Friday night debate topic

I’m going out, but here’s a topic to discuss:

Which right-wing hissy fit was stupider, the one about Obama’s school speech or the one about his failed Olympics bid?

Bonus topic: How will they ever top either one?

Bonus topic II: Obama better not get caught with an intern. Just sayin’.


Comments: 152


I think the school speech hissy fit was slightly more stupid. What would Malkin do if Michele was caught wearing a head scarf in public? Also, did you know that the Obamessia has fathered two children by a black woman! That’s one more than Strom Thurmond even.


I gotta with the school speech fantods as well. It had an A/V component, which is essential for any good case of conservative ragegasms. Best they could come up with for the Olympics is Glenn’s Beck’s can of Copenhagen™.


Maybe they can try to go against miscegenation? That ought to alienate Malkin and go against Obama simultaneously.


Awesome quote fromJohn McCormick, editor at the Weekly Standard:

“Cheers erupt at Weekly Standard world headquarters,” wrote editor John McCormack in a post titled “Chicago Loses! Chicago Loses!”

The line was quickly removed, but ThinkProgress caught it in time and posted a screenshot of the post.

But even with the edits, McCormack is still obviously reveling in America’s defeat.

“As a citizen of the world who believes that No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation, I’m glad that the Obama White House’s jingoist rhetoric and attempt to pay back Chicago cronies at the expense of undermining our relationships with our allies failed,” he wrote.

that last paragraph is a thing of cognitive dissonant beauty. Now the vocal proponents of “American exceptionalism” are “Citizens of the world.” Now Obama, whom they’ve condemned as trash-talking America, is being needlessly “jingoistic.” Now they’re concerned about our relationships with our allies.

The lack of self-awareness is awesome.

Next thing I expect from them is a boast from one of them that although business is picking up and they could use some new workers, they will proudly refuse to hire to keep unemployment numbers high to blame Obama.


The failed Olympics bid didn’t inspire a hissy fit, it inspired jubilation. Which, frankly, may be their weirdest reaction about anything to date.

I’m not going to pretend I cared much about the Olympics one way or the other. I haven’t watched them since they became the quadrennial gymnastics championships. But the wingnuts are celebrating. I mean, I could understand a little secret snicker, or an aside of “Serves him right” to some likeminded person. But dudes…a public celebration? Really? I’m not even that pissed off about it, I just find it…bizarrely disproportionate.


How long before the wingnuts start taking credit for scuttling the olympics bid?


Gotta go w/school speech also. Here in flyover land, nobody outside Chicago cares about Dalimpics, unless it’s actually blaring in their faces in primetime, so they can chant “Go USA!” and pretend they care about swimming and fencing. But even the hillbilliest of us occasionally send the little curtain-climbers off to school…


they will proudly refuse to hire to keep unemployment numbers high to blame Obama.

Oh hell, isn’t that what the Galt-goers have already been saying? They’re gonna refuse to be productive in order to deny the government tax revenue.


1. School speech, by a long shot. Beck’s can of snuff was good, but in the grand scheme of st00pid, it rates as meh.
2. Like they do every time. But if I were to guess, it will have to do with the census. Perhaps anti-census tea parties? Stand up and do not be counted?
3. Intern? Ha! The first time someone catches him putting mayo on his fries, the GOP critters will appoint a special prosecutor.


that last paragraph is a thing of cognitive dissonant beauty

In fairness – god knows why – to McCormack that paragraph is full of ironic linkage that TPM did not reproduce. Click through.


Bonus topic: How will they ever top either one?

Man, Obama’s gonna say something about preferring Nat King Cole to Frank Sinatra, and Malkin will screech and Beck will cry and Limbaugh will snuffle and Paul Broun and Michelle Bachmann and John Boner will say stupid shit and thousands of meatheads across the country will scream incoherently about socialism and fascism. Are you serious? It’s gonna be a long eight years, buddy-roe, and while I knew the election of a Black Man! to the White House would cause a significant portion of the population to ratchet up the goofy, I had no idea it would balloon to such cyclopean proportions. And we run the world. Figure that out.

Bonus topic II: Obama better not get caught with an intern. Just sayin’.

Christ, don’t give the Hannah Gileses of American any ideas.


This is so full of fail. Still no denial of the rape charges also. Just saying.

The Obama’s Olympian Defeat: Next Time Send Sarah Palin

Would it really have made sense to award the Olympics to a country when the most visible advocates for the United States are on record as having spent much of their lives not being proud of their country? I mean, if they’ve been so ashamed of America for so long, what kind of country must it be?

Next time, perhaps they should consider relying on advocates who truly are proud of America and like her just the way she’s been. Yes, Sarah Palin does come to mind just now. For all the talk of Michelle’s marvelous biceps, I guess arm twisting the IOC into granting Blagoland the games was just too herculean a struggle for the neophyte diplomat and her husband. Oh well. Maybe Michelle managed to get some shopping done if nothing else.


Which right-wing hissy fit was stupider, the one about Obama’s school speech or the one about his failed Olympics bid?

Olympics. Means nothing at all, whereas the school shit riles the rubes.

Bonus topic: How will they ever top either one?

This is the condimental question.


1. Have to go with School Speech-Gate. That was pure spin.
2. Since I am unable to “think” like a wingnut, I couldn’t possibly guess what the next GOP comeback ploy would be. Rest assured they will somehow top School-Speech-Gate and Olympics-Gate.
3. No need for the full Lewinsky in Obama’s case. All he needs to do is pull an Emmett Till and he’ll be lync…er, impeached.


The Obama’s Olympian Defeat: Next Time Send Sarah Palin

Good idea, Riehl. One way ticket should work.


Talk about an embarassment of riches–how does one choose the plumpest apple of stoopid from such an abundant orchard?

Me, I’d have to go with mustard-gate, but again, it’s early days. No doubt they’ll manage to extract an even juicier booger from the endless dripping nostrils of their outrage. Just wait. Top “either one”? are you kidding? Mountains grow from the bottom up, with ever more massive boulders thrusting the lesser stones higher and higher. By 2012, karping about “arugula” and “bowling” will seem like the very pinnacle of reasonable discourse.

Stop me before I metaphor again.


The cheering about Chicago losing the Olympic bid is just more proof that it’s all one big game to these people, and the school speech stuff was proof that they want to completely poison the public debate in the process.

In that context, neither is necessarily “stupider” but instead result from the fact that the modern conservative movement is utterly nihilistic.


Trying to predict the next Republican hissy fit is like trying to predict the next bad joke Carrot Top will pull out of his suitcase.


Conservatives Rejoice That Damn Furriners Won’t Come To America, Spend Money

That’s what should be the headline. Buncha fookin’ assholes.



Next Time Send Sarah Palin

Palin would have been awesome at convincing the IOC, wouldn’t she? I am trying to imagine the speech she’d give. It might be as great as the fake Sarkozy phone call. She’d probably talk about hockey – and for the summer Olympics.

Seriously, does it always come down to a binary choice for these idiots? I mean, I can see checking out the republican bench and picking some champion for international relations – Condi, for heaven’s sake, or even John Bolton. You know, someone who’s actually done it. But why is Palin the only flipside they can imagine?

Can they really think Palin would be able to handle herself at an international meeting?

It’s always a binary choice with these idiots. Obama’s book vs. Palin’s book. Obama’s speech vs. Palin’s speech.


She’d probably talk about hockey – and for the summer Olympics.



Gocart Mozart:

Trying to predict the next Republican hissy fit is like trying to predict the next bad joke Carrot Top will pull out of his suitcase.

Trying to predict the next Republican hissy fit is like … is like trying to predict the next purge session of a secretly binging bulimic: you know the spew is coming, you just don’t know when or what the contents will be.



No doubt they’ll manage to extract an even juicier booger from the endless dripping nostrils of their outrage

Steerpike, not only have you put me off dinner, you’ve just nicknamed a right-wing nutjob for life. To whom shall we affix the gorgeous urp-inducing moniker: “The Nostrils of Outrage?”

I think it should be Malkin. Does anyone have a better suggestion?


Interesting point

In the official question-and-answer session following the Chicago presentation, Syed Shahid Ali, an I.O.C. member from Pakistan, asked the toughest question. He wondered how smooth it would be for foreigners to enter the United States for the Games because doing so can sometimes, he said, be “a rather harrowing experience.”


Hissy fits are like a warm poopy.


But why is Palin the only flipside they can imagine?

Perhaps they think if she keeps trying enough things, she’ll find one she’s good at. And Mike Huckabee looks like he might eat you and no one likes Mitt Romney besides K-Lo. And Sarah Palin may be a big ol’ quitter-pants, but she doesn’t cry near as much as Glen Beck.


“a rather harrowing experience.”

I despise those IOC assholes, but good one.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I think the Olympic hissy fit was dumber- a successful bid would have provided jobs for the entire upper Midwest. Of course, these jobs would have employed black Chicagoans and blue Illinoisans and Minnesotans, rather than GOP cronies, and would not have involved killing brown people and taking their stuff, which is why the loonies were enraged.


I think the Olympic hissy fit was dumber- a successful bid would have provided jobs for the entire upper Midwest.

Most temporary, most a pipe-dream. The Olympics are a scam in the same way that sports teams making their city pay for a stadium are a scam, except that with the Olympics cities get an excuse to uproot the poor folks to hide them from foreign cameras.


Interesting point

Yes, there’s the issue of visas for foreigners in general, and then there’s also the issue of the way the US government has in the past treated foreign athletes. I’m thinking specifically of the Bush Adminstration’s attempt to keep Cuba out of the first World Baseball Classic in 2006. Pressure from various groups eventually made them change their position, but people in the IOC don’t forget things like this.


The Obama’s Olympian Defeat: Next Time Send Sarah Palin

(a) Evidently Dan Riehl did not get the memo that the failure of the Chicago bid is a cause for jubilation rather than for recriminations.

(b) His suggestion of sending Palin to the IOC meeting as an alternative advocate would have been more effective if he had proposed it prior to that meeting, and had offered to help pay for the $15000 of new clothes she would need.

(c) I was under the impression that Republican politicians only travel to international meetings when they intend to undermine an official US policy or endeavour, rather than to support it.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Most temporary, most a pipe-dream. The Olympics are a scam in the same way that sports teams making their city pay for a stadium are a scam, except that with the Olympics cities get an excuse to uproot the poor folks to hide them from foreign cameras.

Point well taken- eminent domain does tend to fuck up working class neighborhoods, but the immediate “shot in the arm” for the economy would help in the short-term while the economy is in the crapper.

Of course, thinking the economy will improve is also, quite possibly, a pipe-dream.


I was under the impression that Republican politicians only travel to international meetings when they intend to undermine an official US policy or endeavour, rather than to support it.

Senator DeMint? Paging Senator DeMint?


Hard choices. The GOPer hissy fit du jour is turning into the contard pearl clutch l’heure. The gratified elation over “losing” (whatever) the Oly games was totally dumb, but it’s become a mug’s game for BHO. Situation: lose-lose, damned if you/damned if you don’t. No matter how this played out, the righties would’ve been shrieking about it.

I think it’ll devolve into something like:

CNN News Flash: BHO takes crap in the morning!
Right wing media response: How DARE BHO crap in the morning!! Unbelievable. All true Americans crap in the afternoon! Shriek, whine, scream, cry, etc. etc.

I had no illusions about what would happen should any Dem become POTUS, but, notwithstanding similar inflamed rhetoric when the Big Dog was in office, it’s getting srsly out of control. But frankly also: boring.


Every IOC member was imagining a flood of angry letters from athletes and spectators complaining that they couldn’t get a visa, had to wait six months to get a five-minute appointment with the tral minster who would inform them that they were unable to travel to the Unites States becaus a name similar to theirs had come up on some secret “no fly” list, and no, they couldn’t see the list or file an appeal in time for the closing ceremonies, let alone the opening, please schedule a meeting with the respresentative of the United States Embassy. Or horror stories of being searched, humiliated, or God forbid, detained, because we have never reputiated the right to sieze foreigners and hold them without due process for months or years. They’ve all heard of Guantanamo Bay.


Obama has hair, and this is an insult to Rush Limbaugh and all other fat, bald, child-raping, drug-addicted tourist-patriots of the Right!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I was under the impression that Republican politicians only travel to international meetings when they intend to undermine an official US policy or endeavour, rather than to support it.

I was under the impression that Republican politicians only travel to international meetings when they intend to have heap big sexytime with their “soulmate” on the public dime.


Also, too, if Shy-town HAD won the bid, the Righties would all now be shrieking about how Obama put in the fix, and this was just another example of thug Chicago politics. The whole thing was a scam to begin with, and would inevitabley become mired in Union, Mafia and Alderman corruption. The City, as well as the rest of the country would lose billions of dollars. “You watch–The Chicago games will go down as the most corrupt, most expensive and worst accomodated history of the Olympics.” They all had both columns typed up days ago, and are taking the weekend off. They just phoned into the office which set of outrages to put up the internet.


It’s always the next one that is the worst they can sink to. There is no bottom to it, it is an abyss into which they will fall forever.


Trying to predict the next Republican hissy fit is like … is like trying to predict what type of venereal disease you will get after having sex with a three dollar whore.


I think they can, and will, push Chicago-style much much further as an epithet. It’s too ludicrous of an idea for them not to do it.

Are real Americans supposed to root against Chicago sports teams now? Is Sufjan Stevens’ Come on Feel the Illinoise the [insert name of some Wagner opera here] of liberal fascism? Is celery salt the hot dog hijab of liberal fascism? Are records by Sonny Boy Williamson and Buddy Guy the muzzein of the liberal madrassa that is the University of Chicago? Will they try to get Chicago-style deep-dish pizza in the Congressional cafeteria renamed jihad-style terrorism-dish pizza? Will one of the wignutty airline CEO’s (and I’m pretty sure they all are) suddenly refuse to fly their planes through O’Hare? They call Chicago the second city. You know what is also #2? POOP. You know who pooped? Hitler.


I had no idea it would balloon to such cyclopean proportions
A good word, ‘cyclopean’, what with the two meanings and all.


You would think that the Anti-Christ would have at least been able to pull this little Olympic thing off. If he can’t even achieve this, how the hell is he gonna handle Armageddon? What a major disappointment.


A good word, ‘cyclopean’, what with the two meanings and all.

I don’t see what you mean.


Another plus to the Olympics rejection: America was likely spared even more rightwing terrorism, a la Atlanta.


I was only aware of the one meaning for cyclopean which was big and ancient (looking like only a cyclops or other ancient giant could build it)


Another plus to the Olympics rejection: America was likely spared having to play host to a cheap, corporate, faintly hateful embarrasment of a sporting event, a la Atlanta.

You know what’s really depressing? That they will continue to sink lower and lower still, and they will never not get away with it. They will never be called on it, never be criticised for it, always treated as though what they’re saying is perfectly reasonable. THEY WILL ALWAYS WIN.


“One-eyed, stupid and mean”.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

School speech, by a long shot. Beck’s can of snuff was good, but in the grand scheme of st00pid, it rates as meh.

He feels that “skoalrebel” (I don’t have the intestinal fortitude to link to that Youtube crapfest, nor do I want to give that troglodyte any hits) is stealing his thunder. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Roger Ailes hired “skoalrebel” as a *snerk* personality.

I think they can, and will, push Chicago-style much much further as an epithet. It’s too ludicrous of an idea for them not to do it.

Yeah, they keep fucking that chicken digging that electoral hole, ensuring that they will remain a Dixieland party in perpetuity. I think, though, that the approved pejorative for Illinois is Blagoland.

A good word, ‘cyclopean’, what with the two meanings and all.

A certain old gent from Providence was also fond of the word.


“One-eyed, stupid and mean”.
Roman Polanski’s penis?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“One-eyed, stupid and mean”.

Veiled PENIS reference?


random perusing sez this one wins :

JGabriel said,

October 3, 2009 at 1:06

Big Bad Bald Bastard


If anybody needs me, I’ll be in my crying place.


a concerned citizen said,

October 3, 2009 at 1:59 \\\\\!!!!!!!///////



Er, how’s that been working out at the ballot box for them?


Hissy fits are like a warm poopy.

Some real synchronicity there, as I was thinking that trying to predict the next rightwing hissy fit was like trying to predict the next dump taken by a person with regular bowels. You can expect it to occur at least once daily, to stink mightily, and to be pointed to proudly by the wingnuts in the same manner a two-year old would show off the aforementioned warm poopy with pride.


I didn’t mean electorally, I meant in society. But perfectly fine, to be honest. Eventually the elastic band snaps, but it doesn’t last long. They’re going to win at least one house in the midterms next year, for one thing. How do you think they won 2004? Sure, they cheated again, but as it turned out they didn’t need to cheat, they actually genuinely won. The combination of far more thick people than anyone ever seems to consider, a complete lack of any opposition, and their near-total control of the goalposts means that by this time next year they’ll be capering about in blackface with bones through their noses and no-one will complain except the bloggers.


“One-eyed, stupid and mean”.



Veiled Gordon Brown reference.


Cheer up, Pauly, I mean, jeez, way tp piss in the puchbowl. It’s Friday, willya?


You would prefer a cold poopy?


In the punchbowl?


“One-eyed, stupid and mean”.
Dan Riehl with an eye-patch.
Insert any wingnut “___________ with an eye-patch.”


When you wet the bed:
First it is warm
then it is cold


Republicans attack Obama for trying to attract the Olympics. When Chicago doesn’t win, Republicans attack him for losing.

It’s quite possible the IOC doesn’t want to hold the Olympics in a country of wingnuts, teabaggers, and people carrying loaded guns to health care meetings.

Which right-wing hissy fit was stupider
Hard to say, but today they’re jumping all over Letterman for having consensual sex with adult females so…


Seriously, does it always come down to a binary choice for these idiots? I mean, I can see checking out the republican bench and picking some champion for international relations – Condi, for heaven’s sake, or even John Bolton. You know, someone who’s actually done it. But why is Palin the only flipside they can imagine?

Because the GOP was jilted big time last year by the voters. Therefore like any crazed stalker, it feels no need to put its best foot forward or to put its best face on things. I’m convinced the wingnuts want something more than victory, more than power.

They want vengeance against the American people.

When Condoleeza Rice and John Bolton start to resemble diplomacy itself next to the putative GOP front runner, you know a new nadir has been reached.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

They want vengeance against the American people.

If we can’t have America, nobody can!

You nailed it.


Is it too late to vote? I vote for school speech. That was a hissy fit. The Olympic gloating was just dysfunction–it wasn’t really a hissy fit. Now, freaking out over Alan Grayson, that’s a hissy fit.


Cyclopeans are concentrated in Amsterdam and the freakish, atomically mixed up monsters have been lobbying to be allowed to compete in the Olympics for years now and I predict they’ll get their wish by 2016 (fine, youse can haz swim teem and sink like stoans, ha ha ha). We don’t need their kind here in America and the last thing I’m going to need when I’m trying to make a flight at O’Hare in 2016 is to be stuck behind a bunch of Cyclopeans. I’d rather see airport security in Brazil deal with all the confusion when they try to pass through the metal detectors.


From J–‘s link upthread. This should get a Hissy Fit Award or something.

“From a reader of Asian descent judging from his name:” . . .

Update: From a reader:

“You should probably clarify by using a term that is a little more specific.
Asia is a large territory with distinct cultures and religions.
I am an Asian-American physician (grew up here). Agree with almost all
your views.”

[The big man. I mean fat man responds thusly]

“Oh. Seriously, my sincere apologies to anyone who takes offense. I was simply posting fast. I didn’t mean to ascribe anything to Asians qua Asians. I was simply trying to protect the anonymity of the initial idiotic emailer while providing a little context. Anyway, I think the first emailer is from Japan. But I’d hate for anyone to think I was implying anything about the Japanese more generally.”

[Jonah is a veiled penis reference.]


When you wet the bed: First it is warm then it is cold
A portrait of the commentor as a pissed ranter.


Lawnguylander said,

October 3, 2009 at 3:22

There you go again!


Damn you, Chicago! I used to be the city most hated by Real Americans.* Now all that is taken away from me!

*Actually for a while, there was that brief time during September of 2001 when red staters started showing some love for me. Man, did that ever creep me out!


I was under the impression that Republican politicians only travel to international meetings when they intend to undermine an official US policy or endeavour, rather than to support it.

Senator DeMint? Paging Senator DeMint?

I was thinking more of Inhoufe’s promise to attend the Copenhagen climate-change conference, lobby against the official US position, and advise other delegates to ignore US representations because the next Republican administration will reverse them anyway.


Oh New York, have you forgotten your good friend los angeles? Your crown was always in dispute and under siege.


They hate me more. “San Fransisco values”! We all know it is short for man on man butt sex but C’Mon! You don’t hear Republicans talking about New York value or Chicago values do ya?


I’m trying to think of the point they’ll fail to top themselves, but it’s a losing battle. Every successive iteration since Nixon and the Moral Majority they’ve sought to top themselves with a poutrage more inane, more bizarre than the last.

Or maybe I’ve got it all wrong and it hasn’t, they’ve just sought to recapture the true resonant beauty as the belief that fluoridation was going to sap all our bodily fluids with communism.

Regardless, I’m still waiting for when they try the “he has fathered two children with a black woman” line of attack, but in general, there’s probably nothing left. They’ve gone after him for routine president duties, eating a sandwich, loving his home city, and throwing a baseball. They even had a minor eruption over him killing a fly. If they blew up over him sneezing it’d still be a step-up.

So put my vote down for: The way he walks is unpresidential and a signal to our enemies.


Fuck youse, Frisco. I see your Teh Gay and raise you Teh J00s, Teh Puerto Ricans/Dominicans (who wingnuts know are just another flavor of Mez’can), Teh Blacks, and STILL plenty of Teh Gay.


Does anyone object if I use this Jonah Goldberg excuse anytime I say something stupid on the intertubes? It should be an internet tradition.

“Oh. Seriously, my sincere apologies to anyone who takes offense. I was simply posting fast.”


O.K. I’m San Fransisco. You caught me. I forgot to change back my screen name. But I’m not gay, really I’m not, honest.


Well, it’s hard to judge the st00pid. We started with I-pod-gate, terrorist fist-jabbing, the mustard scandal, and Malia’s T-shirt (with a peace sign). Then we have the long-running teleprompter meme, and just today, in a discussion about Palin’s book, I saw a wingnut raise the old “Bill Ayers was Obama’s ghostwriter” trip.

Oh, and mustn’t forget Date Night and Pizza Chef. Or that he named his dog after himself because of his ego. And the looking-at-that-woman’s ass photo.

The sky’s the limit for the next wave of st00pid. Never in a million years would I believe that people could in all seriously get outraged over a President trying to get the Olympic games for America, but – hey – live & learn.


My last post was kinda stupid so all I have to say is . . . “Oh. Seriously, my sincere apologies to anyone who takes offense. I was simply posting fast.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“Oh. Seriously, my sincere apologies to anyone who takes offense. I was simply posting fast.”

I’d always read that as “I was simply posting faps.”

Thanks for the clarification!


You wanna talk hatred? I’m surrounded by Jesuslanders and they still don’t give two shits about me. Real Americans left me twisting in the wind (not to mention drowning in water).


SF and NYC can kiss my dick. We have Teh Gayz, Teh J00y Media Conspiracy, Teh Conspicuously Brown and the power to erode the whole of Western culture with the subset of movies that don’t feature the grisly deaths of the former in large enough numbers. They hate us most of all because they can’t stop watching.


So true. [Turns on “300” and starts masturbating] You commie Jew faggots. [Weeps into pork rinds]


The school thing was worse, but cheering American failure has the stronger optics. School they can pretend to care about, Olympics not so much, so that only leaves malice. But in terms of what issue has legs, “We don’t want no Preident telling our kids to work hard in school” hands down.


Of course, having Teh Blacks and being the birthplace of subversive music (Teh Jazz) doesn’t exactly smooth things over with the Bob Jones crowd.


They say that all of my problems are caused by having too many of Teh Blacks.

Every Big City in America

They hate us all.


Apparently there’s video of wingnuts at a conference bursting into cheers upon hearing the news.


Not us. In 1963, we played host to what’s been every Glenn Beck watcher’s masturbatory fantasy ever since.


They hate us all.

Every big city in America except me, that is. For some strange reason.


Sorry for posting two messages, folks!


It’s only you and me, Dallas. You want to know what’s real? THIS is real!


Apparently there’s video of wingnuts at a conference bursting into cheers upon hearing the news.

Think Progress has the tape.


I voted over 80/20 Democratic in the last two elections, and I can’t get some hate going? I’m feeling left out. At least in FDR’s time, they said: “There are 47 states and the Soviet of Washington.”

Come on, wingnuts! Let’s hear some vitriol!


I think wingnuts are still okay with me, but I’m out on bail for asking an undercover cop if he would play in me.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Of course, having Teh Blacks and being the birthplace of subversive music (Teh Jazz) doesn’t exactly smooth things over with the Bob Jones crowd

Nor the Alex Jones crowd, although the overlap is considerable.




You’d think by virtue of being in the same state as Saxby Chambliss would earn me some wingnut love. Sadly, No!

Oh btw, I have Teh Blacks as well. I’m beginning to see a pattern here…


Just mention the 1999 WTO protests, Seattle, and the wingnuts will hate you all over again.


This is tougher than I thought it’d be.

Common-sense-wise, it’s sort of hard to top “Edumacationz=Socialist Brainwashing” for sheer cranial deficit … & yet, & yet … politics-wise, the high-fiving over a lost US Olympiad is pretty self-destructive, isn’t it?

The folks who really go in for that sporty spectacle hooha tend to be many of the same jocks who perennially vote the Goopster ticket – & The Klan Of Teh Nuts Of Wing just had a big happy-dance over one of their favorite mega-special events being lost to some dirty smelly furriners.

School-speech wins on stoopid-points – but the Olympicide Happy-Jig likely does them more real hurt in the long-run.


You do realize that its win-win either way in their sad, little mom’s basement for them? No 20-sided dice will ever get Liburl Merika out of this mess.


I hosted the WTO one week, and Nelson Mandela was here to general acclaim the next week. Of course, if the WTO had had everything set up the way they wanted it in 1994, the sanctions that brought down the Apatheid regime couldn’t have happened, and Nelson Mandela would still be on Robben Island.

So I’ve got all bases covered.

Fertile Crescent Wingnut

Marduk! I hate Babylon, with all those temple prostitutes and corruption- and that Enlil-forsaken Hammurabi’s curtailing our freedoms!


Dallas said,
“Sorry for posting two messages, folks!”

Dallas, just say “Oh. Seriously, my sincere apologies to anyone who takes offense. I was simply posting fast.” That should cover it.


Don’t get me started on my opinion of Tenochtitlan.

El Hermano de Hernán Cortés

El Dorado- ciudad del oro, mi culo!


Neither. It was Obama’s refusal to comment on the Polanski matter. Pass it on.


Most temporary, most a pipe-dream. The Olympics are a scam in the same way that sports teams making their city pay for a stadium are a scam, except that with the Olympics cities get an excuse to uproot the poor folks to hide them from foreign cameras.

No need to uproot in Chicago. The poor here are well segregated and easy to shut away. But you’re sure right about the Olympics being a scam.


Neither. It was Obama’s refusal to comment on the Polanski matter.

Has Obama commented on the Dan Riehl or Glenn Beck rape and murder allegations yet? No. I don’t think it is proper for the President to comment on ongoing criminal matters.


I may be a fictional construct, but that doesn’t mean all you real places can lord it over me like you’re somehow superior. Sure, you’ve got most of the people and all of the diversity.

Well, la-de-dah! Aren’t we all big and important with our “demographics”? I’m the heartland, bitches.


Cons don’t care about sissy things like proper and improper. He shoulda said something in order for the cons to mock him – either way.


Aren’t we all big and important with our “demographics”? I’m the heartland, bitches.

One the other hand, Gary Ruppert is your most prominent resident.

You have my condolences.


One the other hand

Or on the other hand. Either way.


NYC, San Fran, Chicago, et al, stop bitching. Wanna know what’s worse than wingnuts hating you? Them loving your ass, that’s what.

Rise again? Bitches, I’d settle for crawling past 1865.



The South said,

October 3, 2009 at 7:34

NYC, San Fran, Chicago, et al, stop bitching. Wanna know what’s worse than wingnuts hating you? Them loving your ass, that’s what.

Rise again? Bitches, I’d settle for crawling past 1865.

We tried our damndest, but you sold your electoral votes to the Republicans in 1876 in return for us taking our foot off your neck. Too bad—we could have civilized you.


Too bad—we could have civilized you.

Oh Christ, just let me die already. I’m muggy, I’m full of stupid people, and I’m a traitor. If I promise to secede, will you let me go this time?


Awesome link by Jk from balloon juice. Here is the link.
Glenn Beck Raped and Murdered’ website fights back in domain name flap

By Eriq Gardner
An individual named Isaac Eiland-Hall is sticking up for his right to run a website called
Fox News host and recent Time Magazine cover boy Glenn Beck is the target of the satirical site whose domain name is a riff on a joke made by comedian Gilbert Gottfried at a Comedy Central roast that rumors that “Bob Saget raped and murdered a girl in 1990” have to stop. After a commenter on the odd-news website Fark asked, “Why haven’t we had an official response to the rumor that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990?” the joke became a web sensation on Digg, Reddit and other social-media websites.
Beck, who has become notorious for his conspiratorial rants, wasn’t amused when Eiland-Hall registered — featuring videos of crying women and purportedly examining Beck’s lack of denial about the rape/murder — and earlier this month he filed an administrative complaint with WIPO. The complaint claimed that the website was improperly using a trademark and the domain name was registered and being used in bad faith. (Beck also seems to be exploring a defamation claim.)
Yesterday, Eiland-Hall’s lawyer, Marc Randazza, filed his response. In it, he says the site should be his because it’s a valid critique of Beck’s politics.

[And comments also. Also.]

“The website is a legitimate criticism site, consists of political satire, and thus the Respondent has legitimate rights in the domain name,” the response brief reads. “Mr. Beck’s attempt to censor this criticism is improper and should be rejected.”

The brief offers an history of esoteric inside jokes that became Internet meme phenomena, from “Mr. Spock Ate My Balls” to Richard Gere’s unflattering “Gerbil story.” But this case also makes a political point, noting an interview Beck conducted with Congressman Keith Ellison, a Muslim, in which Beck said, “I like Muslims, I’ve been to mosques…And I have to tell you, I have been nervous about this interview because what I feel like saying is, sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.”

Isaac Eiland-Hall should close the site. That’s deplorable. If you want to be cute, atleast say he did something other than rape and murder a girl in 1990. How about Glenn Beck sodomizes bunnies…
Your URL is deplorable, and not funny. You will be lucky not to get prosecuted by someone with the stature and media fame of Glenn Beck.

Please! The site CLEARLY states that it is trying to put to bed the vicious RUMOR that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990.
No where on the site does it state that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990. It simply asks why hasn’t Glenn Beck publicly denied the vicious rumor that he raped and murdered a girl in 1990.
Clearly, if only Mr. Beck would publicly state the evidence proving his lack of guilt in the murder of a young girl in 1990, this whole sordid business would come to a quick end.

Please explain, my friend, why glenn beck has chosen to spend a huge amount of money hiring legal counsel to gag his accusers rather than respond truthfully to the charges? Does that sound to you like a man with nothing to hide? It would be very simple to answer the charges and provide the necessary proof. It would be far easier than fighting multiple court battles to silence the people who have brought this to light. Yet glenn takes the path of hiding and covering up. Please, please glenn for all of our sakes come out into the open and just once tell the truth. We need to put this behind with a little honesty. If glenn would simply do that the problem would end. Assuming he is innocent. If he possibly were it would be so simple. Why can’t the phony CONservatives see that. If they believe in the rule of law they should want to have these accusations of criminal behavior cleared up. Why does glenn beck not plainly, simply and honestly answer the charges and provide proof?

MSD, if you have evidence that refutes the fact that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990, you should go directly to the authorities. Seriously, no one should not withhold any evidence that can either prove or disprove the rape and murder of a young girl by Glenn Beck in 1990.


“As a citizen of the world who believes that No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation, I’m glad that the Obama White House’s jingoist rhetoric and attempt to pay back Chicago cronies at the expense of undermining our relationships with our allies failed,” he wrote.

Wow, that’s a pretty special bit of writing there. This COTW believes that no one nation can or should try to dominate another nation? I guess that the definition of ‘dominate another nation’ excludes ‘bomb the utter crap out of’, then.

And Obama‘s jingoistic rhetoric? Consider my gob to be thoroughly smacked.

The idea that supporting a proposal to host the Olympics ‘undermines relationships with our allies’ is also pretty special, although at this point it’s merely the icing on the cake of fail.

The lack of self-awareness is awesome.

You said it, brother (or sister. or sibling of whatever kind).


I’m sorry other cities, but you’ve forced my hand. You’ve all done a fine job of inciting wingnut outrage, and I applaud you for it. But I am the queen of wingnut hate, and I sit on a secure throne.

I placed Nancy Pelosi in power, and I keep her there. QED. She makes me proud.


Bonus topic: How will they ever top either one?

They will of course simply continue what they’ve been doing. They look at Obama’s itinerary to see what he will be doing next week. They then start a week long tirade about how if Obama succeeds in doing this thing it will be the end of Mericka and if he fails it will prove that he is weak and incompetent. I figure right near the end of Obama’s second term the wingnuts will be so insanely bent on this strategy that Obama will annouce that he is adamantly against single payer health care, especially if it covers any form of abortion, and we will then see every Republican in congress voting in favor of it. We just might make batshit crazy work for us.


It’s hard to evaluate the stupidity of either, because that would require thinking that people actually give a rat’s ass about their anti-American attitude.


Speaking of anti-American attitudes, has Dan Riehl addressed concerns that many Americans have about the allegations (found in many places on the Internet), that he in fact does rape, strangle and behead little boys? Dave Letterman could fess up, why not Dan Riehl?


Bonus topic II: Obama better not get caught with an intern. Just sayin’.

However, if he doesn’t get caught with an intern it will just go to show that he is gay and that’s why he is pushing his Islamosocialist gay agenda.


The stupidity the GOP Hissy Fit® is a feature not a bug and it’s the sole feature.


I hear that the elitist Barack Obama doesn’t even move his lips when he reads!

The State of New Hampshire

Cry all you want cities, this here’s the land of the Free, we even have John Stark’s message on our license plates, “Live Free or Die”. We are the attraction for angry white, geriatric Harley riders and self proclaimed libertarian, “Free Staters” countrywide.

They come here to escape the warrants/ of the rest of the country so we can hide er… I mean live in peace and pedophilia…er I mean, freedom foreva!

Not only that but we follow our true libertarian spirit and build our own roads, police our own communities, put out fires ourselves, build our own schools, pump and purify our own water, breath our own purified air and carry our own guns all without gover–(uh what?…)

Well, alright we’re working on that.

Please see Elaine and Ed Brown, care of NH Department of Corrections for further information on free libertarian living.

Thank you, The Fine Whitey State of New Hampshire.

The State of New Hampshire

Harley riders say: “Don’t make me wear a damn helmet or put mufflers on my bike! Live Free or Die!”

“What? There’s some luck coming at me down the road? Alri——”

Due to severe hearing loss, witnesses said the motorcyclist had no idea the truck was coming upon him. Some say a helmet might have saved his life.

Live free or die, that’s the way we roll around here.


And it’s not as if losing the presidential election has made a damn bit of difference to them always getting what they want. Bones through noses in a year, and totally acceptable. Wait and see.


Bonus topic: How will they ever top either one?

It’s been a rush to the bottom for at least 30 years. The only thing I have faith in is their ability to push the envelope of teh st00pit.

It’s FAIL all the way down.


Also, it appears that the race to the bottom may pick up speed real soon. there are rumors now that Hannity is nervous about his job because Beck’s numbers are skyrocketting and now Hannity will be amping up the crazy to keep up.

Do these guys believe what they say or do they just believe what they say will make them rich?


Sorry for the long copy/paste comment. Seriously, my sincere apologies to anyone who takes offense. I was simply posting fast.


Neither. It was Obama’s refusal to comment on the Polanski matter.


And NH is getting bluer, as is Maine.


Bonus topic: How will they ever top either one?

I learned from my ex-husband; you cannot possibly anticipate with any notable accuracy the mechanization, much less the results, of crazy. To get inside it is like crawling into a giant vacuum tube.

Just expect the worse and don’t be astonished when its worse than that.


…Hannity will be amping up the crazy to keep up.

The fact that there are people who believe Hannity hasn’t been amping the crazy since at least August 2008 leaves me gobsmacked.

State of New Hampshire

“And NH is getting bluer, as is Maine.”

Some of the old guard is considering building a fence along our borders. We are applying for a federal grant.

Live Free or Die!


The fact that there are people who believe Hannity hasn’t been amping the crazy since at least August 2008 leaves me gobsmacked.

But now he has an amp that goes to 11.


Evil people prosper
Over the likes of you and me


Haiku fail.


Which was stupider? That’s like asking which cancer is more painful: Brain or pancreatic. You’d think that such stupidity would’ve sealed their fate as being a regional rump party for the next 1000 years. But, somehow, they always find basket cases to listen to them and even amplify them.

Anyway, here’s my own review of Michael Moore’s new movie, Capitalism: A Love Story, if anyone’s interested. I saw it today and, frankly, I wasn’t very impressed with it.


>I placed Nancy Pelosi in power, and I keep her there. QED. She makes me proud.

You are not from San Francisco, dickface. We don’t like the worthless ‘impeachment is off the table’ jackass who was handed her original congressional seat, and we’re certainly not fucking PROUD of her after the shitty job she’s done during her congressional career.

Her and her fucking defense contractor husband are pieces of shit.


From Wikipedia:

Phillip Burton died in 1983 and was succeeded by his wife, Sala. In late 1986, Sala became ill with cancer and decided not to run for reelection in 1988. She picked Pelosi as her designated successor, guaranteeing her the support of the Burtons’ contacts[9].


Haiku fail.

Oh damn, I have just
begun and have already
run out of sylab

The Tragically Flip

They’ve already created hissy fits over Obama doing:

1) ordinary things like standing with his hands clasped during the anthem
2) unoffensive but mildly unusual things like putting dijon mustard on food
3) unavoidable consequences of being president like the security costs and hassle for him taking his wife to see a show in New York

What will be needed for this to get ever stupider is for them to freak out about some of the following:
4) Things George Bush also did without complaint from them or anyone
5) Things Republicans supposedly like or liked until January 2009
6) Completely required duties of the US President

They threatened to do #4 if Obama had fired all the Bush AUSAs despite all the “serve at the pleasure of the president” nonsense we heard. Obama chickened out from that which is a damn shame.

We’ll get #6 when Obama complies with some disclosure law like Freedom of Information and the disclosure looks bad for Republicans. I suppose releasing the DOJ/CIA memos might qualify here.

#5 I’m still waiting on. Perhaps Obama will sign a trade agreement with some country or bomb some brown people and we’ll get this one covered.


Chicago? School speeches?
A few people in the streets now and then, and sadlysuddenly the commentariat ask questions about me like:
“Isn’t Portland a refuge for terrorists in the US? In fact, doesn’t the mayor and police chief give them protection from the feds?”


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