Catching Up With ‘Day By Day’

It’s really been on a roll lately.





Comments: 48


I’m not keeping up with this, but did NBC really want to get a bunch of Muslims to parade around a NASCAR rally? Because if they did, that really is crazy.


Yes, I think so. Malkin’s had a billion posts up about it.


I don’t even understand the structure of these strips. The last panels bear no relation to the preceeding ones. Is this a joke of some kind? Webcomics frequently display ‘theoretically existing jokes’ where the dialogue follows in joke format and you can see that it SHOULD be funny but it just isn’t. But these don’t even do that. It’s like a collection of random dialogue and panels.

..and “I smell fish taco”? Gross.


This could definitely do with the wit and humor of the creators of Garfield. The movie.


I don’t even understand the structure of these strips. The last panels bear no relation to the preceeding ones. Is this a joke of some kind? Webcomics frequently display ‘theoretically existing jokes’ where the dialogue follows in joke format and you can see that it SHOULD be funny but it just isn’t. But these don’t even do that. It’s like a collection of random dialogue and panels.

..and “I smell fish taco”? Gross.


ack, please delete second comment, woops. and this one.


Cargo, the definitive web comic joke template is here:

Of course, Help Desk is actually funny, so this may not apply to the comic in question.


Have you seen Muir’s Katie Couric strip? The payoff is that one of the characters talks about Couric’s “assets” — “both of them.”

Yee-haw! What a kneeslapper! Christ, it’s an hommage to Dan Rowan and Dick Martin!


Oh, Gavin, that third one should win you the Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine or something.


Sorry — not “assets,” “talents.”

(And it’s er, the first strip you posted here, except for — aw, fuck, I’m an idiot.)


Steve M, at least that’s recognisable as a joke. Most of the time with Muir (and most conserative comic strips) it’s not a question of a bad joke, it’s a question of “What the fuck is supposed to be the joke?”


Hasn’t Dartmouth suffered enough by being associated with the white-hot conservative sexual tension of Dinesh D’Souza and Laura Ingraham?

Hysterical Woman

I like your take on the third comic. It’s actually really funny!


I’m totally fucking lost, even when I look at the originals. Can anyone explain any of these comics? Are they funny? Are these inside jokes? WTF?


This is my parody of Muir’s “La Raza” strips:


Is this Dada?


Where is this fantasy world where wingnut chicks are all hot and showing midriff and with zee low-slung pants?


You guys are nuts. Chris Muir’s work is sharp. Sardonic. Shibboleth-busting. He’s a fresh voice, a ground-breaking entrepreneur and a savvy political observer. “Day by Day” is must-reading.


As an average American, I think Partisan Pundit.

LA Confidential Pantload

White cartoonist uses black cartoon character to deliver wingnut wankery. As if Edgar Bergen had run a minstrel show. Except dumber.


The actual Day by Days are not only unfunny (and it’s not just their politics), they’re weirdly incoherent. Of course the implausibly dressed (and more implausibly posed) female characters don’t help much.


He has a way with T&A. He could drop the wingnuttery and illustrate for Playboy or something.


I don’t “know” what you guys are…talking about! These strips, make perfect sense, to me. AMEN!

Are we getting a trophy for being the worst three-panel comic strip of all time?



I thought I would be the only one that didn’t get the joke … or didn’t understand these comics.

I honestly had no clue as to what they were about.


Everyone in that comic always has their arms folded and is sneering some faux world-weary and dreary banality. The cartoonist seems to think this qualifies as “edgy,” when it is in fact, trite, supercilious and styleless, the absolute worse traits of modern American conservatism.

I’m guessing Pantload is ghost-illustrating this, or at least writing the scripts?


I like that Muir repeatedly confuses the anatomy of the Bug Warriors from Starship Troopers for human anatomy. It’s the only way to explain those arms whose elbows have the E-Z Flow Upgrade.

I’ve done a total of four remixed Day by Days, collected here. Chris Muir, the gay hairdresser, makes a meta-appearance.


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Oh you know it, *snap*.

I’ve done a total of four remixed Day by Days, collected here. Chris Muir, the gay hairdresser, makes a meta-appearance.

Now those are funny.


The arm-folding seems to be primarily a way to rock the women’s chests forwards and hips backwards.


Well, there’s the problem! Day by Day isn’t a 3-panel comic, it’s a 4-panel comic! The last panel is only available to people who take the George W. Bush loyalty oath and are apparently so funny, they made Dick Cheney shoot a 78 year old man in the face.


Norbizness, those were funny.

The problem I have with right-wing comedy isn’t the politics, it’s that they know as much about creating punchlines as they do about nation building.


Man, the original version of that “La Raza” strip makes me want to kill whitey, even though I AM whitey.

I mean, this white douchebag makes a joke about how the original inhabitants of the southwest were mammoths. So apparently Europeans stealing land from Americans is the same as the Americans taking it from animals.

Fuck, does that mean we can ethically eat Native Americans?

Second, Aztlan was AN ISLAND. I dunno, it’s like if we started a movement to take back Brittain, and ended up going after southern Spain.


I honestly, truly don’t get the humor in these comic strips. Reading them, and trying to figure out the joke, only gives me a vague unpleasant feeling, like smelling a fart in a church.


And oh, why the hell is that Muir guy ripping off Doonesbury?

Original like a loaf of sliced bread.


Not to mention the entire “mammoth” thing is blatant rip-off of the brilliant Chappelle’s Show sketch featuring the punchline, “At least you Indians got casinos.”

Next week (weak?) on Day-by-Day, “We’re the Right Brothers, bitch!”


There are whole genres of humor that are devoted to surreptitiously tickling drives other than the desire for humor. Like the cartoons in Playboy- they just Are. Not. Funny. They were an excuse for guys to look at anime chics back before anime was cool. And to show fucking back when Playboy didnt show real pictures of fucking.

Same thing here. Winger politics. Boobs. Some wish fulfillment (a plain-looking guy who turns out to have been a CIA assassin, with a gorgeous girlfriend). And just enough of a similarity to something funny (eg it’s got three panels, it must be funny, right?) that a male winger can read it without feeling like he’s looking at softcore anime or simpleminded fact-free two-line political diatribes.


Conservative hotties without turgid Adams’ Apples frighten and confuse me.


If I’m not mistaken, the brunette with the glasses and the spinal scoliosis in the 3rd strip is the strip’s resident Clueless Liberal. See, she says she’s not into profiling but she assumes that the Hispanic woman is a waitress. Geddit? Geddit?

I like your ending better, though.


I know why they are crossing their arms, they are so GD cold!


On a roll? A roll of what?


Piling one non-sequitur onto another does not for humor make. Ugh.


Seriously, someone should fund a study as to why conservatives (with a few exceptions, of course) can’t create real art.


Is cameltoe conservative now?


Does anyone else think it looks like the cute Latina is feeling herself up under her shirt? In a restaurant? While waiting for a table?

Talk about wish fulfillment.

(Thanks for explaining the profiling joke, MaryC. I was confused – no wait – still confused. Since when do people profile senior citizens? Now if it were a chauffer joke, that might make sense.)


“Yeah, I’m so glad Sabrina’s dad isn’t driving us to Humphrey Bogart’s palatial office.”

Man, those old-fogie jokes really kill at the Ivory Tower Liberal Elitist Cabal Meet-&-Greets…


Well, I just got 100% of the US RDA of WTF. Thanks all.


And to show fucking back when Playboy didnt show real pictures of fucking

…Playboy has Never shown pictures of real fucking

Penthouse did for a few years but went back to being softcore

Hustler and the other more back-shelf mags do, however, have at least one or two hardcore layouts per issue


I only read GRIT. It went back to being softcore a while ago too.


Oooooooh! The Dartmouth Bitch thought the Mexican Lady was their server! I get it. Do I win a prize?


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