No Thanks For The Mammaries

Thomas Gainsborough, Blue Ben (c. 1770) (oil on canvas)

Shorter Ben Shapiro, J.D., Esquire, The Patriot Post
Meghan McCain’s Big Bust

  • Tits. Eeeeeeeeew.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 184


I will trust the shorter on this one…


Oh, man. Just please don’t desecrate Pinky with some wingnuttess.


And I, too, shall trust the shorter.


Oh, how tempting it is to click on the link……the Virgin Ben and tits…..!


She thinks she’s being deep when she states, “I am a woman who despises labels and boxes and stereotypes.” We in the real world call that a cop-out.

Ben Shapiro: boner-slurper for sure.


“Because Meghan McCain is apparently attempting to foist her way into the public consciousness…”

“Foisting” is the trademark of the liberfagual demonazi crowd! No wonder Ben is disgusted and miffed.


For non-link-clickers: pretty much just Ben calling Meghan fat and stupid.


I did click.

Ben’s column has the soiled-sheets stink of self-loathing after a frantic wank-session – the sensation one would get after a sexual encounter gone wrong, but heightened by the fact that the sex was with oneself.

Seriously bitter hostility to women, there, BTW. He’s souring at an early age.


For non-link-clickers: pretty much just Ben calling Meghan fat and stupid.

Also whiny and a beneficiary of nepotism. So totally unlike other Republicans.


Plus, the little teaser didn’t wink at me like Sarah did.


I’m speechless. Does this guy have some sort of personal history with her? The post just appears psychotic.

Not-So-Newbie McNymchanging

I don’t get it. Is Ben Shapiro angling for the Douthat gig by harping on women who tend towards the zaftig side of things?


Why is Ben obsessed with Meghan?* Why does he think about her every waking moment?* Does Ben hate himself for being obsessed with Meghan?*

* I needed to practice framing purely rhetorical questions.


Does this guy have some sort of personal history with her?

Yeah, it really reads as he they got drunk together one night and he couldn’t quite rise to the occasion.


I think young Ben just murdered a teaspoon full of tomorrow’s potential young republicans.


Q: (from wingnuts) Why won’t you liberals take us and our ideas seriously?

A: This.


I am having a problem, continually confuzzling the Meghans McCain and McArdle.


I thought they were impressive. Bordering on spectacular.


“No one cares what she does when she is ‘alone in her apartment’ — we only care what she does when she places her front on public display.”

All this over cleavage?

I see by Wikipedia that Mr. Shapiro is a married man. Poor Mrs. Shapiro. I’ll bet she gets lonely.


She has also used her fat to heighten her profile….

Speaks for itself really.


“I am a woman who despises labels and boxes and stereotypes.” We in the real world call that a cop-out.

Real non-coppy-out men have the courage to stereotype, compartmentalise and minimise our thinking.


Republicans are freaking out at the evidence that one of their own has breasts. Breasts! That’s one step away from asking themselves if McCain’s little girl has a vagina.


Ben calling Meghan fat and stupid.
Also whiny and a beneficiary of nepotism.

Also she uses “foist” incoherently, and creates incoherent sentences full of verbal infelicities, and her eyebrows have been constructed from Fuzzy Felt..


What’s most telling about this is that the ever-prudent Ben Shapiro thinks that this is NSFW (his words). Ever the prude, I see. Ben might be the youngest crotchety old man I’ve ever known.

He also has one comment, which is really too amusing to pass up:

Yes, the only reason she’s getting any attention at all is because her father is an alleged Republican. If her daddy was John Edwards, they’d mock her weight anyway, but they’d do it the way the cowardly Left always does: look how mean OTHER PEOPLE are for saying this fat girl has a serious weight problem.

So defending someone against attacks is the same as attacking them…I think MichaelSSEC just rogered my brain.


If her daddy was John Edwards, they’d mock her weight anyway, but they’d do it the way the cowardly Left always does: look how mean OTHER PEOPLE are for saying this fat girl has a serious weight problem.

If McCain’s father were John Edwards I suppose Laura Ingraham, well-known cowardly Leftist, would indeed mock her weight anyway.


I am having a problem, continually confuzzling the Meghans McCain and McArdle.
One is a daft republican bimbo trying to act all knowledgeable and cool and failing. The other John McCain’s daughter.


From Ben’s article:

Actually, what’s pathetic is that McCain’s Twitter account has over 60,000 followers

And you have one lonely commenter, Ben. One. That’s pathetic.


That portrait up top truly captures the ethereal essence of Brooke Shields’ adolescent beauty.

Um, what? Really?


I think Ben confuses “NSFW” with “gives me a hard-on”

Really, if this girl’s breasts were a B-Cup, this would be a pretty innocuous picture regardless of the “aren’t I hot?” Look on her face.


“The other IS John McCain’s daughter”.
FYWP for ruining my bad joke.


Not Saul at all. And that nym switch was days ago. Sorry.


Well, I think it’s pretty darn nice that the younger Ms McCain does not take after her anorexic washboard-chested mother.

It does look like she’s squeezing them up there pretty agressively, but I can’t be certain without getting hold of things myself.


One is a daft republican bimbo trying to act all knowledgeable and cool and failing.

See, I’m still not seeing the difference, other than genetics.


If McCain’s father were John Edwards I suppose Laura Ingraham, well-known cowardly Leftist, would indeed mock her weight anyway.

Given past criticisms and speculations about Edwards’ behaviour, can we really exclude this possibSHUT UP SMUT


I’d really like to see Shapiro debate Paul Begala on the subject of who is and is not an intellectual titan.


“a daft republican bimbo trying to act knowledgable and cool and failing”
Wait, are you describing a Meghan, or Ben?


Meghan straight. Ben Gay.


He also has one comment, which is really too amusing to pass up:

Commenter sounds like an infiltrator, what with the suggestion that someone became a media pundit not for reasons of expertise or clarity of expression, but because the media want more Republican voices and more aristocratic dynasties.
It would be very wrong if people from here were to comment on his blog, encouraging this insight and fleshing it out with further examples.


Grrr. It bugs me that people would call this healthy pretty young woman fat. That’s sick . She’s no such thing. As for the pic i found it a bit racy and not the classiest thing I’d ever seen…but I honestly don’t get the pearl-clutching reaction. Don’t like ? Don’t look.


“Because Meghan McCain is apparently attempting to foist her way into the public consciousness…”

What gift could be a work of art?
Can you call it the big foist?
I’m fucking overwhelmed!


Hopefully Megan will read Ben’s pathetic nonsense, and she will realise she really SHOULDNT want to identify as a republican.

Then she can sort herself out, and do those things she desperately needs to…

1: Get the fuck out of politics
2: Get the fuck off the interwebs
3: Shag a liberal


Look out Rich Lowry, Ben’s writing is getting better.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

You know, I knew Gentle Ben was eventually going to be replaced with that little shit from CPAC, but I can’t figure out why they keep Ben’s picture above the little shit’s columns.


I braved the link, and the lone comment out there is priceless, too.

I hate to go all, “Listen here, young man” on poor Ben, but I myself found the photo innocuous, sexy, casual, and comfortable.

Shit, I was just pleased the picture gave me a trace of of that ol’ star-bursting vestigial feeling of prurient interest, one of my all-time favorites.

These people are very, very strange, and welcome to your fans, Mz. McCain.

I think I speak for most straight men when I say, “Show us your tits!” FREEDOM!


“Because Meghan McCain is apparently attempting to foist her way into the public consciousness…”

At least he didn’t accuse her of forcing herself down our throats.


I do feel sorry for Megan. Career options for republican women are restricted to this short list:

1: Stepford Wife.
2: Ann Coulter
3: middle aged wife who stands behind congressman husband at the press conference where he insists that the male hookers he was caught in bed with were an optical illusion, with an expression that says “if it wern’t for the botox, I would look distraught”
4: Jennifer Lopez.

I believe her “weight problem” is just her trying to subconsciously sabotage options 1 and 2, and whilst she is only 20 years and 100lb away from option 4, her lack of hatred for the homos more or less rules it out.

With any luck, she will soon realise her political affiliation is as shallow as “coz daddy said so” and once the old fart kicks the bucket she can move on from that.


attempting to foist her way into the public consciousness
…by flaunting the unwritten codes of moral decency and flouting her cleavage.


No, it’ll take a LOT of luck, Sockpuppet.

She’s not crazy stupid, but Megan isn’t the brightest lantern in the teepee, either. I’m always impressed by longevity of successful indoctrination.




Sockpuppet: #4 is K-Lo, surely.


Djur: Goddamit. I need a breathalyser hooked up to my computer to cut off my internet connection before I make stupid mistakes like that.

John: Peer pressure is probably already working its magic. If she wants a normal social life with real people of her own age instead of people like Ben Shapiro, then she is going to have to confront the fact that republican dogma is more or less the complete opposite of the views held by people worth socialising with.


I think Meghan — and her two friends — should switch parties. Obviously the right wingers don’t want them, but we do! I volunteer to be the first to welcome them to the wonderful world of liberalism, also.


Wow. I recommend reading it. Ben doesn’t hold back. the vituperation can mean only one thing: he’s jealous.


How’s that worked for Andrew Sullivan, Sockpuppet? 🙂

He’s not only <conservative, he’s Catholic AND gay!

I’ll grant you he tries to be fair, and by my read tries to grow, but he’s not abandoning either of his cults no matter what, at least emotionally and spiritually, if not intellectually.


Nice post by me. Sorry.


Wow, the lone commenter is posting a complaint against how “the Left once again reveals” how awful it is by judging Meghan….on the post written by a Conservative negatively judging Meghan.


Oooof. Sully is a difficult one, but honestly I think he is more Randroid than republican. Randroids have an almost infinite capacity for self delusion.

Also, he is a Brit who wants to be a Yank. Everyone who falls into that category is an utterly insufferable little prick, and probably beyond all redemption.


She’s short with large breasts. Short women with big ones have difficulty dressing, the effect tending towards either look chunkier than they actually are if they hide them or look like they’re shoving them in your face if they don’t. On TV she does the former, her twitpic was the latter.

If Meghan ever comes on Rachel Maddow’s show again, I hope she deliberately wears the lowest-cut top she owns. For multiple reasons.


Even Meghan’s relatives have issues w/ her.

What is w/ the hate for this young woman?

Other Photoshoppy abuse. (Surprised we haven’t seen more of these.)

McArdle, Megan: Overgrown elf, pretends to know econ stuff.

McCain, Meghan: Not that tall, we don’t think, & at least admits she wasn’t alive during the Roosevelt Admin. (or whenever) & therefore knows nothing of it.

No idea whose brain would taste better or be more nutritious, zombies. Only one way to know.


LOL, b-psycho.

I have to admit, if money was the only object, and they sold it right, Rachel and Megan actually flirting on TV would make for big bucks, and half of it would come from conservatives. And one of your reasons is surely that Rachel has some pretty heavy intellectual firepower, and Megan does not. Hot!

Also funny, Sockpuppet. I haven’t known too many expat Brits, so I can’t say one way or another.


I thought they were impressive. Bordering on spectacular.

Am I the only person who thought she took that picture while standing on her head?

Guess so.

In any case, I have some degree of pity for all of the McCain children. Their mother is a self-centered moron and their father…is a self-centered moron. Let’s see who JSMcC chose for the most important female companions of his life: his first wife (a beauty-pageant contestant), his second wife (a wealthy beauty-pageant contestant), and Caribou Barbie (a beauty-pageant contestant).


Wow. Robert Stacy McCain, esquire, is sure a bitchy queen, isn’t he? How come he knows some much about what Teh Ghey people think?


John: Put it this way. A pickup truck with a confederate flag sticker on the bumper means “asshole” in your part of the world right? Well, that counts doubly so in Surrey or Birmingham.


In re, Andrew Sullivan, insufferable little prick

Now I’m not the cattty type, as you all know, but I have heard it’s the little prick that leads to the insufferability. Also why he’s a power bottom.


Y’know, I don’t think the whole “Ben is gay” thing is really fair. To gays. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but last time I checked, pretty much everybody likes tits. Gay, straight or whatever, male or female, we are all, from the earliest moment of our lives, generally appreciative of tits. They are our first source of both comfort and food. They are warm, soft, pleasant and tickle our lizard-brains as being home. What’s not to like?

No, Ben is something truly aberrant, and I have no idea what. Maybe his mother put Tabasco sauce on her knockers to keep the little vampire at arms length. Perhaps he’s just upset that this little kerfuffle doesn’t include enough wetsuits. Who knows. It would be irresponsible not to speculate.


…Now I can’t get the image of Megans titties covered in tabasco sauce out of my mind.


justme, it’s this simple: he thinks Meghan McCain is a dirty slut and that dirty sluts should be punished.

And not in a fun way, either.

Republicans make everything more boring.


Sockpuppet, you are a filthy rotten looksist.


I just can’t quite go there, Sp.

What if they’re driving their not well-liked rednecked cousin’s truck?

I can just get as far as suspecting they’re assholes, not unlike Hummer owners (even though I know at least one who isn’t an asshole, for the most part) or real-fur wearers. And it’s really hard for me to forget the South Park about the Prius owners, for that matter, enjoying the smell of their own farts being a fabulous cynical take on moral superiority, IMHO.

Everyone has their things.

a concerned citizen

I see by Wikipedia that Mr. Shapiro is a married man.

This is the saddest news I’ve read in I can’t remember how long.

To gays. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but last time I checked, pretty much everybody likes tits.

No, I think some gay men have a real problem with the female anatomy. There is a reason why the fashion industry uses women who look like emaciated 13 year old boys instead of women who look like women. It’s not because women or straight men like looking at that shit.


John: Okay, I see what you are getting at. In the US, that kind of thing is common enough to be fairly unremarkable..

Now think for a moment about what has to go through the head of a British person for them to deliberately buy a redneck pickup truck,(extremely rare here) and buy that sticker off the US ebay site..

British Expats who leave for political reasons are ALL glibertarians, and whining little shits who don’t want to pay their taxes, and want to play with guns.


Sockpuppet, you are a filthy rotten looksist.

YOU try walking around the mall in a Tabasco-covered fat suit!


In what conceivable way could Meghan McCain possibly be considered “fat”? I think she’s a looker.

Mr. Shapiro has some serious sexual repression issues to sort out. Let the wank flow through you, Ben. For your own sake.


Fair enough, Sp, though I can’t quite imagine Andrew plastering his pickup with a Confederate flag and some gun bumper-stickers. 🙂

Again, I must defer on the British ex-pat thing. All I know is the accent makes me sweat, coming from say, someone like Emma Thompson or for FSM’s sake Meryl Streep.


And not in a fun way, either.

Therein lies the real problem.

We’re batting 1000 here this week. A spooge thread and a tits thread.

Um, brb.


Megs McCain is a dipshit and so is Ben Shapiro.


Lesley, your ponderous and indulgent use of prose is a constant distraction for me. Just one man’s opinion.

And yes, you’re right.


There are two types of men: those who look at Megs’ photo and go, she’s showing too much tit; and those who look at it and go, she’s not showing enough. We’re all disgusting.


Wow, the lone commenter is posting a complaint against how “the Left once again reveals” how awful it is by judging Meghan….on the post written by a Conservative negatively judging Meghan.

Sounds like his lone commenter is a bored spoof. Or his mom.


*righteous indignation*

How dare you, Zen! I’m perfectly normal from a standard deviation view of “disgusting,” dammit!

In her position, I thought she showed the precisely correct amount of tit.


If Meghan ever comes on Rachel Maddow’s show again

Hmmm, tabasco sauce.


There are two types of men: those who look at Megs’ photo and go, she’s showing too much tit; and those who look at it and go, she’s not showing enough. We’re all disgusting.

I am the sort of man who looks at the photo and thinks it’s showing too much Meghan McCain.


None the less, I’m sure we both agree that Sully is one fucked up bloke.

However, there IS a place for Megan’s beliefs to fit. She is socially fairly liberal, and utterly.. UTTERLY ignorant about economics. Where does she fit in the American political spectrum you ask? Anywhere where people don’t give a shit about politics!

She doesn’t have any huge internal inconsistencies to her politics like Sully does. She barely HAS any politics. What she does have.. is daddy issues.

And frankly.. She isn’t all that physically attractive. Not ugly, but not pretty either. You wouldn’t look twice unless you have a thing for her body type. She isn’t a stunner or a munter, just an ordinary woman.

It is only that women have such a tiny role in right wing politics, and because attractive women are so goddamn rare in that community, that her looks are even an issue at all.

Her fathers political career is dead. There is no family tradition of getting into politics. Megan is already arguably a bigger political figure than her father. (no that wasnt a fat joke). So I think she has a good chance of being able to run away from it all if she wants to.


No, I think some gay men have a real problem with the female anatomy. There is a reason why the fashion industry uses women who look like emaciated 13 year old boys instead of women who look like women

This is a special category of person I like to call ‘gay by default’ – not really that into men, but so obsessed with the culture’s vile negative stereotypes of women that there isn’t really any other option.

The hilarious part is that fashion is just where people self-identify that way. The average GBD man is the sort of guy whose deepest self is stirred by 300 without being able to fully explain why, a libertarian who aspires to marry a woman and then never see her again. In short, Ben Shapiro, down-lowee.

Smiling Mortician

Not Saul at all. And that nym switch was days ago. Sorry.

I am disappointed. I thought I was witnessing the initial flutterings of a poignant love that dare not speak its name.


If Meghan ever comes on Rachel Maddow’s show again, I hope she deliberately wears the lowest-cut top she owns. For multiple reasons.

You want her shoving those things down Maddow’s throat, don’t you? Liberaltine.


Yeah, he (Sully, Sp) is pretty all-around weird, but I like his blog because he’s not afraid to post two points of view, and both of them are usually pretty smart.

As for Megan, I just can’t get all that worked up about her, period. She’s just another product of meritocracy.


I am the sort of man who looks at the photo and thinks it’s showing too much Meghan McCain.

You just think boobs are vulgar. This is because you are a pederast.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Sockpuppet: #4 is K-Lo, surely.

I was gonna say – J-Lo’s butt isn’t that big.

Anyhoo, what is it with wingnuterati claiming that being fat discredits people? Michael Moore, Al Gore, now miz Megan – who isn’t even actually fat. What lets the Doughy Pantload off the hook for them?

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Xecky, I think it’s the fact that Jonah could look like Christian Bale in
“The Machinist” and STILL discredit himself completely before he finished a paragraph.


Am I the only one who thinks the picture in question has a slight smell of insecurity to it? I’ve known too many young women who were insecure about their looks and weight, but consoled themselves with the idea that their big tits could compensate, or were their best feature.

There must be a million photos like it on Myspace. “I may be too insecure to show a proper picture of my face, but i’ve got boobs, see! men like boobs right?”

Whatever. I’m an ass man.


Tap tap, 47. Tap tap.


Anyhoo, what is it with wingnuterati claiming that being fat discredits people? Michael Moore, Al Gore, now miz Megan – who isn’t even actually fat. What lets the Doughy Pantload off the hook for them?

He is fat on America. Michael Moore is fat on arugula and illegal Mexican reconquest semen.



Whatever. I’m an ass man.

It’s about time you graduated, young man.


What lets the Doughy Pantload off the hook for them?

Or Limbaugh, Donohue, Huckabee, KLo…


The fact is, you liberals with the hard left liberal bias, are trying to turn our country into something it is not, which is socialist and godless

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist


Oh, right. (slaps forehead)



Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

It’s about time you graduated, young man.

Nah – stay here at the kids’ table. Better view from these low chairs, if you know what I mean and I think you do.


So Gary: ass man or boob man?


The fact is, obviously, cock, you stupid libruls. When have I not made it blindingly obvious?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

So Gary: ass man or boob man?

Definitely ass. Not ass man, just ass.


Not ass man, just ass.

In that case, “boob” also fits.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

In that case, “boob” also fits.

True. And if the boob fits, wear it, say I.


Anyhoo, what is it with wingnuterati claiming that being fat discredits people? Michael Moore, Al Gore, now miz Megan – who isn’t even actually fat. What lets the Doughy Pantload off the hook for them?

Or Rush. Or Erick. Or K-Load. Or … Well, let’s just say, svelte isn’t the word that comes to mind when describing many well known fRighties.


Some might argue that ANY photo of Meghan McCain is showing too much Meghan McCain.

Some might.

And btw, my TV has been showing too much Liz Cheney lately. Also.


I need no more discussion of wingnuts getting “off the hook”.

What, we haven’t mocked Michael Steele enough lately?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

let’s just say, svelte isn’t the word that comes to mind when describing many well known fRighties.

True, I should have typed “Doughy Pantload et al” or some other Frenchified liberal thing like that.


let’s just say, svelte isn’t the word that comes to mind when describing many well known fRighties.

True, I should have typed “Doughy Pantload et al” or some other Frenchified liberal thing like that.

I dunno. To be frank, I think I would trust, say, Ann Coulter marginally more if she weren’t a horrifying raw-boned parody of human flesh.

Republicans are mean fat and meaner thin; at least you can relate to the fat ones in re. even slight enjoyment of food (although, as per Pantload, they usually just enjoy being petulant about eating buttered bacon from Wal-Mart). There’s no human impulse recognizable in what Michelle Malkin does, say, or for that matter Ben Shapiro.


Killing time until Meghan McCain goes full self shooter to prove how hip she is.


Already touched on, but…

What lets the Doughy Pantload 95% of their base off the hook for them?



OMG, it’s BewbzGate!

To me, this tempest-in-a-D-cup just shows left & right displaying their true colors when it comes to something like a young lady showing a bit of Paradise Valley on the Interwebs – said true colors being “we’ll get back to you when we give a shit” & “forsooth, that filthy trollop plasters on the cleavage too much, the cunt” respectively.

Lulz-Level: **

And you have one lonely commenter, Ben. One.

Lulz-Level: ****************************************************


I dunno. To be frank, I think I would trust, say, Ann Coulter marginally more if she weren’t a horrifying raw-boned parody of human flesh.

Well, she’d still be a horrifying average-weight parody of human flesh, and just that much harder to land the hickory stake in.


Also, one wonders… Who do y’all think has more severe daddy issues, Ben or Meghan?


I think Ann Coulter is an example of the outer self mirroring the inner one.


Let me be the first to offer, “tie for first,” justme.


I dunno — I think little Ben’s all excited ’cause he thinks he just found somebody he can write about who’s dumber than he is.

She’s not, but he’s excited anyway.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Let me be the first to offer, “tie for first,” justme.

Maybe in their league, but there are others who are IMO far ahead of them. GW Bush comes to mind.


Who do y’all think has more severe daddy issues, Ben or Meghan?

Bill Kristol.


Well, Meg must get some credit for having second generation daddy issues. I mean, her old man has daddy issues himself, which lead to his political career, and thus to Meg’s own issues!


Ben doesn’t need titties. He beats off to HATE.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

He beats off to HATE.

So that’s what a hate-fuck is.


For the best hate-wanks, you need to get yourself some “Self loathing” like Ben has!


Who do y’all think has more severe daddy issues, Ben or Meghan?
Looking upthread I see that Ann Coulter has been mentioned already, but in a different context.


Meg must get some credit for having second generation daddy issues.

Meghan’s got it from both sides. Her mom was Daddy’s little girl, the family lived with Cindy’s parents until Dad passed.


Meg must get some credit for having second generation daddy issues.

I’ll start her wet. :3


Meghan’s got it from both sides

OK, now that’s just un-called for.


I live in Florida. Women go to the beaches here, and often when they do they wear very minimal clothing. No one thinks these women are doing something shocking or scandalous, they’re just casually dressed. So when I, a Floridian, read someone describing that picture as “NSFW” and fussing at length over its purported indecency:

…there is no way she could post a photo like this for millions to see without recognizing that there would be some blowback. No one cares what she does when she is “alone in her apartment” — we only care what she does when she places her front on public display.

I am half bewildered, half amused. Dude! At noon, on the sidewalks in every city, you can see girls going to lunch, wearing skirts with hemlines above the knees. There are more revealing pictures than that one of Ms. McCain on twenty-foot high billboards by the sides of public highways! You need to get up from behind that computer and get out of your house more. It’s a beautiful world, and life is passing you by.


I dunno. To be frank, I think I would trust, say, Ann Coulter marginally more if she weren’t a horrifying raw-boned parody of human flesh.

Well, she’d still be a horrifying average-weight parody of human flesh, and just that much harder to land the hickory stake in.

I dunno. I think for most wingnuts, the hate eats them from within.

In Coulter’s case, it’s eating from the outside in. It’s appropriate, when you consider that Coulter is to the soul as flesh-eating bacteria is to the body.


This reminds me. Time to place bets on which fReicthard will produce an erotic masterpiece in response to Levi Johnston’s Playgirl spread.


For the best hate-wanks, you need to get yourself some “Self loathing” like Ben has!

It puts the loathing on its skin…


Time to place bets on which fReicthard will produce an erotic masterpiece in response to Levi Johnston’s Playgirl spread.

Hmm & hmm.

Crazy bet would be M’arie J’o’n … Jedi bet would be Nancy Pfotenhauer.


He’s a boob and she’s a boob and the two boobs reveal way too much of themselves constantly.

How’s that?


Shalom, gentlemen.


Its you!!!


Time to place bets on which fReicthard will produce an erotic masterpiece in response to Levi Johnston’s Playgirl spread.

Debbie Schlussel?


Hmm, Playgirl’s only a website now. Pay rate can’t be high…


While I agree with you liberals that it is wrong to make ill of someone because of their weight I also must say that rinos like Megan McCain and her amnesty loving father are prime examples of what is wrong with the Republican party today.

These rinos falsely assume that conservatives cannot win elections outside of conservative states and counties. They believe by taking a liberal positions on important social issues such as illegal immigration and gay rights that they will win over moderates to vote Republican. They couldn’t be more wrong. Republican candidates win elections when they run as conservatives, when they run as moderates or liberals the conservative base becomes divided and independents have no incentive to vote for a candidate without principle or passion.

It is time for the GOP to return to it’s conservative principles of limited government, a strong national defense and traditional values. It is time for the Republican base to show the RNC and Republican politicans that they work for us, not the other way around. And if they don’t comply they will be purged and replaced.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Shorter Saul: If you don’t hate spics enough, be prepared for me to use the unstoppable force of USA Patriot Freedom Power to make jokes about how you sit AROUND the house.


If my sperm don’t comply they will be purged and replaced.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

P.S. Bullshit, Saulie Walnuts. McCain/Palin ran as the righteous white defenders who were the only thing keeping the HomoIslamoNaziCommies from Jewing up small-town America. And they still lost because your “conservative principles” are really just pillow talk for slumming Klansmen and meth addicts, and most of America rejects that when you make it as plain as they did.


It is time for the GOP to return to it’s conservative principles of limited government, a strong national defense and traditional values.

Wingnut-to-English dictionary sez:

In hindsight, I’d like to take back my 8 years of cheerleading for a Unitary Executive and wanton deficit spending, a disastrously failed war of occupation, and all those hypocritical philandering Republican role models. Can we pretend I just got here and none of that really happened?


Why hasn’t Michael Steele contracted Ben to give a makeover yet? He’s clearly found the way to make conservatism appealing to the young and hip: Disparage tits.

GOP Borg Collective

And if they don’t comply they will be purged and replaced.

Electability is irrelevant.


Disparage tits.

after all it worked so well for ann althouse


Time to place bets on which fReicthard will produce an erotic masterpiece in response to Levi Johnston’s Playgirl spread.

I’ll put ten bucks on Dreher


Why is Saul taking Meghan McCain seriously as a poltician? Is it because she’s pretty much an example of all the Republican party has?


The right wing pretty much hates for women to have breasts. There was that feminist blogger a couple of years ago who got all kinds of shit for having breasts Right Out in Public. And during the presidential campaign, Ms. Clinton got slammed for daring to have breasts.

I guess the wingers don’t realize that, for most women at least, having breasts is not optional.

They really should have the good taste not to have them, at least not in public.


I like this plan: the Republican Party isn’t right-wing enough for America and if only they REALLY let their freak flag fly, the nation will embrace them once more. You all get right on that plan, OK? We’ll be bookmarking it over here.

I’d like to dedicate this number to the trolls:

Atlas Wept, by the Granite Countertops.

Enraged Bull Limpet

This gland is my gland,
That gland is your gland.
I’ll take the *left* stand,
You take the *right* stand.
These glands were made for you and me!

Enraged Bull Limpet

Oops, left the penultimate stanza out and it doesn’t scan. Suggestions?


All your glands are belong to me?

Enraged Bull Limpet

This gland is my gland, that gland is your gland.
I’ll take the *left* stand, you take the *right* stand.
To split the difference makes our discourse bland…
These glands were made for you and me!

Weak, I know. About time for bed and dreams of Twiggy.



The right wing pretty much hates women. No qualifiers necessary.

If they weren’t whining about our breasts they’d be whining about something else. Like the fact that we’re allowed to work outside of the home.

Enraged Bull Limpet

The milk of human kindness has largely been replaced by infantile, formulaic pablum in our lactymose time.


wait? where is the link to the titties? I don’t see A titty link. Me= Very disappointed!

Enraged Bull Limpet

I think D. Johnston @ 21:04 has what you’re looking for, Poopy.


Here you go, McPants. A double shot of Meghan’s luv, & some web pimpin’.

Enraged Bull Limpet

That fancy linkin’ pimpin’ is beyond my kern. G’night irrevocably, ‘naughts.

Just Alison, aka Snail Joust

It is time for the GOP to return to it’s conservative principles of limited government, a strong national defense and traditional values. It is time for the Republican base to show the RNC and Republican politicans that they work for us, not the other way around. And if they don’t comply they will be purged and replaced.

Oh, yes, please, please, return to conservative principles. Please, purge those wishy-washy rinos from the party, and replace them with thunderin’, fire & brimstone, real conservatives. Release your anger, release your hatred, and your journey towards the White House will be complete.

‘Cos I’m sure there’s nothing the American public wants more than stupidity and hate. Go for it, baby. We’re all right behind you.


Because I am naturally too well bred to take the low road, I’ll point out that the boobacious McCain heiress is reading a book written by The Nation’s former art critic (it’s pretty much Warhol for Dummies, incidentally).


The fact is, limited government and freedom and no bias in the media.

And God.


Is it just me or does Lil Ben look like Troy from “The Final Sacrifice”? ROWSDOWER!!!


Is it just me or does Lil Ben look like Troy from “The Final Sacrifice”? ROWSDOWER!!!

Who needs boobs when you’ve got Larry Csonka?


The GOP needs to return to its core principles of low taxes, small government, and hidden breasts.


She listens to punk rock??? TEH HORRORZ!*

But seriously (someone may have already said this, but I can’t be arsed to check), there is nothing more telling about the male wingnut psyche than the way they react to “bad” women whom they find attractive. Because everything is either categorically good or categorically evil (especially women!), finding a woman with whom they disagree or who doesn’t mean their high moral standards attractive means that they find something “evil” attractive. Then they have to find a way to demonize and blame that woman and/or women like her to relieve their guilt over being such bad boys.

Under this, of course, is the fantasy that they’ll somehow rescue us from our naughty ways, and under THAT is the knowledge that we probably do dirty, bad things that acceptable women would never do, and under THAT is the knowledge that *they* want to do those dirty, naughty things but will never get to because we would never touch them with a ten foot fucking pole. And *that* really makes them hate us.

This is especially apparent in younger models like Ben because a) they’re virgins, most likely not out of choice, despite what they may say, b) haven’t learned how to re-direct their sexual energy into “appropriate” targets, such as Sarah Palin, and c) haven’t become fluent in that form of wingnutese that hides their self-loathing and sexism behind “intellectual” language.

*Okay, they’re more, like, shoegaze, but whatever.


Oh, and this piece totally confirms to me that Ben Shapiro is *not* gay.

In fact, I think we should probably check his crawl space for dead hookers.

(I’m only 1/4 kidding).

Rusty Shackleford

Who or what the hell is Ohraw Ydna?


On Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009, in yet another attempt to appear cool to her loser followers…

Oooh, Ben is bringing the smackdown here…


PeeJ, don’t you mean, “[w]hy does he think about her every wanking moment?”

BTW … that picture may not be NSFW, but it did still make me through up a little. I think I am with Ben on this one. What I find odd is the amount of projection and lack of self-awareness involved in this post. Come-on: which side of our political debate (outside of, e.g., NYC where we have political dynasties galore) is the one built upon wanting to return to aristocratic feudalism and has all the wingnut welfare, etc., and which side has brought so many meritocrats (nuclear engineer Jimmy Carter, wunderkinds Bill Clinton and Barak Obama, etc.) to the fore?


Jewing up small-town America

Jewing up small-town America? Does that mean I can haz teh hawt sechs with hawt small town shiksas?

I keed, I keed … I am happily-married. But if it is my duty as a Jew and a liberal to, um, Jew up small town America … I’m sure my wife (also Jewish and a Democrat) would understand.


From Ben’s article:

Actually, what’s pathetic is that McCain’s Twitter account has over 60,000 followers

And you have one lonely commenter, Ben. One. That’s pathetic.

No, no. You’re getting it all wrong. Ben having no commenters means he’s a super-double-tuff maverick who disseminates unpopular truths and who doesn’t even want any stupid commenters anyway. Plus, his mom thinks he’s cool.


Well, he’s my son, and I kind of have to love him.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

wait? where is the link to the titties? I don’t see A titty link. Me= Very disappointed!

I was thinking the same thing! Little creep doesn’t put a link up in his post!

MMcC is cute. She’s a pleasantly zaftig, normal young woman, who’s refreshingly comfortable with her body. She’s a political naif, but she just may evolve into the sort of non-zealot, center-right type that used to have a place in the Republican party.


BTW … that picture may not be NSFW, but it did still make me through up a little.

You know, I might not be gay, but I can see a picture of a hot dood in ass pants and not feel ill.

Oh, wait: it was her eyebrows, right? Yeah, I don’t know what the deal is with that kind of thing.


Poor Benjamin, that McCain girl, puttin’ em all up in his face like that.

Fact is, the Gopers got her hooked on the media about last year if I recall. Now that she’s running with it, they kinda wish she’d go back in her box like all nice girls do. And since she isn’t, well then its time for the menfolk to step up and tell that little hussie to put a sweater on and get in the kitchen pronto!

Benji, she belongs to the GOP until such time as she decides that her and her two lovely girlfriends would find far more love over here. I for one think she’s kinda cute. She just needs some direction.

There’s hope if they don’t turn her neurotic like patriarchy does to most women.

I for one am rooting for you Megan, rooting for your chance to get some good rootin’ going on in the right places, by a nice liberal man — or woman.


Shapiro’s so uptight he uses “front” as a euphemism for tits. In a post about tits.

I guess if McCain is dumb enough to flounce off Twitter like a 16 year-old, she might think everyone else is dumb enough to believe that was her frumpy, laying-about-the-house cleavage.


“Why these old breasts? I only throw them on when I don’t care how I look.”


Famous Ed Gein comments #174.


Man, I can’t believe nobody commented on Tintin’s amazing photoshop. I think you are all him for granted. Not me though I’m starting my shrine with candles and everything. Oh and BTW justme us gay males ain’t into titties unless they’re attached to male pecs. (OK TMI but you brought it up!)


Trust the shorter, but go see the comments. Some of them are pretty awesome. Such as:

“McCain is obviously not the brightest bulb in the chandelier

So far she’s been smart enough to avoid getting caught plagiarizing other people’s work. That should count for something.”


So far she’s been smart enough to avoid getting caught plagiarizing other people’s work. That should count for something.”

Wrong Ben.


“Oh, wait: it was her eyebrows, right? Yeah, I don’t know what the deal is with that kind of thing.”

For some reason I didn’t notice them.


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