This, that and the other
On the topic of Sadly, No! favorite Chris Muir SEK at LGM makes a good point:
I think the lameness of having one of your characters enthusiastically egg on the lunatic rant of another requires no further definition. Toss in the fact that “You’re really cookin'” is a painfully awful pun, and you’re left thinking that Chaucer fellow I quoted in the title was onto something. If only someone would do something about Muir’s crimes against the English language, freshmen logic, comedy and the comic form . . .
Maybe one should give credit to Muir for not having used “hoo ha” But there’s one (ever popular) conservative talking point so impressive in its stupidity it needs to be highlighted:
Leaving aside the (obvious) fact that having 47 percent of households owe no federal income tax isn’t in and of itself a reason for those who do (pay said tax) to get angry (damn poor people and their no paying federal income tax), how amazingly stupid does one have to be to confuse federal income tax and all taxes? Stupid enough, one reckons, to believe it could actually be true that nearly half of the population pays no taxes at all.* Must be tough living in a universe where you’re the only one paying taxes and no one ever helps you out — are you listening, Craig T. Nelson?
* Is this like fact-checking a SNL skit? Sadly, yes.
Leaving aside the (obvious) fact that having 47 percent of households owe no federal income tax isn’t in and of itself a reason for those who do (pay said tax) to get angry (damn poor people and their no paying federal income tax), how amazingly stupid does one have to be to confuse federal income tax and all taxes?
Moreover, did they not realize that thirty years of cutting taxes would mean *someone* would end up NOT paying any taxes at all? And better the very poorest among us than the rich?
You could have front-row video of the Sermon on the Mount and I still wouldn’t sit through 30 seconds of Joe Buck shilling for National Rent-A-Car to watch it.
Jesus. He doesn’t even try to figure out that the reason 47% of Americans pay no income tax is because they don’t fucking make enough money.
You’d think that increasing their pay rate would somehow factor into someone’s calculations, but Muir is
probablycompletely ignorant of the true distribution of wealth in this nation so why fucking bother talking to a god-damned idiot anyway?Isn’t this the same Chris Muir who was begging for money so that he could continue distributing his graceless cartoon over the internet, since no newspapers will publish it?
Yeah, but where are the boobies?
I’m seeing this Sesame Street-style skit. You know the one where two silhouettes spell a word like “Brain:”
Br ain
Br ain
Br  ain
Br ain
Br ain
and so on. Get the conservative on the right side of a large enough stage that he can’t hear the guy on the left side, and start getting him to rant about lowering taxes. Then get the guy on the left side to start ranting about how some people don’t pay any taxes. Walk them towards each other until they meet in the middle and see if they don’t fucking explode.
Would that not be awesome?
Maybe he could try his hand at something that is of some value to society. I’m sure ditches need to be dug, somewhere. And toilets cleaned. And if he fails at those as badly as he fails as a cartoonist, maybe he can try his body at being a speed bump.
Would that not be awesome?
But if you somehow got madder and anti-madder together, wouldn’t the known universe implode?????
Isn’t what Chris Muir “produces” a cartoon that he doesn’t even draw?
It’s not that they don’t make enough money–it’s that there’s an absolutely enormous income disparity.
It’s not that they don’t make enough money–it’s that there’s an absolutely enormous income disparity.
Those poor people making all that money…let’s git ’em!
“Looks like Americans will sleepwalk into servility under our nice, new, totalitarian state” is an excellent opening line. It signals that the cartoon strip that follows will be not only funny but trenchant. Walt Kelly is seething with jealousy in his grave.
“Looks like Americans will sleepwalk into servility under our nice, new, totalitarian state”
It makes you wonder where Muir was when Congress signed away our Bill of Rights under Bush?
We know Muir isn’t Art (he’s barely illustration) but is this? Or just stupid?
But if you somehow got madder and anti-madder together, wouldn’t the known universe implode?????
Hmmm. Chris Muir is to cartooning as _____ is to songwriting.
I give you the Chris Muir of love song writing,
It can’t get any badder.
Muir & Mallard Fillmore are turning Walt Kelly’s body on a high-speed lathe right now.
And why does the “you’re really cookin'” babe have the breasts of a 90-year-old? And is she also pregnant, or does she just have a really low-hanging spare tire?
I give you the Chris Muir of love song writing,
It can’t get any badder.
*clearing throat*
Yooooooooooooooooooou light up my life, you give me hope to carry on-o-on! You light up my daaaaaaaaaaaaays and fill my niiiiiiiiiiiiiights with looooooooove
It makes you wonder where Muir was when Congress signed away our Bill of Rights under Bush?
The same place he’s always been–putting non-sequiturs into the mouths of half-dressed babes drawn by someone else, and calling that a comic strip.
Anyone watching Chris? These tea party guys come across mentally retarded Travis Bickles. They’re so fucking dumb and creepy.
And is she also pregnant, or does she just have a really low-hanging spare tire?
I think she’s supposed to be pregnant, but he’s obviously never seen a real, living woman’s body, so I could be completely wrong.
Poor people have to rent, right?
What happens to the rent they can pay if they all have to pay (more) income tax?
Pretty much has to go down, right?
Low tax rates are actually transfer payments to landlords, but the economics are too subtle for our friends on the right to grok.
ATCOR — “All taxes come out of rents”.
Now, if say, the lower 75% of the US made 75% or more of the income, and held 75% of the capital… Then maybe you could make an argument for taxing that at the same as those who made more, but individually.
However, that doesn’t happen. Not in reality, and statistically it’s improbable.
Those poor people making all that money…let’s git ‘em!
Well, in a country where everyone is poor, that’s not really a solvable problem. In a country where the vast majority are poor, there are various solutions for that. Some are rather distasteful, but at least the money exists such that people could be reasonably well-off.
Travis Bickle was funnier than Chris Muir .
I think by “Americans who do produce” he means people who fuck melons.
Pssst! Sekrit fact alurt:
The person responsible for having so many Americans with shitty low incomes not having to pay federal taxes wuz…
Ronald Reagan.
The Heritage Foundation called it “A Big Boost for Families and the Poor”:
Sort of a real woman’s living body, but obviously drawn by Muir.
OK, really, what is it with these self-styled “independent” types with their obvious wingnut beliefs? What, the Republicans aren’t crazy enough for you clowns? Bush’s problem was he didn’t invade enough countries? Or is it you just want to have it both ways: play the moderate card to fool people into thinking your crazy is actually mainstream and not…crazy.
Good to know that when and only when the bottom 99% has 0% of all the wealth but pays 100% of all the taxes, our long national nightmare will be over.
Do these douchers not understand that the same “leeches” who “don’t pay taxes” are the people who buy the cheap-ass made in China shit from big businesses that supposedly keep our economy going?
If only someone would do something about Muir’s crimes against the English language, freshmen logic, comedy and the comic form
And figure drawing. Also, isn’t “naturalise” the way some damn dirty furriner would spell it?
WordPress must be hungry today.
Shorter Cris Muir: Sales taxes / property taxes/ any other tax other than Fed. income tax does not exist.
Sort of a real woman’s living body, but obviously drawn by Muir.
Muir’s cripples aren’t quite so shiny.
Would that not be awesome?
Apparently the Republicans aren’t wingnut-crazy enough for Chris Muir.
the few Americans left who do produce.
Inquiring minds would like to know where “cartoonist” falls in the Productive / Non-productive dichotomy.
We also wonder what Muir’s characters are supposedly doing for a living.
We also wonder what Muir’s characters are supposedly doing for a living.
As far as I can tell, they sit around in their fucking underwear all day. At least the women.
Walk them towards each other until they meet in the middle and see if they don’t fucking explode.
Would that not be awesome?
it would be awesome but it just wouldn’t happen. as they drew closer and closer together, the wingnut defensive shield would deploy, making them not able to hear each other’s words. they would just get that blank, glazed look in their eyes, and if you asked them what the other guy was saying, they would go “durr, wut???”
f only someone would do something about Muir’s crimes against the English language, freshmen logic, comedy and the
comicfemale form . . .Fizzixed!
As far as I can tell, they sit around in their fucking underwear all day*
…and grumble about unproductive parasitical members of society.
But if you somehow got madder and anti-madder together
Madder is this colour, so anti-madder would be a yellowish-green.
* Not that there’s anything wrong about this.
Madder is this colour, so anti-madder would be a yellowish-green.
the color of… POOP!!! Coincidence??
Welp…maybe someday Muir will enter the real world he so loves to wank about, and actually draw a pay check with all those different taxes: state, federal, payroll (assuming his health care premiums don’t knock him down into exempt status–whatever).
Did you know Muir has a history of literally obscuring his punchlines?
By my reckoning, something close to “47% of Americans” are either under the age of 18 or over the age of 65.
Just because we got rid of the evil of child labor doesn’t mean we should let the little fuckers off the hook on taxes.
“Inquiring minds would like to know where “cartoonist” falls in the Productive / Non-productive dichotomy.”
Without stupidity, Sadly No! Industries would go bankrupt or have to move to China. Fortunately, stupidity seems to be one of the few products America is still good at selling. Stock Tip!! Invest in Stupidity.
From the linked story:
And even if you assume Muir meant to say “47% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 65,” there’s still the utter logic FAIL committed where he equates “pay no taxes” = “unproductive”, though ironically in his logic FAIL he hits close to the real truth of the matter: it is the investors and owners who profit from the labor of the low-paid “unproductive” who “pay no (federal income) taxes” who actually pay the lowest overall taxes as a percentage of income, while “producing” nothing at all.
Bonus fun: believing that democracy is being sullied by the half of Americans who don’t pay taxes (with “taxes” being defined like Left Behind defines “christianity”) and then telling those same Americans that Black Osama is going to raise taxes, so vote against them.
The tiny minority of the super-rich pursuing rent-seeking behavior through electoral politics = democracy.
The vast majority of the country pursuing rent-seeking behavior through electoral politics = fascist socialist welfarism.
Yes sir.
Yooooooooooooooooooou light up my life, you give me hope to carry on-o-on! You light up my daaaaaaaaaaaaays and fill my niiiiiiiiiiiiiights with looooooooove
Ah, Joe Brooks. Terrible songwriter — but a highly accomplished rapist. Seriously.
You see it’s the fault of that supposed 47% for not getting paid enough to be in a higher tax bracket.
If only they weren’t being so lazy and self-destructive they’d actually be productive, and contributing to society like our leading banking & finance executives.
The comic reminds me of the ones R. Crumb’s brother did as a child before he went completely nuts and began filling notebooks with scribbled lines.
Factor in various sales taxes as well, and those “parasites” are paying a much higher percentage of their income than the Galts and Roarkes.
Just mentioning this is tantamount to class warfare, though.
Nah, their political and economic understanding of the world is limited to whatever Rush and Fox have had a bug up their ass about lately, along with cherished bons mots about niggardliness.
Which is why we need a universal 50% sales tax or else our noble, put-upon, technically-Dubaihi-citizen productive class will revolt.
Multiplication in order to figure percentages is theft.
Inquiring minds would like to know where “cartoonist” who doesn’t draw or get published in any newspaper or magazine falls in the Productive / Non-productive dichotomy.
My bad: Dubahi subjects. ‘Citizen’ implies a republic – or, worse, a democracy, which as such enduring luminaries of civilization as Ayn Rand, Aristotle, and Benito Mussolini point out, is just another name for mob rule. No truly rational man (for women aren’t) would subject themselves to any government but that of a philosopher-king.
The full Muir toon reads like a laundry list of so-called conservative grievances against Obama. If you look at parallel timelines for Dubya and B. Hussein X., there’s little comparison. They’re gonna have to do better than CZARS!
Oh yeah. And Michael Moore is fat.
That’s a relief. I was worried, not having dressed since getting up three or four hrs ago.
No truly rational man (for women aren’t) would subject themselves to any government but that of a
philosopher-kinggiant flightless skullfucking parrot.This amendment was brought to you by the New Zealand Tourism Board.
giant flightless skullfucking parrot
This amendment was brought to you by the
New ZealandPatagonian Tourism Board.Edited for
paleontological accuracygreat justice.The full Muir toon reads like a laundry list of so-called conservative grievances against Obama.
I did not know Alan Keyes had a liberal white wife who is devoted to him despite his tendency to screech while waving a knife at her.
But again, on the logic FAIL: do almost half of the people of working age who you know not work (“produce”)? What about Muir? Personal experience alone should tell him that “statistic” is horseshit.
I think you may have a misunderstanding of the size of sales taxes. Let me give you an example: A family making $20,000-$30,000 in Alabama will pay a sales tax that’s nominally 4%, but has the effective sales tax rate of 1.2%.
That said, sales taxes are, in fact, unbelievably hard on poor families. I don’t have the curve here right now, but a person making $20,000-30,000 in Alabama will pay almost three times the sales tax rate as a person making $180,000-200,000, who still pays something that is nominally 4%, but us effectively .42%.
(numbers from 1040 sales tax tables from 2007)
This amendment was brought to you by the Patagonian Tourism Board.
Not the real macawNOT A PARROT.YOU go argue with it then. You and your shapely head.
No…more like a flock of wild parrots, living wild in any number of major US cities. Damn you for re-activating my flock of wild parrots obsession.
Not the real macaw NOT A PARROT.
Why must you rail against me?
Damn you for re-activating my flock of wild parrots obsession.
There’s a nice big flock of them in the Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx. They are also of Patagonian extraction.
If I ever meet Mr. Muir I solemnly swear to punch him in the nose or the nuts, whichever is easiest.
Once again those in power spout the vicious and asinine assumption that poor people DON’T produce anything, let alone create wealth for their “bosses”. Yeah, those ‘poor’ folk who pick our fruit & vegges, the ‘poor’ people who clean our buildings and dig our ditches and…UG. Grrr.
Rich people do not produce anything, they only consume. Poor people work to create the wealth and are called parasites.
Remember, the Democrat Party looks down its snooty elitist nose at you lazy parasites.
more like a flock of wild parrots, living wild in any number of major US cities
Can they assemble themselves to form one giant super-parrot?
So Mr Incredible was a supervillain all along.
I might just be spoilt from living out West, but a 4% nominal sales tax rate seems almost tolerable – local neoconservative government is a big deal out here, so rather than cutting one of services or taxes they cut both, then hike flat or regressive taxes, often without any real public notice. They then proceed to pat themselves on the back for balancing the budget with a two-digit participating-in-the-local-economy toll, paragons of small government that they are. Or, as Reagan did, even go so far as to attribute the increase in revenue from fleecing the loopholeless middle class and poor instead of anyone who can afford it to the Laffer Curve.
Freedom isn’t free, you know.
I call fake shagging. He didn’t light up a smoke afterwards.
Ok, I give up (this time for real). I thought the friggin’ GOAL of all contards was – ta DA! – to pay no taxes!!! Isn’t that what these dickheaded, moranic teabaggers are always whining & screaming about? That they don’t wanna pay taxes at all ever??
Whazzat ya say?? Oh: the poors & brown skinned folks are the ones ‘sposed ta pay all the taxes, but ya richies are NOT.
My mistake. Gracious me, so sorry. Moving along now…
PS Mr. Dr. Gill – excellent site, but might I suggest taking on the absurdly dishonest GOP debt talking-point with debt relative to tax receipts, GDP, or some other metric rather than by itself? It’s less moronic than debt-hawkery that extends this stupid hyperbolic graph all the way back to the 40s (during which $50 could buy you a blowjob from an Astor), but it still depends on them viewing their audience as so stupid they don’t understand the economy has grown since 1990.
The years are weird, too; shading 2007-2012 as ‘Democrat Majority’ creates a world in which Gingrich succeeded a long line of good Republican speaker-kings and Jim Jeffords never existed, which is a convenient way of looking at things if you’re an imbecile.
If I ever meet Mr. Muir I solemnly swear to punch him in the nose or the nuts, whichever is easiest.
It would be more appropriate to wedge him into a wire framework, forcing his spine to curve in a painful fashion, and leave him in it until the condition is permanent. Let the punishment fit the crime, so to speak.
Rich people do not produce anything, they only consume.
They consume poor people.
Damn, I just cannot find B. Kliban’s devastating “Industrialist” sketch on teh t00bz!
Rich people do not produce anything, they only consume.
They consume poor people.
There is a reason why vampires were portrayed as members of the upper class.
All the frustrated buggers needed was a good parrot skullfuck, but no, we see what sublimation of desire does.
(during which $50 could buy you a blowjob from an Astor)
Pretty soon, a pack of smokes will buy you the same.
Ah, Joe Brooks. Terrible songwriter — but a highly accomplished rapist. Seriously.
Huh. Who knew you could always trust the shorter even when it’s not protecting you from wingnuts?
It is time to link once again to the Kakapo Ejaculation Helmet, such as all well-dressed Kiwis are wearing if they want to avoid the “special hair-gel”.
Shorter Cris Muir: Sales taxes / property taxes/ any other tax other than Fed. income tax does not exist.
Except when we need to use a rise in cigarette taxes or any kind of government fees as a talking point to prove Obama lies. Then they’re taxes, by gum, and he said he wouldn’t raise them!
It is time to link once again to the Kakapo Ejaculation Helmet, such as all well-dressed Kiwis are wearing if they want to avoid the “special hair-gel”
Keep fucking that
chickenhelmet.Stay-at-home moms are theft!
That parrot was no elderly gentleman!
I have discovered AN OUTRAGE!
Alabama sales taxes can be surprising:
* Is this like fact-checking a SNL skit? Sadly, yes.
Only about 1/1,000,000th as relevant.
I mean, not like fact-checking an SNL skit was relevant, and not to go all “teh left” on you.
Pffft. I’ll give up, now.
I propose spreading rumors pertaining to Limbaugh’s plans for Whites Only sections at Rams games.
Walt Kelly is seething with jealousy in his grave
Muir is not worthy to be Kelly’s sloughed epidermis.
Inquiring minds would like to know where “cartoonist” who doesn’t draw or get published in any newspaper or magazine **and begs readers for his income** falls in the Productive / Non-productive dichotomy.
Seriously, there’s no universe in which Chris Muir falls anywhere near the “productive” end of the spectrum.
Can they assemble themselves to form one giant super-parrot?
Um, yeah. Are any of those 47%children, elderly, or students? Does “pay no taxes” mean pay ni taxes, or have no federal income tax liability? Because 100% of what somebody who makes say 20k a year is taxed at at least the sales tax rate, and everybody, except people who make more than 100k per year, or whose income is solely capital gains, pays 14% social security tax, even if they have no federal tax liability. And here in Virginia, the lowest income tax bracket starts at $3000. I don’t think there is 47% of the population below that level.
“…Kakapo Ejaculation Helmet…”
I must say, the parrot in the final picture looks as if he’d seen many such helmets all in the same day.
Once again, butthurt level: Massive.
Sheesh, I thought these guys were all about “teh Market’s purity” — ain’t no government entity telling the NFL owners or players they can’t welcome li’l Rushie.
Nope, they’re exercising their economic power to keep the fat druggie out of their little club. These guys should be loving it.
Can they assemble themselves to form one giant super-parrot?
If it were not for the individualism that bars such a level of cooperation, a group of Randians could combine to form Galtron.
Also known as Megadildo.
I must say, the parrot in the final picture looks as if he’d seen many such helmets all in the same day.
Haven’t we all, back when we were younger?
…a group of Randians could combine to form Galtron
which would promptly run away
a group of Randians could combine to form Galtron.
Also known as Megadildo.
If there is a MORE humorless dildo, I’d like to see it.
If there is a MORE humorless dildo, I’d like to see it.
Or one that could possibly be less fun.
The new new Looking better all the time.
If there is a MORE humorless dildo, I’d like to see it.
Isn’t a kakapo a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle? They’re adorable, and they’d never hump your head, just your leg.
Isn’t a kakapo a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle?
I’ve always heard them referred to as cockapoos.
Isn’t a kakapo a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle?
Kakapoo is self-redundant.
What is the point of that site? Lulz mostly?
What is the point of that site? Lulz mostly?
Lulz purely.
The Middle-school Modigliani strikes again.
Ok, it ain’t a flock of wild parrots. Or Poltron. Or a cockapoo.
It’s just a bird dancing to Queen.
And the bird’s a damn good dancer.
Buck Kakapo was New Zealand cinema’s #1 skull-fucking singing cowboy star.
Sigh. Kakapos make me sad. They make me think of the late Douglas Adams, who wrote about them in Last Chance to See.
Sigh. Kakapos make me sad.
This might cheer you up, Kakapos exhibit lekking – so you can imagine skull-fucking parrots circling each other while dramatic music plays in the background.
Also to cheer you up, the population is recovering. Though there would be more money to spend on the recovery program if the Department of Conservation had accepted my tourism suggestion (i.e. providing a special experience to well-funded fans of avian frottage).
Lek systems:
Kakapos, or young humans each Friday night? You be the judge.
Exploded leks rely on vocal signals. Male hammer-headed bats have a voice box that occupies more than half their body cavities..
(just so you know what you’re getting into – don’t say I didn’t warn you!)
if all is well, mating will occur
And the bird’s a damn good dancer.
Shit. That bird has better rhythm, moves, and hair than I ever will.
1,000 times per hour, 6-7 hours per night!
(Your boom may be monitored to improve odds of mating)
The lek is a great metaphor for how the blogosphere works. Displays and outbursts flaring up and radiating in observable patterns.
Except that with birds, it leads to mating.
Good evening. Here is the news for Parrots. No parrots were involved in an accident on the M1 today when a lorry carrying high-octane fuel was in collison with a bollard. That’s a bollard and not a parrot. A spokesman for parrots said he was glad no parrots were involved. That’s the end of the news, now our program for parrots continues with part three of ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, specially adapted for parrots by Joey Boy.
In the event of booming that lasts more than 6-7 hours, consult your physician.
Is that a bollard or a humourless dildo?
The two are easily confused.
Dr Bollard …has produced a computer simulation game called Oikonomos where one plays at being the Minister of Finance
(I think our current Minister of Finance made a stab at learning that game, alas.)
Be nice to Alan, Smut. He’s a huge improvement over the Dunny Brush that preceded him.
Alls I know about Kiwiland is that you guys got a mean haka, you de-elected the only vaguely attractive and leftish female leader so far, and you and Australia really doth protest too much in re. sheep fuckin’.
Suck my long white balls, all of youse.
alec said,
You’re just jealous.
I am slowly understanding the “long ball” referred to at so many sporting events.
I can see the calculation that poor people pay X dollars in social security, sales, gasoline, and property taxes and they (or their embryos, or eggs, or employer, or banker) get back X+1 dollars in fantasy benefits. They win!
Rich people pay … oh, it’s too complicated to figure out. Let’s just say they pay a lot of taxes. The Chris Muir rule!
We have had a RW screamer MP who suggested that the way to save the kakapo was to farm them for eating. It is obvious the production of Kakapo hair gel is a far more sustainable industry. However, some parts of the importation process could get sticky
did you all see the crazy Tea Party motherfucker that Chris Matthews interviewed today? Guy looks like he’s tweaking.
I’m not sure I posted the right link. Guy’s name is Allen Olson, he’s a Tea Party guy from South Carolina. Weird dude.
Here’s another link to the interview from a RW site. The guy is really weird.
In the MsNBC link, go ahead to about 6:00 to get this Allen Olson guy.
We have had a RW screamer MP who suggested that the way to save the kakapo was to farm them for eating.
I remember a Glibertarian politician who seriously advocated a kiwi-meat industry and a live tuatara export trade as a way of ensuring that the survival of both species was given real value, market-driven value, rather than a merely legislative preference for keeping them non-extinct, but I tuned out when he started arguing that privatised ownership was the only way to avoid the Tragedy of the Commons.
I’m kind of looking forward to the next iteration of privatisation rationales when history repeats itself as the Comedy of the Commons.
But did he really advocate a market in kakapo meat? I would hate to leave the rest of the commentariat with the impression that their New Zealand informants are unreliable.
Comedy. Fucking. Jackpot.
Illegal immigrants – who aren’t “aliens” unless they all crossed the Rio Grande in Reptiloid motherships – are doing a lion’s share of the real productive labor left in America by now. Naturally Goopers wouldn’t dream of letting those nasty brown folks have any of the decent jobs … so they outsourced those to Ceylon or Pakistan. PORBLEM SLOLVED!
Muir has his head so far up his ass he can bite his own tonsils.
A cunning plan with a proven track-record – why, just look at how well it worked out for Enron, BCCI or Nugan Hand!
PROTIP: If your investment suddenly stops ticking, get your ass behind something big & heavy – FAST.
Tonight, we are all Rush LImbaugh.
This is too good not to share in full. Redstate has a parody troll, but the commenters are eating it up.
See! A Hindenberg reference right fuckin there.
And check out this list of oppressed peoples around the world:
El oh el.
Ugh! don’t look now, but that klein guy over at time is making an ass of hisself again.
Ain’t it a scream?
You sure it is a parody? Sometimes these people out-Colbert the most comical stereotype, not sure I would completely rule it out in this case…
Those poor people making all that money…let’s git ‘em!
Well, in a country where everyone is poor, that’s not really a solvable problem.
Respectfully, I have to disagree, altho logically you are correct.
Your scenario ignores the fact that the people who are poor must be aware they are poor.
That 19% of Americans believe they are among the top 1% of income earners says a lot to me about the degree of denial amongst the yahoos of this nation.;
I wondered how the bozos Limbots were going to handle that news.
I mean, whom do you root for: the millionaire making money exploiting your fears or the millionaires making money exploiting your laziness?
Normally, Redstate needs a whole fleet of wahmbulances on stand-by to handle those who succumb daily to rageaholism, but the comments to that parody troll post show that there simply aren’t enough emergency vehicles in the US to truck these dipshits to safety.
That is fucking spectacular. Standing ovation!
the comments to that parody troll post show that there simply aren’t enough emergency vehicles in the US to truck these dipshits to safety.
Under the National Health in England, there would be.
Is it really a parody post? It’s damned hard to tell the difference anymore. Hilarious!
All hail the great Ronaldus Magnus!
g, some pics from German Village this weekend.
It’s looking like the last sunny one we’ll get around here for a while.
Beautiful, Thunder. I love those red brick streetscapes. Brings back memories. We’ve got rain here too, right now, rain and fog.
“I might just be spoilt from living out West, but a 4% nominal sales tax rate seems almost tolerable – local neoconservative government is a big deal out here, so rather than cutting one of services or taxes they cut both, then hike flat or regressive taxes, often without any real public notice. They then proceed to pat themselves on the back for balancing the budget with a two-digit participating-in-the-local-economy toll, paragons of small government that they are. Or, as Reagan did, even go so far as to attribute the increase in revenue from fleecing the loopholeless middle class and poor instead of anyone who can afford it to the Laffer Curve.
Freedom isn’t free, you know.”
The loopholeless middle class supports the system around here, along with the poor folks. What with property taxes up in the top ten among the country, rents are higher and of course property values reflect the inflated values as well. Permit fees are higher, road work and other services are lower or less used, public welfare programs are nearly non-existent or so hard to find they might as well be, public transit is only existent in one city in the entire state and a rail only runs from Boston to one town on the coast to Portland, passing every other town in the state. Keeps the lowers trapped in the city or on the farm land they inherited and are struggling to hold onto.
Hey, its all good. No sales tax, no income tax, up to 80% reduction in property tax can be granted for lots larger than 10 acres (once touted as a way to save small farmers, but the farmers left anyway and the wealthy have used the tax reduction as an effective snob-zoning tool).
So if you’s rich, come here, invest in NH, buy a large swath of land up north, fly your plane in on any number of private runways and enjoy the bucolic scenery free of any pesky left-wingers.
The commoners know their place, fight hard for your right to keep your money and not have to distribute it to them. Hell you even have the state newspaper on your side. C’mon down!
Live Free and Die!
The comic reminds me of the ones R. Crumb’s brother did as a child before he went completely nuts and began filling notebooks with scribbled lines.
I was trying to think of it reminded me of last night, and the exact same thing occurred to me at about 3:00 this morning.
That’s actually a rather depressing story, come to think of it.
slippy wrote:
I’m seeing this Sesame Street-style skit. You know the one where two silhouettes spell a word like “Brain:”
That was The Electric Company, not Sesame Street.
Speaking as someone who has voluntarily subjected himself to Muir’s brand of shit in large doses–he’s been getting crazier of late. Largely because of the black man getting elected President, of course. Mostly the result has been plentiful rants of this nature and praising of the “VAST” tea party movement. And occasionally special bad ones like the ones that compared terrorism with domestic abuse. Which involved having one of the female characters he’d created go through it so he could make the horrible analogy in the first place.
Yeah. That was pretty much my response.
And occasionally special bad ones like the ones that compared terrorism with domestic abuse. Which involved having one of the female characters he’d created go through it so he could make the horrible analogy in the first place.
I envision Muir smoking dope and watching Jeff Dunham “interview” Achmed The Dead Terrorist and thinking he’s watching FOX News.
Echoing some sentiments expressed above — who are the Americans who really do produce stuff? Unless Muir has a very bizarre idea of what it means to make something (vide infra), I reckon some of the most productive (i.e. producing stuff) members of our society are those illegals.
Actually the people who do produce stuff are generally among the 47% — as you don’t get paid all that much to actually produce something (if you can get a job making stuff anyway). Perhaps we would have more people producing stuff if producing stuff paid better?
Oh yeah — I forget: people like Muir think that “giving an underwear gnome money to expand his underwear stealing business so that eventually he’ll turn a profit as soon as he figures out step #2 of his business plan” = producing stuff. Of course, the people who think “spreading capital where it is not needed” = producing stuff are the same people who think going “rah! rah! the USA rocks!” = supporting the troops (rather than actually supporting troops by ensuring they have good support networks, clean VA hospitals and not sending them to wars where they get hurt unless it’s absolutely necessary).
And occasionally special bad ones like the ones that compared terrorism with domestic abuse. Which involved having one of the female characters he’d created go through it so he could make the horrible analogy in the first place.
I saw that. One of my favorite strips was when one of the women was talking about how her abuser always promised to change and be better and the other woman said something like, “I understand what you mean because I’m a republican voter.” Seriously sick and fucking offensive.
The silver lining to the stanky little cloud that is Chris Muir is that this post became the gateway to SEK’s blog for me.
“…I mean, did you see his film of The Spirit? Pee-yew.”
At least this way I got to use some tags.
“No taxes at all”?
No property taxes? No sales taxes? When they fill up at the pump, it recognizes them as a deadbeat and shaves off the local, state, and federal taxes?
And they don’t pay payroll taxes? 47% of them? That’s weird, ’cause 86% of Americans pay more in payroll taxes than they do federal income taxes, so dumbass is working with a vanishingly small sliver of America, assuming he can find said country on a map, in which to visualize his deadbeats.
Once again, a conservative’s politics are a function of his ignorance.
Prediction: EPIC FAIL
Or maybe someone can persuade the tea-baggers to protest at a NFL game. That would be ever so popular.
“I saw that. One of my favorite strips was when one of the women was talking about how her abuser always promised to change and be better and the other woman said something like, “I understand what you mean because I’m a republican voter.” Seriously sick and fucking offensive.”
Yeah. My response to the storyline was to note Chris Muir was now sucking the inky black semen of Satan. Especially as, having made the awful analogy–he kept making it. For strip after strip. Appareently completely oblivious to how offensive it was. It went beyond his usual ‘Naked Emperor’ approach to comedy writing to enter a scary new level…
“…I mean, did you see his film of The Spirit? Pee-yew.”
And whores whores whores. Also.
did you see his film of The Spirit?
Saw it last night.
Haaaaaaaaaaaated it!
Appareently completely oblivious to how offensive it was.
It’s kind of hard to conceive of people being offended by something like that when you don’t think of women as actual human beings, you know? BTW, have you seen the pinup “drawings” he created to auction off for money for breast cancer research? Apparently, he thinks breasts are flesh-covered volleyballs with nipples (or something–I don’t know, her hands were covering them) directly in the center of them. I think he literally used a compass to draw this chick’s boobs.
Prediction: EPIC FAIL
*snort* What’s next, NASCAR?
And whores whores whores. Also.
True, but he made up for it, IMO, with 300’s endless, straight-faced homo-eroticism that has been adopted by wingers who are incapable of seeing it for what it is.
If that’s a sentence I just wrote.
“…watching Jeff Dunham “interview” Achmed The Dead Terrorist …”
Is it just me or does anybody else find that bit offensive? I mean, Dunham’s kind of hit-and-miss for me anyway but the Achmed bit and when he has the old dummy ululate … pause… explosion noise — that bugs me.
Oops, no snark content…
Too bad Chris Muir thinks blastfax talking points make hilarious punchlines (and in a different context, they would). At least he can’t draw.
Apparently, he thinks breasts are flesh-covered volleyballs with nipples
Somewhere, a Galt read this and is rushing to the patent office.
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.
– Pastor Martin Niemöller
Tonight… We Are All Rush Limbaugh
Poor Pastor Niemoller must be rotating in his grave. I expect this is the first time his poem has been invoked because some rich white guy couldn’t buy a football team. Why, if it weren’t for Limbaugh’s syndicated radio show, heard by millions across the country, he’d practically be voiceless in our tyrannical society! (I understand it might be a parody troll, but the commenters at RedState seem to be taking it largely seriously.)
Apparently the NFL is the Auschwitz of Liberal Fascism.
True, but he made up for it, IMO, with 300’s endless, straight-faced homo-eroticism that has been adopted by wingers who are incapable of seeing it for what it is.
I’ve always seen right-wing worship of war and manly men as repressed homosexual tendencies. I’m very glad that 300 exists to prove my theory.
And I’m a fan of endless homoeroticism, myself, so double-win!
True, but he made up for it, IMO, with 300’s endless, straight-faced homo-eroticism that has been adopted by wingers who are incapable of seeing it for what it is.
My wife and some of her friends once decided to watch 300 for the hawt man on man quasi-action, but they found all the violence distracting.
Is it just me or does anybody else find that bit offensive? I mean, Dunham’s kind of hit-and-miss for me anyway but the Achmed bit and when he has the old dummy ululate … pause… explosion noise — that bugs me.
Uh, yeah, that guy’s a fucking racist piece of shit. He’s got some sort of racist “Mexican” puppet, as well.
Is it just me or does anybody else find that bit offensive? I mean, Dunham’s kind of hit-and-miss for me anyway but the Achmed bit and when he has the old dummy ululate … pause… explosion noise — that bugs me.
Altho I agree with you, I can understand the level it works at: he’s a successful suicide bomber trying to communicate to an audience that’s, to be blunt, neither sophisticated nor particularly sensitive.
In other words, Dunham exploits the backlash against political correctness there. It’s not as funny as when Bill Maher does it, to be sure.
As a sidenote, the nation of South Africa banned an Achmed ringtone (his “Silence! I keel you!”) for being offensive to Muslims. Dunham counters by saying that Achmed is not Muslim since he bears a tag “Made In China”
Dunham, apparently, has never heard of Uighurs.
(I understand it might be a parody troll, but the commenters at RedState seem to be taking it largely seriously.)
So did Lizz Winstead. I was pretty surprised by that.
And I’m a fan of endless homoeroticism, myself, so double-win!
So am I. First, it lets me know which guys are hetero and therefore potential competition in the Darwinian fight. Second, it gets many chicks hot and bothered and that’s a good thing.
It may have other effects of which I am unaware.
Uh, yeah, that guy’s a fucking racist piece of shit. He’s got some sort of racist “Mexican” puppet, as well.
His “agent” is also a pimp, with the typical stereotypical appearance (Hannah Giles ACORN pimp notwithstanding).
It may have other effects of which I am unaware.
Why DO all these gays keep sucking my cock?
BTW, have you seen the pinup “drawings” he created to auction off for money for breast cancer research?
Yep. I write about Muir’s ongoing suckiness, so trust me–I wind up seeing most of his ongoing ride into madness. By a great irony, said drawings ran at the same time as his strip about the Roman Polanski affair.
Which was bad enough that it makes me wish I understood how linking works in this damn format.
PROTIP: always check your nym at the door…
Poor Pastor Niemoller must be rotating in his grave. I expect this is the first time his poem has been invoked because some rich white guy couldn’t buy a football team.
I love the way – parody or not – they simply glossed over the language about communists, socialists and trade unionists being sympathetic victims…..and then of course in commentary railed against communism, socialism and unions being the cause of such a terrible injustice.
Second, it gets many chicks hot and bothered and that’s a good thing.
Speaking of which, I found out yesterday that Gerard Butler is bi, which made me very happy in that sense, but also because it makes the thought of wingnuts worshiping at the alter of his pecs even more amusing.
Why DO all these gays keep sucking my cock?
They stuck a quarter in the slot and it got stuck?
worshiping at the alter of his pecs
That sounds suspiciously like objectifying the Mr. B.
Too bad Chris Muir thinks blastfax talking points make hilarious punchlines (and in a different context, they would).
“Pierre Menard, Author of the Day By Day” would be pretty awesome.
(I understand it might be a parody troll, but the commenters at RedState seem to be taking it largely seriously.)
So did Lizz Winstead. I was pretty surprised by that.
Teh Parody Troll has been a Red State member for over 4 years. So I’m going with serious post on this one, hard as it is to believe.
Michael Lewis wrote this brilliant satire on the subprime blow-out, and apparently received plenty of “Hell, yeah!” responses from goober dickheads… the moral of the story being, parody is not always as good as it seems.
Yep. I write about Muir’s ongoing suckiness, so trust me–I wind up seeing most of his ongoing ride into madness
Oh, just clicked the link to your blog. Funny how that works! You must have a strong stomach.
I think the only way you can link here is to input the HTML code, but I could be wrong.
“Pierre Menard, Author of the Day By Day” would be pretty awesome.
That’s why I keep coming back here. Jorge Luis Borges snark about low-rent webcomix.
You must have a strong stomach.
It’s kind of like dosing yourself with arsenic. You get used to it.
Plus Muir has various levels of awful, from ‘focusing on his obnoxious sociopathic characters” to “strip of doom”.
Michael Lewis wrote this brilliant satire on the subprime blow-out, and apparently received plenty of “Hell, yeah!” responses from goober dickheads… the moral of the story being, parody is not always as good as it seems.
The “Berkeley” address should have been a dead giveaway.
John, if you just copy and paste the URL from the browser address window, we’ll copy and paste it into our browsers.
That sounds suspiciously like objectifying the Mr. B.
I really don’t think he minds.
I really don’t think he minds.
Will the rationalizations never end? This morning, on the subway, a woman was dressing me with her eyes.
It’s kind of like dosing yourself with arsenic. You get used to it.
Although eventually it kills you.
Muir’s comic on Roman Polanski. It makes Baby Jesus cry.
Also, the breast cancer sketch is right below it. It also makes Baby Jesus cry. And possibly vomit.
Muir’s breast cancer character appears to be some kind of werewolf.
Will the rationalizations never end? This morning, on the subway, a woman was dressing me with her eyes.
I don’t know what you expect, prancing about in an undressed state like that. You were practically asking for it.
He’s sick, dude. It’s not insignificant that they’re holding those two freaky babies while they’re talking about it. Sick.
Muir’s breast cancer character appears to be some kind of werewolf.
The second character appears as if she’s dying, possibly from arsenic poisoning. (May be NSFW (?), as something vaguely resembling a human woman is sort of exposing her nipples).
Funnier than the strip? The comments. Comedy gold.
The second character appears as if she’s dying, possibly from arsenic poisoning.
Or shame.
I don’t know what you expect, prancing about in an undressed state like that.
Something about the word “prancing” invites the response that I’m usually un-dressed in public given that I prefer pants.
Funnier than the strip? The comments. Comedy gold.
Come on, man, you’re setting the bar pretty low. You might as well say, ‘funnier than loa loa infections’, or ‘funnier than crippling injuries’.
Something about the word “prancing” invites the response that I’m usually un-dressed in public given that I prefer pants.
Wait, so were you undressed or dressed? You said she was dressing you with her eyes…or was she “dressing” you like a turkey? I could totally understand your discomfort with that.
I was wearing Schrödinger’s Clothes: I was dressed but un-dressed.
Of course, someone wearing pants but not a dress who was then cut up by a butcher would be dressed but un-dressed but dressed.
John Ball said,
October 15, 2009 at 18:57
Funnier than the strip? The comments. Comedy gold.
Come on, man, you’re setting the bar pretty low. You might as well say, ‘funnier than loa loa infections’, or ‘funnier than crippling injuries’.
and I meant “funny” more in the “horrifying” kind of way
“At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? “I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” (Lincoln)
Thou spoken in the context of the American Civil War, Lincoln’s words of wisdom still ring true today when we look at the policies of the Obama Administration.
Right. Because fucking health care is Armageddon.
What, no “Shalom, Gentlemen?” Are the gloves off now?
We’re the evil minions of evil evil, apparently. So, yes.
Thou spoken in the context of the American Civil War, Lincoln’s words of wisdom still ring true today when we look at the policies of the Obama Administration.
Yes, they certainly do inspire me to be ever vigilant against the obstructionism and regressive Republican Party.
*Once upon a time this sort of thing was known as a “symptom”.
Also, the breast cancer sketch is right below it. It also makes Baby Jesus cry. And possibly vomit.
Only Muir could make naked breasts look phugly.
His “model” has an overbite and needs orthodontia.
Your daily Doughbob:
What happens when a sammich-thought shitcans the punchline.
Of course, someone wearing pants but not a dress who was then cut up by a butcher would be dressed but un-dressed but dressed.
Awwwwwwwwwwp, but whut ef ‘e were wearing a kilt?
HAH! THERE! I’ve run rings around you logically!
“…if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad.”
So, then, all the pants-pissing of the previous eight years was…what?
A mistake?
A fantasy?
An inconvenient truth?
Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander
This can’t be Lincoln. He wouldn’t make a pasta out of a French ruler…
PROTIP #2: Always ALWAYS check your nym at the door…
The second character appears as if she’s dying, possibly from arsenic poisoning.
Like I said, middle-school Modigliani (NSFW).
Muir’s b[r]east drawings are labeled “Do not copy or reproduce.” That’s a little redundant– seeing the pictures has already lowered my chances of having offspring.
I wasn’t previously aware that Sarah Palin was a Twilight™-brand Abstinence Vampire or possibly Abstinence Wolfman. Can’t say it doesn’t make a sort of sense, though.
As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide
But, notwithstanding Mr. Lincoln’s fine words, it is still important to cower under our beds and toss out all civil liberties because of a bunch of savages hiding in a cave in Afghanistan.
Crikey, Muir’s nudes are scary. Still they don’t seem to have the usual articulated (semi-trailered) spines that he usually gives them.
But the pointy teefs, they want blood my friends!!
Will the abstinence werewolf come and get you in the night???
But this year there are a couple new strangers in town: “Volunteerism” and “Service.” You’ve heard of them. Their names have been bandied everywhere since President Obama took office
How dare President Obama bring the full force of government upon us for his Thousand Points o’ Light so-called volunteerism and service dogma!!.
Oh, wait, that was another guy?
Muir’s breast cancer character appears to be some kind of werewolf.
Because breast cancer only happens at the full moon.
You know, monthly. Periodic.
…or in Muir’s case, PerioDick.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© is a Columbusite? I don’t feel alone then. Though I’m in Grandview Heights these days…
Oh, and Saul? Since Lincoln spoke of the dangers of racist obstructionist secessionist rednecks and their plutocrat filth leaders, we’re glad to follow his warnings that Repugs are the inside enemy trying to end America. You are the bad guys. Like that Twilight Zone “Eye of the Beholder” episode, you are the ignorant, ugly filth.
A nation of freemen detects wormsign faster.
The next civil war will be fought over health care, although one side will claim it wasn’t.
“Yooooooooooooooooooou light up my life, you give me hope to carry on-o-on! You light up my daaaaaaaaaaaaays and fill my niiiiiiiiiiiiiights with looooooooove”
Damn you to hell, actor. Now I have 2 tunes in my head that will not leave me alone. The other I accidentally caught on SiriusXM about SIX FUCKING WEEKS AGO. It was the Brian Setzer Orchestra playing the “William Tell Overture” with a be-bop big-band beat. What is it about the truly bad music that gets trapped inside your brain?
Ahem. Fremen, if you please.
A nation of freemen detects wormsign faster.
What is it about the truly bad music that gets trapped inside your brain?
They don’t call them “earworms” for nothing.
Maybe you can find a Freemen to help you call it out?
(pssst, Marion…you’re right, of course, but that way was funnier)
Yeah, I don’t get it either. Butthurt says right in his article that teh gubmint has made TV shows put messages into episodes in the past (“Just Say No!”, anyone?), but now that it’s a message urging people to volunteer it’s socialamism?
Fuck a bunch of that.
Lincoln: bad at spelling.
Also open-minded, especially at the end there.
G, how many time must we repeat this:
The next civil war will be fought over health care, although one side will claim it wasn’t.
History books in blue states will discuss “health care reform riots;” those in red states will bloviate about the “big-government body-intrusion holy war.”
Tell me of your homeworld, U-Saul.
Also open-minded, especially at the end there.
Are you kidding? That would require Bill O’Reilly to actually do something instead of just whining.
We micks are a literally degenerate race. It’s a sad sight to see.
I’ve got a new name!
Too soon?
Too soon?
You young vippershnappers, mit der yoking about der deff of der gratess preshident ever….GET OFF MAH LAWNG!!!!!!
Abstinence wolfmans are copyright Stephenie Meyer!! Don’t be a stealer, guys 🙁
Abstinence wolfmans are copyright Stephenie Meyer!! Don’t be a stealer, guys 🙁
Just for that, I’m trademarking “Whore Wolves Of London”
Also open-minded, especially at the end there.
Zombie dog-whistle.
Now all I need is a zombie dog.
Your wish is my command
And just for PeeJ:
Well, sort of…
“Pierre Menard, Author of the Day By Day” would be pretty awesome.
That’s why I keep coming back here. Jorge Luis Borges snark about low-rent webcomix.
Yo también.
Come on, man, you’re setting the bar pretty low. You might as well say, ‘funnier than loa loa infections’, or ‘funnier than crippling injuries’.
But not as much of a laugh riot as kuru.
Your wish is my command
Oh my fucking God, that is fucking terrifying.
Re-reading my copy of The Zombie Survival Guide TONIGHT.
“Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
Saul didn’t get the memo that Repugnants gave up that “Party of Lincoln” crap when they initiated the Southern Strategy.
I remember in 1988 when they started trying to co-opt our heroes—saying that if FDR or Harry Truman were still around they’d be voting Republican. The notion is obscene. I can tell you this, however: If Lincoln were alive today, he’d be voting Democratic.
(And to be fair, if this were 1856 or 1860 or 1864, I’d be voting Republican. Does anybody know a good book on the process whereby the two parties essentially swapped philosophies somewhere between 1865 and 1900?)
Apart from Roosevelt, most historians point to the election of McKinley in 1896 as the turning point of the Republican party from populist to pro-business.
The evolution from there, as they say, was inevitable.
Does anybody know a good book on the process whereby the two parties essentially swapped philosophies somewhere between 1865 and 1900?)
It’s not in a book. I accidentally reversed tachyon polarity when I was putting the Enterprise into reverse. My bad.
Today’s Republicans could stand to learn a lot from Fremont, starting with being up-front about having sex with comely pubescent boys.
Wesley Crusher…the only SF character as horrific as Jar Jar Binks.
Does anybody know a good book on the process whereby the two parties essentially swapped philosophies somewhere between 1865 and 1900?
Don’t know if it’s good, but it may be a good starting point
I was insufferable as a teen actor…I’m much better now.
Today’s Republicans could stand to learn a lot from Fremont
A nation of Fremont detects wormsign faster.
I was insufferable as a teen actor…I’m much better now.
And a damn fine poker player and blogger.
The skies have shifted but the constellations weren’t the same. The best distinction I can draw in brief is that the Republicans inherited the Whig belief in internal trade (commerce) to the extent they weren’t defined by race and machine politics; the Democrats did occasionally get a bug up their asses to create a grand unified platform, but by and large the US was a single-party state between the secessions of South Carolina and Teddy Roosevelt, with the GOP having a unifying ideology in theory but in practice being the default party against which one saw various local and national protest votes – often Democratic, but sometimes other parties faded into history.
It may well even have remained so until the Depression or later if WW1 had never happened or the US had never been involved, and “to the extent they weren’t defined by race” is a big qualifier. The Republicans only became imperialist, monopolistic, and interventionist when and to the extent that the US did, because they were the US, for good or very, very ill.
Did someone say ZOMBIE PENIS?
Smut Clyde said,
October 15, 2009 at 21:35
With Ron Jeremy…classy!
It’s not in a book. I accidentally reversed tachyon polarity when I was putting the Enterprise into reverse. My bad.
At least you didn’t reverse the polarity of the neutron flow.
Smut Clyde said,
October 15, 2009 at 21:35
Thanks, Smut, I’ve just found my next Netflix adventure.
best bit of dialogue involving Ron Jeremy:
Thanks for the suggestion, B^4. I kind of assumed the Republicans lost their souls when they gave up on Reconstruction in order to steal the election of 1876.
Figures that Dan Sickles, the architect of that conspiracy, was the first person in the US to be found not guilty of murder by reason of temporary insanity, and then went on to nearly lose us the battle of Gettysburg.
(I say us: All my Mom’s relatives were on the other side, and my Dad’s were still in Norway.)
Is that Jon Pertwee? Don’t worry, you can always fix it with your sonic screwdriver.
I say us: All my Mom’s relatives were on the other side, and my Dad’s were still in Norway
So, your Dad’s relatives are all on the Nobel Prize Committee… this explains why you hate America.
I can’t claim to be an expert on the turn of the century political dynamic, but the sense I get is the Republicans seized upon tariffs as the major issue of the day and ran with it, and that was sort of the critical mass they attained in order to become the party of economic royalism.
It’s interesting to see how long Republican administrations have been embroiled in majojr scandals, tho. From Teapot Dome right down to Iran-Contra (and beyond), it’s almost always Republicans who are caught with their hand in the cookie jar, dipping for a little bit extra for themselves and their cronies.
Zombie rat versus ZOMBIE PENIS.
Favorite story of mine: in Nevada we are taught as schoolchildren that NV was admitted so early compared to the other Western states – October 31, 1864.
If you are familiar with what was going on that week, you might smell a rat — and rightly so; the Confederate western campaign was over some time ago and hundreds of miles south of Virginia City besides, Deseret wasn’t as restive as it might have been, and wasn’t anything going on with California.
The constitutional convention was a rush job, and the half-assed oft-mispronounced name was as much as anything an effort to conceal the fact that the state was basically Washoe and unspecified parts west, the equivalent of making the Idaho Panhandle its own state today. (Washoe would have been a better name; it’s what Twain used in writing about it and what his contemporaries almost universally agreed on.) The state constitution was sent to Congress by telegraph and rush-ratified.
The McClellan campaign barely knew Nevada existed before losing its 3 electoral votes. (Only two electors actually showed up.) The election was nowhere near as close as it was when the scheme was cooked up, but it was still three votes the Grand Union didn’t need elsewhere.
The moral of the story? Two of them, actually: Nevada has always been a blot on the human conscience and electoral fraud doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
You don’t know the half of it—they also designed those worthless Krag-Jorgenson rifles that wouldn’t hurt a fly that you Yanks were sent to Cuba with, to face Spaniards with Mauser Gewehr ’98s
Sure, but only to the extent the Dems are the party of the sane economic right today – it was a legitimately big tent, with everyone from proto-fascists to hardline left-anarchists self-identifying with the party. I’d say it was more a mark of political maturity than anything else, for the good and ill that implies – one voted for McKinley because it was the Serious thing to do, much the same as taking Max Baucus seriously today. Doesn’t mean the organized opposition wasn’t also bug-fuck insane; Wilson was a moderate and still one of the worst bigots our country has ever been ruled by.
Is that Jon Pertwee? Don’t worry, you can always fix it with your sonic screwdriver.
*sigh* I had to wikipedia “sonic screwdriver,” not because I didn’t know what you were talking about, but because I was certain that Jon Pertwee was on the show before the sonic screwdriver was introduced.
My mom thinks I’m cool!!!!
Apart from Roosevelt, most historians point to the election of McKinley in 1896 as the turning point of the Republican party from populist to pro-business.
The evolution from there, as they say, was inevitable.
Thank you for the illumination.
I’ve just sort of assumed that the Interest in the People flavor of populism practiced by Republicans slowly morphed into Interest in Artificial People due to the effects of Capitalism… similar to how Libertarianism morphed from promoting rights-of-individuals-as-people to rights-of-individuals-as-corporations under the effects of rich people reading Rand.
Wasn’t he? After all, if it had been after he hardly would have had that problem with his wee.
Sort of OT – Let’s put Chris Muir in a balloon, and set him free into the wide blue Colorado sky.
“…if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad.”
Well, after 1980 the ideology became subsumed to a generalized drive to achieve and maintain absolute power, then to use it to strip the US’s state resources dry and funnel them into the GOP’s controllers. A more useful analogy might be the transformation of Libertarians from actual right-libertarians to dogmatic Republicans that understand the name prevents them from getting laid.
I’ve just sort of assumed that the Interest in the People flavor of populism practiced by Republicans slowly morphed into Interest in Artificial People due to the effects of Capitalism
Money = Power, and in truth, the rise of the multinational (or even transnational) corporation could not have happened without the developments of the mid-1800s, like the long distance railroads (with freight cars), the Morse telegraph, and the opening of the western frontier.
Once that happened and corporations started making money by the barrelfull (instead of the bushelful), the ballgame was rigged against the individual.
I was insufferable as a teen actor
Well, shit, show me one who WASN’T.
*sigh* I had to wikipedia “sonic screwdriver,” not because I didn’t know what you were talking about, but because I was certain that Jon Pertwee was on the show before the sonic screwdriver was introduced.
Good heavens, child! I had a sonic screwdriver well before Mr. All Teeth and Curls and my other successors:–3p65.jpg
No vodka screwdriver for the Doc?
FY, Subby….and damn my slow network today…
“Is that a quotation?” I asked.
“Of course. Quotations are all we have now. Language is a system of quotations.”
Good heavens, child! I had a sonic screwdriver well before Mr. All Teeth and Curls and my other successors:
Sorry. I’m mostly familiar with the guy with the scarf and onward.
Substance McGravitas said,
Okay, she got better…..
Now are there any more?
Borges, in “Utopia of a Tired Man”, said,
October 15, 2009 at 22:23 (kill)
I thought Kasim Sulton played bass.
No vodka screwdriver for the Doc?
On the contrary. Thank you for the kind offer. I just got back from meeting my previous selves in the form of Patrick Troughton and William Hartnel and I could do with some alcoholic refreshment right about now.
“My mom thinks I’m cool!!!!”
Funny, your mom thinks I’m hot.
Molly Ringwald
Heath Ledger
John Cusack
Funny, your mom thinks I’m hot.
I believe you. She’s a big ol’ slut like that.
Sorry. I’m mostly familiar with the guy with the scarf and onward.
No worries. I did my bit for Rassilon and Gallifrey and I have no complaints. I just hope that Matt Smith is up to job.
The Third Doctor (Who) said,
October 15, 2009 at 22:32
I hate shows that switch the male lead with nearly no rhyme or reason! ARGH!
Christian Bale was a pretty great teen actor who also improved. Rather a drop lately though…
I just hope that Matt Smith is up to job.
Yeah, me too. It would have been nice to see a lady do it this time, though.
I hate shows that switch the male lead with nearly no rhyme or reason! ARGH!
Tell me about it.
You will see the tide beginning to turn in favor of the Republicans beginning with the 2009 race for the governor’s mansion in Virginia. Conservative Republican candidate Bob McDonnel holds a sizable 9 point lead over Democratic candidate Craig Deeds, 53% to 44%. Both candidates have the overwhelming support of voters affiliated with their own party, but McDonnel has a whopping 2 to 1 advantage over Deeds with Independent voters.
And this is only the beginning. I forgot the link, but it has been estimated that the GOP will pick up anywhere from 1 to 11 seats in the Virginia House of Delegates. Yes, my liberal friends, despite Obama’s narrow one percent victory in Virginia thanks to ACORN, Virginia is still a solid Red State. Yes even with ACORN’s fraud, 61% of Virginia whites voted for McCain.
You will see a Republican landslide retake control of Congress during the 2010 mid term elections. Your comrade in chief will spend the last two of his uneventful years in office as a lame duck president. The GOP, i am confident will retake the White House in 2012. By pushing their far left socialist agenda, the Democrats have sowed the seed of their own landslide defeat. They will go down in history along with the Whigs as another failed political party, with your black comrade in chief as memorable as Millard Filmore.
Molly Ringwald
Heath Ledger
John Cusack
Now wait, we weren’t talking about teen actors who were GOOD , but teen actors who weren’t jerks.
Now are there any more?
In addition to the three I mentioned a bit upthread, James Dean, Natalie Wood, Ann Bancroft, and Eric Stoltz leap to mind.
What about supporting female cast members?
…as memorable as Mallard Filmore.
Apart from Ringwald, which one was a jerk?
You know an argument is over when someone cites Free Republic as a reference.
I think what separates the Fosters and Cusacks of the world from the likes of MacCaulay Culkin or Lindsay Lohan is the craft.
A rule of thumb I would suggest is, if they can act well, really well, they’ve probably got their head screwed on the right way.
No, it was “insufferable”. I assumed you meant on-screen.
You will see the tide beginning to turn in favor of the Republicans beginning with the 2009 race for the governor’s mansion in Virginia.
Bookmark it, loony libs.
Seriously, Saul, you’re quoting a statewide poll released a week after it was taken and five weeks ahead of the election?
Right. Yes, McDonnell would win if the election were held last week in the comfort of people’s living rooms with the Washington Redskins tanking yet another game…
Oh yeah, Tedisco. I forgot about him.
We’ll console ourselves about our messiah Deeds losing, saying that change can’t come overnight, and then the Great Liberal Freakout About The Third-Strongest Guy In Virginia will truly begin.
More to the point, anyone who uses the reelection of a heavily favored incumbent – as Governor – to prove a political point is either a fraud or too stupid to know his sources are frauds.
Salaam, Saul
Salaam, Saul
his uneventful years in office……pushing their far left socialist agenda,
Hmm…. if his years are uneventful, I guess he couldn’t have been pushing a far left socialist agenda, right Saul? or are you living in two alternate realities simultaneously?
…or are you living in two alternate realities simultaneously?
And we all know how painful that can be.
Saul? or are you living in two alternate realities simultaneously?
In fairness, he has to choose between the NFL and Rush Limbaugh, which probably confuses him.
Salami, bologne, Skidoodly-bop, eat shit, bark at the moon, fuck off and die in a fire, Saul.
A durr hurr, I’m Vladimir Lenin. I’m overthrowing the Tsars and radically restructuring the economy or something and nobody gives a shit.
James Bond said,
October 15, 2009 at 22:35
I hate shows that switch the male lead with nearly no rhyme or reason! ARGH!
Tell me about it.
You just got old, old bean!
A durr hurr, I’m Vladimir Lenin. I’m overthrowing the Tsars and radically restructuring the economy or something and nobody gives a shit.
The voices inside my head are telling me this is hilarious if you read it in Homer Simpson’s sing-song mocking voice.
In fairness, he has to choose between the NFL and Rush Limbaugh, which probably confuses him.
That’s like choosing between the Bloods and the Crips, right?
My friends, it’s still a mystery to me why I wasn’t allowed to acquire part ownership of an NFL franchise.
My friends, it’s still a mystery to me why I wasn’t allowed to acquire part ownership of an
a string of jigaboosNFL franchise.Fixed for Rushitude.
Look at me, everybody, I’m Abe Lincoln. I’m appropriating most of the property of half of the country in the name of human rights or maybe because I’m a big stupid-head with a shitty hat. Duhhhhhh. I sure hope nobody notices I suspended habeas corpus or ate my own poop.
I sure hope nobody notices I suspended habeas corpus or ate my own poop.
Lincoln ate his own poop? I had no idea. No wonder he looked so grumpy all the time.
if they can act well, really well, they’ve probably got their head screwed on the right way.
Heath ledger?
John Belushi?
I am sure there are other examples….
Substance, I was thinking the insufferable thing was off-screen. Which, being a teenager lauded for some acting triumph, seems inevitable in most cases, although as actor points out, if they are able to get their heads straight, can be overcome.
Wesley Crusher qualified either way, admittedly. but he got better….
Yes, my liberal friends, despite Obama’s narrow one percent victory in Virginia thanks to ACORN
Close your legs, Saul.
Or, not acting, teenager lauded for anything…
No new thread today. Hunh.
one percent victory in Virginia thanks to ACORN
Ah, I finally get the whole ACORN obsession.
“My Amurrica would never have picked the smart and charming Black guy with the top-notch campaign staff over the doddering rageaholic with the kooky Fundie pin-up running mate so its gotta be some kinda plot.”
The best part is that the few House seats that are likely to swing back after the 2006/2008 tsunami will convince the Sauls of the world (and, Sadly, probably the DC press) that the crazy Teabagger shit actually worked and they’ll triple-down on the crazy for 2012.
Give everybody new thread!
Not even a wrist slap for snoop who violated Joe the Plumber’s privacy
By Michelle Malkin • October 15, 2009 10:48 AM
Ho hum. Government contractor abuses access to citizen’s confidential info. Left shrugs. Privacy invader gets a slap on the wrist. Crickets chirp:
A year ago tonight, “Joe the Plumber” entered America’s political consciousness.
Republican Sen. John McCain’s mention of the Toledo-area man during a presidential debate ultimately led to the downfall of an Ohio cabinet director for snooping in state computers for confidential information on “Joe.”
Nearly a year later, a former contractor for the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police has been charged with rummaging through a police computer network to retrieve personal information about Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher.
Brett A. Gerke, 52, of 2329 Woodcreek Place on the Far North Side, is charged with attempted unauthorized use of property, a first-degree misdemeanor.
Gerke entered a diversion program Oct. 2, which typically results in the dismissal of a criminal charge. He has not entered a plea.
Looks like your comrade in chief is not very popular with most Americans after only 9 months in office. I seem to remember after 9 months into Bush’s presidency he had over 80% approval rating. It looks like Obama’s socialist policies on health care and the economy are turning around to bite him in the ass.
If the election were held today most Americans would vote for the Republican candidate. Only 42% would vote to reelect your black comrade in chief. What can I say? Socialism’s a bitch.
From Malkin’s comments:
“And we should begin calling for Obama’s impeachment, loudly and often.
Sadly, it is probably too late to give Gerke the punishment he deserves. But if we can “get in their faces” (as the Chicago Jesus admonished his toadies to do) perhaps we can force Congress to start acting as the protectors of the Constitution and people they all swore oaths to be.
It’s too late to make Obama see reason. He needs to be gone, as soon as possible. He is the Enabler-in-Chief for the worst of the corruption and — as in the JTP case, intimidation by the Black Panthers, ACORN, SEIU, et. al. — lawlessness.”
Chicago Jesus is Awesome!
Wasn’t a lot of that because of the patriotic fervor after 9/11? Clearly, Obama needs to let Al-Qaeda knock down a few more skyscrapers. It’ll be great for his approval ratings.
What exactly was it that Bush did that made him so popular? Escalation of a diplomatic incident with China? Kicking the Clintons after they were down? His promises not to engage in nation-building or dog-wagging as his predecessor had in Afghanistan?
My memory isn’t what it used to be, and the last thing I remember is him reading a book to children about a goat, and that can’t be it. What happened between January and October 2001 that made America a conservative country forever???
Saul, its not “black comrade in chief”, its “Chicago Jesus” to you. Get with the program.
(Bush’s approval ratings, like those of nearly every other President, hovered depending on the pollster and recent events between 55 and 45 before 9/10, with the average slightly lower than 50% – significantly beneath Obama’s in September and now.)
While Free Republic maybe a source for all sorts of vileness, it is most definitely not a source of news.
I seem to remember after 9 months into Bush’s presidency he had over 80% approval rating.
If you’re a parody troll, you suck. If you’re serious, you deserve to be de-nutted.
You can deny the polls if you like my liberal friends, but the reality is that socialism is about as popular as foot fungus with the overwhelming majority of Americans. His constant apologizing for America to foreign crowds and his appeasement of our nation’s enemies isn’t helping to gain any points in his favor either.
Face it libs, the American experiment with socialism is over! IT FAILED! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE REJECTED IT! GET OVER IT OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!
And speaking of news: Repetitive droning troll is droning repetitively.
How does it feel to be so stupid you can’t make a working argument unless your audience doesn’t know 9/11 happened? I’ve always wondered exactly how blissful being ignorant is, and, well.
I seem to remember that 9 months into Bush’s pretzeldency, he incompetently allowed the ONLY FUCKING SUCCESSFUL TERRORIST ATTACK ON MAINLAND AMERICA IN FUCKING EVER.
His popularity ratings were a singular response to the horror and fear felt by Americans after that, not due to anything he did. If anything, those results were the result of what he DIDN’T do, i.e. Keep America Safe.
Why do you think anybody should ever listen to you and the Republican party ever again?
you incompetent, traitorous cobags.
And saying that, I apologize to colostomy bags, which serve a fucking purpose.
If only Sadly No had trolls with the intelligence of foot fungus.
I think what turned America conservative was when the sandworms ate Pittsburgh. Fuck that was annoying!
Sarah Palin went there with a flame thrower and torched Punxsatawney in a misguided effort to stop the destruction and it was at that moment… that Matter Eater Boy arrived
Also Rudy Gulianu was a laughing stock on 9/10, also.
I think what turned America conservative was when the sandworms ate Pittsburgh.
Hopefully, when the zombies overrun Wyoming, it will turn America liberal.
Bush’s final approval rating was 22%. DENY THESE POLLS, LIBS
“If only Sadly No had trolls with the intelligence of foot fungus.”
It does.
“Bush’s final approval rating was 22%.”
But those were real Americans so they count double.
You libs want to talk about not protecting America? What about President Obama refusing to send the 40,000 troops requested by the Joint Chiefs to Afghanistan until his “no-balls piss prize” is safely in his pocket.
His leftist pandering and his own selfish ambition are putting the lives of our brave servicemen fighting islamo-fascism in Afghanistan in danger.
Can the zombies overrun a state that isn’t home to the Grand Tetons and Jackson’s Hole ski area please?
Nebraska, for example.
Scuse mah finGAHs
“no-balls piss prize”
That’s Good! Its funny because it has both balls and piss. Extra bonus points if you could have worked in poopy. Have you thought about applying for a job as Chris Muir’s punchline writer?
Saul – I bow to your superior knowledge of military matters. Presumably gained from reading Tom Clancy novels and playing Call of Duty on your Playstation.
I think the zombies present an awfully good offer with Wyoming. I say we appease them with that lest they ask for some more populous state like, um, what’s the 49th most populous state? Oh yeah, VERMONT.
Ah, Afghanistan. The Land That Bush Forgot.
The Land That Bush Forgot.
Veiled vagina reference?
Gee, it’s Saul the phake trool!
Hey Saul, that same request was made of GW Bush back in 2008.
Like everything else we have on our plate now, Afghanistan is debacle thanks to GW Bush and his ex-boss, Dick Cheney.
Unveiled, really.
Your socialest chocolate Jesus is just a semiotic blancmange of post-structural teakettle barbecue hatstand fishmonger.
Wyoming is near and dear to my heart. How bout one of the Dakotas? or New Jersey?
Now you’re making sense Saul.
Are the following countries more or less socialist than us: Germany, Taiwan, the UK, New Zealand, Japan, Poland, Canada, Brazil? If they are more socialist, and socialism is so evil, why aren’t the Republicans pushing for war against one or all of them? (Related question: If Reagan defeated communism, why are most of our closest allies socialist countries now?) If they are less socialist, I’d love to hear your “reasoning”.
What about President Obama refusing to send the 40,000 troops requested
And how, exactly, does that compare to blithely allowing thousands of innocent people to be slaughtered in a direct attack on mainland America that arguably could have been prevented if only they had listened to the people from the previous administration, or even their own concurrent PDBs?
You flaming asshole.
“A concerned citizen”, heh, you want “reasoning”, good luck with that.
If Chocolate Jesus and Chicago Jesus were to get into a fight, who would win?
If Chocolate Jesus and Chicago Jesus were to get into a fight, who would win?
They both get nailed to imaginary trees.
Be fair. Call of Duty 4 is at least in theory against amoral mercenaries and nuclear war.
Dude, it’s been 190 years. Sometimes you just have to let a hot piece of ass go.
I eat my own poop.
I think the zombies present an awfully good offer with Wyoming. I say we appease them with that lest they ask for some more populous state like, um, what’s the 49th most populous state? Oh yeah, VERMONT.
I suggest we give them a state we won’t miss, one in which we wouldn’t even notice if every brain were eaten. In a word: Texas.
Or wherever Saul lives, I’m easy.
All I learned was that if you stay in one place, there’s an infinite supply of those darn Ay-rabs. Afghanistan and Iraq suddenly made a lot more sense.
What about President Obama refusing to send the 40,000 troops requested by the Joint Chiefs
what request? What refusing?
Huffington Post, 10/7/2009
The White House also revealed that Obama has in hand – and has for nearly a week – the troop request prepared by the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal. It is said to include a range of options, from adding as few as 10,000 additional combat troops to – McChrystal’s strong preference – as many as 40,000.
It’s been 15 days since McChrystal’s request. McChrystal isn’t the Joint Chiefs. The President hasn’t refused anything yet. He’s meeting with the appropriate chain of command.
I’m easy.
Whooo, look away for four or five hours and the conversation keeps on going without you.
Assorted items: I mentioned the sonic screwdriver because Jon Pertwee (or rather the show-runners during his time as the Doctor) was a total fucking dick about it. I mean the thing was automatic lockpick, monofilament blade, welding torch and a fucking grenade launcher all rolled up in one handy tool. He could phiXXorZ anything with it.
Teen actors that improved with age: Kevin Bacon. Some other folks that were in movies with him.
Also, too. PENIS.
Nice. But is it soft Corinthian whale penis?
Adam: So, you hear about Call of Duty 4?
Randy: The what?
[The Ram, suffering from hearing loss, leans in to hear Adam better.]
Adam: Call of Duty 4.
Randy: What?
Adam: Call of Duty 4.
Randy: Call it duty for?
Adam: Call of Duty 4.
Randy: Call of Duty 4?
Adam: Yeah. It’s pretty cool, actually.
Randy: Really?
Adam: (sighs) This game is so old…
Randy: What’s it about?
Adam: It’s a war game. Most all of the other Call of Dutys are, like, based on World War II, but this one’s with Iraq.
Randy: Oh yeah?
Adam: You switch off between a marine and an S and S British special operative. So it’s pretty cool.
I suggest we give them a state we won’t miss, one in which we wouldn’t even notice if every brain were eaten. In a word: Texas.
What about Austin? We need SXSW, even if it’s gotten too huge.
Plus, ZZ Top.
We need SXSW, even if it’s gotten too huge.
“We?” Aren’t you one of them there zombie fellers? Do you want it or don’t you?
Still here? We’re passing the 32 hour mark on this thread. Is this a blog or an oil painting?
Still here? We’re passing the 32 hour mark on this thread. Is this a blog or an oil painting?
Don’t worry. There will be six new threads tomorrow.
Oh, and thanks for the PENIS-link, DKW. I guess the whole “compensating” question can finally be laid to rest.
Of, course, some girl-whales like it that thick…
So what do you call a whale with a 3 meter penis? “well floated”?
Here all week, tip the veal, and don’t forget to try your waitress…
So what do you call a whale with a 3 meter penis? “well floated”?
Moby if he’s a personal friend, Mr. Dick if it’s business.
After I caught my breath, I called him “Precious”!
Wikiepedia has the goods on “Russo-Balt”, the whale-penis-leather scammers:
Stop me now before I start telling “New Russian” jokes.
You can deny the polls if you like my liberal friends
I do deny them my essence.
Yeah looser libs, the Polls are speaking and they are SQUASHING YOUR HEADS MY DEMOCRAT FIENDS MUWAHAHAHAHAH!
The polls are speaking and they are also dancing to polkas.
Chicago Jesus? Sorry. Jesus just left Chicago, and he’s bound for New Orleans. Somebody mentioned ZZ Topp besides.
I am a loose lib, looser than some other libs, but not by any means the loosest lib.
Loose libs sink shibs.
Or maybe shivs,
If the loose libs over-loosen they become mad libs.
And if they market themselves aggressively, they’re ad libs.
I doodle in my loose-lib notebook.
And that was a veiled masturbation reference, wasn’t it…
Louse lubes shank chavs.
Loose lubes stain the pavement.
When rants suck all the air out of the room.
When rants suck all the air out of the room.
Ha! Nicely done. I’m sure soon Muir’s little strip will be microfilm-font Randian speechifying.
…brings to mind an old Tank McNamara comic about Howard Cosell, too.
I’m sure soon Muir’s little strip will be microfilm-font Randian speechifying.
Or a page from the notebooks of Dr. Mabuse.
Or a page from the notebooks of Dr. Mabuse.
Stored in the cabinet of Dr. Caligari.
Welp–not that this isn’t a big buncha fun, but I’m going to bed now. Maybe the thread fairy will visit while I’m sleeping
Last I saw the thread fairy, she was nearly passed out from drinking Gammel Dansk over at Eschaton. She kept hiccuping “Rock On!”
Jonah Goldberg, super hero.
Last I saw the thread fairy, she was nearly passed out from drinking Gammel Dansk over at Eschaton.
Are you sure that was the thread fairy? I received a little visit the other night from the Rat-Arse Fairy, and the general description sounds familiar.
“I suggest we give them a state we won’t miss, one in which we wouldn’t even notice if every brain were eaten. In a word: Texas.”
Not that anyone’s reading this endless thread anymore but a zombie could starve down there.
Not that anyone’s reading this endless thread anymore
Can S,N! create a thread so long that even trolls won’t read it?
“no-balls piss prize”
Kewl! I wondered when they’d start awarding things that Republicans could actually win.
Sully on the cartoon: “It could be read as a kind of mocking parody of Beckville.”
You can’t deny the Poles.
So, what I have learned here is that the policies on which Obama campaigned and won overwhelmingly (the largest margin ever by a non-incumbent, in terms of absolute numbers anyway) are deeply, deeply unpopular, and the American people who voted him into office did so because we are a center-right nation, as electing a radical socialest Muslin rather than a rich white war enthusiast and a sort-of milfy Edie McClurg.
Also, Reagan defeated Communism, which is the same as socialism (and thus fascism as well), which is why the Chinese government was all “hey guys, your plane kind of crash landed, do you want us to fix it for you or just hold on to it until you can come over?” and Cuba is a Milton Friedman-style theme park run by mobsterslegitimate businessmen.
Also, why isn’t Edie McClurg in anything good these days?
“Wesley Crusher…the only SF character as horrific as Jar Jar Binks.”
Yeah, but Mom was teh hawt.
That’s ridiculous. As we all know the poor live on cigarettes and cheap booze, both of which are heavily taxed.
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