The Psychiatrist’s Shorter Charles Krauthammer
Posted on April 8th, 2006 by HTML Mencken
First a Wall — Then Amnesty (Krauthammer’s version):
Mr. Bush should build such a grand wall that it will shame the Ming Dynasty, Israeli engineers, and Pink Floyd roadies.
First a Wall — Then Amnesty (Krauthammer’s neurotic subconscious version):
Requiring immigrants to obey the law is a necessity; requiring employers to obey the law is an atrocity.
Retardo Montalban, who formerly practiced psychiatry, is an op-ed columnist for
Can Krauthammer be helped? I understand they have wonderful drugs that do wonderful things. I’m not opposed to involuntary commitment if thats what it takes to make Kraut right.
“…shame the Ming Dynasty…”
I suppose this administration has already accomplished this much in other areas…
Don’t worry, though, I’ll run against Dear Leader in his 7th or 8th term. My key quote?
“Mr. Bush, tear down this wall!“
short of shock-therapy, lobotomy, or a steady regimen of horse tranqulizers, there’s nothing that can be done that conforms to the Hypocratic Oath or the Pure Food and Drug Act. sorry.
but maybe the immigration service can help. chuck was born in uruguay, i think, then came here through the border from canadia.
word is that chuck is heir to a pork bellies fortune, schemes in his mansion with the FBI, talks about giving orphans “the chocolate treatment”, and dreams of using Clarice Starling as bait to lure his arch-nemesis, Hannibal Lector, out of hiding. Oh wait…
Damn that Hypocratic Oath! Didn’t the Justice Department deem the Oath quaint and irrelevant in a post 9/11 world? In any event, PCP or “a steady regimen of horse tranqulizers” no longer has any affect on Kraut. Maybe we can task Krauthammer with buiding the wall himself and he’ll go away.
Additional shorter Krauthammer: “I can’t suck up to all kinds of Republicans, but damned if I won’t try.”
Krauthammer (n): a blunt, smelly instrument.
I say take him down with a dart gun filled with elephant tranquilizer. That ought to do the trick.
25% of Mexicans are working for $4/day for American subsidiaries. You want a wall, Yanks? Repeal NAFTA.
You all must still be mad that the DHS pedophile is actually a Democrat.
As for the Wall.
It’s something which should be a national security priority.
Each and every illegal immigrant should be deported. No ifs, ands, or buts.
As well, the Federal Minimum Wage should be repealed, as it is unconstitutional, and costing us jobs to nations like Mexico and China.
There’s no need to repeal NAFTA either, as it has been an obvious success.
The main reason for the surge in illegal immigration is due to the Democrat desire to form a new bloc of supporters to win elections. They want amnesty so they can get more votes in the next election.
And if Mexicans want to march around and protest and wave Mexican flags, they’re free to do it in Mexico. Their racism and bigotry shouldn’t be welcomed here in America.
Gary Ruppert:
When the seagulls… follow the trawler… it’s because they think… sardines will be thrown… into the sea.
The main reason for the surge in illegal immigration is due to the Democrat desire to form a new bloc of supporters to win elections. They want amnesty so they can get more votes in the next election.
It’s disturbing, isn’t it? The juvenile, mean-spirited, delusional thinking of little Gary Ruppert here is really not that different from the opinion of the people who are actually running things.
How on Earth did this happen?
Those who use Firefox can go to the “tools” section and click on “Subtext Translator” when reading wingnut sites. This tool allows the user to instantly receive accurate “shorter” versions of their often rambling, incoherent and fakety-professorial spews.
A few examples I’ve seen using the Subtext Translator are:
“Brown people bad.”
Cheetos?! Me want some too!”
“Strong Daddy, change diaper.”
I hope the utilization of this tool will help the gentle reader to better understand the often confounding mind of the wingnut. Unfortunately, the answer will probably be ‘sadly, no!’
700 MILE WALL!!!1!!
requiring employers to obey the law is an atrocity
What the…? How…? Why…?
I believe all language processing cells in my brain have gone on strike … aeom doak urim … HELP!
My, a 700 mile road. I wonder how much cheap labor this wall will use. Cheap labor from people who can’t afford to turn down even below mininium wages. Hmmm….
I mean wall. Oops, silly democrat subconcious.
Would it make a difference to any of these loonies if someone were to take them aside and gently explain to them that the Great Wall of China was ultimately pretty useless as a defensive fortification, and that the last Chinese dynasty was composed of the ethnic group the wall was designed to keep out? That the money and manpower the Ming dynasty wasted on building the wall would have given a much higher defense payoff had they been employed in other, more traditional defensive methods? Or are they incapable of thinking in anything other than cute soundbites anymore?
Gary Ruppert. My my my. Your ignorance of basic economics is staggering. People come across the border because they can make more money here. A political party like the Democrats can actually do very little to alter that economic reality.
You can do whatever you want to try to stem illegal immigration, but in the end it’s like trying to legislate against gravity.
Your suggestion of deportation and a wall would be incredibly costly (not to mention deeply complicated morally) and of dubious funcionality.
More effective would be to penalize people hiring undocumented workers, but that too would require costly oversight, and would run up against conservatives’ concerns about meddling government.
Even your proposal to turn America into a sweatshop economy by repealing the minimum wage wouldn’t have much of an immediate effect. This country would still be an attractive place to live and work for some time before it levelled out with Mexico and the Central American countries by following your policy prescription. After which point, I suppose Americans would join our southern neighbors in heading up to Canada for work.
Oh, come on, Demogenes – he’s caught us. It’s time to fess up about the weekend trips to TJ organized by the Democratic party to pickup carloads of illegal immigrants and drive them over the border to the nearest polling place.
Weren’t you with us that one time we stayed an extra day to…err, launch an investigative committee to explore that new tequila delivery system they’d purportedly developed? If you ask nicely, I’m sure either Brad or Gavin have the pictures….
One of three recent Bush administration pedophile arrests may possibly have been a Democrat, therefore everything said by anyone on the left can be safely ignored? Sweet! Our Gary is back, relaxed, restored, and ready to go! Didn’t I tell you a spa break was just the thing?
Oh, yes, indeed, all my previous concern that the Administration is violating the Constitution has been neutralized by the fact that somewhere out there an individual who happens to be a Democrat is breaking the law.
I’ll just go weep in my pillow now.
Although logic does impell me to wonder — if the crimes and transgressions of a single individual who appears to be a Democrat is supposed to neutralize all Democrats, then why, Gary Ruppert aren’t you a crazed and desparate weakened failure due to all the Republican crimes?
Oh, wait….
And the Repugs continue to prove themselves the Wal-Mart Stalinists we always knew them to be.
Why WAS the Soviet Union so bad, again?
Weren’t you with us that one time we stayed an extra day to…err, launch an investigative committee to explore that new tequila delivery system they’d purportedly developed? If you ask nicely, I’m sure either Brad or Gavin have the pictures….
And don’t forget the special show we went to … they don’t call us the ‘donkeys’ for nothin’!
You all must still be mad that the DHS pedophile is actually a Democrat.
Well you obviously haven’t seen this extensive list of Repug sickos. Maybe you’re little debunkers can debunk that too? No? Well, then I hope I didn’t make you cry.
Also on the DHS pedophile thing… I don’t recall anybody making hay out of Brian Doyle’s party affiliation, Dem or Rep. I think the concern was that this guy is (a) a DHS official, (b) was arranging to have sex with a minor and (c) seems to have used his position with the DHS as some sort of extra added attraction to entice the minor to have sex with him (maybe to make himself seem important enough to have sex with?).
I note that Gary’s friend with the blog not only defends the Administration on “Nyah nyah, he’s a Democrat” grounds, but also on the grounds that “he’s a civil servant so he wasn’t vetted” grounds. The first is irrelevant, as noted above. The second is, if anything, disturbing. I understand that the President created a massive new bureaucracy by stitching it together out of massive old bureaucracies, and that little thought went into its composition and governance. But if you are creating a massive federal bureaucracy to do something as vital as protecting the country from The Terrorists Who Are Coming To Kill Us All, then you damn well ought to be vetting the people you put into it, don’t you think?
Wotm there was only one? Last I read, there were at least three, and that’s if we limit ourselves to the DHS. Bzzt! Sorry Gary, you lose. Thanx for playing anyhoo, moron.
Ah, very good. Gary does want to do something constructive r/e illegal immigration–he wants the average wage in Mexico and the US to be the same, thus removing any motivation for potential illegals to migrate North. Good show! Asshat.
“…they don’t call us the ‘donkeys’ for nothin’!”
Oh, Ramone…
“Mr. Bush should build such a grand wall that it will shame the Ming Dynasty, Israeli engineers, and Pink Floyd roadies.”
Yes Chuckles, cause we all remember that piece of Cold War melo-drama where St. Ronnie the Incontinent stammered “Mr. Goarbachev, Put up that Wall.” Jackass.
“Mr. Bush should build such a grand wall that it will shame the Ming Dynasty, Israeli engineers, and Pink Floyd roadies.”
Yes Chuckles, cause we all remember that piece of Cold War melo-drama where St. Ronnie the Incontinent stammered “Mr. Gorbachev, Put up that Wall.” Jackass.
“Yes Chuckles, cause we all remember that piece of Cold War melo-drama where St. Ronnie the Incontinent stammered “Mr. Gorbachev, Put up that Wall.” Jackass.”
– There is a big difference between a wall to keep your people in and a wall to keep foreigners out. That really should be obvious.
“requiring employers to obey the law is an atrocity”
– Chuck has never indicated anything to this effect. I’ve heard opinions of his that indicate the opposite is probably true.
I’m getting the strong impression that nobody here cares much about facts.
“requiring employers to obey the law is an atrocity”
– Chuck has never indicated anything to this effect. I’ve heard opinions of his that indicate the opposite is probably true.
From Krauthammer’s column —
“Those who think employer sanctions will control immigration are dreaming. Employer sanctions were the heart of Simpson-Mazzoli. They are not only useless; they are pernicious. They turn employers into enforcers of border control. That is the job of government, not landscapers.”
“Forget employer sanctions. Build a barrier. It is simply ridiculous to say it cannot be done.”
I’m getting the strong impression, Scott, that you can’t read.
Facts all come with points of view.
Facts don’t do what I want them to.
Where’s the “atrocity” in that quote? Is “pernicious” all you have? So detrimental and ineffective = atrocity?
Chuck has come out strongly againt the employers who are against immigration enforcment because they want cheap labor. BTW, what would you propose we do with illegal immigrants?
… Also he is not advocating for any employment law to not be enforced.
If anything, he is advocating for laws to be repealed. So don’t be talking to me about reading …