McFreudian Slippage
Posted on October 29th, 2009 by D. Aristophanes
Then there’s business travel–most places I go, if I lose my ATM card, there’s a Citibank branch that can help e out in the area.
Bancoke of America is pretty good too … (grinds teeth)
I don’t know what it is she’s on, but it sure is somethin’ pow’rful.
E forces people to have empathy. So I doubt that’s it.
I read her post.
Do people still use checks in US? As in real, hand written checks?
Damn. And here I was cursing how our neighbours have a old banking system because they didn’t automatically add the IBAN code to all the bills, so that paying from a bank account in a bank in another coutry would be easier (and free)
Well, I think they started getting those from the beginning of this year, but still…
Checks… Damn. Or is that some sort of cool retro thing going on in US now?
Do people still use checks in US? As in real, hand written checks?
Usually the woman ahead of me in line at the grocery store.
As a beastie who desings airports world wide for a living this bitch is a morom. no-one takes citibank outside of your benighted country and even amex is unpopular. BTW in noumea all week, french with a major chip on their shoulder, dont bother, vanuatu is much better
Do you design the runways and taxiways or just the passenger terminals?
I only patronize Bailey’s Building & Loan. Solid as a rock for a hundred years now, just don’t give yr money to Uncle Billy. Especially when he’s on the e.
Also too the thought of anybody giving Megan McAirhead “piles of money” to write anything depresses the shit out of me.
“business travel”? Who knew McMegan could bill her employer for emergency cheeto runs.
This “bitch” is a “morom” who “desings” airports?
Thanks for the update, yoyo!
How often does one lose their ATM card? Maybe McLiberty could invest in one of them traveller’s document pouches you wear under your clothes.
Maybe she drinks a lot. That would explain 99.5% of what she writes. The remaining 0.5% could still be put down to unadulterated dimwittery.
Who makes the E in Galt’s Gulch? And why exactly isn’t the Giant Elf there?
10 dolla hit, base pipe come free.
I vaguely recall Megan traveling to a conference...
Why is she concerned about the welfare of the Eels frontman?
How often does one lose their ATM card? Maybe McLiberty could invest in
one of them traveller’s document pouches you wear under yourmitten clips to attach her ATM card to her clothes.fiqqst
“Every few months I leave the house bound for Virginia with a bunch of cash on my person.”
And I picked this month to give up my life of super-villianry.
Breaking: “Verbal pornography” makes wingnuts cry.
Checks in the States: If there’s a largish debt I need to discharge to someone else, a check is the only real way. If I want to directly transfer some dollars, there’s a significant charge to go bank-to-bank. Retarded but true.
Mostly, I think the credit card companies have their collective foot on the neck of more direct transactions.
Drinky McMegan loses her ATM card often enough to comment on it. That’s a big surprise. Oh, and her deposit scheme, yeah, another surprise. I’m surprised she uses a commie credit union (or any kind of bank). I would think a real randian would just stuff the mattress with bars of gold and silver what with the upcoming SHTF fever dream all these fuckers seem to share.
mocking typos now? really stretching, huh guys?
Center Left Grrrl – nah, I just want to know who her dealer is. It’s almost Halloween fer Chrisakes!
Don’t you far left types get it? Socialism is for fools.
McArdle is a genius. I had lunch with her once, grrl powrr! We agree about limited government and freedom and we have tats on our ankles.
mocking typos now? really stretching, huh guys?
Exactly. Stretching. Limbering up, loosening up the snark muscles.
So then we can comment on transparently absurd concern trolling, faux punk street cred, the oh-so-hot ex-stripper wife, musty CIA connections, thriving Internet bidnesses and Internet science.
CLG, do you also lose your ATM card often enough to only want to travel to places that have a Citibank branch?
Center Left Grrrl
We agree about limited government and freedom and we have tats on our ankles.
See, this is where right-wingers lose me. Tits belong on your chest, not your ankles.
Phyllis Schlafly is a genius. I had lunch with her once, grrl powrr! We agree about limited government and freedom and the radical gay agenda.
Sarah Palin is a genius. I had lunch with her once, grrl powrr! We agree about limited government and freedom and how to shoot moose from a helicopter.
It really does seem like some of you guys have a little thing for Meggers, tho. Does she remind you of the cute girl on your high school debate team who was always reading Fountainhead and dating college guys and wouldn’t give you the time of day or something?
Does she remind you of the cute girl on your high school debate team who was always reading Fountainhead and dating college guys and wouldn’t give you the time of day or something?
I remember her. She got pregnant and dropped out. Her college beau refused to have anything to do with her. She was on welfare and on heroin awfully quick, for a Rand junkie. No one knows where she is now. Kinda sad.
I remember her. She got pregnant and dropped out. Her college beau refused to have anything to do with her. She was on welfare and on heroin awfully quick, for a Rand junkie. No one knows where she is now. Kinda sad.
Tsk tsk….fantasizing about the degradation of some girl who left ego scars on you in high school? My but the misogynist kitty claws come out quickly when a so called “leftwing” guy is cornered and confronted, yes?
I once had lunch with William F. Buckley. He insisted I call him Bill. He agreed with me about limited government and freedom. He told me after lunch that I had rocked his world.
ROFL YOU ROCK! You’re so totally the only doppelganger of me worthy of the name.
My but the misogynist kitty claws come out quickly when a so called “leftwing” guy is cornered and confronted, yes?
Coming from someone who presumed that criticism of McMegan was primarily the result of men being bitter at being sexually rejected, your accusation of sexism is very serious and I shall give it a lot of thought.
For Center Troofy Grrrl, all accusations of sexism are srs bsns.
ps i DID get a book signed by pj o’rourke once and he told me that if all feminists were as cute as me the patriarchy didn’t stand a chance 😉
My boyfriend may be a dead ringer for George Clooney (or so everyone tells me lol) but I have to admit I wish he looked more like Jon Voight.
No. She reminds me of other absolutely wrong pinheads like Bill Kristol who despite their lack of talent, their zero grasp of facts, and their willingness to write whatever utter trite right wing bullshit pops into their heads, they get prominent media display because their idiot propaganda servility is considered useful.
And god, if any ‘cute’ girl had been reading “Fountainhead” I’d have avoided the dumbass like the plague. In my school, the cute girls must not have been as dumb as yours. What a celebration of middle school inanity.
Maybe her ATM card is wherever she left her bike. Maybe if she laid off the smack, she could remember where that is.
Back in, oh, must have been ’97 or ’98, Rudy had me over to Gracy one night. He was married at the time, but she was out of town. Rudy agreed with me about limited government and freedom. When I showed him my ankle tat, he just could not control himself. He threw me onto the bearskin rug and, well, I’ll just leave it there.
By the way, I have a number of friends who still lecture me about the dangers of socialized government and the threat of welfare and them lazy ACORN bums; some of these are now receiving federal assistance for housing, unemployment, and other aid. At least a couple are not even trying to look for work.
I, left winger radical anarcho-socialist that I am, work and pay my bills, all so I can hear parasite shit-heads talk junk about how Obama’s ruining the nation and how all ‘their’ taxes (from their zero or negative incomes) are going to the colored and the immigrants while they themselves are sucking the big gubmit teat.
Occasionally I point the contradictions out to them, but most of them are in pretty bad condition and feel awful about their shitty lives, so I just hope that one day their wall of denial will break down. (And no, arguing with them and pointing out the ironies does nothing.)
And god, if any ‘cute’ girl had been reading “Fountainhead” I’d have avoided the dumbass like the plague
From anecdotal experience, I can think of few demographics that are more male dominated than libertarians. It’s comparable to comp sci, Dungeons and Dragons and other bastions of male nerdiness. The other groups can at least brag of attracting a reasonable racial mix to their conventions.
to wit, a typical college libertarian club
and another
yet another
All white, and averaging >80% male. I think there were more women in my combat arms Army reserve unit.
I still write checks. In fact, I don’t even have an ATM or a debit card. Because if I did, I’d be sure to forget to something down and the next thing you know, I’d have all these returned check charges. I’m pretty sure that’s why the banks introduced them in the first place.
As for anyone being “rejected” by McMegan, perhaps you haven’t noticed but it’s not like she’s really attractive on the outside, perhaps because all the fugly inside is seeping out. I’ve personally never been rejected by anyone as unattractive/unintelligent as McMegan, probably because I’ve never had any interest in anyone as unattractive/unintelligent as McMegan. YMMV, of course.
I don’t remember when it was, but a few years back, I ran into Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He agreed with me about freedom and limited government. Although He did not like my ankle tat, saying that I should not have desecrated The Father’s Holy Creation, He said that it aroused Him in a most unnatural way. I wish I could say that I satisfied His lust, but alas, He told me to behave and to go and sin no more.
And no, arguing with them and pointing out the ironies does nothing.
You must not be doing it right. Once you stick that “knife” in, you have to give it a twist.
Indeed, the whole reason I’m at Citibank in the first place is that they’re all over the country, and I’ve spent the last ten years moving a bunch of times.
Indeed, my head hurts after reading that gibberish in that line and the rest of the article. Why does The Atlantic pay a hack like McArdle to torture the language like that?
It seems like she isn’t really sure what she’s thinking until the last word is written. It’s sort of like stream-of-conciousness writing while dropping the E.
Indeed, the whole reason I’m at Citibank in the first place is that they’re all over the country, and I’ve spent the last ten years moving a bunch of times.
Would it help Megan if someone told her that her ATM card works in machines not owned by Citibank? Or would that be too confusing?
Not where I’m working. The University of California just announced it will no longer issue “paper checks” after mid-November. Those who don’t have a bank account will be issued a special “debit card” account that will have funds transferred to it each payday and can be used to extract cash from the UC Credit Union.
You know the most amusing thing about Troofus’ little freak out today? He doesn’t seem to realize that everyone looks at it and thinks “er no… we WERE the smart college guys the hot chicks were all dating”. Because y’know, we fitted in to the horrible liberal intellectual establishment. People actually liked us. It’s right wing misogynists like you who make an entire political philosophy out of how you can’t get laid as often as you want and DAMNIT YOU DESERVE, and so make up ridiculous conspiracies about how it must all be the Liberal Systems fault, especially as people you grow to hate become even less interested in fucking you for some reason…
Some still write for the pleasure of holding onto their money a little longer. Anything that facilitates money moving out of your wallet is rarely devised for your benefit.
But yeah, how does someone so unaware get a gig as a writer for the Atlantic? Talent? No. Insight? No. Intelligence? No. Must be something but I don’t think I want to know what.
Besides, at the time, I didn’t need to date all those cute girls in the Ayn Rand fan club, I would just call up my buddy who ran the multi-million dollar small business but who spent all day commenting on leftie blogs and he would ask his ex-CIA hot stripper wife to send over some of her friends.
Doesn’t Andrew Sullivan write for the Atlantic too?
Maybe it’s just that the entire worthless doucherag is operated for the purpose of employing talentless, moronic hacks.
I find pointing and laughing loudly to be very effective.
Do people still use checks in US? As in real, hand written checks?
Most things can be paid online or via draft, but I have two payees that only accept checks, one of which is a credit union with just about every other service online.
And you know Miss Meghan is not doing e, she’s too hatey.
he would ask his ex-CIA hot stripper wife to send over some of her friends.
That one never gets old.
Wanna be celebrity concern trolling. It must be someone’s first week on the internet (h/t ITTDGY).
“er no… we WERE the smart college guys the hot chicks were all dating”. Because y’know, we fitted in to the horrible liberal intellectual establishment
So by your account you were the college guy in my little story who was dating a high school Rand reader? And you’re proud of this? It must take years of therapy to arrive at the point where you not only admit but in point of fact brag about this.
No, c’mon — please tell me no one would read The Fountainhead after middle school. Particularly not some girl who could read and comprehend stuff.
Does she remind you of the cute girl on your high school debate team who was always reading Fountainhead and dating college guys and wouldn’t give you the time of day or something?
Ha! My high school didn’t even have a debate team! Bookmark that, libs!
Does she remind you of the cute girl on your high school debate team who was always reading Fountainhead
The one who lost debates because she couldn’t think herself out of a wet paper bag, who thought “logic” was a type of Greek column, whose “arguments” were used to play “fallacy bingo?” Except for the “cute” part, YES.
So, watcha got tattooed on yer cankles? The Willendorf Venus?
It’s right wing misogynists like you who make an entire political philosophy out of how you can’t get laid as often as you want and DAMNIT YOU DESERVE, and so make up ridiculous conspiracies about how it must all be the Liberal Systems fault, especially as people you grow to hate become even less interested in fucking you for some reason…
Ah. They attended B-school, in other words…
So this is what the Atlantic pays MegMac the big bucks for–to tell us that it’s nice to have ATMs in convenient locations? This is approaching Jim “Target Is Hell” Lileks levels of irrelevance.
This is extra funny because I just landed in SoCal to see 3 Phish shows.
Mocking typos would be trivial, except in McMegan’s case she makes them daily. Click on any given post in her archives and you’ll find misspelled words, typos, and absurd factual errors. This sort of thing is laughable coming from hobbyist bloggers; when it comes to professional writers, it’s entirely unacceptable. She’s being paid. She’s supposed to take the time to comb over her work and check for mistakes before posting.
And no, arguing with them and pointing out the ironies does nothing.
Throwing them into a canal would give you a damn good feeling.
when it comes to professional writers, it’s entirely unacceptable. She’s being paid. She’s supposed to take the time to comb over her work and check for mistakes before posting.
Yeah, if I screwed up as much on the job, I’d be in a soup line (no doubt David Brooks would think the soup kitchen had a salad bar).
Wouldn’t that argue for an antitrust system that requires all banks to accept and process deposits for other banks?
That’s just minimal writing skills, for fuck’s sake. You’d also expect someone who writes for a living to know what the fuck they’re talking about, but the current crop of Village pundits pretty much just shoots their mouth off about what they overheard at a cocktail party. “Reporters” are no better: they don’t even do the basic work you’d expect a pundit to do and they also get paid.
There’s no mystery as to why news broadcasting and print industries are dying like a poorly-watered fern in a dusty warehouse: the quality level of their basic product is worse than SHIT.
It’s a real shame how Chase bought out Wamushrooms.
No, c’mon — please tell me no one would read The Fountainhead after middle school. Particularly not some girl who could read and comprehend stuff.
I actually read it in grad school. My roommate and one of his friends said it was their favorite book and that Howard Roark was their roll model. So, I read it. At the time they were both working jobs they hated and complained about, so I asked why they didn’t quit and do what they really wanted to do. The response was predictable and hilarity ensued. Then, they told me I think too much, which furthered my point. Good times.
Speaking of typo’s “role” not “roll,” but shit I’m not gettin paid fur thes.
That’s just minimal writing skills, for fuck’s sake.
Very true, but mistakes are substantially more forgivable when they’re made by people writing for hobby as opposed to those who are paid. I’m just amazed at how long Megan’s gotten away with it at the Atlantic.
who thought “logic” was a type of Greek column
You mean “Corinthian order” does not mean “Wear leather next time, slave”? I have been sadly misled.
Frau Doktorin Penny really needs to publish her ideas in illustrated newsletter form.
You people don’t write checks? How do you pay the pizza guy? (Srsly, that’s the only thing I write checks for now. It’s a little embarrassing to go back through the carbons — geez, no wonder I’ve gained ten pounds…)
Almost every architecture student reads the Fountainhead in college.
Most of them get over it.
A few years back, I tried to re-read it again. Decided it wasn’t worth it. still on my shelf though. Probably should toss it before my teenage son finds it.
I’m just amazed at how long Megan’s gotten away with it at the Atlantic.
Grading on a curve explains ALL the wingnut and neo con writing gigs. Hey, when one of the leading lights is Doughbob, who expects anything better?
Almost every architecture student reads the Fountainhead in college.
How much of it is actually about architecture? I’ve never read it.
“Probably should toss [The Fountainhead] before my teenage son finds it.”
Nah, just like with many other issues, let him read it but talk to him about it. My son read Atlas Shrugged last year (his senior in HS) and while it scared me to death (this being a topnotch student and musician who often has a tough time understanding why anyone has difficulty getting along), we talked it out and he gets it that that ain’t no way to structure a society.
Shorter me:
It’s a teachable moment.
Damn! How come I came late to the party again? Where’s that idiot Ayn Rand wannabe pwwr grrl who’s contorting the meaning of feminist?
Show me a feminist libertarian and I’ll show you either a liar or a complete fool.
Architects DREAM of being Howard Roarke. His attitude toward prospective clients was pretty much: “Look, chump…just sign the check and then bend over while I shove my brilliant, groundbreaking designs up your ass.”
Just to note: McA.’s typo (& the rest of her crazy babble) has gone uncorrected for approx. 32 hrs.
stibbert, an architect, read the Fountainhead as an undergrad.
if he recalls correctly, architecture (theory, practice & education) was one of the book’s central themes.
some of Rand’s writing conformed pert’ well w/ the arch’l ‘establishment’ of the time, some of it espoused her own philosophy [sic], such as:
1 experience as a building-trades worker is a good thing [no argument there],
2 designs emulating the ‘Heroic Modernists’ (Corbusier, Wright, Gropius) are preferable to those of the ‘Reactionary Classicists’ [no Corinthian-order leather undies allowed],
3 cathedrals should celebrate Man, not God [a bit atheistic, that],
4 an architect’s design is his ‘intellectual property’, all rights & benefits pertaining thereto are his & his alone, regardless of the needs/desires of clients/consumers [architects are demigods & must be venerated],
5 having a great deal of talent is probably better than not,
6 a wealthy client with a hot ex-stripper wife is preferable to any other type of client [another bow to Wright, and who would argue against that, anyway?].
fortunately, the profession has since evolved a bit since then, things like collaborative effort, contextualism, historicism & social responsibility have crept into the mix, however, items 1, 5 & 6 are still applicable.
M. Bouffant – can you recall her posting a correction or fixing errors ever? She doesn’t even do it after they are pointed out to her by her fanboys.
some of it espoused her own philosophy [sic], such as:
You forgot the “Rape is all good, deep down she really wants it” bit…
McArdle is a genius. I had lunch with her once, grrl powrr! We agree about limited government and freedom and we have tats on our ankles.
A genius? Because she failed at writing and failed at Wall Street and finally managed to find a job pushing corporate bullshit? Because she doesn’t know the difference between number and proportion? Because she makes up statistics and lies to cover up her other lies? Or is it because she wants to make it legal to sell organs. Or voted for Bush twice. Or thought Iraq had WMD because if she were Saddam she would have had WMD.
Maybe you admire her relationship with tea-bagger and Koch manservant P. Suderman. Perhaps you feel sorry for her because she was dumped (professionally speaking) by Yglesias and Klein and everyone else who had enough snap to abandon a sinking ship.
I’m sure she’d appreciate the support, especially if it were monetary. You can still buy her a wedding present to show your esteem, but remember that she says it won’t be worth your time to buy her anything but expensive glassware and china.
You forgot the “Rape is all good, deep down she really wants it” bit…
the stibbert did not forget that, he just doesn’t think it’s pertinent to ‘architecture’.
can you recall her posting a correction or fixing errors ever?
Indeed no, not even when pointed out to her. I was more or less answering the troll who was whining about picking on her for typos. Typos are one thing (Though not un-indicative of sloppy thinking, refusal to check one’s “work,” etc.) but never noticing them/leaving them up is another story entirely.