Is AnnieAngel a Parody Blog?

Annie’s blog bio:

Hi my name is Annie, I’m a 36 year old fitness professional and I love Jesus. Do you? Jesus loves you and He doesn’t want you to burn in Hell. Right now you are damned, unclean, your soul is a filthy rag and your future is doomed. Let Jesus into your heart and you will find eternal life. Drugs are not you. Booze is not you. Gambling is not you. Sexual perversion is not you. Your spirit is you and your spirit belongs to God. Free yourself from the chains of the corruption of the flesh through the flesh and blood of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen and Have a Blessed Day!

AnnieAngel on Easter Sunday:

I found a fucking site that stole How To Be A Good Christian Wife!! No credit, no link, nothing!! They put it up like they wrote it!!

This fucking piece of shit is stealing my work!!

Is the New York Law firm out there????

I’m not going to link to the asshole because they are fucking lower than dirt. Asshole doesn’t even fucking speak english!!!! Holy shit!!!!

I’m pissed!

This is a level of cognitive dissonance that I’m frankly too stupid to understand, so I’ll have to ask Annie about it directly.

Annie? Are you for real, or are you just a She-Ruppert?


[UPDATE: Okay, who stole those roses from Annie’s blog!?]


Comments: 186


How did they plagiarise her if they don’t speak English?


oh, geez, she’s gonna have a bloggasm now…a whole freaking post dedicated to her.

I feel bad for whoever at her place is going to have to clean up after it. Bleargh.


I think it’s only fair that Gary hijack this thread with incessant posting. I mean, she more or less took over one of the threads dedicated to him, right?


I am not a parody, I am a human being. I’m just a little girl with a big message: Jesus loves you.

Some girl changed the title of my good Christian wife article and posted it on her site. She has since apologized and removed it. I thanked her.

And anyway none of this matters since I’m really Brad R.


Stop trying to take over my thread, Marita.


And anyway none of this matters since I’m really Brad R.

Holy Mobius Strip, Batman! Why is reality always an inside joke with me on the outside looking in?


Because you aren’t very bright, Demo. 🙁


Now, Brad, note that in her bio, annie says nothing about not cussing or not throwing hissy fits.

I wonder if it fits on a bumper sticker:
Jesus fucking loves you, pussy you faggot!


I would never use the term “faggot.” If you think I would then you obviously have no clue about me.


Because you aren’t very bright, Demo. 🙁

(blushes, swoons) An insult from annieangel is better than a kiss from Davy Jones!!!!1! I’ll never wash my internets connection again!


Seriously, Dorothy: only whores use “faggot.”


Say God bless you when somebody sneezed
All O.J. must be freshly squeezed
You can cuss like a sailor
Be an oblivious hater
Man this troll-blogging thing is a breeze!


Thank God I’ve got my harlot-filter on.

…uh, I mean…Why is this post blank? Why are some of the comments showing up as “blocked by Norton harlot-filter?”


Ewwww, annie got jesus in my peanut butter!!



And anyway, why do you all care so much about me? Why am I so great? Hmmmm?


Hey annie, what denomination are you?


And anyway, why do you all care so much about me? Why am I so great? Hmmmm?

You’re seriously the awesomest troll we’ve had around here since Dr. BLT (whom we dearly miss, btw).

It’s too bad you’re married, ’cause I think you and the Doc would make the cutest couple EVAR!!!


Yup, BLT and a nice cold FrO.J.


I’m not married but I’m in a relationship.

I am also not a troll. Like, if someone were to call me a troll, I’d probably call them a dick.


I’m not married but I’m in a relationship.

Do you fornicate through a hole in a sheet so Christ can’t see you sin?


Like, if someone were to call me a troll, I’d probably call them a dick.




Your body on my legs is scary!!!!!


You down with HNT?
Yeah, you know me!


I’m down with KJV!


Is that true, Gavin? Or are you being facetious?


I’m actually a Quaker, but don’t tell anyone.


Oh my god, Gavin, really? I totally love your oatmeal!


Aren’t Quakers terrorists? I heard they were being wiretapped….why do you hate America?


Everyone takes my oatmeal!
Dammit, can I never have a bowl of oatmeal in peace…?


Annie’s own blog has convinced me that her site is a parody. I’m not going to name any specifics lest she attempt to refute my opinion and ruin it all for me. In conclusion, well done, Miss or Ms Angel! Your onscreen persona is contradictory and confusing. You’ve stymied the radar.



Who the fuck do you assholes think you are? What right do you have to question my character? I mean, fuck you lucy. Fuck you right in the ass.

This is too much. Grow up, realize there are more types of people in this world than in your narrow little world view and get over it!

But to call what you obviously don’t understand parody….you’re showing your ignorance….parody of WHAT?


I mean, did you ask if you could use my picture like that, Brad?? Huh? What’s wrong with you?


I mean, did you ask if you could use my picture like that, Brad???

No, because I wasn’t the one who posted it. See, other people on this blog are actually able to edit posts themselves. I’ll leave it to you to figure out which of my devious colleagues posted that fine pic of your legs.



Takin’ J.C.’s name in vain? That’s a paddlin’…


I don’t understand why I’m being singled out here. I don’t troll. I haven’t said bad things about your site, in fact, I’ve said good things.

So why the hostility?


Stealing from the Simpsons, that’s a paddlin’…


I don’t understand why I’m being singled out here. I don’t troll. I haven’t said bad things about your site, in fact, I’ve said good things.

So why the hostility?

Annie, we like you. We’re just teasing. I was just pointing out the rather strange cognitive dissonance of someone who talks about being a good Christian in one sentence and then immediately starts swearing like a trucker in the next. C’mon, we’re just jokin’ around. Don’t take it personally or nothin’ 🙂


Retardo, you’re so in trouble for that pic with Annie’s legs.


You like me? You really like me??

That’s a paddlin’.


I know, RETARDO, I mean, JEEEEEEZ.


Being a flirtatious troll?

Ohhhh that’s a paddlin’.


I would never use language to you like what you said to me, Annie. That’s one reason why I think you’re a parody. At least, you’re a parody of Christian love and brotherhood.


You know what Annie sounds like to me? An old Onion article entitled, “This Fucking Teddy Bear Is So Fucking Cute.” Anyone else remember that one?


Hole in the sheet, annie. Answer the question.

Do you even bother to hide your shameful fornication from Our Lord or do you wave your sin under his nose, daring Him to reject you?


Well lucy, I really don’t care what language you would or wouldn’t use with me. I’m not in charge of how you speak, you aren’t in charge of how I speak.

See how that works? We’re like individuals that way.

Now, since you are more or less anonymous on here, I think you are a troll, judging from the fact you like anal sex, I think you are a gay male troll.

Or a parody of one.


I’m done with her.


Now, since you are more or less anonymous on here, I think you are a troll, judging from the fact you like anal sex, I think you are a gay male troll.

Oh man. That’s totally awesome. (Sorry, Luc, but it is.)


Lucy’s done with me. I know that because she posted that info for everyone to see. And she’s pissed. I know that because she called me, “her.”

But, as you all witnessed, she started it.


annie is (rightfully) ashamed to respond regarding her sinful fornication which doth rend the very heart of Our Lord in twain.


I think it’s the disciplined maintenance of the facade that is so wonderful about annieangel. But that has its risks … be careful to maintain your real self, annie, or it could turn really ugly.


I love how she basically launched a decapitation strike on AG, making her attack on Lucy seem like ring-around-the-roses. That’s total ‘bagging. A deserving of an award.


My favorite part of her site used to be “Only whores use frozen,” but even that can’t stand up against “Princess Annie’s Blogdom of Peace: PLAGIARIZING ASSHOLE!!!!” Truly, we are in the presence of greatness.


Who’s AG? Our resident acid bath whines that we’re being mean to her, perks up when Brad comforts her, then turns around and tells me to get fucked in the ass while mewling that I started it. That’s quite a range of mood swings. Which is what makes me think she’s a male hermit–possibly one of those self-created Russian eunuchs so masterfully brought to life in the recent novel The People’s Act of Love–and is coping with life through the use of off-label hormone therapy in large quantities. Or someone with Borderline Personality Disorder. Or even both! Having a thread devoted to her has brought out some truly freakish emotions in her. Whatever she is, I’m nominating her for a Baggie. But, Brad, Gav, Seb, a little request from me: in future, don’t bait the trolls quite so blatantly, or I’ll go over to BLT’s website and ask him to come back.


She’s secretly Gen. JC Christian’s double-secret-probation lover. But don’t tell anyone, ‘cuz it’s a secret.

And this other “Ben S.” character needs to stop gankin’ my skeez, yo. I mean, how many S,N! readers have the first name “Ben” and a last name beginning with the letter “S” (besides Shapiro)?


Lucy, lucy, lucy, I thought you were done with “her.”

It’s only natural that you envy me, but try to keep your dignity.


*de-activating harlot-filter*…

I think it’s the disciplined maintenance of the facade that is so wonderful about annieangel.

Well, it’s something anyway. But it’s not enough. The mystifying parody troll routine is derivative, and absent any real mirth since the “whores and frozen OJ.” thing, I’m giving the “Annieangel Experience” two thumbs down.

Sorry, annie. Entertainment’s a tough business.


I’m not in the entertainment business.

Maybe I should be!



LOL indeed.

In addition OMG and WTFWJD! BBL.


Yes, annie – do tell us what happened over at Jesus’ General, in your own words. Take your time, and don’t leave anything out.

You have nothing to hide, right?


Don’t forget ROTFLMEOW!!one!


Ah, Jesus General. Well, let’s see. I went over there and started posting. Patriotboy just loved me to pieces. Not the way Brad loves me, but still it was love.

I was defended at first against the mean people who troll there by stinkyeye and mcsomething, they said I was favored of the General and that people better be nice to me.

But then, suddenly, they started being traitorous Christ-pissers so I told them they were going to burn in Hell if they didn’t REPENT. Now that I was saying that they were damned, they got nasty.

I was banned therefore I stopped posting there.

A post was made on JG linking my site and telling all the little demons there to go troll me.

My boyfriend got pissed and went to JG, and rained fire and brimestone on them until the whole internet broke.

That’s about it. Their site is ultragay. And not in the campy good way.


Is this still annie or is this an impostor or is it one of annies “alters”? Maybe Trish or The Green Lady or Jimmy the Dyke or whichever one helps annie through the Dark Patches.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Disturbing, if true.



Annie’s like Betty Bowers, only ambiguous! And Nixon was a Quaker, so perhaps they should be closely watched. I’m just sayin’.


But you must have known it was, you know, a paraody site, right? The “Buddy Jesus” should have been a dead give-away.


AG is adorablegirlfriend, who got into a cattyfight with AA, but AA chopped off her head. It was stunning.

I think they’re both dudes.


First of all, are those really Annie’s legs on the blog? If so, she’s got a great pair! But I’m confused, as Christians are typically sexually modest. So why would that be the picture she chose?

Second, under Favorite Music she lists Tool. I can dig it! Tool rocks! But has she listened to the lyrics? Maynard is seriously pissed about Christianity! So I’m confused about that too. But hey, I dno’t awlyas mkae snsee etiehr.


AG is adorablegirlfriend, who got into a cattyfight with AA



PP: linky!


There was no catfight. Adorable Girlfriend was babbling on and on like she usually does about food. I don’t think she can go 15 minutes without stuffing something into her mouth.

She sure likes pork and pork by products.


I’m never going to post on 3bulls now. EVER!!!

Tres weys, more like it.


I’m never going to post on 3bulls now. EVER!!!

How’d they get so lucky? What’s the secret?



-Our Lord
-hole in sheet

Answer? Are you surprised the issue came up? Shouldn’t you have a stock response for that one at this point? Or are you a hamfisted amateur dabbling in trollblogging?


Sadly, Annie stopped posting shortly after I stopped responding to her vulgar and infantile taunts. Most likely she’s in love with me/jealous/whatever she accused me of. In other words, we’re rubber, she’s glue; whatever she says bounces off us and sticks to–her. Good luck getting your answer, though, GoatBoy. Or maybe she’s mixing up some frozen OJ for her “man,” her way of life having been exposed as a hollow lie, thus removing her motive for squeezing the juice herself. Or, in fact, maybe she’s off cutting holes in her topsheets; you gave her a nice homemaking tip there.


Are you a lesbian, Lucy? I only ask because you’re so hot for me.


People like annie make me feel bad for actual Christians. And that’s hard to do, because I don’t like religion much.

Despite my personal feelings on the subject, however, I am perfectly capable of realizing that there are very good people in this world who happen to be Christian, and the good things they do are in large part inspired by their Christianity.

Annie, however, takes a huge, smelly dump all over those people every time she opens her mouth.

Like I said, I feel bad.


AA used to haunt Eschaton, along with co-conspirator/alterego shoelimpy (who was recently banned from Pandagon… now that I’ve mentioned this, AA will go on and on about it, so I apologize in advance.) I expect this is all part of some intense, epic performance art piece. Do let us know when and where the gallery opening will be, dearie. Make sure it’s an open bar, too.


What would you know about Christians?? LOL! You obviously think there is a certain “thing” other than accepting Christ that makes someone an actual Christian. That’s like saying you’re not an actual Jew. (but you hate religion so I guess you’ve pissed on God by now)

Fuck off. 🙂 I’ve missioned and fed and clothed and housed the poor and I’ve helped people of the street and I’ve been places you would never go, Jilly. But good works are dead without faith.

SHEESH! I’d bet every single mission that is feeding the poor in your area is CHRISTIAN. SO take your religion hating ass out on the street and feed people, hypocrite. Miami is a cesspool for the lost, go help someone.

Now, REPENT! Let’s make it 143,999 conversions left until Judgement day!


Shoe is banned from Atrios’ little chat board because Richard/jack/carpassman namestole him and trolled like crazy. I’m not banned because Atrios loves me. I’m a well loved member of the community. I’m helping to plan Eschacon II, actually.


You notice how flirty and giggly annie is with the guys, and just a vicious harridan with the women.

…sheer, unadulterated harlotry.


Women hate me because men desire me.


What’s that smell?


annie, your schtick needs new material worse than Jeff Foxworthy. Worse than Dennis Miller. Shit, worse than Kevin fucking Meany ferchissakes!

Some assface on Usenet called from 1994. He wants his act back.

So what DO you tell Jesus about your fornication? Do you pray for forgiveness after every time you perform your sinful act with him? Or do you “forget” to mention it to Him because you and JC are cool like that? Which version of the Bible do you have that Christ and Paul wink at your adulterous harlotry?


Women hate me because men desire me.

Succubus! *swoon*…Where’s my holy water?


Goatboy: Obviously annie believes that she is married in God’s eyes, even if she isn’t under the law. Which makes me wonder, why isn’t she married under the law? Maybe there’s some kind of legal reason?

But good works are dead without faith

But what’s faith without good works? A bit of a hollow cymbal, I reckon. Even the demons believe…


“…Where’s my holy water?”

MDM, for additional effect, mix holy water with frozen orange juice concentrate…


(I’m valiantly resisting the urge to insinuate that her man and she are cousins).


Obviously annie believes that she is married in God’s eyes, even if she isn’t under the law.

Ya know where His eyesight is especially keen? In a CHURCH. I hear tell that many Christian people choose to pledge their troth in such a locale. The minister might even help point one to the proper civil office where one can file the forms to…

Hey, wait a minute…what’s this annie business? Shouldn’t you be a Mrs. Man’s Name if you’re wedded before the lord? You don’t get your own name anymore, cookie. Your husband is the head of you as the Lord is head of your man, remember? Where do you get off with this feminist given name crap?

Cafeteria Christian slattern!


If folks don’t start drinking soon this thread is never going to break 500 comments.

And Annie, I have a hard time believing you are a well-loved member of the Eschaton community. “Annie, you are not among friends.”


And Annie, I have a hard time believing you are a well-loved member of the Eschaton community.

Impossible. Anybody who showed up after June of 2002 or so is either a n00b, a mole, a troll or somehow otherwise suspect. I think there’s only a dozen regulars or so and a rotating cast of nerds perpetually trying to sit at the cool kids’ lunch table.

/just sayin


Atrios is not the cool table. I mean, did you see him on West Wing? Scary!!


So you can see my posts.

What’s with the fornicating and keeping your given name, Babylonia?


annie, We do get the internet up here, you know. I would advise you stop running your fool mouth, straighten up and fly right. Trust me, you want be long gone on My bus before Dad starts in with His Gamorrah act (and not just because it’s such a tired, hacky bit!)

Put the dick down or get thee to a nunnery. I always did have a soft spot for the real whores, as you should well know.


The slag’s unrepetent.


Hmm… The thing I liked about BLT was that he not only accepted his place as a troll- he wrapped himself it in as a cloak, and got everything out of it he could. It made him a comforting presence, rather than a pain in the ass.
Denial doesn’t do it for me, though a persecution complex is kind of getting there, I guess.
Ah, good ol’ Doc.


See, I’m totally enjoying that a woman who devotes such a major part of her life to the bible that she can send other people to hell acause she knows their souls over the internets has a boyfriend who rains brimestone.


Don’t you idiots understand that I’m the one being trolled here? You are DYING for my responses.

You worship me. You should worship Christ. Think about it.


You are DYING for my responses.

No, sorry. Simply taking every opportunity to highlight the fact that YOU DON’T PROVIDE ANY.


I’m the one being trolled here?

Uh, you could stop biting any time. As your adulterous lech of a shack up has doubtless told you many times.


I am not going to answer questions about my personal life.

The whole reason this thread is here is because Brad is in love with me, plus he wanted another 500+ post thread. Duh. That and plus I’m Brad.


I am not going to answer questions about my personal life.

Indeed. You should be spending your time repenting and turning that knocking shop you call a home into a real, Christian household.


And anyway, why do you all care so much about me? Why am I so great? Hmmmm?

Well, I think you have a nice ass. My husband thinks so, too. Not that it makes you great or anything. Lots of women (and men!) have nice asses. As for “care”? I wouldn’t say this is caring. Sick fascination on the part of some, maybe.

You worship me. You should worship Christ. Think about it.

Okay, so does the cognitive dissonance of this trio of sentences give anyone else whiplash? Just so you know, I don’t bother worshipping messengers. I take the message for what it is. Worship is reserved for the one sending the messenger. Otherwise, one might be tempted to follow that Mohammed guy, too, and while that’s fine for those who need an intermediary who looks/thinks/speaks in ways that make them feel more comfortable worshipping, I prefer a deity who doesn’t require human form, nay nor any corporeal form at all, to get the message across. God is everywhere, in everything. If worshipping a dead guy does it for you, rock on. I just don’t see the point when one can go straight to the source. So cut the holier than thou crap, mmmkay?


Sorry for being anony mouse. That last diatribe was me.


You worship me. You should worship Christ. Think about it.

I used to like Jesus, but if annieanal is the kind of company he keeps, well, he can make like the hungry hungry hippo and eat it.


‘Cause it’s HNT, she’s dynamite!
HNT, And she’ll win the fight.

I hope you don’t mind my asking, Annie Angel, but who’s Shelly?


Shelly and her looser friends were talking about me behind my back. She’s a skanky ho. 🙂


Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Marie Jon’ you certainly are not.

…that was vile.


who’s Shelly?

I’m curious about the answer to that one too.

Annie, some clarification. The reason people are going after you is not because we have the hots for you, or even because of your contradictory behaviour, but because you’re a nasty piece of work. You could fuck your partner six ways to Sunday while screaming “praise the Lord for fornication” and I, like any other true liberal, wouldn’t give a shit. It’s when you spit your judgmental venom at others that I take exception, and become tempted to point out that you’re a hypocrite. I imagine that I’m not the only one who feels that way.


My Norton Anti-Harlot is going nuts right now- any non-harlots care to enlighten me on the discourse, since I can’t read most of it (can’t lower my harlot wall- at work, you know).


I was plagerized. It pissed me off. Don’t like my reaction? Tuff.

Now you don’t like my reaction to me finding Shelly and her friends calling me names behind my back? I don’t care, I wasn’t talking to anyone but Shelly and her friends. I think they got my point, and that’s all that matters to me.


Sorry. My harlot-shield snapped up when I clicked on the Shelly link. I caught a glimpse though, and now I have to wash my eyes out with soap.

…and pray. Lots of praying.


GG, for some reason people are having a hard time grasping the fact that the stupid strumpet is a.)not for real, and b.) the sort of child who will do absolutely anything to get a rise out of people, including writing down every naughty word they know in a row in an attempt to show off how clever they are.

Someone just linked to something particularly disgusting that annie wrote on her blog. It’s nothing worse than the sorts of things eleven year old boys shout back and forth at each other at Boy Scout jamborees when they think there aren’t any grownups around, really, but it’s disgusting, nonetheless.

The whole thing is just sad, and I’m baffled as to why anyone is still trying to seriously engage with her. The only thing to really do with such people is deny them the attention their juvenile behavior is such an obvious plea for.


I think they got my point, and that’s all that matters to me.

Well, no, there’s something else that’s meant to matter to you…

You know, it’s one thing to say that works don’t matter, it’s quite another to use it as an excuse to cover whatever works you don’t care to address. The former is a healthy way of reminding one’s self that nobody’s perfect, and to prevent one from getting egotistical about what they’ve done. The latter– the latter has no place in any sensible relationship with God.


Why do you care Jillian? Could it be that you are amazed at how truly free from inhibition I am because I realize my spirit is part of God and that this life is fleeting?


Can we just please stop discussing and responding to annieangel? This place is starting to resemble a Xanga… thing.


(sigh) maybe I’m under the mistaken impression that if you understood what I was saying, you’d be a bit more civilised?

The only thing to really do with such people is deny them the attention their juvenile behavior is such an obvious plea for.

Okay. Sorry. I will now stop feeding the troll.


How am I the troll on a thread created to provoke me to respond? Every single one of you is a hypocrite. It’s truly beautiful.

Brad…I’d say something but I think you know. You’re teh cool. Does anyone else know or just me?


annie, We do get the internet up here, you know. I would advise you stop running your fool mouth, straighten up and fly right. Trust me, you want be long gone on My bus before Dad starts in with His Gamorrah act (and not just because it’s such a tired, hacky bit!)

Put the dick down or get thee to a nunnery. I always did have a soft spot for the real whores, as you should well know.


What Dan said. And then some. With cherries on top.

After all, Pastor Swank is in fine form tonight, and when it comes to the good Swankster, all I can say is a jug of bread, a loaf of wine, and Thou…


Thanks Jillian- the Norton is a pain in the ass sometimes.


Annie — I got caught up reading the thread to your “Shelly” post, and I was struck by the following reply you made to one of your commenters: “What’s up Cliff? Why are your here? You are obviously an idiot with no clue, so I’m really interested in what you think you accomplish by posting here…let me in on the secret freak.”

Hmmm…now why does that sound familiar to me. Oh, yes. I remember now. Because you and I had a similar exchange on the now-infamous Gary Ruppert II thread:

Me: “Annie — I really want to know the answer to this question: Why are you here at this site?…Are you trying to save all of us? Do you really think your arguments will sway any of the readers here? Do you just want the attention? Seriously, WTF is it?”

Your response: “I don’t post here much….I thought it was a free internet, but I guess now I need to report why I post where I do to you???”

Now fess up. You’re really Ben Domenech, right?


“Could it be that you are amazed at how truly free from inhibition I am ”

I suspect that, like me, what Jillian and others are amazed at is how truly full of shit you are.

If annie’s not a parody, then she’s someone I’m really glad I’m not in close proximity to. How fucking exhausting it would be to have to feed that ego in real life!


Cliff was constantly trolling my blog with disgusting sexual comments.

And my post was written a long time ago, Ben.


So you’ll just feed it online instead, g? Is that what you’re really trying to say? I don’t think it is, I’m just making sure…


Jillian and Dan – Gack, you are right! No more feeding the idiot troll. Apologies.

“I’m done with her.”


Guys….seriously. She’s trying to get a rise out of you, and you’re giving her exactly what she wants. Why should she stop or modify her behavior in any way at all when you are all doing what she wants you to do?

Why do you ask questions of someone who is just not capable of answering them honestly? Are you masochists or something?

Not that there’s anything wrong with it if you are, you know…far be it from me to play the Sex Police on anyone else – but do you really want the whole world to watch?

Call me a prude, but when I put the pony bridle and harness on the man in my life and break out the leather paddles, I make sure the blinds are drawn first!


Notice how it’s killing Jillian that I’m getting attention?

Speak in a more reasonable voice, Jill, and they may come right up and eat out of your hand. 🙂


Jillian – In full agreement, see post above. Now when I break out the bridal and post on my man…aw fuck, nevermind.

But really, Jillian. I think you are attention-deprived. Does this post fix all of that for you? I used your name in my intro and everything.


She’s mad Brad likes me.


“So you’ll just feed it online instead, g?”

Geez, if you’re so fucking needy you think a couple of internet posts feed your ego, I don’t mind amusing myself while obliging you, but for fuck’s sake, are you really that pathetic?

I’m spending, what, about half an hour waiting for a roast to cook, while you’re hanging on every post just to get a little self-affirmation?

You’re welcome to it. Lap it up, hon. Hope it gets you through the night.


You’re the one who thinks it feeds my ego. You don’t even know what you say, do you?

You’re on a thread about me, thinking that you can flame me without me flaming you back?

Why’s that?


See? I knew you’d dig it.


Dig what? Having my picture posted in a humiliating way? Am I supposed to sit here and laugh and say, oh good one asshole, now let your trolls go nuts and I’ll sit here and take it?

Riiiiight. What is it you want from me? Seriously.

I’m intersted.


I mean, there’s only one of me and how many of you and you’ve all retreated behind the old “don’t feed the troll” bullshit and ran away crying?

🙂 Brad, you’re like a genius. An evil genius, but a genius.


I mean, there’s only one of me and how many of you and you’ve all retreated behind the old “don’t feed the troll” bullshit and ran away crying?

Umm, I’ve been reading all the posts, and, umm, zero?

But, yes, Brad is an evil genius.


Need some food, Annie: “You’re a fucking bitch.” Does that do it for ya? Hey, let’s get this party started.

Whatever. I’m off to bed, you fundie troll wench. I’m not on board with the “We really like you” gang (Sorry, Brad.). You’ll be happy to know you’ve pushed every one of my buttons. I’m annoyed and will think about you for at least the next 45 minutes. Mission Accomplished.I’ll be squeezing fresh OJ out my ass all week in your honor.


All the women hate me, all the men want me, welcome to my world. 🙂


I think I have annie figured out. She’s a robot. Someone has generated a bunch of random annoying sentances, and the robot program puts them together and at random intervals it posts them.

Because there’s certainly no human intelligence or rationality behind it.


Annie: I am a man. I do not want you.

You have to deny one or the other. Your choice. Neither I nor my penis will be offended.


Women hate me because men desire me.

[whistles a happy tune….]


Count me in for also being a man and also having no desire whatsoever for annieangel.

Heck, I don’t even particularly like orange juice, fresh or no.


Oh, you don’t like orange juice. 😉 Are you and Lucy dating?


I’m baffled as to why anyone is still trying to seriously engage with her.

Oh, this was supposed to be about her? I was under the impression that we were just trying to get the thread to 500. My bad.

Brad loves me, too, Annie, he just has a lousy memory. Don’t you, honey? Of course, if I’d stop slathering him with liqueur and licking it off, he might stay sober long enough to figure out that I’m old enough to be his mom, and then where would we be? 😉


The whole reason this thread is here is because Brad is in love with me, plus he wanted another 500+ post thread. Duh. That and plus I’m Brad.

Posted by: annieangel | April 20, 2006 02:32 AM


Ohmygod, Reba is annieangel, and annieangel is Brad! [gasp] I knew* it!!!

* Not really.


Keep thinking you don’t really know things, elf boy.

Goodnight, you cute little moonbats. Hope you all think you had fun.


I gotta say, the photo(s) on this post are wonderful!! How funny!! Whoever put those together was very good!

Although, you know, Annie really doesn’t have that great legs. Her ankles are actually kinda thick and her calves really aren’t very toned.

And those shoes!! How tacky. Payless, Annie? Please!


Hot-diggity, Brad, a high-ranking blog and killer legs. Nighty-night to you too *smooch*


The whole reason this thread is here is because Brad is in love with me, plus he wanted another 500+ post thread. Duh. That and plus I’m Brad.

Posted by: annieangel | April 20, 2006 02:32 AM

Posted by: annieangel | April 20, 2006 06:40 AM

(It’s like a funhouse mirror! What a cool new game!)


What the…? You’re not part of this too, are you, Demogenes Aristophanes, if that is your real name? Hrm??


You know, one time at The Poorman, I was trying to troll and accidentally forgot to change my handle to something besides Yosef. It can get hard to remember that sometimes annie. I don’t hink many people noticed though.


Ohmygod, Reba is annieangel, and annieangel is Brad! [gasp] I knew* it!!!

Wait! I can’t be Annie. For one thing, I have more class than that. For another, my vocabulary is better (though one does not feel the need to display it in this particular thread). But if I WAS Annie and Annie was Brad, then my whole post about licking Frangelico off of Brad just took a cool and gender-bending twist, non?


I hate when that happens, Yosef. It makes me so crabby. So cross. So mean mad and snippy. So grumpy. So grouchy. So…something something.


But if I WAS Annie and Annie was Brad

Would that involve time travel? Subjunctively speaking, of course.


Would that involve time travel? Subjunctively speaking, of course.

I think it would. I might have gone with a present subjunctive if not for the fact that I am and have been sober today and am therefore reasonably sure that I am not Annie. The past tense was/is more appropriate. Of course, if I am Annie, then I’m talking to myself. No problem. I’m fairly sure they think we’re both (each? should there be a plural if we are the same person? English syntax does not allow for this sort of discussion) crazy. I would have to assume that if I WAS you (earlier today) then you would have to have BEEN (past conditional with implied obligation) Brad, providing, as noted before, that we are not simply the same person with different noms de plume.


When I say it like that, it makes sense….right? Who am I signed in as right now?


Y’know, I just have to say that if those are AA’s legs, they’re just not that special. They’re okay, sure, but they do nothing for me. *Shrug* Eh.

Also, AA does nothing for me, either. She’s one of Those People, who try really really hard to be cool and funny, while hopping around saying, “did you hear that? that was hysterical, right? real funny, right? I’m cool now, right? you like me, right?”… Which just makes them sad and pathetic, and the worst/most painful part is that they don’t realize how sad it is.


And you’re one of those people who have to go around telling everyone how they’re one of those people and how sad it is.



But if I WAS Annie and Annie was Brad, then my whole post about licking Frangelico off of Brad just took a cool and gender-bending twist, non?

A high-ranking blog, killer legs, and incredible flexibility. Oh. Oh, Brad… *swoon*

As for gender-bending, well, right now I’m posting as a gender-ambiguous elf, so I guess I can’t talk. Live and let live, I say. (But I do agree with your taste in liqueurs.)


Looser, annie?

Judging from your confessed fornicating ways such a likelihood would be improbable, n’est-ce pas?



Looser than what?


Looser then someone who gives in to fornication \”graciously\” when her orange juice drinking filthy sinner \”life partner\” demands it while calling others whores for their choice of delicious orange drink? Seriously that\’s the only reason we keep teasing you Annie, because you live a devil may care lifestyle while telling others they will burn because you say so. Newsflash, If they burn, you do too, regardless of your \”I\’m saved you\’re not, nyah nyah\” nonsense.


I’m saved, threfore I go to Heaven. It’s not nonsense.

Did you hear? Jillian just screwed up big time and forgot to change her sign in name when she was trolling. 🙂




That\’s almost as funny as the character you\’re doing.



Jesus, annie, if that’s the kind of happening that rocks your world, then you really need to get out more.


I just think it’s hilarious that she trolls under different names. What a looser. 🙂

Trolls are teh gay.


But I agree I need to get out more. Go here: and tell Shoe that.


Maybe instead of acting like you need someone\’s permission to live life, you should use frozen OJ for once, get muh drift.


Looser, looser… Looser than nickle slots in Vegas? Looser than a hangman’s noose on a Sunday? I think the word you’re looking for is “loser”, one who loses.

As for my looseness, I am not — in fact, I am a virgin who is likely to stay that way until their wedding night — not that it’s any of your business. As for whether I am a loser… Well, that’s open to debate. It’s all terribly subjective, after all.

As for whether I am one of Those People… I have been That Person in the past. I have also realized with a perfect burning clarity just how painfully pathetic I was being… And now, not so much. *Shrug*


Also, that’s the first time (and quite possibly the last) that I’ve ever made the observation that someone is one of Those People anywhere online.


If you being a virgin is none of my business, why mouth off about it? You’re strange.

You not only are Those People, you are one of Those People who thinks they’re not. You are not only painfully pathetic, you are painfully stoopid.

Stop labelling people, sinner.


So Whores isn\’t a label? You\’re not just a hypocrite, you\’re one with a short attention span and a bad memory for self reflection.

Also, Jesus tapdancing Christ, is your \”O\” key gummed up with love juice from your unholy union with that man who isn\’t your husband or what? You will very rarely find 2 o\’s together in a word. Or do you just keep doing it because it\’s funny and your character is a joke? I keep coming back to you not being serious about these views, they are just way too (look two o\’s) over the top.


Looser and stoopid are spanish pronunciations of loser and stupid.

I’m sorry if you hate the spanish language, bigot.


“Looser and stoopid are spanish pronunciations of loser and stupid.”

They are? How come there’s no Castillian lisp?


Well, technically, it would be loesair and stoopeed in basic spanish pronunciation, I should have said it’s how they are pronounced by those who speak english with a spanish accent.



Um, oh noes, how ever did you figure out that I’m a sinner!? Could it be that you have some kind of super-secret psychic powers?

…or is it just that pretty much everyone in existance is a sinner, and therefore what you see as a searing brand is merely pointing out the obvious?

What do you get out of this? I’m really quite curious. Do you want me to say that I have seen the light, repented my sinning ways, and have decided to dedicate my life to God even if it means I end up being a homeless street-person? Do you want me to go out and martyr myself for your God? What?


Well I can see how I was supposed to know that.

And the hypocrite thing?


I forgive you for being a hypocrite, Timmah.


Well, birdbug, what I want is for you to stop trolling me. I don’t see that happening though…


Los Butlers son estoopidos grandes!


It’s ‘birdseatbugs. Just for future reference.

I wasn’t aware that I was “trolling” you, but whatever — you got it. Bye.


A longer thread than my Marie Jon? Impossible!

Parody? It better be. I don’t want to start having to post again.


Wha? Dude!! Where ya been? Do you remember where the Long thread is? It’s well over 700 comments at the moment. Aw, c’mon–start posting again. You know you want to….


Marq?!? Cool. Which long thread…hers or Marie Jon’s?

I don’t remember anything. I was posting away about 9 moths ago, and it started raining, and everything went weird and I haven’t had time to do anything since.

Now what’s with this Annie Angel woman. Does she sell panties? I think she’s really The General.


I found the long thread. I shall endeavour to make it longer.


LMAO! I found something all dedicated to the one person that I find most annoying. HA! Hey Annie, why dont you tell them all about the Cyber thread you and little Wally started on the WWN forums. HAH! And dont forget the oh-so-phony ‘end of the world’ prophesy that he had. What year was that for again? Thanksgiving of 2003? 2004? *snerk* You’re such a fruit bat. But I do miss our little spats. it was a great way to kill time hearing you ramble on and on. Jesus this, your going to hell that, bla bla bla. Only whores use instant prepared food.


You are stalking Annie Angel. You had her exact image! BTW, how are you doing in the circus being the beard-woman, Annie?


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