One Toke Over The Line


Shorter Anne “Babe” (Not That One) Huggett, Renew Merka
Drugged out of one’s gourd

  • The reason for Obama’s crazy socialist agenda is that he has fried his brain on marijuana, cocaine, cigarettes, booze and jet lag.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 69


I’m staying in the boat.


That’ll do, pig.


he has fried his brain on marijuana, cocaine, cigarettes, booze and jet lag

Well, so have I, and you don’t see me being all socialismy….

wait. Maybe she’s on to something, and not just on something.


Why can’t he just be a dry drunk with the very occasional pretzel incident like normal presidents?


Just an observation…but 20 years of alchoholism does a lot more brain damage than a few years of smoking pot. Yet “Babe” didn’t seem concerned when the brain-damaged allegedly former alchoholic was behind the wheel & driving us off the cliff.


The reason for Obama’s crazy socialist agenda is that he has fried his brain on marijuana, cocaine, cigarettes, booze and jet lag.

That’s exactly why I am a drug decriminalization activist and advocate of the right of citizens to jet aircraft.


I’m with Babe on this point:

Quite frankly, nothing makes sense anymore and evidently that’s just the way the ruling elites like it.


I’ll have to try this “jet lag” stuff, unless it’s just some fancy name the kids these days are calling something I already know about.


The reason for Obama’s crazy socialist agenda is that he has fried his brain on marijuana, cocaine, cigarettes, booze and jet lag.

Good thing wingnuts are only high on life and the occasional meth binge.


Good thing wingnuts are only high on life and the occasional meth binge.

yeah, sometimes I get the weird feeling Jesus isn’t actually enough for the average wingnut.


That’ll do, pig.




But what does she have to say about George W. Bush’s self-admitted alcoholism and (supposed) redemption and conversion to sobriety?

I notice that is noticeably missing from this hard-hitting expose of the drink, drugs and tobacco habits of world leaders.

Quite frankly, nothing makes sense anymore Yeah, honey. I can show you one example.


Oh, and really classy take here:

Pelosi is the type of person who gives bi-polar disorder a bad name.

Nice one.


Can I just ask – who the fuck is this fat cunt anyway?


Can I just ask – who the fuck is this fat cunt anyway?

A very poor excuse for a human being. And an embarrassment for all who assert the rationality of man.


Her day job? Female Eddie Izzard impersonator.


That’s really a photo of Eddie Izzard in drag.



Trusting… trusting…

OT, but awesome.

I’m starting to like this guy.


Ugh. Does Renewed Merkin make a point of only hiring idiots who can’t write? I mean, the content is no surprise – if there’s even the tiniest thing they can latch onto for the purposes of slandering Obama, they’ll sink their teeth into it, but the writing is just dreadful.

Did they just give this moron a crayon and a Republican talking point and set her loose?


“Her day job? Female Eddie Izzard impersonator.”

Eddie is better looking and has actual fashion sense.


Quite frankly, nothing makes sense …

Can’t believe she’s falling back on the Chewbacca defense so quickly.


Distinctly anthropomorphic, smart as a whip, raised by sheepdogs. Lipstick. Can find truffles w/ snout?


And yes, good point, sneaking out of the rectory while Mrs Haggard’s asleep to snort bad coke off an aging but heavily muscled male hustler’s ass, it’s definitely a liberal thing. We all do it. We do it all the time. I’m doing it right now.


just me, i now have a new hero. i finally finally finally managed to write about health care reform after wanting to for weeks, and it was that video you linked to about grayson that did it.

HE IS AMAZING. i’m writing him a thank you letter and then also writing letters to my congresscritters to ask why they can’t be more like him.


he has fried his brain on marijuana, cocaine, cigarettes, booze

someone should tell her Bush is no longer the decider.


How is Babbe formed? It would be irresponsible not to speculate!


doot doo doo Mindin’ mah internet: Wah?! Can’t be that stupid – click

Stupid Shit on mah Internet say:

“Senator Kennedy is mercifully gone to where he can no longer cause this country mischief but the booze and broads brigades all up and down the East Coast are still holding candle light vigils for him.”


That was a good one.

The B & B Brigades on the Left Coast are lighting candles for him too.



Yeah, he’s pretty good. I would have liked to see him knock the pubbie’s head off with facts a bit more, but for an off the cuff defense it was well done. Ferinstance, when that schmekl started spouting that if only the Dems would make a bill out of tort reform and letting the insurance co.s go interstate, the Republicans would be sweetness and light, Grayson really ought to have mentioned that cowtowing to Republicans is what got us the fetid, gangrenous abortion we call the Baucus Bill in the Senate, and there aren’t but one or two of them that are going to vote for it anyway. That, and when whatsherface started playing the scold, he should have crammed a few choice “death panel” and “the Democrats are going to kill grammaw” quotes up her ass and remind her that the GOP House leadership was engaged in heavy petting with the astroturf assholes who spent the month of August murdering comity and decorum in town hall meetings.

Other than that, thumbs up. Like the man said, he’s only been at it for eight months. He’s got some time to polish the act. I don’t know what the fuck excuse the rest of the Dems in Congress have.


Anybody else notice that Babe’s earrings are stapled to her jowls?


Can I just ask – who the fuck is this fat cunt anyway?

She is NOT a cunt: she lacks the depth, the charm, and (like most wingnuts) the warmth.


Last night I watched that CNN clip and donated 50$ to the man in appreciation for telling it like it is. The panel just cannot believe he has no fear of hurting their widdle feelings.


I spend all this money on drugs to get fucked up and people like Babe here get to that state by just existing. FML.


Alternate shorter: Obviously that n!gger is high on crack.


The delicious part about Grayson’s media trolling is that he’s actually effective at doing what the Wingnuts might have done (or tried to do and failed) with the whole “Death Panels” thing: throw out the bait and then use the coverage generated by the controversy to make your point.

Fortunately for Democrats (and the country) the Wingnuts had no second act; they drew the Eye of Mordor well enough, but with no plan of their own and no real point to make, they squandered the attention on ZOMG TEH BLACK HEETLERZ bullshit.


Obviously that n!gger is high on crack.

By George, I think he’s got it!


I’m surprised she didn’t throw opium in there, too, and then she’d have the racist trifecta (black, brown and yellow).

Alcohol, being the white man’s drug, is of course exempt from such consideration (and ,non-coincidentally, quite legal)


agreed. mor dems like grayson, pls?


Alcohol, being the white man’s drug

Then why don’t I have any right now?!? Answer me that, smart guy.


You liberals are pathetic! You called Bush=HITLER for years and now you are upset with Your Boy gets called out on his hard left socialist facist leanings? You are hippocrits, all of you!

And by the way, that census worker was a Child molester! Try some facts and logic for once!


Then why don’t I have any right now?!? Answer me that, smart guy.

You drank it all.


Transparently fake troll is transparently fake.


is everyone on drugs? [/Mr. Hand]


Quite frankly, nothing makes sense anymore…

Pastor Swank’s plans for global domination are approaching fruition!


OT, a gift/assignment for Tintin….

Next Dan Riehl post, here’s what you might think about photoshopping.


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

Is that Starina from “The Birdcage”? I never knew Nathan Lane could look so ugly in drag.


Next Dan Riehl post, here’s what you might think about photoshopping.

What? No babies to rape?


You called Bush=HITLER for years and now you are upset with Your Boy gets called out on his hard left socialist facist leanings?

He’s not “Our Boy”. He’s “our Man”.

He’s YOUR “boy,” you cracker redneck bohunk.


Then why don’t I have any right now?!?

*tossing N__B’s last empty bottle of Patron over shoulder*

Huhwha, now?

Rusty Shackleford

Today the internet is abuzz with reports that Dan Riehl assraped a nun with a boy scout’s baseball bat while forcing the other nuns to watch, then he killed all the nuns and the boy scout. Why is the MSM silent?


I’m with Babe on this point:

Quite frankly, nothing makes sense anymore and evidently that’s just the way the ruling elites like it.

Except that her idea of the “ruling elites” probably includes ACORN and Reverend Wright.


I demand that Representative Alan Grayson apologize immediately for the comments appearing in this blog post.


Yes, good for Grayson for at least poking a stick in the hornet’s nest. He’s getting closer to doing what I’ve been saying needs to happen: for someone to just stand up and say “the only reason we haven’t fixed this a long time ago is that some people in this country are getting rich by allowing others to go without healthcare and die when they get sick.” He just went with the shorter. The only problem with the shorter is, it’s not really the heart of the matter and so leaves out not only the guilty members of Grayson’s own party, but also leaves room for Republican whining and faux outrage. Republicans don’t really want people to die when they get sick; that’s a bug, not a feature. The feature is for as many of their campaign benefactors to profit from each and every sick person as possible. If the only way to earn a profit from a sick person is to allow them to die, so be it. They’re being aided and abetted by Democrats such as Nelson, Lincoln, Baucus, et al, who, while shamelessly looking out for the health of the health insurer shareholders’ earnings over and above the health of their constituents, are getting a free pass whenever this is not stated directly, succinctly, and to-the-point.

But, having at least one representative willing to stand up and point to the turd in the punchbowl, which in Washington terms is the height of incivility, is a big step in the right direction. It’s the only way things like this ever get addressed.


Does Renewed Merkin make a point of only hiring idiots who can’t write?


“This has been another edition of simple answers…” OK, wrong blog, but it works.


Can someone explain the “thought” process behind this cartoon?
Thanks in advance.


Can someone explain the “thought” process behind this cartoon?

I am truly at a loss.

Cartoon Saul Alinsky is totally hot. I’d totally let him redistribute his income over my urban blight any day.


What? No “NBC”???? “Negro’s Best Channel”?


I really wish you hadn’t linked to that site. I can’t stop looking at it. I think he’s actually worse than Chris Muir.

And what the fuck is this? Is there some sort of double-meaning to this that I don’t understand, or is he really that fucking dumb?


George W. Bush’s self-admitted alcoholism

Didn’t we get non-denials on cocaine and marijuana use, too? He refused to say outright whether he’d used pot “[b]ecause I don’t want some little kid doing what I tried,” and on using cocaine said “I haven’t denied anything.” He would only say he could answer truthfully to not having used drugs in 15 years when asked in 1989.


TruculentandUnreliable said,
“And what the fuck is this? Is there some sort of double-meaning to this that I don’t understand, or is he really that fucking dumb?”

You see, the statue of liberty writes “Free Iran” on the wall and the the flying Ayatollah lion loses its wings and the statue of liberty finally gets her wings. What’s not to understand. It seems pretty obvious to me.


Tintin: Inspired use of skillet-and-eggs.

I want to see people like Grayson just throw up their hands, in public, on tv, etc., and say, “You know, the hell with it. I can’t pretend to be bi-partisan. These people are liars and mercenaries. Show me a Republican party with half an ounce of concern for actual people and actual democratic values, and I’ll work with it. Until then, it’s just too demeaning to have to take them seriously.”

Grayson–need a speechwriter? Cheap?


TruculentandUnreliable, that’s just the Spirit of Liberty teaching Nebuchadnezzar to moonwalk. Happens all the time.


You see, the statue of liberty writes “Free Iran” on the wall and the the flying Ayatollah lion loses its wings and the statue of liberty finally gets her wings. What’s not to understand. It seems pretty obvious to me.

Durrr. Silly me!

But why is the lion seem like a crude attempt to replicate Egyptian-style hieroglyphs?


So the war-hero with a beer-heiress wife not only lost to a black man – he also lost to a STONER?

Mmm, this lady really knows how to make liberal-fascist Islamohomoabortionists smile, eh?

He would only say he could answer truthfully to not having used drugs in 15 years when asked in 1989.

Which (like his claim to many years of sobriety) is totally believable, much like his pledge to give up golf for Teh Troopz was.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The reason for Obama’s Babe’s crazy socialist Renew America agenda is that she has fried her brain on deep fried bacon, pork rinds, Mountain Dew Extra Big Gulps, and the resulting lack of oxygen flow to her brain.


the flying Ayatollah lion

The lion’s a symbol of the old regime. If you find pre-revolution documents that have passed through government hands since then you’ll often find that the lion’s been markered out or otherwise defaced.


“If those adults attain positions of power then that TV anti-drug ad using a hot frying pan prop as drugs then dropping an egg to sizzle away as it fries as a brain on drugs might explain the laws currently being formulated in DC.”

I love this sentence. It means something different each time I read it.


I want to discuss the physical and mental damage that I incurred from not trusting the shorter and clicking on that link…..

The Goddamn Batman Has The Courage To Change What He Can, The Serenity To Accept What He Can't Change, And The Wisdom To Know The Difference

I’m thinking that Babe is trying to work everyone else’s program, if you catch my drift.


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