I Will Take My $19717.3 USD In Swankbucks

Teh Internets owes teh Sadlies $19717.3. This is true.

Meanwhile, did you also know that God speaks through earthquakes? And not just any old earthquakes, but ‘multitudinous earthquakes’? And not just any multitudinous earthquakes but ‘present-tense quakes’ that move mountains out of their sockets?

‘Included in the End Times signs are earthquakes,’ reports J. Grant Swank, ‘such as the Earth is experiencing today.’ And also several times in the past, we might add, but plate tectonics is probably just a tool of the Devil.

At any rate, per Swank, earthquakes mark the Second Coming of Jesus, whose ‘holy blood was shed from seven body fountains.’ Counting the legionnaire’s spear wound, the crown of thorns, spikes in each hand and one through the ankles, that still leaves two ‘body fountains,’ so we’re assuming a bloody lip and anal discharge.

Whatever the case, it’s pretty creepy, so we want our $19717.3 up front, no questions asked.

Of equal importance, this oldie but goody:


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Barack Hussein Obama was stunned in delivering his speech before Congress. When he promised that illegal aliens would not get a penny of his healthcare, someone cried out loudly ‘Liar.’

Everyone heard the word. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden looked stunned. Pelosi turned to Biden. Biden lowered his head. Pelosi then scanned to her left trying to decipher who yelped the key term.

Biden then stunned Pelosi. Pelosi cradled his head. Biden gulped the key term. Pelosi straightened her perm. Biden glanced to his right and Pelosi put up a fight. Biden then went to bed. Pelosi showered instead. Kool-Aid is red and pencils are made out of lead.

The Associated Press reported the interruption but did not mention the identity of the town crier.

UPDATE: Still no idea who it was.

I know who that was who gave forth.

Woe Jilson, Mongresscan from Couth Sarolina? Close?

It was the patriot who represents every American who knows the truth. Obama is indeed a liar.

So it was, like, Everywingnut or the collective voice of two million teabaggers crying out in rage or something?

He is so for he is Marxist Muslim. Allah permits Muslims to lie in order to further Islam World Rule. It is a virtue to lie. It makes points for the hereafter. It makes Allah’s heart happy.

Whereas denying health care to poor people makes Jesus’ heart happy. And makes touchdowns for the theretofore. Crucial difference, and you go straight to Hell if you don’t know it.

Obama is surrounded by “czar” liars. He was mentored by Jeremiah Wright liar. He was tutored by liar Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam mouthpiece.

Jeremiah Wright should get business cards printed up that say ‘Jeremiah Wright liar’ — no comma. They’re only for people who tell the truth. And hate immigrants, which is the same thing.

What can be expected by an individual who will not produce his actual birth certificate, for instance, when there is such a clamor for just that document.

What can be expected by such an individual is that many more batshit crazy demands will probably come his way.

Scores believe he lies when stating he was born in the U.S.

Scores? Really? And to think, it only takes a bushel of people to pass a Constitutional amendment, give or take a peck. Obama’s presidency is effectively over!

Then show us the certificate, Obama. He refuses. Why? Because Obama lies.

This is also why he is evil and also why he lies.

A left-of-left Congressman, more leftist than Ted Kennedy, Obama has survived in liberalism’s colony by lying.

And by forming an alliance with Biden to vote off Hillary. And winning the Immunity Idol for three straight weeks.

He claims to be Christian, for example, while tramping all over biblical ethics. One cannot be a Christian while applauding abortion. One cannot be a Christian while sanctioning sodomy.

Further, Obama as ‘Christian’ does not know his Bible when telling inquirers during the presidential campaign to read the Sermon on the Mount to find out what Christ said about endorsing homosexual lifestyles. There is nothing whatsoever in Matthew 5-7 that refers to homosexuality.

Which absolutely wasn’t Obama’s point in bringing that up.

Obama played ‘Christian’ during the campaign by sponsoring gospel concerts in the Bible belt. Obama is Muslim; there is no way he agrees with the redemption message sung at those testimonial festivities.

Obama lies. He is not Christian.

A tip for encountering Obama and his identical non-lying twin at a fork in the road, where one path leads to civilization and the other to certain death in the trackless desert — ask either twin: ‘If I were to ask your brother, would he tell me that the path on the right leads to civilization?’ If the answer is ‘no,’ then take that path, if it is ‘yes,’ then take the other path.


Comments: 118


The moon is mad that we’re blowing it up.

So there’s our earthquakes, Q.E.D. and such as.


ifthethunderdontgetya.blogspot.com Estimated Worth $1722.8 USD

Woohoo! This is certainly the end times.

Good night, Moon!


wow, and i’m on my way to new caledonia next week great place to watch the end times. I’m planning to have a cocktail with 6 gay umbrellas just for paster swank!


houseofsubstance.blogspot.com Estimated Worth $197.1 USD



According to that page, the second-biggest group of Sadly,No! consumers are in India.

Must be the computer tech support people surfing during their downtime. Or maybe not. In whatever case, why aren’t we getting a shoutout from our friends in snark on the subcontinent? For chrissakes, there’s 3/4 of a billion of you folks. I’d think that at least one of you would speak up.


I remember back in the 80s when all the hipsters were doing drugs and watching Gene Scott during the wee hours of the morning for laughs. If Pastor Swank ever got himself a regular TV gig I might start doing angel dust again.


How can you burn through $27 a day in ad revenue? You must be using electricity and water and eating premium oatmeal. . .


Maybe Troofie’s proxy addresses come from an Indian server.

Title: Just Another Blog (From L. A.)™ Estimated Worth $2233.8 USD

Daily Pageview: 352
Daily Ads Revenue: $3.06

NOT EVEN CIGARETTE MONEY!! We do & do & do for you kids …


Wait a second, does Swank really think that Islam is pro-gay?


Wait a second, does Swank really think…? Of course not, silly.


OK, OK, scratch “think” and replace it with “believe” then.


Thanks for the link, El Cid. Gene Scott is a dead ringer for my stepfather, which has always freaked me out a bit.


illegal aliens would not get a penny of his healthcare

The problem, obviously, is that he didn’t say which penny they weren’t going to get.


That is because Obama lies. Why does he lie? Because he lies.


It makes points for the hereafter. It makes Allah’s heart happy.

It rubs the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.




more leftist than Ted Kennedy, Obama

Sigh. If only.

a concerned citizen

There is nothing whatsoever in Matthew 5-7 that refers to homosexuality.

I know I am not capable enough as a satirist to ever write anything this brilliant.


doing drugs and watching Gene Scott during the wee hours of the morning for laughs

I knew I could not be alone in this.

Anybody who’ll interview a watermelon for an hour has earned their airtime as far as I’m concerned. Dude was incredible. I admit to enjoying his later era as well, strictly for the linguistic tack.

The Swankster can’t even pretend to the sort of awesome insanity the Dr. subscribed to.


Dr. Gene Scott’s widow has taken over the family business.

MORE porn and religion now as US televangelist Melissa Scott confesses to Marie Claire that she once worked in the porn biz, notably as Barbie Bridges.



Man, Gene Scott was the fucking limit. Dude used to growl into the camera and go “I don’t say another word until that phone rings” and proceed to STARE YOU DOWN for something like 20 minutes. It was terrifying. But just try to turn the channel.

Go ahead and try!


There is nothing whatsoever in Matthew 5-7 that refers to homosexuality.

I would love to see a gay rights group use that quote on all their promotional materials. Giving the good pastor full attribution of course.


He refuses. Why? Because Obama lies.

When he cries…

Oops, sorry. I think Say Anything was on last weekend or something.


…did you also know that God speaks through earthquakes?

I think they offer that as one of the local community college foreign language requirements. But the long distance learning package to do it from home costs several billion dollars for the earthquake simulator, so it hasn’t caught on, plus it’s really hard to master the accents for most English speakers.


Counting the legionnaire’s spear wound, the crown of thorns, spikes in each hand and one through the ankles, that still leaves two ‘body fountains,’ so we’re assuming a bloody lip and anal discharge.

Well, the single spike through both ankles counts as two, because there are two *wounds* (one in each foot) even though it was caused by one spike. The last “wound” is the scourging of the back. That’s the seven.

Don’t ask me how I know this.


I remember back in the 80s when all the hipsters were doing drugs and watching Gene Scott during the wee hours of the morning for laughs.

*sigh* Those were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end…


that still leaves two ‘body fountains”
It would be very wrong to turn the Crucifixion into a water feature.



More to the point: WHERE’S WALLY?


…someone cried out loudly ‘Liar.’

Actually, Joe Alzheimer Typhoid Bubonic Wilson’s offense against the House Rules was “You Lie!” But Pastor Swank omits needless words, he does. He’s a regular Strunk & White for the medicated set.

One cannot be a Christian while applauding abortion.

As a non-Christian, the loudest I ever applauded at an abortion was when a rookie OB-GYN executed a brilliant move with the remote scalpel, deftly scraping a fetus from the womb at only 3.5 weeks! And we ‘abortion purists’ had, until that time, thought only the tricky late-term terminations were worthy of polite golf claps.

Allah permits Muslims to lie in order to further Islam World Rule. It is a virtue to lie. It makes points for the hereafter. It makes Allah’s heart happy.

Others have noted this already, but isn’t Pastor Swank admitting that gods other than Yawweh/Jesus/Spook exist?

Then show us the certificate, Obama. He refuses. Why? Because Obama lies.

If you’re going for haiku, please remember to count the syllables justly.


Obama just won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Peak wingnut in 3…2…1…

Eric (an halibut)

Oy vey. Today we may see some truly record-breaking levels of wingnut apoplexy.

I’m already getting a headache, and I heard the news about the Nobel about four minutes ago.

Just Alison, aka Snail Joust

It would be very wrong to turn the Crucifixion into a water feature.

Smut, you have such a jolly taste in woodcuts.

Obama just won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Peak wingnut in 3…2…1…

Whuh?!? Bwahahahahaha! I cannae wait!


It rubs the lotion on its skin PENIS or it gets the hose again.
For values of “it” that include Smut.


Today we may see some truly record-breaking levels of wingnut apoplexy.

Remember how giddy these idiots were when Chicago got rejected for the Olympics? Times by infinity plus a trillion and you’re only scratching the surface.

A week is a long time in politics, but this is incredible. This is a day that will bookmark itself, the internets will take care of that.


Pam Geller, 4 days ago: “It’s hard not to abominate Obama, ya know?…Mr Obama will become the first president not to welcome the Nobel peace prize winner to the White House since the Dalai Lama began visiting Washington in 1991.”

I’m sure Pam will now begin abominating those who display insufficient respect for the President.


I’m all for enjoying the right wing anti-Nobel explodegasm about to arrive, but, seriously:

In a stunning surprise, the Nobel Committee announced Friday that it had awarded its annual peace prize to President Obama “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”

Isn’t he basically getting this for not being a complete asshole like Bush Jr? Isn’t he getting this for just not being a raging dickhead?

There haven’t been any amazing peace deals he’s brokered, he just isn’t wandering around pretending he’s a brush-clearin’ tuff guy cowboy, so, fuck it, Nobel for you?


Yeah, the Nobel thing is kinda weird.


And this year’s Nobel Peace Prize for Not Being President George W. Bush goes to…


Isn’t he basically getting this for not being a complete asshole like Bush Jr?


The Nobel committee has in the past awarded the prize in a similar spirit – Mandela-De Klerk, Arafat-Rabin, particularly the latter, got the award to try to sustain the momentum on various peace initiatives. So it’s not without precedent, but this time it is in part a giant Foxtrot Oscar to the Neocon fraternity.


I would say Obama’s demands of the Israelis over the settlements deserved an “attaboy” but:

“The US administration appears to have dropped its backing for his call for a freeze in Israeli settlements… Jerusalem is bracing itself for more violence after an influential Egyptian cleric called for a ‘day of rage’ in protest over Israel’s alleged abuses at Temple Mount.”



Scarborough, just now: I guess we should be excited that the President has won the same award Yasser Arafat won.”

Wonder how many times we’ll hear that name this week.


Wonder how many times we’ll hear that name this week.

Didn’t take them long to get the talking point out.

I guess the Heritage Foundation upgraded their email server.


Wow. The Nobel Peace Prize? I mean I love me some Obama but that’s like Tom Hanks winning an Academy Award for Batchelor Party.


Which brave soul on the right will lead the boycott of lutefisk, akvavit, and Norwegian Cruise Lines?


I will not be using any dynamite in my Liberty Bombs which will restore America to the Greatness that has been stolen from her!




“ignatov said,

October 9, 2009 at 11:17

Pam Geller, 4 days ago: “It’s hard not to abominate Obama, ya know?…Mr Obama will become the first president not to welcome the Nobel peace prize winner to the White House since the Dalai Lama began visiting Washington in 1991.”

I’m sure Pam will now begin abominating those who display insufficient respect for the President.”

You know, technically Pam is right (I know, unbelievable!). Unless he welcomes himself into the white house, which would be a bit strange.


“Dangerous Right Wing Extremist, Possibly A Well-Trained But Disgruntled Or PTSD-Suffering Veteran said,

October 9, 2009 at 12:13

I will not be using any dynamite in my Liberty Bombs which will restore America to the Greatness that has been stolen from her!”

I call fake right wing extremist. Connecting dynamite to Nobel prize requires a level of general knowledge, history awareness and pattern recognition not present in wingnuts.

Also, if you look close up, his post is obviously photoshopped.


There is nothing whatsoever in Matthew 5-7 that refers to homosexuality.

I call shenanigans. I’ve yet to see proof that Pastor Swank has read any portion of the Bible.


Unless he welcomes himself into the white house, which would be a bit strange.

Strange? Or AWESOME!??!!!


A faptacular day has dawned. Best contribution so far, from America’s Shittiest Website, shorter Mona Charon:

Oh noes, this is only going to make Obama more uppity.


He is so for he is Marxist Muslim.

Yes Padre Swank, you have discovered my secret…I, Mask Muslim, the world’s greatest Islamofascist luchador has been joined by a tag team partner, MARXIST MUSLIM!!!



This is going to kill them. I remember when they were lobbying for George Bush to get the Nobel Prize. Now the nobel prize will take it’s place in wingnuttia along side the UN, the Post Office and Social Security.
OT, but in that “Jesus gives us the Constitution picture, did you notice the decision the Supreme Court judge was anguished over? No Dred Scott, or Buck v. Bell, but Marbury v Madison, and Gibbon v Ogden. Yes, to this great Christian artist, the regulation of interstate commerce is more of a tragedy than slavery or the sterilization of innocents.

The Goddamn Batman Won The Nobel Prize For Badassery

It’s really being awarded to the American people, for not voting Bible Spice into national office. Hey, I’ll take it.

Thorlac and the Capitalist Running Dogs

I challenge you Mask Muslim! Or, I will when my lycra comes back from the cleaners. And my dogs are tired from all the capitalist running, so, ok, how about next week, say Wednesday? Then we can get a good clean fight on. And bring the wife; we can go out for beers afterward.


Dot said,

October 9, 2009 at 11:59

Wow. The Nobel Peace Prize? I mean I love me some Obama but that’s like Tom Hanks winning an Academy Award for Batchelor Party.

Again with the Bachelor Party hate. where will it end?


Oh, you laugh now, libtards, but wait till the 700 Club awards the 2013 Armageddon Prize to President Palin!


Maybe wingnuts can console themselves that despite ‘Bammy winning the Nobel prize, we still blew up part of the moon today!

EWW ESSS AYYYY !!!!!!!111!1!!!@@!!


This Swank person, he so seems to have multitude issues.


Well, the single spike through both ankles counts as two, because there are two *wounds* (one in each foot) even though it was caused by one spike. The last “wound” is the scourging of the back. That’s the seven.
So if the spike through the ankles counts as two, why would the crown of thorns and the scourging only count as one? If there was only one wound from the corwn of thorns, shouldn’t they have called it crown of thorn. And if there was only one wound from the scourging, they need to work on that technique.


I think we’ll have to wait a week of so before the Swankster gets his groove on concerning the Nobel Peace Prize (given his behind the times non-ID of “the Town Crier”). Then, he may completely stroke out. Meanwhile, today (and the coming days, with mighty “think pieces” in the offing) should be the source of good fun as the Usual Gang of Idiots spasms over the NPP award.

Good times. Good times, indeed.


As David Brooks recently wrote, Republicans have spent the last 30 years telling smart people to leave their party, so they did.

You can see the results.


Thorlac, my most worthy adversary!!!! We will battle, and I will flatten you with the mighty BATTERING RAM-ADAN and then we will drink cervezas!!!

Except that I can’t, because Allah forbids it, and the mouth hole on my mask is too small…



So, the Nobel committee was sitting around at the end of a long day, smoking a little weed and having good European beers, when one said “Yanno what would be funny? If we gave a Prize to Obama! Wouldn’t it just make the American Whackaloons go ballistic?”

Hilarity ensued.

The next morning: “What WAS that we were smoking last night?”


Obama has stopped waving the “U.S. Military” in the rest of Planet’s face.

I think that’s what we are seeing.

The Fox Gopper squeals about how, “They Know who should and shouldn’t get Peace prizes, but who the fuck really cares about Peace anyway!” are the icing on the cake.


OT, but also…

It occurred to me last night how Obama might be planning on handling health care. I’m thinking maybe he just sits back and lets congress turn out any old health care bill, just as long as there is something for him to sign. Then all he needs is a carefully crafted signing statement and viola… Single Payer! The precedent is there thanks to W.


Aaannnd…the Galactic Commander of the Red State Trike Force weighs in:

I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news. There is no way Barack Obama earned it in the nominations period.

He got it coz he is a Blackamoor.

And yes, I think the award seems a little weird. But as noted above, the committee may have been awarding it not just to Barry but to the voters who elected him. Perhaps the committee hopes this will slow the continuing carnage that was defining feature of years of conservative leadership.


John McCain must be very disappointed. He was sure this year’s Peace Prize would go to The Surge.


Yeah, Obama winning the peace prize is a lot like winning “most improved” at summer camp. It seems a bit left-handed.

But what happens now will be fun. Heck, why do the war-fans on the right care about the peace prize at all?


Hell, I can hear the arguing in the next office about the Nobel Prize thing.

Ah, the sweet sweet taste of conservative tears.


‘present-tense quakes’

Hm. This needs fixing…

‘pretense quakes’

There! Much better!


“Not done anything”? He stood in the mouth of the enemy and reassured him that America stands ready to move the world forward, got Israel and Palestinians leaders to sit down in the same room and talk, he’s dismantling the nuclear arsenal pointed at Russia’s heart, and he’s opened top level dialogue with Iran, all in eight months. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU WANT HIM TO DO, especially considering the motherfucking mess the Bushies left him???????


God speaks through earthquakes

Welcome to the National Center for Plate-Tectonic Exegesis.


Ah, the sweet sweet taste of conservative tears.

That’s partly it, but more to the point, we were subjected to a blizzard of “narcissism” and “teh world is tired of Barry” after Chicago lost the Olympics bid. Now to see how those same bobbleheads reconcile that narrative with this week’s turn of events…

George Will must feel like he has a really, really tiny PENIS today, and that too is a schadentastic thought.


Well he just started a war with the Moon Men so that’s got to be a strike against him.


Hey!! I owe teh intennetz $1759.30!


“Liar” is the bestest coward’s refuge – it doesn’t matter what your opponent says, you can just say “Liar!”

How does Swank feel about the Nobel Prize, I’m wondering?


And this year’s Nobel Peace Prize for Not Being President George W. Bush goes to…

Fox agrees. Although they claim he is not the first to be awarded for not being W. They include Carter and Gore on the list. So Fox, the WWF of TV news, can almost grasp what the point the selection committee is making here, but, ah, Sadly No! In the end they fall short once again.


Nobel Peace Prize, huh? Well, um, still the same as Bush. Shut up, that’s why.

Sadly, No Shareholders

Since your readers are responsible for your incredible net worth, (now over $20K); you can send us all our cut in small, unmarked bills. I figure $250 apiece will do nicely…

Progressive Coach Urban Meyer

Ba-doodle-doo-yeah, crazy capitalists, this just proves that the Nobel Peace Prize should be renamed the Nobel, uh, Pee Prize because it’s, uh, ba-doodle, like the capitalists are peeing on you, uh, goo goo g’joob


“Not done anything”? He stood in the mouth of the enemy and reassured him that America stands ready to move the world forward, got Israel and Palestinians leaders to sit down in the same room and talk, he’s dismantling the nuclear arsenal pointed at Russia’s heart, and he’s opened top level dialogue with Iran, all in eight months. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU WANT HIM TO DO, especially considering the motherfucking mess the Bushies left him???????

Come now Actor, you know it is way too early in Obama’s pesidency to determine if he is a success. However, we were able to determine that his presidency is an utter failure three days after the election results.


Pual Krugman had a recent piece concerning the “Politics of Spite” in which he lays out a fair bit of what has been discussed here, i.e., the idea that conservatives will do anything, anything to get back in power. They believe, he argues, it is their rightful place to rule and if they have to destroy the country to get back in power, they will do so.

It’s the stalker analogy. “If I can’t have him/her, no one can.”

The link:


It may be a useful noise filter for the NPP screeching.



As well.


A left-of-left Congressman

Well, pedantic nitpicking a Swank article is kinda like bombing the moon to look for water, but I feel that someone should point out that Obama has never been a Member of the House of Representatives.


It is funny that the Swankster can’t even get Joe Wilson’s quote right.


It is funny that the Swankster can’t even get Joe Wilson’s quote right.

You lay!


It is funny that the Swankster can’t even get Joe Wilson’s quote right.

The Swankster doesn’t need to. Dude is meta.


How does Swank feel about the Nobel Prize, I’m wondering?

He’s incoherent about it.


Or for double plus-ive Swanktastic bonus points:

The Self-Righteously Reverend J. Grant Swank Jr: A left-of-left Congressman
Dragon-King Wangchuck:YOU LIE!!11one!!two11!three!!1!


Dude is meta.

I read that as “dude is Weta”


D. Aristophanes said,


You, sir, win an internet.

So if the spike through the ankles counts as two, why would the crown of thorns and the scourging only count as one? If there was only one wound from the corwn of thorns, shouldn’t they have called it crown of thorn. And if there was only one wound from the scourging, they need to work on that technique.

Details, details…

Wow. The Nobel Peace Prize? I mean I love me some Obama but that’s like Tom Hanks winning an Academy Award for Batchelor Party.

Well, according to this guy, he did host a peace conference between a white cop and a black professor…
Also, will Bachelor Party hate never cease?


Dude is a huge New Zealand cave cricket? explains a lot really.


Cave Crickets?

Your doctor can give you a topical powder to get rid of those.


I do think we should remind the wingnuts that Kissinger also won the Peace Prize.

They do so poorly with discontinuities like that. It will only add to the entertainment.

For zombies, heads a ‘splodin is like a beer fountain!


Where’s my peace dividend, Lebowski!?!


However, we were able to determine that his presidency is an utter failure three days after the election results.



I read that as “dude is Weta”

Dudes don’t need to be weta.

Chicks in T shirts with floppy breastseses need to be weta.


sadlyno.com Estimated Worth $21761.3 USD

The value is skyrocketting!


“The problem, obviously, is that he didn’t say which penny they weren’t going to get.”

Bwahahahahahaha, I actually got that.


God speaks through earthquakes?

It’s kind of like a dialect of Wookiie.


And a commenter on a Wapo story about the NPP says this:

““radbwana wrote:
One should not forget that it is the Swedes who give the Nobel Prizes for science, etc. Norway gives the peace prize as nothing more than a socialist political statement.

Obama getting the Nobel for his international groveling is comparable to Nevile Chamberlain having received it (which he didn’t) for signing Britain over to the Nazis with the stroke of a pen.

Such Norwegian “phoney baloney”is only taken seriously by the liberals — Chris Matthews must be having another one of those Obama tingles running up his leg.

Perhaps the President can give the prize money to his former client, ACORN.

Bubble. Pop. Squeak!


Such Norwegian “phoney baloney”is only taken seriously by the liberals

That’s why Sean Hannity was nominated for one 🙂


God speaks through earthquakes?

I have roughly translated God’s most recent quakespeak. He says “people who live in glass house should not build near fault lines.”


If God speaks through earthquakes, I can only conclude that he has the hippy hippy shakes.

mmeetoilenoir lurktastique

Absolutely everyone is knocking the Prize thing. It’s kinda sad. On Morning Joe, they were saying that Obama should figure out a way to give it back. There seems to be this weird tut-tutting about the whole matter, like he should be ashamed.

Then again, if someone acts stupidly in front of him, he can just be like, “SCUSE MAH NOBEL!” and slap the interloper upside the head with it. That could work.


It’s 5 wounds. It’s always been 5 wounds. When the Pilgrimage of Grace had their uprising against Henry VIII they named their army “The Army of the 5 wounds.” ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Wounds ) Not 7, 5. Right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot, side.

So, why does this idiot say 7? Well, it’s what we call significant-number-itis, an untreatable and degenerative disease.

Now, I can’t tell you why 7 is a significant number amongst crazy people who are keen to see the end of the world, but it is. (Someone more learn-ed than me might know. )


One cannot be a Christian while applauding abortion. One cannot be a Christian while sanctioning sodomy.

I’m sure Swanky only uses Christ’s own words when condemning fags and sluts, right?

It’s really being awarded to the American people, for not voting Bible Spice into national office. Hey, I’ll take it.

So soon after being Time’s person of the year, too! The accolades just keep piling higher! And deeper.



Seven churches, seven seals, seven stars, seven spirits, seven vials…there are 54 uses of the number seven in Revelation alone.

And of course, you know, the whole “created in seven days thing” might, you know, sort of maybe KIND OF be important to theology, don’t you think?



So, why does this idiot say 7?

Facts standing in the way of a convenient corollary have never been a big issue with the bible beating crowd.


How cum your survr is in a furrin cuntry?


sadly enough, there are still people who deny tectonic theory and hold to the outdated notion that orogenic events are caused by the crust wrinkling as it cools and shrinks. as evidence, they claim there should be huge piles of sediment scraped off in the trenches. they conveinently ignore: a) there are thick sediments at the bottom of trenches; b) these processes take millenia and the compression of overlying layers of sediment is what fucking forms sedimentary rock (which subducts with the basalt; c) mid-ocean ridges; d) and so on…

naturally it is all just satan trying to confound us with facts.


That is some top quality Snark, Mister Aristophenes.


I can’t tell you why 7 is a significant number amongst crazy people who are keen to see the end of the world, but it is.

You are doubtless aware of George MIller’s seminal paper on “The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing The Wounds of Christ”.


we’re assuming a bloody lip and anal discharge.


Didja ever notice how these christian political bloggers and national review types never, ever have a comments section.

Are they THAT sure of their convictions?
Or do they fear rebuttal from the fact based community?


What kind of idiot calls someone a “Marxist Muslim?” It’s like calling someone a Republican Democrat, or a Catholic Scientologist, or a Seminole Gators fan. For God’s sake, weren’t you paying attention when 13,000 Russian commies and 70,000 Afghan Muslims were wiped out by a war with heavily religious overtones? A “Marxist Muslim?” Really Swank? Really?


(comments are closed)