

ABOVE: Girls Gone Wild, The Outtakes

Not me, but K-Lo after the sixth mudslide to drown the sorrows of NY-23:

Owens Wins [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

Watch it be spun as a defeat for Sarah Palin and the hateful extreme right-wing of the Republican party (Hi! See George Pataki standing next to me?).

That may have made sense to a distraught K-Lo while a vodka buzz and a sugar high were competing for her few remaining brain cells, but honestly what the fuck is this supposed to mean exactly? That the Hoffman defeat was really a victory for the Republican party and a defeat for the Democrats? Or that Hoffman wasn’t part of the extreme right? That George Pataki is part of the extreme right? I think its time for K-Lo to put one of those drunk dialing contraptions on her laptop that will freeze her keyboard if she blows more than 0.15 into the little tube.


Comments: 98

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

In point of fact, I think there should be a minimum blood alcohol level for blogging.


Isn’t a mudslide like teabagging? Or it just that it should be like it?

Really, she just wants to say that her crush Sarah is not a hateful right-wing extremist, & no one else in the R Party is either, because they all love the pre-born.

No idea at all what “see George Pataki” means, however.


Hey, look here, Battleaxe, not every one can drink like a fish. Everything I type on the Intertoons is spewed sober as a judge.


Shorter K-Lo: I prefer what happens in my imagination to reality, so I’m going to go with that.

Black is white, up is down, another day in Wingnutland!


Watch it be spun as a defeat for Sarah Palin and the hateful extreme right-wing of the Republican party
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
…what the fuck is this supposed to mean exactly? That the Hoffman defeat was really a victory for the Republican party and a defeat for the Democrats? Or that Hoffman wasn’t part of the extreme right?

Hoffman’s defeat has nothing to do with conservatives at all, but was instead a shattering blow to hippie anarcho-syndicalist space mummies from the moons of Jupiter.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

No problems, M. Bouffant—I just wanted to use “In point of fact” in a sentence.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Hoffman’s defeat has nothing to do with conservatives at all, but was instead a shattering blow to hippie anarcho-syndicalist space mummies from the moons of Jupiter.

Hey, “Europa” sounds just like “Europe.” Europe? Soshulism? Connect the dots, sheeple!!!


This is great news for Palin!


“Isn’t a mudslide like teabagging?”

I think your’e thinking of a Dirty Sanchez.


Well, in point of fact, while I don’t booze it like I used to, it would be less than the complete troof to say my consciousness is always straight-edge when seated at the Keyboard of DumbDoom, sitting on the Throne of Ikea.


I’m not looking any of that stuff up. (Not drunk/whatever enough.)


Air-Wreck The Dead, “via” Wonkette, agrees (?) w/ K-Lo.


The last time a Democrat won the 23rd, he beat the Whig Party candidate. Guess what? They’rrrrre Back.


I wish the Conservative party many more victories like this one in the future.


Pataki is a stand in for the moderate New York republican establishment, who will now say “I told you so”. I don’t know if Pataki even was that moderate, but in Love, war and politics all is relative and compared to Sarah Plain he is a reincarnated Jacob Javits.


Say, those Whigs are pretty interesting. Buncha vets, w/ an owl as a symbol?

Assuming that blob w/ the red, blue & stars is an owl.


Is that a still from One K-Lo, Two Cups?


“Isn’t a mudslide like teabagging?”

I think your’e thinking of a Dirty Sanchez.

No, definitely a rusty trombone. A slide trombone. *budaBOOM*


It’s a shame that we’ll never get to read her previously-prepared post on how “Owen’s defeat in NY-23 is a crushing rejection of Obama and the extreme left of the Democrat party.”
Unless she publishes it under Jonah’s name anyway.

Buncha vets, w/ an owl as a symbol?
It is the owl of Minerva, flying at night, taking advantage of the fact that Minerva has crashed out in front of the telly beside an empty cask of cheap red.

Everything I type on the Intertoons is spewed sober as a judge.
What MB said. Sober as a lord, myself.




I wish the Conservative party many more victories like this one in the future.

Or the Dems more defeats like this one.

I don’t really get the weird spin on this tonight. Most of the R victories tonight (that I know of) were on the state level (governors) or with state referendums (you suck, Maine). On a national level, TeaBaggers went down in NY-23, Dems held CA-10… did I miss some incredible 25 seat off-year election swing somewhere?? Didn’t the Democratic majority in the House just GROW by 1 seat??


Now that I think about it, CA-10 just went from DINO to solid D.

On a federal level, wasn’t this night pretty much wins all around?


Now, has anyone seen that one guy who made predictions about the NY23rd and some big sweep to rid obama from power?

I’d like to hear his explanation on how this works out.

Anyone seen him lately? Answer truthfully now.


Did you BOOKMARK IT????


Did you BOOKMARK IT????

Unfortunately no, you see I assumed the guy would still be here with the same name even after the being wrong, explaining how it is a victory for his cause.


New name tomorrow — probably something to do with election fraud, or Acorn, or some such nonsense.


Mr. TBogg had some frightening thing about K-Lo, Jonah and oral sex. Bleeech!


FelixMoronia said,

November 4, 2009 at 10:23

Mr. TBogg had some frightening thing about K-Lo, Jonah and oral sex. Bleeech!

I though the original article mentioned something similar:

…freeze her keyboard if she blows more than 0.15 into the little tube.

but didn’t want to start thinking the “little tube” any more carefully.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge


Marsupial said,

November 4, 2009 at 10:14

New name tomorrow — probably something to do with election fraud, or Acorn, or some such nonsense.

Ooh! Ooh! Can I try?

“We humiliated the radical leftist Scozzafava, and now the Obamessiah has another Blue Dog Democrat to contend with, who’ll block his Islamocommiesociofascistic agenda!”

Unfortunately this isn’t far from the truth.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge


animus said,

November 4, 2009 at 9:58


I see what you do there….


The modern whig party seems to have died at the end of the primary season last year, but so did equality california.

Washington State seems to have given equality to Domestic Partners, which is cool. Dems hardly ever hold those Governors, it’s more an anti-incumbency thing than anti-Democratic. And VA hasn’t had a Gov the same party as the Pres for over thirty years.

…And one of the Reps we flipped hasn’t been for our team since… Well, since before our team became our team.


Erick Erickson sees spitefully ending a 140-year-old electoral streak as a big Conservative victory. Two, actually.

There are two big victories at work in New York’s 23rd Congressional District.

First, the GOP now must recognize it will either lose without conservatives or will win with conservatives. In 2008, many conservatives sat home instead of voting for John McCain. Now, in NY-23, conservatives rallied and destroyed the Republican candidate the establishment chose.

In his haste, he overlooked a third outcome: losing with conservatives. Strange, since that’s what actually happened.


At the top of the Corner right now:

Tehran [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

is hot today.

11/04 03:38 AM



it will either lose without conservatives or will win with conservatives.

I love this train of thought:

1) “We conservatives lost this election, therefore the GOP must accept us, or it will lose, also, or we will lose without them, and such…!!!!!1”

2) ???


I see no problem in letting them go on with their fantasy.


First, the GOP now must recognize it will either lose without conservatives or will win with conservatives.

In other words — if we can’t get what we want by working through the representative system, put us in charge anyway or we’ll sabotage things for everyone.
Oddly enough, this also works as an account of Erick-of-that-ilk’s intentions for US democracy.


It’s clear that Hoffman lost because he wasn’t conservative enough. We must purge these false wingnuts (WINOs) from the movement.


Glenn Beck's Victim Complex

I was definitely one of the primary winners last night.


Now, in NY-23, conservatives rallied and destroyed the Republican candidate the establishment chose.

Kneel before ZOD!!

You tell ’em Erick.


It’s clear that Hoffman lost because he wasn’t conservative enough.

Exactamundo. Hoffman never went Owens=HitlerMarxStalin, so QED, loser.

the artist formally known as lobbey

oh, its so hot here in Tehran, oh my, I am perspiring and all hot and sticky. Time to strip of my thong and abayya, down to my bare ass and wait for the arrival of my main stud, ‘Big’ J. Oh, I get so hot, even hotter thinking about him, his huge….

continued, pg 94

the artist formally known as lobbey

First, the GOP now must recognize it will either lose without conservatives or will win with conservatives.

please, please let that be your motto for, oh, the next 10 years or so…..

o/t, and rather strange. Was over at LGF for the first time in ages (dont blame me, I was bored) today. My, its strange, they have gone from pro Zionist, racist, murder fantasy idiots about six months ago to some moderate repub hangout. Its still a bit odd, but you feel that you could actually have a conversation with some of the tossers (inc. Charles) over there. When LGF goes moderate, its a sure sign of the end times….


So, the only way to win elections is to go further to the right?
Kills me to say this, but that has debatably worked for the Democrats.


No idea at all what “see George Pataki” means, however.

It’s from a kid’s primer:

See George Pataki.
Pataki, pataki, pataki.
See George Will.
Will, will, will.
See George willingly pataki his own genitals.
Ow, ow, ow.


Sarah Palin can never fail. She can only be failed.


From a commenter over at Erk’s House of Butthurt:

“the work to fight the same battles in different territories begins all over again… The fight is still great/large to ensure the Republican Party has the RIGHT (yep, double meaning) Candidates for 2010… The Left-Republicans won’t just concede anything…. We must parlay this into momentum to control the GOP with more and more Conservatives working into positions of control/authority….

But for tonight – WE CELEBRATE!!!”


The Tragically Flip

11 dimensional chess arguments are all the rage on the Obama worshipping section of the left these days, about time the caught on with the right.


hoffman looses = sarha had nothing to do with it.
hoffman wins = sarah is teh awesome.


Benny Summerfield

Guess NY-23 wasn’t a referendum on the soul of the entire nation after all.


When Democrats won odd-year elections in 2001 the establishmentarian media ignored it and did NOT declare that this meant America was against lord Bush Jr’s agenda. Via Digby.


So, when Democrats win 2 governors’ races in 2001, pffft, it’s fucking unimportant, who knows what this means, we must all follow Dear Leader into our bright Republican future.

And when Republicans win 2 governors’ races in 2009, OMG teh AMERICA HAS STOOD UP TO OBAMUNISM!!!!


Republitards Win In Spirit in NY-23!!! Tonight they dine in hell, yeah!
They were betrayed by a moderate, they’ll never let that happen again.
Their defeat today means their victory in 2010 will be so much sweeter, IPOF.


Movies are not
Politics are
Right wingers are
Dr. Bob arenot
We five aren’t
So !
When we wake up this morning
There will be trouble feeding the family
Plenty for extreme hunger adventurers
Which is an affirmation of life
The fullest meaning of empty ,
or it is a pleasant situation in which
having the highest amount of low regard
is as good or better as having nothing at all


Americans just gave the Democrats an even larger and more liberal majority in the House of Representatives.

Clearly this means that America is with Glenn Beck and the Teabaggers.


“Is that a still from One K-Lo, Two Cups?”

Oh God NO! I promise I won’t abuse myself again, just don’t let that movie be real!


One for Brad, perhaps –

I take your Newt Gingrich, and raise you Grover Norquist.




“The twittering must make conservative activists question whether Americans for Tax Reform is on our side any more. I cannot believe Grover Norquist, after all he has done for the movement, could be happy with or approve of staff treating the conservative movement so contemptuously. Yet, with that much contempt — and a pledge by ATR’s Tax Policy Director to support tax hiker Charlie Crist — one must wonder where ATR stands these days. Is it with the establishment that sunk $900,000.00 into the losing bid of Dede Scozzafava, or with the conservative movement that defeated her.”

Heh. Is Grover Norquist too liberal? Burn baby burn.


So, when Democrats win 2 governors’ races in 2001, pffft, it’s fucking unimportant, who knows what this means, we must all follow Dear Leader into our bright Republican future.

And when Republicans win 2 governors’ races in 2009, OMG teh AMERICA HAS STOOD UP TO OBAMUNISM!!!!

well duh! It was a clear omen that the Democrats would sweep the 2002 midterms and then oust Bush in 2004! oh, wait…………


well duh! It was a clear omen that the Democrats would sweep the 2002 midterms and then oust Bush in 2004! oh, wait…………

Exactly. The loss of a 2009 Congressional election for Republicans is not important, but 2 governorships are a clear sign that the party of Palin will now win the 2010 midterms and retake the Preznitzy for Her Alaskanness in 2012 or whatever year they want to make it.


Burn baby burn.

Sometimes self-immolation is really, really fun to watch. A lot of the time, actually.


The Dems only picked up one house seat and held another. They were expecting huge gains and therefore this is a big victory for Republicans. The fact that only two seats were in play only strengthens my point. Wolverines!


Heh. Is Grover Norquist too liberal a Marxist?



The fact that only two seats were in play only strengthens my point.

Had Americans truly supported the radical Obamunist agenda, they would have invented ways of voting for more Democratic House and Senate members no matter what the laws said. This is a failure for Nancypelosi and all her allies in the Syrian government.


Is it with the establishment that sunk $900,000.00 into the losing bid of Dede Scozzafava, or with the conservative movement that defeated her and handed the seat to a Democrat?.


Burn. Baby. Burn.


The Club for Growth announced that it spent $1,022,040 in support of Doug Hoffman.


And. Erk is showing that now strikingly familiar stalker-esque behavior pattern.

“If we can’t have that seat, no one can!”

Burn, etc.


The Club for Growth announced that it spent $1,022,040 in support of Doug Hoffman.

If only they had been willing to hire Chuck Norris, they would have won.


From the comments:

“Get a clue. Grover is part of the problem, not part of the solution.”


Is it with the establishment that sunk $900,000.00 into the losing bid of Dede Scozzafava…

The Club for Growth announced that it spent $1,022,040 in support of Doug Hoffman.

Infighting in the barely-populated north country of NYS that leads to a loss? $2,000,000.

Providing entertainment to the SadlyNaughts? Priceless.


All things being equal, I think it would have been better to for Hoffman to win a NY district that has been Republican FOREVER, if Maine would have upheld gay marriage.

Net positives, as I see it.


OT but Big Bird is the Google logo today. I guess Google really does have a leftist agenda.



You mean vox populi isn’t vox dei? I’m so confused.


Infighting in the barely-populated north country of NYS that leads to a loss? $2,000,000 of Republican money spent to add a “D” to the House roll?

As well as providing pyrotechnic entertainment to the SadlyNaughts? Priceless.

The flames, they are mesmerizing.


Feh. Tag phail.

The K-Lo is wide, I cannot cross over

See George Pataki
Eat Stuckey’s Pecan Bars
Drink Coca Cola
Each time you stop your car


conservatives rallied and destroyed the Republican candidate the establishment chose.

Hey, I’m all for that. I’m practically ready to make a donation to the Club for Growth.

OTOH, they spent $2 million to provide all this entertainment, and I didn’t spend a dimes? Even better.


All things being equal, I think it would have been better to for Hoffman to win a NY district that has been Republican FOREVER, if Maine would have upheld gay marriage.

Fair enough. That vote was depressing. But Maine, away from the cities, is very, very rural. Deep south kinda rural.


Watch it be spun as a defeat for Sarah Palin

Was she running? I hadn’t heard.

and the hateful extreme right-wing of the Republican party

Yeah, well see this isn’t “spin,” numbnutz, this is an accurate description of what just happened.

First, the GOP now must recognize it will either lose without conservatives or will win with conservatives.

Remind me, which one of those just happened?


Oh my, that is perfect.


Sarah Palin spin
Makes the wingnut world go round
Except when it don’t


I heard somewhere (Rachel? Keith? Intertoobs? I dunno) that NY 23 will most likely be redistricted out of existence after the next census, and will be carved up between 2-3 other districts which are heavily Democratic. So those flinty, independent-minded non-nonsense folk from the hardscrabble North Country would have been seeing neighborhood Muslim gaybortion marijuana clinics open within a couple of years anyway.

Honestly, a Hoffman win there would have been better for us (esp. if we could have traded for victory in Maine). Club for Growth and SaraPac would already be handing out pitchforks at Charlie Crist’s campaign HQ, and setting their sights on any other “moderate” Reps they could find. As it is, there will probably be a week or two of soul-searching in the GOP before they rev up the purity pogroms.


hey, wasn’t there a couple of predictions a couple of threads back? I didn’t bookmark it.

Can we get troofy to predict this weekend’s games? I bet I could make a couple of bucks betting opposite.


Sometimes I wonder how this decade would be encapsulated in a Mad Men-esque period drama fifty years from now. I think it should be full-on Salvador Dali science-fiction with swirling vortexes and gwb’s voice over a loudspeaker while the main character repeatedly stabs a watermelon with the Knife of Broken Dreams.


FFS, A Hoffman win would not have been preferable. Give these freaks an inch and they manage to steal a mile, it’s happened many times before.


That Photoshop makes K-Lo look like she is eating a whole severed tongue with chopsticks. Which makes it at least 3% more unpleasant than an undoctored photo of K-Lo.


Shorter K-Lo: I’m so great at spinning anything & everything to fit into the wingnut world-view.


gocart mozart said,

November 4, 2009 at 8:42

“Isn’t a mudslide like teabagging?”

I think your’e thinking of a Dirty Sanchez.

Not quite–you’re all thinking of The Cleveland Steamer.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The prospect of K-Lo drunkblogging raises the specter of K-Lo bootycalling at 3:30 in the morning.

The Goddamn Batman Spins You Right Round Baby Right Round Like A Record Baby Right Round Round Round

Oh, K-Lo, it’s the room that’s spinning; hope you have that spare litterbox next to your bed for something to hurl into…


Some things just ought not to be.


the specter of K-Lo bootycalling at 3:30 in the morning.

*weeps, gnashes teeth*


‘the specter of K-Lo bootycalling at 3:30 in the morning.’

-Sound of phone being smashed to pieces-


Watch it be spun as a defeat for Sarah Palin and the hateful extreme right-wing of the Republican party (Hi! See George Pataki standing next to me?).

Sadly, I know what this means, and also sadly, the thread is dead and nobody goin’ ta read it.

Pataki actually endorsed the wingnut, while Scozzafavabeans (sp?) was still in the race. So, in K-Lo’s drunken delusional state, Pataki’s endorsement doesn’t mean that Pataki is a mushy, weathervane bootlick, Pataki’s endorsement means that the teabagger movement is just as mushy and moderate as George Pataki. Which is, of course, drunken and delusional, as already mentioned.


Watch it be spun as a defeat for Sarah Palin and the hateful extreme right-wing of the Republican party

how is stating fact spin?

One Ton Chicken Lung

“how is stating fact spin?”

Facts have a well-known liberal bias.


You think booze is affecting her brain cells?

K-Lo’s “just trying to suck Jonah…” Yes, REALLY.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

As it is, there will probably be a week or two of soul-searching in the GOP before they rev up the purity pogroms.

Hah, a week. They were ready to burn Crist the minute Hoffman lost. Double down on stupid is no way to win a horse race.


Double down on stupid is no way to win a horse race.

“My Horse, “Stupid,” started at 5:1. He finished at 2:30…”



They used to be called Rockefeller republicans. Now they are called Democrats.

This Is Only A Test




(comments are closed)