Gary Ruppert is Not a Real Troll

I’ve concluded that Gary Ruppert must be a parody troll. No actual right-winger could really be this stupid:

It’s not surprising that you all have ignored this article, but that’s probably because it’s so true that you can’t refute it.

Here’s my favorite part of that article:

“Christiane Amanpour, Cindy Sheehan, CNN, The New York Times, Michael Moore, Newsweek, CBS et. al. are now, in huge measure, directly responsible for the ongoing death toll of Americans in Iraq […]

The American Media are Democratic Party operatives who make W.R. Hearst look like E.R. Murrow. They are killing our young, they are killing my friends, wounding my friends. They have ripped my flesh, spilled my blood, physically impaired me for life, and are doing the same to the Iraqi people. And they are going to cause more terrorist attacks at home. That is the ultimate problem.”

So our soldiers aren’t actually being hurt by IEDs or mortar rounds. No, they only get hurt because the media reports that they get hit with IEDs and mortar rounds.

Seriously, is anybody in the world really this stupid? This can’t be for real, right?


Comments: 54


From the article:

In this, Pat Dollard’s 2nd dispatch for Hollywood, Interrupted from Iraq, Dollard rails against the mainstream media’s disconnect from the truth when it comes to war coverage in Iraq.

“They [the MSM] will claim that conditions prevent them from covering the war properly, or they can’t get access,â€? Dollard tells Hollywood, Interrupted. “Bullshit. They don’t have the balls to do the nasty dangerous work necessary to do the job right. But they want the glory, so they’ll fake being in the know.â€?

Tell that to Bob Woodruff.

I think it’s that they think that injuries and traumas are only real when they happen to one of their guys, not to one of ours

And I think that’s about as good a shorthand definition for “moral bankruptcy” as you’re likely to find.


Dollard’s article simply HAS to be parody. No one in real life can be this stupid and remain functionally literate.


I’m afraid I’m with Einstein here:

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former”.


You have to understand what inspires the terrorists to keep fighting, that inspiration comes to them every time they see Cindy Sheehan protesting, and every time they see more rallies which advocate cutting and running from Iraq.

The amount of terrorism in Iraq would be miniscule if the media simply reported on terrorism in proportion to the good news.

The fact is that the terrorism in Iraq is very unimportant compared to the progress being made in Iraq.

The media refuses to cover the progress, instead they are cheerleading for Al-Qaeda


I for won am greatful to Gary for directing me to that site. The fastenating reading materials listed in the rite sidebar will keep my occupied all weakend.


You have to understand what inspires the terrorists to keep fighting, that inspiration comes to them every time they see Cindy Sheehan protesting, and every time they see more rallies which advocate cutting and running from Iraq.

Gary, if you really, actually believe that, then you are an absolutely fascinating synthesis of both ignorance AND stupidity, and a living explicans of the difference between the two.

To wit: None of the things you listed encourage terrorists in any way to commit terrorist acts. They already have all the motivation they could ever need in the whole world – and it’s all from other sources. This, on your part, is ignorance.

The fact that you are unable to distinguish between “reporting” and “advocacy” is, on your part, stupidity.

If nothing else, your existence should help to keep future generations from using these two terms interchangeably, and for this, I thank you.


Terrorist gathering:

1:Hey Ackbar, did you check out the American news last night? We were all over it right?

2:No, it seems as if they\’ve started to report on American soldiers handing out candy instead of our bombing

1:What!?! What about our objectively pro-terror allies in the US media.

2:I can\’t say for sure, but it looks like they\’ve smartened up and now we\’re screwed, because without CNN talking about it, bombs don\’t really kill people.

1:Christ… I mean, Allah, this is terrible, we might as well give up.

3:Hey are either of you guys looking to buy a good as new RPG launcher, I can\’t use it anymore…

1&2: You saw ABC news last night too huh?

Edit: This proxy experiment is causing SN to reject my comments… Anyone know a good one?


You have to understand what inspires the terrorists to keep fighting, that inspiration comes to them every time they see a Republican persecuted just because he’s diddling a kid, and every time they see more reports of convictions of law-abiding Republicans in the Cult of the Child witchhunt.


Although, in the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that the idea of an ENTIRE TELEVISION NETWORK dedicated to “reality TV programming” is just about enough to make me want to issue a fatwah on Michael Farraday.


You have to understand what inspires the terrorists to keep fighting, that inspiration comes to them every time they see Cindy Sheehan protesting, and every time they see more rallies which advocate cutting and running from Iraq.

OK, dumbass, let’s get some terms straight here:

1.) There is no homogenous group of terrorists committing violent acts in Iraq. You have some al Qaeda, some Sunni insurgents, and some Shiite sectarian militias. Even if you could entirely rid the country of Zarqawi and his pals, there would still be a nasty civil war, and a fragmented, decentralized state that relied on ethnic militias for security. Not exactly a bastion of stability.

2.) You think- you really, really think- that the only reason there’s continuing violence in Iraq is because THE MEDIA IS REPORTING ON IT? Oh. My. Fucking. God. You’re honestly saying that Shiite fundamentalist militias are torturing Sunnis BECAUSE OF CINDY FUCKING SHEEHAN. Jesus H. Christ.

3.) Blaming the media for the mess that one has created is the last, most pathetic attempt of a discredited ideologue. You guys are like Barry Bonds, who still maintains that he never did steroids despite the voluminous mountains of evidence against him. If there’s bad stuff going on Iraq, guess what- the media is going to report on it. And since we’re talking about 2,000+ dead soldiers, 30,000+ dead civilians, a fragmented country, and no end in sight, then yes, there’s a lot of bad stuff to report- stuff that takes precedence over a newly-painted school.

The fact is that the terrorism in Iraq is very unimportant compared to the progress being made in Iraq.

I agree, Gary. Similarly, why was the press so focused on all the bad stuff that happened on September 11, 2001 when there was so much other good news happening across the country? Couldn’t they have taken a break from reporting the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians to talk about a school that got painted in Oklahoma? Do they hate America or what?????


No, no, no. Sadly. No. Gary’s dead right on this thing. Why are out troops in Iraq, occupying a big Muslim nation that doesn’t want us there, hates us and is allied with Iran in the South and Saudi Arabia in the West?

We’re there because of the fucking MSM. Judy and Timmy and the NYT and Brit Bay-Bee and The Post and even the Seattle Post Intelligencer got everybody fired up to go invade this stoopid country that had nothing to do with 9/11, nothing to do with big Al Kayda, and no weapons or money. See, the media MADE us invade. Now we’re there. See? All their fault. It’s simple in GaryWorld.

In GaryWorld, the important facts are not that this lying, incompetent administration lied us into an unnecessary and criminal war. The important facts are not that a civil war has broken out, thanks to our ham handed invasion and occupation. The important facts are not that 90%+ of Iraqis want our troops out of their country, and so OF COURSE they are fighting us. No, no. The important facts in GaryWorld is that the media hates america and WANTS our soldiers to be killed, in great numbers. Of course they do, why wouldn’t they? So they go right past the carnivals and schools and the “God Bless America” Parties, and all the wonderful happy furry puppy stories, and somehow go out into the hinterlands and find these rare, isolated massacres and explosions and tortures and car bombs and things. And you gotta understand, these damn things are HARD to find. Hell, the media’s probably makin half this shit up.

So it all makes sense, right?

Nah, Gary’s a piece of software–no human could be that stupid and remember to breath…



Anyone want to play a little game?

Guess how many times in the next week Gary uses the phrase: “The fact is…” and then follows it with something that isn’t actually a fact.

I’ll put him at 8. (I don’t think he can restrict himself to just once a day) Anyone else want to take a stab?


To Jillian:

The fact is that terrorists are emboldened by the extreme left-wing media. As the saying goes at LGF, the Media is the enemy.

The fact is that the media is basically allowing themselves to be the mouthpieces for terrorist propaganda.

To Brad:

“There is no homogenous group of terrorists committing violent acts in Iraq. You have some al Qaeda, some Sunni insurgents, and some Shiite sectarian militias. Even if you could entirely rid the country of Zarqawi and his pals, there would still be a nasty civil war, and a fragmented, decentralized state that relied on ethnic militias for security. Not exactly a bastion of stability.”

Nah, most of the terrorism has been incited by Al Qaeda agents. Once they are removed, then the warring factions will be more likely to put down their weapons.

“You think- you really, really think- that the only reason there’s continuing violence in Iraq is because THE MEDIA IS REPORTING ON IT? Oh. My. Fucking. God.”

Yes. You see, the results of the reporting encourage more bombings to occur. If the media just didn’t report on bombings so much, then the terrorists wouldn’t think that they were succeeding, and then they would eventually give up.

“You’re honestly saying that Shiite fundamentalist militias are torturing Sunnis BECAUSE OF CINDY FUCKING SHEEHAN.”

Iraqi terrorists are blowing up American soldiers due to people like Cindy Sheehan.

“Blaming the media for the mess that one has created is the last, most pathetic attempt of a discredited ideologue.”

The fact is that the media is to blame for the situation in Iraq. A lot of their negative energy has squelched American support for the war, and also emboldened terrorists.

“If there’s bad stuff going on Iraq, guess what- the media is going to report on it.”

There’s also good stuff going on in Iraq, and nobody reports that!

“And since we’re talking about 2,000+ dead soldiers”

More American soldiers died in times of peace, like 1984, than in 2004 or 2005.

“no end in sight”

Only if you’re a pessimistic leftist

“there’s a lot of bad stuff to report- stuff that takes precedence over a newly-painted school.”

But the fact is that the good things in Iraq outweigh the bad things.

“Similarly, why was the press so focused on all the bad stuff that happened on September 11, 2001 when there was so much other good news happening across the country? Couldn’t they have taken a break from reporting the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians to talk about a school that got painted in Oklahoma? Do they hate America or what?????”

9/11 was much worse than what is happening in Iraq


The amount of terrorism in Iraq would be miniscule if the media simply reported on terrorism in proportion to the good news.

Ah yes, we all know the important ratio of schools being built up versus being blown up ratio that the media ignores. Or number of children who receive candy from soldiers versus the number who perish in explosions. I think these are double plus good statistics that we all must bear in mind while watching the news.

It’s obvious. This is why a Republican Congressional Candidate had to take pictures of Turkey and pass it off as Iraq, because, in his “logic” Iraq was safe but if he published a real photo, the building might come under attack. It’s safe, see, but reporting the good news might make targets from those few instances of terror that happen to occur (far below the number of fences painted of course).


9/11 was much worse than what is happening in Iraq and Iraq is much worse than Republicans touching the children, no matter how many of us there may be.

Get your priorities straight, defeatists.


I\’m sorry Gary, did you just say that \”Negative energy\” is causing the death and destruction in Iraq?

What\’s next up for blame, power crystals and Wiccan spells?

9/11 was worse than what\’s going on in Iraq? Are you fucking serious? Tell you what, go down there and spend a week outside of the green zone and just try saying that agian, just fucking try.

You are so full of shit and everyone knows it.


That’s four, four minutes after your prediction. Marita, you are so hosed.


Well Marita, I counted four
‘the fact is’ in one post. My guess is 137 for this week.


You know, Marita, I’m betting it’s a lot higher than that. Gary is the guy that nobody in the office wants to get stuck having lunch with, because then they have to sit through his latest rant–a nasty amalgam of all the right-wing radio he listens to plus a blog or two; sort of a Limbaugh/Malkin love-child–at great length and high volume while being sprayed with Wonder Bread crumbs. So I’m guessing he says “the fact is” at least a couple times a day, if you include the time he spends with his eye-rolling co-workers while they’re trying to discreetly back away from him. “You bet, Gary, I’ll be sure and listen to Limbaugh tomorrow, sure wouldn’t want to miss that, gee look at the time!” And he wonders why his co-workers all have lunch at 9:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m.


That’s four, four minutes after your prediction. Marita, you are so hosed.

Yeah, it looks like Gary is on a roll. But you never know, he may not be able to keep up that frenzied pace. And since right now the only other guess is 137, I’m still in fine shape.

OK, maybe not.


The fact is I am a SWRM seeking a pubescent girl or boy for photos and watersports and buggery.

The fact is no fatties need apply. Keep America Rolling!


The fact is that terrorists are emboldened by the extreme left-wing media. As the saying goes at LGF, the Media is the enemy.

The fact is that the media is basically allowing themselves to be the mouthpieces for terrorist propaganda

You keep using that word.I do not think it means what you think it means.


Nah, most of the terrorism has been incited by Al Qaeda agents. Once they are removed, then the warring factions will be more likely to put down their weapons.

Gary, you truly rule as a wingnutt. Seriously. Because when people are, you know, killing other people because they don’t share the same religious views on a daily basis, just removing one group of bad guys from the equation will, make them start painting more fences and building that Jeffersonian Democracy that’s right around the corner (for the past 3 years).

But, er, let me just pose a question to you. Let’s assume that you are correct in your assesment that the media is to blame and if we showed a few schools (at undisclosed locations lest the terrorists strike) being rebuilt instead of yet another car bomb and then for some reason Al-Qaeda would just give up (according to your own logic). Then should we not even bother “taking the fight to them” since if we just reported a bunch of happy stories in the media, they’d just go “Oh, man… Looks like our explosions aren’t working. Better find a real job.”

Oh, and I’m just wondering, how many car bombs Al Qaeda was setting off in Iraq prior to Mr. Bush’s Great Plan of a War?


At one per minute, he’s on pace for 604,800, but I’m not actually going to predict that.


Please, Brad, no more front-page articles about Gary. He’s a crumb, a pissant, a fucking joke. And he obviously loves the attention. Why come here day after day to get slapped around like the ho-ass bitch he is? Self-hatred is the only explanation.

He hides behind every pathetic shield the right wing has to offer, mainly Jeebus and the American flag. His beloved leaders have completely fucked up the greatest country on Earth, yet this asshole will not even charge BushCo with a small percentage of the blame. No, it’s all the media’s fault, the media that trumpeted lies about WMD just like the good little propagandists they are.

Gary’s not fooling anybody, and he’s not engaging in honest debate. He just enjoys being a dick. I’d love to give him one hard smack in the mouth, open hand. Just one real hard one right in the chops, hard enough to draw a trickle of blood. It wouldn’t resolve anything but it would sure feel real good. He would probably love it too. It would at least mean he wasn’t being ignored.


9/11 was much worse than what is happening in Iraq

Okay….I’m as much of a good sport as the next person (as long as the next person isn’t part of the Language Police), and I don’t mind jokes about the size of Brad’s endowment or references to Senator Man-on-dog or a handful of f-bombs throughout my day.

But I draw the line at obscenity. There are limits to what a person can, in good conscience, tolerate.

Begone, lickspittle! Most shallow man! Thou worms-meat in respect of a good piece of flesh, indeed!


Please, Brad, no more front-page articles about Gary. He’s a crumb, a pissant, a fucking joke. And he obviously loves the attention. Why come here day after day to get slapped around like the ho-ass bitch he is? Self-hatred is the only explanation.

But it’s so, so much fun having a troll around, especially after you bastards chased poor Dr. BLT away…


“how many car bombs Al Qaeda was setting off in Iraq prior to Mr. Bush’s Great Plan of a War?”

Al Qaeda didn’t need to set off car bombs in Iraq before we liberated Iraq, they were incahoots with Saddam Hussein


Al Qaeda didn’t need to set off car bombs in Iraq before we liberated Iraq, they were incahoots with Saddam Hussein

If you’ll believe a story about a talking snake in a tree, you’ll believe anything.


whatever happened to BLT anyway?

I heard a rumour he was chased away because someone stole his name. Is that right?

It doesn’t seem to have worked with Gary; no way were these all by him.

(he’s so easy to imitate, just ‘the fact is’ plus objectively, head-explodingly anti-factual wingnut talking point. I can’t beleive all of these are genuine.)


The fact is, “Gary” is a COINTEL-OP funded out of a NSA black budget. “Gary” is but one program of one agency in a nondescript office park in suburban Falls Church.


“The amount of terrorism in Iraq would be miniscule if the media simply reported on terrorism in proportion to the good news.”


The Sunnis and Shiites would just hold hands and sing Kumbayah, if only they could see footage of schools being painted.

“most of the terrorism has been incited by Al Qaeda agents. Once they are removed, then the warring factions will be more likely to put down their weapons.”

And what facts have you based this statement on? First hand interviews with representatives of the warring factions?

“Iraqi terrorists are blowing up American soldiers due to people like Cindy Sheehan.”

And what direct evidence can you cite to back this conclusion up?

Incidentally, Gary, regarding the theory that the US media and war opponents shown in the US media are to blame — how much US TV do you think Iraqi terrorists are watching these days? How much electricity do you think is available on an average day so that the average Iraqi terrorist can plop down on the couch and watch CNN’s coverage of Cindy Sheehan — who, incidentally, was last in the news WHEN?????

Don’t you think it just might be likely that Iraqi’s — not just terrorists, but all Iraqis — are a little bit more influenced by what’s going on in their own lives — the struggles between political factions, the crime, the danger, the fuel shortages, the random violence — than by what they fuck they see on TV?

“Al Qaeda didn’t need to set off car bombs in Iraq before we liberated Iraq, they were incahoots with Saddam Hussein.”

No, actually, Saddam was a secularist, and a brutal tyrant who made it impossible for them to operate.

“But the fact is that the good things in Iraq outweigh the bad things.”

Name one, Gary. One.


You guys are like Barry Bonds, who still maintains that he never did steroids despite the voluminous mountains of evidence against him.

Okay, I love your work, Brad, and agree with you 99.99 percent of the time. But do you have to take the Bonds-bashing so far that it becomes reasonable for you to compare a bunch of people who are literally destroying our country and causing death and destruction around the world, with a baseball player?


Yeah, DA, BOnds is worse!!1!!

He should be compared to an unspeakably evil asteroid!!!!





I prefere the following version:

The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity.
Harlan Ellison


Dear Brad R.,

I must take issue with your erroneous use of the word “troll”. The meaning of troll is not “someone who has a different opinion than the majority of the blog”. Please look the word up. Your finding that Gary is not serious does not entail the conclusion: “Gary Ruppert is not a real troll”. Rather the conclusion is: “Gary Ruppert is actually a troll”.

Thank you for your time.


😀 That works, too!

I think I’ll just declare “War on Stupidity”. That is about as winnable as a “War on Terror”, but has the advantage of not being waged against an emotion people occasionally enjoy feeling.


Yeah, Jim is right, Gary is certainly trolling. Whether or not he’s sincere in the views he puts forth as bait is the puzzle.


Indeed- you should further qualify the thesis: “Gary Ruppert is not a Real Wingnut Troll”.
There you go, back to relevance.


Quantum wingnuttery.


9/11 was much worse than what is happening in Iraq

You know, the first post I ever read on Riverbend’s blog was the twin stories of regular guys reading newspaper in a building, hearing a hiss, and then an explosion, and then…nothing. One man was in the World Trade Center on 9-11. The other was in a building in Baghdad during Shock and Awe.

At first glance, it seems that these two events would be equally bad, but you miss the subtle philosophical complexity of Gary’s argument: On 9-11, some of US died. In Iraq, it’s just THEM. Q.E.D.


9/11 was worse than the entire Iraq war? That’s sick. We have tens of thousands of inarguable innocents dead in Iraq- women and children- and that’s going off the lowball White House figure. Circa 3,000 butchered innocents on 9/11. Both are horrifying, but one jumps out at me as being somewhat worse. Hint- it’s the one that’s obviously worse to anyone with a functioning brain.

So what are you saying, conservatroid? The lives of 20 thousand brown people are worth less than the lives of 3 thousand white people? So how many brown people does it take to equal one white person? Exactly how sub-human do Republicans think non-whites are?

I’ve done some math and, figuring in that many of the innocents murdered on 9/11 were also non-whites, it looks like Gary thinks one white person is worth AT LEAST ten brown people. This beats the 3/5s compromise, so already today’s Republicans are bigger piles of shit than a 19th century plantation owner. Nice feat, that.

Let’s cut to the chase, Gary. Is a brown skinned person’s life more or less important than an animal’s? Like, which is the worse crime, to slit the throat of an eight year old Iraqi girl or to cut the throat of a cute chow puppy? How about ten Iraqi girls to one chow? Ten thousand to one? Am I getting warm?

How about plants? Are brown people worth more to the conservatroids than plants? Is it a worse tragedy to pop the head off a dandelion, or to saw an Iraqi infant into quarters? Ten infants? Again, help would be appreciated, as I’ve never plumbed depths this low before. You Republicans really LIVE down here? Ick.


Say Gary, how do you reconcile the idea that “the MSM is responsible for emboldening the jihadists” with the fact that the boldest thing the jihadists ever did occurred on September 11, 2001, well before the Iraq Clusterfuck even started, let alone was being reported on?

Every time Gary Ruppert writes “the fact is” or “in fact,” an angel gets its wings…

…pulled off.


Dan, Dan, Dan. Just LISTEN to Gary.

The Iraqis attacked us on 9/11- an event worse than all other atrocities in history combined- because one day Cindy Sheehan would be shown on the teevee complaining about how much she hates the freedom we gave to Iraq when 9/11 forced us to invade them and we removed Saddam from power, thereby freeing up the massive Al Queda forces inside Iraq which Saddam had been keeping in check, allowing them to initiate a terror war against America starting with crashing hijacked planes into the twin towers on 9/11. DUH!


Now I’m dizzy.


We have tens of thousands of inarguable innocents dead in Iraq- women and children- and that’s going off the lowball White House figure. Circa 3,000 butchered innocents on 9/11.

Ah, but it’s even worse than that. Iraq has, roughly, 1/10th the population of the USA. So, though the Garys of the world will shriek “moral relativism!” the top of their lungs, those 30,000 dead Iraqis are, as a percentage of the general population, the equivalent to over 300,000 dead Americans. D’oh! But, then, such trifles never matter to people like Gary.


Hey gary, give us a list of all the good things that are going on in Iraq. Just make sure the list is longer than the bad stuff. Go ahead. you freaks always stop at the “they never report the good stuff…..” Okie dokie, start reporting!! let’s hear it. For every car bomb, tell us about a school being built – but it can’t be the same one. For every percentage point rise in child mortality since the fall of Saddam, give us some shiny happy story. Unless you can do that, you really need to STFU


Gary Ruppert also calls himself Fred Eper. He IS that stupid!

He’s also called the troops in Iraq “cowards.”

Oh, and annieangel is a man. And it’s NOT planning Eschaton.


“Seriously, is anybody in the world really this stupid? This can’t be for real, right?”

OK, all together now…


Throw in the International Red Cross and the British Royals and you have Lynden Larouche’s platform.

Okay, yeah. He’s a troll.


I guess the Democratic Party’s operatives in the media are no better than the Democratic Party’s consultants. We really need to get better at this conspiracy gig if we want to push the homosexual feminist atheist communist agenda over the top.


“As they say at LGF…”

Stop right there, slappy.

You just used what may well be the most piss-poor attempt at a qualifying statement that you could ever have tried.

I think whatever the Loathsome Gangrenous Fucktards have to say is pretty much null-and-void during any attempt at intelligent discourse

Seriously, how often does one invite lobotomy patients and acephalics to any real debate? Are there rhetorical points to be scored for being the fastest loser to overflow your drool cup?


“whatever happened to BLT anyway?

I heard a rumour he was chased away because someone stole his name. Is that right?”

I made a few posts as Dr H&C (ham & cheese)…


I did a few as Ham on Rye, Ph.D.


(comments are closed)