We’ve Got This Going For Us
The 82nd Annual Academy Awards will be presented on Sunday, March 7, 2010, Academy President Sid Ganis announced today.
There is always a collective wingnut freakout over teh Hollywood left’s big event, but next year’s could be particularly hilarious. Especially if Michael Jackson’s ‘This Is It’ wins an Oscar.
At the very least, his name will get a standing O when they do the dead people roll call … add in a possible shout out to Ted Kennedy and the almost inevitable spontaneous tribute to Roman Polanski by some presenter or award-winner …
The gang at Big Hollywood must already be squirreling away extra portions of seething rage in anticipation.
Hollywood is so out of touch with Real America and you hard left loosers back Hollywood and their moral decay at every turn.
How long before the Ted Kennedy biopic? I will stand and cheer during the “Borking” scene in theatres.
I can’t tell which posts are actually CLG, and which are parodies.
I am pleased with this development.
I can’t tell which posts are actually CLG
When you phrase it that way, it sounds like an abbreviation for a neurological disorder.
Oh, wait…
The best thing about Oscar season is getting to link to John Rogers’ various kickass Oscar posts and watch Repub douchecanoes slink away in shame…
I think “loosers” is probably a giveaway.
I can’t tell which posts are actually CLG, and which are parodies.
To-may-to, to-mah-to.
Either way, it’s neither Center nor Left nor Grrrl, any more than I’m the son of the Nigerian President.
I voted for Obama last time because I am color blind. No, really, I’m color blind. Can’t see colors. I thought Flava Flav was a Viking for years.
you hard left loosers back Hollywood
Cry “hard left” and let loose the gerbils of Big Hollywood!
The gang at Big Hollywood must already be squirreling away extra portions of seething rage in anticipation.
Like the nuts they are?
(alternate interpretation preferred to the literal chronological)
Hollywood is so out of touch with Real America
Yea. Those dope smokers like Clint Eastwood and Sylvester Stallone really give us Real Americans a bad name…
Either way, it’s neither Center nor Left nor Grrrl, any more than I’m the son of the Nigerian President.
Wait, I thought I was the son of a Nigerian President!
In point of fact I’m amazingly ambivalent about Polanski. On the one hand he was a talented director at one time but on the other hand I just feel filthy watching any of his films knowing what he did and how he was aided and abetted by his friends in the so-called Hollywood scene.
The gang at Big Hollywood must already be squirreling away extra portions of seething rage in anticipation.
Silly moonbats–we have no need to conserve! Peak Rage is a myth!
It will be just in time for the nutters to have recovered from Obammy’s trip down to the AFB to salute the dead coming back from war.
I predict full metal wingnut by noon.
How can someone be “amazingly” ambivalent?
The gang at Big Hollywood must already be squirreling away extra portions of seething rage in anticipation.
And a skosh anti-intellectualism, a dash of prudery, a smidgen of misogyny and a soupcon of antisemitism.
How can someone be “amazingly” ambivalent?
They can’t decide to turn left or right to get to the cheese.
Presenting like a bonobo in heat and Center Left Grrl still can’t get the action she wants.
Actually that’s a pretty good application of how centrism works out in the real world: On the one hand, Polanski drugged and raped a 13 year old girl, but on the other, he’s got artistic merit, clearly the two extremes balance out and we should be ambivalent about him as a sensible, centrist compromise.
Much like the debate about say, torture. Since some extremists don’t want to do any torturing, and others want to do lots, the sensible compromise view is to only torture a little bit.
Centrism is the ultimate form of casuistry.
My boyfriend (Clooney look-alike they all tell me, tho I don’t see it lol) tapes a picture of Ashley Judd to the back of my head to enhance our lovemaking. I tried taping a picture of Jon Voight to the back of HIS head but it didn’t work for me. Men are from Mars, etc. lol
I see that the site is successfully fending off the wicked pissah hack promised yesterday.
I see that the site is successfully fending off the wicked pissah hack promised yesterday.
Dunno. Maybe Toofie’s hack was a self-unaware, pretentious rrrrrrrobot.
Center Left Charcoal Grrrrl
Yippee, another chance to hear idiots blubber about how they are victims of Art.
As someone who works in that industry, though sadly not someone who’s ever going to be eligible for an Oscar, I can assure everyone that Roman Polanski is hardly well thought of. Even us entertainment liberal types have problems with child rapists.
…the almost inevitable spontaneous tribute to Roman Polanski by some presenter or award-winner …
Dear God, please, no.
On the one hand he was a talented director at one time but on the other hand I just feel filthy watching any of his films knowing what he did and how he was aided and abetted by his friends in the so-called Hollywood scene.
I feel the same way when I attend Catholic mass.
Center Left Charcoal Grrrrl said,
Hey! It’s Cornfed Wankee!
you hard left loosers
Yes, we are looser. More relaxed. That’s what makes us the socialest.
Watch as this performance is snubbed come Oscar time!
Damn You Hollyweird!!!
What? You’re not already talking about Sean Penn playing Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame’s husband in the movie about how the Bush Jr. Administration blew an entire decades-old CIA WMD monitoring operation for revenge on Joe Wilson’s revealing the utter fraud of Nigerois uranium going to Iraq based on bad Italian intelligence forgeries (all when Saddam Hussein already possessed thousands and thousands of tons of yellowcake uranium)?
I am already askeert that this movie will prompt a full scale deployment of the Red State Strike Force.
As much as I like Naomi Watts’s acting ability, Virginia Madsen was born to play Plame.
Oops — link on those thousands and thousands of tons of yellowcake uranium that Saddam definitely didn’t need from Niger.
PS, in historical ironies, the new semi-state of Iraq is seeking assistance to help rebuild its nuclear program. Someday, maybe Bill Kristol can use this as a reason to bomb them again.
As much as I like Naomi Watts’s acting ability, Virginia Madsen was born to play Plame.
An animatronic puppet as Scott McClellan. Or would that be too much versimilitude?
My favourite moment was a year or so ago, when some of that old yellowcake was shipped out of Iraq for safekeeping, and the wingnuts had a last “see, we found WMDs after allllll” hurrah.
That it was all still bearing its IAEA seals from the 1990s didn’t seem to spoil their fun. Saddam had a bunch of internationally monitored, unprocessed, non-weapons grade uranium within the borders of the Iraqi state in March 2003, thereby justifying the invasion after all.
Clearly it should have been Victoria Jackson, with Joe Wilson played by Stephen Baldwin in a red Satan suit. Karl Rove will be played by Kirk Cameron and of course Dick Cheney will be portrayed by a CGI re-animated young Charlton Heston.
Or would that be too much versimilitude?
One can never have too much verisimilitude. Otherwise, one’s salads would be dry and tasteless.
In Paglia’s latest bit of confused contrarianism of Salon, she scolds a reader for suggesting that Polanski should be absolved of his crimes because he’s a great artist … so I’m thinking, okay, she’s being perversely rational.
But she doesn’t stop there and goes on to explain that Polanski shouldn’t be absolved of his crimes because he isn’t really a great artist, whereas Jean Genet:
To which, wow. Guess it was silly of me to think that Camille would understand that people should be treated equally by the law, regardless of the ‘weightiness’ of their contributions to culture. That would be too consistent and logical.
I am already askeert that this movie will prompt a full scale deployment of the Red State Strike Force.
I just love those cute little heraldic shields they have in their forum signatures!
Attending the Oscar ceremonies sounds like a job for a splinter group from Billionaires for WealthCare.
Something like, “Thank you, sir! For killing my love of movies….” only less dire, more amusing, and not set to anything from Annie.
I confess I had to look up Genet, but if his wiki is reasonably complete, he was pardoned for a bunch of pretty tame stuff (like being homosexual, and some petty crimes like theft) as compared to drugging and raping a 13 year old girl.
drugging and seducing a 13-year-old girl
There are many reasons for wanting to kick Camille Paglia in the cunt, but this cute little turn of phrase is A number one with a motherfucking bullet on my list today. Fuck her.
And it takes some BALLS to compare Genet’s crimes with Polanski’s, equality under the law aside.
And The Tragically Flip beat me to it.
Yeah, and she might be trying to make the point (rather horribly, unless it’s better in the actual piece that I refuse to read) that his art was influenced by his life, but that Polanski’s crime obviously made no contribution to his work, so Genet deserved to be pardoned, whereas Polanski does not. I don’t know what the fuck kind of great art could come out of drugging and raping a 13-year-old, but I guess if it did, it would be a-okay with Camille to pardon him.
Oliver Willis was doing some yeoman’s work there for awhile carping about Salon keeping Pagilia around, considering she embraced the birthers.
She really is an embarrassment. Taking contrarianism to a fucking fetish level.
For the record, I need to assert that it wasn’t Me on that other thread. It could have been Satan. You know, he is such a kidder.
Had Polanski served his time back when he agreed to the plea, perhaps he might have eventually made a good film about prison and remorse and atonement and redemption. I can hear Paglia yawning now.
Oliver Willis was doing some yeoman’s work there for awhile carping about Salon keeping Pagilia around, considering she embraced the birthers.
I think it’s time to follow suit and ask Joan Walsh why she has a rape apologist on her staff.
Paglia’s just dumb. A complete pseudo-intellectual package.
OT: The mustache of Wrongness is … right?
What the hell happened? That sort of shift of opinion, you’d think you’d feel the tremors in the ground. Maybe it’s a prank. On the other hand, now we can say that even Thomas Friedman is against escalation in Afghanistan.
Did the Friedman fortune take a nasty tumble? Maybe falling out of the billionaire’s club did him some good?
Paglia’s latest bit of confused contrarianism…
That is the best short analysis of Paglia’s crap I have ever read. Thank you.
It doesn’t surprise me that she would go to bat, in her typically oblique way, for Polanski, since she became famous for advising college girls that being date-raped isn’t so bad.
It’s kind of immaterial what crimes Genet committed (or didn’t). Paglia’s point is NOT that a person’s artistic greatness shouldn’t give them a free pass on committing crimes. Her point is that Polanski’s art does not rise to the level of greatness required in her eyes to get a free pass on committing crimes. Whereas Genet’s does. (Again, throw out the comparison of the crimes Polanski and Genet were accused of — that’s not really important to Paglia’s point.)
An animatronic puppet as Scott McClellan. Or would that be too much versimilitude?
I’m not sure that the puppet could contract his range that much.
Is she really comparing Genet to Polanski?
Wow. I mean, there are plenty of comparisons to be made between Polanski and….(Bunuel, Cocteau, even Hitchcock) or Genet and… (Fassbinder, maybe Pinter)
But to compare those two is like comparing apples to elephants. Or John Ford to Russ Meyer.
Dick Cheney will be portrayed by a CGI re-animated young Charlton Heston.
Too much work. Let me fix that:
Dick Cheney will be portrayed by
a CGI re-animated youngZombie Charlton Heston.Her point is that Polanski’s art does not rise to the level of greatness required in her eyes to get a free pass on committing crimes.
Thanks for the breakdown. I couldn’t bear to read it and I don’t even understand what the fuck argument she’s trying to make half the time. The fact that she’s considered an “intellectual” hurts my head.
Paglia’s latest bit of confused contrarianism…
In other words, she’s a troll.
In point of fact, I’m amazingly ambivalent about people who use the phrase “in point of fact.”
Me too, though I’ll make an exception for that assassin character in Serenity because he has tons of style and a sword and played that kickass transvestite in Kinky Boots.
Genet’s greatest crime was one he occasionally committed as a party trick. He was, it is said, able to orgasm with touch. He was, it is said, fond of pulling down his pants at a salon or soirée to demonstrate his particular talent.
That information should help to understand and perhaps even appreciate Pagli’s adoration.
How many times is the Great Liberal Freakout going to be on? I’m getting sick of reruns.
This is how it will go down…
…you eventually get arthritis.
The public option is now officially dead.
Just like it was in April, May, June, July, August, September…
You should have nominated Hillary, libs.
Can I get a “Bookmark it!”?
He was, it is said, able to orgasm with touch
Interest, newsletter, website.
He was, it is said, able to orgasm with touch.
Isn’t that how most people do it?
He was, it is said, able to orgasm with touch
How is that different from masturbation?
You should have nominated Hillary, libs.
And YOU should have run a real candidate, asshole.
God, I miss the days when trolls actually tried. This one’s just phoning it in, isn’t he?
Yay!! If my prediction is correct, I’ll still be FREE to go bankrupt when I get sick. I WIN!!!!11!!eleventy!
Late October, Thanksgiving is coming, and still no health care bill.
Face it, Hopey is a miserable failure who is in way over his head.
Pre-hatch chicken enumeration.
Higher taxes.
Ah, I get your nym: you’re using Lieberman’s talking points.
Too bad the CBO doesn’t agree with you, that would have helped a bit.
Face it, libs, you’re never going to force Socialist health care on us. Suck it! You lost.
I’m sure you hope so, because if you’re wrong, it will take your party 30 years or more to recover.
You should have nominated Hillary, libs.
Yeah, because Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have been called a Nazi, a Marxist or a Saul Alinsky disciple by any of her wingnut detractors.
Oh wait.
“He was, it is said, able to orgasm with touch.”
Silly French people! That was ME doing the touching!
how soon until we have major social unrest due to the millions unemployed from the Dodd/Frank/Obama recession?
LAWL. I don’t even know where to start or where to begin……
No health care bill. Higher taxes. Millions of Americans long-term unemployed.
Thanks for the history lesson, but we’re past the Bush years now.
I don’t go out to the movies that often, and sometimes feel pangs of regret for missing this popular/often-referred-to movie or that, so if anyone wants to make my choices easier by sucking up to Polanski at the Oscars, bully for them. Natalie Portman, for example, who not only signed the pro-Polanski petition, but covered herself in glory over at HuffPo (see this reaction from some of the more sane people at Salon).
They’re really going to be mad when Obama not only passes health care reform when Hillary completely failed, but it’s larger and more comprehensive than the “managed competition” model which was mostly designed by the top 5 largest HMO’s and insurance corporations in the early 1990s.
They’re really going to be mad
Cid, you really could have stopped right there.
First “Center Left Grrl” shows up and then Troofus makes an appearance.
I just love it when coincidences occur so randomly like that.
OMG! Center Left Grrrl is Troofus’ HOT CIA STRIPPER WIFE!!!
Which is why you’ll be so angry when it does.
And don’t get me started on how President Barack Arafat Hussein Ayers Stalin Roosevelt Obama X. will relaunch the New Deal public works programs and put the nation back to full employment with SOCIALISM.
George Will has pointed out that even if job growth returns to the rate we had in the 1990s, unemployment won’t be below 6% until 2017…,lol not good for Hopey!
Hah! George W. Bush fucked up so royally that it will take the economy 10 full years to recover from his reign of dumbfuckery! Laff riot! I WIN!!!
Be sure to encourage whatever loser your party chooses as its sacrificial lamb in 2012 to run on that slogan, Troofus.
Dunno. Maybe Toofie’s hack was a self-unaware, pretentious rrrrrrrobot.
How do you feel about a self-unaware, pretentious rrrrrrrobot?
I don’t go out to the movies that often, and sometimes feel pangs of regret for missing this popular/often-referred-to movie or that
I always thought that the Batcave had a spare DVD player or two lying around. Or that Bruce Wayne signed up for a Netflix account. Learn something new everyday.
The recent 3.5% rise in the GDP (3rd Q) is of course proof of the excellence of George W. Bush Jr’s economic programs. And Ronald Reagan. And Jesse Helms. Because shut up that’s why.
Yes, we are looser. More relaxed. That’s what makes us the socialest.
Via alicublog, I’ve also learned we are the “raciest.”
I actually support a moderate reform to health care and I think Obama has made some good decision so far. But a public option and out and out socialization of medicine is unacceptable to me and really any intelligent moderate whom I know.
Doofy is still at it, I see. Better post that link again.
Personally, I would love it if Hopey was president.
Dunno. Maybe Toofie’s hack was a self-unaware, pretentious rrrrrrrobot.
How do you feel about a self-unaware, pretentious rrrrrrrobot?
Open the fucking pod bay doors!
Hooray, America is fucked! Republicans win!!!
We must burn the nation to save it…
Right. When the GDP declines, it’s Obama killing the economy. When the Dow-Jones goes down, it’s Nancy Pelosi killing the economy. When the Dow-Jones goes up, it’s irrelevant. When the GDP goes up, it’s irrelevant.
If unemployment starts to go down, it will be irrelevant, or it will be a delayed result of one of Reagan’s afternoon fart naps.
in point of fact, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again….obama has the potential to be the best president since reagan if he can keep the middle course and avoid the temptation of giving into radical leftist agendas
Jobless claims were down this week, unexpectedly.
Looks like Troofie’s talking out of Chris Christie’s playbook again! LOL!
Natalie Portman, for example, who not only signed the pro-Polanski petition, but covered herself in glory over at HuffPo (see this reaction from some of the more sane people at Salon).
After the Polanski thing, I decided it was time for me to throw in my “I Love Natalie Portman” towel. Should have probably done it a couple of years ago, especially after Garden State. UGH.
You’d think someone who is supposed to be, like, smart, would avoid comparing eating meat to rape in any sense after signing such a controversial petition.
She’s smug and fatuous and can kiss my ethicurian ex-vegetarian ass.
No, all you need to do is invest in public employment. Which is what we did in the New Deal and WWII. Stimulus II is a-coming, and the centrists will weep stinging, bitter tears.
Funny how I was just praising a fictional lesbian character created by a man, and then along comes you know who…
Right, 2.6% growth, that’s why the stock market is skyrocketing, because, you know, 2.6% growth would actually translate to sub-inflationary pace and all those companies would lose money, so the market SOMEhow has bet against that happening….
Sheesh. You dumb, Troofie!
Poor Troofie.
His last best hope (sic) is to destroy America and bankrupt his kids.
Wow. I mean, wow. That’s damn fine hatred you got there!
After health care passes, and all the doubters cry and weep and there is much gnashing of teeth, and the average American begins to stagger blinking into the light, remembering that government can actually be there to make our lives better, instead of just whoring our money to the super-rich, then Obama’s huge, impressive, massive package will come out again.
comparing eating meat to rape
You’re fucking kidding. Jesus.
i still really respect natalie portman as an actress tho. i guess when some people grow up they learn to separate an artist’s personal beliefs from their oeuvre, ya know?
I am really let down that the hot Hollywood starlet has views which are often naive and badly argued and perhaps ill thought through.
You left out two steps:
Americans HATE government spending
Sure. So let’s take away your defense, your highway improvements, your property tax rebates, and that will balance the books out for us!
Thanks, son! That was damned generous of ya!
Big, huuuuuge debts, and Americans will love them. Roll around in them. Bathe in them. And the fake fiscal hawks will cry.
It’s like they want to pretend that in the 1950s and 1960s everyone was starving and wheeling around cash in wheelbarrows ’cause a all da damn gubmit spendin’ in the 1930s and 1940s. And yet, we weren’t…
joe lieberman is right about one thing, that you can’t spend your way out of a recession. idk where some people got the idea that you could. but the health care SHOULD go through if they just take the socialist option off the table. we do need some reform, just nothing too terribly drastic.
i mean joe lieberman the poster. joe lieberman the senator, imho, is right about most things, really.
We must burn the nation to save it…
If I can’t have you, NOBODY CAN!
Ahahaha, no. It won’t get 60 votes in the Senate. The last porkulus just barely got 60.
Ahahaha, yes. You were aware, weren’t you, that “stimulus” is “spending” i.e. it can be passed through reconciliation. After health care passes with no Republican votes, I forsee that there won’t be much hesitation to use that route to go around the dead-enders.
Yes, we are looser. More relaxed. That’s what makes us the socialest.
Via alicublog, I’ve also learned we are the “raciest.”
Don’t forget “elitiest!”
Another stimulus will mean more debt, bigger spending, higher taxes…Americans HATE government spending.
Except when it’s Medicare or Social Security. Then boy howdy, do Americans love government spending! Better make sure the government never actually does anything useful ever again, to keep it from happening again.
I am really let down that the hot Hollywood starlet has views which are often naive and badly argued and perhaps ill thought through.
Yea, I was really disappointed when Bo Derek went right wing after her stroke. I was so looking forward to showing her my etchings…of a government collective farm, you understand…one night naked.
If I can’t have you, NOBODY CAN!
You sound like me, talking to the meat on my plate.
You always spend yourself out of a recession. Dipshit.
This is almost as stupid as saying that businesses can’t borrow themselves into profit. They do it all the time.
that you can’t spend your way out of a recession
Oh really, moe-ron?
how do you think we got out of the Great Depression?
*wait for it, the rest of you….*
More horseshit. We hold the Chinese investments. Who’s the upper party here?
You want to sell your grandkids into debt slavery under the Chinese? Do you?
At least their diet would improve!
Sheesh, El Cid, who cares who said it, that was some high test stupid.
Ding-dong-dilly, loony libs! The Principled Moderate Coach is here to serve up a SPREAD of REASONABLE IDEAS to you poopy partisans all the way out on the Freaky Fringe!
just nothing too terribly
drasticeffective because that would hinder my party’s chances in the next election.Fixt.
Damn, El Cid and actor beat me to it.
I’d like to hear how economic SOOPER GENIUS CLG thinks we get out of recessions.
WWII had more to do with getting us out of the depression than FDR, tbh.
i have to get some work done now so i can do a little partying tonight. CLG is OUT 4 now.
CLG – exactly *how* did WWII get us out of the depression? You know, by what mechanism?
joe lieberman the senator, imho, is right about most things, really.
Apparently, our little faux feminist supports Holy Joe’s stance on emergency contraception for rape victims. My my, she and Kathleen must have had quite a lively conversation over that beer.
WWII had more to do with getting us out of the depression than FDR
Yes, thank God the war allowed us to stop spending money!
We get out of recessions by quoting line and verse from the Reagonomics Handbook, clapping as loud as we can and believing!
Cutting taxes on people who don’t pay any because they have NO JOBS and NO MONEY does exactly what to inject money into circulation in the economy, again?
WWII had more to do with getting us out of the depression than FDR, tbh.
Ooh, ooh, they brought it up, El Cid, can I say it now?
WWII ended the Depression because it involved lots of…GOVERNMENT SPENDING.
In case of recession:
1. Give money to the people who don’t need it.
2. ????
3. PROFIT!!!!
CLG – exactly *how* did WWII get us out of the depression? You know, by what mechanism?
Also, who exactly was POTUS during most of WWII?
During WWII people were employed in war industries…
And WE were paying their salaries!!! Through government deficit spending.
unemployment won’t be below 6% until 2017…,lol
You really got to wonder about the moral values of someone who says this.
Actually, no. I’m wrong. I don’t wonder at all. I know.
It was artificial stimulus through the FED that got us into this mess…
See step 1, above.
It was artificial stimulus through the FED that got us into this mess, we don’t need another government spending bubble.
Where the fuck have you been the past 8 years? Not on Earth, that’s for sure.
“WWII had more to do with getting us out of the depression than FDR, tbh.”
I just can’t quite put my finger on what it was about WWII that got us out of the depression. Oh, that’s right. IT WAS MASSIVE GOVERNMENT SPENDING!!!
What works in war doesn’t work in peace though.
Are you saying we’re not at war?
How do you get to 60, El Cid?
Practice, man, practice!
Thank you, I’ll be here all weekend. Tip your waitress, or I’ll use internet science to post photos of my ankle tat.
Medicare is BANKRUPT.
Really? Under what chapter is it filing?
boring troll is boring, stupid and exhibits moral and intellectual relativism.
Defense spending is constitutional.
What an insane person believes is and is not “constitutional” has exactly zero, bupkis bearing on whether or not any particular form of government spending is or is not effective at ending an economic decline.
Which brings us back to “you can’t spend your way out of a recession” and “we got out of WWII because the government gave borrowed money to people who had none.” Which most sane people would read as contradictory statements, being used here, of course, to try to support the exact same batshit insane argument.
“The Road to Serfdom”.
“The Road to Corporate Serfdom” would be a more accurate description of our current economic woes.
When Hopey came in, we already had a MASSIVE debt and this economy cant take much more.
Hmmm, I wonder how that happened. As it turns out, prior to 1980 we didn’t have MASSIVE debt, and ever since then, we have. What was it that happened between 1980 and now, with a brief period in the 1990s where we actually paid some of it down, to leave us drowining in this sea of debt?
Defense spending is constitutional.
Yeah, it says right there, Article I, Section 8, Congress can raise taxes to “provide for the common Defence and general Welfare”…wha???
…and then it says Congress can “borrow Money” and “regulate Commerce???”
i still really respect natalie portman as an actress tho. i guess when some people grow up they learn to separate an artist’s personal beliefs from their oeuvre, ya know?
That’s nice. Where the fuck did I say anything about her acting skills, other than that Garden State was a piece of shit? (And I blame Zack Braff for that steaming heap, mostly).
Plus, I’m not going to be lectured about “growing up” by someone who writes like “she” was 2 years old when actual “grrrrrrrrrrls” were tearing shit up.
Hah! The Grifter is surely laying some strong groundwork for her Preznitial run:
Palin demands $100K speaking fee
But representatives from other Iowa-based political advocacy groups said they would never consider shelling out money for what many politicians see as a privilege: the opportunity to speak to a room full of sure-fire caucus-goers who often serve as precinct captains and can be instrumental to a presidential candidate’s success.
“If somebody tells me they want me to pay an appearance fee, it tells me they’re not very serious about running for president,” said Ed Failor, Jr., president of Iowans for Tax Relief and an influential GOP insider.
“I found it really, really odd,” Failor said.
He noted that his group had not and never would pay for a politician to speak—pointing out the obvious in-kind contribution any potential presidential hopeful receives by appearing in the state that kicks off the presidential nominating process.
The Grifter has a tin ear when it comes to national politics.
The general welfare clause only means that congress can raise money to spend on things CONSTITUTIONALLY PERMITTED.
You libs have twisted that around. READ THE FOUNDERS!
You know, the Constitution doesn’t permit maintaining a standing army…
Curious about this “Medicare is BANKRUPT” thing. Is Medicare restructuring? Are its creditors being prioritized? I haven’t seen anything about this in the news.
And the parties controlling the Presidency during those two respective decades were…oh damn, I just can’t remember.
Jennifer the Democrat Congress in the ’80s built up that big debt, and the Republican Congress in the ’90s paid it down.
Yes, I was expecting this lie next. The Democratic congress of the 1980s only ever passed one budget that was very slightly over what the Republican presidents of the era requested. In every other year of the decade, they passed budgest substantially smaller than the amounts that said Republican presidents wanted to spend.
Next: How Reagan ended the Cold War when he said “Tear down this wall!!!”
If government spending is so great, why not have the FED just print trillions of dollars and drop it from helicopters?
Because for some reason or another, we’re not the nation of Iraq.
Special request – can someone go do a poo-dive, and find us some fresh wingnut comedy?
Boring Shlaes troll is even more boring than usual.
Yes, thank you for telling us, several times now, to read that cartoon about Things That Never Happened.
But you gotta love page 16, showing us a poster that says, “THE WORLD IS FLAT.” Hayek predicted the existence of Thomas Friedman!
Special request – can someone go do a poo-dive, and find us some fresh wingnut comedy?
I bet a nickel that all you’d need to do is link the first post at Big Failywood.
The Grifter has a tin ear when it comes to national politics.
Narcissistic sociopaths don’t understand the concept of “overreaching.”
…Ed Failor, Jr., president of Iowans for Tax Relief and an influential GOP insider.
You gotta love that a flat-taxer and “influential GOP insider” is named FAILor.
Better shut down the Marines and Air Force. Neither is in the constitution.
Read this, Troofy:
Another pamphlet that shows us exactly where Obama is leading us.
There’s another house in Congress, you know.
The Grifter has a tin ear when it comes to national politics.
But, but…she’s the Second Coming of Ronaldus Magnus, or Jefferson Davis, or something.
And please, will someone call out CLG for using the internet troll’s oldest avoidance mechanism “Got to go I have a huuuge party full of cool people to get to, I really won’t be reading this thread anymore, because I’m soo fucking cool”
Is there any limit to what you believe the government should spend? If government spending is so great, why not have the FED just print trillions of dollars and drop it from helicopters?
By the same token, if cutting taxes actually increases tax revenue then why don’t we cut taxes to zero thereby creating INFINITE REVENUE!
That pamphlet shows us EXACTLY where Obama is leading us.
No. This pamphlet shows us EXACTLY where Obama is leading us.
I guess Medicare actually ISN’T bankrupt.
That pamphlet shows us EXACTLY where Obama is leading us.
That’s funny, it was supposed to show us EXACTLY where FDR was leading us.
Keynesianism worked for decades, which is a lot more than you can say for Hayek’s fever dream of a theory.
Regardless, I’m simply providing the liberal response to your question about dropping trillions of dollars from helicopters.
BTW, continually commanding someone to “read it” is not the same as demonstrating that you actually have sufficient understanding of how things work to explain “YOUR” OWN GODDAMN POSITION.
Taxes should be as low as permitted while still being able to pay for a police, the military, courts, and postal system.
Statist! Enterprising entrepreneurs who wish only to create a private court system or perhaps a pay-as-you-go law enforcement agency will be stymied by your un-free socialist system.
Still no lib has told me how they get 60 votes for healthcare with Lieberman (and Bayh, and probably Nelson too) jumping ship.
I’m no parliamentarian, but I think it goes something like this:
1. Republican objects to unanimous consent for moving to a vote
2. Chair rules that debate must continue
3. Democrat objects to the ruling of the chair
4. Chair calls a vote
5. 51 Democratic senators vote to overrule the chair and move to a vote on the measure.
6. Republicans melt like the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, as the World’s most ridiculous deliberative body now must accept rule by the majority.
This maneuvre was really popular in 2004-2005 among Republicans, I think it’s time Democrats tried it out, I believe it was called the “nuclear option” and would revoke the filibuster and put the senate at something approaching actual majority rule, according to true small d democratic principles.
“Is there any limit to what you believe the government should spend? If government spending is so great, why not have the FED just print trillions of dollars and drop it from helicopters?”
Nice straw-man. Government should only spend when the private sector fails. Please, please, please argue that the free-market is the answer to all of society’s needs. Come on, you can do it.
This maneuvre was really popular in 2004-2005 among Republicans, I think it’s time Democrats tried it out, I believe it was called the “nuclear option” and would revoke the filibuster and put the senate at something approaching actual majority rule, according to true small d democratic principles.
This would be delicious, but is Reid capable of it? And if not, how do we get rid of him and get a Majority Leader who can do the job?
EXACTLY where Obama is leading us, in pamphlet form
Keynesianism made us the largest, most successful nation on the planet from the 1940s to the 1970s, after which the New Right ideology anti-regulatory counter-attack, led later by Ronald Reagan, led to the sort of vast inequality and regular banking system collapses we undergo.
I mean, you could try and tell people in the 1930s to buck up, that Calvin Coolidge’s free-market nostrums would someday work and they’d stop starving, but thankfully the rest of the world has moved beyond this Reaganite / Thatcherite crap.
You can’t get 51 Senators to vote to end the 60 vote requirement for cloture to avoid a filibuster, one of the oldest traditions of the Senate. Suck it.
Actually, according to the Senate Republicans of a mere 4 or 5 years ago (a majority of whom are still there), yes, we can.
That means we get to have another round of Town Halls in December!
Because the undecided voters need to see yet another explosion of Republicans acting stupid. Bring it on.
You people have no faith. This is exactly where Obama is leading us.
This is exactly where Obama is leading us.
But…where are the Care Bears?
This is exactly where Obama is leading us.
Pamphlet or it ain’t happening
The 1970s were an awful decade, El Cid, and was the nadir of
Keyensianism.internet trolling.The 1970s were an awful decade, in no small part brought about by that generation’s hawkish, idiotic, frighteningly expensive foreign war campaign, a decade’s plus attack against the entirety of Indo-China.
But that there’s a problem is no endorsement of a shitty solution, and which is why the Reaganite endorsement of Carter-era interest rate hikes, followed by Reagan’s gigantic, huge creation of a ‘stimulus’ program in the form of military spending as opposed to social spending and the deregulation of our entire financial system turned out to be a 40 year attack on the living standards of our people.
As bad as the 1970s were, working folk earned a greater share of the national income, and were actually better off pre-1973, than they are today after 30+ years of Reaganism.
A pamphlet about EXACTLY what “bankruptcy” means (New Hampshire-specific, but a fine example).
In the last 3 senate election cycles, here were the popular vote totals by party:
2004: D: 43.7M, R: 39.9
2006: D: 33.9M, R: 26.7
2008: D: 34.5M, R: 29.5
total: D 112.1M, R: 96.1M
Difference: 16,000,000 votes.
Joe Lieberman, would you like to explain why the views of the 96M should prevail over those of the 112M? 16M votes isn’t a small margin.
Oh and the “best” part is, in 2004, the Democrats actually lost 4 senate seats, despite pasting the GOP in PV.
Abolish the Senate.
Dan Riehl exclusive:
“The bill contains the word “shall” 3,425 times.”
Ahnold has a sense of humor, perhaps:
And a Chairborne Ranger quote for the ages:
“little good comes from wrapping warfare up in legalism”. Indeed, why the fuck ban things like mustard gas when someone else can go fight your wars.
Did the Friedman fortune take a nasty tumble? Maybe falling out of the billionaire’s club did him some good?
He’s now driving a cab in Mumbai.
So if Medicare is bankrupt, then its debts have been wiped clean and it can start over again. Sounds good to me. Theoretically with a bad credit record of course, but in reality its mailbox will be filled with brand new credit card offers from companies looking for a new sucker to reel in and oops, I guess the metaphor just rolled over and died. Oh well.
Did the Friedman fortune take a nasty tumble? Maybe falling out of the billionaire’s club did him some good?
He’s now driving a cab in Mumbai.
That’s insufficient punishment unless his cab is continually hired by morons with a poor grasp of both metaphor and clear writing.
Abolish the Senate.
Lieberman would do it for the right price.
“Medicare is bankrupt”
Hooray! Decades of preference on short sighted tax cuts rather than planning for an obvious demographic bulge at the behest of the Right wing economic program have suceeded in ensuring that old people can be denied health care again!
another WIN for conservativism! Suck it, granny, no hip replacements for you! Aren’t you lucky you don’t live in socialest countries which make you wait for your hip replacement, now you can be denied immediately, no waiting!
Look at the average size of a house in 1972 vs. now. Look at the size of their televisions, and how many cars they had…and you’re telling me they were better off?
Considering that they had things like pensions, health care they could access and afford, affordable education for their kids, cheap food and cheap energy, uh…yes. They were better off.
Okay, I’ll do this Jeopardy style:
Like the Nobel, the Oscars are a completely political award, presided over by a relatively small group of people who vote according to their own biases. In other words, objecting to any award of this nature is a complete waste of time, and indicates a very shallow understanding of the process involved.
Question: Why do wingnuts waste so much time on bullshit like this?
An income is irrelevant if’n ya gots a big TV. I now call fake troll.
Awfukk. “without touch. Fucking iPhone…
‘Cause it’s among the most effective at stirring up the weird culture war bullshit they thrive on. I at least credit the teapartyoids for learning to say words that sound like they have to do with the economy.
I see we have an anti-semite on our hands.
Joe Lieberman is the Jew of Liberal Fascism.
I see we have an anti-semite on our hands.
Nowhere on this thread did I see Russ Feingold attacked on a religious/ethnic basis.
I’ll just point out the obvious here by saying what a complete moron a person would have to be to assume that, because the cost of non-essential things has fallen over the years, while the cost of essential items has skyrocketed beyond the means of a good number of working people, that somehow they’re better off because big TVs they still can’t afford after paying for basic necessities are now cheaper.
When the head is that far up the ass, it’s going to take a tractor to pull it out.
Color TVs, no doubt.
Family income per capita will now be measured in screen size.
I just had a novel thought.
Perhaps the reason that we’re the only industrialized country without some kind of guaranteed health care for every citizen has to do with the fact that we’ve never had a war here (in modern times). Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, South Asians…they all suffered war on home ground in WWII. A big “we’re all in this together” national cause, in which it would have been unthinkable to refuse treatment to a fellow countryman wounded by an enemy attack, regardless of their ability to pay. And coming out the other side, continuing that feeling of generosity to your fellow citizens because they, too, had survived it all.
I think I might be on to something here.
Tug me harder, Bob Owens!
Look at the
average size of a houseforeclosure rate in 1972 vs. now.St00pid troll is st00pid.
I think Tw00fie was using two computers in the library, commenting as both TYJL and CLG nyms, and clicking “submit” simultaneously, until the librarian told him to cut the crap.
Badoodly-oodly, now that’s a spread of tw00f!
Look at the average size of a house in 1972 vs. now. Look at the size of their televisions, and how many cars they had…and you’re telling me they were better off?
Troll values.
Teh Funny is that the right unabashedly believes this, while simultaneously hearkening back to the dear old days of the 1950s when, in their fantasy world, people were less acquisitive, more civicly minded, more moral and less wasteful.
We would have had a national health care system as part of the New Deal (at the latest) had it not been for segregation. The Southern wing of the Roosevelt Democrat coalition were the segregationists, so Roosevelt admitted he’d never get it passed given the active (and realistic) fear by the segregationists that federal health care might force white hospitals to treat black folk.
Now, it’s only the merest of coincidences that for the past 40 years the Republican Party has remanufactured itself away from Northeastern business moderatism to Old South neo-Confederate Reaganism, and so opposes any real health care system.
Perhaps the reason that we’re the only industrialized country without some kind of guaranteed health care for every citizen has to do with the fact that we’ve never had a war here (in modern times).
While that’s a part of it, I’d bet that bigotry plays a large part (how dare those “insert racial/ethnic slur here” get affordable healthcare!).
Maybe that’s why so many Americans, especially Southerners, have gotten so much larger and fatter — it’s to make their new big stuff look smaller and themselves look more civic minded.
Perhaps the reason that we’re the only industrialized country without some kind of guaranteed health care for every citizen has to do with the fact that we’ve never had a war here
This was precisely the motivating reason for Britain’s national health service.
Maybe Jennifer, but Canada hasn’t been invaded since 1812, and we pulled it off in the 1960s.
But you’re right, a country levelling war probably does do a lot for national unity and acceptance of common good policies. Canada’s journey to UHC was sporadic and really took until 1984 to nail it down. It wasn’t easy.
I’m guessing when your neighbourhood has been carpet bombed, you really can’t justify the glibertarian fantasy view that your natural abilities as a captain of industry will pull you through the third degree burns you sustained when your house got bombed.
Curse you El Cid, with your fast fingers!
blatant trolling for a “‘scuse mah FIN-GAHS” response
Look at the average size of a house in 1972 vs. now. Look at the size of their televisions, and how many cars they had…and you’re telling me they were better off?
How many computers and cell phones did they have? Oh, that’s right–they didn’t exist in the ’70s!
You forgot one, you mangy mother fucking asshole.
Look at their credit card balances (1972=$0, 2009=$10,000)!
You motherfucking goddamn plutocratic bastard! I hope you curl up and die in a ditch off some forgotten highway and get eaten by motherfucking worms.
Brandi said,
October 29, 2009 at 15:37
Presenting like a bonobo in heat and Center Left Grrl still can’t get the action she wants.
You spoke too soon, Brandi. It just took a change of nyms, and presumably of clothes. (Trolls have to get in character, you see.)
Now it smells of dirty angry sex in here.
Just looking at the original topic and wondering about the GOP freakout (which admittedly seems to have been turned up to 11 and had the button smashed off). It’s because of Michael Moore, isn’t it?
They seek new expressions of patheticness.
obama has the potential to be the best president since reagan
My momma always said that if you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.
And please, will someone call out CLG for using the internet troll’s oldest avoidance mechanism “Got to go I have a huuuge party full of cool people to get to, I really won’t be reading this thread anymore, because I’m soo fucking cool”
“I’ll be ‘bating later, need to stop typing before I get a hand cramp!”
Look at the average size of a house in 1972 vs. now.
My 1910 house seems so much larger than it did in 72, I’m sure.
Poor wingnuts – even with something as dull & easily-mocked as the Oscars, they STILL bugger it up. These are plainly folks who couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse wearing a gonch made out of money.
Curses! foiled again!
Family income per capita will now be measured in screen size.
I have often heard television ownership being seriously used as proof of the non-existence of poverty in America, as in “If those welfare mothers are so poor why do they all have widescreen TVs?”
How many computers and cell phones did they have?
I have 100% fewer 8-track tape players and 100% less Benny Hill on my TV than the average 1972 person.
Maybe Jennifer, but Canada hasn’t been invaded since 1812, and we pulled it off in the 1960s.
Yes, but you have poutine to contend with.
I have 100% fewer 8-track tape players[…]than the average 1972 person.
Thatcher fucked the kids.
Hopefully, this is the right link – I can’t access youtube from work.
Actor, no one thinks you’re average. You’re special.
These are plainly folks who couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse wearing a gonch made out of money.
If they fell into a barrel of boobs, they’d come out sucking their thumbs.
If they fell into a barrel of boobs, they’d come out sucking their thumbs.
/Center Left Grrl mode off.
Actor, no one thinks you’re average. You’re special.
I am NOT on the short bus and do NOT wear a ski helmet to school!
Actor, no one thinks you’re average. You’re special.
I am NOT on the short bus and do NOT wear a ski helmet to school!
Paratransit and bicycle helmet?
Paratransit and bicycle helmet?
Shaddap you…
Actor is one of the few people not technologically deprived by the fact that it’s no longer 1972. The rest of us have to make do with these damn flatscreen TVs with 800 channels all showing “The Flava of Love” ripoffs.
Teh Funny is that the right unabashedly believes this, while simultaneously hearkening back to the dear old days of the 1950s
I think it’s more about women and minorities “knowing their place” back then than any of that other stuff.
That’s insufficient punishment unless his cab is continually hired by morons with a poor grasp of both metaphor and clear writing.
And who constantly emit gas caused by eating the local equivalents of Chana Masala and lamb vindaloo.
On Hayek: I actually read The Road to Serfdom this summer. Reading it made me wonder if any wingnuts have ever actually read it, or if it’s just like the Bible. They think they know what’s in there, so they just hammer on it when they need to make a point.
In the first chapter Hayek comes out in favour of worker safety and environmental regulations (well, he calls it regulation to remove “poisons”, but I think it’s a reasonable interpretation). Somewhere in the middle of the book (Chapter 5, I think), he says he thinks it’s appropriate for the industrial state to provide a “minimum standard of food, clothing and shelter to every citizen”. (And let us not forget, he’s writing from an economy only as rich as mid-20th century England, not the infinitely wealthier 21st century US. I think you could make a case that the 2009 version might have said “food, clothing, shelter and health care”.)
What Hayek doesn’t like is the state picking winners and losers. He’s not a wingnut. As long as the regulation applies equally to all economic actors, he seems to be cool with it. If he were still around today, he’d be booted from the Movement as a heretic.
Not Much Shorter CLG: I’m six feet in over my head, gotta split.
That’s insufficient punishment unless his cab is continually hired by morons with a poor grasp of both metaphor and clear writing.
And who constantly emit gas caused by eating the local equivalents of Chana Masala and lamb vindaloo.
First, ew.
Second, I always imagined him smelling of mustache wax. Like Clooney’s line in “O Brother” – I’ve got to get some smell in my hair – only nerdier.
As Krugman says, the fact that you can even have this debate about whether the average person is better off now or in 1976, tells you what an abysmal failure the Reagan era conservative economic program has been.
There is simply no way anyone would even question whether or not a 1976 worker was better off than his 1936 or 1926 counterparts. You didn’t have to rest that claim on “well now they have disco and FM radio!” – they were better off in every way.
Now, that obviously isn’t the case, so people are left picking on specific technological improvements to try and make the case.
Yes, yes, the economic downturn of the 1970s was all about the sudden and mysterious failure of Keynesian economics (after nearly 40 years of success) and had nothing at all to do with the quadrupling of the price of oil (and the other knock-on effects of the Mid-East oil embargo or) the destabilization of all modern currencies following the dissolution of Bretton Woods.
the destabilization of all modern currencies following the dissolution of Bretton Woods.
You crazy lefties and your deep-forest orgies and shit…
Yes, but you have poutine to contend with.
I know the Quebecois are very proud of poutine, but in a world full of US food scientists ever looking for more ways to cram fat, sugar and salt together in ever larger quantities (eg “baconaise”), the existence of a food product consisting of fries, cheese and gravy was frankly inevitable.
It is delicious of course, but if the frenchies hadn’t done it, KFC would have.
Now, that obviously isn’t the case, so people are left picking on specific technological improvements to try and make the case.
The fact that a lot of these technological improvements (I’m looking at you internet) have been driven by government investment seems to escape the rightards. Funny how Tw00fulus has also fled the field, as slippy put it-I’m six feet in over my head, gotta split.
the existence of a food product consisting of fries, cheese and gravy was frankly inevitable.
It is delicious of course, but if the frenchies hadn’t done it, KFC would have.
We were so close. We have cheesy fries. We have gravy fries. We put gravy on mashed.
So close, yet so far…
Reading it made me wonder if any wingnuts have ever actually read it, or if it’s just like the Bible.
seeAlso Smith’s On The Wealth of Nations.
Did you, you know, actually live in the 1970’s, or were they something Mommy told you about when you were little?
Because I did. The tax burden on the average American has barely changed since then. I’ve actually been working since the 1980’s and I can fucking well attest to that. The tax burden on the super-duper fantastically wealthy has dropped dramatically, to the benefit of them and no-fucking-body-else, idiot.
In point of fact, moron, I got the biggest tangible tax cut of my career from the Presidency of Barack Obama. So SUCK THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF THAT.
And as far as “no growth,” well I don’t know about YOU, but I am pretty sure most of the state of Michigan was employed during the 1970’s, unlike NOW. Just for STARTERS. I’m pretty sure we didn’t have all 50 states simultaneously declaring bankruptcy, and by god we didn’t have these fucking ridiculous arguments about whether or not homeless people were REAL back then either because a good number of them were in mental institutions, not running free on the streets (thanks so much, shit-douche-dirt-bag Ronald Fuckerhead Wilson Dickface Reagan. And furthermore, there were probably 1,000,000,000,000,000,0000000000000000000000000 small American businesses that were still in operation in the 1970’s that are NOW OUT OF BUSINESS because their marketspace was squashed flat by big-box behemoths and corporate mergers and acquisitions.
I don’t know how you measure quality of life, but it’s not by how high the taxes were on wealthy people . . . it’s by how comfortable the middle-class is being in the god-damned motherfucking middle class. And it’s real EASY to prove that the middle class is fucking DROWNING in stupid Reaganite garbage today.
Your obliviousness to this fact shows that either you’re a pampered 14-year-old blogging from your wealthy daddy’s basement, or a slobbering imbecile adult blogging from your wealthy daddy’s basement, and it definitely reveals that you have NO FUCKING IDEA what is going on out here in the real world. So until you DO, why don’t you CRAM YOUR PIEHOLE SHUT with money and fuck yourself off into outer fucking space?
Why are we talking about boring ole economics when we could be talking about the peril that awaits our children this weekend from witches?
Demon Candy
“During this period demons are assigned against those who participate in the rituals and festivities. These demons are automatically drawn to the fetishes that open doors for them to come into the lives of human beings. For example, most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches.”
So that’s why I have a strange craving for candy corn….
For example, most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches.
*GASP!* My dream job!
For example, most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches.
MOST? That’s not good enough for those of us who want to be sure.
Are the spells also 50% off the day after? Is there a “witchy dedications to SATAN best before” date?
“Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from the local grocery store. The demons cannot tell the difference.”
You will be cursed with tooth decay and type 2 diabetes!
Do witches and demons actually pray? I thought they would just sort of cast spells and curses and incantations and stuff. That really isn’t “praying”, really.
“Hear me, O Dark Lord! Place a curse on these mini-Snickers bars, so that they hasten tooth decay and the onset of adolescent obesity!”
Hmmm… BBBB beat me to it while I was screwing with spellchecker….
That really isn’t “praying”, really.
Or is it?
Because I did. The tax burden on the average American has barely changed since then. I’ve actually been working since the 1980’s and I can fucking well attest to that. The tax burden on the super-duper fantastically wealthy has dropped dramatically, to the benefit of them and no-fucking-body-else, idiot.
Also, real wages for the working classes have hardly budged in the past thirty years. That’s a fact, Troofie, one you cannot deny.
Oh wait, would I have to candy-curse sky-clad? I don’t think that would be OSHA-compliant. Plus it’s COLD.
[Genet] was, it is said, able to orgasm without touch. He was, it is said, fond of pulling down his pants at a salon or soirée to demonstrate his particular talent.
I thought that was Jean Cocteau.
Bruce Cockburn’s talent is more exotic.
In point of fact, moron, I got the biggest tangible tax cut of my career from the Presidency of Barack Obama.
As soon as Reagan came into office, I recall that
a) state unemployment benefits were subject to federal income tax for the first time, and
b) restaurant workers’ tips were now taxed.
Two new tax increases for low-income taxpayers from St. Ronnie Of The Tax Break. How come nobody ever talks about this anymore?
He was, it is said, fond of pulling down his pants at a salon or soirée to demonstrate his particular talent.
I thought that was Jean Cocteau.
Yes, but he used his feet
(think about it)
Two new tax increases for low-income taxpayers from St. Ronnie Of The Tax Break. How come nobody ever talks about this anymore?
Probably for the same reason they don’t mention that St. Ronnie’s modest income tax cuts for everyone but the wealthiest were more than offset a year later by his less-than-modest hike on FICA taxes, which are capped for the rich folks.
In other words, because they’re fucking morons.
As soon as Reagan came into office, I recall that
a) state unemployment benefits were subject to federal income tax for the first time, and
b) restaurant workers’ tips were now taxed.
He also eliminated the tax deduction for sales taxes. This has only recently been reinstated, albeit as a substitute for state and local income taxes and really only to benefit those states that
suck solely at the teat of the Federal governmentdon’t have a state income tax, like Texas.I really like the strawberry soirée. The orange is nice, too.
It probably hasn’t been prayed over by witches, either.
Oh. And the deduction for credit card and consumer loan interest, altho in light of the recent mortgage debacle and coming consumer credit crisis, this may not have been such a bad thing.
Besides, until we get waitrons who can psychically divine how Lady Shit Moat wants her e coli burgers uncooked, those leeches don’t deserve a break of any kind.
Oh wait, would I have to candy-curse sky-clad? I don’t think that would be OSHA-compliant. Plus it’s COLD.
Hairnet(s) use MANDATORY!
Let’s not forget how he hiked the amount of income you had to pay out of pocket for medical expenses before you could write them off. What was it, 10 or 15%? You’d have to go bankrupt to write it off as a deduction.
Hayek? Seriously? Proto-Neocon Hayek??? Fuckin’ SERIOUSLY???
Bawhahahahahahahaha!!! Oh Troofus you’re too much.
MOST? That’s not good enough for those of us who want to be sure.
You’ll be happy to know that there is legislation being considered soon in the House to require hex labeling for candy. It may be fully in place by Hallowe’en 2011.
Representative John Dingell (D-Mich) is shrill:
I suspect the Red State Trike Force is about to show that old man just how irksome these disgruntled teabagging millionaires can be!
These demons are automatically drawn to the fetishes that open doors for them to come into the lives of human beings.
Open door fetish? Man, the internets keeps telling me things that I just don’t want to know.
Dingell actually used the word “irk?” And I always thought of irk as a verb… Overmuch irk.
I suspect the Red State Trike Force is about to show that old man just how irksome these disgruntled teabagging millionaires can be!
I can see it now – Erick bin Erick puts up a tweet saying that they need to go to Amazon and buy some irk to mail to Dingell’s office.
Main Entry: 1irk
Pronunciation: \??rk\
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English
Date: 15th century
: to make weary, irritated, or bored
Erk Erksson is irked.
See, I was right. Dingle used irk as the object of a prepositional phrase.
What a dumbass.
Zeppo, it might be the start of a meme.
He’s so much of an idiot, he can’t even spell his name correctly. Dingell…
For example, most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches.
Imagine my delight at linking to Goya before J– gets there.
Holy crap, I’ve got work to do, but the “loosers” in the first comment makes me NEED to read all 300 comments.
That misspelling is what is typically called a ‘tell’, sweetie.
Oh wait, would I have to candy-curse sky-clad? I don’t think that would be OSHA-compliant. Plus it’s COLD.
Hairnet(s) use MANDATORY!
My mental image of the Lunch Lady has changed dramatically.
I bet Goya had really, really strange dreams.
when my Dingells start irkin’ me, I usually just shove a ruler down there and start a scratchin’.
I bet Goya had really, really strange dreams.
IIRC, the theory is he had lead poisoning because he used so much cadmium white in his early work.
One can scarcely estimate the incredible amount of permanent damage Reagan’s staggerwits stupidity did to the American middle class. He set afire an orgy of looting, ravaging, and destruction to the legal protections and codes that not only created the middle class in the first place, but kept all Americans safe from rapacious profiteering looters, con-artists, and scammers. From relentless deregulation which has made consumer and employee protections a pointless joke, to the very literal raping of our environment, to the deliberate continuation of economic cul-de-sacs such as the downward pressure on CAFE standards for gas mileage to clear-cutting our national resources and buzz-sawing off the fucking tops of our mountains to pouring indescribable shit into our water and air; destroying pretty much everything in sight and taking a giant steaming shit on the rest of it, Reaganism has failed so hard and so utterly that future generations are, far from realizing Grover “Drown America in a Bathtub (or failing that, New Orleans)” Norquist’s flaccid nocturnal emission of putting a Reagan monument in every county of the nation and on our currency, going to take one look at this stumblefuck loontard of a worthless jackhole President, a mumbling Alzheimer’s patient who slept through most of the important parts of his Presidency and behaved far more like an unelected monarch than the President of a Democratic Republic who was responsible to his constituency of ALL America, and want to run to his grave with bladders full of asparagus-stinking piss and high-octane chili, and spray fulsomely upon the worthless pile of dirt under which he is buried the most toxic stew of bile and disgust they can possibly produce.
Yeah. I said that. Deal, conservatards.
But, but…. Reagan won the cold war, all by himself! And he has an airport named after him. Must have been a great president.
After all, we won that terrible war that was the hell of Grenada, didn’t we?
Reagan created America only 30 years ago. His tears at seeing the beauty of Morning carved the Grand Canyon.
How many times is the Great Liberal Freakout going to be on?
Dunno, I’m still coming down from the Great Zombie Freakout.
Admittedly, we zombies do a freakout a bit differently than Troofy imagined. First of all, there’s LOTS more tequila…
I always thought it was nice of Ronnie to sympathize with the SS guards. Those guys really caught a lot of shit over the years but Reagan wasn’t afraid to speak up for them.
That one just makes me want to spit my intestines out . . . ack! Reagan prolonged the CW with his bellicose stupidity. It was already winding down during the 1970’s with the failure of our occupation of Vietnam, and the Soviet’s quagmire in Afghanistan showing that neither one of us was going to be able to control economic ideology through cockswaggering muscular interference in other nations’ leadership. He amped it up a notch. The notion that he “bankrupted” the Soviet Union by spending our money (actually *my* fuckin’ money that I hadn’t released to him because I wasn’t a fucking taxpayer yet but he borrowed it from me *anyway*) on useless toys for the Defense industry is gut-wrenchingly laughable. All he did was pour the future of America into the purses of a bunch of WHORES and let slip aggression and murder around the world. There’s a lot of sticky blood on his hands.
I’d like to see a sewage plant with his visage carved on it like Mt. Rushmore. Maybe the Ronald Reagan Memorial Compost Heap. That has a nice ring to it.
Jesus, it only takes a few dumb-ass statements from conservatards to remind me how completely I totally fucking despise Ronald Reagan.
And who can ever forget St. Ronnie kicking off his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, talking about States Rights? That was only a 15 years or so after the murder of Andrew Goodman, Micheal Schwerner and James Chaney. There’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of there.
As a proud center-leftist, I take great offense at your denigration of America’s finest President.
I wish that militant radical far-leftists like yourselves should have a little more respect. All of my center-left friends agree.
If this continues, I daresay I shan’t be voting for Obama in the future.
Then of course there was that time he liberated a concentration camp . . . in his fucking head.
I’d like to see a sewage plant with his visage carved on it
I was so disappointed when that San Francisco measure to name a sewage plant after Bush failed.
If this continues, I daresay I shan’t be voting for Obama in the future.
…and I shall write a strongly-worded letter to an obscure blogger!
I was so disappointed when that San Francisco measure to name a sewage plant after Bush failed.
But you see, the sewage plant actually decreased the amount of crap in the world.
LOL. May I present my even less-deferential mixed photo and word-thing essay regarding Ronald Reagan. Titled “A Long, Hot, bitter piss in Ronald Reagan’s Face.”
It’s my favorite contribution to Kos.
…and I shall write a strongly-worded letter to an obscure blogger!
Thank you. I shall now spend the next 400 posts extolling the virtues of Camille Paglia.
Reagan did play a strong supporting role to Bonzo, however. I’ll give him that.
Slippy, that was the best one-sentence takedown of Reagan I’ve ever seen.
Granted, it was a 258-word sentence, but still.
That one just makes me want to spit my intestines out . . . ack! Reagan prolonged the CW with his bellicose stupidity.
As well as intensifying the disruption and human cost when the Soviet Union finally, inevitably, collapsed.
A collapse that was seen coming, decades before, but that information was not conducive to the Military Industrial Hegemony, so was marginalized.
I’d like to see a sewage plant with his visage carved on it like Mt. Rushmore. Maybe the Ronald Reagan Memorial Compost Heap. That has a nice ring to it.
Naw, too much infrastructure expense on his behalf. Name it after Krugman.
Reagan deserves a glory hole.
slippy, that is pretty damn good. Nice use of visuals.
I’m off to buy some asparagus and buy a ticket to wherever Reagan’s putrid corpse has been left to haunt decent people everywhere.
Back when I roadied for the gals in Babes in Toyland we’d get into these really deep political conversations, ya know? Sometimes it would get headed when we talked about things like abortion and the church and stuff. But if there was one thing we always always agreed on it was that we were certainly no fans of the radical gay agenda. Peeee-ewwww!!! Like, gross!
Sometimes it would get headed when we talked about things like abortion and the church and stuff. But if there was one thing we always always agreed on it was that we were certainly no fans of the radical gay agenda.
….and then we’d 69 and doubleheaded dildo stuff and also.
A strongly-worded “badoodle-doo-yeah” to you, looney libs. I find your razza-frazzin’ rhetoric and your inka-dinka-doo intemperance very concerning. I shan’t ding-dong-dilly again.
You know, I am concerned that Concerned Leftis Girl has never had absinthe with teh women from Mrs. Fun. Until she does that, she’s a fucking poseur who probably doesn’t even have a tattoo.
zombie rotten mcdonald said,
“Reagan deserves a glory hole.”
I don’t appreciate your disparagement of a very useful and fantastic creation.
One Ton Chicken Lung
Scares even a zombie.
I’m still contemplating that asparagus reference.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to become a vegatarian.
zombie rotten mcdonald said,
They’re getting my “special sauce”, but only through glory holes.
L7 agreed with my flat-tax proposal. Obama should pay attention to such things and not succomb to the failures of the radical leftist agenda.
I’m still contemplating that asparagus reference.
For years, I never got the reference to funky asparagus piss, and figured that mine must just not smell. Now I understand that I lack the gene that would allow me to smell just how funky my asparagus piss really is.
L7 agreed with my flat-tax proposal.
Funny, they told me that you’re on their Shit List.
Ahhh…. I’m *really* sorry I asked.
Now I understand that I lack the gene that would allow me to smell just how funky my asparagus piss really is.
We must fight for a cure!
We must fight for a cure!
And the little green ribbon fairy has been searching for a worthy cause…
Sorry. That should have been “they told me that you’re on their Shit List.”
And the little green ribbon fairy has been searching for a worthy cause…
Piss for the Cure
It is shameful that here in the richest country in the world we still have a health care system that allows countless people to suffer from the inablity to smell asparagus piss.
Maybe we could sell those little plastic flourescent orange bracelets or something…. Could be the Next Big Thing.
The medical community, as well as those suffering from this tragic disabiity, request that you refer to it by its scientific name: Asparagusberger’s Syndrome.
We are in the process of launching a website which will accept donations via PayPal.
I guess this thread has moved past the troll-baiting phase and has now entered into the dreaded Random Humor Stylings, which comes right before The Next Post. It’s about time to go home anyway….
I will wait for the glory-hole business to recede a few more comments into the past before expressing my sympathy for non-tongue-rollers.
Dan Riehl exclusive:
“The bill contains the word “shall” 3,425 times.”
Why does Dan Riehl hate the subjunctive mood?
Piss for the Cure
Their earlier albums aren’t that bad.
Me and Carrie Brownstein were never tight but we always wound up volunteering at the same feminist teach-ins and stuff. We got along alright I guess but one day there i am kicking the ever-loving crap out of some homeless guy on the side of the road when Ms. Rock and Roll fun herself rolls her hybrid to a squealing stop, gets out and proceeds to lecture me about rights and dignity and all kinds of goofy far-left crap. Can you imagine!? I mean, the nerve or today’s indoctrinated leftys. Puke!
We are proud to announce that our celebrity spokesperson will be Britney Spears.
That CBN blog post on Halloween is amazing! I love the last item on the list of things that will take place:
>>Release of “time-released” curses against the innocent and the ignorant.
Time released? It’s just like taking a Contac!
I guess this thread has moved past the troll-baiting phase and has now entered into the dreaded Random Humor Stylings
To hell with the chickens,
I don’t think I’ll try the veal after all.
I just saw on…Scientific American Frontiers, I think…that there’s an incredibly bitter-tasting protein in some cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, that some people can taste and some people can’t, which is why those people hate my favorite vegetable so much.
Does anybody know if there’s a similar explanation for that gag-a-maggot flavor of spinach and asparagus if they’re cooked more than the slightest little bit?
holy fuck is slippy one badass motherfucker.
The Veal Doghouse. Band name.
Slippy + HTML Mencken for 2016!
That is one goddamn beautiful paragraph, slippy.
Calvin Trillin via The Nation
What Whoopi Goldberg (‘Not a Rape-Rape’), Harvey Weinstein (‘So-Called Crime’) et al. Are Saying in Their Outrage Over the Arrest of Roman Polanski
A youthful error? Yes, perhaps.
But he’s been punished for this lapse–
For decades exiled from LA
He knows, as he wakes up each day,
He’ll miss the movers and the shakers.
He’ll never get to see the Lakers.
For just one old and small mischance,
He has to live in Paris, France.
He’s suffered slurs and other stuff.
Has he not suffered quite enough?
How can these people get so riled?
He only raped a single child.
Why make him into some Darth Vader
For sodomizing one eighth grader?
This man is brilliant, that’s for sure–
Authentically, a film auteur.
He gets awards that are his due.
He knows important people, too–
Important people just like us.
And we know how to make a fuss.
Celebrities would just be fools
To play by little people’s rules.
So Roman’s banner we unfurl.
He only raped one little girl.
I was just admiring Natalie Portman on Top Chef and now this!!@@!!!
btw, Calvin Trillin has something to say about RP
slippy @ 21:58 – allow me to add my voice to the chorus of Fuck Yeah.
Slippy –
A couple of years ago I saw the Rude Pundit live. Appropriately enough, it was in a shithole of a “performance space” on the Bowery, otherwise known as an empty, smelly room with a bunch of uncomfortable chairs. Putting aside the time he spent on stage miming sex with various inflatable dolls wearing paper masks of various Republicans, the high point of the portion of the evening before I was drunk was his opening rant on Reagan. Rude is my age, which is to say he was in high school when Reagan was shot, and he brought tears to my eyes with his description of wondering why everyone was so upset that the evil motherfucker might die.
Your rant just catapulted to second place behind Rude in the annals of Reagan-bashing, and coming in second to the future winner of a Nobel Peace Prize for invective is no small thing.
I’m doubtful that there was ever any sort of concentration going on in Reagan’s head.
I just got home from work.
Good on ya, slippy.
Please let us take a moment to thank Marc Maron, who then had the incredible show on Air America “Morning Sedition”, before the jackholes at that network ruined it too.
On the occasion of Reagan’s passing, Maron et al just got fed up with the Reagan hagiography at every turn, and launched what came to be known as Dead Reagan Monday.
Annnnd.. another Yippee! for Slippy. Chili, asparagus and lots and lots of Guinness.
launched what came to be known as Dead Reagan Monday.
Who followed that up with Zombie Reagan Tuesday? Was that Maron also, or John McCain? My memory on that one is a little foggy.
L7 agreed with my flat-tax proposal.
BULLSHIT!! I really used to know L7 (According to rumor, I spent one blacked-out Easter Sunday chasing Susie Gardner around my house telling her I “loved her” now thats’s a black-out!) & they were pretty far from political. Also, even tiny Jennifer (of L7, not JennofArk) could beat the crap out of Looser Grrrrrrunt. (Or Troofless.)
(According to rumor, I spent one blacked-out Easter Sunday chasing Susie Gardner around my house telling her I “loved her” — now thats’s a black-out!)
Regrettable perhaps, but understandable.
Slippy wins.
“Secret English court seizes billions in assets from the mentally impaired”