The Angriest Dogs in the World
The dogs that are so angry they cannot move.
#19 joshlbetts 4/7/2006 09:36AM PDT
This is a war against islam. Just like we had a war against bushido and german nationalism.
The resolution of this conflict is no different.
Muslims must be faced with annihilation, just like the japenese and the germans, oh…and the soviets.
But the muslims want a nuclear war, they believe their faith will see them victorious. So lets begin. Now.
They cannot eat.
#24 hiker 4/7/2006 10:32AM PDT
[…] A pox on the illegals! I don’t need your “work”, because I do everything myself, and I don’t eat at fast-food joints and rarely eat out at restaurants, and on those rare occasions when I do, the kitchen help sure look legal to me (mostly college students serving as waiters and waitresses, and the bus-persons speak fluent English). Saying they only do work that Americans and legal immigrants won’t do is BS.
They cannot sleep.
#41 Chicken Kiev 4/7/2006 08:41AM PDT
[…] Yet they keep banging and banging away, trying to prove their agenda is correct.
This is the greatest evidence we have of Bush Derangement Syndrome — they’ve gone crazy and they’ll do anything … anything.
They can just barely growl.
#2 Final Historian 4/6/2006 07:21PM PDT
Am I the only one who is starting to think that our universe/reality is nothing more than G-d writing a farce? Thats what its starting to feel like to me.
Bound so tightly with tension and anger, they approach the state of rigor mortis.
#41 cbinflux 4/6/2006 08:49PM PDT
While Ann might occasionally go over the top, she’s a heoine to many, including me. She’s said, written and laboriously referenced what we’ve known for decades re: NYT and MSM. Slander and Treason were sentinal works for our country and seminal works for our causes.
No one who’s seen her debate or speak on campuse acn doubt her convictions or bravery.
Apparently they can’t use Spellcheck, either, and hope they get lucky while attempting to type without opposable thumbs.
“Sentinal” works? Apparently this guy isn’t an actual student at the campuses that Ann Coulter speaks (or more accurates pukes) at.
“Accurately”, even.
Figures that I’d comment on grammar and make a mistake that dumb.
whats the idea behing writing God like G-d? Is that like writing Fuck like F-ck?
Does he have something against vowels?
And wasn’t it M-rx who said something about history being farce?
she’s a heoine to many, including me.
Ann Coulter, the he-o-ine. I think that’s a Freudian slip for the ages.
And when the final, disastrous pullout comes in Iraq, as it surely will…who wants to wager that these same voices will cry in tones just as vicious about the “stab in the back”?
If it doesn’t make you just the tiniest bit nervous, then you probably aren’t paying enough attention.
“…Just like we had a war against bushido and german nationalism.”
Leave it to the McCarthy worshippers to obfuscate the fact that we were in a war against fascism…
she’s a heoine to many, including me.
Coulter was a hero to most
But he never meant shit to me
Straight out racist sucker was
Simple and Plain
Mother fuck him and John Wayne
Ann Coulter is brave? Wow… then why doesn’t she enlist?
No one who’s seen her debate or speak on campuse acn doubt her convictions or bravery.
I’ve seen her speak on a campus. The only thing she’s good at is insulting people.
Whoo hoo.
“Bush Derangement Syndrome”
Is that anything like Clinton Derangement Syndrome?
I almost got a Rethug to take poke at me when I asked that question at a pro-war rally near Seattle…He turned three shades of red and finally walked away…PUSSY!
It doesn’t work even if it’s spelled right. “Sentinel”? “Seminole”? “Sententious”?
I have to say, I vacillate between fear and amusement at the more hard-core wingers.
On the one hand, they (or many of their ideas, anyway) pretty obviously have become entrenched in our political discourse at the highest levels. The consequences affect us all.
But, on the other hand, I have to laugh at these morons and their never-ending blather about how THEY’RE MAD AS HELL AND THEY’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!1!!!! Like they’re gonna muster up an army of righteously indignant citizens and storm the Bastille. Yeah, right.
Ann Coulter, brave? Isn’t this the same woman who spent weeks puling about how she was nearly pied to death? The same woman who sets her rabid followers on those who dare protest at her speeches? The same woman who screams and hurls insults like projectile vomit, only to play the damsel in distress when things turn ugly? The same woman who loathes dissent so much she meets even the most articulate arguments with hollow insults and jingoism?
She’s not brave; she’s one of the biggest, phoniest jackasses to ever step behind a podium – a media whore whose mastery of the center ring puts Jerry Springer to shame.
The “G-d” thing is done out of respect for the name of God. I’ve only seen Jews do it, but who knows, maybe fundies do, too. Or if some of “our own” here do it, my apologies for painting with a broad brush.
I know someone who does it, but when I asked her about it she said there was no reason. maybe some people are just antsy about being smitten by a terrible, swift sword. as for ann “colt”-er, the horsefaced lass is more like a heroin, in that she dispenses the drugs the wingnuts crave.
Ann Coulter, for righties in need’ll
Cajole, bully, bluster and wheedle
For wingnuts unhinged
She is like a syringe
And her tongue, sharp and hard, is the needle
Muslims must be faced with annihilation, just like the japenese and the germans, oh…and the soviets.
See, now this is what Glenn Reynolds means to say when he writes that Bush needs to do “whatever it takes, regardless of foreign or public opinion.” Firebomb their cities! Nuke Mecca! Delenda est Carthago!
And wasn’t it M-rx who said something about history being farce?
In his The Eighteenth Brumaire of Stephen Hawking, Marx writes the following:
“Hegal remarks somewhere that all facts and personages of great importance in our universe/reality occur, as it were, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”
Lucy’s right; “G-d” is primarily a Jewish custom, as it is considered risky and/or disrespectful to write God’s full name on a piece of paper that could conceivably be destroyed.
It’s like the Jewish equivalent of refusing to draw a picture of the Prophet Mohammed.
I’ve seen her speak on a campus. The only thing she’s good at is insulting people.
Yeah, but have you ever seen her speak on a campuse? Didn’t think so.
These guys are SO ANGRY that they could almost enlist in the fight against Islamic extremism that threatens our very livelihood, our very way of life! How dare we question it? Why, it makes them so mad they could almost .. almost .. join the army!!! Grrrr!!!!
I keep picturing Mr. Furious from Mystery Men.
Oh, jeebus, I just re-read what I wrote, and I realized that it might appear that I am disowning the Jewish people by saying, “Jews . . . [or] some of ‘our own’ here’.” EEK, I did not mean it that way. Not a-tall. The “our own” was meant in opposition to the fundie kooks, who obviously am not us.
Ancient Hebrew didn’t use vowels so what’s the difference between G-d and God? It’s just a stupid thing Jewish people do to act superior.
Favorites, favorites … which to choose?
1. The LGFer who stitches together his own clothes out of animal pelts he has trapped in the wilderness:
A pox on the illegals! I don’t need your “work”, because I do everything myself …
2. Or the Lizardoid who wants to give Coulter a medal for the herculean task of reading the newspaper and commenting on it:
She’s said, written and laboriously referenced what we’ve known for decades re: NYT and MSM.
… and who additionally Freuds the hell out of precisely the sort of pimple-faced gits who go to Coulter lectures:
No one who’s seen her debate or speak on campuse acn doubt her convictions or bravery.
As much as I am sentimental to Contestant No. 2, I’m afraid No. 1 is the winner. Sadly, he will have to fashion his own prize from twigs and rocks.
And if they’re good dogs (have you been a goood boy?), the karmic universe will deliver unto them exactly what they deserve: the opportunity to watch along with the whole world as their boy-king is slowly exposed as a fraud and a cheat, politically neutered, then cast on the ash heap of history. His legacy will be ridicule.
“…war against bushido and german nationalism…”
50 million people just rolled in their graves. Bushido and Volk live on as vital elements of cultural identity. It’s the fascist empire-building engines of the Axis governments that we ‘annihilated’.
Does he honestly believe we’re in the Middle East to stamp out Islam? Holy crap these people are ignorant.
One of the commenters on that vodkapundit post that was pilloried here the other day said that ‘Islamism is worse than Nazism’ …
These folks aren’t real good with a little thing I like to call ‘perspective’ …
For the record, `God,’ when written on a computer, is not the name of God, but rather a representation of said Name, and needs no elision.
That’s incredibly interesting, Andrew. Seriously, not snarking. Adding to that and what others have said about the use of ‘G-d’ on winger boards, it seems to me to largely be a way for gentiles to show their Likkudnik (or more accurately, Kach Kahane Chai) creds on Israel.
I seem to recall Misha of the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller explaining that he did it out of solidarity with Israel, back when morbid curiosity at the novelty of rampant, unhinged hatred led me to read his site more regularly than I can stomach now.
Ann Coulter is brave? Wow… then why doesn’t she enlist?
Don’t ask, don’t tell.
I seem to recall Misha of the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller explaining that he did it out of solidarity with Israel,…
Wait, these *are* the same people who demand that the Mohammed cartoons be reprinted in every newspaper, church newsletter, and Little Nickle across the nation to stand up to those who think it’s disrespectful to draw a picture of him with a bomb on his head? Right? I mean, I didn’t hallucinate that whole fracas out of some sort of Bush Derangement Syndrome?
(As far as I can tell, BDS is what I have now that my Bush-induced cognitive dissonance has shifted into outright incredulous psychosis and paranoia about him killing us all before the end of the year.)
The G-D thing is, I think, either an ostentatious way for pro-Likud goyim to demonstrate their pro-settlements sentiments, OR an ostentatious way to prove that they are More Fundagelical Than You Are So There. Either way it is annoying.
And when the final, disastrous pullout comes in Iraq, as it surely will…who wants to wager that these same voices will cry in tones just as vicious about the “stab in the back”?
You could Google up “Dolchstosslegende” and translate some of the crazier rants from German to English. That might give you a primer on what’s to come.
Of course, in the USA, everybody and their cousin own guns, so the wingnuts will have a little more trouble doing the NSDAP shuffle this time around.
As far as I can tell, BDS is what I have now that my Bush-induced cognitive dissonance has shifted into outright incredulous psychosis and paranoia about him killing us all before the end of the year.
Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean somebody isn’t out to get you. Just ask Richard Nixon. Or, better yet, ask Dick Tuck. He’s still alive.
Am I the only one who is starting to think that our universe/reality is nothing more than G-d writing a farce? Thats what its starting to feel like to me.
As deep as these boys get.
Hey man, did you ever wonder if everything that you see, and everything that exists… my hands… they’re HUGE! (Insert awesome pic of Charles that SN always uses._
Well, I just have one thing to say about all this. The Pugs, A.C., and G-d all have some serious ‘splainin’ to do, IMO. Maybe that’s why A.C. likes the Pugs and the Pugs like G-d. Because none of them will ever admit to doing anything wrong no matter how fouled up the situation becomes. Ha!!
Regarding the comment on us fighting “bushido” during WWII: My guess is that the idiot who wrote that meant to say Shinto, which was arguably the basis of Imperial Japan’s nationalism. Of course, not only is Shinto still around, but it’s at least as ingrained into Japanese culture as Christianity is here. It’s basically exempt from the seperation of church and state in Japan’s constitution.
For the record, I know some non-wingnut Jews who use G-d in online writing–there’s always the possibility that someone may print it out, and that’s no longer a representation of the Name, but the Name itself.
So it may be that these people are Jewish and doing what they think is right.
Don’t knock the practice, just the wingnuts.
Oh, and Bush *is* going to kill us before the end of the year.
well, isn’t Bushido the samurai warrior code? The thing that says you can’t surrender, hara-kiri, and all of that?
is that part of Shinto or something?
Wait, these *are* the same people who demand that the Mohammed cartoons be reprinted in every newspaper, church newsletter, and Little Nickle across the nation to stand up to those who think it’s disrespectful to draw a picture of him with a bomb on his head?
Yeah, D. Sidhe. They are remarkably consistent in their inconsistency. They’re pure tribalists. With regards to the non-Jewish posters on LGF and, it strikes me that they could just as easily be viciously anti-Israel … they just happened to pick one side to heap their apeshit over-the-top orgasmoporn violent fantasies upon.
No translation required.
Andrew – absolutely right. It’s the wingers who have appropriated the usage to (in their own weird minds) look cool or something that … well, I don’t really have a problem with it per se, it’s just odd.
I wonder if some of them don’t refrain from using electrical devices on Saturday, so far are they gone.
I think I might have to start referring to them as ‘Wews’ …
I don’t think that Bushido and Shinto are really connected. Shinto has no real doctrine of faith – it’s a quid pro quo arrangement with the spirits, not unlike Chinese popular religion. The thing you have to realize is that, for a long time, Shinto was used as a tool by the government to control the population and hedge out Buddhism and other Chinese influences. One component of Shinto is the old philosophy that everything Japanese is superior because it’s Japanese. That’s why nationalism is (and was) such a problem there.
Sorry if that’s a bit muddled, but I keep losing my train of thought.
“With regards to the non-Jewish posters on LGF and, it strikes me that they could just as easily be viciously anti-Israel … they just happened to pick one side to heap their apeshit over-the-top orgasmoporn violent fantasies upon.”
they *are* closet anti-semites, and they proved it when Chucky and Misha both turned the dogs out on Chomsky when he posted his first comments-allowed blog at Zmag.
an anti-Israel stance has nothing to do with anti-semitism; please dont conflate them: that’s the wingnuts’ game.
as for chuckle’s and misha’s mouthbreathers ever being anti-Israel.. I doubt it. anti-pre-1967 Israel, well, maybe. for years I’ve heard how the Left used to be friends with Israel but is not anymore because the Left has a “victim fetish” or engages in “victimology”, you know the litany. but really the case is that the Left ceased admiring Israel when Israel turned into a bully — which is precisely when wingnuts started to love it, because that is what they admire and respect.
it strikes me that they could just as easily be viciously anti-Israel … they just happened to pick one side to heap their apeshit over-the-top orgasmoporn violent fantasies upon.
Indeed- but it’s quite utilitarian of them, actually. Allow me to explain:
By loving one relatively small group of people with foreign beliefs, and their country (Zionist Jews and Israel, respectively), they can then hate a somewhat larger group of people with foreign beliefs (anti-Israel Arabs and Muslims), which they can further expand into the whole Muslim religion and Arab people via stereotyping.
It’s really quite efficient, if not terribly clever.
R – I actually didn’t mean to get into the particulars of pro/anti-Israel/Semitism/Zionism, which distinctions I’m aware of. I was making a more general comment on the LGFers’ deep, sick need for an ‘other’ to have violent fantasies about … which I think GG explains better above, anyway.
Anyway, I’m with you on what you said.
I don’t need your “work”, because I do everything myself, and I don’t eat at fast-food joints and rarely eat out at restaurants, and on those rare occasions when I do, the kitchen help sure look legal to me (mostly college students serving as waiters and waitresses, and the bus-persons speak fluent English).
Wow! He can tell if someone is an illegal immigrant by looking at them! He should go work for the INS.
Muslims must be faced with annihilation, just like the japenese and the germans, oh…and the soviets.
And now they’re gone…oh, wait, they aren’t.
(too much to make fun off)
Also, we could go down the side road of what it really means to be pro- vs. anti-Israel … for example, if you spoke with the editorial board at Tikkun, I’m sure they would say the stance of the LGFers is effectively anti-Israel because if their eliminationist desires became policy it would actually destroy Israel. As it is, the current policies of Israel skirts that razor’s edge already.
Yeah, but.. God is not the name of the Jewish god. Only the Jews know its name, and they only use it in prayer. So the whole thing is hooey any way you look at it.
“You could Google up ‘Dolchstosslegende’ and translate some of the crazier rants from German to English. That might give you a primer on what’s to come.”
Oh, it’s already here, over at the manshake stand…
Our own Mrs. Tarquin Buscuitbarrel, who is, indeed, Jewish, uses the “G-d” construct quite regularly. You’d think she was ubwilling to use “Jehovah.”
Ow! Who the hell threw that stone?!?
Honey, not even the Jews know His name anymore. The only one who knows His name is the high priest, and they’re all dead.
Um, “ubwilling” being “unwilling,” sans typo.
are there any women here today?
(I never noticed her using it either, Marq. To me it seems like the silliest kind of pharisaism, because you are disobeying the spirit of the law (you are still writing God’s name, after all) while strictly adhering to its letter. But that is why I am not religious.)
Whoa…first I learned about Dick Tuck, then about Dolchstosslegende – Sadly, No! is edumacational! Who woulda thunk it?
As for Mann Coulter enlisting: Which barracks would they put her in? Mens? Womens? Pre-op Tranny?
Oddly enough, there are always a few women hanging around the big ol’ boys’ club that is Sadly, No!
I assume it’s just to be near Gavin, who is the cute one, and Brad, who is the soulful one, and that rebel Seb.
*swoons into her copy of Tiger Beat.*
It does raise the question of why so many women would be hanging out on a blog populated by eeeeeeeevil he man woman haters, doesn’t it?
I dunno, D, I kinda thought Gavin had the bad boy thing going on for him.
As for the G-d thing, there was quite an explosion in the eighties of white folks going to court because they were being discriminated against because of the color of their skin (one of them is the (should be, but probably isn’t) blushing bride of our beloved former Senator D’Amato). That a concept is cynically appropriated by shameless people doesn’t invalidate it.
Hell, you wouldn’t believe some of the people who claim to be liberals these days.
Ah, D. Sidhe, that last comment only proves that Georgia 10 stole the Koffax award for commenting from you. It was teh hilarious. Stupid kossacks.
the question about ‘are there any women here’ was in response to Marq’s Monty Python reference. I wasnt seriously asking.
Ah. Apologies for cluelessness. It’s obviously been way too long since I saw some Monty Python, and I have no idea how that happened. (Though, Black Adder references, I’m your gal.)
And Marq, you’re just sayin’ that ’cause you also have that dreamy group pose poster-pull-out from last month’s issue over your bed. The one where they all signed their names and Gavin dotted the i with a little heart.
But dammit, when they wrote “To our #1 fan!!!”, they obviously meant me.
(I’m just gonna guess I’ve had well more than enough Peeps today and go sleep ’em off.)
Like anyone can ever have enough Peeps.
I’d call them the crack of the candy world, but I don’t want to get accused of Peeps racism. I love all Peeps equally….pink or yellow, blue or white, they are precious in my sight…..until I bite their heads off.
Who doesn’t love Peeps?
Have you no love for the little purple ones?!?
I won’t attempt to define “more than enough” except to say that some were microwaved, some toasted, some frozen, and some four years old. And yes, bunnies, chicks, vanilla flavored eggs, and all those colors…
And then there were the mallowcreme eggs with the weirdly thick, fruity flavored, candy shells. We’re not even going to talk about those.
Unfortunately, one of the idiot housemates made phad thai without warning me, and now all my Peeps (unwrapped to age faster) smell gross. (Call me racist if you like. I loathe the smell of lutefisk and gorgonzola, too. I’m broad-based in my olfactory intolerance.)
Fortunately the candy eggs are made of more impervious stuff.
But Marq…..the purple ones are gay!!!! Like Tinky Winky, only made out of marshmallow. They, along with Barney and Spongebob, are part of the nefarious plot to gayify America’s children!
Mmmm! Lutefisk Peeps! They should market those!
It is only because I hate all children that I approve of this, so as to ruin their lives. For thise of you who would accuse me of just wanting an expanded “dating*” pool, Sadly, No! by the time today’s kiddies grow up a bit–no pedophile I–they’ll consider me a dirty, dirty old man and have nothing to do with me. And, I won’t be able to afford to do it on a cash basis, so I’m screwed. Or not, rather.
Marq’s right. If he really wanted to grow his dating pool, he’d stock up on booze, ex and rohypnol before going clubbing (also known as the “old fashioned way”, the “still-not-technically-cheating” way and the “fuck it- I needs my pathetic ass some!” way).
But he’s not that desperate and/or pathetic just yet (thank God)- right Marq?
Ha! I’m thinking of obtaining my pathetic ass some tonight, and no ex and rohypnol will be involved, thank yew very much. Booze? Well, yeah, but everything I do for fun doesn’t involve kneeling!
Indeed; Some of it involves bending over, natch…
The Left Thought It Was Him, Like Bell Biv Devoe*
Did somebody say my lyrics are played, like 8-ball jackets? I’m afraid that there are any number of people this week who are telling me (The Left) that I can’t tear it up. In fact, it’s been quite the…