Newt Gingrich Condones Appeasing Muslamonazi Terrorizers!!1!
It’s a sad, sad day for wingnuttery. One of their champions has fallen:
Newt Gingrich, the former Republican Speaker of the House, told students and faculty at the University of South Dakota Monday that the United States should pull out of Iraq and leave a small force there, just as it did post-war in Korea and Germany.
“It was an enormous mistake for us to try to occupy that country after June of 2003,” Gingrich said during a question-and-answer session at the school. “We have to pull back, and we have to recognize it.”
George Will. Bill Buckley. And now Newt Gingrich. How many more wingnut ex-heroes have to cave before people finally get the message?
Aww he’s just a RINO! The real future of the Republican party is posting on LGF and Free Republic!
With luck, all of them.
teh 14m3 is right. As more of the partially reasonable GOP turn away from this failed administration, the geniuses at Little Green Footballs really ARE the future of the Republican Party. This is a message that needs to get out to the moderate Repubs. The people who are driving their bus now can be found posting at LGF. Let them see for themselves where they’re headed.
Oh dear God. Newt Gingrich and I agree on something. Maybe the Idiot-in-Chief is right; maybe it IS the End Times…
Oh dear God. Newt Gingrich and I agree on something. Maybe the Idiot-in-Chief is right; maybe it IS the End Times…
I always almost liked Newt, because it seemed like, in another universe, he could have been a decent human being. Really- he’s got a deep love of all sorts of nerdy stuff (preposterous futurism and dinosaurs, apparently- he also writes terrible alternate history novels!) that made it seem like he was an oddly amusing guy who just took Heinlan a little too seriously.
Newt seems like the kind of guy who is very smart and interesting, but who should never under any circumstances be given any authority in the government.
At least Newt still has that dream of permanent imperial forward bases in Iraq still smouldering in that dreampipe of his.
Nor allowed near marriage.
I will go further. There is no such thing as a defense of marriage act that does not personally name Newt Gingrich in a prohibited class.
Why does Newt Gingrich hate America?
Why does Newt Gingrich hate America?
I’m with Jerry on this one. We don’t need no baby Newts.
I can imagine it being like that Family Guy episode where Ted Turner knocked up that dog.
Flippety Flop.
If I may channel Carrie Bradshaw of “Sex and the City,” I can’t help but wonder: What is Gary’s reaction to this post?
This is something I’ve given a fair bit of thought to lately….look at the huge numbers of people on the right wing of the political spectrum – be they conservatives, necons, Republicans, or whatever – jumping ship of late.
All those endless comparisons that various silly liberal people have made between Bush and Hitler don’t hold water, but there’s another pattern emerging here….
Bush is like Stalin.
Not that Bush is a paranoid murdering lunatic. But that most folks of his general political flavor thought he was an absolute gift from the gods when he came to power….until his general incompetence and lunacy became too blatant to ignore anymore. And then the political movement that once fawned over him fractured over whether to continue to support him DESPITE his total incompetence, or whether to eat crow and repuidate all the nice things they once said about him.
This thought is the first thing in a long while to give me any slight amount of hope whatsoever, because if this is a good analogy, it means the political right should expect to soon find itself consigned to political irrelevancy for a few decades.
I dunno…….what do you think?
Why does Newt Gingrich hate America?
I was always found of Newt’s DoMA stuff. Hasn’t he been married and divorced around 5 times?
Not new news, but still…
I dont see or hear any Newts, Bills, Georges in my sealed bubble.
I’m watching “Mired in Otamia” now.
Gingrich is running in 2008.
He’s staking out a unique position as the only out-now Republican, hoping to capitalize on the disastrous, helicopters-on-the-embassy-roof departure that awaits.
I saw Newt systematically dismantle James Carville in a debate at my college. I disagreed with almost everything Newt had to say (this was during the run-up to war), but Carville’s talents are better suited to cable news panels, not a debate format.
Gingrich is running in 2008.
He’s staking out a unique position as the only out-now Republican, hoping to capitalize on the disastrous, helicopters-on-the-embassy-roof departure that awaits.
Actually, as usual, Newt’s grasp of history is a little weak. For most of the Cold War, the United States had more than 300,000 troops in Germany, almost three times the contingent in Iraq, and over 40,000 troops in Korea. Hardly the “small force” Newt is talking about. As for Iraq, maintaining a small force in Iraq makes about as much sense as maintaining a small force in Vietnam.
I know what you mean about Newt – every once in a while, he displays the rudiments of charm.
It case you are seriously tempted to actually like this guy, though, I’ll remind you that this is the same hateful little elf that simultaneous was screwing his assistant, over 20 years his junior, outside of his marriage while at the same time leading the charge to impeach and remove Clinton from office for the same sort of behavior, all the while blathering about family values every chance he got. I’m not saying he isn’t smart, I’m just a little pissed that after all that, he still isn’t completely discredited.
I just took a shower, but I feel like I need another one after realizing that I agree with Newt.
Just goes to show that just about everyone in America is coming around to realize that Iraq is a debacle.
Oh, Bush is Hitler all right.
Complete to inspiring rabid hatred in the General Staff.
Makes ya wonder when the bomb is going to go off in the conference room…
The only thing missing is the string of military and diplomatic victories.
Bush = Hitler comparisons are misguided and not well thought out. There is ZERO similarity of significance there, and it makes progressives look silly and historically ignorant when things like that are said.
There ARE some interesting – and disturbing – similarities between the NSDAP’s rise to power in prewar Germany and the neoconservatives’ rise to power in America, however.
But saying that because this is true, therefore Bush is similar to Hitler is like saying that because the Americans used overwhelming firepower to “shock and awe” the Iraqis and the Imperial Navy used overwhelming firepower to “shock and awe” the Alderaanians, therefore General Tommy Franks is like Grand Moff Tarkin.
It’s just silly, and there’s a lack of serious thought behind it.
Ugh. I just agreed with Newt Gingrich. Maybe the Left Behind crowd is right: Maybe this IS the End Times…
Oh – and I want my share of nerd street cred for the gratuitous Star Wars reference, too.
Actually, I don’t think what Newt is saying is inconsistent with his long held beliefs. The guy doesn’t do nation building…never has. Notice he doesn’t say it was a mistake to invade…just a mistake to occupy. In the run-up to the invasion, Newt turned Rumsfeld on to a Army officer who was a huge proponent of what became “shock and awe”. (read about this in “Cobra II”) Rummy loved it. Basically, it’s the approach John Derbyshire at National Review favors – the “rubble” approach. Overthrow their government, turn their country to rubble and leave. Maybe, maybe, you install a puppet to run the show after you exit. Remember, that was the initial plan with Iraq, only the whole Chalabi thing and the flowers and candies never worked out. This “democracy” thing only came into play after those failures…and after it became clear that Iraq had no WMDs or ties to al Qaeda.
But if we pull out early then Iraq won’t get pregant with democracy.
Bush isn’t Hitler, Bush is nothing like Stalin (who was generally very competent, just paranoid and plain evil). No, if you must compare Bush to a dictator than Mussolini is the best comparison. Both of them love the flash and style of being leaders, but seem to dislike having to do any real work. Both seem to be trying to recreate past glory (Benito – Rome, Bush – WWII). Both are enamored with the military but seem to have little idea of how to use military force effectively. Both men are arrogant and vainglorious as opposed to really evil like Hitler and Stalin.
Actually, I don’t think what Newt is saying is inconsistent with his long held beliefs. The guy doesn’t do nation building…never has. Notice he doesn’t say it was a mistake to invade…just a mistake to occupy. In the run-up to the invasion, Newt turned Rumsfeld on to a Army officer who was a huge proponent of what became “shock and awe”. (read about this in “Cobra II”) Rummy loved it. Basically, it’s the approach John Derbyshire at National Review favors – the “rubble” approach. Overthrow their government, turn their country to rubble and leave. Maybe, maybe, you install a puppet to run the show after you exit. Remember, that was the initial plan with Iraq, only the whole Chalabi thing and the flowers and candies never worked out. This “democracy” thing only came into play after those failures…and after it became clear that Iraq had no WMDs or ties to al Qaeda.
Also notice that Newt had no problem banging the Iran war drums later in the story.
So what you’re saying, Pope Ratzo, is that LGF needs a new slogan.
“LGF: Driving the short bus for the Republican Party”.
Mabus! Bush is Mabus!
This is the only rational explanation.
“I just took a shower, but I feel like I need another one after realizing that I agree with Newt.”
Please, folks! Remember, we were here first! If Newt or George Will start agreeing with our stands, it isn’t our fault — it’s that “recognizing reality” thingie.
Don’t be ashamed to be joined on the side of truth, justice and the American Way, no matter how low-life or previously unenlightened are those who join with us.
>No, if you must compare Bush to a dictator than Mussolini is the best comparison.
Then I propose we call him Il Duncé.
right–General Franks is more like Admiral Ozzel; he took the fleet out of hyperspace too soon back in April 03. He’s as clumsy as he is stupid.
>No, if you must compare Bush to a dictator than Mussolini is the best comparison.
Then I propose we call him Il Duncé.
This has come up before. Il Douche seems to do him the most justice.
Newt is a fool.
He’s putting his ambitions above America.
The fact is that the terrorists are emboldened when they hear that Newt wants to cut and run.
When it comes to the Republican candidates, they have a laundry list of flaws.
Rudy: pro-abortion, anti-gun, anti-family
McCain: pro-tax, panderer, attention hound
Frist: ineffective leader
Newt: Iraq defeatist
Basically the good nominees would be George Allen, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Ann Coulter
[No, if you must compare Bush to a dictator than Mussolini is the best comparison.
Then I propose we call him Il Duncé. ]
I was gonna suggest “Il Douche”.
yay! Gary joined us!
Gary, please please please, for the love of God, nominate Dick Cheney and Ann Coulter in 2008.
I am leaving it in your capable hands.
Interesting to see Newter piss on the whole Iraq enterprise.
During the 2004 election, he pushed the ‘Saddam moved the weapons to Syria’ fantasy.
Now apparently he thinks we should’ve decapitated the government, obliterated Iraq’s infrastructe and headed home.
I’m sure that would have been much better for regional stability than, say, never attacking in the first place.
Another great conservative thinker aiming to command our armed forces in 2009.
If nothing else, maybe he can build one of his alternate-history novels around this shitty premise.
Terrorists pay such close attention to the American media that they totally know who Newt Gingrich is–even though he left Congress six years ago–and where he stands on the issues.To use a phrase I swore I would never use: Self-important much?
Gary, you silly silly troll. You’re trying too hard.
“The fact is that the terrorists are emboldened when they hear that Newt wants to cut and run.”
Because Newt is no doubt well-known in your typical terrorist household.
Who’s George Allen? Isn’t he that squat little old-time comedian with curly black hair who used to be on Merv Griffin all the time in the 70s?
I know, Kathleen, I know! Everytime I think he’s gone all “second verse, same as the first, a little bit louder and a little bit worse” on us, he brings it home. Seriously, “Basically the good nominees would be George Allen, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Ann Coulter”? Oh my God, the suicide squeeze! Beautiful! My day is now complete.
Newt Gingrich is a former Speaker of the House, so he’s obviously a very prominent figure in politics.
Oh, I see. Now Gary Ruppert is the go-to guy if you want the definitive word on who is “prominent” in elective/appointed office in America. As witnessed yesterday in “The Miracle of the Moving Goalposts: Democrats Are Racist.”
Il douché?
sure, gary. and all the terrorists know carl albert and tip o’neill, too. actually, newt etc are way behind the curve. when paul harvey started speaking critically of the iraq war, it was all over for red state america
Yes, and the Canadian speaker of the House of Commons from 1999 would be…..
Well, George Will has always been a sissy, so it’s no wonder he’s a terrorist appeaser.
Molly Ivins, btw, calls Newt a “nincompoop”. It’s a hard point to argue, really. And don’t make me start making Karel Capek jokes.
Who’s Newt Gingrinch?
Please nominate Ann, Gary!
I’m so invoking Godwin’s Law on this thread.'s_law
When I touch myself in the dirty places at night, I dream of a world where Dick Cheney (aka Mr. 18%) will be the next Republican nominee. Strangly, these dreams always end with Big Dick shooting me in the face with his long, shiny gun.
I cry so many tears of joy that I end up having to get up and change the sheets. It’s a small price to pay for my trembling fantasy.
yeah, Cheney would be a great nominee. 18% approval rating, lustily booed by a full stadium at today’s Mets game, and such a personable guy too.
Please, Republicans, run Cheney in 08.
Oh, screw Godwin’s Law
Hell, nominate Gary Ruppert. Even Nancy Pelosi could take his ass.
Jillian, that was a brilliant analogy of Bush to Stalin, although I understand why others are proposing Mussolini.
Il douché – I love it!
Invoking Godwin’s Law is a fascist move.
(Woohoo — meta-Godwin!)
Basically the good nominees would be George Allen, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Ann Coulter
And you think this is a STRONG bench? One that will continue Republican dominance? Lotsa luck, Bonzo.
What will Dan Simmons say?
Yes, and the Canadian speaker of the House of Commons from 1999 would be…..
That would be Gib Parent, Jillian.
I ran against him when I was the Niagara Centre NDP candidate in 1997.
A Liberal, Gib pimped for bipartisan support for his bid to be speaker of the Commons by attending daily prayer breakfasts hosted by the Reform Party.
After he got the speaker gig, he ditched his wife of 30+ years to shack up with an actress known for “The Longest Legs In Show Business”.
In other words, another pious self-seeking hypocrite pretty much cut from the Newt Gingrich mold.
McCain: pro-tax, panderer, attention hound
And don’t forget that black child he fathered out of wedlock.
Newt Gingrich is a former Speaker of the House, so he’s obviously a very prominent figure in politics.
I hear he has his own talk show on AL-Jazeera, which allows the terrorists to keep tabs on his pronouncement on Iraq and the GWOT.
Then they must send around a newsletter (perhaps by owl?) to the other Terrorists, inspiring them to keep fighting.
I gotcha, WPE…..
I develop an increasing fascination with Canadian politics, especially considering as I plan on joining y’all in your glorious socialist paradise as soon as possible. (Okay, so Canada isn’t really a glorious socialist paradise….but they’ve managed to get a halfway decent single payer health system, whereas we have such a well thought out, efficient system that we have a lower life expectancy than they do in Costa Rica).
But mostly I was just mocking dear Gary for his belief that surely, people must know who the Speaker of the American House Of Representatives is.
Basically the good nominees would be George Allen, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Ann Coulter
Do you think it’s a coincidence that “Gary Ruppert” is an anagram of “party purger”?
Basically the good nominees would be George Allen, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Ann Coulter
Do you think it’s a coincidence that “Gary Ruppert” is an anagram of “party purger”?
I see someone cloned Dan Someone–isn’t that illegal?
Only if it was a human-animal hybrid clone, Marq.
“perhaps by owl”
That’s funny!
Run, Newt, run!
We’d love to see the sequel to “Contract on America”.
Newtie is obvously to be counted among the few dead enders in the last throes of insugency…
Pullin’ back? But that means Newt’s for cuttin’ and a runnin’. How can that be?
But mostly I was just mocking dear Gary for his belief that surely, people must know who the Speaker of the American House Of Representatives is.
I knew that, Jillian.
But still it was kind of remarkable that you asked a deliberately obscure question for which I just happened to know the answer.
I doubt that even one Canadian in a thousand woulda been able to answer that one.
If you do come to Canada someday, try not to make the same mistake I did when I arrived here from the USA: don’t be fooled by the party that calls itself “Liberal”.
If you do come to Canada someday, try not to make the same mistake I did when I arrived here from the USA: don’t be fooled by the party that calls itself “Liberal”.
It IS pretty darn funny that you knew the answer…the crowd this place attracts is amazing.
But as far as “liberal” goes…..I think I’m pretty safe about not making this mistake. Most people are very confused about what this word means.
I don’t think I am. After all – I’m not a liberal.
I’m on the Left.
And they are totally different things.
But if we ever meet up when I do get to your side of the border,the first round is on me.
It case you are seriously tempted to actually like this guy, though, I’ll remind you that this is the same hateful little elf that simultaneous was screwing his assistant, over 20 years his junior, outside of his marriage while at the same time leading the charge to impeach and remove Clinton from office for the same sort of behavior, all the while blathering about family values every chance he got.
Let’s not forget that he ended his first marriage because his wife got cancer.
Yeah, didn’t he do something classy like serve her with divorce papers while she was IN THE HOSPITAL? I could be remembering that wrong, though. There’s such a smorgy of disgusting Republican behavior out there that I can barely keep it straight.
But, oh, I’m just loving that Cheney-Coulter ticket in 2008: the all-undead ticket. Jesus, we could exhume Tip O’Neill and prop him up at a podium and he’d be more likable than those two.
But why just stop at Cheney-Coulter? Why don’t they go all the way and run Thurmond-Malkin? Now there’s a dream team for you.
Why hasn’t anyone suggested a Coulter-Malkin ’08 ticket? Oh. my. freaking. God. Would that be awesome. Like a political GWAR tour.
Newt Gingrich attended the same high school I did. Stuttgart-American High School in Stuttgart W. Germany.
Makes me sick to contemplate.
And a better Pub ticket would be Cheney/Rice.
I thought that this was going to be the funniest comment today: Cheney-Coulter 2008: the all-undead ticket, but then I saw this Coulter-Malkin ’08: a political GWAR tour
and now I don’t know what to think. but I can’t stop laughing. Nice work.
“Why hasn’t anyone suggested a Coulter-Malkin ’08 ticket? Oh. my. freaking. God. Would that be awesome. Like a political GWAR tour.”
My first thoughts for a comment was you people are wackos. However, what ideas have you ever come up with for the betterment of the country. Both of the Bushes were bad for this country. Senior not nearly as bad as junior, I am not sure except for the economic part of the Clinton Administration that he was any better. What legislation has been passed in the past 20 years that has bettered you lot. The one responsible, take a good look in the mirror. That’s right you and you are not alone. I voted for Ross Perot and I’m proud of it. I have cut the top of the ticket for the past 12 years. I vote against every incumbent. Because, they have sat on thier fat butt
will the country goes into the toilet. With Kerry and Gore two whiny, snively nosed kids still looking to find themselves. They have no passion. Of course, neither does Bush. I am too old to run for office now. Plus, I would tell people the way it is. Not the way they dream it is. It’s time to wake up in America. I beleive in universal health care; I beleive anything paid for by the taxpayer (be it toilet paper in gov’t offices or computers all parts, manufacturing and support thereof)be done in this country; I beleive all representatives and senators get but two assistants (call them what you want); Senators and representatives get a 401K just like you and I no pension, Senators and representatives can also pay for thier medical care just like you and I. Welcome to the real world gentlemen. And we need to keep our security to ourselves. Company’s that give Ceo’s etc, more money, stock options than the president of the US, must give an equal amont in bonuses to the workers. Have you ever wondered how these CEO’s lose millions of dollars. And somehow keep thier jobs. I have more ideas such as infrastructure changes, rebuilding functioning railroads etc. Let me know if you want to hear it.