,
But he replied with a grin,
And the cowbell sounded “tonk, tonk, tonk!”


The police attention was unwelcome.

Yeah, when the police want you to read the same story again and again you can’t shut them up by telling them Santa won’t come if they don’t go to bed NOW.


Before that, he was known as a “Packer”, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Well, SMcG, if you reconsider, I would like to do the illustrations.


Well, SMcG, if you reconsider, I would like to do the illustrations.

Or I will…




The only thing I remember learning in high school is the etymology of sincere: literally, “without (sin) wax (cere or ceres or something).” From olden days when unscrupulous potters would mend the flaws in their wares with wax, which looked good enough to pass visual inspection but would fail upon use.


I learned about Judas Priest from a girl who smoked.


I learned about Judas Priest from a girl who smoked.



His own horn he did dutifully honk,


I do kinda wanna see duelling cowbell-up-the-butt illustrations…

Rusty Shackleford

I do kinda wanna see duelling cowbell-up-the-butt illustrations…

Don’t tempt me. You saw the innocence of my Bill O’Reilly cookie… I’m not afraid…


Mr. Awlaki said Monday on his English language Web site that Mr. Hasan was “a hero.” The cleric said, “He is a man of conscience who could not bear living the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting against his own people.”

This being opposed to the people in Afghanistan and Iraq fighting against their own people…

center left grrrl

barry o “i set about a very simple principle. this was a health care bill, not an abortion bill.” awww yeah layin the smack down on the far left. this is why barry o could be the best prez we’ve had since reagan.


He needs to go in a more innovative direction, like Creed does. You know, alternative.


Maybe he will do an album of old crooner standards….


Didn’t Tom Jones do Big 10″ Record? Or did I hallucinate that?


He needs to go in a more innovative direction, like Creed does. You know, alternative.

Perhaps he’ll put out a blues album. If there’s one thing I love, it’s old, washed-out arena rockers playing the blues. Always a mark of a good listen, there.


I like Aerosmith through “Back in the Saddle” (what is that—76, 77?). I’m still annoyed with Run-DMC for reviving them.



Barry Manilow, Rod Stewart… Steven Tyler?


Perhaps he’ll put out a blues album

Only if he gets Bruce Willis to play harmonica.


Now that the Beatles catalogue has opened up, maybe a tribute album? After hearing Steven Tyler do “Paperback Writer” nobody will ever want to hear another version of it.


Maybe we will need a Musician’s ethics Panel.


Maybe he will do an album of old crooner standards….

Christmas album.

Liz "Libby" Lambert

I’m topical!


Christmas album.




Now you’ve done it.


I’m not sure what I’ll do if I’m never able to cross off “hear Love in an Elevator performed live” from my bukkit list. Wait a second … this isn’t my bukkit list! What the …


Stephen Tyler looks like a Skeskis from The Dark Crystal at this point. Or Barbara Streisand.

Or both.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that. They way I’m going, I’m gonna end up looking like Rip Torn.


Via Boing Boing:

A Duke University study on sex toys has raised the ire of the University’s Catholic Center director. But not because he’s worried about the 18-year-old participants who might be breaking vows of celibacy, and doing it with handcuffs and vibrators. Instead, Father Joe Vetter says he’s concerned that the study will encourage young women to “just sit around and masturbate” instead of hitting up singles night to track down their future husband.


Stephen Tyler looks like a Skeskis from The Dark Crystal at this point. Or Barbara Streisand.

I believe we have a winner.


Father Joe Vetter says he’s concerned that the study will encourage young women to “just sit around and masturbate” instead of hitting up singles night to track down their future husband.

And what man on earth is willing to marry a 19-year-old spinster, especially one who knows here way around her own pink bits?


They way I’m going, I’m gonna end up looking like Rip Torn.

could be worse. You could end up looking like Rip Taylor.


And what man on earth is willing to marry a 19-year-old spinster, especially one who knows here way around her own pink bits?

What, we’re back to Carrie Prejean?


Father Joe Vetter says he’s concerned that the study will encourage young women to “just sit around and masturbate

How many people are expressing an interest in his newsletter as we speak?


Christmas album.
POOPy versus the Red Baron.


So, to recap: Italian politics; Berlusconi; book publishing; Texas politics; Finnish politics; Finnish porn; nicknames for the Tea Party; Teabagging (snerk); PENIS; Adam Baldwin; Sesame Street; get it? BALL-dwin? (snerk); Football; Brett Favre; cowbells; lame-ericks; Kentucky murder-suicide investigations; Stephen Tyler; Barbara Streisand.

I think we’ve covered everything on the agenda. Time for a new thread!


OK, since I typed that, we’ve added masturbation; Carrie Prejean (naturally) and POOP.


I think we’ve covered everything on the agenda.

Oh, no. We have yet to touch upon what is best in life.


Obama comes out against the Stupid Amendment.

wow. A spine. I’ve heard rumors….


I think we’ve covered everything on the agenda



Oh, no. We have yet to touch upon what is best in life.

Wait, something better to touch on than pink bits?


The lamentation of the women is not supposed to include complaints about battery life.


What is best in life?

To restore your foreskin, see it dangle before you, and eat cilantro.


Oh, no. We have yet to touch upon what is best in life.
If you need instructions for that, apparently there’s a researcher at Duke University.


what is best is life? you mean to vanquish my enemies, drive them before me and hear the lamentations of their women?


sigh. too slow again.


I think we’ve covered everything on the agenda. Time for a new thread!

Yes, but I’ll admit that this can be my favorite time of blog. The trolls have gone to bed and the embers are dying down. We’ve stopped trying to make any more progress for today and begun to tell stories. Everyone knows tat it’s time to give it up, but we keep lingering anyway.

It’s when you wake up the next morning and it’s the same old soggy heap of ash.


Bugger. I misheard. What am I going to do with all this varnish?


What am I going to do with all this varnish?

If you have enough, you might be able to put a smooth finish on Steven Tyler’s face.


I think we’ve covered everything on the agenda.

Oh, no. We have yet to touch upon what is best in life.

Did somebody mention brussels sprouts?


What am I going to do with all this varnish?

You could probably sell it to Buffalmacco as an invisibility potion.


You could probably sell it to Buffalmacco as an invisibility potion.

Those seem to work until you realize that everyone else isn’t blind.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Stephen Tyler looks like a Skeskis from The Dark Crystal at this point.

He was never, IMO, much better looking.

Very lucky for this gal that it takes serious face-pulling to get her to resemble her dad even a teeny bit.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I think we’ve covered everything on the agenda.

Jonah would never cover an agenda with that many vegetables in it.


Don’t know if everyone is gone to bed, but I am listening to the NBC news that my wife has on. So, historic day for healthcare reform, the lead story? Nope…. Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Second story? No, Unless I missed something, it was about Sammy Sosa and his new whiter shade of pale…. Yep, that certainly is national news.

Cripe, broadcast news really sucks.

Yeah, I vote for the comment about Steven Tyler. That was a winner.


Bugger. I misheard. What am I going to do with all this varnish?

Thanks to all the weird people on the internet, Google is not immediately helpful but if you have some knee pads, a towel, a bunsen burner and a French press I can provide further instructions.


Very lucky for this gal that it takes serious face-pulling to get her to resemble her dad even a teeny bit.

She’ll get there.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

She’ll get there.

Sadly, yes, but she’s had a good run of not being there.


Thanks to all the weird people on the internet, Google is not immediately helpful

If only someone had taught me how to clean nail polish off of a cat years ago.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

If only someone had taught me how to clean nail polish off of a cat years ago.

I gotta try this!

Anybody got a cat I can borrow?


There iz weird peoples on the internets?


Anybody got a cat I can borrow?



Borrowing a cat is like borrowing chewing gum. The hard part is when you have to repay the loan.


Borrowing a cat is like borrowing chewing gum.



I was a huge fan of Red Hots when I was 9.


What were those little gums that looked like gray pills that tasted like soap? Most hideous things I liked at that point I think.


Chicklets? E?


they could not have been worse than circus peanuts


No, they were actual tablets, like a pill, yet somehow gum. Kind of looked like the vinyl from Q. Are We Not Men.


Kind of looked like the vinyl from Q. Are We Not Men.

Oh hey. Wow. Before my time, there.


circus peanuts

I could have used some of those when I was moving the office this weekend. Instead, I’ll be listening for weeks to people popping bubble wrap. Including assholes such as myself…


Today, mass-produced Circus Peanuts are made from sugar, corn syrup, gelatin (Note: some gelatins are derived from pork [1]), soy protein, food coloring and artificial flavor.

[1] May not apply to all definitions of “pork”


Instead, I’ll be listening for weeks to people popping bubble wrap. Including assholes such as myself…

Just what we need. ANOTHER office full of pre-psychotic engineers.

Glad I’m half a continent away…


Y’know, George Michael is a pretty good bass player.

This video is not available in my country due to copyright restrictions. Should I be grateful?


The Circus Peanuts link leads to this comment on the enigmatic product known as “kraut juice”, which deserves to be quoted extensively:

Anyway, Wayne popped the cap open and took a big swig. He then began gagging and spitting out as much as he could. His first words after tasting the kraut juice were, “How can this be a marketable product!?!”

After calming down and quelling the desperate attempts of his stomach to return to sender, Wayne sat down, looked at the can, and then chugged the rest of it. After he nearly vomited once again we asked him why he did it. With a face nearly as green as the juice, he replied, “Well, I didn’t want to waste it.” — John Lamberth, Arlington, TX


This video is not available in my country due to copyright restrictions. Should I be grateful?

The hell?

Anyway, Freedom. A good song by George Michael. THERE. I SAID IT.


I’m sure it’s better than the song by the same title by Paul McCartney, but I admit that’s setting the bar awfully low.


N__B said,
November 10, 2009 at 5:53


Well, so far you’ve limited your frenzied shotgun fever-dreams to random zombie eliminationist ravings, which are still an allowed discriminatory group in the bigoted country.


And what kind of name is Brach’s Confections anyway? Should your brand name sound like vomit noise?


With a name like Mangled Baby Ducks, it’s gotta be good jam.


I checked it again, and yes, The Man is still keeping the independent people’s republic of San Francisco from basking in George Michael at his best. Bastards.


Should your brand name sound like vomit noise?


Mehitabel the Abyssinian

If only someone had taught me how to clean nail polish off of a cat years ago.

All the other cats are going Goth for Hallowe’en. Trixie is allowed to dye her fur. Samuel has piercings.
I hate you.


Should your brand name sound like vomit noise?

No, only your band name.


You talking to us, human?


Should your brand name sound like vomit noise?

It’s not like we meant it to.


It’s good for record labels too. My old buddies the Subhumans started a label called Bluurg.


vomit noise? could be worse.


Cranach… Brueghel… Bosch… van Eyck…
I feel much better now.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Cranach… Brueghel… Bosch… van Eyck…

I get like that after drinking usquebaugh.





If it’s named [fill it in] it’s gotta be good!


I remain concerned (where “concern” = ennui) at the time discrepancy of the S.N! server.


Not “circus peanuts”, CIRCUS PENIS


Dammit, tag fail! CIRCUS PENIS!



Hey, we haven’t had our daily dashboard yet, either! C’mon! We paid good money for that!


Dammit, tag fail! CIRCUS PENIS!
Rebirthing therapy FAIL.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge


Substance McGravitas said,

November 10, 2009 at 5:07

What were those little gums that looked like gray pills that tasted like soap? Most hideous things I liked at that point I think.

What you’re thinking about is Sen-Sen. They were popular with teenage boys in the early 20th century to disguise the smell of smoking on their breath. (Something’s Wrong Right Here in River City!)

They had a small increase in popularity when Billy Joel and I were young, but if you remember Keeping the Faith, he apparently thinks they’re a mint, so obviously he’s never tasted one.


Substance McGravitas said,

November 10, 2009 at 0:26

You ever considered writing children’s books?

The police attention was unwelcome.

Mr. McGravitas,

please be advised that the combined police departments of the San Francisco Bay Area are now looking for you in connection with an attempted murder charge involving mango iced-tea.

You would be well advised to give yourself up.


Marvin Minsky’s Norwegian Salmon Squares

1 Norwegian salmon, facilely pickled
3 sticks primary mountain Gorgonzola, compensatingly stretched
1 clumsy Abondance, stretched
4 teaspoons high marmoset skull, restively buttered
2 cans pepper
5 bunches baking soda

Begin praying. Separate Norwegian salmon tail from stomach. Shred stomach. Use a food processor to stir the Abondance with the mountain Gorgonzola. Stuff the resulting concoction into the Norwegian salmon. Find some coconut juice and drink it. Dry – very arbitrarily – the marmoset skull, pepper, and the baking soda. Pound everything together. French as if your cornucopia depends on it. Serves 12 programmable individuals with harmonious stomachs.


These things we won in battle at the finish of the strife:
There were Old-Master paintings, each the dowry of a wife.
The paintings showed the swarming beasts with which the hills are rife;
The Lemming-Titians of the women are the greatest things in life.

Plagiarised shamelessly from Substance O’Gravitas.


That “Nice Kitty” vid seems to have killt the threedle daid.


That “Nice Kitty” vid seems to have killt the threedle daid.

There’s something about Volkswagon-sized turds that leaves one speechless.


4get staring @ goats i liek 2 yell @ free range mollusks. wheres MY parade you sanctimonious ramen monkeys???


After hearing Steven Tyler do “Paperback Writer” nobody will ever want to hear another version of it.

He ruined “Come Together” for me, sounding like Maude Frickert.


o ffs watching a buncha geezers argue about aerosmith this must be wot it feels like 2 b the new face in hell


Scott Beowulf said,
November 10, 2009 at 16:39


Fresh meat’s back on the menu, boys!

Coach Urban Meyer

Badoodle ding dong diddily doddily doodily doo, loony libs! Urban out.


My hell will have Bob Dylan singing Have a Cigar by Pink Floyd, all the fucking time!


The Lemming-Titians of the women are the greatest things in life.

I like a nice lemon tit with me after dinner coffee…


Separate Norwegian salmon tail

If I could do that, I wouldn’t need singles bars…


Ward’s piece is an early salvo in the movement to make Fox News founder and president Roger Ailes a legitimate U.S. Presidential candidate. “Berlusconi, right-wing media mogul, brings much-needed stability to a fractious Italy” leads then to claims that only Ailes can save the U.S. from its deep divisions (divisions which, of course, he is largely responsible for creating and fueling).

Just a thought.


Plagiarised shamelessly from Substance O’Gravitas.

I claim no credit! It is a wonderful, kind and sweet gentleman called Bimler who for this theft will pummel your face into a chunky goo, Mr. Smut.


Oh, I’m sure Ailes will be a compelling and charismatic candidate.


If only Fred Thompson doesn’t give him a run for his money.



I mean, that’s the 70’s music I am currently listening to. Yes, Gentle Giant, Kansas… I think I am into a very retro mode, cause, you know, most music today really sucks. But then, a lot of 70’s music really sucked, but it was also very, very pretentious, which made it O.K. Aersosmith was never quite my thing.

You know, I never knew it back then, but Steve Howe, even though he could play guitar riffs REALLY fast, wasn’t all that great a guitarist.


Today’s Daily Penis.


Steve Howe, even though he could play guitar riffs REALLY fast, wasn’t all that great a guitarist.

And just think: he was Steve Vai with talent.


Steve Vai SHREDS!

That was more like slowly tearing…


You know, I never knew it back then, but Steve Howe, even though he could play guitar riffs REALLY fast, wasn’t all that great a guitarist.

He’s really good on “My White Bicycle” by Tomorrow. Maybe he should have just recorded ALL his solos backwards.

a different mikey

Somehow it’s appropriate that when you sample Subby’s Vai U-tube they try to sell you colitis remedies.


Any other votes for 70’s/80’s musicians/bands that achieved fame far and away above their actual talent?




(homage to the Muppets)


Any other votes for 70’s/80’s musicians/bands that achieved fame far and away above their actual talent?

Led Zep, zep.


Jamming out at work to Full Circle – the new Creed album. So glad they are back together. Can’t wait for the 2010 world tour.


My personal favorite for overrated 70’s rock band is REO Speedwagon. I rather enjoyed their first couple of albums, but then they went for the “commerically viable” sound and really sucked, IMHO.


Creed is back, then? They were away? It was difficult to tell.

I wonder if they are going to do any more music videos with them playing electric guitars and drums while half submerged in water.


Any other votes for 70’s/80’s musicians/bands that achieved fame far and away above their actual talent?

Wings. When you average the talent of any number of actual musicians with the talent of Linda McC, you get a negative number.


Any other votes for 70’s/80’s musicians/bands that achieved fame far and away above their actual talent?

Ramones. Talent is over-rated.


Wings. When you average the talent of any number of actual musicians with the talent of Linda McC, you get a negative number.

Or rather, -1, which anyone who studied algebra knows can be expressed as a factor of i, or an imaginary number.

Imaginary talent.


Creed was decidedly underrated. Great commericial success, but the critics never seemed to understand what they were all about.


Imagine, if you will, a band made up of the wives/ex-wives of the Beatles. Yoko Ono AND Linda McCartney in the same band. That could have created the musical equivalent of a black hole, rending asunder the very fabric of the universe.


Imagine, if you will, a band made up of the wives/ex-wives of the Beatles.

Man, how drunk did you have to get to post that????


suckier than Creed, zeppo?



suckier than Creed, zeppo?

Y’know, pondering this…

If you put Creed and Lifehouse in a particle accelerator and spun them up really really fast, and then smashed them together, you could conceivably create a subatomic band particle that could be worse, albeit briefly.

Let’s call it the shitholetron…


Let’s call it the shitholetron…

Brought to you by Conseil Excessiv pour la Radioplay de Nickelback.


That’s a bit disconcerting. Scott Baiowulf was my first ever chat handle many a moon ago. I feel so . . . violated!


Brought to you by Conseil Excessiv pour la Radioplay de Nickelback.

See, I thought about them, but I figured that might release Cthuhulu….


Ah, the old particle physics/bad musical bands/H.P. Lovecraft reference.


In defense of Creed and Nickelback –

There’s a place for frat-rock tardholes that yell atonally into microphones (I believe it’s called hell). They’re like the modern day version of Gregorian chants. And at least they aren’t Good Charlotte.

Patriot Son Of Freedom USA

Shut up liberals, all your media is biased if only we had more facts like they do in Italy thanks to our friend Silvio who is ethically the best leader in the world today!


The health care reform bill is a travesty. Messing with the free market will have consequences, liberals.


“Sustainability is the death of the West’s economic dominance.”

‘Cause, you know, we have to win everything.

We’re Number 1!! Except when we aren’t.

Rusty Shackleford

Apparently environmentalism is all about liberals wanting to control every aspect of people’s lives. Did I miss a memo?


“Any other votes for 70’s/80’s musicians/bands that achieved fame far and away above their actual talent?”

Wow. So many.

Styx pops to mind. Journey. Any hair metal band. &c.


“Did I miss a memo?”

Weren’t you at the last meeting? It’s in the minutes.

Sheesh. Pay attention.


I actually voted for “behind the scenes manipulation.” I thought that “outright control of other people’s lives” was a bit much. But, you know, whatever. We’re liberals, right? One big tent.


Did I miss a memo?”

Weren’t you at the last meeting? It’s in the minutes.

Memo? Meeting? Minutes?

It was Tweeted, dude.



Off … uh, er … topic?:

Carrie Prejean strikes back!

She appeared on the TODAY show to speak out on the campaign to silence her by the same “radical left-wing” media that’s now yet again giving her prime-time exposure (basically because she’s photogenic as hell, because at this point in her epic dramedy As Teh Prejean Turnz she’s long since run out of soundbites) – so take THAT, liberal media!

“If Sean Hannity went out there and said some of the things that Keith Olbermann has said about me, if he says anything about [Sonia] Sotomayor, Michelle Obama, he would be off the air. Why is there this double standard? That’s the reason why I wrote this book.”

Okay, that & the seriously buku money that’s on the line.

Plus, she wasn’t technically having sex in that video because she was the only person on the video so stop calling it a sex-tape, you dirty LIEberalz!!1!


So, if she made a tape of only herself, who was the intended audience? Was she going to sell it? That seems rather shortsighted if she knew she might want to run for something like Miss California. Was it a demo tape? Maybe she wanted to examine her technique more closely…

Rusty Shackleford

What did Olbermann say about Princess Jesus Titties?


If Sean Hannity went out there and said some of the things that Keith Olbermann has said about me, if he says anything about [Sonia] Sotomayor, Michelle Obama, he would be off the air. Why is there this double standard?

There is clearly discrimination when successful lawyers are held to be superior to beauty pageant contestants.


“Sustainability is the death of the West’s economic dominance.”

So this dipshit is asserting that America is unable to configure an economy that doesn’t destroy its own environment?

What about American entrepreneurialism? Can-do attitude? Love it or leave it, defeatist traitor!!


Did Sonia Sotomayor and Michelle Obama make a sex tape?


Umm… Eewwww?


Did Sonia Sotomayor and Michelle Obama make a sex tape?

That should have been HILLARY in that sex tape!!!


Umm… Eewwww?

Well, yes, I suppose. But that seems to be Carrie Prejean’s analysis of the unfairness of the media. She makes a sex tape and gets whacked around for it and Michelle Obama and Sonia Sotomayor don’t and well, SHUT UP, THAT’S WHY.


You can have sex with another person?

Finally! A reason to leave the house!


Holy moly, people!! What gives with this thread?


She makes a sex tape

For me this remains in the “I’ll believe it when I see it” category. And I’ll let you know when I do.


“If Sean Hannity went out there and said some of the things that Keith Olbermann has said about me, if he says anything about [Sonia] Sotomayor, Michelle Obama, he would be off the air.

What exactly has Olbermann said about Prejean?

And is she forgetting the sliming that Fox News actually DID do to Sotomayor?


I think that Ms. Prejean was just exercising her basic rights, as guarenteed by the Constitution or the preamble or Bill of Rights or something, to make a sex tape.



Jeez, I went to HuffPo and read the article about her book. Apparently, the beauty pageant business is full of people who objectify women, and humiliate women whose looks don’t meet an acceptible standard of beauty.

Who knew?


link for Carrie:

Of all the excuses and explanations Carrie Prejean made for her sex tape on Hannity last night, only one—that she was a teenager when she made the video—makes sense. For TMZ, that is.

How sweet and delicious would be the irony if Carrie Prejean had to register has a sex offender due to a law signed by W.


Ooops. By “irony” I meant “poetic justice”. <pre-emptive pedantry declamation>


link for Carrie:

Ah. Well, as I said upthread, writing children’s books is dangerous business.


So, if she made a tape of only herself, who was the intended audience?

She claims she was 17 when she made it, and it was intended for her boyfriend.

It would, of course, be irresponsible to speculate that she involved the family German Shepherd…so let’s just say that it likely involved the insertion of some object into an orifice God never intended for that object to go.


We should only be so lucky to have politicians like Silvio Berlusconi here in America. He is a man of solid conservative principle, consider his approach to illegal aliens. He is enforcing the law and having them deported.

I have actually been to Italy, I spent a a month long vacation in the south of Italy from July 15 to August 15 2008. I must admit I had a very good time. Most of the Italians i met were very friendly down to earth people, not to mention the food was excellent, especially in Sicily. However my only concern was the abundance of Somali migrant workers who are turning Italy’s beautiful cities into slums. There was graffiti everywhere, even on an ancient Greek temple. All of the Italians I met were disgusted by the Somalis and wanted them to leave. And I don’t blame them. Why should a nation which is one of the pillars of Western Civilization be overrun by a bunch of lazy third world migrants with no respect for the rule of law?

Berlusconi’s government is enforcing the law against these illegal aliens, something the spineless pols in this nation simply refuse to do. They contribute absolutely nothing to Italy. This is a problem of the previous Prodi government, that leftist sleazebag who turned a blind eye to this problem and left Italy into the mess it is today.

I think Umberto Bossi the leader of the Lega Nord had it right when he suggested that the Italian military open fire on the boat loads of filthy third world migrants.


Apparently, the beauty pageant business is full of people who objectify women
Does the book say anything about pageant organisers who arrange breast-augmentation surgery for one contestant out of the whole field, having decided well in advance who the winner is to be?


I think that Ms. Prejean was just exercising her basic rights, as guarenteed by the Constitution or the preamble or Bill of Rights or something, to make a sex tape.


Hell, it ought to be a fucking requirement for any hot teen, boy or girl!


There was graffiti everywhere, even on an ancient Greek temple

Right, because graffiti is a 21st Century invention of Italians, who never had a word for it before today…


Why should a nation which is one of the pillars of Western Civilization be overrun by a bunch of lazy third world migrants with no respect for the rule of law?

Now you leave Alexander The Great alone, you bastard!

Marion in Savannah

Do they just blunder in here, or is there some sort of troll clearing house where they get assignments?


I think the basic lesson to take away from this whole sordid episode is that America needs more beauty pagents, not less. And there shouldn’t be any rules. Rules just restrain the entire enterprise. The contestants should be allowed to do anything they want in order to win.

Basic Reaganomics, I say.


Now now, Marion, we have to allow Paul his due: he ACTUALLY SPENT A MONTH in Italy, which makes him a bloody expert on their politics, history, culture and race relations!


I thought it was funnier when the troll showed his Mediterranean holiday slides last year, under a different name, when he went on about all the crime in Sicily committed by illegal immigrants.


And Sicily never had crime until the immigrants showed up….


Actually actor my dear friend, if you took my post in its correct context you would see that it is the Somali migrants that are responsible for most of the graffiti as well as most of Italy’s crime rate. The same way that illegal aliens from Mexico and latin america are responsible for much of the crime here in America.

Marion in Savannah

Sorry! I sometimes get impatient with people. It’s a besetting sin of mine… I guess that would make me the world’s expert on Germany because I actually lived there for a year, right? Anyone wanna hear my views on the Berlin wall? Hmmm??? Didn’t think so…

Marion in Savannah

Oh, lordy — you’re joking about the slides, aren’t you? You’ve just gotta be…


Somali migrants that are responsible for most of the graffiti

Wow! Are you saying there have been Somali migrants since Julius Caesar!!!

OHMYGOD, you;re right! We must declare war on Somalia right now!


Indeed, ANY graffiti ANYwhere shall now be blamed on the Somalians!

Those poor cats, with their handsome tails, and rusty fur and thick ruffs…they’ll never know what hit them.


you’re joking about the slides, aren’t you?

I dunno, I logged off after “And this is Aunt Edna coming around the side of the piazza, but you can still see the hotel over her left shoulder…”


She made the video for her boyfriend. She thought she could trust him, but he turned on her, just like the liberal MSM, which for its part is trying to silence her by interviewing her on TV this morning. Also:

In the book, Prejean talks about her Christian beliefs and condemns the ubiquity of pornography. Young women should resist the pressures of popular culture, of sex, she said, writing, “Our bodies are temples of the Lord. We should earn respect and admiration for our hearts, not for showing skin to look sexy.”


We should earn respect and admiration for our hearts, not for showing skin to look sexy.”

Which is probably why she allowed those titty pics to be taken, so you could see her heart.

If you squinted really hard.


Extra Bonus Mantard-akis Bonus Tard Bonus:

…overrun by a bunch of lazy third world migrants with no respect for the rule of law.

In a passionate defense of Silvio Berlusconi.


Which is probably why she allowed those titty pics to be taken, so you could see her heart.

That was the wind, damn it. It turned against her too. All because of opposite marriage.


Although, in Mantard-akis’ defense – I do totally something or other about Italy and the Rule of Law.


“Actually actor my dear friend, if you took my post in its correct context you would see that it is the Somali migrants that are responsible for most of the graffiti as well as most of Italy’s crime rate. The same way that illegal aliens from Mexico and latin america are responsible for much of the crime here in America.”

Yusetabe that the immigrants from Italy were responsible for much of the crime here in America. Insert snark here.


The slides are merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative, but the rest is true.

Rusty Shackleford

There was somebody else who spent a year in Germany, but you won’t hear the MSM talk about it.


In a passionate defense of Silvio Berlusconi.

now now, DKW…Like Michael Corleone, he has never been convicted. Per se. In a court of law. At least that wasn’t overturned on appeal. Within the statute of limiations.


Isn’t Silvio Berlusconi calling Somalis criminals the pot calling the kettle nero?


“Our bodies are temples of the Lord”
and she was merely adding a column.


The graffiti was done using modern spray paint cans which actor my dear friend did not exist prior to the 20th century and certainly not during Roman times.

Except for the Somalis and their filth, who’s presence was highly disappointing to say the least (especially considering the fact that my grandmother who traveled their as recently as 2000 told me that none of this filth was around when she was there.) I really enjoyed my time spent in Italy. The country is absolutely beautiful. The beaches and rolling hills of Sicily, the mountains of Calabria and the resort town of Possetano was very picturesque. The food was out of this world. My favorite dish was spaghetti ai ricci, which is spaghetti which sea urchins, a Sicilian specialty. The fish was excellent, as was the spaghetti served with cuttlefish ink.

And as I am a bizarre foods aficionado, I really enjoyed the horse meat steak that I had at a hotel restaurant in Calabria. The archeological sites were magnificent, especially the ancient Greek amphitheaters which abounded in Sicily.

And with the Berlusconi government cleaning house, it will be an even better destination soon.


and she was merely adding a column.

That Somali cats scratched graffiti into.


I really enjoyed the horse meat steak



The country is absolutely beautiful. The beaches and rolling hills of Sicily, the mountains of Calabria and the resort town of Possetano was very picturesque. The food was out of this world. My favorite dish was spaghetti ai ricci, which is spaghetti which sea urchins, a Sicilian specialty. The fish was excellent, as was the spaghetti served with cuttlefish ink.

Ah. You took the Perillo Tour! How nice for you…


The fact is, new topic, libs.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

Those poor cats, with their handsome tails, and rusty fur and thick ruffs
They’re so up themselves. And THEY’RE allowed to use nail polish. I hate them.


Cuttlefish ink?


Cuttlefish is a species of cephalopod similar to squid.

Rusty Shackleford

Reading about people’s travel experiences is every bit as interesting as looking at their travel photos.

Marion in Savannah

Thanks for the linky, SmutClyde! I see he’s no longer being the commander of the Scottish brigades or whatever the hell he was back then.


It is ironic to hear someone whine about crime in Sicily, their number one export.


@Paul M – You are so learned. Do you happen to like Creed as well?


Just a slight return to bad bands, I was somewhere last week that played a Hootie and the fucking Blowfish song as part of their muzak. Fucking thing kept coming back to haunt me. Creed sucks, but good Lord, Hootie SUUUUUUUUCKS.


If only the Italians had taken better care of their toys


It was very good. I’m not grossed out by exotic foods at all. I enjoy that program Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. I’ve eaten some exotic foods in life. Alligator, venison, frogs legs, bison, wild boar, bear, ostrich, pheasant, elk, yak, llama, kangaroo sausages, various types of sushi.

What can I say? I’m a very adventurous kind of guy.

Rusty Shackleford

What kind of filthy third world barbarians serve pasta with squid ink?


I believe I know what cuttlefish are, thank you very much. I have just never heard of the ink being used as a covering for pasta…. That is something I would have never thought about trying as a food substance. “Hey, you know that icky black crap that comes out of a squid when it’s scared? I wonder what it tastes like?”


Also Extra Bonus Mantard-akis Bonus Tard Bonus:

Waxing poetically on the pillar of civilization that Rome and Italy are, the birthplace of Mankind, and whatnot…

all while pissing on Somalia.

I’m calling fake troll.


I’m a very adventurous kind of guy.


My Wingnut welfare was cut off and now I live in a box on the street, eating bugs to survive.


Then again, people actually eat Vegemite.


Commenting about Sicillian organized crime is a nasty racial and cultural slur, and shows a complete lack of understanding about Italian history and people.

Calling desperate Somali refugees “filthy third-world migrants” and endorsing firing on boats carrying unarmed women and children, however, is a fine, upstanding and moral position, because shut up, that’s why.


Yeah, I think fake troll as well. Much too well mannered, for one thing. And we were all really bored talking about 70’s rock bands….


I have just never heard of the ink being used as a covering for pasta


They made them an offer they couldn’t refuse…


various types of sushi.

OMG! How adventurous!


Italy has given the world vast contributions in terms of government, law, religion, art, science ect…

What exactly has somalia contributed to civilization? Besides terrorism and piracy?

I am waiting…..


I am waiting…..

How about, human beings.

Rusty Shackleford

Remember when the Somalis killed Jesus? Those dicks.


Wait over there, please.


Paul Mantarakis said,
November 10, 2009 at 21:46

I am waiting

Great. Now would you consider holding your breath too?


“How about, human beings.”

The neanderthals were human beings. Guess what happened to them?


Ummmm… The ice age came to an end and Neanderthals couldn’t cope with their changing enviornment?


Guess what happened to them?

Ummmmm … Hitler?


They did however compete with homo sapiens for food. And do to the superior intellect of homo sapiens, we survived while the neanderthals perished.


Guess what happened to them?

I think it’s absolutely hilarious that you don’t realize how complicated that question is.

Okay, in easier terms that your narrow minded definitions of “civilization” can understand:

Ceremonial Burial (required for Monarchy!)
The concept of living in a single location year-round.
Domestication of animals.
Something for Sally Struthers to do to keep her from making a sex-tape.


do to the superior intellect of homo sapiens

Really? Due tell!

Marion in Savannah

“Ceremonial Burial (required for Monarchy!)”

Snort! (So you go all the way back to Civ I too?)


You liberals still haven’t answered my question, which if the somalis are really equal to the civilized nations shouldn’t be a hard question to answer.

I’ll ask it again. What positive contribution has somalia made to civilization?


Since we’re on the topic of human social development and its indicators: my shell mound. Let me show you how I excavate it.


“Really? Due tell!”

Well for one, if the neanderthals were equal to homo sapiens in terms of intelligence you would think they would have found a way to survive the ice age.


Well for one, if the neanderthals were equal to homo sapiens in terms of intelligence you would think they would have found a way to survive the ice age.

I think we both know one who did.


Neanderthals becoming extinct… somehow proves that the Italian army should gun down Somali immigrants?

I’m really confused about what point is being made here.


Most, if not all, of that awesome seafood you were enjoying in Italy was most likely harvested off the coast of Somalia. See, since there’s no recognized national government there, they don’t have to pay anybody for fishing there, and they don’t have to abide by any pesky laws like not overfishing or wiping out ecosystems with trawler nets. They can also dump any kind of toxic waste they want, with absolute impunity. So when some poor Somali schmuck with a fishing boat, trying to catch enough to feed his family, and maybe sell some in a local market, sees these huge factory ships scooping up massive nets full of fish, or giant container ships merrily lobbing rusty barrels of poison into the water, then yeah, I guess terrorism, piracy or immigration to somewhere more “civilized” might seem like a good idea. Crazy, I know.


I’m really confused about what point is being made here.

Only worry when you understand it.


I’m really confused about what point is being made here.

You’ll look better in a sweater washed in Woolite. At least that’s the way I interpret it.


I’ll ask it again.

And, being the idiotic glutton for punishment that I am, I’ll answer again.

“The Cradle of Civilization” a phrase often used to refer to Ethiopia. But when you go back ten millenia or so ago, the borders weren’t drawn directly. Somalia is part of that Cradle.

All those Ancient Civilizations you think of? The Phoenicians, Egyptians, Hittites? Somalia was their International Merchant. Basically, Somalia invented international trade.

Some of the oldest sites indicating the presence of Man are in Somalia. Laas Geel predates God creating the Heavens and the Earth.

But then again, why am I bothering to point this out to someone who thinks Neanderthals lived in Africa.


I suddenly had a flash about watching the movie District 9. I’m not sure why…


Obviously, he’s skirting around the argument that Somalis are an inferior sub-species of human who deserve death, but he unfortunately hasn’t got the balls to come out and say it.

Because he’s inferior.


Don’t forget, Somalia made us icons of pop culture again! Not since the days of Louis Heyward, Paul Henreid, Robert Newton, etc., etc….


The point is that the somali immigrants are backward filth who are entering Italy in swarms and bring with them their third world values, diseases and crime rate, all the while ruining Italian culture by their very presence.

Italy is for Italians just as America is for Americans, Britain is for Britons, France is for Frenchmen, Sweden is for Swedes ect. Western Civilization needs to be defended from both multi-culturalism and moral relativism.


Italy is for Italians just as America is for Americans

I would imagine the Indians were thinking much the same thing along about the 17th Century.


What positive contribution has somalia made to civilization?

They domesticated camels.

Which means, dude, they basically brought pasta to Italy.

You know, the crap you ate with squid shit?


I’ll ask it again. What positive contribution has somalia made to civilization?

Iman Abdulmajid, polyglot super-model a.k.a Mrs David Bowie

and also

Anti-Islamist crusader Ayaan Hirsi Ali


Italy is for Italians just as America is for Americans

Then please to leave my country, son of immigrants.


Italy is for Italians just as America is for Americans

Well then it’s a good thing no Italians were ever allowed into… you know what, this is tiring. Next troll!


eally equal to the civilized nations

well, they’re not dropping remote control bombs on the Pakistanis.

Besides, there have been several answers to your stupid question, so don’t get testy.


Well then it’s a good thing no Italians were ever allowed into [America]

They breed like rabbits and spit on the sidewalks and write all sorts of graffiti on our walls and did I mention they breed like rabbits and they never bathe and they smell horrible and that garlic and the cooking all the time and they breed like rabbits and they’re dark-complexioned and they breed like rabbits and they’re not nearly as good as the French and they breed like rabbits and…oh…they’re Catholic! They hate Jesus!


Italy is for Italians just as America is for Americans, Britain is for Britons, France is for Frenchmen, Sweden is for Swedes ect

ease up on the granfalloons there bucko. You’ll sprain a lobe.


You’ll sprain a lobe.

Well, now there’s the pot calling the kettle lunch….


Yeah, what has Somalia got to compare with the likes of Nero, Caligula, Napoleon and Mussolini?


Yeah, what has Somalia got to compare with the likes of Nero, Caligula, Napoleon and Mussolini?

Don’t forget Capone, Genovese, Columbo, Gigante, Sacco and Vanzetti, Ernest and Julio Gallo….

OK, those last two I threw in there just to tease the troll.


Come to think of it, what has the South ever given to America?

Maybe we ought to start treating them like Somalians?


Italy is for Italians just as America is for Americans

And the Middle East is for bombs and American Oil Corporations, and Guantanamo Bays is for Cuban cigar smoking marines.

Anyways, you still haven’t addressed my point about anything keeping Sally Struthers off of X-Tube being a good thing.

First Nations representative

Italy is for Italians just as America is for Americans.

Now he tells us.


…what has the South ever given to America?

Bourbon. Pecan Pie. Jazz.


The South has provided many great benefits to our great country.

There’s grits… um… Wait a second.

There’s the Charlie Daniels Band…

Well…. Um…. There’s….

Kate Jackson was from Alabama. She was kind of cute when she was on Charlie’s Angels.

The University of Kentucky played some great basketball…. After being a totally segregated team until the the early 70’s.

Well….. O.K., New Orleans has some great jazz.


See, DKW and I agree.


Skynnard! Aaaand we’re back to 70s rock again.


The Allman Brothers Band! Eat a Peach…


All of Europe is being overrun by third world pack rats. They bring with them their third world values, high birth rates, diseases, crime and religion.

The native Europeans need to increase their birth rate back to above replacement level. America and Israel are the only western nations with birth rates above replacement levels. Europe needs to catch up.

This is why right wing parties such as the British National Party, the French National Front, the Lega Nord, the Norwegian Progress Party, and the Sweden Democrats are absolutely essential to the survival of European civilization. They are the defenders of National pride, Christian religion, traditional values and western culture.


I never really got the Allman Brothers. Didn’t seem worth the hype at all.


Allman Brothers. Talk about masturbation.


Western Civilization needs to be defended from both multi-culturalism and moral relativism.

“Cake? Or Death?”


You know, talking about “replacement levels” when talking about having children sort of sounds… Brave New World-ish.


Bourbon. Pecan Pie. Jazz.

Jazz, which came from Africa.

Pecan pie, only because nothing else would grow down there except cotton, raised by Africans.



You may have a point.


America and Israel are the only western nations with birth rates above replacement levels.

Mostly due to immigrants from Latin and Asian countries. Please try to keep up.


O.K., I really didn’t like the Allman Brothers! I was just reaching! Really. Although Midnight Rider was kind of a cool song…


Paul Mantarakis said,
November 10, 2009 at 22:37

You could’ve saved yourself all that typing by just simply saying, “The inferior dark-skinned hordes are invading precious white Yurrup! C’mon white Euros, move the goaltenders and start screwin’!”


New post up…

An American in America

Yew know, boy, “Mantarakis ” sounds kinda furin. Lack, y’all frum somwhar aylse. Where yew frum, boy?


Subi, no one’s saying all 70s bands sucked.

Just that the ones that did were awe-inspiring in their suckitude.


Of course, the Italians used to be the inferior dark-skinned hordes. Just sayin’.

Nymstradamus (ex-McNoob)

Disgusting White Power troll is disgusting.


Norwegian Progress Party

Secretly funded by Iranians

Lega Nord

Self-described as “socialist”.

French National Front

Holocaust deniers.

Sweden Democrats

Two former leaders were expelled after it was revealed that they were former skinheads and members of the National Socialist Front (Nazis, in short). Another was expelled for writing an anti-Semitic treatise, and advocating the destruction of Israel

British National Party

Prohibits minority members.

Nice bunch of fellow travellers you got there, son.


Subi, no one’s saying all 70s bands sucked.




Suck or not suck?


Suck or not suck?

Y’know, I dunno. There are some fine singles there, despite their absolute cookie-cutter nature. Never heard an album though.


Good taste is such a transitory thing….


Suck or not suck?

I see what you do there.

Lega Nord
Secessionists who do not believe in “Italy for the Italians”, “Italy” being an artificial construct that obliges them to subsidise those foreign-sounding Southron free-loaders.


Good taste is such a transitory thing…

I remember a Rolling Stone article complaining about Foreigner and Journey and Rush and so forth: the complaint was there were no stars, not that the music was awful. It ran with a quiz challenging you to identify the members of a bunch of these generic top 40 rock bands.

Myself, I very much like the idea of top 40 and I wish it still existed.


Carrie Prejean said,

Holy fuck she’s got crazy eyes.


Although most people automatically think disco when you mention 70’s music, I think there was some incredibly interesting stuff being done in that decade that really pushed some boundaries. Yeah, a lot of it sounds pretty dated nowadays, but still, there were some very interesting bands in the 70’s For instance, Renaissance remains one of my favorites. They were an amazing band that put out some really interesting albums.


Carrie Prejean said,

Holy fuck she’s got crazy eyes.

I think they’re implants.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It is a measure of how low-rent Professional Democrats have become that The New York Times reports this as though sexual slurs were not a new low in presidential discourse… merely another term that ‘progessives’ use every day to refer to their subhuman opponents.

At least Red-Stater admits he and his are subhuman. Man, the original was many, many comments ago.


“Holy fuck she’s got crazy eyes.”

Goes along with the crazy everything else.

RE: Foreigner,

I used to really like them back in the day; even spent coin on albums.

However, they have quickly become lost in the weeds of mediocre pop bands, many of which have been mentioned here already.


there were some very interesting bands in the 70’s

I don’t really have anything that comes to mind when someone says “70s music”. Playlist up while writing:

Can’t Get It Out Of My Head 4:26 Electric Light Orchestra
Moeris Dancing 5:03 Fred Frith
Drop Dead Legs 4:14 Van Halen
Serenity In Murder 2:37 Slayer
Telephone And Rubber Band 2:30 Penguin Cafe Orchestra
Moonlight In Glory 4:31 Brian Eno & David Byrne
Autumn Sweater 5:20 Yo La Tengo
Repetition 3:01 Helmet
Spirits in the Material World 2:59 The Police
Rock N Roll is a Vicious Game 3:20 April Wine
Theme From “The Swaying Gardens Of The Apocalypsia” 3:37 Sun City Girls
Auto-Suggestion 6:09 Joy Division
Fish Beach 2:56 Michael Nyman
Battlesong 4:07 Deltron 3030
The Spontaneous Combustion Of John 0:53 The Flaming Lips
\Hallmark 3:56 Broken Social Scene Beehives


I think they’re implants.

We’re still waiting for payment.


I can’t listen to just random music. I like continuity. I listen to complete albums, except maybe for individual songs that I don’t like, then I just skip them. Playlists…. eh. It’s like splicing a bunch of different scenes out of your favorite movies and sticking them end to end. No continuity.

I’m funny that way.


I’m really not getting very much work done today….


I can’t listen to just random music. I like continuity.

It’s a combination of attention span troubles and a recognition that I’m never really gonna be able to pay attention to all the music I own. So I have ’em shuffle by in the hopes that I’ll hear amazing things.

Never heard Renaissance.

English progressive rock, very classically oriented. Annie Haslam had one of the more incredible voices I have ever heard.


I never really got the Allman Brothers.

The Grateful Dead for rednecks.


I think they’re implants.

We’re still waiting for payment.

A hearty bwahaha to both of those.


Suck or not suck?

I’m tempted to say “Not suck,” but then I get confused between them and Journey, who DO suck and if I can make that mistake, they can’t be that good.

So suck, mildly.


(comments are closed)