Plan 9 From Norway
Posted on October 10th, 2009 by Tintin
ABOVE: Claudia Rosett
Shorter Claudia Rosett, The Cleverly-Titled Rosett Report
What Price for Obama’s Nobel Prize?
- The Nobel Prize is just a trick by Eurosocialistic Finoscandawegian enviroterrorists to force Obama to do exactly what he’s told to do by the Nobel Prize Committee — namely, to shut down U.S. industry in order to save the world from global warming, even though global warming is, of course, a big fat lie. If Obama doesn’t do this, the Nobel Prize Committee will take back the prize, which really leaves Obama no choice but to do exactly what the committee says.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
The link doesn’t work.
[Dr. Tintin adds: Fixed.]
It’s a political prize. It’s a subjective award voted on by a committee. It makes as much sense to argue over whether an actor “deserved” the Oscar. Since there is no objective measure of “deserve” vs. “not deserve”, it’s a complete waste of time.
Which is no doubt why the right can’t stop talking about it.
So that’s what, a picture of Ron Perlman in drag?
The comments are as much fun as the column.
The expression on her face just seals it. I was laughing before the page was fully loaded.
I take your point and all, but make with thte wigs and toilets already, k?
Also, “take back” the prize?
Listen, if Henry Kissinger still has a Nobel Peace Prize, there is no possible way they can take that thing back. It’s completely impossible.
Obviously Chief Editor Korir is behind all this. He must have some tapes that would be embarrassing to the Nobel Prize Committee if they were to be
sold to the highest bidderreleased. It’s all connected to Kenya I tell ya.ahem
The idea that after the Nobel Peace Prize was given to Obama, he’d be beholden to the five committee members to carry out their evil wishes is hilarious! They already gave him the Nobel Peace Prize! What stick would they hold over him – the thought that he might get another?
Oh, and I think she’s wondering why those filthy Norwegians aren’t more grateful for the US protecting them from German invasion during WWII.
@tigrisimus, @vinnie: I have one more photoshop coming without the wig portrait or toilet motif. After that, I’ll get back to business as usual.
Why not have both the wig and the toilet in the same piece?
srsly, posts shouldn’t be judged on wig/toilet content alone.
How about a wiglet?
Also: Obama should donate the prize money to ACORN.
g said,
this, sir, is why you are a revolutionary thinker.
I hope that necklace reports her current location – useful information for evasion
One wonders if the Whigs made such asses out of themselves when their own party was in its last gasps, as the goopers are doing today.
Sadly, I suspect, no.
I want the One World Government/Black Helicopter idjits to weigh in on this.
C’mon, don’t disappoint me. You know the Nobel Prize was given to Obama so he would let the Black Helicopters get you.
OMG! I think I hear them now!
They are BLACK helicopters, too!
And that thing hanging over the White House is Tha Mothership
So this is what a victory for out side feels like!
Now I know how the wingnuts felt that night in March 2003 when the live pictures of Baghdad being bombed hit our screens.
Is it twew what they say about those black helicopters?
Monday: “So much for Obama’s ass-kissing “apology” tour. The rest of the world sees Obama as weak, and did not hesitate to insult him by eliminating Chicago from consideration in the first round of voting!”
Friday: “More proof, if any were neede, of how much the rest of the world adores Obama! He hasn’t even done anything, and Socialist Europe falls all over themselves to throw adoring laurels at him!”
A rhetorical consistency if the hobgoblin of liberal minds.
Also, it’s good to see that Mrs. Kravitz from “Bewitched” has found work. Hasn’t aged a day. Also.
Steerpike, I read somewhere the suggestion that wingnuts simply used all their previously typed up screeds for the assumed award of the Olympics to Chicago, with slight edits for the Nobel prize.
The “simple’ part certainly fits.
I am the Hobgoblin of the goddamn Batman’s mind!
Tigrismus — now that is what I call a HAT.
OT, but am looking for help from any Sadlynaughts from the UK.
I’m over here on holiday and ended up having an argument with a rightwing cousin who insists that people from EU countries such as the Czech Republic can show up at the UK, where they must by law be allowed to enter and then can immediately claim welfare benefits that are as generous as those given to UK citizens..
Sure sounds like a case of “Sadly, No!” to me, but of course there wasn’t much I could say to refute this assertion since she lives here and I don’t.
Can anybody provide a helpful link about this?
Iz yr GOOGLE broke?
Americans have fought and died in a series of wars to keep the totalitarian shadows at bay.
I tried teh GOOGLE g, and have been trying to negotiate a maze of information…
Is it twew what they say about those black helicopters?
It’s twew! It’s twew!
The Cleverly-Titled Rosett Report
Well, the Rosetta Stone it ain’t. Maybe the Rosett Rock.
Non-enlightening while bleeding stupid all over the rug.
What the hell is a Scandinavian free-rider?
What the hell is a Scandinavian free-rider?
Part of the appeal of an under-supported Swedish women’s volleyball team?
So…Obama’s going to channel the ghost of Vidkun Quisling until the U.N. can get around to appointing a permanent overseer?
OT, but am looking for help from any Sadlynaughts from the UK.
I’m not from the UK, but according to citizens of EEA countries may reside in the UK under these rules
What the hell is a Scandinavian free-rider?
This plus this?
And that thing hanging over the White House is Tha Mothership
Put on your sunglasses. It’s the law.
Well, this seems to be saying that you can take your benefits with you, for a time, when you move within the EU (the idea being that you aren’t being penalized (or “penalised”, as they say (PENIS)) but the abuse being that if you live in a relatively expensive place like Ireland with really good benefits you can take a three-month vacation in a relatively inexpensive place like Spain, where you are suddenly (relatively) rich, especially if you like cheap wine (and who doesn’t?)).
Anyway, that doesn’t answer your question. Someone from Czech Republic showing up in the UK can certainly enter but has to be employed continuously for 12 months before getting the same benefits as a citizen. However, if he’s self-employed (or “self-employed”, I guess, I don’t know how they check that) he can get housing benefit and council tax benefit.
Czech Republic and a bunch of other Eastern European countries are A8 members, which are basically not full members — a German citizen in the UK has different (and better) rules for being on the dole. I suppose this is the case to prevent what your cousin is talking about. I mean, if I were an unemployed Czech, I would totally move to the UK and become a welfare Czech.
Beats being a canceled Czech.
Her point would be slightly less ridiculous if the U.S. had any industry remaining. As such, her foolishness continues unabated.
Try the veal, we’re here all week!
You can Czech out but you can never leave.
The picture needs some Tor Johnson-y goodness, even if the guy was from Sweden.
Aren’t all Finnoscanoslamosocialigay countries alike?
They tried me once but I won on appeal.
Inspired by this:
Mars Needs Women, ReduxLars Needs Emissions Reduced
Needs work.
Lars Needs Emissions Reduced
There’s always Beano.
I was afraid that I killed the blog with that pun.
I mean proud!
I was afraid that I killed the blog with that pun.
I’ve stunned it senseless a few times but it always seems to get back up.
“Foreczech, backczech, payczech.”
tigrismus said,
Whose bright idea was it to attend the fancy dress party in the guise of a Vulcan bomber?
Ha ha, Smut means a real Vulcan, not Star Drek Bee Ess.
…waiting patiently for improved toilet/wingnut related graphics…
Ah, so Spock and not T’Pol, then?
Uh, if you mean between the Baby Doc & the poor man’s Jeri Ryan in a catsuit, yezzzz.
Czech raising is explicitly permitted by house rule.
“Is it twew what they say about those black helicopters?”
Have you ever bounced a Czech and if so, how high?
The Scandinavofascists now expect Obama to operate at their whim, but they also gave him the Nobel Prize merely because they felt sorry for him for losing the Olympics.
Also: George W. Bush = staunch defender of the Constitution, Barack Obama = staunch destroyer of the Constitution. Also.
Those evil Norwegian bastards have planted the seeds of America’s tree of destruction.
“Who are these folks issuing Obama a prize on credit to steer America along their preferred course? The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by a committee of five Norwegians, whose members are appointed by the parliament of Norway. Ever heard of Thorbjorn Jagland? Active for decades in the Socialist International, a collectivist who navigated a long series of embarrassing moments in Norwegian politics to become current Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Jagland now heads the Norwegian Nobel Committee. His fellow members who have just issued this Nobel IOU to a sitting American president are — are we ready for global policy guided by this crowd? – Kaci Kullman Five, Sissel Marie Ronbeck, Inger-Marie Ytterhorn and Agot Valle.”
Look, an even loonier conspiracy theory about The Prize.
Connect the dots, my friends, connect the dots.
Could the seed of the tree of America’s destruction be an ACORN? It all makes sense now.
In conjunction w/ gocart mozart, I believe we have offered incontrovertible proof of the heinous evil done to our greatness by the filthy, stinking Norgies.
Note that the Agot Valle on the committee, worse than the socialist, is a Mooozlin!!
“U.S. intervention in Yugoslavia, moderating the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, reaching out to dissidents in Myanmar, is fine. But defeating the Taliban and empowering women . . . ”
What is it with these wingnuts and their “empowering women” crap all of the time! GODDAMNED FEMINISTS!!
are we ready for global policy guided by this crowd? – Kaci Kullman Five, Sissel Marie Ronbeck, Inger-Marie Ytterhorn and Agot Valle.
HA HA it is to laugh they all have silly names!!!
Kaci Kullman Five, Sissel Marie Ronbeck, Inger-Marie Ytterhorn and Agot Valle
…these are all BANDS! (or fjords, I’m not sure which)
Also the entire Nobel committee — whose “prize” means nothing, and besides they should have awarded it to these other more-deserving candidates instead — would benefit from being photoshopped with toilets and unflattering wigs. And close scrutiny of their houses would probably reveal that they all have granite countertops. Also.
Norwegian granite
“Thorbjorn Jagland . . . navigated a long series of embarrassing moments in Norwegian politics to become current Secretary-General of the Council of Europe.”
Ah, so that was what I was doing wrong. My life long dream was to become the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. Now that I know that the key is to navigate a long series of embarrassing moments, the position is mine. As my wife will be all to eager to attest, “You are well qualified honey.”
…these are all BANDS! (or fjords, I’m not sure which)
You see, the way it works, the winner of the Eurovision Song contest is automatically appointed to the panel for the following year’s Nobel prize. After winning the song contest in 2006, that Finnish heavy-metal band Lordi were responsible for swaying the panel in favour of Al Gore as laureate in 2007. I thought everyone knew that.
You know what rhymes with Norway? You’re gay. Think about it, people.
I’m just pining for the fjords.
In Soviet Union, fjords pine for you!
“You are well qualified honey.”
All things are relative. Perhaps we will have to duel, no?
I just find the word “navigate” to be a bit immodest given my own “long series.” Or does navigate actually mean “stumble through?”
Soviet UnionSocialest Hellhole of Norge, fjords pine for you!Technically.
Don’t always trust the shorter. Sometimes the original is funnier.
“Whatever Obama’s instincts to sign on wholesale, one might hope they would be balanced by the realities of the huge cost and burden this would impose on Americans. This is what hangs in the balance for the overlapping crew of U.N. and Scandinavian gurus who have carved out a profitable niche for themselves as doom-saying oracles of world weather. If Obama was in any way put off by the Olympic slap in Copenhagen last week, Norway has just handed him a feel-good consolation prize; a message that he can return to Scandinavia without losing face.”
I wouldn’t want to show up in Scandinavia with out my face, just saying.
The bombing of Pear [sic.] Harbor on 7 December, ‘41 lasted only 110 minutes.
President Obama’s all out war on our system of government, constitution and the American belief in freedom and liberty for all, has gone on 24/7 for only a little over 9 months with astounding results.
I like pears. How dare he. If Obama ever starts killing peaches, I will take up arms. “The peach tree of liberty . . . ” and so on.
Idiot, pears not peaches! You fucked up the punchline asshole.
Those evil Norwegian bastards have planted the seeds of America’s tree of destruction.
I hope it’s a spruce.
Pears? Peaches?
It’s a lemon-tree, my dear Watson.
“…Oil-for-Food mushroomed into the most massively corrupt endeavor in the history of humanitarian relief. And of course there was the Nobel in 2006 for the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed El Baradei – who, if he deserves any award, really ought to get one from Tehran for his convenient and apparently endless existential doubts over the Iranian bomb program. ”
While determinedly getting stuff wrong, and missing the point, are two of the time-honored ways to obtain winger cred, she outperforms most of her fellows right there. The goddamned Wall Street Journal told of how American oil companies profited from that program — with no known complaint from the oil-industry insiders in the White House, ahem — back in those days. Mocking ElBaradei for having been right about Iraq just adds to the wingnut deliciousness.
Not that I want their tears to stop flowing, mind you.
Let’s see, by this time in his administration, G. W. Bush had let the Chicoms intern one of our spy planes & its crew, & was too busy clearing brush at his “ranch” to follow up on warnings of a potential attack. Then we were attacked.
So far in the Obama admin. (even if he’s done “nothing”) he’s several thousand American lives ahead of W(orst).
“I just find the word “navigate” to be a bit immodest given my own “long series.” Or does navigate actually mean “stumble through?”
Meh? I thought of that point, but I think you are giving to much credit to wingnut thought processes.
The Nobel judges read the wrong g-damned name! The real winner was Marisa Tomei!
The real message of the prize’s grantors is deeper than what it shyly states
I see an image of the Nobel Peace Prize in my grilled-cheese sammich.
I hope it’s a spruce.
From time to time the roots of YGGDRASIL must be watered with the blood of Christian American captives.
I see an image of the Nobel Peace Prize in my grilled-cheese sammich.
Alimentary my dear Watson.
I’ll stop now.
I hear that the inventors of a new chemical process involving aluminium potassium sulfate have been nominated for the Nobel Chemistry prize.
Alum entry my dear WatSHUT UP SMUT
The Nobel Peace Prize is a
SovietNorwegian beachhead threatening America’s freedoms.In the same way that Canada never recovered its status as a world power after the Seattle Metropolitans, in 1917, beat the Montreal Canadiens to become the first non-Canadian hockey team to win the Stanley Cup, so too shall Obama and the United States never recover from the shame of winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Also.
Only fascist-commies like peace.
And don’t even get me started on love and understanding.
The prize should have gone to Bush and Cheney. Because shut up, that’s why!
And don’t even get me started on love and understanding.
They are funny though.
are we ready for global policy guided by this crowd? – Kaci Kullman Five, Sissel Marie Ronbeck, Inger-Marie Ytterhorn and Agot Valle.”
Is this just a gratutious “make fun of foreign names” swipe, or does she have a point?
Uh oh, dropping the N-BOMB!!!!
Yo, wat opp, Norgie! Du er mitt hjem-ie, yo! Dask meg fem, sjel bror mon! Ord opp!
Du er mitt hjem-ie, yo! Dask meg fem, sjel bror mon! Ord opp!
Easy for you to say, Alley Oop.
Claudia looks like she’s about to be turned into a Scotsman.
Is this just a gratutious “make fun of foreign names” swipe, or does she have a point?
Gratuitous swipe.
SASQ # 4,322,332,496,839…
She may have point on her head, but not in this article.
SASQ # 4,322,332,496,839
Looch –
I may have missed a few. Could you provide links to the first 4,322,332,496,838?
I hope it’s a spruce.
A larch would be nice.
I may have missed a few. Could you provide links to the first 4,322,332,496,838?
Hmm. I have been considering starting a newsletter.
The Larch
So far in the Obama admin. (even if he’s done “nothing”) he’s several thousand American lives ahead of W(orst).
Didn’t you get the word? The clock didn’t start until 9/12. W. kept us safe from every terrorist attack except for, you know, that one. And everyone knows that every President gets one catastrophe as a mulligan.
Okay, so the article and the comments are funny, but my favorite part comes from the comment policy:
N-bombs away!
I hear that the inventors of a new chemical process involving aluminium potassium sulfate have been nominated for the Nobel Chemistry prize.
They’ve donated the winnings to charity – It’s eleemosynary, my dear wantons.
From M. Bouffant’s link (no really):
Jihad Like Yoga?
But this Jihadi nebula is not the only one. There are other nebulae such as the classical Wahabis, Muslim Brotherhoods, Deobandis, etc, who along with al Qaeda nebulous form a large bloc of Global Salafi Jihadism. Bin Laden is the hero of his own nebula and he is somewhat seen as a popular, but irresponsible leader within the classical nebulae.
Translated from Polish into Whatthefuck.
Great p-shop, Tintin. I was laughing even before I started reading.
And whoever put the Butthurt Alert: MASSIVE warning video together has my eternal gratitude. It had to be a SadlyNaught. Fess up, whodunit?
I had some excellent moose sausage in Oslo.
N.B. This comment is not a veiled penis reference.
Jihad Like Yoga?
I read that as “Jihad like Yoda?”
The whole article made more sense that way.
Has anyone seen the Hubble’s pictures of the Jihadi Nebula? It’s actually quite beautiful.
I read that as “Jihad like Yoda?”
Caliphate restore you must!
Reads like Pastor Swank.
every President gets one catastrophe as a mulligan.
Obama’s record on natural disaster response is a little sparse, wouldn’t you say. Why won’t liberals talk about this?
N.B. This comment is not a veiled penis reference.
Okay, I’ll take note. But it’s sort fo embarrassing to send me private messages this way.
A monster with a shiny collar has somehow hexed my CD-Player with demons – & now it’s shooting green spooge all over the White House!
(gratuitous Demonic Bukakke joke goes here)
A monster with a shiny collar
Poor thing doesn’t realize- the tin foil goes on the head.
Big Baffled Bald Bastard
You’d get more thrust if you opened the baffles.
Tom Friedman writes a Nobel acceptance speech for Obama.
OK, what would be worse than a buncha commie Eurofags getting to choose who wins the Nobel prize?
Having Rush Limbaugh choose the next MissAmerica!
I’m guessing she’ll be white.
You’d get more thrust if you opened the baffles
More thrust? I don’t wanna hurt anyone!
I’m guessing she’ll be white.
I’m guessing she’ll be a fourteen year-old Dominican boy.
Limbaugh’s recent interest in acquiring the St Louis Rams shows his lifelong fascination with sport in general, but in football and baseball in particular. Turns out he was going to the Dominican on a scouting trip for MLB. He was recruiting catchers, doncha know.
America, in the course of defending its own freedoms, has long extended to the likes of Norway, Denmark and Sweden a protective umbrella.
Sweden is part of NATO?
Geopolitical fail.
to the likes of Norway, Denmark and Sweden a protective umbrella
Veiled PENIS, dingleberry, and testicle references, respectively and visually.
Condom, also.
He was recruiting catchers, doncha know.
Bravo! If you don’t have a pony, you certainly deserve one.
Hey Steerpike, Bbbb,
Yes, a perfect prize for a perfect win. Now on to my usual OT linking…
Did you see Scalia’s generally retarded argument that religious symbols aren’t religious? Commentary:
Did you see Scalia’s generally retarded argument that religious symbols aren’t religious?
I’ll see your retarded Scalia, and raise you a retarded Alito, with his “Human Sacrifice Channel”. I am going to spend Columbus Day in a homemade limoncello induced drunken stupor, trying to forget I share (in part) a broad ethnic heritage with these teste di merda.
Limbaugh’s recent interest in acquiring the St Louis Rams…
Tell me you’re joking. Please, dear GOD, tell me you’re joking.
“pony”? is that a veiled small-penis reference?
No joke. The final revenge of Georgia Frontiere.
The Human Sacrifice channel was outlandish enough to appear on Colbert, but it sorts of seems to not be outright retarded, absurd — even stupid — but not outright ridiculously retarded.
Also, The Larch bookends an all time favorite, wink wink:
“pony”? is that a veiled small-penis reference?
Are you aware of all internet traditions?
OK, what would be worse than a buncha commie Eurofags getting to choose who wins the Nobel prize?
Having Rush Limbaugh choose the next MissAmerica!
I’m guessing she’ll be white.
I’m guessing he’ll choose the contestant whose breasts are bigger than his.
Oh, would I love to be in that locker room the first time Limbaugh walks in as owner…
Scalia’s the guy who sees nothing wrong with executing an innocent person (as long as they’ve had a “fair trial” and been wrongly found guilty), right?
Hey Doctorb,
that’s also, shorter entire-right-wing. Too?
Oh wait. It occurs to me that executing the innocent is OK because God will sort it out. Who wouldn’t want to go to Heaven? Are you some kind of heathen?
Amongst my people, to mark the resting place of our honoured war dead we erect a giant wooden PENIS. This is just one of the reasons that forced us to emigrate to NZ.
Please excuse me now while I set up a níðstang in Scalia’s direction. I knew that horse’s skull would come in useful one day.
to mark the resting place of our honoured war dead we erect a giant wooden PENIS
Have you no honoured female war dead? Is the giant wooden PENIS a suitable memorial for them? Well …?
Hey M.,
I would think a giant penis is at least as suitable, but what do I know?
OT link of the week:
Conservatism has been converted into a religious belief, and now compromise doesn’t have a prayer.
Some parts of the Village media are beginning to wake up to Republican insanity.
It’s eleemosynary, my dear wantons.
My eleemosynary gesture in PeeJ’s direction. Let me show you it.
You know who else set up a níð-pole?
Dragon-King Wangchuck’s mother.
Oh, would I love to be in that locker room the first time Limbaugh walks in as owner…
I wonder if he would want his team to do well…
Kaci Kullman Five
Claudia Rosett lies
of her bones are wingnuts made
And the bluest crazy her eyes
Oh, would I love to be in that locker room the first time Limbaugh walks in as owner…
“Word that Rush Limbaugh is interested in buying the St. Louis Rams has some African American football players swearing off any future employment with the team.
New York Giants defensive end Mathias Kiwanuka and New York Jets linebacker Bart Scott say they would never play for the Rams if Limbaugh owned the team.”
Actually it’s more like the revenge of the Bidwell family, a notorious bunch of racists that owned the St. Louis Cardinals for years (do the they still? Dunno).
we erect a giant wooden PENIS
Filled with soldiers who sneak out at night to open the cemetery gates and admit your teeming flagellating hordes?
His fellow members who have just issued this Nobel IOU to a sitting American president are — are we ready for global policy guided by this crowd? – Kaci Kullman Five, Sissel Marie Ronbeck, Inger-Marie Ytterhorn and Agot Valle.
Omigod! People with funny names will rule our world! Somebody run and tell Lloyd Blankfein!
“Okay, we’re gonna have a scrimmage. Bloods take the north side of the field, Crips the south.”
Oh, would I love to be in that locker room the first time Limbaugh walks in as owner…
“Bananas for everyone!”
Kaci Kullman Five = A venial milk fuck.
Sissel Marie Ronbeck = Serial obscene smirk.
Inger-Marie Ytterhorn = Retry rhino grit enema.
Agot Valle = Veal gloat.
Rosett is just trying to protect Americans from the pain of gritty rhino enemas.
Oh, would I love to be in that locker room the first time Limbaugh walks in as owner…
“Let’s get one thing clear from the beginning. I own this team, not the Drive-By Media. So from now on, no more black coaches or quarterbacks.”
Spread a little wider, Anton.
Ok, Ready?
mmmm nice, Anton!
Some parts of the Village media are beginning to wake up to Republican insanity.
Thanks for the link. It’s a good read. A sample:
“The fundamentalist political fanatics will always be more zealous than mainstream conservatives or liberals. They will always be louder, more adamant, more aggrieved, more threatening, more willing to do anything to win. Losing is inconceivable. For them, every battle is a crusade — or a jihad — a matter of good and evil.”
And this:
“The ugly incivility of recent months is partly the result of political fundamentalists who have nothing but contempt for opposing viewpoints, which gives them license to shout down opponents or threaten them, just as jihadis everywhere do.”
I wonder if the the idea “peak wingnut” is the right way to look at this. Perhaps the idea of how politically one goes about quarantining ideas through spurning, shunning and yes, snark. Maybe the question is, “How to get a majority of people in this country to look at these wingnuts and laugh?”
No Anton, I will not whip you until you bleed.
You’re going to have to that on your own…
Maybe the question is, “How to get a majority of people in this country to look at these wingnuts and laugh?”
The most obscene aspect of this tragedy is; these people don’t need derision, they need medical attention.
“I don’t think you can leap from [the fact that the cross is the central symbol of Christianity, signifying hope for the dead only for Christians, and to many non-Christians is in fact a symbol of historic religious oppression by Christians, something they would never use to honor their dead or comfort the living] to the conclusion that the only war dead the cross honors are the Christian war dead,” thunders Scalia. “I think that’s an outrageous conclusion!”
Oh, would I love to be in that locker room the first time Limbaugh walks in as owner…
What, you mean with the PLAYERS there?
Besides, an owner’s place is in the luxury boxes.
Shorter Nino Scalia:
“Privilege? Whattaya mean Privilege? No privilege to see here!!”
The most obscene aspect of this tragedy is; these people don’t need derision, they need medical attention.
Well, yes. But short of that, how does their “My way or the highway” lack of dialogue get pushed aside (and out of) what passes as actual give and take? It’s not just that dialogue with them is impossible, they shut off all dialogue.
Filled with soldiers who sneak out at night to open the cemetery gates and admit your teeming flagellating hordes?
I know it’s only two people, but you try getting a horde together on short notice.
…they don’t seem to putting their all into it….
There seems to be some strange coralary to Godwin’s Law here on S,N. The longer a thread progresses, the probability of a Monty Python reference approaches 1.
There seems to be some strange coralary to Godwin’s Law here on S,N. The longer a thread progresses, the probability of a Monty Python or an all-caps PENIS reference approaches 1.
Oops. Ah phiqsd it.
I’m reading elsewhere (OK, Daily Kos!) that if Limbaugh buys that team, all of the brown folks will quit. Not only on the basis of his gigantic gaffe regarding Donovan McNabb, but on the basis that he’s a gigantic gaping asshole with whom none of those talented players want anything to do.
I’ve often wondered how much of the progress on race has been made in this country through the sports, but I can also see how folk like Limbaugh want nothing more than to belittle all of that because it disrupts their stupid racist worldview. I can only wonder what that flabby fucktard was thinking when he floated that trial balloon.
Let’s hope the NFL tells him to get fucked. That would be something I’d cheer over.