Well that’s a relief

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President George W. Bush, alarmed by a spike in gas prices at the pump, has asked the Departments of Energy and Justice to look into possible cheating or manipulation of gasoline markets, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said on Monday.


“Anyone who is trying to take advantage of this situation while American families are forced into making tough choices over whether to fill up their cars or severely cut back their budgets should be investigated and prosecuted,” Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and House Speaker Dennis Hastert wrote on Monday in a joint letter to President George W. Bush.

Speaking at a event in Las Vegas, Bush said his administration will “make sure that the energy companies are pricing their product fairly.”

“The president will say that in the last few days he has directed DOE and DOJ to make inquiries into possible cheating or illegal manipulation of gasoline markets,” McClellan said later.

GOP in action, takin’ it to the streets. So we should anticipate possible criminal indictments of oil company executives, then?

“Dammit, what the #@%& is going on up there!?”

Let’s hold our breath. Mmpf!

Update: “Sen. Elizabeth Dole, chairwoman of the Republican Senate campaign committee, issued a statement that said, ‘Democrats have decided to play partisan politics with gas prices in a flailing attempt to distract from the growing economy.'”

Oooh, dose damn dirty Dhimmicrats! This fuel flap is all a left-liberal partisan ploy to bash Bush.


Comments: 37


And even this good news is met with mockery! What do you all want? Blood?

Blood for oil? Is that what you want?


Beer! Beer for oil!


Are you making fun of the President for having a drinking problem in his past? We all make mistakes, but it takes a big man to admit his mistakes and to overcome his addicitons.

Of course, he had Jesus to help him.


My reaction to Annie’s routine: YAAAWWWNN…

Look, sister, don’t come out every night, every post…Always leave ’em wanting more, right?


Ummm….I haven’t hardly been posting except on my own thread…but then again, you’re not the boss of me…I think I’ll post on every thread tomorrow. Just because you it’s obviously want you want.

I’m even going to post on the threads I don’t really understand.


I’m even going to post on the threads I don’t really understand.

There are probably quite a few of those, I suspect.


Ohhhh, a slam! That’s two slams, no content.

In other words, you’re boring and I’m going to bed.

See you tomorrow!


Sweet dreams, Annie, and may flights of redneck angels sing thee to thy rest.


Bush said his administration will “make sure that the energy companies are pricing their product fairly.”

it’s on now! what will happen – the U.S.’s oil supplies sold in a no-bid contract? accidental crippling of our nation’s pipelines? how can Bush screw this one up?


Is it just me, or does anyone else smell ROVE? (GOP Ratings? Midterms? Bueller?)


it’s on now! what will happen – the U.S.’s oil supplies sold in a no-bid contract? accidental crippling of our nation’s pipelines? how can Bush screw this one up?

Don’t know, but keep in mind tactical nuclear strikes on Big Oil are still on the table.


Are you making fun of the President for having a drinking problem in his past? We all make mistakes, but it takes a big man to admit his mistakes and to overcome his addicitons.

I would lay down any amount of money on a bet that the President is hooked on some type of medication right now. People like that revert to their addictive behavior when stressed.


I think that this is a pretty positive development.

The efforts of the Republican leadership really got this idea off the ground. As Republicans, we’re a party of accountability.

So we’re going to check into this situation.

I wouldn’t say that there’s enough to indict executives. But, I wouldn’t be stunned if a few people did enough to go to jail.

After all, this is an investigation, not a leftist lynch mob.


It’s true. Bush is going to break the oil gouging caper wide open. Just today the DOJ sent out letters to all the oil executives asking them to report any suspicious activities. I bet some riggers, drillers and derrickmen end up doing some hard time.


How many quarters of record oil-company profit does it take for Bushco to investigate? A lot.

This is meaningless. They’ve already had what, 3 years of records? Katrina did diddly squat to their bottom line, but we were paying what 2.80? 3.70? JUST IN CASE> Woops! Let’s pocket that!

alabaster codify

Jesus, Gary is really boring in this thread. Either he’s totally phoning it in or he’s been replaced with a bot.


Isn’t this the investigation that the DEMOCRATS in Congress have been pushing for?

Yeah, that’s quite the Republican accomplishment.

melior (in Austin)

And who better to head the investigation than… Dick Cheney! I’m sure Deadeye can be trusted to personally review the secret notes from his secret energy meetings to determine if any conflict existed.


i guess when he said he would ‘jawbone’ opec to keep prices down, he was talking about him and his boyfriend prince bandar. in private.


actually, melior, Cheney is only the head of the commitee to determine who would be best to head the investigation.


The efforts of the Republican leadership really got this idea off the ground. As Republicans, we’re a party of accountability.

My head just exploded. Pardon the mess.

BTW … is this site based in the UK? Because the downtime seems to be 5-6 hours ahead of me.


Bush said his administration will “make sure that the energy companies are pricing their product fairly.”

fairly high, that is! Ah ha ha ha! Ah ha, er, um, well, that’s all I’ve got tonight.


BTW … is this site based in the UK?

The host is located in the US but the Movable Type system time is set to (my) local (German) time.



You know, you might want to think about taking that one post about how aa is a narcissitic, mentally ill troll who is also totally faking it and sticky it to the top of the page for a while, just so we don’t have to go through that all over again with people.

Just sayin’.


Gary! I’m shocked! When did you become a Communist? Hail and well met, brother!

After all, it’s only “free market” counterrevolutionary scum who believe that the price of goods should be determined by what the market will bear. They are the ones who taunt us with their fictional creations like “the law of supply and demand”. A true ally of the people knows that prices on all basic commodities must be centrally regulated by a duly appointed People’s Commisar. Well done, tovarisch! I shall see to it that you receive a medal for service to the people!


The efforts of the Republican leadership really got this idea off the ground. As Republicans, we’re a party of accountability.

Gary, you amaze me. When I feel the world is getting too cynical, too jaded, has seen too much, I come here, and you’re my breath of fresh air.


we’re going to check into this situation.

We? We?!! Are you a member of this fine administration? You seem to be addicted to reading and posting to left wing sites all over the interwebs rather than actually, you know, working on your investigation, so I sincerely hope you don’t have any sort of pivotal role.


we’re going to check into this situation.

We? We?!! Are you a member of this fine administration? You seem to be addicted to reading and posting to left wing sites all over the interwebs rather than actually, you know, working on your investigation, so I sincerely hope you don’t have any sort of pivotal role.


i guess when he said he would ‘jawbone’ opec to keep prices down, he was talking about him and his boyfriend prince bandar. in private.

I think he fancied himself in the Samson Role. He’s really saying that he can control oil prices just as Samson could contol the Philistine army–with the Jawbone of an ASS!!

“The spirit of the Lord came mightily upon” Samson and “he found a new jawbone of an ass … and took it, and slew 1000 men therewith.”

Guarantee you that part about killing a thousand men is causing bush to breath a little harder…



Well, crap, my first ever double post! I shake my fist at cgi!


So how does Bush go about this great act on behalf of the people of the U.S? By suspending environmental regulations on oil companies! It’s a two-fer: you throw a bone to the masses in advance of the election and give another lovely little gift to the oil industry. After all, those poor, beleaguered oil companies are only setting new profit records every friggin’ quarter!

I just thank God every single day that George Bush is our President.

[wipes away tear]


Gee, I hope this new investigation doesn’t put the MLB steroids probe on hiatus.

Say, did we ever find that Osama guy?


doesn’t Gary’s staccato comment style remind you of someone’s speaking style?

Do you think he could really be Dear Leader himself?


I read on CNN.com that a barrel of oil is up $15 due to tensions about Iran. If Bush wants to do something serious about the price of a gallon of gas, why doesn’t he take military intervention off the table. No tensions over Iran, oil drops, gas is back down to around $2/gal (which is bad enough.)

Seriously, how thorough an investigation of Bush’s buddies is really going to get done? That’s one of his plans to fix things, the other is the hydrogen powered car, which sounds like a great idea, but won’t be ready for 2 to 3 decades!

Meanwhile, small, independant, mom ‘n’ pop gas stations are shutting down to protest the prices, Exxonmobil’s former CEO gets a $400m retirement package, and BP makes a 1st quarter profit of $5.26BILLION, even after accounting for lost money from their Texas City refinery. Meanwhile, the big oil companies are getting huge subsidies and tax incentives. For what? They can’t spare a few million of the billions they’re raking in?!

People can’t afford to pay for gas to get them to work. Ford and GM are laying off 10s of thousands of employees because people aren’t buying the gas guzzling SUVs (not buying them is a good thing – people getting laid off is a bad thing.)

The OPEC nations say they’re producing so much oil right now that the refineries can’t handle anymore, so the supply is there.

I know a lot of people will talk about how much better it is to live in a big city and walk to work or take public transportaion. That is a great thing… if you’re in a city that has that. But most places aren’t like that. I only drive to work and home and to my gf’s house everyday, and I can’t handle the price of gas. It’s too far to walk, the bus doesn’t go near my office, and the light rail won’t be operational for a few more years!

I’m all for alternative fuels, in fact I think we should have already had them. But since we don’t yet, we have to have affordable gas, or everyone will be out of a job.

And don’t get me started on fake ass Carolinian Liddy Dole. She only comes to the state to campaign for Bush or herself. She hasn’t lived here since she married limpdick. So she needs to stfu.


As Republicans, we’re a party of accountability.

OK, Gary, admit it: Your stuff is ghosted by Bruce Vilanch, isn’t it?




GAO Says Government Pesters Wounded Soldiers Over Debts

Nearly 900 soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan have been saddled with government debts as they have recovered from war, according to a report that describes collection notices going out to veterans with brain damage, paralysis, lost limbs and shrapnel wounds.

Go read the rest.


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