Via Digby, it seems that Associated Press pollsters have found a true example of the modern wingnut id:
Republicans remain solidly against the congressional health care plans, with four out of five opposed. However, even 13 percent say they support the bills in Congress, a contrast with the mood of GOP lawmakers, who are all but unanimously opposed.
[…]Andrew Newcomb, 28, who works in sales and lives near Destin, Fla., said he doesn’t think taxpayers should have to take on the costs of covering the uninsured.
“I don’t want my tax money to pay for some pill-popper to fake some injury and go to the hospital when I don’t ever go to the hospital,” said Newcomb, adding he can afford to go to the doctor and pay $60 for a checkup.
You know… aw man. Words do fail me sometimes. This is one of them.
Billions for useless military toys? That’s diff’urnt.
“I don’t want my tax money to pay for some pill-popper to fake some injury and go to the hospital when I don’t ever go to the hospital,”
They do that now, moran. It’s called worker’s compensation or disability, and there are rules about that.
Billions for useless military toys? That’s diff’urnt.
Well his surname is Newcomb, after all. Think about it.
I cannot support health care for teabaggers.
adding he can afford to go to the doctor and pay $60 for a checkup.
Does he go to the veterinarian for his checkups? The only time I’ve paid that little for a doctor’s appointment out-of-pocket was when I went to the county-funded health clinic. Which was, uh, county-funded.
I wonder if this teabagger will feel the same way when he’s 48?
Bet he doesn’t turn down medicare when he qualifies, if he lives long enough via those $60 check ups.
“I don’t want my tax money to pay for some pill-popper to fake some injury and go to the hospital.”
Do people often fake injuries so they can hang out in the emergency room or spend the night in a hospital? Is this really a problem? I can’t think of any snark because . . . Wow!
Does he go to the veterinarian for his checkups? The only time I’ve paid that little for a doctor’s appointment out-of-pocket was when I went to the county-funded health clinic. Which was, uh, county-funded.
Wingnuts using public services? Impossible!
Does he go to the veterinarian for his checkups?
My dog had a seizure and his check up with blood panel and another test was $180. And that was with a 20% discount because his vet is a friend of mine.
$60? I know for a fact that my PCP charges $125 for a visit, and my Rheumatologist charges $200, because of my deductible.
adding he can afford to go to the doctor and pay $60 for a checkup.
Now now, folks, let’s give our young friend here some credit…this is Florida, after all, and they probably count the bar at Hooters as an urgent care center.
“…to pay for some pill-popper to fake some injury…”
Hang on. This guy we all don’t our tax money to go to. He pops pills. Then he fakes injuries.
Are the fake injuries related to the popped pills? Does he fake injuries but have no lasting effects from popping pills, which are mentioned only to further demonstrate his low character? Is it that the kind of character who pops pills is also the sort of person who would fake an injury?
Or do the popped pills cause an injury, which he nonetheless fakes, quite needlessly, when going to the hospital? Perhaps in his pill-addled mental state this seems logical?
To what end does our pill popper fake an injury? Presumably the hospital doesn’t pay him, so it must be merely out of spite – a malicious desire to cheat Andrew Newcombe himself in his imagination!
The bastard! You libs!
“…when I don’t ever go to the hospital.”
All you selfish moochers who go to hospitals should be fucking ashamed of yourselves for even thinking about taking Andrew Necombe’s money. He earned that money in sales!
And yes, babies aged 24 weeks to 1 year, I mean you.
“I don’t want my tax money to pay for some pill-popper to fake some injury and go to the hospital-“
Well I sure as shit don’t approve of talk-radio pederasts doctor-shopping to git’ their hands on 30,000 tabs of Hillbilly Heroin only to have a taxpayer-funded court let him walk.
Do people often fake injuries so they can hang out in the emergency room or spend the night in a hospital?
Of course not- those who fake injuries will go to fly-by-night attorneys who are in cahoots with unscrupulous, usually small, medical facilities. The fact that they didn’t go to an emergency room raises a red flag.
I used to investigate insurance claims (in the days when I had hair), and believe me, the insurance companies are every bit as scummy as the miniscule minority of claimants who are faking injuries.
Now now, folks, let’s give our young friend here some credit…this is Florida, after all, and they probably count the bar at Hooters as an urgent care center.
He lives “near” a town of 11,000 people, so I doubt he’s been anywhere as classy as Hooters.
OT, but still hilarious: I once saw a news broadcast regarding the downtown of a rural Missourah town full of god-fearing folks where they featured a bar called “The Glory Hole.” I was stoned, so I had to check about four times with other people in the room to make sure I didn’t imagine it. My dream is to visit that bar someday…..
he can afford to go to the doctor and pay $60 for a checkup
Until. You. Get. Sick. Genius.
Wingnuts using public services? Impossible!
This dumbfuck is either lying or illiterate and isn’t able to read the word “PUBLIC” on the building where he has been getting his $60 checkups.
Most important point: his political ideology lost the last election, so who gives a fuck what he thinks?
he can afford to go to the doctor and pay $60 for a checkup.
Now why is it that I doubt this guy ever goes to get a checkup?
He might pay $60 to his doctor for an office visit to get a tetanus shot after he put a fishook in his thumb, but a check-up? You know, where you get blood work done, lab fees, etc. etc.?
adding he can afford to go to the doctor and pay $60 for a checkup.
And he can afford to shell out another $60 for dialysis. And another $60 for the ambulance ride when his mom breaks her hip. And, if it’s a really bad month, he can scrape together another $60 for chemo should his son contract childhood leukemia.
Medicine is so cheap and accessible, I don’t understand why we need this ridiculous “state sponsored” “health care”. Sounds like a bunch of fascist cockamany malarky bull hockey to me. When do we get to bomb more brown people?
Now why is it that I doubt this guy ever goes to get a checkup?
Because he’s a 28 year-old redneck?
He might pay $60 to his doctor for an office visit to get a tetanus shot after he put a fishook in his thumb, but a check-up? You know, where you get blood work done, lab fees, etc. etc.?
Turn your head and cough, indeed. For an extra twenty, he gets a “happy ending”.
So yeah, he doesn’t need insurance cuz he’s a young healthy fellow. Married? Doesn’t say but I would think not. Is his lucrative sales income enough to cover a spouse? What about kids? They need a lot of checkups and visits. I wonder of any of the services he uses are provided by people who might not have the scratch for doctor visits? I wonder if he can look people in the eye and say, “you don’t deserve guaranteed minimum healthcare, like the Iraqis get, like every other developed nation provides.”
sort of OT: the Ken Burns series on the National Parks was full of commie talk about publicly owned resources and the value of natural
beauty, as well as simple human dignity and pride. Again, entitlement babies like newcomb wake up on 3rd and think they hit a trile.
said Newcomb, adding all he can afford to go to the doctor and pay is $60 for a checkup.
Fecksed AP misquote.
Actually, you’re already paying for that, Andrew. You’re paying a premium for catastrophic care, charged to you by a corrupt monopoly, and you have no choice.
But you’re OK with that, right? So long as it’s only a private tax?
he can afford to go to the doctor and pay $60 for a checkup.
Said checkup also includes topping off the fluids and rotating the tires.
Even those seem a bit…underquoted. Some of these damn specialists will charge you that much to fill out the paperwork. $60 bucks for the ambulance ride? Only if it’s the copay on some sort of really fabulous benefits package.
So yeah, he doesn’t need insurance cuz he’s a young healthy fellow.
whoa, wait, isn’t he the perfect example of EXACTLY what the wingnuts are talking about when they claim that someone made “poor choices” to not get a job with benefits, or to not pay premiums for a private insurance plan? Like the young woman who died of H1N1, or the college student with cancer?? – people that they vilified for their “poor choices” and “lack of personal responsibility?”
I cannot believe this fellow’s lack of personal responsiblity!!
$60 bucks for the ambulance ride?
Hell, it costs more to get your car impounded.
I was aiming for sarcasm. I’d love to find the place offering chem for $60 / pop. I mean, it’s not like serious intensive care requires serious intensive money right? Liver transplant! Back surgery! Spinal Tap! $60! If these are the rates he’s being charged for all his medical needs, I can at least sympathize with his incredulity at the need for reform.
Maybe he’s talking about Kenneth Gladney.
Sort of related, one of the columns in today’s college daily was about how the Objectivist Club was giving away 2,000 copies of Atlas Shrugged for free.
I’m struggling to come up with something to say about this that is funnier than the thing itself. I could not find out who paid for the 2,000 copies (eleventy billion pages) but I’m guessing “the members of the Objectivist Club with their own hard-earned money” is not the answer to that.
I love that the AP feels the need to quote someone who fit right in on the next hilarious installment of Jaywalking.
In ideal system ,there would be goverment run option, into which anyone could join. Pay would be a bit higher if you have existing condition or smoked, or were obese, but overall the cost would be cheap, and the cover good.
Those who wouldn’t want the communist healthcare could then die out when they get sick, because if they don’t want to pay others bills, they likely won’t expect others to pay theirs either.
If the goverment run option could work with 100 million “subscribers” (and why not, most western countries have total population less then that and can do keep their healtcare affordable) then you could have the 100 million communists with their healtcare, and the rest with their capitalistic heathcare system. I’d give it 5 years, before the capitalistic system or it’s supporters woud be bankrupted.
I was aiming for sarcasm.
Ah now I see what you did there…
I could not find out who paid for the 2,000 copies
Do you realize how many deposit bottles that is???????
Sort of related, one of the columns in today’s college daily was about how the Objectivist Club was giving away 2,000 copies of Atlas Shrugged for free.
Like the Gideons, only douchier. And more rapey.
“$60? I know for a fact that my PCP charges $125”
Last time I bought PCP, it was even cheaper than $60, but that was about 1979.
PW, I believe Mr. Newcomb’s poorly articulated theory is that pill-poppers will fake injuries so that they will be prescribed additional pills. Said pills then will be popped by the pill-poppers.
I suppose someone has to point out that we already pay for some pill-popper to go to the hospital…
Sort of related, one of the columns in today’s college daily was about how the Objectivist Club was giving away 2,000 copies of Atlas Shrugged for free.
Atlas Shrugged makes a top-notch nutcracker!
OT- last night, I saw a movie by some fat guy- I was pretty surprised by (possible spoiler alert) how religious it was. I know the guy wanted to join the priesthood before he discovered girls, but I was still pretty surprised.
Objectivist Club was giving away 2,000 copies of Atlas Shrugged for free.
Isn’t giving stuff away for free, like, altruism? Or is altruism only okay so long as it’s in service to
suckering people into buying intopromoting yourBSuber awesome philosophy.Atlas Shrugged is also perfect size for hiding one’s stash. I imagine this giveaway will be wildly successful.
I suppose someone has to point out that we already pay for some pill-popper to go to the hospital…
Hey! Hey! Hey! What’s with the “facts,” huh? Huh? Sheesh, they’re interfering with my closed belief system heah. /wingnut
Ooh, that’s where they film those videos. I gotta visit that place!
Last week, the minimum charge for an uninsured person to see a doctor at the local Doc-in-a-Box was $260. I think this has tripled in about five years (the last time I went), but my records are buried.
I walked in, heard the rate, had them double-check it, then I walked out. It was only flu and I have pretty much recovered. My head hurts a bit, but that’s from reading the above stuff.
It’s conceivable that this fellow might be telling the truth.
My HMO charges a $20 co-pay ($30 if it’s a specialist) plus ten dollars a test, if I stay in network. I can see a doctor, conceivably, for $20, if I refuse, say, him taking my blood pressure or putting a stethoscope on my chest or sticking a tongue depressor in my mouth when I say “Ah”.
Of course, that $20 would basically consist of me telling my doctor what I think is making me ill, and having him write a prescription (the writing is free, but damn, the co-pay on scripts is outrageous!) for that.
So it’s *possible* that our young friend sees his doctor, let’s him listen to his heart and breathing (there’s $20), take his blood pressure ($10), and perhaps do the “turn your head and cough” exam ($10).
Not sure that’s the kind of medical care I’d want, even at 26, tho.
I just have to keep telling myself that it’s wrong to wish ill on other people . . .
I don’t know about that. Has anyone calculated a rape tally for the Bible versus Atlas Shrugged?
Ooh, that’s where they film those videos. I gotta visit that place!
You should. And Branson is close by! You could witness loads of anonymous sex and see Yakov Smirnoff all in the same day. I don’t know why the Missouri Division of Tourism hasn’t made an advertising campaign out of this.
OT and someone pointed this out in the last thread, but this cannot be laughed at often enough.
I don’t know about that. Has anyone calculated a rape tally for the Bible versus Atlas Shrugged?
Ya know, I was just wondering if this was an accurate statement. Books aside, though, I would feel safer in a room full of Gideons than I would in a room full of Objectivists.
If conservatives are opposed to the idea of using a bunch of peoples’ money to pay for other peoples’ needs, then shouldn’t they be opposed to the whole idea of heath insurance in general, even private?
If one can’t afford to pay the entire cost out of pocket – why should other people in the insurance plan have to cover it out of their premiums?
Of course, that $20 would basically consist of me telling my doctor what I think is making me ill, and having him write a prescription (the writing is free, but damn, the co-pay on scripts is outrageous!) for that.
You can better spend that $20 by admitting that you’re suffering from “crippling ennui” and heading down to the pub.
OT and someone pointed this out in the last thread, but this cannot be laughed at often enough.
Holeee shit. I like how Christa McAuliffe’s face seems to be saying, “What the FUCK am I doing in this shitty-ass painting?”
Did you click on the zoom version with the “commentary”?
I think this made my week.
I don’t think conservatives are opposed to that idea, but more that they are opposed to it only when it’s the government “redistributing” the money (because we all know, hey, government is evil! Why? Because, shut up that’s why!) to poor people since they are lazy moochers who need to get a job and pull themselves up by their jock straps.
Folks, I know that the NHS is evil and all that, but I find it very odd that you quote prices about going to see your Doctor. When I feel I need to go, I make an appointment, pop on down and, if needed, I pay circa $15 for a perscription.
Yeah, I know us crazy socalists made a decision that we would use general taxation to help out our fellow citizens when they were at their weakest but where is the profit in that?
but more that they are opposed to it only when it’s the government “redistributing” the money
Yeah, when the government distribute it, they don’t skim the proverbial “cream” off the top before they dish it back out.
Of course, I meant to type “distributes”, but I couldn’t make my $60 grammar co-pay.
blockquote failz me again.
Shorter Correct Andrew “Drew Bob McDickwad” Newcomb:
I never have to go to the doctor. I see no reason why anyone else might feel the need.
Okay, the “shorter” part was supposed to have a strikethrough. Whoops.
In Soviet Russia, anonymous sex watches you!
Mr. Atrios has a fine Al Franken video up.
Hey, what’s that commie Teddy Roosevelt doing there?
What I really like is that Lincoln is singing “Mammy” while Alexander Hamilton pretends he’s a DJ and John Adams is … apparently doing a Lynndie. Or saying “wtf is this?”.
I cannot recommend this painting highly enough.
The kid is pointing to Article I, section 6, saying “This was modified by the 27th Amendment”. Jesus does not look at him, but signals for security to remove the little nerd.
BREAKING NEWS! Jonah craps his pants.
Ayers Dreams of Obama [Jonah Goldberg]
I am not sure what to make of the story that Ayers has now admitted to writing Obama’s autobiography. If it pans out, that is to my mind a very big story. Stay tuned. But I do think I should revise my earlier pooh-poohing of Jack Cashill’s effort to prove the Ayers-Obama connection. A while back, a close friend of mine (and a pretty famous person in NR land) harrangued me about how I didn’t give Cashill’s argument enough attention or consideration and that it makes a pretty persuasive case. This friend then walked me through it for a while and I was impressed. I’m still not sure what the truth is, but whether this latest story pans out or not, I figured I should at least withdraw some of my, uh, pooh-pooh.
I can haz
strikethough?Mr. Atrios has a fine Al Franken video up.
The 30 senators with the “Republicans For Rape” vote on Franken’s bill can look forward to some dandy ads run against them next time round.
Jonah’s pooh was addressed in the last thread, gm. Best recheck the weather chart.
Give Mr. Newcomb a break. He’s used to Republican health care, where the rectal exams are free and plentiful.
I don’t want my hard-earned tax money to go to the compulsory public education of Andrew Newcomb. I mean, look how badly he’s been squandering it.
Yeah, I know us crazy socalists made a decision that we would use general taxation to help out our fellow citizens when they were at their weakest but where is the profit in that?
well, y’all dint have to worry about no brown peeple gettin some a that help.
Maybe he’s talking about Kenneth Gladney.
My first thought, too.
John Adams and Alexander Hamilton look very concerned.
They are busting ye olde move.
McNaughton’s Nathan Hale looks just like Don Johnson. And his Ronald Reagan looks a lot more like Al Gore. I’m fond of the smug humanist professor. And how the black soldier is a tribute to Martin Luther King, noted militarist.
If conservatives are opposed to the idea of using a bunch of peoples’ money to pay for other peoples’ needs, then shouldn’t they be opposed to the whole idea of
heath insurance in general, even privatecivilized, orderly society?They know not what they wish for.
I wonder if this teabagger will feel the same way when he’s 48?
Between his meth habit, bacon dinners, and mountain-dew filled blood stream I doubt he’ll live long enough to make it to 48.
well, y’all dint have to worry about no brown peeple gettin some a that help.
Obviously, you are unfamiliar with the Rhodesia question.
Also, what is it that makes the “handicapped child” (or “handicap child”) handicapped? Maybe the problem is that his head is on backwards, accounting for why we can’t see his face.
That was good. As a lawyer, I liked the lawyer who was counting a huge stack of cash, also. (Pro tip: that never happens to me.)
And, for some reason, Davey Crockett made me laugh really hard
Side note: Al Franken is awesome.
I had a doctor who only charged $60 per office visit.
In 1987.
That painting reminds me of the monty python sketch where the Pope is critiquing Leonardo’s Last supper.
Look! The last supper is a significant event in the life of our Lord, the penultimate supper was not! Even if they had a conjurer and a mariachi band. Now, a last supper I commissioned from you, and a last supper I want! With twelve disciples and one Christ.
I am disappointed that the Humanist Peerfessor does not look like PZ Myers.
Or at least Russell Johnson.
Side note: Al Franken is awesome.
did you see the video of him drawing a map of the US from memory? Frankly, that should be a required entrance exam for all congresscritters.
Awesome indeed.
I don’t know about that. Has anyone calculated a rape tally for the Bible versus Atlas Shrugged?
I know that one of David’s sons raped his own sister. There are also some looting and women stealin’ bits, but this is when God still hated runaway slaves and not slaveowners, so “capturing” a wife might not be technically considered rape.
I think we should definitely base our public policy on the opinions of someone who cannot imagine a situation significantly different than his own. Yup, nothing could possibly go wrong with that strategy!
As to the picture, did I miss the image of Dick Cheney or is that who’s behind the hood?
OT: Do you think that guy in the Moran picture is aware of his internet fame by now.
I know that one of David’s sons raped his own sister.
There’s a part where rape takes place “to avoid worse rape” in John Milton’s words. Judges 19.
The description of St. Ronnie of the Blessed Nun Corpses says he was “truly a patriot of freedom”. I thus concluded that Reagan was from not America, but a different, non-capitalized country called “freedom”, making him a DIRTY ILLJITIMUT COMMUFASCIST USURPER WHO IS ALSO PROBLY A GAY. That, or someone, somewhere, found themselves saying “You know, Gary Ruppert needs someone to feel superior to.”
I don’t want my tax dollars goin’ towards nothin’ what might help me. That’d be socialism.
Same thing happens to Lot. Genesis 19.
Senator Franken. Awesome, indeed.
That would be, “United States Senator Al Franken.”
Makes me smile just typing it.
They are busting ye olde move.
25 But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go.
Then he cuts her up(the Bible neglects to say whether she was dead before he did this) and sends bits to all the tribes.
They are busting ye olde move.
Shouldn’t that be “bufting ye olde move”?
Buffing the Moove?
Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?
Also, subtle Roy Wood reference.
I’ll buff your Roy Wood.
It’s really difficult to cut up a concubine without getting a lot of her spines stuck under your fingernails.
Its a shame that Bowling for Concubine wasn’t what I was expecting.
Indeed. As the Bard said, each particular hair to stand on end,/ Like quills upon the fretful concubine.
Of course, anoter word for “concubine” is miftrefs. And that’s a spiky word.
Of course, anoter word for “concubine” is miftrefs.
Huh. I always spelled it “muftrefs.”
Then he cuts her up(the Bible neglects to say whether she was dead before he did this) and sends bits to all the tribes
Where they planted the bits in the ground and lovely maidens sprung up around the land to be taken by the concubine harvester.
Vast swaths of the south side of Chicago contained factories devoted to concubine harvesters, marine concubine engines, and concubine sandwiches.
Does anybody else hereabouts want to make sweet, sweet love to Keith Olbermann and have his liberal babies tonight?
Does anybody else hereabouts want to make sweet, sweet love to Keith Olbermann and have his liberal babies tonight?
No, but his father is cute as recently harvested concubine.
…recently harvested concubine.
veiled Brazilian wax reference.
And the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel.
Rule 34 also.
When Picasso collaborated with Braque, the results could be defined as “concubinage.”
If you live in Illinois, you’re either procub or concub.
Back in Iowa, i had a great uncle who tripped and fell into a concubine.
Concubine harvester! Win! Win! Win!
Wasn’t Yoyo talking about “concubical sex” a couple of threads ago?
No, but his father is cute as recently harvested concubine.
You split and barbecue that sweet old man, and you’ll have to answer to me.
And the army of humorless dildos, of course.
You have to be very limber.
Wasn’t Yoyo talking about “concubical sex” a couple of threads ago?
Herman Miller now offers a line of office systems featuring greater sound isolation, handy secure attachment points, and 220 volt power supplies.
It’s the Sado-Office line. In wood grain, natural aluminum, or easy-to-clean pleather.
Inspired by the musical stylings of the Marquis de Char-day?
Memo to self: Avoid reckless use of document shredder.
Let me also sip some rum to commemorate the passing of the Maison de Sade – – the only place I ever ate where the people were tenderized and the steak tough.
Memo to self: Avoid reckless use of document shredder.
The late lamented William Rushton drew a cartoon along those lines, but I can’t be arsed scanning it.
The late lamented William Rushton drew a cartoon along those lines, but I can’t be arsed scanning it.
I tried scanning the internets, but I did not succeed.
The late lamented William Rushton drew a cartoon along those lines
…is this like paint-by-numbers?
Keef O was awfully good tonight, but I wish he’d provided information about where I send the receipt to get reimbursed for the bottle(s) of gin I now feel compelled to drink.
I’ve figured out how Andrew Newcomb may have gone to a doctor and paid $60 for his last check-up, which included a lab test. Actually the visit included a check-up ($10), a cat scan (the physician waved a cat over Newcomb — $20) and a lab test (the lab retriever sniffed Newcomb, which cost $30).
I’ll be here all week. Try the veal.
I never get an itemized bill like that; it just says “pet scan”.
I could afford $60 for a check-up too. Pity no one will give me one for $60.
I wonder what the “Get a Brain Morans” guy is doing now.
Is he aware that his image is trotted out everytime we need to illustrate wingnut stupidity?
On topic: I went to a “Minute Clinic” at CVS for $60.00. (I’m between insurances now.)
Are we drinking yet?
Re the pill-popper who must fake an injury to get his pills:
I wonder what the effect on health care costs would be if pill-popper (pp) weren’t forced to consume emergency room resources to get his fix? What if pp could get an ongoing prescription and get his fix without mixing with the flu-afflicted, the pre-schoolers with ear infections, the victims of drive-by shootings and those experiencing heart attacks? I could totally deal with that. Andrew Newcomb, what say you?
I wrote you all off 5 or 6 years ago. Too many health problems and any fool who says that anyone at the Veterans Administration Hospitals is competent is totally loose from reality.
Moved to a third world area of a second world nation. My most expensive doctor does not speak English and charges $30 approximately for a house call. He remembers my allergies and has suggested numerous times checking for possible interactions on the internet.
My other five doctors speak excellent English, are the best doctors that I have had in their specific fields and all do house calls. They probably average $15 for a house call. When they think I need any blood work or xray they send me to the top person in town, never costs more than $30.
My gripe with american medical is that I am on disability, and I am paying out of my own pocket for an American woman that I DO NOT KNOW to have cancer treatment in a central american country. So far, she has had an operation to remove all of the cancer they could find and now needs more for chemotherapy. I will probably spend my emergency money, but she will get chemo.
Do I hate your system? You damn right, you fools. $650 billion to a military that admitted several years ago that they had no idea where several trillion dollars went. Literally several TRILLION fucking dollars and you can’t find it in your hearts to let your “representative” or “senator” know that the american medical system is fucked up beyond belief.
Hell, six or seven years ago, I was discussing my medical problems with a young French exchange student. Completely out of the blue, she told me that if I married her we could go back to France and get total medical care for my problems.
Then I have to read about some punk salesman that thinks he’s god’s own little bastard. I hope that he is afflicted immediately with pancreatic cancer, the most painful kind. Moran best hope that I never run into him.
attention sadly, nosians! rachel maddow is totally biting your steez!
yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah democrats potentially possibly maybe being forced to vote with democrats…but did you SEE the devo hat on harry reid?!?
Well, the Devo hat is certainly a step up from his normal dildo hat.
It sure would be nice to see something like that happen. ‘Bout time the Dems grew some stones.
Are we drinking yet?
Blotto. Over and out, Captain Zeep!
Words do fail me sometimes.
Well, I suppose. But they really fail Mr. Moran.
And I would like to know more about him. He is the gift that keeps on giving. I’d like to send him sort of a Spagmas card or something.
And I would like to know more about him.
Shouldn’t be that hard. I mean, how many Cardinals fans are there, really?
I dunno. The cheesy mustache, the bandanna, fake mullet, sunglasses….
Cheapest disguise EVAR.
I dunno. The cheesy mustache, the bandanna, fake mullet, sunglasses….
Cheapest disguise EVAR.
The bandanna is tight over his skull, indicating that the wig is a fringe only…he’s bald…IT’S DOCTOR EVIL!
Red State is teh awesome… Shorter Erick:
Oh noes, teh Senittahs is betraying us!!! Wolverines!!!
The bandanna is tight over his skull, indicating that the wig is a fringe only…he’s bald…IT’S DOCTOR EVIL!
Where does Dr. Evil want the USA to go?
Where does Dr. Evil want the USA to go?
Possibly he’s advertising his new Dr. Evil Brand Laxatives.
One good push in the nation’s bowels and the number of right-wing commentators is halved.
Oh noes, teh Senittahs is betraying us!!! Wolverines!!!
The alert when out to the Red State Trike Force and they emerged en masse from their Top Secret HQ (behind Erick’s garage) and rolled down the driveway (pedaling with great patriotic fury) and then Moe’s Big Wheel got stuck and they all crashed and after Neosporin and Dora the Explorer Band-aids they all had fruit popsicles. Erick got the only red one.
One good push in the nation’s bowels and the number of right-wing commentators is halved.
Starting your day with a nice, relaxing POOP joke is healthy.
Red State is teh awesome…
Heh, the best part is that even his walkback consists entirely of staffers spinning him that the rumors of a GOP cave-in are “overblown”. Not “that’s not true” or “here’s the counter-message” but “meh, maybe a little”. Translation: they’re fucked.
I have a feeling its going to be a bad week for Erik Son of Erik.
I have a feeling its going to be a bad week for Erik Son of Erik.
We should send some Neosporin. And SpongeBob band-aides. But Erick can’t have all the Patrick ones. He has to share.
his walkback
You young vippershnappers….vy, I remembah ven ve ushed to call it “beck pedalling,” not dis furshluginer “valking de beck”
From the original Erickson piece, as noted by Memeorandum:
Anyone got a crate of tweezers to send to the GOP?
(linked to memorandum just in case Erk realizes his boner) (pun intended, altho that should be obvious)
“beck pedalling”
That’s how Moe’s Big Wheel got stuck.
they are afraid they cannot hold their members.
Ah. That would explain the peeing-down-the-pantleg phenomenon.
altho that should be obvious
Veiled unveiled reference.
I think we’re giving Irky Irksome not enough credit. Look at the highlight on the update – it’s yellow. And all it says is SNAFU. It’s like a really deep ironic self-relective statement about our sensationalist media with a callback to practices from older times. It’s art.
Either that, or he’s just an idiot.
N__B said,
October 8, 2009 at 15:22
altho that should be obvious
Veiled unveiled reference.
Look, the peek-thru thongs were on sale at International Male, K?
they are afraid they cannot hold their members.
No, no, no, it’s all okay, those fears are OVERBLOWN.
Guess Erick has two writing styles, most-butchered-metaphor and poorly-veiled-penis-reference.
Good morning all! What did I miss?
Yeh…I do not think these anti-healthcare anti-‘communism’ types actually understand how
greedy insurance companiesthe Finest Healthcare System in the WorldTM works.Why does he have a weird tree on his chest? Is that
He is blissfully unaware of your commie “intarnetz”, save that it involves tubes and gay porn, somehow.
Hint: It probably involves Nascar and cheap beer.
From Instaputz, something that puts the holy crap into holy crap.
I mean, holy crap.
I went to a “Minute Clinic” at CVS for $60.00.
I’ve heard minute clinics can have a hard time fitting you in.
Ted, we’ve talked about that painting for the past two threads. Scroll up.
Oh, okay, that’s a bit embarrassing.
Note to self, Must Lurk Harder.
Ted, we’ve talked about that painting for the past two threads. Scroll up.
Yeah, sheesh, Ted. Read the threads. Whassamatter? You some kinda slac…oh never mind.
And, of course, now that I have situated the petard, I can only await the hoisting.
Mmmmmmmm, hoisted petars….now with more icing on the cake!
Meh, the painting. This is no Renaissance masterpiece, here. The craft is good, but how OTT weepy Jesus-love can you get?
It looks Aragorn and Abe are put on the worst minstrel show ever, and those who cannot look on in abject horror are shielding their eyes and weeping openly. The performance must be hideous, as John Adams is there, unable to suppress his “WTF?’ look.
The farmer, truly the backbone of America
Sadly, No 2: Lurk Harder
Sounds a touch pornographic, eh?
This Christmas from New Line Cinema
Lurk Hard 2: The Electric Boogoolooening
America, Are you ready to Lurk?
Lurk Hard 3: Monsters of Lurk
OT, but when are we going to get some world-class S,N! snark about the 30 pro-rape Republican Senators?
I finally got the MacNaughton image to load – kept getting an error message all day yesterday.
Dude!! Jesus looks like Curt Kobain!
Lurk Hardest: The Sanity Clause
Atlas Shrugged is also perfect size for hiding one’s stash.
Um, not my stash. OED, minimum.
Lurk Even Yet Still Harder 4:
The Son of The Revenge of The Return of Lurk Hard Rides Again! Strikes Back! Part Deaux!: European Vacation!
Lurk Blart: Mall Stalker
30 pro-rape Republican Senators?
You mean 10 aren’t?
Expect them to be hurled from the Party.
Also if you ask me the college professor looks like Stephen King more than anybody else.
Dude!! Jesus looks like Curt Kobain!
Everyone knows Kurt is God.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Lurk
Also if you ask me the college professor looks like Stephen King more than anybody else.
I still wish he looked like Russell Johnson.
30 pro-rape Republican Senators?
the other 10 are pro-lurking.
the other 10 are pro-
lurkingstalking.Ernest Lurks Harder
Lurk Harder, P.I.
Lurk Harder: Left in the Lurk
Too Lurk, too Hard: Tokyo Drift
Lurk Harder,
P.I.Mall Cop.Self-Blarted.
Saw VIII: Lurk, Ma, No Hands!
“The Lurking”
“All lurk and no play makes Jack a very dull boy.”
Lurk Harder and the Concubines of Harvester
Mighty Morphin’ Power Lurkers
Lurking Fear
(OK, yes, it’s a real movie, and it’s based on a Lovecraft book)
The lurk of love, is in your eyes
The lurk your smile can’t disguise
The lurk of love, is saying so much more
Than just words could ever say
And what my heart has heard
Well it takes my breath away
Lurk of the Rings: A Trilogy
Lurking for Mr Goodbar
Star Lurk: The Next Masturbation
Top Lurk
Lurk Fiction
The Lurk of the Irish
Debbie Lurks Dallas
Don’t waste your time on morons like this petty wannabe bourgeoisie redneck in the article.
Instead pressure the Democratic Party (supposedly the “left” party in America) to forget about the milquetoast public option and instead go for not only single payer, but wholesale nationalization of ALL sectors of health care.
Anything less is a compromise with the corporate oligarchy, and we should NOT compromise with them. We should smash them! If they can use reconciliation to pass tax cuts for millionaires, than they can sure as shit use it to nationalize the health care industry and put it under democratic worker’s control.
Lurk Trek 2: The Wrath of Ted.
Hey….wait a minute….don’t Zombies lurk?
No, Looch, they lurch.
Wait a second . . . (scratches head)
Looch . . Lurch. Hmmmm . . . .
You’re a fucking zombie!!!
Progressive Lurk: Back from the LURK!
We also shamble.
Petty Wannabe Bourgeoisie Lurkneck
You’re a fucking zombie!!!
Matt Damon is a zombie?
Lurk Trek 2: The Wrath of Ted.
Oh-oh. Concern troll (or parody concern troll, who can tell anymore?) lurks no more. He lurks naught and produces lurksnot.
Maybe I should lurk harder.
Lurker vs MechaGodzilla
The Spy who Lurked me
Lurkers in the Mist
Concern Troof: Lurking in the Lurkyard.
The only thing that’s a parody here is the Democratic Party–a sad parody of a “left” party that isn’t left at all.
As Gore Vidal says, we have one party in America–the Property Party–with a Republican far right wing and a Democratic right wing.
Lurkdos: The Hands of Lurk.
Lurker vs Kramer
Lurk —
wait. Has anybody alerted the Lurking Progressive that this is not, in fact, Eschaton or FDL? You know, where the policy wonks discuss strategy and goals and whatnot?
This is about POOP. PENIS. And LURKING.
with Occasional Zombie.
The only thing that’s a parody here is the Democratic Party…
Maybe we should form the Lurker Party.
We could schedule a big national convention but no one would attend.
Don’t waste your time on morons like this petty wannabe bourgeoisie…
The Lurk-munist Harder-festo!
Capitrollism: A Lurk Story
We could schedule a big national convention but no one would attend.
Wouldn’t a lot of people attend, but nobody would say anything?
… but no one would attend.
I’m sure lots of folks would attend, possibly attend Harder. But we’d have troubles finding speakers.
People would attend the Lurker convention, they just wouldn’t say anything.
Damn you Wangchuck!
Hah! Faster than a Dragon-King!!
With Mr. 77 taking the bronze.
And ZRM too. damn you too.
Klaatu barada lurkto.
No, Looch, they lurch.
Wait a second . . . (scratches head)
Looch . . Lurch. Hmmmm . . . .
You’re a fucking zombie!!!
No. No. No
We’ve been through this before. Lurch is my brother.
Prolurkive Nerd
Hah! Faster than a Dragon-King!!
That’s what your mom said last night.
We’ve been through this before. Lurch is my brother.
That’s pronounced Lurk
That’s what your mom said last night.
My mom’s dead.
So Dragon King is the one fucking a zombie?
What does lurking and zombies have to do with health care?
God, this country is so fucked.
That’s pronounced Lurk
Except in Spain where it’s pronounced Lurth
God, this country is so fucked.
Last thread, Prolurkissive
God, this country is so fucked.
Talk to Wangchuck about that.
My mom’s dead.
ZRM is Troofie, eh?
Lurk this, Naderite
Prolurkissive: Humorless Dildo or Humorlest Dildo?
You know that McConnell said even the milquetoast corporate giveaway known as the Baucus Bill won’t even reach the floor?
The game is rigged so long as you vote for Democrats or Republicans. Two puppets, same corporate puppeteer. The workers get ass-raped, we just switched cocks the last election, and no it doesn’t matter that now we’re getting raped by a black guy who does the bidding of his corporate masters instead of a white guy who does the bidding of his corporate masters.
Has anybody alerted the Lurking Progressive that this is not, in fact, Eschaton or FDL? You know, where the policy wonks discuss strategy and goals and whatnot?
People discuss things at Eschaton? I guess somewhere between and among the 11 different Open Threads per day, someone might inadvertently say something about policy rather than about their sick pet.
I vote Humorlest Dildo.
wouldn’t that be Humorleast dildo?
People discuss things at Eschaton?
Someone has to, God knows Duncan never would upset his advertisers
ZRM is Troofie, eh?
Watch your mouth.
Good point.
Watch your mouth.
I offer this amygdala, freshly pulled from Prolurkissive’s brainpan, as a peace offering.
The game is rigged so long as you vote for Democrats or Republicans.
Masturbatory despair for everyone!
Shaking your fist has a different effect when you wrap it around your cock.
…and no it doesn’t matter that now we’re getting raped by a black guy…
It sure does.
It makes the right wing freakazoids spittle-spewing kray-zee
And it makes the holier than thou purity choads nuts too.
People discuss things at Eschaton?
I dunno, I admit I haven’t gone into one of their comment threads in years.
Shaking your fist has a different effect when you wrap it around your cock.
Now that’s the kind of peace I can get behind
WTF? This isn’t Red Sox fans vs. Yankees fans. This is politics, not baseball, and politics is serious, often involving life and death issues like health care and war.
So why are we settling for some watered down corporate giveaway instead of something that would bring real change to health care–nationalization?
…and no it doesn’t matter that now we’re getting raped by a black guy…
Wow. A Progressive Racist! Who’da thunk?
Humorleast Dildon’t, cuz that knob ain’t going anywhere near anyone’s girlishness.
God, this country is so fucked.
Know what else is so fucked? Your Mom.
I offer this amygdala, freshly pulled from Prolurkissive’s brainpan,
Hey! Nobody said there would be hors d’ouerves!
People discuss things at Eschaton?
I refuse to give him a page hit, but my guess is that the “things” they’re still discussing over there are inside “jokes” about some guy behind the Tastee Freeze and some other guy who loves bacon and various other sycophant in-jokes, same as they were last time I checked 2 years ago.
One thing we know: they aren’t talking about guillotines, because using that word makes Duncan cry. Unless, of course, it’s one of the sycophants using it. Then it’s ok.
This is politics, not baseball, and politics is serious
Now that’s just a cheap shot at baseball.
the “things” they’re still discussing over there are inside “jokes” about some guy behind the Tastee Freeze and some other guy who loves bacon and various other sycophant in-jokes, same as they were last time I checked 2 years ago.
Well, now, that’s just wrong! No website should have inside jokes! Let’s go invade! WOLVERINES!
You’re the one supporting a party and President that is in favor of propping up an objectively racist system (world capitalism and and it’s handmaiden, American imperialism).
I’m not the one who pointedly mentioned the race of the President, you bigot.
Now that’s the kind of peace I can get behind
That’s the kind of peace you’ll have to reach around.
That’s the kind of peace you’ll have to reach around
Hands Across America!
Clomp, clomp, clomp. Hear that, Obots? It’s the sound of my immaculately pure Doc Martens walking away from your objectively racist handmaidens.
His race was first brought up by the “liberals” on here in the previous thread the other day, saying that it made a difference that he’s a black imperialist/capitalist and instead of a white one. I say it makes no difference at all.
It is especially ironic that a son of Africa would end up heading a bloody imperialist power that raped the continent of his father (and continues to do so).
Pro-Racist Bigfoot is trying to weasel out of being a bigot, but hey! We’re liberal, and you’re welcome to stay so long as you’re funny.
Which, sadly, you are, unintentionally…also.
Seriously, Pro-Racist, you make Bono sound like unpretentious.
Well, now, that’s just wrong!
Well, now, no it’s not wrong; it’s just boring when said in-jokes are simply tossed about for the purpose of the self-aggrandizement of the “in-crowd”. I love a good in-joke as well as the next guy but the key there is good in-joke, as in funny rather than just an excuse to socially promote a person or group of persons over and above the rest of the group. It has a very junior-high-clique vibe to it over there. You’d pick up on it quickly if you waded into the comment threads, but you’ve got better things to do – I know that you do.
Jennifer, I was teasing you and poking fun at the denizens here, too 😉
“Shaking your fist has a different effect when you wrap it around your cock.”
If only Congressman Doggett had come up with that at the first TeaBaggerTownHall…..
His race was first brought up by the “liberals” on here in the previous thread the other day,
it is to laugh, MaryAnn.
…a son of Africa would end up heading a bloody imperialist power that raped the continent of his father…
I think you’ve got the wrong rapist there. The US was too involved with raping its own native peoples, all of Latin America, and SE Asia to give much thought to raping Africa…we had to leave that up to the Yurpeans.
Jennifer, I was teasing you and poking fun at the denizens here, too 😉
Are you implying there are in-jokes around here?
Why does’t anybody tell me these things? It’s because I’m a zombie, isn’t it?
Are you implying there are in-jokes around here?
…a son of Africa
I thought he was a Son of Stanley Ann.
actor212 – I know. I just never let an opportunity pass to dog that site. 🙂
Are you implying there are in-jokes around here?
Are you implying there are in-jokes around here?
I think he’s just trying to say he is aware of all internet traditions.
Apparently, Bono’s Conscience only gets a half hour for lunch.
Jennifer, they were still capitalists, and so is Obama.
His speeches are full of high-sounding platitudes and post-modern drivel that the “liberals” in the United States project their own fantasies onto. But in the end, he does the bidding of his corporate masters and their class interest. He may do it with a smile on his face and with nice sounding words, but he does it–just like Bush–all the same.
I think he’s just trying to say he is aware of all internet traditions.
Veiled penis reference.
Bono’s Conscience would be a good name for a band.
Hands Across America!
**Golf clap**
Jennifer, they were still capitalists, and so is Obama.
An American elected official in favor of Capitalism!
Next thing you’ll tell me is he has a dog, a wife, and two beautiful little girls!
Re: Republican pro-rape senators, what gobsmacks me is that neither of Utah’s senators voted pro-rape. Orrin Hatch, in particular, I had figured would be a natural for defending any violation of women in the name of crony capitalism, but no. So, for once, yay Utah’s senators.
List of how the senators all voted here.
Bono’s Conscience would be a good name for a band.
Only if they wrote songs like “Nader Was Right” and “Can I Be ANY More Fucking Boring? YES!”
There’s another strike against the troll: a real spart wouldn’t put “liberals” in scare quotes. That’s the kind of thing a “pwog” would do, and a Real True Leftist like this guy hates “pwogs” more than anything else in the world.
Pwogs…hey, I used to collect those, until Beanie Babies became hot!
Only if they wrote songs like “Nader Was Right” and “Can I Be ANY More Fucking Boring? YES!”
That second title was so boring that by the time I got to the answer I didn’t care anymore.
I put liberals in quotes because there’s nothing liberal about American liberalism. American liberalism is merely the left jackboot of capitalism.
Jennifer, they were still capitalists, and so is Obama.
So anybody of a certain granfalloon (which you get to define, how convenient) is responsible for all the transgressions (which again you get to conveniently define in service of whatever your argument happens to be currently) of ANYBODY in that granfalloon, no matter how many degrees of separation?
Say what you will, I don’t think you can call it an ethos.
You know, you can pay a prostitute to say nice things about you to improve your self esteem.
Lurkers of the world, unite!
American liberalism is merely the left jackboot of capitalism.
Cowboy boot…fercrissake, stop mixing your metaphors!
See, it’s a minute clinic. Mi-NUTE.
You know, you can pay a prostitute to say nice things about you to improve your self esteem.
I deduct those off my taxes as “executive coaching sessions”.
If he supports world capitalism (and Obama does), then yes he is objectively responsible for the imperialist rape of the Global South.
Global South
Poor penguins.
a Real True Leftist like this guy hates “pwogs” more than anything else in the world
I thought those people confined themselves to the Digby comments. Like an independent canton of well-heeled anarchosyndicalist poseurs.
The second album from Bono’s Conscience, The Left Jackboot of Capitalism, was a critical and commercial failure. Their reliance on 80’s drum synths and accordions was off-putting to many of their fans.
well-heeled anarchosyndicalist poseurs.
I’ve never been able to get my poseur to heel.
Ding dong dilly, crazy capitalists!! The Progressive Voice is serving you up a SPREAD of PURITY and proving that the Oligarchy Obummer is a drag on us true blue leftists who don’t take no guff from the rapists of the Third World!
Urban out!
So it’s hard to get into.
I’ve never been able to get my poseur to heel.
The trick is, you have to use the patented Bouncing Sole.
Because it’s so small.
Did Troofie discover copies of Workers Vanguard in the public library? Because the laundromat only has Watchtower magazines lying around.
Proggo: Yes, yes, yes both parties bend to well-heeled interests and always have. There are individual exceptions, and moments of decency and compassion and, yes, righteousness. As far as what I have seen in my lifetime, most, if not all of those rare moments have come from the “D” side of the aisle. Most of the worst moments belong to the “R” side. And by most, I mean “damn near all.”
That being said, I sense something else in your presence here. There is an undertone (maybe not even that subtle) of wanting to lead the unwashed masses of Sadlynauts. Do I really need to describe how unpossible (and unwanted) such an undertaking might be?
Progressive Word Salad:
Take a large bowl full of self-importance, add in two quarts of Purity.
Fold in two cups of Bigotry, mixing well. Pour into baking pan.
Sprinkle with three undefined Proper Nouns, seven unfounded assertions, and negative adjectives to taste. Bake for 30 minutes in your baleful glare.
When cool, fling by handfuls at passers-by.
then yes he is objectively responsible for the imperialist rape of the Global South.
Holy crap! Paolo Freire is commenting in teh threadz!
the unwashed masses of Sadlynauts.
veiled, bigoted zombie reference.
boring concern troll is boring. I am concerned.
Name one successful progressive initiative from the Democratic Party in the last 40 years. Just one.
The last one I can think of is Medicare. And that was FORTY-FOUR YEARS AGO!! They’ve done nothing since.
And Medicare was something other advanced capitalist countries had by the early 20th Century. Americans took until 1965.
You choad, she didn’t say “Pwogwessive”, that’s your trope. She said DECENT. COMPASSIONATE. RIGHTEOUS.
No moving the Pwogwessive Goalposts, now.
My dogs are tired, but they are also rich.
The unreleased Bono’s Conscience album: ‘3rd Jackboot of Capitalism’ is often described as unlistenable. Bootleg copies made their way to music reviewers who decried the 22/7ths beat structure as ‘pure prog-rock self indulgence’ and the Bagpipe, accordion, Didgeridoo, Sitar and Keytar quintet on the 5th track as a ‘bad idea poorly executed’ Prominent rock critics also criticized the Athabaskan lyrics as authentic yet irrelevant. The ultimate defeat of the album came from the label’s insistance on not including the 700 pages of explanatory text, pictures, folk recordings and associated footnotes, that would supposedly unlock the meaning of the flawed double album.
The biggest “accomplishment” of Clinton was taking food stamps and public housing away from poor single mothers, for God’s sake.
Hey, he also got NAFTA passed and look how well that worked out.
The biggest “accomplishment” of Clinton was taking food stamps and public housing away from poor single mothers, for God’s sake.
Nader let it happen.
However, The Fourth Jackboot had a beat you could dance to.
And he repealed banking regulations. that worked out GREAT!
Clinton=Reagan’s fourth and fifth term.
the meaning of the flawed double album.
I believe it is required by law to refer to it as “sprawling”
Sorry, of course I meant to say sprawling. I am still working on my rock critic narrative voice.
Name one successful progressive initiative from the Democratic Party in the last 40 years. Just one.
Um, how’s about gay and lesbian (and transgender, too) rights and awareness in general? I’d call that a pretty fucking big move forward (with more to do, surely).
Jeebus – it’s still here. I’ll check back later…
Sure, the turkey grew up on a farm, kid. That’s why you should think about gravy.
Hey, he also got NAFTA passed and look how well that worked out.
Well, he had hand in setting up the housing bubble.
Clinton passed the outrageous “Defense of Marriage” Act, and most Democrats voted for it. Try again.
Title IX and the ADA, too.
Jennifer, they were still capitalists, and so is Obama.
So is 80 – 90% of the world, pal.
For a guy who can’t even get a viable third party going at the local level, don’t you think “overthrow of global capitalism” might be a bridge too far?
My tendencies run towards sympathy towards your views regarding the evils of capitalism; the difference is I’m not foolish enough to believe that a global overthrow of the system is ever going to happen. Contra your views, I do not view capitalism in and of itself as an evil which leaves me a much shorter hill to climb in pointing out its evil effects and how they can be restrained through regulation and public opinion and action. Rather than coming out of the gate screaming that capitalism is an inherently evil system, I find it more effective and more likely to produce actual results to dissect the rationales underlying the “free market is god” mantra, because I think it’s more likely to produce positive changes.
Progressive Voice said,
October 8, 2009 at 17:49
“What does lurking and zombies have to do with health care?
God, this country is so fucked.”
Don’t lurkers and zombies also deserve health care? Why do you want lurkers to die? Why do you want zombies to die, again? Hey everybody, Progressive Voice is an anti-lurker and anti-zombie bigot!
Oh, and Proggy. You equate “D” with presidents. I go a little further down into the rank and file. Down to towns and cities. School boards. Stuff like that.
Obama = Washington’s 55th term
I still say that the so called property tax ‘reform’ that passed in CA in the 70’s (proposition 13?) had more to do with causing the bubble than anything Clinton did. The reform basically meant that property tax assessment did not go up until the property changed hands, which allowed sky high valuations with no penalty to the land owner.
Right, so our last two (maybe three) Democratic Presidents would be considered right of center in most other developed nations.
I’m just not sure anyone considers that a revelation.
And you reward them by continually voting for these right wingers.
Imagine for a minute if the AFL-CIO, the UAW, the SEIU, and others with their millions of workers, dollars, and organizational skill had endorsed the Green Party or Socialist Party for President and their candidates for the House and Senate.
I still say that the so called property tax ‘reform’ that passed in CA in the 70’s (proposition 13?) had more to do with causing the bubble than anything Clinton did.
Here in CA, I’d agree with you. But at the national level Clinton either helped in, or allowed, the removal of many of the regulations that enabled the securitization of mortgages.
Clinton passed the outrageous “Defense of Marriage” Act, and most Democrats voted for it. Try again.
And as a result, millions of gay Americans have been forced back into the closet, been hounded out of their jobs and beaten and terrorized with impunity.
No, asshole, you try again.
Clinton passed the outrageous “Defense of Marriage” Act, and most Democrats voted for it.
And ALL the Republicans did, and still would. So everybody is just as bad as the worst ones, huh. “If one person is evil, so is everybody else” eventually includes YOU too.
Look, dimwit, nobody is saying the Democrats, or Obama, or our political structure, is some kind of liberal leftist Big Rock Candy Mountain.
But you ever hear “politics is the art of the possible”? After forty years of Southern Strategy pushing the Overtone window all the way to the right, the rightwing stranglehold is deteriorating.
So you are welcome to sit in your sandbox and whine that nobody lives up to your self-righteous standards and congratulate yourself on your superiority. Others might not see things the same way, and look for ways to make things better in their own small ways.
Here’s an idea. why don’t you build yourself a bunker in your backyard, and go down there for thirty years or so. Maybe by then, things will be all better and you can come out.
But I wouldn’t count on it.
in the meantime, you’d find a better welcome if you weren’t so damn pissy. Make with the Lurking jokes, PwogWit!
Lunch Ladies were a Progressive Initiative.
Progressive Voice is right! The American Left has been playing defense since the Sixties. This will not change until we get better Democrats in Congress.
Imagine for a minute if the AFL-CIO, the UAW, the SEIU, and others with their millions of workers, dollars, and organizational skill had endorsed the Green Party or Socialist Party for President and their candidates for the House and Senate.
What I imagine is a lot of progressive third-party candidates getting a whopping 12%.
Yes, and the Free Soil Party which became the Republican Party got 12% the first few times, too, but within ten years they had elected Lincoln.
Imagine for a minute if the AFL-CIO, the UAW, the SEIU, and others with their millions of workers, dollars, and organizational skill had endorsed the Green Party or Socialist Party for President and their candidates for the House and Senate.
Or imagine Act Blue. It’s not like there aren’t viable ways to try elect and hold accountable better Dems. Jane Hamsher, slinkerwink, nyceve, and the rest are doing yeo(wo)mans’ work on the public option right now. I assume you’re active in those endeavors?
Of course if this were 1852 you would have told the abolitionists to sit down, shut up, “compromise” and work with the slaveholder sympathizing “cotton whigs” so those awful Democrats wouldn’t get in power!
Imagine for a minute if the AFL-CIO, the UAW, the SEIU, and others with their millions of workers, dollars, and organizational skill had endorsed the Green Party or Socialist Party for President and their candidates for the House and Senate.
So Mr. oral Purity, get busy getting these Greens and Socialists ELECTED to local offices. BUILD THE FRICKIN PARTY YOU WANT.Make these large orgainizations WILLING to expend money and effort on candidates that have a possibility of being elected, rather than pissin their money down your fantasy shithouse. Rather than come here whining that we won’t build it for you.
We’re specializing in Shit Moats, here.
Politics is serious business, you guys! For serious!
Y’know, if I wanted to discuss serious political business, I’d be on Pandagon, or Crooks & Liars, or fuck, Orcinus.
But I’m not. We’re here, at Sadly, No! A comedy blog with a political spin. So either get into the fucking spirit of things or fuck off with your serious business.
For serious.
Of course if this were 1852 you would have told the abolitionists to sit down, shut up, “compromise” and work with the slaveholder sympathizing “cotton whigs” so those awful Democrats wouldn’t get in power!
Great: The liberal equivalent of Godwin’s Law.
I meant Mr. Moral Purity, but that worked pretty well too.
BTW, just wondering, how many of you who live in Mass, or New York, or California (or Utah and Alabama for that matter) pissed away your vote by voting for Obama when you could have helped the Greens and Socialists get 5% of the popular vote to get federal matching funds next time?
If this were 2525, would Mr. Purity Progressive still be alive?
Also, again with the Presidential masturbation fantasy? Jesus fuck, no wonder you can’t win anything.
you could have helped the Greens and Socialists get 5% of the popular vote to get federal matching funds next time?
It’s nobody’s obligation to make your political party viable.
It’s up to YOU and your party’s candidates to convince the voters. If they can’t, it’s not the voters’ fault.
Sheesh, this isn’t a hard thing to understand.
You know who pissed away his legacy? Ralph Nader
BTW, just wondering, how many of you who live in Mass, or New York, or California (or Utah and Alabama for that matter) pissed away your vote by voting for Obama when you could have helped the Greens and Socialists get 5% of the popular vote to get federal matching funds next time?
Wow. You got kicked off Greenwald’s blog for being too preachy, didn’t you?
I hear there’s a support group for that.
It’s only a fantasy because fucks like you who live in deep-red or deep-blue states vote for Obama anyway because they were snookered in by his slick marketing effort, when they could have had a real effect by getting the Greens and/or Socialists to 5% of the popular vote to get federal matching funds.
But no! You had to vote for HOPE ‘N CHANGE!!11!!11, even when you live in fucking Manhattan.
I meant Mr. Moral Purity, but that worked pretty well too.
Also possible: Mr. Oral Purty.
But no! You had to vote for HOPE ‘N CHANGE!!11!!11, even when you live in fucking Manhattan.
Yep, can’t see why more people don’t follow your lead. You’re galvinizing.
“What does lurking and zombies have to do with health care?
Nader is a zombie, so there’s that.
Sorry if I offend, zrm, not my intent.
Effing WP ate my effing comment, which was to the effect of:
Jennifer, they were still capitalists, and so is Obama.
So is 80-90% of the world, pal.
For a guy who can’t even get a viable third party going on a local level, the overthrow of global capitalism might be a bridge too far.
I tend to be sympathetic to your views about the evils of capitalism, with the exception that I do not believe capitalism in and of itself to be an evil. Dollars to donuts I’ll get a lot more people to sign on to my idea that the overriding priority of democratic government should not be to make sure that a few people have the right to own everything than you will to your idea that nothing short of the overthrow of global capitalism will be sufficient. Your idea: going nowhere. My idea: might persuade people that we need to rethink our assumptions and impose more stringent safeguards and regulations to mitigate the evil effects of capitalism.
Err no… I meant polarizing.
Name one successful progressive initiative from the Democratic Party in the last 40 years. Just one.
Um, how’s about gay and lesbian (and transgender, too) rights and awareness in general? I’d call that a pretty fucking big move forward (with more to do, surely).
Maybe my expectations are too high here, but I don’t credit the Democratic Party for that. I credit psychologists and anthropologists who were willing to take a fresh look at their cultural biases, third-wave feminists, parents who wanted their kids to have an equal chance in life, religious leaders who can see the forest through the trees, and most importantly, LGBT people who have the courage to stand up for themselves and each other.
It’s a huge leap forward, but politicians have had to be dragged kicking and screaming the entire way. We have had to threaten to cut off donations for every incremental bit of progress. Frequently we’ve had to start over with a fresh crop by going door to door for progressive (or openly gay) candidates BEFORE they ever have a shot at elected office. We have to demand the moon and hope that sometimes we’ll get a sliver of cheese. That isn’t to say that there haven’t been any elected champions of equality, but the leadership has not come from the Democratic Pary. No effin way.
In summary, sisters are doing it for themselves.
You got kicked off Greenwald’s blog for being too preachy
Wow. That’s like Bob Stinson getting kicked out of The Replacements for being too drunk.
Also, again with the Presidential masturbation fantasy? Jesus fuck, no wonder you can’t win anything.
You wants to have a national party? Then start electing locals under whatever banner meets your needs. Hey, if a Green Party candidate for school board makes the best case for putting him or her in charge of local education decisions, I’ll vote for ’em.
You, however, sound like a fella that wants to rule from the top down.
Thanks, we got enough of that.
getting the Greens and/or Socialists to 5% of the popular vote to get federal matching funds.
Okay, one more time:
“the left jackboot of capitalism.”
This will be the title of my second novel. Its about an insurance executive with a boot fetish, but only the left shoes, and only if they are worn by some guy named Jack, also.
We try, and do you know what happens? “Oh, I’m going to vote for the Democrat cause I’m afraid the Republican will win. You’re just “spoilers”.”
This happens even in places like San Francisco and NYC. The two party duopoly is so entrenched it needs to be smashed in a shock at the national level.
My idea: might persuade people that we need to rethink our assumptions and impose more stringent safeguards and regulations to mitigate the evil effects of capitalism.
Sounds reasonable and potentially persuasive: don’t think it meets the dogma standards.
St. Looch is Honorary Zombie. And he didn’t even yell.
when they could have had a real effect by getting the Greens and/or Socialists to 5% of the popular vote to get federal matching funds.
Yes, and then we could’ve had another spoiler vote-off situation like 2000, where that extra 4% of the national vote you wouldn’t get made the difference between the Republicans winning, and then you’d ideologically purity bitch at us for another long four years of destruction about how we needed to support the Green and Socialist party with more people, more people, MORE PEOPLE.
So, y’know, fuck off.
Either get working on the legislative branch where you could get some state senators or Representatives together to form your actual party base, or you can keeping jerking off to a presidential candidate that has about as much a chance as Toonces, the Driving Cat.
Jennifer, they were still capitalists, and so is Obama.
So is 80-90% of
the worldAmerica, pal.Sorry, I completely agree with your point and I know I’m being a pedantic asshole, I just had to do that.
Greens could have one something like 20% of the popular vote in New York State and 30% in Vermont and Obama still would have won both states, moron.
And for that matter they could have done gotten 5 or 10% of Utah and Alabama and it would have made zero difference to the outcome of the electoral college.
well, now you’re just whining.
There are places where Republicans don’t run. And places where Independent is a valid choice.
Nobody said it was easy.
Then it won’t be. That’s that.
The two party duopoly is so entrenched it needs to be smashed in a shock at the national level.
You and your six friends from the indie coffeehouse should definitely be able to accomplish that. One of you probably has a van, so that’s a start.
He’s the cat that can drive a car, in case you weren’t aware.
Still with this Progressive Voice guy? I call Stale Troll!
Yeah, instead you get corrupt Democratic Party machines and all the Unions with their money and organizational skills back the Democratic Party even when there is no Republican opposition!
That’s how entrenched the two party duopoly is. It’s sham.
Y’all still batting around this holier-than-thou troll?
PV, I’m actually in support of a major leftist party in the country; in fact, I’ve seriously considered doing organizing work in order to develop a serious youth-based, liberal party once I’m out of grad school.
But you, well, your privilege is showing, as well as your ass. I’m not going to gamble away reproductive rights, gay rights, and what remains of our social support system based on purity of ideology. You seem to want to do that simply to feel better than the rest of us ignorant, unwashed, sheeple, which indicates to me that you’d have little to lose if Repubs took over. And that pretty much makes you an asshole.
“It’s only a fantasy because fucks like you who live in deep-red or deep-blue states vote for Obama anyway because they were snookered in by his slick marketing effort, when they could have had a real effect by getting the Greens and/or Socialists to 5% of the popular vote to get federal matching funds.”
President McCain supports your efforts. Sarah also, also.
Because it’s so small
Veiled penis reference.
This happens even in places like San Francisco and NYC.
Have you seen some of the people that are run in those places? I live in SF, and even when it’s a city council position, I’m often not sure the candidate is up to the job. Part of the reason more people don’t vote for those candidates is that they don’t inspire a lot of confidence.
pedestrian – does not compute.
I think in terms of day to day transactions between people around the globe, it would be accurate to say 80 – 90% of them occur under the auspices of some sort of capitalistic economic system. Am I wrong?
, which indicates to me that you’d have little to lose if Repubs took over.
It is really, really cute how you think there’s a difference between Republicans and Democrats ruling. Again, two right wings, one party–the Property Party.
You don’t get to pick and choose the states where you win. If Greens were polling 20% of New York, they would have very viable shots at local office, even prominent ones.
But you know, as has been pointed out OVER AND OVER AND OVER, you need to WORK to get to that point. Run your candidates, and when they lose, run em again. make your case. convince people.
Wow, I have now been absolutely convinced to vote for Nader in the next election.
I just hope Nader isn’t a big hypocrite, too, or PV’s gonna kill his poor self.
We have to demand the moon and hope that sometimes we’ll get a sliver of cheese. That isn’t to say that there haven’t been any elected champions of equality, but the leadership has not come from the Democratic Pary. No effin way.
To be clear, I agree. Not leadership. But eventual acquiescence.
Like many issues, pressure from those most effected (the LGBT community) had to move upward to elected officials.
That being said, I still say that Democrats as a whole were more helpful, more supportive and more able to be persuaded. Republicans, not so much.
Yes, those damn unions!
Wait, a leftist bitching about unions, the fuck world are you from?
Scott, unlike the Democrats on here I’m not into personality cults. I don’t give a fuck about Nader as a person, I just want a real leftist alternative to the two capitalist right wing parties.
Now go masturbate to your HOPE poster.
Again, two right wings, one party–the Property Party.
Still bitter about that lawsuit, re we?
Well, Toonces can drive. He just can’t drive WELL…
We try, and do you know what happens? “Oh, I’m going to vote for the Democrat cause I’m afraid the Republican will win. You’re just “spoilers”.”
How long have you been at this, anyway? Do you know how long it takes to build a party? Have you developed any kind of actual strategy, or are you just going around with some fliers and telling people to vote for the socialist? I mean, you may talk shit on Obama’s “slick marketing” all you want, but it worked, right? Maybe you should take a page from their book regarding campaigning?
I’m not into personality cults.
Sure do like to accuse others of it though, aren’t you?
CAN’T IMAGINE why you and your fellow-travelers are having problems convincing people to vote for you.
Now go masturbate to your HOPE poster.
Better than masturbating with sandpaper, which is the essence of the “heighten the contradictions” theory of social/political change.
No, because we don’t take corporate money. Obascamco, OTOH, has no problem with taking checks from Godlman Sachs and Bank of America (and then giving them kickbacks in taxpayer money back once they’re in office).
Public financing would help. Remember when Obama said he would take public financing? Well, he broke that promise, too, just like when he said he favored single payer in 2003.
I’m really not sure what to make of the fact that the most successful third-party alternative in the past 40 years was some psychotic Texan gnome billionaire.
Aside from, y’know, if you want a leftist party, convince a Texan gnome billionaire to run for office on your ticket.
Zombie grammar fail.
Going to lunch, looch. Lurch along if you want. Lunch Lady is serving.
Or when he promised he’d withdraw from Iraq. And meet with Chavez and Ahmadenijad in his first year for negotiations. And when he said we would have a public option. Should I go on?
Oh, but his speeches sure sound nice!
It is really, really cute how you think there’s a difference between Republicans and Democrats ruling. Again, two right wings, one party–the Property Party.
It’s really cute how you’re showing your privilege, kid. Dollars to motherfucking donuts you’re a young white male, so you know what? Stop fucking telling me that they’re the same, because YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE IF THE REPUBLICANS WIN. At worst, you might be frowned upon because you’re an atheist.
We may be entrenched in an oligarchy (which, actually, I agree with), but one group of oligarchs is at least somewhat kindly and doesn’t look upon queers as abominations and thinks that those of us with vaginas are actually human beings. You’re fucking losing people who believe in what your saying by being a condescending prick.
Now go masturbate to your HOPE poster.
Now we have come (oops) full circle. It’s gotta be Troofie.
Oh, but his speeches sure sound nice! Apparently corporate money pays really well for slick marketing. Maybe you should consider it, because your image, not working so well with the public.
No, because we don’t take corporate money. Obascamco, OTOH, has no problem with taking checks from Godlman Sachs and Bank of America (and then giving them kickbacks in taxpayer money back once they’re in office).
You know, it’s not like I disagree with you that Obama seems too beholden to GS or that he’s too corporatist. But I respect and value that opinion more from people that seem to be actively trying to make things better, like Jane Hamsher, than someone who seems much more content to sit on the sidelines and throw stones while chanting “told you so.”
I don’t have anything to lose because THEY’RE THE SAME.
Obascamco and Busco, two peas in a pod. Both pro-torture. Both pro-imperialism. Both against single payer health care. Both for bank bailouts. Both for corporate welfare. Both for “free” trade.
Both for having marriage “between a man and a woman”. Both are for “faith-based” initiatives. Neither have done anything to bring about equal pay for equal work for women. Both are killing Roe v. Wade by 1,000 cuts (Obama wanting to ban late term abortions, for example). So shut the fuck up. You don’t have anything to lose, either.
Boring troll is boring.
You want purity, go run Jesus. The rest of us have to live in the real world.
Nader (my hero – he’s so…so…SO!) told me Bush=Gore. I beleive it because I believe in him and everything he’s ever done and everything he will do. He’s so smart!
Well, the Corvair was a great car, what a shame.
For Christ’s sake, TruculentandUnreliable, Obama hasn’t even ended “don’t ask don’t tell”. And he could do it any fucking time he feels like it, but he hasn’t. How does that make you feel?
Has troll ever mention anything he’s doing to make things better?
And no, spinning RATM records while masturbating to your own inflated sense of self-righteousness doesn’t count.
is this the game where someone new shows up and attacks bammy from the left and then a couple hours later we’re hearing about his patented “up on the backstroke” technique and his hot latina wife?
if so then, fuck these punk bitechez
So shut the fuck up.
Nah, we like her. You’re kind of a douchebag though.
Also, black = white. You are all too fucking stupid too recognize that so you cling to “hope.” As if winning elections had anything to do with anything.
And no, spinning RATM records while masturbating to your own inflated sense of self-righteousness doesn’t count.
*Sigh* Back to the drawing board…
Nader’s shitbox is the tastiest EVAH!
It’s really cute how you’re showing your privilege, kid. Dollars to motherfucking donuts you’re a young white male, so you know what?
I’ll bet he has dreadlocks and visible tattoos!
Which is worse: Holier than Thou types, Libertarian Randroids or Wingnuts?
We should change “Full retard” to “Full Wingnut.” I think it works.
OT (as if there’s still a T to be O)…
Breaking news from the WaPoo: Mary Cheney is starting a “consulting firm” with her father and sister.
They haven’t chosen a name for their company yet, so I’ve proposed A DICK AND TWO CUNTS, LLC.
Iran is a threat to Israel and the west, and we must confront them.
Going to lunch, looch. Lurch along if you want. Lunch Lady is serving.
Thanks, can’t though. Say “hi” to sis.
We should hope for change. Our future lies ahead. America is the greatest country in the world. Iran is a threat to Israel and the west, and we must confront them.
Obascamco and Busco
I saw them in the ’80s at Toad’s Place.
You know, I used to win in the Debate Club all the time by calling opponents “too stupid” and telling the judges to “shut the fuck up”
Sure fire ways to convince others, those are.
spinning RATM records while masturbating to your own inflated sense of self-righteousness doesn’t count.
Don’t forget the sandpaper.
Which is worse: Holier than Thou types, Libertarian Randroids or Wingnuts?
Which one is this?
This is awfully hard to sustain when one side is pushing for a dramatic change for the better in health care and the other is not. So: it’s false and your stupid or false and you’re a liar or false and you’re a troll or some combination of the three.
Has troll ever mention anything he’s doing to make things better?
Seems to be pretty studiously ignoring critiques of that nature. Thus reinforcing his trollish rating (not arguing on the merits).
Also, black = white. You are all too fucking stupid too recognize that so you cling to “hope.” As if winning elections had anything to do with anything.
I don’t even know what you’re saying half the damn time, dude.
Has troll ever mention anything he’s doing to make things better?
Apparently he can’t because none of his leftist icons ever made it to the big time, so they can’t be held responsible for accomplishing nothing at all, ever.
And because they accomplished nothing, he doesn’t have to feel bad about accomplishing nothing either. It’s kind of sad. He hasn’t repealed DADT, hasn’t made pulled off equal pay for equal work, no negotiations with Chavez or Iran as a whole, no pulling out of Afghanistan or Iraq, nothing. Not even any work towards those goals.
What a failure.
But at least he never worked for any Jews! I mean, took corporate money! Corporate money, I meant corporate money.
They haven’t chosen a name for their company yet,
Somehow I am more cheerful about trolling from the left.
The Baucus Bill is “dramatic change”? Aahahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahaha! Aha. Ha.
You are joking. Right?
Maybe you have a website, troll? Something where you promote True Progressive Values? Maybe some news articles you can show us where you’re doing something concrete to move America in a more progressive direction?
In fact the Baucus Bill will make things worse!
But hey, let’s talk about Hope ‘N Change and about how Obama makes wingnuts mad.
I think in terms of day to day transactions between people around the globe, it would be accurate to say 80 – 90% of them occur under the auspices of some sort of capitalistic economic system. Am I wrong?
Oh, maybe we are just using different terminology. In day-to-day transactions, most people do probably work under the assumption that they can own some things and that they can sell those things for money or buy other things for money. However, I wouldn’t call that capitalism.
The reason I disagreed with your number was that large swathes of the world have dominant or significant political factions that define themselves in opposition to either capitalism or the excesses of capitalism. They aren’t all calling for the total abolition of money and private property, but they object to allowing the free market to dictate the fundamental organization of society or the ordering of moral values.
I do think that 80-90% of Americans accept even the “big C” definition of Capitalism, which assumes it to be the fundamental bedrock on which society functions. I agree that the overwhelming majority of the world uses some form of market economy, but in the US it has a quasi-religious status that makes it almost unquestionable.
Nope. Nevertheless, the ball is in play and the differences between the parties are obvious.
Oh boy! Lunch!
I’ll bet he has dreadlocks and visible tattoos!
Hey look! In non-troll related news, Florida has a plan for delaing with Zombie Behavior Spectrum Disorder.
[linky didn’t work for some reason]
A site where you at least deride Reagan worship? You can name us off a list of Reagan’s many failures, can’t you?
Progressive Coach Urban Meyer said,
OK, I’m formally declaring Sadly,No! victory over Bono’s Conscience…
how Obama makes wingnuts mad.
He didn’t make them like that; they were born that way.
“Has troll ever mention anything he’s doing to make things better?”
If his hands were to get dirty, he would become less pure, so I’m thinking no.
Progressive Voice said,
October 8, 2009 at 19:24
Also, black = white.
I can name one big one: the fact that Reagan ever existed is itself a failure.
Isn’t it about high time for “Progressive Voice” to go into a massive screed about how punk rock killed Western Civilization? I’m waiting for that other shoe to drop any moment now.
In non troll-related news, Florida has a plan for dealing with Zombie Behavior Spectrum Disorder.
I can name one big one: the fact that Reagan ever existed is itself a failure.
Just like a nutcase to pick on a dead guy’s dead parents.
Anyone fit YOU for jackboots yet, Racist?
Seems to be pretty studiously ignoring critiques of that nature. Thus reinforcing his trollish rating (not arguing on the merits).</I.
He can't help it if his mom only lets him borrow her car when he's delivering sub sandwiches to stoners at 9:00 on a Wednesday night.
So… you can’t name any of Reagan’s failures as a president?
You’re not afraid to speak against him, are you? Just because someone might be logging your IP or anything like that?
Isn’t it about high time for “Progressive Voice” to go into a massive screed about how punk rock killed Western Civilization?
Horrors! You mean he has an ex-stripper wife???
Anyway I’m finished here for now. But any truly objective person can see that Obama is not different in any meaningful way from Bush (and, no, sweet sounding rhetoric and having brown skin is not “meaningful”). He will disappoint you more, and more, and more. Maybe someday you’ll realize why.
Baroque music killed Western civilization.
It’s not like you’d be outed as a freeper or something, and your comments here noted to Michelle Malkin. That would never happen here.
Go ahead, tell us about what you thought of Reagan’s foreign and domestic policies.
Anyway I’m finished here for now.
Typical Republican. Always running away when the going gets tough.
Anyway I’m finished here for now.
Dude, you were finished before you even got started. All you did was remind me what a fucking bunch of classless self-indulgent assholes nader supporters are.
Have a nice day! BEEG SHMILE! BEEG SHMILE!
They haven’t chosen a name for their company yet
Progressive Voice is a Tedious Dickwad
But any truly objective person
And any true Scotsman only wears a yellow ribbon under his kilt.
Baroque music killed Western civilization.
You mean it Baroque it?
Hey, someone had to say it…
Maybe someday you’ll realize why.
Until the day we can unchain our minds and achieve the nirvana of political awareness that you bask in everyday, we’ll have to content ourselves to live in darkness.
You Baroque it, you buy it. Which only goes to prove that capitalism is the poison destroying America.
This seems like funny politics to me. Funny in a bleak sense. States that are too wingnutty to participate opt out, so sensible people move to states with decent health care. As industry in opt-in states doesn’t have to cough up as much for health care, it’s a subsidy to businesses in states that do things sensibly.
Do you mean how his policies were bad for humanity? Because if you’re talking about success in terms of getting a policy agenda through, Reagan was quite “successful”.
But heres a long, long list Scott:
1) The creation of Al Qaeda through funding the mujihadeen in Afghanistan
2) Iran-Contra
3) The massive spending lavished on the military industrial complex
4) The tax cuts for billionaires that made the already wide gap between the haves and have-nots in American society even wider
5) De-regulation that led to a massive orgy of 30 years of speculation that has only ended recently in total collapse
6) His insane nuclear brinksmanship (look up Able Archer) during his first term
7) The toxic way he re-shaped the very debates we have in America into a rightward direction
Do you want me to go on, Scott?
the nirvana of political awareness that you bask in everyday
Man, there’s a paradise I can pass.
Anyway I’m finished here for now
He’s declaring victory.
Bookmark it, bourgeois libs!
Thanks, PV.
Now what are you doing to make the election of a truly progressive president possible?
Florida has a plan for dealing with Zombie Behavior Spectrum Disorder.
Is this like the evolution of the phrase post-traumatic stress disorder? Back in my day, we just called it undead shock.
To expound on number 7:
Reagan somehow convinced a good portion of the working class (“Reagan Democrats”) that rapacious, unregulated capitalism was good for them and they would get scraps from the tables of billionaires if they just shut up and sat down. Even today you can go to industrial midwestern towns and hear factory workers talk bullshit about the “wonders of the market”. That would not have happened before the 1980s.
He will disappoint you more, and more, and more. Maybe someday you’ll realize why.
Oh, my therapist and I already talked about this. It’s because Daddy never came to my dance recitals. *sob*
Do you want me to go on, Scott?
FTW: most rhetorical qwestune evah!
sweet sounding rhetoric and having brown skin is not “meaningful”
Tell it to MLK and Gandhi.
It’s because Daddy never came to my dance recitals.
I got the same answer from my therapist.
I wasn’t even in any dance recitals.
I don’t think my therapist actually knows who I am, and is just giving me someone else’s problems to get me out of the office.
Tell it to MLK and Gandhi.
I was thinking James Brown, but I see where you’re going with this…
Do you want me to go on, Scott?
Please don’t go on Scott. Go on the potty like a big boy. Hooray! Good for you!
Tell it to MLK and Gandhi.
Or Barry White.
sweet sounding rhetoric and having brown skin is not “meaningful”
Everyone wants meaningful relationships, which makes it hard for us tanned surfbums with a book of poetry to just get laid.
Maybe some fundraising you’ve been doing for progressive causes? A few candidates you think are likely to make it to the Oval Office? Pix of you handing out some flyers?
Back in my day, we just called it undead shock.
Avoid Troma-brand tampons. They may cause Toxic Avenger Shock Syndrome.
[peeks around the corner] Is he gone yet? He said he was but then he started back in again…
Work in a soup kitchen? Rape crisis center? Membership in AI?
This seems like funny politics to me. Funny in a bleak sense. States that are too wingnutty to participate opt out, so sensible people move to states with decent health care. As industry in opt-in states doesn’t have to cough up as much for health care, it’s a subsidy to businesses in states that do things sensibly.
I’m not thrilled with this, at all. States that opt out are going to have the most people in need, as they’re going to be poor states, and they’re going to be states with people who are in the worst health. There will be people who would be for a public plan, but would be too poor/sick to move to a better state. I also think that might be part of the underlying reason for this–if the sicker people in the population aren’t covered, costs go down.
Hey Obamazombies,
You know who else had sweet sounding rhetoric? HITLER!!
HAHAS I WIN punk ass bitchez!
And yes, please don’t pee on me. These are new shoes.
What was going on while I was lunching with my father (with, not on, ZRM)? Oh, moron-troll baiting.
That being said, I sense something else in your presence here. There is an undertone (maybe not even that subtle) of wanting to lead the unwashed masses of Sadlynauts. Do I really need to describe how unpossible (and unwanted) such an undertaking might be?
Looch, I cannot describe how much I long for this piece of used asswipe to try to lead anything other than his Rock Hero band.
we just called it undead shock
The politically correct term is “life-enhanced” not “undead”
These are new shoes.
Very nice. I especially like the left jackboot.
Work in a soup kitchen? Rape crisis center? Membership in AI?
Dude, he trolls a liberal comedy blog. What else do you want from him? Blood?
“Do you want me to go on, Scott?”
Lighten up Francis.
Hellooooooo? FYWP, just FY
A few candidates you think are likely to make it to the Oval Office
I’m just asking for some candidates in local offices, maybe a state senate race. I’m sure Maine or Wisconsin would be willing to elect someone to represent some county or the like. Start small, build up. Fuck, the socialists have gotten mayors at least.
Also, if you’re deadset on electing someone to the Presidency, maybe you should put some thought into a cabinet before you start asking for federal funding. The Democrats and Republicans have a pretty large pool to select from, the Greens and Socialists have… well, guys like you.
And honestly, you kind of suck at public relations, so nobody likes you.
must be a troll day. new thread- twice as long as anything over the past two days…
And honestly, you kind of suck at public relations, so nobody likes you.
I doubt he’s even old enough to vote yet.
Come on, troll, you can’t get more progressive candidates into public office by the sheer power of your whining, strong though it may be. If all you’ve got is whining, people will assume you’re a Republican.
I doubt he’s even old enough to vote yet.
He does have that “Up From Ayn Rand” smell…
I agree, but the movement against a public option gets the most support from these states. The willpower to refuse it will falter if the plan is working the next state over, and would put bastards who don’t give a shit in the position of refusing a very obvious good.
Come on, troll, you can’t get more progressive candidates into public office by the sheer power of your whining
The Farce is strong with this one
I would guess nothing, because…
It’s clearly losing elections that is important.
And whining about it.
must be a troll day
yep, but it was a lefty-purity troll so we haven’t pulled one of those out of the box in a while. and momma always said life was like a box trolls.
I dunno. Could be entertaining.
He does have that “Up From Ayn Rand” smell…
I think you nailed it. The condescension is a dead giveaway.
I kind of imagine a box of trolls to be like, rusty metal, some coated in infected blood of all types and diseases, with a metal heating coil underneath.
You never know just what kind of pain you’re going to get.
Could be entertaining.
That implies audience awareness. Pretty sure that ain’t in the cards. Now as to his awareness in general…
new thread- twice as long as anything over the past two days…
Well, you know, once the zombie find a way in, it’s Branez-a-poppin!!
Dude, he trolls a liberal comedy blog. What else do you want from him?
To tongue jack my shitbox.
I doubt he’s even old enough to vote yet.
True, this is kind of how stupid I was at 17.
What else do you want from him? Blood?
The condescension is a dead giveaway.
He does have that sixteen year-old’s “How can you people think this way??? Don’t you see what’s the matter??? Don’t you read???” trope down pat, to be sure.
I hate to insult Chomsky, but I get the feeling this kid read him just because all the cool kids were reading Rand.
I dunno. Could be entertaining.
What does Pure Leftist Blood look like, anyway? Is it different from the blood of us mere mortals? Oooh, I’ll bet it’s sparkly!
You never know just what kind of pain you’re going to get.
Quite a few of them have that gooey Randian center, so cloyingly glib.
Oh, and also, Jesus Fart-bubble Christ In A Clown Suit.
Sometimes I wonder if we aren’t just irredeemable as a people.
ZRM, you’re going to have a long wait, but I suppose you can think of it as a first pressing in 2009 for consumption eight or nine years from now, when the bouquet has developed.
Let’s hope he’s storing them in an oaken cask and not a metal vat.
Lark’s Vomit Cup? Crunchy Frog?
Spring Surprise!!!
As opposed to the Chomskian centers which are arid, dry, and whose righteousness sticks in your craw, making a slug of whiskey or the Heimlich necessary.
Although he was coy about specific details, Jim said that he was motivated by homophobia and an interest in bringing back slavery. A second caller confessed that her own mother has been scheming against the government because she has been captivated by racist thoughts and a belief that “Jesus is coming to overthrow Barack Obama.”
Wasn’t this the dood that one of those douchebags (I get them confused, to be honest) said was a liberal because he worked for Jimmy Carter? Sounds like a liberal to me!
justme said,
October 8, 2009 at 20:05
And for irony, it wouldn’t surprise me if that caller “Jim” were not the same moran holding the “Go USA” sign in the OP.
What does Pure Leftist Blood look like, anyway?
It’s really, really red.
Unless it’s green.
What does Pure Leftist Blood look like, anyway? Is it different from the blood of us mere mortals? Oooh, I’ll bet it’s sparkly!
Pfft. That’s the Stephanie Meyer version.
Pure Leftist Blood can’t be sparkly, because then what would Sparkle Pony Blood look like?
Run rings around you logically.
Durrr, no it’s not. Damn co-workers always distracting me.
That’s the Stephanie Meyer version.
Whereas Russ Meyer sees it as oozing from large pendulous breasts barely contained in a button-down denim vest.
Run rings around you logically.
You and PV must have gone to the same school.
…denim vest.
That’s what really makes that work.
Run rings around you logically.
You and PV must have gone to the same school.
Please. I’m certain that Monty Python (my reference) would strike him as a example of court jesters frivolously entertaining capitalism’s stooges. Or possibly stooges capitalizing on frivolous jesters entertain courts.
Not to mention that most of the Pythons were from Upper class backgrounds.
So, you know, they are responsible for the Holocaust.
The Python is the Jew of Progressive Comedy
Those bastards and their badly-drawn jackboots stomping from the sky to crush the innocent proletariat into submission!
…While PV runs around screaming: “HELP! I’m being oppressed!”
“Now you see the violence inherent in the system!”
‘Cause it’s what we’ve got until something better comes along.
Yah, nobody is going to be satisfied with a lot of the right-wing pandering that seems to go on amongst the Dems, but even less gets settled by left in-fighting. We, and the invertebrates in power, get enough slack from the gun waving, flag sucking, wetsuit wearing lowbrows on the right.
Heh. It’s not that a lot, or even most or all, of the assembled here don’t agree with you, but this line of tactics serves you, and us, poorly.
New ideas are scary, and don’t sell, particularly among the soccer moms and church-stuffing the pollsters like to call the “undecided”. Progressives in general have to fight this slanted ill-gained public image that they, and all of their ideas and opinions they hold dear, are akin to the first steps before the Night of Long Knives. The fact that “liberal” is some sort of curse tossed about by all of the major media outlets and popular opinion should be some sort of indicator how the heavy-handed liberal approach is going to play out.
I guarantee that no one was more disappointed than I when an effort to end the failed “War on Drugs” was all but taken of the table as soon as the current administration took office. But, I harbor no illusions whatsoever that the situation would be better under the banner of perpetual war and Jesus the right was offering up.
Alternative: change some minds, rather than slinging vitriol at the people who more than probably agree with you. We are all on the side of free thought. Aim that poop over there!
See, I can have a serious discussion and get on with the poop and penis jokes. Talent, I has it.
Texas, actually. Deep in the enemy’s council. Feel free to speculate how far a Socialist party candidate would go down here, even if you dumped the net worth of the WORLD on the campaign. And this brings up my next point:
Yeah, that is actually a military idea. It’s called a “united front”, where all the people who disagree on the smaller points find where they can agree, and decide who they are against, and go after them together. The opposite of this concept is “divide and conquer” where you split the unity up, and take down each little cluster with far less effort.
The right does this to great effect. No one actually believes that the Jesus crowd and the Neocon are even in the same book, much less on the same page, but they rally their shitty flocks together in order to take down their foe, which would be us. And believe me, they give not a shit whether you like Obama or hate his guts, only that you stand on the opposite side of a metaphorical fence, so therefore you must be “bad”.
It’s blue actually. Like the states we win in elections, and in accordance with our elitist big-money ways!
“Now you see the violence inherent in the system!”
But I’ll have some of that watery tart, please.
What does Pure Leftist Blood look like, anyway? Is it different from the blood of us mere mortals?
Dunno, but ‘the tears are delicious.
But I’ll have some of that watery tart, please.
Oops! Th’ cat’s been at it!
But I’ll have some of that watery tart, please.
Dontcha mean “quiche,” ya sellout fauxgressive elitist?
Fake lefty troll gets
many comments. But he’s just
a Fool, as are we.
I’m a kike, a yid, a heebie, a hook-nose, I’m kosher mum, I’m a Red Sea pedestrian, and proud of it!
Fake lefty troll gets
many comments. But he’s just
a Fool, as are we.
So should we have voted for the Socialist Workers Party candidate, the Socialist Party USA candidate, or the Party for Socialism and Liberation candidate? God knows I wouldn’t want to vote for impure Socialist splitters.
I’m kosher mum
We’ll have to kill you!
*cleaning glasses*
Oh mum! I thought you said mime…
Impure Socialists can be split with three chopsticks and a maul.
You’re the Messiah!
I’d been keeping up with it on my mobile for awhile…then I log onto the computer this afternoon and see the total…overwhelming. Skimming I’ve already deduced that pretty much every single comment is filled with win. I especially enjoyed all the concubine puns.
Go for the one with the smallest enrollment, to further cement your status as a disafected independant cool guy. Bonus: get all your coffe-house buddies to join different ones, then you can argue amongst yourselves!
So should we have voted for the Socialist Workers Party candidate, the Socialist Party USA candidate, or the Party for Socialism and Liberation candidate? God knows I wouldn’t want to vote for impure Socialist splitters.
Follow the gourd.
So should we have voted for the Socialist Workers Party candidate, the Socialist Party USA candidate, or the Party for Socialism and Liberation candidate? God knows I wouldn’t want to vote for impure Socialist splitters.
The Spartacist League, duh! Only pure thinking socialists get to be Spartacists.
He’s not the Messiah. He’s a very naughty boy!
Go for the one with the smallest enrollment, to further cement your status as a disafected independant cool guy. Bonus: get all your coffe-house buddies to join different ones, then you can argue amongst yourselves!
Why, I bet PV is the sole member of no less than four Socialist parties, simply because he can’t trust his commitment!
You’d think our impure, non-socialist overlords would reward all this pimpin we’ve been doing for the Demacorporatists with a shiny new thread…
Actor 212, I believe PV would be repressed.
He probably formed a few more, ’cause those others might be capatalist sellouts!!!!!!!
Why, I bet PV is the sole member of no less than four Socialist parties, simply because he can’t trust his commitment!
And has looonnng arguments with himself.
I’m always willing to party for socialism. But then I’ll party for just about anything. Except maybe puppy-kicking and baby-punching. Well, maybe baby-punching, but you have to get me drunk first.
…then you can argue amongst yourselves!
Yeah, apparently that didn’t last them as long as one might have hoped.
Python Purity Troll
And which moistened bint threw a scimitar at you? Hmm?
Actor 212, I believe PV would be repressed.
Thou art not correct, which is to say thou has counted to four, four being one beyond the number thou shalt count to, that number being three.
Five is right out.
“Lobbed.” Lobbed a scimitar at you.
Be gentle, MP Purity Troll.
The mighty New Tab says no….
Unless the baby was being kind of a dick…
Wow, and without any fanfare or the Swiss Guard…
Except maybe puppy-kicking
That reminds me, I tried to post this earlier, fywp very much. Lunch!
The Øther: the online journal of the SFSLS
Faker. A real leftist doesn’t decry American liberals for being insufficiently liberal. That’s a left-liberal trope. Bugger off, psuedospart.
Someone else got it, but this…
Said by someone who clearly will never be pregnant. And is obviously straight. Because, One True Progressive, while Obama may not be putting in the kind of changes you claim to want, Obama =/= the entire Democratic party.
And when it comes to reproductive rights, or marriage equality, or pay equality, or violence against women and gender-nonconforming people, the Democratic party is, overall, much preferable to the Republican party.
Your obsession with Presidential elections makes me wonder exactly how left-wing you are. The President is not the King of America. He (or theoretically she) is not even necessarily all that representative of the party as a whole.
To echo what others have said: look to the local elections. You get enough people elected on a local level in enough places, eventually you have a major national presence. That’s how it works. In my opinion, that’s how it should work. Major changes start small, locally—with us “regular people,” not with massively funded orators in expensive suits.
Would PV be really, truly happy if he didn’t have anything to bitch about?
Hell, would Wingnuts be really, truly happy if thery weren’t angry about something?
Actor 212, I believe PV would be repressed.
Bloody hell, the queen in the white gown was right!
Of course.
I once punched a baby in Reno just to watch it cry.
The mighty New Tab says no….
Yeah but if we just stuck to our S,N! principles (particularly those of us who live in the Bay Area and Manhattan) then we could force them to give us a new thread by not posting on this one! Jeebus can’t you people see??!! This thread is the same as the last thread!!! We have to thave a third thread!
Oh My! What’s making that smell in here?
Oh My! What’s making that smell in here?
‘Scuse me.
Lentil salad for lunch…
Oh my. That pup certainly is edible. ‘Cuz he so teeny and cute! Excuse me while I make a sound that only dogs can hear.
That reminds me, I tried to post this earlier, fywp very much. Lunch!
Unveiled-veiled gerbil reference.
sorry. Zombie, you know.
I had him (I say him because of his preoccupation with who is getting who’s cock) pegged as either a pissed of perpetual coffee-house fifteen year old radical wannabe, or a right-wing shill, come to sow seeds of dissent, albeit badly.
Cute, with a hint of horrifying!
That reminds me, I tried to post this earlier, fywp very much. Lunch!
No thanks, just had a slice.
sorry. Zombie, you know.
Y’know, chasing a scuba diver or two would be a convenient way to bathe.
Aaaaaand I see I was very late on that one. Note to self: hit “refresh” when you finish reading. Often, there will be new comments.
Y’know, chasing a scuba diver or two would be a convenient way to bathe.
I thought wetsuits usually enclose Republicans.
The shocking hypocrisy of the Papists on display again. This is my answer to your lies. When the True Word is corrupted, we are no better than Benny Hill.
Wow. It’s almost like Obama was elected to stem the bleeding and govern as a moderate, or something. Except everybody knows that he’s really supposed to be Black Commie Jesus and wave his hand over DC and make the whole country into a Marxian workers’ paradise all at once in, like, five minutes, which he failed to do so he’s a failure and a sellout and really a Republican and Bush’s third term and HITLER!!!!
You can tell when it’s been to long since a fresh tread by how far we have gone off the original topic. It’s sort of like counting rings on tree stumps.
“Oh look, they’re talking about wetsuits and puppy-burritos. How far is that from health care?”
Note to self: hit “refresh” when you finish reading. Often, there will be new comments.
More often there will be POOP and PENIS.
That reminds me, I tried to post this earlier, fywp very much. Lunch!
That is just so wrong. Pupusas are masa cakes, not wrapped in tortillas!
“Oh look, they’re talking about wetsuits and puppy-burritos…”
The six degress of S,N!
The shocking hypocrisy of the Papists on display again.
The penitent man shall piss.
And that’s why we love it!
“Oh look, they’re talking about wetsuits and puppy-burritos. How far is that from health care?”
Not as far as you make it sound.
More often there will be POOP and PENIS.
Unless the post topic was about POOP and PENIS. Then we’d be talking about health care costs, morbidity rates, the sub-atomic particles and Keynesian economic theory.
And, of course, BRANES.
Childsplay. If the subject were POOP and PENIS, I’d be discussing string theory.
In that someone would be explaining to me, in the most elementary of terms, what exactly string theory is.
Childsplay. If the subject were POOP and PENIS, I’d be discussing string theory.
I dunno. A POOP/PENIS/String theory discussion could get pretty frothy.
Did I just type that?
You’ll notice there’s no cheese or sour cream on it, which means Dick Cheney is actually following his doctor’s orders.
In that someone would be explaining to me, in the most elementary of terms, what exactly string theory is.
String theory says that you have a piece of string and a cat you do not have a piece of string.
It never occurs to Naderites (or Paulians, or Palintards) that their idols don’t win because, just maybe, their idols aren’t that good.
In that someone would be explaining to me, in the most elementary of terms, what exactly string theory is.
OK, it goes like this:
Imagine a honking big violin….
It never occurs to Naderites (or Paulians, or Palintards) that their idols don’t win because, just maybe, their idols aren’t that good.
To continue with the physics micro-topic, I’d say that Nader and Paul aren’t even wrong.
Well, when a Quantum Mechanics and a General Relativity love each other very much…
To continue with the physics micro-topic, I’d say that Nader and Paul aren’t even wrong.
They are strange, I’ll give them that.
Well, when a Quantum Mechanics and a General Relativity love each other very much…
Miscosmolation!!!!!! Where’s the purity?????
Well, when a Quantum Mechanics and a General Relativity love each other very much…they get insane in the m-brane.
Wow, leftie trolls are as crazy fun as rightie trolls…
Indeed, Greens and Socialist parties don’t want to do the work of building a party from the bottom up, they want to do it from the top down. Call it the “hail mary” syndrome. They think if they can just win that one BIG office, they get to skip all steps to get there.
The top down, matching funds and/or personal fortune method of running for president reached its apotheosis in the Reform Party. They had Ross for their super-star leader, and when he was gone there was no one. They had no party structure in place to capitalize on Perot’s showing, which did get them matching funds. They only got one governorship out of it, and Ventura was likely a unique fluke of Minnesota politics – calling himself Reform party wasn’t his appeal.
A couple cycles later and Pat fucking Buchanan hijacks the party’s nomination and gets to really-REAL run for president. Heard from the Reform party lately? Me neither.
Same thing Ralph fucking Nader did to the Green Party. Nader was offered a “vote swap” plan to get to matching funds level but keep swing states from going to Bush. He pissed all over the idea. Fuck him. He wasn’t building a party, he was jerking himself off.
In that someone would be explaining to me, in the most elementary of terms, what exactly string theory is.
It makes it easier to remove the tampon. Theoretically.
Jeebus is it still here?
Wow, leftie trolls are as crazy fun as rightie trolls…
And when you filter out all the noise, the signal is pretty much the same.
Imagine a honking big violin….
Double bass big or merely cello big?
Childsplay. If the subject were POOP and PENIS, I’d be discussing string theory.
Already been done. see BRANES.
Double bass big or merely cello big?
Cello is never big. You can eat all you want cause it never fills you up.
Imagine a honking big violin….
Double bass big or merely cello big?
Double bass big, altho cello would help it fit into brane theory…because then it would be cello-phane….
62 to go!
because then it would be cello-phane….
And if you stew it with okra it becomes a cello di gumbo.
Look…. a new thread!
Ha. Made you look.
You don’t think Brad disabled the posting mechanism just so he could get a cheap record in the books, do you?
And if you stew it with okra it becomes a cello di gumbo.
But if you stew it with Oprah, you get Dr Phil.
Yup. This thread just completely broke down. In accordance with the second law of thermodynamics!
Nearly 600 comments?!? Gosh, I wonder whatever in the world might cause such an epic thread to grow like, ahem, an oak from a tiny ACORN?
Ooooh, it’s a “leftist” troll this time!
Yep, Obama’s EXACTLY like Bush: I mean, just look at those new wars he’s started, er, I mean, just look at all the members of his team up for criminal indictments, er, I mean, just look at how fewer rights & liberties Americans have now that he’s in charge, er, I mean, just look at all the vacations he’s taken since … aw, fuck it.
in the most elementary of terms, what exactly string theory is.
It is what it says on the label: some physics nerds belive that everything in the universe is made up of eentsy-weentsy strings – & we’re talking hardcore eentsy-weentsy here. “Branes” is just nerdspeak for the membranes the strings interact with.
Best of all, it leads people to create hella-psychedelic graphics like this crazy-ass critter. The ghost of M.C. Escher is presumably chortling heartily by now.
62 to go!
If Mr. R. Shackleford were to explain another one of his jokes we would be there in no time.
“Branes” is just nerdspeak for the membranes the strings interact with
In other words, branes are the fabric of the bikini that is the universe.
it leads people to create hella-psychedelic graphics like this crazy-ass critter
Veiled…..errrrrrrr….I surrender.
[Nader] pissed all over the idea. Fuck him. He wasn’t building a party, he was jerking himself off.
Why would he do that when PV et al. were schlurping his schlong?
The top down, matching funds and/or personal fortune method of running for president reached its apotheosis in the Reform Party. They had Ross for their super-star leader, and when he was gone there was no one.
That seems to be the case with a lot of American third parties. They coalesce around a single personality, and when he goes, pffffft.
No one is pulling my strings.
Max Planck said,
October 8, 2009 at 22:13
No one is pulling my strings.
Give it a rest. You’re constantly on about that.
If Mr. R. Shackleford were to explain another one of his jokes we would be there in no time.
Washington’s fifty-fifth term. GEORGE Washington.
One part of my brain (or do I mean brane?) wants to know who, then, would be top and who would be bottom. Another part of my brain threatens revolt upon having to imagine that.
Up most likely refers to Obama, down would be… McCain?… and as for charm, I have no idea.
Washington’s fifty-fifth term. GEORGE Washington.
Yep. See. Already moving right along. Any minute now, eh?
In unrelated news, anyone got any suggestions on what I should do with 2 weeks of vacation and a $500 budget? I am starting in central WI.
There’s a NEW THREAD!
Alas, it’s in a parallel universe inaccessible to us.
Immediately getting as far as possible away from central WI would be my recommendation.
In unrelated news, anyone got any suggestions on what I should do with 2 weeks of vacation and a $500 budget? I am starting in central WI.
There’s a whole lot o’ bait there. Right there, there.
2 weeks of vacation and a $500 budget? I am starting in central WI.
I hear Madison is lovely this time of year.
In unrelated news, anyone got any suggestions on what I should do with 2 weeks of vacation and a $500 budget? I am starting in central WI.
Go to a liquor store?
500 bucks won’t buy enough beer….
Because Washington preceded Obama, and all presidents are the same.
Also, $500 buys a lot of malt liquor and Netflix.
In unrelated news, anyone got any suggestions on what I should do with 2 weeks of vacation and a $500 budget? I am starting in central WI.
I hear Crandon is da bomb.
Ahh, the liquor stores of WI, plentiful and cheap. With enough of their sweet medicine the whole state seems to shine and everyone I meet is both fascinating and beautiful. And then I pass out.
Stay away from hookers and blow. They get pretty expensive.
500 bucks won’t buy enough beer….
I was thinking more on the line of grain alcohol. And powdered Koolaid. Be a vacation you’d never remember.
That might be a mercy in WI…
Madison is lovely this time of year, but seeing as I live in Madison, I was hoping for a more ‘vacation’ themed vacation. My budget is so tiny because the 77south home for Italian motorcycles had to accept another resident. To paraphrase Peter Egan: ‘To the motorcycle enthusiast a properly written classified ad is indistinguishable from a ransom note.’
I used to throw a few of those in my day.
In unrelated news, anyone got any suggestions on what I should do with 2 weeks of vacation and a $500 budget?
Go see Andrew Newcomb’s doctor 8 times. You can send me the remaining $20 as commission.
Now that I’ve tied this entire thread together so artfully, the gods will surely grace us with a new one.
Italian motorcycles had to accept another resident. To paraphrase Peter Egan: ‘To the motorcycle enthusiast a properly written classified ad is indistinguishable from a ransom note.’
Eh, grain alcohol and bikes, eh, not so good a mix. Are any of the Italian residents operational?
SN denizens never disappoint. NEVER! (Also loved the one about the tampon!)
Holy schmoley, whatta trolly!
PV has got to be Tw00fie, playing the purity/concern card. Remember when the Pennsylvania Republicans donated a lot of money to the Green candidate in a ratfucking operation?
In unrelated news, anyone got any suggestions on what I should do with 2 weeks of vacation and a $500 budget? I am starting in central WI.
That could pay for a lot of glue.
You could always go to this place:
All ,which is to say, ‘both’ of the residents of the ’77south home for Italian motorcycles’ are operational.
77south home for Italian motorcycles had to accept another resident
Your ‘mo is now a tard?
aaaaand, were back. /thread
You liberals are gonna crash and burn in 2010 and 2012 if your politicians keep up this socialist agenda.
Sounds like you’re pretty snobby about hookers and drugs. Are you too good for a little paint-huffing and a 5-dollar handjob from a heroin addict?
Cleveland. It’s like Milwaukee, only further away!
gay people suck
Why, yes, I believe that’s the whole point.
You were funnier as Progressive Voice, GPS.
You would know.
Are you too good for a little paint-huffing and a 5-dollar handjob from a heroin addict?
What do you do after the second night?
Hey, at least Tw00fie dropped the Purity/Leftard stance.
Feh, it’s no improvement.
Cleveland. It’s like Milwaukee,
Hey, now….
gay people suck said,
Most of us do. Most of us do it extremely well, too.
But then, you don’t even know what it’s like to get a blowjob do you?
Feh, it’s no improvement.
Same signal, more noise.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, rimjob from a crack whore?
Yikes. I just got nastay.
You liberals are gonna crash and burn in 2010 and 2012 if your politicians keep up this socialist agenda.
And you’re telling us because you have our best interests at heart, right? You really want as many Democrats as possible to stay in congress…
All ,which is to say, ‘both’ of the residents of the ’77south home for Italian motorcycles’ are operational.
So you have a new working bike and 500$? I might visit some of the sites mentioned here, mostly the day-trippable ones with maybe an overnight or two.
Penalty box for you!
Penalty box for you!
Thank You Mistress!
Who is Penalty? And what’s her box like?
Penalty box for you!
Veiled vaginal reference.
Also, personally, I’d go apple-picking a couple times, but that’s because I am an apple HOOER this time of year.
That’s a thought, I should look through the list and make sure I have hit all the ones that interest me. I was also thinking of trying to find a place where I could take a ride in a glider. I have always wanted to do that.
Same signal, more noise.
All the annoyance, now with added bigotry!
Hey, last night, I went to a talk by Sam Tanenhaus, and got a signed copy of The Death of Conservatism. One of my cousins was at the event, so we went out drinking afterward. Unfortunately, Mr Tanenhaus did not join us at the bar.
So you have a new working bike and 500$
Even though you hate Milwaukee, the new Harley Museum is open… you can argue Italian bikes with American Iron gearheads…
I go to the Ski Hi orchard, They pick the apples for you and bake them in to a delicious pie, all for a nominal fee.
Aww, crap.
*confetti drop*
Just a word of warning, 77south; we are at teh Barrymore on Sunday for TMBG, so you best get out of town before the zombie hordes descend….
I actually went to the Harley museum this summer with my dad. It was Harley-tastic, not so much for other brands. Good museum though, nicely laid out and well worth the admission.
77south, what about the Upper Penisula.
Also, personally, I’d go apple-picking a couple times, but that’s because I am an apple HOOER this time of year.
Got that out of my system- picked some young stinging nettles a couple of days ago-they cooked up nicely- gotta try making a saag with them.
Were you trying to say HOOKER? Or were you trying to say WHORE in an outrageous New York accent, ADC style?
Or perhaps you were trying for HOOVER, like the vacuum? Honestly, they all work.
They taste better if you pick ’em and bake ’em yourself, plus why should they have all the fun? Glider ride sounds great, though.
you can argue Italian bikes with American Iron gearheads…
Umm, no. “Argument” is never involved in such situations.
thinking of trying to find a place where I could take a ride in a glider
I would you might be able to do that in Oshkosh.
Help me out, I’m practically foreign.
Or were you trying to say WHORE in an outrageous New York accent, ADC style?
Dude, Norleans. Remember Dr John?
Don’t make me get my ax out.
Umm, no. “Argument” is never involved in such situations.
Agreed. Should have used scare quotes.
Ya know, I’m solidly against giving Republicans health care insurance, too. I’d rather force them to pay for it, single payer style. They’ll take that affordable care insurance, and LIKE it! Oh, and here’s a lollipop.
Ah. all clear.
Don’t make me get my ax out.
Careful, Eugene.
Don’t make me get my ax out.
Veiled PENIS reference?
yeah, strangely enough I left my Ducati t shirts and jacket home when I visited the Harley Museum. Weird.
DragosaniBOB: YES.
Wangcaster? I thought that’s what that chick in Jersey was?
First of all–HA!!! Second of all, speaking of axes….
tigrismus:Thanks. Now that clears it right up.
How many times has the PENIS train gone by on this thread now?
How many times has the PENIS train gone by on this thread now?
Und do you often zink of trains ven you imachin your penizz?
How many times has the PENIS train gone by on this thread now?
I’m just waiting for it to come around again on the gee-tar.
Am I late to the PENIS party?
well, cock and balls…
I am so writing a song titled Penis Train.
I am so writing a song titled Penis Train.
Didn’t Cat Stevens do that thirty-odd years ago?
Dr. John played piano pretty good for a chiropractor
No, but Bono’s Conscience did on the ‘Fifth Jackboot of Capitalism’ LP it even charted at #37 in Tadjikistan back in ’02
the ‘Fifth Jackboot of Capitalism’
Hmmm. One boot on each foot…one boot on each hand….PENIS JACKBOOT!
a song titled Penis Train.
Bono’s Conscience released that song as a single from their fifth album, Sadly, No!. The album marked a significant departure, with songs about poop, penis, something called “shit Moats”, and trolls. Gone were the heavy, politically charged lyrics and bombastic music, replaced with two chord, two minute power pop songs, fronted by new, helium voiced vocalist Victoria Jackson. However, One semi-political tune made it onto the release as a hidden track: Ralph Nader Can Tongue-Jack My Shitbox.
It is often said of the album “In what alternate universe was that considered a good idea?”
I’m not sure Capitalism wears all the jackboots at the same time. You’d have to ask Bono’s Conscience.
Gone were the heavy, politically charged lyrics and bombastic music, replaced with two chord, two minute power pop songs, fronted by new, helium voiced vocalist Victoria Jackson.
Aw, shit, they repackaged Zooropa…
You go straight to hell, 77south. You win this round.
we SHALL meet again….
Dr. John played piano pretty good for a chiropractor
And afterwards the piano no longer had that crick in it’s A440.
its, dammit, ITS.
So what’s your new ride already, 77? 1098 maybe? Naw, you wouldn’t have $500 bucks left over. Monster? That’s it – you found a nice monster.
And afterwards the piano no longer had that crick in it’s A440.
It still complained of having A sharp pain in its B Flat.
I am an apple HOOER
Nice girls say apple turnover.
A440 is the Hitler of tuning fascism
So you have a new working bike and 500$
Ma Nature is a pretty cheap date. I imagine there are some pretty ground-light free places in those parts. Who knows, there may be some astronomical events worth getting way out in the boonies to view.*
*By accepting this idea you in no way hold Looch, Inc., responsible for local weather conditions.
711? Slurpee time!
No my first Ducati was a monster 620. I just got an ’08 Sport 1000S witht 383 miles on it,
And red. fast shiny red.
And those two comments were mine by the way.
Red Ducs are much faster than any other color. But don’t forget to add some stickies for that final HP bump.
I am bad at the linkyness. Does that work?
Hey! Don’t they arrest you in Port Washington for red motorcycles?
They would. If they could catch me. Which they can’t. Because I ride a fast motorcycle.
Oh my! That is red. I do like the cafe styling, it reminds me of my much missed 75 900SS.
Pupusas are masa cakes, not wrapped in tortillas!
Masa sé, masa sí, masa más pupusa.
You had a 75 900SS? I am suddenly and permanently sick with envy.
the fact is, we need a new thread.
Not until I learn more about that ’75 900SS we don’t!
Yes, I had a lovely 75 900SS in … 79-81, if I recall correctly. What I really liked about it was being the only one to regularly beat my brother, on his R-90/S into Bandera on the breakfast run. As I said above, I miss it still. My current ride – an SV1000S – is, in every way, a far superior machine. There is no good reason why I should be thinking of the old Duc while out canyon carving yet sometimes I get very nostalgic.
Let’s see, how do I make this a topical comment…. oh, yes, PENIS.
“Oh look, they’re talking about wetsuits and puppy-burritos. How far is that from health care?”
Well the moran in the photo does look like he eats puppy burritos for breakfast so I think were still on topic. The wetsuit seems to be more TP’s style. Lighten up, I simply mean you seem like a SCUBA diver type guy.
$500 and two weeks off work? Sounds like a cooking vacation to me. $500 is plenty to buy ingredients for gourmet dishes you’ve never made before.
“Red Ducs are much faster than any other color”
And they float which means they weigh the same as a witch and are made out of wood.
Hmm a cooking vacation would involve learning how to cook. Which would be no bad thing. But it would mean a lot of thrown out leftovers, cause I’d be cooking for one.
Speaking of cooking, and since we’re so hopelessly adrift in OTness, I was encouraged to start food blogging. I believe I shall. I’m thinking cooking, snark, political rants, motorcycles, and more food. The big question, is what to call it. The suggestion box is now open. Any PENIS in the title should be veiled, or at least have some vaseline smeared on the lens. Wait, what did I say?
I’d read you, PeeJ. But no NSFW titles.
I was encouraged to start food blogging.
“Liberal Portions?”
Damn, that was quick.
“PJ’s Cook-a-Doodle-Doo”
Veiled PENIS and POOP!
Liberal Portions is more apt than you think – I generally make gawdawful huge meals of which we eat far too much.
“Penne Pasta”
Veiled sort-of-PENIS reference, although probably too specific (it might suggest Italian food only).
I generally make gawdawful huge meals of which we eat far too much.
Yep. Leftovers. I have no hesitation in eating the same thing several meals in a row. Especially if it is tasty.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^{veiled reference fence}^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Well as long as we’re going we might as well make it to 1000.
Yes, leftovers is great. And I frequently have something for the Ho to take to work next day. And sometimes the next. I seem incapable of cooking for two. I don’t use many prepared foodstuffs – primarily dried pasta, canned tomatoes, canned beans and the like so portion control doesn’t arise naturally from that point. I just channel my mother who cooked for a large family.
And in spite of stuffing containers for lunch, we STILL eat too much. We can’t help it – I cook so goooood!
Back on topic:
The Rotten Little Perisher showed me a youtube selection from Scary Movie 4, the Viagra scene. I laughed out loud.
But the best part? His new tag line for ads featuring the little blue pill:
“Viagra: It’s for your dick!”
77south, How about a little Liberal Motorcycling:
“And in spite of stuffing containers for lunch…”
And there you have it: “Stuffing Containers”
Any PENIS in the title should be veiled, or at least have some vaseline smeared on the lens.
You mean smeared on the glans?
You mean smeared on the glans
We’re talking about a food blog. The vaseline would be spooned on the lens.
And the glans.
And there you have it: “Stuffing Containers”
My dream guy is someone who will pack my lunchbox every morning before I go to work.
My dream guy is someone who will pack my lunchbox every morning before I go to work.
PACK MY LUNCHBOX would be an excellent blog name, plus it’s FILTHY also!
The wingnut food/sex blog: PACK MY LUNCHBOX WITH TWINKIES.
The big question, is what to call it.
It feels so good in my mouth.
The pen is a spoon.
It feels so good in my mouth.
Bob Schwety’s Balls.
You gay guys have filthy minds.
750+ comments? Oh… it’s a “progressive” troll. Whatever, Troofie. Put your Groucho glasses back on and tell us how you’re a real Marxist.
750+ comments? Oh… it’s a “progressive” troll.
Well, that … and the fact that we’ve been abandoned by our hosts and haven’t had a new thread since the Taft Administration.
…and all the zombies.
It’s a real mess around here.
You gay guys have filthy minds.
I bet it’s a self-preservation tactic against teh Z0MBEEZ.
I blame the Zombies.
No new post ’til Brooklyn!
I blame the Zombies.
The place is a shambles.
I don’t know about the rest of you but if we’re on our own, I’m totally breaking into the liquor cabinet.
You gay guys have filthy minds.
PeeJ’s law: While the shortest distance between two points in Euclidean space is a line, the shortest distance between two minds – especially gay minds – is a gutter.
sorry, NYGuy, I already tried.
Tintin has been here first.
My dream guy is someone who will pack my lunchbox every morning before I go to work.
That usually makes him late for work.
Zombies all voted for Nader and shit, just like that True Progressive, because of the whole duopoly thing. Gore would have so started the Iraq war despite the fact he spoke out against it before it started,
OK, it’s a thing. A thing. Spag on a Stick, I fucking hate dangling commas. Hate.
Naturally, Desjardin thought of his buddy, Drewes. Now a mushroom that “looks like a tiny, circumcised PENIS has been immortalized as Phallus Drewesii.
I blame the Zombies.
What’s your name? Who’s your daddy?
No new post ’til Brooklyn!
I’m in Brooklyn and there’s no new post here, either.
PeeJ, call it “LeftOvers.” Or “Left Overs.” Or whatever.
PeeJ, call it “LeftOvers.” Or “Left Overs.” Or whatever.
Ahhh, now I get it!
The Ho, recently arrived from work to which he went late, heh, suggested EscoffierCanTonguejackMyShitbox. I thought it was a bit…much.
I like both “liberal portions” and “left overs.” You could also have a post subject category of “tongue-jack my lunchbox” for tasty portable meals…
I’m sipping some Cab that has pretty a good mouthfeel right now. Speaking of.
Is this the thread that never ends?
It just goes on and on, my friends…
Not that I’m complaining, of course.
Someone may have beaten me to this one by now, but, here at the foot of this mighty thread, coming to you via teh mighty Wonkette:
ZARDOZ LUVZ AMERIKA!!!11!!1!!!!onethousandonehundredandeleventeen!
(actually I think it’s a Cthulhu/Raiders Of The Lost Ark/Admiral Akbar thang, but whatever … have an adequate weekend!)
Sigh. Oh for the days.
I once had an 860 that would break your shin as soon as start. Beastly thing, but an awful lot of fun. It had been modded and raced and generally beaten on. Kickstart-only big twins are just not daily drivers. The Darmah I was briefly acquainted with later was easier to deal with, but that 860 had something.
Awesome as the new ones are, the belt drive engine will forever be the Pantah mill to me.
Kickstart-only big twins are just not daily drivers.
The Nortons of the early-mid 70’s allegedly had “electric start.” Yeh, I had one of them too. Should have been called “electric assist” if even that. Kick starting a big twin is an art form – even aside from “tickling the carbs – the kids today have no idea.
I will sell anything I own, excepting my current Ducs to own a bevel twin Ducati.
jim said,
October 9, 2009 at 4:53
Someone may have beaten me to this one by now, but, here at the foot of this mighty thread, coming to you via teh mighty Wonkette:
ZARDOZ LUVZ AMERIKA!!!11!!1!!!!onethousandonehundredandeleventeen!
From the same thread:
awesome gif
Dude!! Jesus looks like Curt Kobain!
Sad, sensitive Pisces Jesus man.
we’ve been abandoned by our hosts and haven’t had a new thread since the Taft Administration.
Those were the days, when the Internet ran on a network of telegraph lines. I daresay it was even better before that Morse fellow made it so every Mutton-Chop Millard in his stocking cap could vent about the Pinchot-Ballinger Affair.
Scrolling through this sprawling double album of a thread:
zombie rotten mcdonald said,
October 8, 2009 at 18:24
The second album from Bono’s Conscience, The Left Jackboot of Capitalism, was a critical and commercial failure. Their reliance on 80’s drum synths and accordions was off-putting to many of their fans.
Are Bono’s Conscience the Mekons under an assumed name?
this sprawling double album of a thread
I think we’re up to “nonsensically cluttered” triple album, along the lines of Sandinista!
Or maybe All Things Must Pass, and we’re on the superfluous jam disc now.
The Fourth Jackboot would make a pretty goddamned good band name.
And I’m very, very angry at Tigrismus for pre-stealing “Tonguejack my Lunchbox,” which I thought up my very own self.
Took me at least two weeks to learn how to start the damn thing anywhere near reliably. Stalling in traffic sucked big time. Had a Duc mechanic that was about 5′ even who could start it first kick, every time. I kind of hated him for that.
It had Marelli electrics. Made Lucas, The Prince Of Darkness look NASA-grade. The shifter was on the wrong side, and the pattern was upside-down. The clip-ons could not actually be placed symmetrically. It had unmuffled racing megaphone pipes that could take the paint off of parked cars if you passed too close. It was like riding a locomotive compared even to late 80s sportbikes, not to mention anything around now.
It was awesome. I want one again.
Dammit. We go for an overnight bushwalk; stay in a mountain hut; find in the morning that the rain has pissed down all night and the river has risen to block the return trail; walk for three hours downriver to the coast where there is the nearest cellphone connection (walking into the face of a southerly rainstorm most of the way, and wading through five knee-deep side-streams, which were still better than the main river which is now waist-deep and roaring along at white-water-kayaking speed). I get home, change into warm clothes so as to go on the piss at the Bar Edward, get home again for a curry and a supply of Austrian beer… meanwhile, you people have had a conversation about Lurking, without anyone mentioning Lurker at the Threshold.
What is wrong with you people?
I have no hesitation in eating the same thing several meals in a row. Especially if it is tasty.
Mehitabel the Abyssinian has the same disturbing propensity.
Don’t they arrest you in Port Washington for red motorcycles?
Dude, they arrest you in Port Washington. Period.
Hey, what does Actor know from Port Washington?
…he’s right though. I once tried to design a five story building there. They called it a “high rise”.
Pinchot-Ballinger Affair.
Cousin Balki is a home-wrecker.